Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

Having spent time around different paranormal groups, I have always found it very interesting that many of these intrepid paranormal investigators greatly fear that which they are looking for. For example, those paranormal investigators that are so popular now, those investigators that seek ghosts, tend to be deeply afraid of those ghost that they wish to find.

When you first meet them, they seem to be a tough bunch, many of these paranormal investigators. They tend to put on a very strong front and they seem to handle chasing the paranormal sort of like going to war. After a while it is easy to notice that this tough attitude is really a way to compensate for the fear that many of these individuals have. When paranormal investigators use this kind of tough attitude to deal with fear, they tend to act very aggressively; these are usually individuals that will try and confront some kind of ghost or other paranormal phenomena by screaming at it and trying to incite some kind of emotional response from that which they seek. Such actions presuppose that ghosts for example, operate on the same emotional bearing as we do and this is a mistake that usually causes whatever paranormal thing that they’re chasing to become mildly curious but often times these paranormal beings just ignore the investigator and completely leave the area.

There is also the other extreme when it comes to paranormal investigators that greatly fear that which they seek. This other extreme of  investigators usually tends to have a bland almost emotionless attitude towards their paranormal quests. These people tend to usually seem almost jaded; as if they are seeking something which they have seen a thousand times and is not that important. The reality though is that they are usually seeking something which they really do not wish to find and they subconsciously or otherwise instill within themselves this bland attitude. This unemotional and highly detached attitude is an often times subconscious way to cope with a highly fearful situation; they are essentially trying to make themselves deeply believe in the non-existence of the paranormal.

There are of course many very good investigators out there but even if one member  in their group tends to have one of these extreme emotional responses to the paranormal, this person can make the work for all other investigators in that team a lot more difficult. The reason for this is that such subconscious fear can create a backlash within the psyche of certain individuals. What happens is that essentially these investigators are trying to foil their own efforts; every time that they experience something that could be considered paranormal, they experience fear and this fear compels the individual to try and fight against the belief that any such paranormal phenomenon is real.
Essentially they are looking for something, when they find it and it seems to hit a little too close to home, they battle their own psyche in order to rationally explain away what they are or have just experienced.

We all suffer from this fear of the paranormal of course and our first reaction whenever we encounter it is to try and rationally explain the paranormal away. We either believe what we saw and therefore place ourselves in a very scary and perhaps dangerous situation or we explain it away and do our very best to ignore it. This is a natural response, something that we all learn as children, fighting away the monsters in our closet and under the bed. Eventually this technique, reinforced by the rationale that our parents try to teach us, allows us to no longer see those evil creatures lurking in every shadow.

But if we are to consider ourselves paranormal investigators or if we are truly curious about the paranormal and wish to prove to ourselves that it is indeed real, we must be able to control this natural urge to explain things away like we did as children.

Believe it or not this is an incredibly important aspect of the paranormal. Perhaps the most important aspect for those that are seeking answers. The reason for this is that we will never be able to find that which we seek unless we control this natural response whenever we experience fear. We cannot stop this fear because this fear is the natural response of seeing anything beyond our normal awareness. Since we cannot control this fear we must therefore control our reactions when we experience this fear.

Those who wish to pursue the ‘Weird’, the paranormal that exists all around us, need to explore their beliefs and emotions engendered by these beliefs. As I said it is impossible to stop this fear but we must stop rationally explaining things away in order to find relief from this fear. Next time that you are experiencing a paranormal event, fight the natural urge that you will have to explain it rationally. Try to experience it at face value and don’t work so hard to try and control the emotions that you feel.

The first obstacle for those that seek knowledge is fear


Interesting postscript: this natural fear that we all experience when we see the paranormal can actually be a good thing for the paranormal investigator. This fear is actually fuel for many of the paranormal entities that we search for, and unfortunately it is the very act of trying to control this fear that tends to end any kind of paranormal experience that you might be trying to record.

Astral projection, has been a very popular subject in the New Age movement for a very long time. You can find many books, that purport to teach you how to perform astral projection. Some of these books are modestly complex, and give you a number of different exercises that you can try, in order to achieve separation from your body. Other books that try to teach you how to perform astral projection, can be quite complex, and usually involve a set of energetic exercises, that you must perform over a long period of time.

Whether complex or not, these books are usually not always successful. I believe that the problem lies, in the fact that many people find it very hard to believe, that they can leave their bodies and travel at will. If a person does not believe that there is such a thing as an astral body, I mean really believe deep down in the gut, then it is next to impossible for that person to have a projection experience.

The only way for a person to have a successful astral projection experience through these methods, is to continue these exercises over a long period of time. But this is a long and very tedious method, because it might mean that you could be doing the proposed exercises for a very long time, before you get any kind of result at all. It is even possible, that you will never get a positive astral projection experience, if these exercises are not able to convince you, at a deep level, that these Out of Body experiences are real, and that you can replicate them.

For this reason, I have found that it is much more enjoyable and it is much easier, to attain astral projection experiences by first working on what is referred to as ‘mental projection’. Mental projection is very similar, to what is sometimes called remote viewing. What you are actually doing in mental projection, is projecting your mind to another place. This differs from a full blown astral projection, in that you are not projecting your complete astral body, but you are just projecting your mind. In other words when you project somewhere, doing the mental projection technique, you will experience the place you wish to visit, but you will not see yourself in that place, it’s sort of like watching a television show, as opposed to participating in a play.

In order to do mental projection, you must be in a very wakeful state, and you can do it anytime during day or night, whenever you find a quiet moment for 15 minutes to half an hour. Mental projection is much easier for the ego to take, and it is therefore a very good way to become successful at astral projection.

In order to do mental projection:
– Find a nice quiet place, where you can be alone for 15 minutes to half an hour. Try to do this exercise when you are not mentally or physically exhausted, because the trick to this exercise is to try to stay awake, and consciously control the direction of your mind. Take a comfortable position on a chair preferably.

– When comfortable and relaxed, take a few deep breaths. These should be nice and even breaths, that allow you to cleanse your mind and relax completely.

– After about 10 nice deep relaxing breaths, close your eyes and visualize a place where you would like to go. It can be anywhere you want, either the adjacent room, or a place that is many miles away. It is important that at the beginning of these exercises, you know the place where you are going, that is you have been there before. As you become better at mental projection, you can pick new places, where you have never been before, it won’t matter then if this place is on the other side of the world, or the other side of the universe.

– Now, with your eyes closed, imagine this place as vividly as possible. Try to visualize with every one of your senses, that is don’t just try to see the place, but also try to hear the sounds from that place, feel the environment around you, smell the environment, and perhaps even taste the environment if that is at all justified.

– For 15 minutes, try to visualize that place in the most detailed way possible. This can be a very hard thing to do, because the mind has a natural desire to wander, so it is up to you to stay focused on this place where you are trying to project, and to keep bringing your mind back there if it does wander off. After a few minutes, it is also possible that you will start to get a little mentally tired, and you might actually start daydreaming, or even dream a little. If this happens, catch yourself and bring yourself back to a conscious state. The idea is to consciously will your mind to a certain place, and avoid any kind of daydreaming, or wandering by the mind. When you are dreaming or daydreaming, the mind takes off by itself, and it is on autopilot. This is what you want to avoid.

– When you are in this place where you have mentally projected yourself, try to become as aware as possible, of all the things around you. It might be a good idea to have a pen and paper ready, when you come out of your trance, so that you can write down the details of what you saw. While you do want to use your memory to get to that place mentally, when you are there and feel that you are there mentally, I want you to take inventory of the things that you see. If there are certain things that are different from what you remember, write these down when you come out of trance.

– After you have woken, and are looking through your notes, see if there’s any way that you can reconcile, some of the new information that you might have discovered through your mental journey. While this might be a difficult thing to do, it can really help your ego awareness, to understand that it has the possibility of being far more flexible in its perceptions.
For example, you might mentally project to a place where you had gone on vacation, and through this endeavor discovered that there was a change, perhaps a new building that you had not seen before. Proving to yourself that this new building is actually real now, will help your ego awareness to understand that mental projection is possible, and that the information that you gather is legitimate.

But don’t worry if you can’t prove the legitimacy, of some of the data that you acquire through your mental projections. The important thing is to do this exercise on a regular basis, because the act of engaging in it, will allow your body to begin to tune into the possibility of a more flexible perceptive state. Your body’s realization, will eventually become your ego’s realization, and as a result you will find it far easier to believe that astral projection is real, and quite possible for YOU!

If you do this exercise on a regular basis, you will be incredibly surprised as to how powerful mental projection can be. You’ll be able to see, and experience things that are probably quite hard for you to accept right now, especially if you have never had an out of body experience or anything similar. It is quite possible, that you like this exercise so much that you might even forget about the idea of astral projection completely.

Don’t be surprised though, if after doing the mental projection exercises for a while, you find yourself having a complete out of body experience. The mental projection exercise, is far more entertaining than the exercises that you will find in most astral projection books, and is by itself a very valid form of projection, that can allow you to eventually go anywhere you want within the known and unknown universe. Thanks to these personal experiences, you will naturally change your beliefs about the possibility of travelling beyond the confines of your body. This change in belief, will naturally allow you to have out of body experiences.

out-of-body-experiences-quickly-and-easily-cover-3dFor all those interested in in reading more about how to have Out of Body Experiences quickly and easily, please check out my book. In this book I present a radically new way to leave the physical body and have a complete Out of Body Experience, where it is not just your mind traveling, but your entire ethereal body. This method is fast, fun, and efficient. I also go into detail about:

-The different worlds that you can access in the Out of Body state
-The type of beings that you can encounter
-Ways to deal with and overcome the limitations of the ego self
-How to consciously participate in Astral Travel and Lucid Dreaming
-How to create and solidify an Astral body
-How to develop Energetic Containment so that you can travel anywhere you want safely.

If you do the mental projections that I talk about in this Video, the double body projection that I talk about in my book, will be very easy indeed. It is quite possible that through just the mental projection exercises, which I describe here in this video, you will naturally have a double body projection without any other help at all.

It is indeed the case that mental projection, is one of the best ways to have a bonafide astral projection, because the mental projection exercise, works directly on the key component of all this: your personal beliefs about the possibility of travel without the physical body.

When Darwin wrote “On the Origin of Species” on November 24/1859, it was indeed a monumental occasion for the emerging science of evolution. Scientists were finally given a theory that they were willing to get behind and like any new religion, its converts traveled far and wide preaching this gospel.

This article investigates the possibility that science and its greatest tenet Evolution, are in many ways a new religion.
How can I possibly make the statement that science is a religion? And more importantly how can I possibly doubt that evolution is concrete, proven, and very real?

If for any reason you have felt pangs of disgust or anger, then you should seriously consider how these emotional reactions are very similar to the emotional reactions that religious people experience when another questions the existence of God. In this article I am not denying Evolution or advocating Creationism, I am discussing something far more important.

It is interesting for me to see just how easily people forget their own history.  600 years ago the church held power over Europe and to question God was a crime that was punishable by death. Many looking back at history may imagine that there would be all these secretive groups walking around questioning the existence of God and hoping for something better like science to come along. But the reality was/is that most of the people during that time believed in God as many now believe in science and the mere idea that something like evolution was more real than creationism was beyond the ability of many to even conceptualize.
It is a popular notion to think of these people in medieval Europe as backwards, definitely uncool. But the reality is that their notions were and are no better than the notions that we now have, no matter how much we would like to think that our beliefs are so much more enlightened. They didn’t believe that they were part of a society that held silly opinions; they believed just like modern people believe that they were at the pinnacle of enlightenment and held notions that were proven to be true by their current reasoning. Same people as now, same silliness, slightly different beliefs.

Because of the current belief in evolution, it is easy to think that since Medieval people existed in the past, that they were less evolved than us now. Evolution after all tells us that we progress over time and just like we evolved from lesser apes, our earlier beliefs are less evolved than our current ones. But the theory of evolution can be contested just like the theory of sequential time (time existing as a linear cause and effect model instead of a spacious present model) can be contested. Our belief structures are an amazing trap and there are very few that can see outside of them; facts, you must realize, are just beliefs that are taken for granted.

While you might think that we have come a long way since medieval Europe, no longer willing to burn someone at the stake for their beliefs perhaps, we can though hardly be said to be civilized about how we deal with others with different beliefs. Certainly people are no longer being drawn and quartered but they are still being destroyed in other ways.
Those that know anything about the academic establishment, know that if you don’t ‘toe the line’, that is you don’t follow the rules of the academic bureaucracy, you will be ostracized and your career will be finished. The academic establishment runs on money and internal cohesion, those that would endanger that cohesion or the money flow have found themselves blackballed and sometimes even jailed.

A good example of dogmatic scientific belief, is the ‘Theory of Evolution’. While we might think that this theory stands upon a bedrock of logic and concrete evidence, the reality is that it is still a theory and in reality there is no real proof to its existence. If you are unfortunate enough to go into some site and debate evolutionary theory with someone, someone who most likely thinks they know everything but really knows only what they have read in books, or even worse have had the unfortunate experience of debating these issues with a very staunch academic body, then you will know that their rant soon takes on a religious zeal. And depending on how much power these people hold over you, a debate like this can be quite costly.

But there are a number of large problems with the theory of evolution:

– First of all evolution requires that our planet be very old. According to most estimates, that is estimates put together by scientists using current scientific geological dating methods, the Earth is something like 4.5 billion years old. The theory of evolution needs this kind of time because one of its basic precepts is that species changed over millions of years in order to adapt themselves to certain environments. Without this time, unless mutations are happening much faster than evolution now believes, this theory cannot be proven to be correct.
And yet, some scientists question these geological dating methods. Different dating methods for the Earth have come up with much different timelines for the creation of the planet; some postulate that the Earth is far younger than what we think. These new and alternative dating methods are based on hard and correct science and yet they will not be considered by academia because many of these methods just do not give data that fits into what science currently believes.
You see here is where we get into the part where science seems to no longer be a discipline of curiosity and questioning,  and we start to see it for what it’s becoming; which is an organization that is only willing to see that which fits into its propositions, and this after all is what religion is all about.

While I’m not going to go deeply into any one of these points, I will recommend the book : “forbidden science” by Richard Milton. In his book you will find many of these theories covered in greater detail.

– A  missing link has never been found. Evolutionary theory tells us that we evolved over time; that our early ancestors were tiny mammals that evolved into a distinct branch of life forms that embraces the monkeys, then the apes, and finally with us at the very top. Each creature evolving over time and changing from one species to another until we are the final results.
But the reality is that the missing link, that is a creature in between man and ape, has never been found. Many would consider Australopithecus, and Lucy in particular, to be this missing link. And if you were to go into the natural history Museum in England and you were to look at this recovered Australopithecus skeleton, you would most likely naturally conclude that yes indeed this creature does seem to be half ape and half human. The way this old and sparse skeleton is put together, makes  it look like it has a straight back with straight legs and a monkey’s head. But those that know of paleontology’s early history, know that scientists love to rearrange bones and all sorts of different ways to suit their current ideas.

Some scientists believe that Lucy is actually just a type of extinct monkey. Such scientists can take that same skeleton in rearrange it in a different way which suggests that Lucy was not a bipedal creature at all. These scientists and these theories are ignored. Scientists that push this theory are ostracized and blackballed.

– According to the theory of evolution, life sprang forth when certain chemicals and the right environment presented itself. By sheer random chance, in a small pond somewhere on earth a few billion years back, certain chemicals got together and from this sludge life was formed. Unfortunately for microbiologist everywhere, this is a concept that has never been replicated. That is to date there is no scientist anywhere that has been able to take a batch of different chemicals and from them bring forth any kind of microbial life at all.
So why is this ignored?

There are many other problems with the theory of evolution, explore them at your own peril  :p

Now I’m not arguing for creationism over evolution. So please do not send comments trying to prove the stupidity of my notions on evolution [ read the book and tell Richard Milton instead 🙂 ] or comment about how great I am because I stood up for creationism. This article is actually about beliefs, an article that hopefully will help you realize a little just how powerful beliefs are in our lives; how powerful beliefs are in shaping our reality and how they can make us completely ignore certain data.

I do not though believe in a mechanistic soulless world, where brutal survival of the fittest has created man as the pinnacle of evolutionary processes. I question the theory of evolution and I think that you should too. Not because you should believe what I believe but because we should all strive to understand our own beliefs and how these shape our reality. How beliefs can even turn us into murderous zealots at times.

Why is this important when we talk about the paranormal? It is extremely important because the paranormal is what exists outside of the conceptualized framework of science.  Science will not accept the paranormal because they believe that it exists outside of scientific scrutiny, and is therefore so much fantasy. They are right on one count, science can’t see it. But science can’t seem to find the paranormal because it doesn’t believe in it and therefore ignores any data that contradicts its current scientific notions; just like they ignore any hard science and logic that might in any way oppose the Theory of Evolution.

Without an expansion of the mind, an expansion of the intellect, the paranormal will always be the beyond science and this is a real crime against humanity.

There are many people who would like to be psychic. The interesting thing is that we are all psychic really, what tends to hold us back is our disbelief in our abilities and therefore our inability to tune into our perceptions. Perceptions which are usually called psychic or extrasensory, tend to be perceptions that are at the very edge of our attention; that is they exist at the very edge of our conscious attention.

Being psychic therefore involves the ability to access nearly subconscious data. The better that a person is able to access this subtle perception, the more capable that they are as a psychic. Sometimes all we have to go on with these nearly imperceptible perceptions, is a gut feeling or image that has been projected into our minds when we weren’t so focused on daily affairs.

It is possible though to find out if you have any psychic inclinations at all. Here is a simple questionnaire that you can ask yourself to get a basic idea as to how susceptible you are to very subtle perceptions. As I said we are all psychic, but this test should tell you how good you are picking up subtle nearly, subconscious perceptions.

Ask yourself the following questions:

– Have you ever wanted to write something or perhaps draw a picture, which when you look at it in retrospect, seems completely alien to the way that you usually think?

– Do you ever have certain patterns, like the patterns on the ceiling or the patterns in a really busy curtain, change into the faces or into other images?

– Have you ever had a gut feeling that a close friend or relative has been in some kind of trouble or an accident?

– Have you ever smelled something that no one else seems to be able to smell but that somehow invokes an image or a feeling within you that is almost overwhelming?

– Have you ever had a negative feeling about someone who everyone else seems to think is so good?

– When you encounter someone who is feeling ill, do have a natural inclination to touch them or to send them positive energy?

– Have you ever had a strong feeling not to go down a certain alley or perhaps not go to a certain place, but you have no logical reason for this feeling?

– Have you ever handled some kind of item and have noticed that this item invokes certain images in your mind or certain feelings?

– When you’re drifting off to sleep have you ever heard voices, perhaps even a voice talking to you directly?

– Do you see flashes of light out of the corner of your eye or perhaps even around other people?

– Do you ever get a sense that the phone is about to ring just before it rings?

– Do you ever get a strong gut feeling that something’s going to happen, and it does?

– Do you sometimes know what another person is going to say for no particular reason?

– Have you ever dreamt something that later came true?

– Have you ever had a feeling or impulse to turn around only to find out that someone was staring at you?

– Have you ever had the feeling, while alone in a lonely place, that someone is there with you or someone is watching you when in fact you are all alone?

– After stepping into a house or a building for the first time, have you ever had an intense impression from the place, a feeling of sadness or happiness perhaps?

– Have you ever met someone for the first time and yet you know you’ve met them somewhere before?

– Do you see things out of the corner of your eye, perhaps shadows?

– Have you ever seen colored mists? Around people, animals, or objects?

These are simple questions but they can lead to further questioning on your part. This questioning can show you how sensitive you are to those subtle perceptive details that other people tend to overlook. If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, then you should realize that you do have psychic potential.

In the future, try to pay more attention to those subtle feelings, those gut feelings, those random images that pop into your head from nowhere. It is through this awareness that you will discover your psychic self.

A key topic in this study of the paranormal, is the study of extra sensory perception. Extrasensory perception is usually defined as perception that goes beyond our usual ideas of what perception should be. That is perception that seems to be beyond our regular five senses.

Many wonder if extrasensory perception exists, and there have been many studies, both scientific and otherwise, to try and prove the existence of extrasensory perception. There have been many studies for example to see if we humans can perceive the future. Certainly the ability to see the future and predict future events could definitely be called an extrasensory perception.

Unfortunately the work that has been done in this area, tends to usually use clinical experimentation that goes completely against the subjective experience that is responsible for this kind of extrasensory awareness. The mind cannot be reined within clinical laboratory conditions, and any attempt to pin it down tends to negate the mind’s natural free flowing nature. Most of the studies done into extrasensory perception tend to rely on statistical evidence which means that thousands upon thousands of tests must be run, all in the same way and all within a certain timeframe.

These statistical studies put the subjects that participate in them through long and very boring tasks. The mind quickly shuts down under such rigorous and repetitive work. Studying extrasensory perception in this way can only lead to eventual failure, or results that are very unimpressive.

Extrasensory perception, more specifically the ability to see the future, relies on a free-flowing mind. In order to break the seal of time, that is break free of  the belief structures and egoistic patterns that tend to censor the data that we are aware of consciously, we need to allow our minds to go into a free-flowing state. The best possible scenario would actually be to record our dreams and see how they relate to future events within our lives, because it is within dreams that the mind is most free and the ego is not censoring information that does not seem to fit within its ideas of space and time. Yet very little work has been done into the correlation between dream images and future events which I suppose is a completely reasonable approach by the scientific establishment since they do consider the perception of future events to be natural or possible.

As an individual, since you might not be bound by the conventions of orthodox scientific belief, there are ways that you can explore your own extrasensory abilities; your own ability to foretell the future quite naturally. Here’s an exercise that you might want to try when you have some time:

  • place a pad of writing paper and a pen beside your bed before you go to sleep.
  • When you wake up in the morning, try and recall as much of your dreams as possible and write as much as you remember of dreams. It is important to do this right after you wake up in the morning; dreams are easily forgotten so you must make sure that you write what you remember about your dreams right after you wake up in the morning.
  • Also write down the first five things that pop into your head when you wake up in the morning. As we wake up in the morning from a long night of sleep, our minds are in a pleasant free flow state for a while and as a result are far more open to random thoughts that we usually tend to censor in a more wakeful state. Write down these random thoughts, whatever they might be. For example you could write down carrot or the color blue, you might also have a certain feeling such as apprehension or the desire to see an old friend. Whatever it is that pops into your head, write it down. Make a list of about 5 to 10 things, the first 5 to 10 things that pop into your head first thing in the morning.
  • Take this list with you as you make your way through your typical day. Read over that list and also read over any dream event that you might have written down. Pay particular notice of anything that happens during your day that relates directly to your list or to your dream events. See if there’s any correlation at all between those things on your writing pad and those things you experience during your day.
  • Do this for a exercise for a week and see what happens. If you had a desire to see an old friend, did you actually run into that old friend during your day? Did something in your dream event have any relation, even symbolically, to something that has happened to you during your day? Did something on yesterday’s list happen today?


I think that if you do this exercise on a consistent basis, you’ll be quite amazed by the results that you get. While an exercise like this can be very difficult to replicate using strict laboratory conditions, it can nevertheless be an incredibly powerful exercise that any individual can try. Done on a consistent basis, you will find that there is a certain pattern to your dream symbology; that is you will begin to find definite patterns between certain things that you see and feel within your subjective state and things that you experience objectively.

Try this exercise, I think you will be surprised at the results to get.

When we speak about an entity such as ghosts or poltergeist, what kinds of creatures are these really? Even when we speak about creatures that we considered to be quite flesh and blood, like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster, could we sometimes be misidentifying what we see?

When I talk about inorganic beings, please do not believe that I am negating the existence of flesh and blood creatures like Bigfoot or the existence of life beyond the grave like ghosts. What I am doing is presenting a seldom researched type of life form that exists on planet Earth, this is a sentient awareness without biological corporealness. Sentience and awareness that has the possibility of focused attention and is encased in an energetic structure that is not biological.

Some practitioners of the occult realized long ago that we share the Earth with a type of life that modern science believes to be completely impossible. These inorganic beings share this Earth with us and are far more aware of us than we are of them. While there seems to be a large chasm between us, that is they do seem to exist within their own separate universe as it were, they can nevertheless come through this thin membrane that separates our two worlds and interact with us.

These aware beings without physical clothing often get a bad rap. The reason for this is that their sustenance can sometimes make them rather dangerous company. They need to consume just like we do but while we consume our energy through other biological life-forms for the most part, they consume their energy directly; that is they consume their energy in raw form.

While they can survive quite easily on the energetic food supplied by the Earth itself, they do covet the extra power that they can consume from living organic entities. Specifically they crave emotional energy. All higher life forms generate emotional energy and this emotional energy is highly coveted by them because unlike us they cannot create this emotional energy themselves. While they seem almost inert energetically, we organic beings shine like bright lights compared to them.

Human beings are of course a great source of this energy. Fear and terror are what attract these creatures the most but any large emotional output is sufficient to attract their attention. While most of these creatures go about their business without much desire to interact with humanity at all, there are some that specialize in feeding off of the emotional energy that they can get from human beings. They can’t, to my knowledge,  hurt a human being directly but they can nevertheless scare one to death through the manipulation of his or her awareness.

I believe that many of the reports of paranormal phenomena are actually these inorganic beings interacting either accidentally or purposefully with human beings. As I said, I do not mean to deny the existence of ghosts for example but I do believe that SOME of these ghost reports are actually inorganic beings that witnesses confuse with departed spirits.

The interesting thing about these high-level inorganic beings, is that given the presence of intense emotional energy, they can take on the form of just about anything that suits their needs. While some Bigfoot reports for example might be quite legitimate, some of these reports could actually be inorganic beings taking on this form in order to create a huge terror response from the human that is witnessing the phenomena. They seem to have the ability to look within the minds of people and create the form of something that the person expects to see.

If we expect to see horned demons when we enter a certain place or make our way through a dark forest, then this is what we will see when we run into such an inorganic being. If we expect to see a big hairy creature, a wood-sprite, or a gray alien, this is what we will see and they will manipulate our awareness to get as much emotional energy from this encounter as possible.

As I said, this does not mean that all sightings of Bigfoot are inorganic beings. What it means is that there is another wrinkle that we must consider whenever we are hunting for the unknown. These inorganic creatures have been around seemingly long before we got to this Earth and will most likely be around far longer than we will be. Some occult practitioners have learnt to work with these creatures and there have been and there still are certain groups that worship these creatures as well.

Their existence is not a secret but modern man with his rational contemplations finds the existence of these beings to be utterly impossible. As such you will be hard-pressed to find knowledge of them anywhere except perhaps as reference where they are mislabeled as gods, demigods, criptids of all kinds, ghosts, poltergeist, etc.

The best way to identify such a creature as opposed to perhaps a paranormal encounters of a different kind, is to see how much this encounter seems to rely on an emotional response from you. If for example you encounter a criptid that seems to be more interested in terrorizing you or torturing you in some way as opposed to just getting the heck out of the way, you are most likely dealing with an inorganic being. If you could manage it, see what happens when you completely turn off all emotional response. An inorganic being would essentially fade away, turn into a vapor like substance or perhaps even an orb.

It’s a big wrinkle I know, with many overlaps into other phenomenon that could be quite legitimate paranormal phenomenon of another kind. Researching the paranormal is not an easy thing but anyone trying to understand this field should be aware of these creatures or else it will be impossible for this person to make any headway without finding incredible contradictions in their recorded data.


If you are interested in finding out more about inorganic beings, then may I suggest this book. In it I have given more detail about inorganic beings in general; for example the fact that they come in different shapes and sizes, the fact that while some can actually be intellectually superior to us, there are many that can be quite simplistic and animal like in nature. I dedicate a chapter to specifically talk about Predatory Non Organic Beings (PNOBs) and how to defend against and overcome them.



In the last article we explored the idea of UFOs and extraterrestrial aliens. We contemplated the possibility of their reality and we considered a little bit of the data that is available to us through different studies that had been done here in North America.

Using the Condon report for example, we found that there was conclusive evidence, by highly skilled and competent scientists, that 16% of the aerial phenomenon witnessed by people is of unknown origin. I stated that this is a huge percentage, one that I would imagine raised many eyebrows in the scientific community. Whether you want to believe in UFOs or not, think about the fact that 16% of phenomenon witnessed by people over the skies of the world cannot be identified. That’s huge, it is essentially telling us that there is a big unknown out there, but science seems to be completely ignoring it as far as we know.

At the end of the article, I asked you to take a very conservative figure like 5%. From all of the reports on UFO phenomenon, let’s take a really conservative number like 5% and call this the totality of the possibility of a truly unknown phenomena. Can we explore this 5%?

Within this 5% there could certainly be all sorts of meteorological phenomenon that we are not aware of. Since it is an unknown, the possibilities of what this 5% could be is essentially near infinite. But let us take that conservative 5% and postulate that that number represents the phenomenon that we have begun to call the UFO phenomena.

Within that number, we can further subdivided into three major theories. Let us say then that most of this 5% can be made up of:

  • Extraterrestrial alien life from other planets within our galaxy or beyond
  • Trans-dimensional alien life that exists within different dimensions in other universes
  • Inorganic beings that while possibly trans-dimensional in some of their nature, are essentially creatures that share this Earth with us without our knowledge. Essentially earthlings of an inorganic nature


In this way our very conservative number allows us to still make room for the possible meteorological phenomenon, or other, which would be considered ‘natural’ Earth phenomena by science, and still give us room to explore those odd happenings occurring in and around our Earth which seem to take on seemingly Sentient or willed action. That is let us explore further those odd things witnessed by people which seems to act like intelligent life; willed action by some kind of sentient life that we do not consider of this Earth.

We have already considered the first theory within our 3 possible theories; the possibility that this phenomenon is caused by some kind of extraterrestrial life that is visiting us from another planet or planets within this known universe. As such, the researchers that believe this theory as the major explanation for UFO activity, are usually interested in finding concrete physical evidence. That is they are usually looking for a lenticular shaped craft made of some kind of material, perhaps an alloy that we do not as yet possess on Earth, and made by a technology far more advanced than ours.

As I’ve mentioned in the last article, science no longer find this possibility so outlandish. Advances within our own scientific understanding of the universe and its laws, have allowed us to make new discoveries and to take far more seriously the possibility that some kind of alien life exists. Moreover our scientific advancements have allowed us to no longer ridicule the possibility of interstellar travel, this is due to our advancements in physics and are greater understanding of space/time.


As usual it seems that science fiction beat regular science to the punch:

  • Warp travel while still far beyond our energetic capabilities, has been proven possible mathematically. Quantum mechanics and string theory have opened up the possibilities of a multidimensional universe. This greatly increases the possibilities of long distance interstellar voyage by an advanced species.
  • We no longer live on a flat earth with the Sun and all the other stars and planets in the universe revolving around us. And we no longer live in an isolated little blue speck, the only amazingly wonderful planet where life could exist and become sentient. We now exist in a universe where we are not so unique or alone, where we have already discovered many more planets, some of which have the potential of creating life just like ours.


One wonders how long it will take our self-centered nature to get over itself enough, so that it might begin to contemplate seriously the possibility of sentient interstellar life. Life that could quite possibly be visiting us now.

Those researchers that mainly believe that UFOs are physical crafts from another planet, tend to make some very interesting points:

  •  Skeptics for example ask why we have never found the physical evidence that such a theory implies. Why have we never found actual crafts and why are videos and pictures always blurry. But those that have been studying this phenomenon for a while point out that there seems to be much evidence that these crafts, after 1947, have been recovered in many places around the world. There seems to be evidence for example that the US government and other governments around the world have recovered such craft and are keeping many secrets in this area. Researchers point out that there is indeed a lot of evidence from eyewitness reports that seem to show that many have seen downed craft and their alien occupants. Those same witnesses also report that the military tends to do a very good job of recovering any kind of evidence, and of silencing those witnesses through intimidation.
  •  These researchers point to our incredible increase in technology in the last 50 to 70 years. While many of them do not deny that we are a very intelligent and creative bunch, they do nevertheless question how it is that we jumped so incredibly in technological prowess within such a short period of time. Furthermore they point out that this technological prowess seems to have been centered in three major areas in the world;


1.     Germany during the Nazi regime
2.     The United States
3.     The Soviet Union


And that while other countries might have caught up rather quickly, like Japan for example, they did need to first get hold of this new technology and backwards engineer it. They point out that the superpowers of the Earth, then and now, do and did have the power to track and recover downed alien spacecraft from anywhere in the world, and that they certainly have the ruthlessness to silence any witness. Would not a world superpower wish to confiscate any alien debris or information in order to maintain its technological superiority?
They ask the question therefore; is it possible that this incredible technological advancement was the result of some kind of contact with extraterrestrial life? That perhaps this technological advancement was due to technology salvaged from crashed alien spaceships?

Certainly this would go a long way in explaining why it is that we have advanced so much technologically and yet spiritually we have not advanced at all. Science fiction writers sometimes contemplate the possibility of a civilization advancing technologically as a result of some kind of interference and yet not evolving at all spiritually. Could this be what is happening to us right now? If so, it is worth noting that usually in such science-fiction stories those civilizations that increase in power and technologically but not so in spiritually end up destroying themselves.


In our next installment we will look into the second UFO theory, and open up a whole new can of worms; The possibility of Trans-dimensional Alien life.

Arguably one of the hottest topics in the paranormal, is the existence of UFOs and aliens. As someone who has witnessed the UFO movement through many decades, it is quite interesting indeed to see the changes this movement has gone through.

The most interesting and perhaps the most thrilling change to the UFO movement and the possibility of alien contact, has been what I have seen within the scientific community. When this movement really picked up steam back in 1947, the scientific community was very much against any kind of UFO phenomena or alien visitation here on Earth. The biggest reason for this was sciences inability to conceptualize the possibility of alien civilizations, actually their total inability to conceptualize the possibility of any kind of alien life at all.

But that has changed. And watching this progression through the decades, it is indeed a study in human psychology. Back in the early days of the UFO phenomenon; swamp gas, the planet Venus, and general human delusion where the major cause and the only probability that a respectful scientists could take seriously. While quantum physics for example had already been conceptualized, theorized, and worked mathematically, it’s hold over the scientific establishment was still quite tenuous and the old establishment was not ready to accept some of the far out concepts that came along with the quantum dynamics package.

Now scientists are far more comfortable with quantum dynamics and have moved on to such things as String Theory which has opened up a whole new arena in scientific possibility. It’s so interesting to look back in history and remember the thousands of scientists ridiculing any kind of interplanetary travel because they could not conceptualize, through the scientific method, any possible way to travel the vast distances of space. 20 years ago the scientific community considered travel within distant planetary systems to be highly problematic and most likely improbable unless the voyagers were willing to give up hundreds of thousands of years to reach their destination.
Now the possibility of warp travel is being seriously considered by physicists and astrophysicists. Quantum physics and string theory postulates multiple universes and as such we no longer have thousands and thousands of scientists telling us that long distance interplanetary travel is next to impossible.

With the discovery of new planets outside our own solar system and furthermore the discovery of planets that could harbor life, scientists no longer find it so hard to believe in alien life. It’s a funny turn really for those of us have been paying attention; it used to be that a scientist would be ridiculed if he or she were to take alien life too seriously but now a scientist would most likely be ridiculed if they were not to at least conceptualize the possibility of alien life.

The next step will obviously be when scientists go from their insistence that all alien life is most likely highly simple, such as bacteria or really simple life forms, to their acceptance of the possibility of far more complex life, perhaps even alien life that they would consider sentient. I look forward to that time and yet I am sad that it has taken the scientific community so long to make such a small and gradual jump. I suppose all things must happen in their own measured time but I would love to be able to see some of the more thrilling ideas and conceptions that could come from the scientific community if they were now willing to completely believe in the existence of sentient life outside of this planet.

Where do we stand right now when it comes to UFOs and the possibility of alien visitation? As I said our concepts have advanced a great deal in the last few decades and some of the new theories and models are quite thrilling.

If we are to look at the potential of UFOs and alien visitation though, we will need to break down the problem and do a little investigating of our own. We could begin by looking at some of the more competent studies that have been done into the UFO phenomenon. Many such investigations have been done both in the United States and abroad, such studies include:

– Project blue book which investigated thousands of cases from  1952 in 1969.
– The Condon report which studied thousands of reports in  1966 to 1968
–The thousands of reports studied by the civilian organization NICAP

Just from these studies alone we can come to a most interesting conclusion. This conclusion is that 70 to 90% of the cases that were studied, cases involving some kind of UFO sighting, could be classified as being identified. That is 70 to 90% of the cases studied by these three groups could be said to be identifiable objects of one kind or another.

But each organization, no matter how skeptic and prejudiced to the information studied, had to conclude that 16 to 5% of the cases that they did study were essentially unknown. That is 16 to 5% of the cases that were studied could not be discredited as being either swamp gas, the planet Venus, or delusion. While the man in charge of the Condon report for example, Edward Condon, seemed to do his best to discredit the entire field of ufology, the very serious scientists working on that committee concluded through serious study that 16% of the cases reported were unknown phenomena.

So a highly educated and intelligent scientific committee has concluded that 16% of the phenomenon being witnessed by people around the world is of unknown origin. That in my opinion is quite amazing and any scientist worth his salt should find it quite amazing as well because it essentially means that there is something going on out there that is UNEXPLAINABLE!

Perhaps next time that some skeptical Inquirer or some academic tries to tell you UFOs aren’t real or that sentient life on other planets is impossible, you should remind him of some of the studies which show that scientists seem to not be able to explain many of the occurrences that are happening on THIS planet right now. You might want to point out that since scientists are not able to explain a significant portion of the phenomenon happening on this very planet right now, that he or she should perhaps not be so adamant about insisting that extraterrestrial visitation and complex alien life are impossible. Or perhaps you should record the conversation and play it back to the skeptic in 20 years when science will have ‘allowed’ him or her to believe in greater possibilities.

So let us take a very conservative number like 5%; let us say that of all of the UFO sightings out there, 5% of them could be really worth looking into because many studies have proven that they are not delusion or misidentification, that they are essentially unknown phenomena.











That 5% could be extraterrestrial visitation or it could be some other unknown that we have not considered yet because our scientific theories hold no concepts for us to understand them. In Part Two of the alien question, we will look a little further into this 5% and examine some of the possible causes of this strange UFO phenomenon.

When we speak about the paranormal, we tend to be speaking about that which we consider the unknown. The unknown is a very large word in the sense that it could mean anything beyond our perceptions; for example the unknown to me could be anything that’s behind me, I can’t see behind me so essentially what is behind me is somewhat unknown.

The unknown also hides within self-imposed barriers. These self-imposed barriers are beliefs; beliefs that are so powerful that we sometimes call them facts. A particular fact for example is the notion that time is a sequential affair. That is we all take it for granted that time extends in a linear fashion where there is a past and the future with us standing in the middle, a middle which we call the present. This is a fact, we believe.

But anyone who knows anything about modern physics knows that scientists within this field have now been able to prove mathematically that our perception of time is wrong. While Newton believed in a mechanical universe governed by laws of cause and effect, modern physicists have discovered that this Newtonian ideal tends to only hold true within our own perspective size.

Particle physics for example had to throw out cause and effect because within the realm of the subatomic, effects sometimes happen before the cause. Astrophysicists studying very large to near infinite objects have also needed to expand their ideas of cause and effect because of the incredibly powerful effects that gravity has on time. Newtonian physics and our ideas of cause and effect are largely responsible for our ideas of time, or it would be even better to say that the creation of Newtonian physics was due to our current ideas of time. Without this cause-and-effect, our ideas of time change and there is no longer a linear and sequential progression of action.

This sequential and linear idea of time is in many ways a Western centric concept. The Hindu Vedas for example conceptualize time on much larger scales and as a result conceptualize time in a more cyclical and holistic ways. Many ancient cultures see and saw time not as a string but as a plate where all existed at once just on different geographic regions on that plate.
One of the key tenants within Zen Buddhism is the idea of the here and now; they conceptualize life as existing only in this present moment. The past and the future are an the illusion created by the mind and the mind is a sickness that must be eradicated at all cost.

What if we were to take a radical new approach to time? What if we were to consider time as not existing in a linear sequence but as existing all at once? Since time for us is so directly linked to space, what if we conceptualized reality as existing all at once within one point. For a moment, try to conceptualize the idea that all things in the present, past, and future are existing now all at once. Any action that you took in the past to arrive at this present moment and any future consequence from the actions of this present moment exist now. As a fun exercise, try to imagine time in this fashion now.

If we are good visualizers, we can begin to see time in a totally different way. Seeing time in this fashion, it becomes a lot harder to pin ‘reality’ down in our minds and things can get a bit chaotic. We can no longer use a linear sequence to try and pin down the course of our actions and it becomes much harder to separate that which is within your subjective experience and that which is physical action. Time experienced in this way becomes much more a matter of intensities and far less a matter of self-imposed belief structures.

The present moment is now our most intense experience. As such even doing our imaginative exercise, we are still bound within the experience of our physical nature. But if you conceptualize this notion enough and if you visualize with enough intensity perhaps you could begin to see that there is a possibility that our present physical experience seems so ‘real’ to us because of our intense focus on it. For example if I were to intensely focus on a past experience and visualize this experience with incredible clarity then that past memory takes on an intensity that allows me to experience it as a present moment and it therefore becomes physically real and emotionally moving.

This is also possible with a future experience or a potentially future one. For example if a well trained hypnotist and a very good hypnotic subject conceptualize a probable event where the hypnotized subject comes into contact with a hot iron, then that hypnotic subject can actually experience that burn as if it were physically real and can manifest a blister on his or her body as a result.

Why is our conception of times so important when we consider the paranormal, the unknown? It is important because our hard bound ideas of time do not allow us to perceive certain events. Another way of saying this would be that our accepted ‘facts’ about time do not allow us to perceive certain events within certain contexts. Since we take it for granted that time is a linear and sequential affair, we cannot conceptualize a world where cause happens before effect or a world where cause has multiple effects. We are not able to easily accept the possibility that the one effect that we do see as physically real, is only one variation within an infinite set of probable events all existing now.

How can we make any headway into the unknown, into the paranormal, when our ideas of time have such rigid boundaries within our psyche. I explore ways to get out of this subjective labyrinth in my book “The Occult Experience”. If you’re interested I highly recommend it to you.

We are all members of a very shortsighted species. As I have discussed in other articles in this paranormal section, our perception of the world is very limited and yet we insist that our perceptions of reality are the only things that exists.

We are like the frog stuck inside a well who thinks that the sky is only a 3 foot by 3 foot circle above him

The frog having never seen the expanse of the sky outside of the well, only believes that the sky is a small and insignificant patch high above him. This frog might even start all sorts of different mythologies and scientific theories comparing the sky to a small lily pad that exist far above. It could come up with all sorts of theories to try to explain why the sky is so small and yet holds so much light, and it might be very satisfied with its answers thinking itself to be very logical.

Like that frog we believe that life only exists within certain parameters. Because of our relative size and our limited perceptive abilities, we believe that life is a hard commodity to find outside of our little well and that it only exists within the parameter of certain rules, which we consider to be quite logical and factual.

We tell ourselves that a rock is not alive because it doesn’t fall within certain criteria for example; criteria which we have rigorously developed using the vast amounts of knowledge that we have been able to gather inside our little well. Seen in this context, can you see the problem with our logic?

The reality of it all is that we are ignorant fleas riding on top of a humongous elephant who sits upon a gigantic turtle the coasts along an infinite river that is filled to the brim with the most exotic and beautiful things imaginable.

We consider the lady that talks to her plants to be a little eccentric. Those that would think that the Earth is a living sentient organism are considered to be outright fools by most of us. Life beyond our perceptive range is as impossible now as the Earth revolving around the sun was 800 years ago in Europe. We might not burn heretics anymore but electroshock treatment is not out of the question.

When we look at something like a rock we cannot consider the possibility of it to being alive. We don’t think that it’s alive because it does not meet certain criteria which we use to separate life from nonlife. For example it does not move on its own, it does not procreate, it does not breed, it does not breathe, and it does not seem to have a will of its own, so it is definitely not a sentient being to be sure. But in many ways this criteria only holds true because of our limited perception within time.

Within our time frame, a rock does not seem to move. Yet if we were to look at the life of a rock within the timeframe of the thousand years or perhaps even longer, we would see that that rock does move. It is moved by the shift of the Earth, the wind, the sun and the very atmosphere in which it exists. It procreates by acting with other geological life, it absorbs certain gases and liquids over time and it even evolves into other states as a coal is transformed into a diamond for example.

Certainly any rational person would tell you that this is not exactly moving or acting on its own since what the rock is really doing is just riding and being changed by the atmosphere all around. A rational person would say that this isn’t exactly moving and it is definitely not any kind of sentience because the rock hasn’t chosen anything for itself it’s just riding a wave.

An economist though would most likely point out that in many ways most of us are very similar to that rock. If we are to look at an individual moving by himself in the middle of the street, we could say that that person seems to have an individual will and is moving as a result of his or her desires. But when we study people statistically and we study thousands of them at once and over a large period of time, statisticians and economists have sometimes concluded that our ideas of free will and independent movement are really a kind of illusion.

People are moved by the forces all around them and are shaped by these forces just like a rock. The individual desires that they hold so dear, and classify as one of the most important parts of their individuality, seem to be shaped completely by external forces. In other words, seen from a certain perspective and within a certain timeline, people are very rock like in their nature.

Looking at a plant we have no qualms about stepping on it or exploiting it to our own benefit without ever considering the fact that it could be a living, thinking, and feeling individual. By our standards, that plant is not alive because it doesn’t react the way we do. And yet if we are to take a time lapse camera and in this way to watch several days’ worth of action within a few minutes, we can see that the plant does move. Within the time lapse film we can see that the plant moves towards those things that it likes and shies away from those things that it does not like. The plant within its own time field, seems to communicate, feel, and even think in ways that are very similar to ours.

Perhaps a brain is just an organ that is required by certain beings living within our particular time frame!

We will never be able to discover the paranormal until we can begin to understand and overcome our perceptive limitations. These perceptive limitations cloud our judgment as to what life and even sentience are fundamentally.