Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

Are you Psychic?

Take this Quick Quiz to find out!

There are many people who would like to be psychic. The interesting thing is that we are all psychic really, what tends to hold us back is our disbelief in our abilities and therefore our inability to tune into our perceptions. Perceptions which are usually called psychic or extrasensory, tend to be perceptions that are at the very edge of our attention; that is they exist at the very edge of our conscious attention.

Being psychic therefore involves the ability to access nearly subconscious data. The better that a person is able to access this subtle perception, the more capable that they are as a psychic. Sometimes all we have to go on with these nearly imperceptible perceptions, is a gut feeling or image that has been projected into our minds when we weren’t so focused on daily affairs.

It is possible though to find out if you have any psychic inclinations at all. Here is a simple questionnaire that you can ask yourself to get a basic idea as to how susceptible you are to very subtle perceptions. As I said we are all psychic, but this test should tell you how good you are picking up subtle nearly, subconscious perceptions.

Ask yourself the following questions:

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Your Results


  1. This is very interesting, I remember when my father died, before my mother and I received the news, we both felt odd.

    1. Thank you for sharing your story Wilhelm!
      You are proof that the bond to those we love can indeed transcend known human limits.

  2. While this was actually happening, I did not observe it as phenomenal…

    Decades ago, when I was a “lass” of 21, I was walking down a country road and had a sudden strong thought that was nearly audible. It was simply this: “Forgive your father!” I hadn’t seen him since I was 4, the year our mother divorced him. We knew he was bipolar and alcoholic and that his parents contributed to “hiding him”. He was their only child. He’d never called, sent a birthday card or, perhaps needless to say, paid any child support, either. Although I didn’t fancy myself angry with him, the ache of his absence – his abandonment – was a deeper part of me than I’d acknowledged until that clarion moment.

    I stopped on a dime as these words pretty much reverberated in my head and I can’t recall if my response was audible, but it was immediate and surprisingly impassioned, and to this effect: “I DO forgive him!” (Again, my memory is dim as to whether I addressed my father or the Source of the voice.) I said that I knew he was ill and that he loved me and my two younger sisters very much. I said that I knew he did the best he could and that he’d probably give anything if the last 17 years could’ve been different. It was as pure a moment of forgiveness as I’ve ever known.

    The entire event couldn’t have lasted much more than a minute, but made quite an impact on me. Approximately two weeks later, we discovered that our father had passed on at the young age of 46. Upon investigation, I was and was not shocked to learn that his actual death occurred within a few hours of my “road to Damascus” incident.

    There is so much more. At five, during two separate crises, I met both Jesus and an angel – with real wings! Of course when you’re that age, everything is a miracle and yet nothing is. It took years for me to realize how defined both experiences were…

    The Jesus meeting was “only” audible and occurred as I was absent-mindedly staring at a picture of Him, arms outstretched to gather children in them. The message was simple, personal and completely powerful.

    The angel episode happened amid a medical emergency and was utterly comforting and reassuring, as well. (I supposedly had a fatal illness – spinal meningitis – and she informed me that a spinal tap that I had to have the next day would be painless: It was.) Two weeks later, I left the hospital after the attending physician wrote the words “miraculous cure” across my chart. Despite becoming an alcoholic/addict myself, I’ve been able to achieve sobriety in subsequent years even if I may be dealing with interlopers who gained access via a tear in my body etheric when I was “out there”, both prior to getting sober and then, in a big way during a later relapse that was more like a death match. It’s truly stunning that I’ve lived to tell this tale. Maybe that’s why I feel this sudden and surprising need to write here, of all places. Funny, too, considering that I’ve thought about calling a crisis hotline for days now…

    A decade ago I discovered the gift of mediumship for which I’m most grateful, but about which I have mixed feelings. Let’s just say it happened out of the blue after a quarter century career that was very different and, by any standard, extremely successful. Now? Or hurt and isolation characterize my position. And, let’s not forget shame, that toxic bear gobbling everything in sight, so to speak, but mostly hope. Here’s the deal, as Letterman used to say…

    I think I’ve allowed myself to be unprotected for too long or too often and that certain less than savory elements occupy my life that have fundamentally altered my usefulness. (That is maybe the biggest understatement I’ve ever communicated.)

    I am declaring this intention: I am calling to my Source, the power of the benevolent angels and those beloved departed who root for me in heaven to vanquish anything within that wants less than my highest purpose achieved for the rest of my time on this planet to help restore me to a life in which I function, period. I miss loving myself and feeling good about what I accomplished – and, in that, I’m including loving others and being of service.

    Mr. Kreiter, thank you for the thoughtful, wise and generous insights you’ve posted here. Reading your words give me hope that I can enlist spiritual and human help to claim my intention – without getting a darn exorcism.

    The fact that I know that our consciousness survives the death of our physical body is the only reason I have not exited early from the frightening quagmire I’ve co-created over the last several years. I could have said that more directly, but assume you know exactly what I mean. In that vein, if you’d be kind enough to send a good thought my way, I’d be, as the saying goes, eternally grateful. That’s from the heart.

    Incidentally, to abet this hope/intention, I have a session scheduled with Alba Weinman in a couple of weeks. I think her work in QHHT – although branded with her own imprimatur – is very important. Considering that I find it as cosmically revolutionary as it gets, she herself is devoid of new age drama queen traits. (I am one of the most reluctant, skeptical psychics I know, btw, in that I fervently desire consistency that, just maybe, can finally transpire when my belief in myself has been restored.)

    Gosh, I certainly didn’t mean to write an autobiography here. Thank you for your forbearance in allowing me to post this. I’ve been reading what others have shared here and think there’s a good chance my experiences aren’t as rare as I felt even just an hour ago!

    Pax et lux,


    1. All my good thoughts are with you. Sometimes when we are very smart and very sensitive we open ourselves to external forces that remind us just how frail we humans are. When this happens, its a reminder that we have the potential to be more, that we all have the potential to be warriors. Look into something like this Brett, or something else that sharpens your claws and helps you build your moats and high walls.
      The battles you face, the things you see and experience, help us all> You are us we are you.

  3. I keep travelling in my dreams to crazy not so great places that i now know ive been before. Im always involved, but trying to help or fight a thing of sorts, sitiations really, many variations. Often times, it seems to be the home i grew up in, is linked to different dimensions.. it …much trauma happened there to say the least.. for my father mother and i. These “dreams” have distorted visuals but most look similar to what we regularly see in 3d. There are circumstances though, that are all types of odd. I have listened to n.d.e. stories and spiritual trials, plant travels etc. But its very strange that i feel like me, sometimes am aware that im vegan and have a child, and other current “awake” similarities but the world im in “dreaming” will have no similarity being my daughter isnt there or im not around food, maybe ill be wearing clothes i dont have, but i know its me now somehow, although i never see myself, im always behind the seems a different timeline, different sky, and like last night, it was a trapped place with some sick creatures, they were something we didnt want to become but werent coming after us…some dogs were turning, like zombies but not clear if it was a bite or all that, its tough to explain short as im trying to do here but, sometimes i go to good places repeatedly, im not aware im dreaming while i am, it is very real, i remember hours of living in these places. Sometimes many different worlds in one night. Often i step right into a different world with one step, usually through a door or entering a new room, it just changes. Trying astral travel and controlling awareness during sleep seems a dead spot. I have been writing and logging dreams for a while, i remember vividly, some i can tell are just muddled subconscious creations of daily inclusives but some…are not some place i could easily conjure…it is too whole and huge with such depth and crazy happenings and characteristics. Anyway, im learning to trust myself more. Low self worth from too young has blinded me for long, i have much work yes but, im terribly interested in my dreams. I tell people about them as ” i was at this world….” and i feel like it is true, but dont yet find many who relate to boomerang ideas with. Do you have any addition to this.. is it my soul is far beyond me and does its bidding it involuntary, am i living in all of these worlds at the same time and just visualizing different lives on different nights? Ive come to a bit of a hault in my progress with finding them out and..they are so impactful.. im searching for good leads on exploring them further. I can kind of feel when someones iteration of dreams is not full or, logical as you’d probably say haha. Thanks so much for all of your books. I’m reading overcoming the archon currently. I also wondered, why is it that you have used the solar cross so much there, what is it symbolizing for you..i see the lines creep out past the edge of the sphere. I have that exact tattoo and was just curious what your vision of it us. I appreciate your work very much and am always intrigued to go deeper. Best wishes 🙂

    1. I am glad that you are really taking your dreams seriously, and remembering them so well. I personally think that dream interpretation is a very personal affair and any dream symbols are yours to decipher. If anything I would recommend my books, Out of Body Experiences Quickly and Naturally, or The Way of the Projectionist. With these you can begin to learn to have far more conscious journeys and then start to decipher your highly personal unconscious symbolism.

  4. “Do you ever have certain patterns, like the patterns on the ceiling or the patterns in a really busy curtain, change into the faces or into other images?”

    I get the others, but what does this one mean?

    1. Interesting question.
      Generally speaking, this is most often a play between the conscious and the unconscious, and such patterns, as the play back-and-forth between concept and image or symbol, can be used as a way to communicate between the two. Indeed if you do a bit of research on this, you will find many geniuses throughout history used to use such patterns in order to get some of their best ideas.

      1. I see faces in stuff all the time (in addition to spirit lights, colors etc.), correspondingly, when I took the military’s ASVAB test they give to high schoolers – I scored abnormally high in pattern recognition.
        Not sure how to capitalize on this ability aside from:
        1. Able to identify voice-overs (actors) in a split second
        2. Able to identify a movie within the first couple of seconds of the movie starting by hearing the music
        3. Easily able to remember movie quotes or other movies, actors have been in
        4. See connections between metaphysical systems

        If you have any applicational use of this ability I’m open to hear it – aside from 4 – it’s a pretty useless ability..

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