Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

When Darwin wrote “On the Origin of Species” on November 24/1859, it was indeed a monumental occasion for the emerging science of evolution. Scientists were finally given a theory that they were willing to get behind and like any new religion, its converts traveled far and wide preaching this gospel.

This article investigates the possibility that science and its greatest tenet Evolution, are in many ways a new religion.
How can I possibly make the statement that science is a religion? And more importantly how can I possibly doubt that evolution is concrete, proven, and very real?

If for any reason you have felt pangs of disgust or anger, then you should seriously consider how these emotional reactions are very similar to the emotional reactions that religious people experience when another questions the existence of God. In this article I am not denying Evolution or advocating Creationism, I am discussing something far more important.

It is interesting for me to see just how easily people forget their own history.  600 years ago the church held power over Europe and to question God was a crime that was punishable by death. Many looking back at history may imagine that there would be all these secretive groups walking around questioning the existence of God and hoping for something better like science to come along. But the reality was/is that most of the people during that time believed in God as many now believe in science and the mere idea that something like evolution was more real than creationism was beyond the ability of many to even conceptualize.
It is a popular notion to think of these people in medieval Europe as backwards, definitely uncool. But the reality is that their notions were and are no better than the notions that we now have, no matter how much we would like to think that our beliefs are so much more enlightened. They didn’t believe that they were part of a society that held silly opinions; they believed just like modern people believe that they were at the pinnacle of enlightenment and held notions that were proven to be true by their current reasoning. Same people as now, same silliness, slightly different beliefs.

Because of the current belief in evolution, it is easy to think that since Medieval people existed in the past, that they were less evolved than us now. Evolution after all tells us that we progress over time and just like we evolved from lesser apes, our earlier beliefs are less evolved than our current ones. But the theory of evolution can be contested just like the theory of sequential time (time existing as a linear cause and effect model instead of a spacious present model) can be contested. Our belief structures are an amazing trap and there are very few that can see outside of them; facts, you must realize, are just beliefs that are taken for granted.

While you might think that we have come a long way since medieval Europe, no longer willing to burn someone at the stake for their beliefs perhaps, we can though hardly be said to be civilized about how we deal with others with different beliefs. Certainly people are no longer being drawn and quartered but they are still being destroyed in other ways.
Those that know anything about the academic establishment, know that if you don’t ‘toe the line’, that is you don’t follow the rules of the academic bureaucracy, you will be ostracized and your career will be finished. The academic establishment runs on money and internal cohesion, those that would endanger that cohesion or the money flow have found themselves blackballed and sometimes even jailed.

A good example of dogmatic scientific belief, is the ‘Theory of Evolution’. While we might think that this theory stands upon a bedrock of logic and concrete evidence, the reality is that it is still a theory and in reality there is no real proof to its existence. If you are unfortunate enough to go into some site and debate evolutionary theory with someone, someone who most likely thinks they know everything but really knows only what they have read in books, or even worse have had the unfortunate experience of debating these issues with a very staunch academic body, then you will know that their rant soon takes on a religious zeal. And depending on how much power these people hold over you, a debate like this can be quite costly.

But there are a number of large problems with the theory of evolution:

– First of all evolution requires that our planet be very old. According to most estimates, that is estimates put together by scientists using current scientific geological dating methods, the Earth is something like 4.5 billion years old. The theory of evolution needs this kind of time because one of its basic precepts is that species changed over millions of years in order to adapt themselves to certain environments. Without this time, unless mutations are happening much faster than evolution now believes, this theory cannot be proven to be correct.
And yet, some scientists question these geological dating methods. Different dating methods for the Earth have come up with much different timelines for the creation of the planet; some postulate that the Earth is far younger than what we think. These new and alternative dating methods are based on hard and correct science and yet they will not be considered by academia because many of these methods just do not give data that fits into what science currently believes.
You see here is where we get into the part where science seems to no longer be a discipline of curiosity and questioning,  and we start to see it for what it’s becoming; which is an organization that is only willing to see that which fits into its propositions, and this after all is what religion is all about.

While I’m not going to go deeply into any one of these points, I will recommend the book : “forbidden science” by Richard Milton. In his book you will find many of these theories covered in greater detail.

– A  missing link has never been found. Evolutionary theory tells us that we evolved over time; that our early ancestors were tiny mammals that evolved into a distinct branch of life forms that embraces the monkeys, then the apes, and finally with us at the very top. Each creature evolving over time and changing from one species to another until we are the final results.
But the reality is that the missing link, that is a creature in between man and ape, has never been found. Many would consider Australopithecus, and Lucy in particular, to be this missing link. And if you were to go into the natural history Museum in England and you were to look at this recovered Australopithecus skeleton, you would most likely naturally conclude that yes indeed this creature does seem to be half ape and half human. The way this old and sparse skeleton is put together, makes  it look like it has a straight back with straight legs and a monkey’s head. But those that know of paleontology’s early history, know that scientists love to rearrange bones and all sorts of different ways to suit their current ideas.

Some scientists believe that Lucy is actually just a type of extinct monkey. Such scientists can take that same skeleton in rearrange it in a different way which suggests that Lucy was not a bipedal creature at all. These scientists and these theories are ignored. Scientists that push this theory are ostracized and blackballed.

– According to the theory of evolution, life sprang forth when certain chemicals and the right environment presented itself. By sheer random chance, in a small pond somewhere on earth a few billion years back, certain chemicals got together and from this sludge life was formed. Unfortunately for microbiologist everywhere, this is a concept that has never been replicated. That is to date there is no scientist anywhere that has been able to take a batch of different chemicals and from them bring forth any kind of microbial life at all.
So why is this ignored?

There are many other problems with the theory of evolution, explore them at your own peril  :p

Now I’m not arguing for creationism over evolution. So please do not send comments trying to prove the stupidity of my notions on evolution [ read the book and tell Richard Milton instead 🙂 ] or comment about how great I am because I stood up for creationism. This article is actually about beliefs, an article that hopefully will help you realize a little just how powerful beliefs are in our lives; how powerful beliefs are in shaping our reality and how they can make us completely ignore certain data.

I do not though believe in a mechanistic soulless world, where brutal survival of the fittest has created man as the pinnacle of evolutionary processes. I question the theory of evolution and I think that you should too. Not because you should believe what I believe but because we should all strive to understand our own beliefs and how these shape our reality. How beliefs can even turn us into murderous zealots at times.

Why is this important when we talk about the paranormal? It is extremely important because the paranormal is what exists outside of the conceptualized framework of science.  Science will not accept the paranormal because they believe that it exists outside of scientific scrutiny, and is therefore so much fantasy. They are right on one count, science can’t see it. But science can’t seem to find the paranormal because it doesn’t believe in it and therefore ignores any data that contradicts its current scientific notions; just like they ignore any hard science and logic that might in any way oppose the Theory of Evolution.

Without an expansion of the mind, an expansion of the intellect, the paranormal will always be the beyond science and this is a real crime against humanity.


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