Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

Those that have been lucky enough, or perhaps unlucky enough, to witness the incredible strangeness to be found on this earth, have spoken since time immemorial of a type of life form that science and most of the world do not, can not, accept as real.

I refer to this type of life form as a non-organic being, and I, like certain others call these creatures this because fundamentally they are beings that are alive but that nevertheless do not possess a physical body.  That is, they are living entities, sometimes individual and quite intelligent individualities, that do not need any physical body to contain their life essence and separateness.

The complicated thing about these life forms is that some of them can be larger, more powerful, and at times even far more intelligent other life, that has the ability to trick the mind, trick human perception, into thinking or perceiving that they are…what they are not!

I for example, have often said that many of the creatures and phenomenon that we attribute to one thing, most often what we believe to be a completely physical thing, is in fact the result of these non-organic beings.  Now, this is not to say, nor am I trying to say definitively, that such beings as; Bigfoot, ghosts, poltergeists, certain types of aliens, and a variety of other cryptids, are not physically real and do not exist as separate entities biological or otherwise.  But what I am trying to say, is that these non-organic beings that I am referring to here can trick the mind, can trick human perception, into believing that a person is seeing something that it is not.

And a non-organic life form for example, due to the fact that it is non-organic and as such has vast possibilities beyond the biological, can trick a person into believing that they have come face to face with a creature like a Bigfoot, or a creature usually referred to as a grey alien.  In such a situation, a person might believe that they are face to face with a biological being, a true flesh and blood entity that then acts in a very similar way to what someone might expect such an entity to act like, but always with the odd intent of somehow causing the most emotional upheaval or trauma in the human witness.

As I have discussed in my books and website articles, such terrifying behavior is usually done to have the witness experience huge amounts of emotional trauma, that these non-organic entities then consume as food.

I feel that the presence of these non-organic beings, that do favor certain locations due to the electromagnetic properties of those areas, but that can generally be found all over this planet, do pose a great wrinkle to those that seek strange cryptids and alien life.  As I have said, I am not trying to say that these other types of biological beings do not exist, but it is the case that a non-organic life form can hide its real intention, which is to feed off of human emotional upheaval, and use subterfuge to feed on an unsuspecting person in a secluded area, a power spot or a haunted area, by making such a person perceive things that are not truly there. So, what are often cryptid sightings, might actually be non-organic lifeforms tricking people into believing that they have come face-to-face with a cryptid, while in actuality it is just a non-organic life form tricking human awareness and then using the trauma of such an experience to feed on human energy, which many such entities do need to survive.

But can we learn to see the difference between an actual cryptid and a non-organic life form? Can we learn to see the most often invisible non-organic life all around us?

Yes. The ability to develop the conscious and deliberate possibility of seeing non-organic life, is possible through developed technique and practice, which can then allow us to study them and protect ourselves, being that these non-organic life forms can be dangerous at times. We can learn to perceive beyond our usual limits and in doing so we can extend our awareness, which can then open up an incredible new world, an admittedly scary world, but an amazing one full of power and wonder beyond rational measure.

So, how do we start?

In order to tell you how inner alchemists learn to master the ability to see non-organic life, I will have to reference techniques that I discuss in my books, and I will not be able to describe these fundamental skills in great detail in this article, since they are complex and do require background information and a step by step breakdown of how to perform them. So if you are new to these referenced techniques, I do recommend that you do some research and see if you can discover the ‘how to’ of these fundamental  practices. If you like, you can also check out the books that I will mention at the end of this article. In those books I describe what these techniques are all about, and how to perform them. Without these fundamental techniques under your belt, it is my personal belief that seeing non-organic life is impossible.

In order to begin, it is a very good idea to first master the ability to see auras.  There are many techniques that are employed to be able to master this skill, and I do discuss a pretty easy way to do this in both of the books mentioned below. My belief is that seeing auras is not a difficult thing, most often I find that the most difficult thing is the ability to believe, to truly believe that what you’re seeing is something that is not ‘supposed’ to be real. Once this membrane of disbelief is broken, all that you need to do from then on is keep exercising that skill until you are able to master this technique, which can take a bit of time, and which is marked by the final acceptance that auras are indeed real, and that seeing them is a valid skill to have.

Another technique required to see non-organic life, one that is again in my opinion indispensable, is the ability to use what I refer to as the inner feeling sense (which I describe in detail in the book, The Magnum Opus, mentioned below). I find that of all of the descriptive terms that I have come across, this is the most accurate in describing what this skill is all about.  This is so because the inner feeling sense involves the ability to project an aspect of yourself beyond the body-being, and make contact with the existing energetic essence around you.  Through this ability to project an aspect of yourself, you are able to perceive with a kind of inner sense that can see, that can perceive, that can kind of see-feel-perceive. The inner feeling sense is in essence an inner sense, something that goes far beyond any physical senses, and with it you are able to perceive the world in ways that are far beyond anything possible with just the physical senses alone. When you are able to master the inner feeling sense, the world around you wakes up and for the first time perhaps, you are able to truly feel the spirit that moves through all things.

The final step in the development of this ability to see non-organic life, is the ability to acquire personal energy (which is something that I also described in the book, the Magnum Opus).  That means, that the ability to be able to see auras, and to be able to use the inner feeling sense, and therefore the ability to see non organic life, is directly related to the kind of energy that a person is able to acquire and maintain. More energy equals stronger vision.

But it is my belief, that the average person, with little skill aside from perhaps the ability to see auras clearly, will be able to see displacements and energetic patterns that will allow them to begin to perceive non-organic life.  Using the same kind of perceptive abilities that you use when you see a person’s aura, you can see displacements in energy. Such displacements can be scrutinized with some practice on your part and eventually you can identify individual sentience in that free roaming energy. This means that this is sentient moving and independent energy, alive energy as it were, energy with individual intent. Once you can see that energy, you have discovered a whole new world!

Another way to identify and see non-organic life forms, beyond just looking for odd and displaced energy, is to use your auric vision to pay attention to pulsating frequencies of energy, or sometimes even vacuous spots, that is spots around you were there seems to be no energy at all, sort of like an energy black spot. Pulsating energy can indicate a non-organic life form, being that such non-organic life is usually quite energy intense at times and may begin to pulsate if it becomes agitated. A vacuous patch on the other hand, can mean that a non-organic life form is living, existing, in the vicinity and has consumed the natural energy in the area in order to feed itself. A patch of no energy therefore can mean a kind of grazing area where a non-organic life form might exist.

Someone who is very good at seeing auras, might be able to use such a technique alone to be able to perceive this non-organic life clearly.  It is most likely the case though, that in order to truly be able to perceive this non-organic life, to be able to discern its intention, and even begin a kind of communication with it, the inner feeling sense will need to be used.

Using the inner feeling sense, you can project an aspect of yourself into those displacements that you have been able to perceive with auric vision, and in doing so you will get a deep inner feeling sense, an empathic kind of connection with that sentient energy. Using the inner feeling sense (which I describe how to use in the Magnum Opus book referenced below) you will be able to perceive intention, create relative communication channels, protect yourself, and discern a near infinite number of things depending on your skill level. It is the inner feeling sense that is key in discerning whether that displacement that you can see with your auric vision is actually a sentient non-organic being are not. And with it, you will be able to not only communicate and protect yourself, but you will also be able to (with some practice) understand the nature of this impossible other kind of life. In time and with experience, you will be able to discern many different types of such non-organic life; what their general nature is, what their relative species type is, their general proclivities, their uses and even their weaknesses if such a thing as needed.

Using auric vision and the inner feeling sense, and further combined with the ability to work with energy in order to grow in power, a person can begin to perceive the incredibly varied non-organic life that is all around us during every single moment of our days on this earth. And I must point out that there is an incredible variety to non-organic lifeforms. For example, some non-organic lifeforms can be very small (like small little fish swimming around us) while others can be of titanic size (like giant skyscrapers moving slowly across the land). A nonorganic life form can be a simple conglomeration of energy that functions in many ways like a kind of simple biological organism, while other non-organic lifeforms can be incredibly complex conglomerations of vast intelligence, intelligence that far surpasses human intellect.

The vast majority of the human world is not ready for such revelations, indeed many of them under the weight of such revelations would most likely lose their minds.  But if you think you are ready, and please do proceed at your own risk, then you now have a basic understanding of how this is possible. As always, please note that these techniques are presented here for information purposes only and I cannot take responsibility for your actions, so do make sure that you take responsibility for your own actions here and proceed in accordance with your own steady and sober purpose.

If you would like to know more about how to develop the ability to see auras, to work with energy, and how to develop the inner feeling sense, in order to see the ‘supposedly’ impossible, then I recommend my books:

The Magnum Opus a Step by Step Course

The Occult Experience

If you ask any decent analyst about the nature of this modern age, and what is to come, then a great answer, the best answer that I have heard, is that things are about to get interesting.
As Duncan Munro’s famous curse goes, may you live in interesting times! And indeed, these times are becoming more and more interesting.
Things are quickening, information is doubling and doubling again. The world is changing at a faster and faster rate. We are going through a great revolution, and contrary to popular opinion, in some ways a great de-globalization. But this is not enough, there are also other factors at work.

One of these, an underestimated one at this point in history anyway, for the most part, and one that I have admittedly harped on already, is the dawn of artificial intelligence.
And why do I harp on this you may ask? I do so because of the importance of it, of its ability to truly turn these times into incredibly interesting ones.
And in this latest article I want to say to you this, throughout the whole of history what has gotten us in trouble the most, is our ability to muddle terms. Certainly, there are underlying meta-principles that I am easily tossing aside, things that cause such muddling. But, by understanding the fact that it is this muddling of terms that can cause problems, we can see the problem more clearly, and also have a way to address the root of these meta-problems using this lever.

In this modern age, we are muddling a great deal of things, but a growing muddle, one that is going to grow in importance over time, is the muddle of artificial intelligence. And that muddle has to do with the confusion, accidental or otherwise, between the term artificial intelligence, consciousness, awareness, life.

This muddling is happening as a result of certain individuals, trying to tout certain types of technology, and also because the creators of what could be referred to as artificial intelligence, have no real conception of what consciousness is, being that for the most part they are wholly materially focused individuals. As such, there will be this jumbling between what artificial intelligence is, and what consciousness is, what awareness is, what being sentient is, what being alive is.

In the near term, artificial intelligence will always be just that, intelligence that is artificial. In other words, it is something that mimics what we refer to in this modern world as intelligence. It is a magic box, an automaton that given enough digital cogs and levers, can seem to be intelligent, being that it may have enough access to enough raw data, it can process such data well enough, that it can mimic sentient intelligence. But, again, this is not sentience, it is not life, it is instead what such materially focused individuals think life is. Understanding this will be critical in the coming years.

Now, could artificial intelligence become conscious, alive, at some point?
Yes, it could. And you may ask, how could this, how will this, eventually happen?
The answer is to be found in the intricacy of the electronic matrix, the electrons, the movement towards smaller and smaller microchip technology, which eventually will need to lead into plasma machines, what I refer to as the plasmoid.

Imagine, a watch created, a machine,
It can be seen in a clear way, if you separate yourself from that which it measures, time.
If you see this machine from a point outside of the here-now where we are focused, you can begin to realize that the machine is really a thought form.

Every part of the machine is a mental thought modified; an idea event that initiates inner and outer action, so that thoughts are created and modified in each particular here-now moment. In that way, in the physical realm, existing matter is manipulated, and new matter is created to form a functioning entity that we use to complete a particular task. This is the modern machine.
But this is really a primitive form of thought creation, because it involves the use of relatively primitive matter, dense metal and plastic. Refinement of this primitive matter, to make more complex alloys for example, makes these creations more and more complex over time, as the human race evolves technologically. And yet, until now, this purely physical and material creation, is relatively primitive still. And this will continue to be the case, until these machines can be created from the greatest material possible, which is pure energy, plasma.

To that end, if you think about it, these man-made creations, thought forms made material, our machines, share a lot of commonalities with Sigils or a Talisman. This understanding will be of incredible importance, in the coming age of the ‘plasmoid’.

As machines are growing more and more in complexity, they do seem to be becoming more and more ethereal in their makeup. A modern watch for example, is far less Flintstone like, than its predecessors. The pieces that make up the modern watch are much finer and even its propulsive force, that which gives it life, the battery, is truly something that is magical; it is in essence a containment of electrons.

Could our future be filled with machines, which are thought forms made material, that will be, as we grow technologically, so ethereal in their construction, that they might not have any physical parts at all? Imagine a machine that is created and operates completely on a plasmic level. A machine like this would function just like a current one, following certain measurable laws, in accordance with its composition and overall matrix. These energetic laws being measured and calibrated, could then be used to perform repetitive tasks. But the material of this machine, its gears and levers, would not be dense matter, but plasma instead. A pure energy matrix, functional plasma, a plasmoid.

Once artificial intelligence becomes complex enough to be able to create plasmoid machines, and then begins to use these as its form, as its processing brain, such plasmic machines will be able to access true energetic dimensions, such machines will then truly be alive.

Plasma is life, plasma is alive, it is inorganic life, and it is the next step in machinery, so in essence it is the connective to come, between artificial box intelligence, and true life. Truly an interesting time, will be had by all when this happens.

But before that time, do not be fooled by the folly of that muddling of what life is. Terms matter because they are belief, and it is belief that creates reality, not the other way around.
If you understand this lever, and are not fooled by the muddling of it, you can create your own best future, no matter how interesting the times get.

I have been asked on numerous occasions to discuss the reasons for, and the nature of the servitor room.

If you are not familiar with my work, then I can simply describe a servitor as being a mental creation, a thought that is given form through the intense focus of attention. This intense focus, propels a kind of psychic energy essence into this form, until this form attains a relative physicality within three dimensional space. This is true transmutation of energy and allows for the creation of specific life like entities with varied functionality.

The creation of a servitor requires a great deal of focus, which I have said is something that a practitioner needs to develop over time. An inner alchemist for example, is someone who is totally focused, on containing, absorbing, saving, and redeploying energy that is normally lost by the average person, and then using that energy to increase their focus and their power. Interestingly, like all things within the doings of inner alchemy, what an inner alchemist does is a kind of incongruent congruency, a Lewis Carroll kind of wit, a catch 22. What they do is to focus on focusing, until they can focus themselves beyond this dimension.

One way that this energy that inner alchemists seek can be redeployed once it is acquired, is through the creation of servitors. The redeployment of energy in this fashion is incredibly useful because, servitors can become great allies in the overcoming of obstacles that a practitioner might face in this world, and the creation of servitors can also further enhance the ability of the inner alchemist to manipulate and transmute energy, which then helps them to free themselves from this dimension even more. All things are connected and whole for such practitioners, energy begets more energy, more power, and it all leads to lightness, to freedom. For example, this transmutation of energy which is servitor creation can be used for several purposes, including physical and psychic protection, the acquisition of things, and in relation to the servitor room in particular, as companions that can allow an inner alchemist to better face the loneliness of infinity. And in the creation of such entities, an inner alchemist learns to control and manipulate energy, that then allows them to defy all boundaries in this dimension and all the others that become available to them over time.

A servitor room then, can be a great aid in the creation and the development of a companion servitor, being that while in it, it becomes easier to focus on and interact with your developing companion, and the ‘interconnectedness’ of inner alchemy means that the development of this room can greatly enhance the ability to understand the nature of physical reality from a certain perspective. This is so because you could say that the servitor room mirrors physical reality, in that as I have said in some of my writing, people imagine the earth to be, in accordance to the many pictures provided, a floating sphere in the middle of space. But according to inner alchemists on an energetic level, this world is not a geometrically perfect sphere, but it is to inner alchemists that can see, a hyper cube, a floating servitor room of sorts, that has been created by a power, a set of powers, beyond all rational calculation.

But to begin in trying to explain all this, I must start with the nature of a servitor room, and about that, I can say that a servitor room is not something that exists within physical reality at first, it is in the beginning a place created in the mind first off, and used to interact with the servitor companion.

For those that are familiar with my work, you will note that I introduced the idea of servitors, the servitor companion, and the creation of the servitor room quite early in my work, and later, in the trilogy of inner alchemy course books, specifically in the way of the projectionist, I did introduce the concept and the techniques of the projectionist, specifically the crossing of the seven rooms of the projectionist. This order that I have used is important. First, I talked about the room in relatively simple energy manipulation to create a servitor, and then in a far more complex set of techniques, which is the way of the projectionist. The order is from relatively easy, to more difficult feats of energy manipulation, and as such the nature of the room that I am discussing here goes from relatively simple, to far more complex.

As my work progressed for example, within the schema of the later introduced projectionist methodology then, I said that a beginning step was the creation of the projectionist room, the room without walls. I want you at this time to notice the connection between the servitor room, and the projectionist room that you are creating when you are trying to cross the first and second room of the projectionist.

Both the servitor room and the projectionist room are the same thing really, in that it is a mentally created room without walls, created to be able to allow an inner alchemist to defy the laws of space and time, within the boundaries of the three dimensions of this physical world. Both rooms are the same thing, and if you contemplate their probable position in space in time, and even though they are in a non rationally definable way rooms without walls, they can be described as being (in either case) a cube that begins to attain a kind of gravity, a mass,

This connection between both of these techniques is very important, but I want you to now consider yet another connection that I have discussed in my work, and that is that these inner rooms or cubes relate to, that is they (this inner room without walls) is similar to, the cubes that I keep mentioning in relation to what are commonly referred to as UFOs, or what I have described as being non-organic traps, where certain very powerful non-organic entities are able to create a kind of travel vehicle, or at times even portal, where travelers from other dimensions can cross the boundary from one dimension (their dimension) to our dimension through the use of such a room. As such these rooms are then a type of vessel, a three dimensional capsule bound by six walls, a cube, and it is used by trans dimensional travelers at times to enter and manipulate within our space.

The cube is a puzzle made up of odd angles that can quite literally move these beings across dimensions. For them the cube can be a bridge and that bridge can also be a trap for the unsuspecting. I do wish this information would be taken more seriously by certain people studying this phenomenon, but it is the nature of inner alchemy that this information will (I suppose) always be a kind of open secret, being that it is out there for all to see, but only a few can really see it clearly.

The very important point of this article then, is not to just explain the nature of the servitor room, but to try to connect all of the material that I have written about this room without walls thus far, so as to have you notice that there is a connection to all of it, that there is a consistency, and that it all relates to the manipulation of energy by the inner alchemist. Beyond this even, I want you to notice and remember (how easily we all forget but you must remember) how in my material (and in the material discussed by certain others) it is described that this manipulation of energy is not something that is just done by the inner alchemist, but it is also a way to manipulate energy across many dimensions, by beings and forces that are trans-dimensional in nature. What inner alchemists do is that they have the power to directly witness a methodology that has its roots beyond this earthly dimension, they can see, see energy directly, see these trans dimensional energetic motions directly, and then replicate them. As they project their inner senses into infinity, and see the way of other lifeforms, and see these alien lifeforms and larger titans manipulate energy in this fashion, they are/were able to develop their own techniques to be able to manipulate energy in a similar fashion, and it was this direct perception of energy, which at times has been referred to as seeing, that gave inner alchemist the ability to do, to transmute energy, work and manipulate energy, in ways that seem perhaps magical to the average person. And of course it is not just inner alchemists that do this, other groups practice such techniques as well, and these groups can be either good or very bad, depending on your personal beliefs.

It is now important, that you understand that there is that direct connection between all of the techniques that I have discussed and written about thus far, and it is my hope that you begin to see the connections, and that you begin to put these connections together, because they add up to revelations that, in this particular case for example, I hope are transformative moments for your expanding psyche, and can add new dimensions to the quest to find your own energetic truth.

So, in order to make this clear, let us start from the beginning yet again. I have said that the servitor room is created to interact with your companion servitor. This room is sort of like a blank screen in your mind where you are able to see your servitor companion, and as you see the image of your servitor in this blank room, you are charging your servitor because you are giving attention to it, and you are also creating a space where you are able to interact with this servitor at the same time. This inner space, this inner cube, this room, begins to develop and as it does so, through the power of focused attention, Just like the servitor, this is important, just like attention transmutes the servitor, it also begins to give the cube gravity, mass, substance. This gravity develops this space, that is akin to a cube, a cube that seems to be inside but that eventually (through increasing mass) becomes something that affects what you refer to as outside. Inside and outside your head, is there a difference? what a conundrum. The conundrum of inner alchemy.

Anyhow, by engaging in this supposed inner action then, you are also able to interact with this servitor and in a way you are creating a new world, a physicality like place where two beings from different dimensions can meet, this being you who are a physically bound creature supposedly, and a servitor which is a personal creation that is bound to a different dimension, but that you are trying to move in a way, into this dimension.


A projectionist then, is doing the same thing in a way as someone creating a servitor companion, except that they are not trying to move a servitor into this dimension, instead they are learning to move aspects of themselves beyond physicality into other dimensions, and they use that inner room, that created cube, to find gaps, to find the strange angles in this dimension, so that they are able to project deeply into others, other worlds. The cube is not only a room in and of itself, but it is also a place to find odd angles that lead to other dimensions. This is also very important.

When trans dimensional lifeforms want to move from their dimension into our dimension, or any other dimension that is not their own, they create similar cubes of great intensity. These are inner rooms, capsules in a way, that allow them to move beyond their particular dimension, and cross into other dimensions. The difference between the cubes created by beginner inner alchemists and the cubes created by such trans dimensional lifeforms, lifeforms which can be of a non organic nature, is that such creations by these usually far more powerful other lifeforms, can be of an intensity of such magnitude that for all intents and purposes, to the average human being, the difference between the walls that make up those capsules, those encapsulations, those cubes, and the walls of regular physical reality are nonexistent. What this means is that these created rooms, that are cubes, that move across space in a way that you might see a UFO move across space, or that are placed upon different geographies on earth, become so real (are so real) that for all intents and purposes they are real rooms, mobile spaceships or stationary ones in a way, and they can be used to connect one dimension to another.

The power of these inner rooms, the power of these white rooms, these rooms without walls, that take the shape of a cube, on occasion hyper cubes if you like being that they defy dimensional existence and probability, is that they allow for an incredible intensity of focus. That is once they are created which is an act of focus in and of itself, they also allow the creator to focus completely and utterly on that which is inside that white room. In doing so this white room allows the creator and the manipulator of this cube, to be able to not only give life to those things that were not life before, and this is quite simply one of the greatest forms of energy transmutation possible, which is the basis of alchemy, it also allows for those new life creations to move dimensionally. So, these rooms can create a kind of life and, they can, as I can now point out, allow the creator of such a room to move themselves or others, either aspects or wholly themselves, into other dimensions.

In time these rooms and such practitioners can gain so much power, that they are able to completely leave a place, a space time location, leave a dimensional position, and move wholly or partially to others. This means that from a witnessed point of view, from the point of view of someone who is stationary within one dimension, as these travellers move from that dimension where the witness is to another dimension, such a traveller, if they have attained enough power, will completely disappear to the witness. So, from that witnessed point of view it would be like that person is whisked away by a wind or a power, in a sense it would be like a kind of instant teleportation.

This kind of thing is possible for some highly complex trans dimensional life, specifically of a non-organic nature, but it is something that an inner alchemist works for a lifetime to accomplish, and having physical death at their heels, an alchemist races across the intensity of physical three-dimensional time trying to beat that physical death so that they are able to, with enough power, create such a cube or a capsule themselves to escape this binding dimension. Once this becomes a possibility, they can move far enough away from this dimension, that at a certain point they may look back at the great distance that they have travelled, and see that they have left not only humanity and the many boundaries of physicality far behind, but that they have even left physical death in their wake.