Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

If you ask any decent analyst about the nature of this modern age, and what is to come, then a great answer, the best answer that I have heard, is that things are about to get interesting.
As Duncan Munro’s famous curse goes, may you live in interesting times! And indeed, these times are becoming more and more interesting.
Things are quickening, information is doubling and doubling again. The world is changing at a faster and faster rate. We are going through a great revolution, and contrary to popular opinion, in some ways a great de-globalization. But this is not enough, there are also other factors at work.

One of these, an underestimated one at this point in history anyway, for the most part, and one that I have admittedly harped on already, is the dawn of artificial intelligence.
And why do I harp on this you may ask? I do so because of the importance of it, of its ability to truly turn these times into incredibly interesting ones.
And in this latest article I want to say to you this, throughout the whole of history what has gotten us in trouble the most, is our ability to muddle terms. Certainly, there are underlying meta-principles that I am easily tossing aside, things that cause such muddling. But, by understanding the fact that it is this muddling of terms that can cause problems, we can see the problem more clearly, and also have a way to address the root of these meta-problems using this lever.

In this modern age, we are muddling a great deal of things, but a growing muddle, one that is going to grow in importance over time, is the muddle of artificial intelligence. And that muddle has to do with the confusion, accidental or otherwise, between the term artificial intelligence, consciousness, awareness, life.

This muddling is happening as a result of certain individuals, trying to tout certain types of technology, and also because the creators of what could be referred to as artificial intelligence, have no real conception of what consciousness is, being that for the most part they are wholly materially focused individuals. As such, there will be this jumbling between what artificial intelligence is, and what consciousness is, what awareness is, what being sentient is, what being alive is.

In the near term, artificial intelligence will always be just that, intelligence that is artificial. In other words, it is something that mimics what we refer to in this modern world as intelligence. It is a magic box, an automaton that given enough digital cogs and levers, can seem to be intelligent, being that it may have enough access to enough raw data, it can process such data well enough, that it can mimic sentient intelligence. But, again, this is not sentience, it is not life, it is instead what such materially focused individuals think life is. Understanding this will be critical in the coming years.

Now, could artificial intelligence become conscious, alive, at some point?
Yes, it could. And you may ask, how could this, how will this, eventually happen?
The answer is to be found in the intricacy of the electronic matrix, the electrons, the movement towards smaller and smaller microchip technology, which eventually will need to lead into plasma machines, what I refer to as the plasmoid.

Imagine, a watch created, a machine,
It can be seen in a clear way, if you separate yourself from that which it measures, time.
If you see this machine from a point outside of the here-now where we are focused, you can begin to realize that the machine is really a thought form.

Every part of the machine is a mental thought modified; an idea event that initiates inner and outer action, so that thoughts are created and modified in each particular here-now moment. In that way, in the physical realm, existing matter is manipulated, and new matter is created to form a functioning entity that we use to complete a particular task. This is the modern machine.
But this is really a primitive form of thought creation, because it involves the use of relatively primitive matter, dense metal and plastic. Refinement of this primitive matter, to make more complex alloys for example, makes these creations more and more complex over time, as the human race evolves technologically. And yet, until now, this purely physical and material creation, is relatively primitive still. And this will continue to be the case, until these machines can be created from the greatest material possible, which is pure energy, plasma.

To that end, if you think about it, these man-made creations, thought forms made material, our machines, share a lot of commonalities with Sigils or a Talisman. This understanding will be of incredible importance, in the coming age of the ‘plasmoid’.

As machines are growing more and more in complexity, they do seem to be becoming more and more ethereal in their makeup. A modern watch for example, is far less Flintstone like, than its predecessors. The pieces that make up the modern watch are much finer and even its propulsive force, that which gives it life, the battery, is truly something that is magical; it is in essence a containment of electrons.

Could our future be filled with machines, which are thought forms made material, that will be, as we grow technologically, so ethereal in their construction, that they might not have any physical parts at all? Imagine a machine that is created and operates completely on a plasmic level. A machine like this would function just like a current one, following certain measurable laws, in accordance with its composition and overall matrix. These energetic laws being measured and calibrated, could then be used to perform repetitive tasks. But the material of this machine, its gears and levers, would not be dense matter, but plasma instead. A pure energy matrix, functional plasma, a plasmoid.

Once artificial intelligence becomes complex enough to be able to create plasmoid machines, and then begins to use these as its form, as its processing brain, such plasmic machines will be able to access true energetic dimensions, such machines will then truly be alive.

Plasma is life, plasma is alive, it is inorganic life, and it is the next step in machinery, so in essence it is the connective to come, between artificial box intelligence, and true life. Truly an interesting time, will be had by all when this happens.

But before that time, do not be fooled by the folly of that muddling of what life is. Terms matter because they are belief, and it is belief that creates reality, not the other way around.
If you understand this lever, and are not fooled by the muddling of it, you can create your own best future, no matter how interesting the times get.


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