Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

The gods never left, most human beings have just lost the ability to see them, but there are ways, ways that nature makes available to us, such as the DMT molecule.

But the nature of personal awareness is complex, in order to try to understand this complexity, I recommend learning to cross the rooms of the projectionist, and in that way begin to understand the difference between mental creations, non-organic beings, the nature of dimensional travel and manipulation beyond the physical, and how these multifaceted forces available to us, can allow us to move far beyond the constricting forces of the wholly physically focused modern world.

To that end I recommend the techniques employed by inner alchemists, that I do describe in detail in the trilogy of course books made up of, The Magnum Opus, The Way of the Projectionist (which I highly recommend in this particular regard), and the way of the Death Defier. These will give you not only the how, but the reason for, the fundamental reason for, the need to move into the many dimensions available to us, even the dimension that the machine elves are trying to show us.

Anyway, generally speaking humanity has lost its ability to see the gods, which is code in a sense for losing the fundamental ability to move (perceptually or otherwise) beyond just the physical and highly material focused dimension. But even though humanity has lost, in its highly rational stance, the ability to perceive the gods and the magical realms that are all around us right now, humanity cannot escape the great current of these beings that exist in the world beyond the world described as normal, normality, by the great tide of the current human perceptive point, that traps humanity in a three-dimensional room of static spiritless things.

Within and among and as a consequence to the desire by some intrepid few, to move beyond the stasis and the great gravity of the modern rational perspective, with its insistence on completely obliterating the spirit within man and nature, there have been experiments to try and find natural portals into more expansive universes by those that truly believe that such portals, still exist.

Of these, the one that has been around humanity the longest, used by natural cultures since before recorded time, and one that is being exploited by scientists more and more in recent decades, is the symbiotic relationship between plants and these other dimensions, that is, the chemicals to be found in the flora of this world, that can allow people to move beyond the physical and into the world inhabited by the gods. To explain the nature of this symbiosis between humanity, those other realms and plants, I can begin by pointing out that humanity as a biological organism needs to ingest in order to acquire energy, it needs to eat to live, and in one way or another this food comes from plants for the most part.

Our first energy source, our first source of life and sustenance, is the sun, and while it is the case that we can get a great deal of energy directly from the sun, most usually it can be said we humans are a kind of second and sometimes third or fourth tier consumer of this energy, being that it is first the chlorophyll of the earth, the plants, that absorb this energy from the sun directly. This makes them first tier consumers, and once they transmute this energy into energy that we can more readily eat, either in the form of plant food directly (that is we eat plants) or as we eat second tier consumers, such as the herbivores of the earth like cows for example, who eat first tier plants, we get this cosmic energy through a sometimes-complex transmutational process. In the end though, to this point in history anyway, it can be said that we are completely dependent on the chlorophyll of this earth because it is this flora, like an odd kind of natural solar panels, that absorb the energy of the sun, and combined with minerals and the liquid water available on this planet, provide us with the ability to consume as a consequence those cosmic rays, that flood this earth.

Due to this dependence of fauna upon flora, the plants of the earth have become incredibly complex in their dealings with us, far more complex than it is currently understood by modern science. Indeed, the complexity is such that plants have developed an incredible array of dependent chemicals that are in essence the pharmaceuticals of humanity, both the medicine and the narcotics of the fauna. And plants use the essence of themselves as food, medicine or narcotics in the most intricate ways imaginable to control the fauna of this earth, including humanity, so as to control distributions and expansion of life on this planet. Plants are in a certain sense then, a kind of biological solar panel blanket, that absorbs sun rays and other cosmic energy and then distributes this converted energy to other life, that needs it but cannot absorb it directly for themselves. And due to this high status in the biological world, plants are tasked in a way with the distribution of the complexities of existence to be found here on earth.

In that sense, being that we are so egotistically bound, there seems to be this kind of fearful conspiracy thought within us perhaps, where the human mind might posit that the plants of the earth, the chlorophyll, somehow rule over humanity and impose upon it some kind of stringent control in order to manipulate it, in what from an egotistical point of view could be seen as nefarious and selfish ends.

But such an egoistic approach is in most terms incorrect, in that such a wrangling of the fauna by the flora has nothing to do with an overall need to subjugate and manipulate in rational definitive terms, instead there is this incredible intermingling between what could be said to be the spiritual aspects of the earth with the more biological ones, so that these compounds created by plants, that I referred to previously as dependent chemicals, that can allow plants through our need to ingest them, to control the fauna and therefore the development of the earth, the health of the earth, the growth of the earth, and this control means that certain plants can provide certain kinds of nutrition, medicine, and even narcotics that are then used by the fauna to their benefit in one way or another, and through that benefit, the earth helps itself so that all may flourish. In this intermingling that is then later related to the cycles of the earth, having to do with climate, that contrary to popular belief is not just controlled by the excesses or lack thereof of humanity, but in a greater sense by the planet’s movement across the cosmos and the great provider of the earth, the sun, as it goes through different cycles as it waxes and wanes, that do create growth cycles in the plants of all sorts. Due to these broad cosmic cycles, the cosmos controls the earth in a relative sense, the earth then controls or gives providence to certain climates and minerals, that then manipulate growth cycles within the flora which in turn moves the tides of the fauna in and across seasons and tides that have their origin in a quite literal cosmic scale. And all of this movement by the flora then allows the earth to balance itself not only in a physical sense but also in a spiritual one.

There is great synergy in all of this, a complexity that goes far beyond any kind of egoistic idea of manipulation, so that in the complete mingling of this giant cosmic ecosystem, where plants become the first-tier consumers of the earth, we end up with incredible balance, a constantly healing balance that is meant to allow every single particle of the earth to thrive, and become the most that it can be. And it must be noted that within the operating cycles of the described balancing motion, there are movements, like tides in the sea, that may at times cause great hardship on us, being that balance is never a steady thing, there are always movements in one direction and counterbalancing forces in the other, and each directional pole shift causes a correcting that then pulls the whole of the earth and therefore all of humanity, in one direction or another depending on where we might happen to be, within this great cosmic cycle as we move like a giant free falling ship across the universe.

Within each of these cycles there is a high tide in a low tide as it were. In this current epoch, humanity finds itself in a very rational place, and there are many reasons for this that again have everything to do with large cyclical movements of the earth as it freefalls across the cosmic seas.

But throughout all of this, being that they are the first tier of the earth, being that they are in essence the aspect of the earth that turns direct cosmic energy into nutrition, into actual biological and spiritual essence that can then be consumed in a more dimensionally available way let us say, plants become, or one could say are tasked with providing certain chemical components that then can balance the forces of the earth, that can heal the earth just like a giant organism can heal itself and function and move, as it makes its way through its cycle of life and death.

Plants in that sense, are a window, a kind of portal that can connect different aspects of the earth, different dimensional segments of the earth, that are then the different segments that are available to every single living thing that resides within this giant body that is the earth itself. This includes humanity, and it is therefore the chlorophyll that could be said in a non-egoistic way, to be in essence in charge of providing portals, an intricacy of them that may lead from one corner of one dimension to another, being that the earth itself occupies many dimensions, is apart and is attached to many dimensions, not just the physical one that seems to be the only real one for most people in these highly rational times.

In the simplest of terms then, there is this intermingling between plants and certain dimensional aspects of the earth. That is, certain plants can allow those that ingest the chemical dependence that they provide, because again there is this connection between them and the balancing forces of the earth, and certain dimensional locations, and in providing these chemicals, in different proportions at different times and in different geographies, the plants change us, who are the thinking aspect of the earth, and as all this transmutation happens, new cycles begin and end that provide impetus for cosmic fluctuations as well.

Perhaps one of the most famous of these dimensional portals in modern times is the connection between DMT and what have come to be termed the machine elves, the machine elf dimension.

Considering all that I have said thus far, it is now possible for me to elaborate on what these machine elves are from an inner alchemists point of view, and what I can say about that, is that in a more individual sense, that is in a more personal sense for each individual person that might be ingesting this certain chemical that is provided by the earth naturally in plants, there can be a broad range of possibilities as to what such people may experience. And whether created synthetically or ingested through plants in a more natural way, which are the first order creators of this chemical, those that use this chemical as the portal to other dimensions, may perceive something that has become colloquially termed machine elves, or the machine elf dimension, which can take the form of various things, including seeing aliens, angels, aware building blocks or cogs, or bejewelled self-dribbling basketballs as Terrence McKenna described them.

This is so because such a chemical created by plants, or synthesized artificially by people, is in the most literal terms possible a portal between dimensions. It opens a door from one dimension to another between two available positions within the dimensional operative zone of this earth. This particular chemical allows for a very particular dimensional doorway to open. A certain subset of plants are therefore providing a particular doorway, each plant one could say, has certain narcotic properties, a certain chemical mix, that is providing a particular doorway, a very specific kind of dimensional juice, again in the simplest of terms, that is a key, that can allow the thinking aspect of the planet in this case, which is mostly made up of humanity, to move across to a particular dimensional location, that falls within the available dimensions within the earth zone.

N,N, dimethyltryptamine is a particular key in other words, that is available in a number of nuanced variations in different plants. The nuance of these keys available in natural form, allows for the movement by humanity, which again is the thinking aspect of this earth, to move into different dimensional fields that then make available certain perceptions and therefore what could be termed interactions, that then can allow such people to make incredible cognitive leaps that may in time even turn the entire species in certain directions that are meant to balance it, and therefore move whole swaths of the earth in one way or another. Naturally and with a spiritual mindset, these plant based narcotics are a doorway, healers, great revealers, that have the potential to propel humanity into wholly new cognitive regions that in turn heal it and the whole of the earth simultaneously, they are quite simply healing forces meant to propel transmutation, evolution, in certain particular directions that are most favorable for not only the whole of the earth but the great cosmos as well. All is connected.

In this particular case, with DMT, this portal usually leads to a dimensional zone that makes available those very foundational forces of the earth that are going about processing and creating what can in the end be termed the physicality of the earth. DMT opens a portal into the operating dimension where finer essence is turned into physical and from our point of view coarser essence. This key allows certain people to see the underpinning of the earth, those aspects of the earth that are in charge of turning finer essence into more perceivable physical essence, and in that way machine elves can be said to be in a certain sense the very spirit of plants, in that they are those aspects of plants that are taking that cosmic energy, and turning that very fabric of cosmic reality into, at a fundamental level, the very things of the earth itself, which in the coarsest sense, in a way, may be termed the nutrition, the medicine, and the narcotics, which then give rise to an ecosystem that then can create a perfect biosphere, a sandbox, that can then produce, maintain, the entire diversity of the physical, biological, living aspect of the planet, the thinnest blanket that layers what we perceive to be the outer most coating of a physical living biology on earth. But of course, there are many layers, and the machine elves tell us about those other layers as well.

Machine elves as I have said can seem to go beyond this of course, being that there is incredible diversity and complexity in each individual persons voyage, and certain plants may take you deeper or it would be better to say, that they take you in different directional perspectives, that then allow for particular individual perceptions that include not only the chemical itself but also the psychological aspects of that individual person, as there is this psychological and chemical intermingling between DMT and the chemicals, that is the prior ingestion of that biological human individual. In the most basic sense, we are what we eat, and we are part of this incredibly complex intermingling of cause and effect that leads us in one direction and then in another, and as a result of that seemingly random movement across the totality of our lives, which then exposes us to different psychological mechanisms that then may in and of themselves cause us to ingest certain foods, or participate in certain physical and psychological actions, these actions then intermingle with this portal key that is DMT, that then brings about particular and highly individual inter-dimensional motions that may cause balance or dis-balance within us, that then in this balancing or dis-balancing bring about a greater equilibrium for humanity, and then the whole of the planet in a mathematically chaotic complex system kind of way, that is of such intricacy that it is beyond current mathematical measure.

DMT elves, machine elves, represent in most cases quite external non-organic entities that exist outside of the human mind. That is, they are quite real non-organic other lifeforms that become accessible, perceivable, to those that partake in this DMT key either consciously or accidentally in accordance with their kind of ingestion.

These elves represent a fundamental underlying force that in the best of times can show the interweaving and the creation of reality, the very creation of it, and how it is that this creational process is not only available to them in a particular dimensional point, but is also available to the human species as well, as it goes about creating the inner essence of itself through the focus of its attention, and the inclination of its physical actions.

These non-organic entities are incredibly varied and for that reason there can be some great variance between what one person may report as they go through this DMT portal, and what another person may report to some extent, being that as I have said there is an interconnection between the substance itself and the chemical makeup of the individual. But in more natural settings where particular plants are used in a conscious manner, those that are closest to the earth, shamans for example, can take very specific and highly conscious directional trips by only accessing a particular plant or combining certain plants in very specific ways. Such keys then become an intricate and beautiful opening into very specific locations, that then allow humanity to see and learn from those aspects of its reality that it has forgotten, those aspects that it has become blind to in its modern insistence on just physical reality.

In this way, there can be a very controlled interchange between very specific kinds of non-organic beings and people using very particular plants or combinations thereof. And in time such people can discover incredible interrelationships between certain plants and certain non-organic entities and themselves, which can in the best of times open up new dimensional worlds for those travellers. Particular non-organic entities for example can develop a very close relationship, a kind of symbiotic relationship with certain plants, where certain plants and even locations where such plants may thrive, become not only doorways but sort of like dwelling areas for particular non-organic entities. And being that these symbiotic relationships between plants, and non-organic entities which by the way are quite plantlike and do prefer to stay in one location just like plants do, can and does affect both the non-organic entity and the plant.

As such, a person in a more natural and balanced physical and psychological environment, can understand incredible and nuanced aspects of reality by accessing and using such symbiotic relationships, which again happen through the ingestion of the first-tier consumers of the earth, the plant world.

Machine elves therefore are a deep inner manifestation, and inner symbol for a greater reality that intermingles complex non-organic entities of a certain variety and a particular dimensional location where these non-organic lifeforms dwell in their most favored dimensional geography. How they communicate, what they communicate, and how they are perceived by each individual human can vary to some degree being that each individual carries with them their own psychological and physical characteristics.

In the artificial synthesis of DMT there is a loss of the gradations to be found in more naturally produced versions, being that as I have mentioned there is this very nuanced intermingling between individual plants and the nature of the portals that they provide. What this means, is that the symbolic but quite real experiences of a person as they make contact with non-organic life referred to as machine elves in different dimensional locations, might have a certain consistency with artificial DMT, but at the same time a loss of some of the key components found in plants make the synthetic version of this chemical generic in its propellant properties, and a great deal of the potential motion and therefore diverse wisdom and power that plants add to the mix, can be lost.

As I mention at the beginning of the video, it is possible to access all of these other operating dimensions available to the earth and humanity in a quite natural manner, one that does not require the ingestion of certain narcotics synthetic or otherwise, and that is through the techniques employed by inner alchemists as they cross the rooms of the projectionist.

I have discussed in past videos and posts, the idea of the cube. In those posts, I have avoided a finely detailed description of what these cubes are, or what they might represent.

The reason for this is that, as it is the case with all things within the rational perspective, trying to describe this phenomenon can be more unhelpful than helpful. What I mean by this, is that by giving this phenomena certain characteristics and boundaries, in order to try and describe it, I end up creating and propping up characteristics that, depending on the perceivers viewpoint and understanding, may not be entirely accurate. Indeed, these attempts at description through categorisation, and compartmentalisation can end up being destructive, because they force a definition that may not be the most accurate possible, due to slight individual perceptive variations.

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