We look in any direction and we see walls.
We look into the horizon and our eyes see a finite kind of termination to what is supposed to be infinite space; sort of like being stuck inside a snow globe.
We are told that this is the end of us,
that our eyes, our senses, can perceive only so far; that we have a limit and that this is it.
In our fiction we are told that something may be taking from us; that our power is being sucked from us… But what if we are the ones trapping ourselves?
What is the power the traps us within walls, within the cube of rationality? Who is the master, as the Zen koan goes, the makes the grass green?
It is us says the fighter. It is the secret King in us… Corrupted by the darkest cloud.
The fight is not with something Out There, it is in us!
The inner alchemist fights this fight,
it is a fight for the only thing worthy of us… Individuality and total freedom.


The fight is not Out There somewhere, it is inside of us. As I have told you over and over again in many of my books, the out there is not really Out There, it is only an illusion of perception, an illusion based on the rational conception of reality. The Out There is really inside of us, this is why the wave that I belong to is referred to as INNER alchemy, it is not the way of the Puffer, it is not the way of rationality and the illusion that endlessly traps us within a cage of external walls and hard objects.
To go within is to go without, this is the great secret.