Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s all too easy to feel lost in the noise of societal expectations and the constant pressure to conform. For those seeking personal growth and self-discovery, this feeling can be especially pronounced. Yet, what if the answer doesn’t lie in the external world of shared experiences and societal involvement, but within the depths of our own being?

This is the concept of inner alchemy, a practice steeped in the traditions of alchemy and personal transformation. Inner alchemy tells us to delve deep within ourselves and uncover the hidden treasures that lie within. This journey is not for the faint of heart, but it offers a unique reward – the opportunity to become more oneself, to shine a radiant inner light that can take us to incalculable places and even inspire and deepen the journeys of others.

A. The Intensity and Radiance of the Inner Alchemist’s Journey

The inner alchemist’s journey is an artistic quest for self-discovery and transformation, a courageous venture into the uncharted territories of our own minds. It’s an exploration into the depths of our consciousness, where we uncover the hidden aspects of our psyche, the whispers of our soul, and the secrets of our own unique essence. As we delve deeper into the labyrinth of our own being, we begin to unravel the tangled threads of our thoughts, emotions, and desires, revealing the intricate patterns and designs that shape our lives.

With each step, the intensity of our inner journey increases, like a flame burning brighter with each passing moment. The more we confront and transcend our fears, doubts, and limitations, the more radiant our inner light becomes. This light is not just a flicker of insight or a flash of inspiration, but a steady, pulsing glow that illuminates our path and guides us towards our highest potential. The deeper we delve, the more our inner radiance intensifies, casting a warm, golden light upon our surroundings, nourishing and illuminating all that we touch.

As we continue on this journey of self-discovery, we begin to realize that our inner alchemy is not just a process of personal transformation, but a gift to the world. Our unique blend of experiences, perspectives, and passions becomes a catalyst for creativity, innovation, and positive change. Our inner light shines brighter, hopefully illuminating the path for a select ‘few’ others to follow, and our presence becomes a beacon of hope and inspiration in a world that often needs it. The intensity and radiance of the inner alchemist’s journey is a journey that never ends, a lifelong process of growth, evolution, and transformation, as we continue to uncover, refine, and share our inner gold with the world.”

B. The Solo Journey: Embracing the Inner Alchemist’s Path

Our journey as inner alchemists may be a solo one, but it’s a necessary part of the process, a crucial step towards awakening our true potential. By embracing our inner light and focusing on our personal growth, we create a space for true self-expression and transformation. We become beacons of inspiration, shining our light for those who will benefit from it, and in doing so, we not only illuminate our own path but also provide a guiding force for others to follow.

Inspiration breeds inspiration, and one individual’s journey may deepen the depths of another’s. A single spark can ignite a wildfire of creativity, innovation, and progress. However, it’s essential to remember that the way of the inner alchemist is not one of shunning the world but of becoming more oneself. It’s not about hiding away from others, but about cultivating a sense of authenticity and integrity that radiates from within.

And, of course, this comes with the caveat of knowing that one must be very careful in our dealings with others and the memetic wars they engage in. In a world where external validation and social comparison often reign supreme, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlpool of other people’s opinions and lose sight of our own inner guidance. But the inner alchemist knows that true power lies not in conforming to external expectations, but in staying true to one’s own inner truth.

As we embark on this solo journey, we must be willing to confront our own shadows, our deepest fears, and our darkest insecurities. We must be willing to look within, to listen to our own inner wisdom, and to trust our own inner guidance. And in doing so, we will discover that the greatest magic lies not in the external world, but in the depths of our own souls. Our inner alchemist’s path is not one of isolation, but of connection with our own true selves, and from this place of inner harmony, we can radiate our unique light into the world, inspiring others to do the same.

C. Memetic Wars: Navigating the Battlegrounds of the Mundane

The world outside can be a distraction, filled with memetic wars – ideological battles that often result in dogma, repetition, and the banal. It’s a world where people are more likely to get caught up in the latest trends, memes, and ideologies, rather than seeking authentic connection and growth. As inner alchemists, we must navigate this terrain with care, protecting our inner light and focusing on our personal growth.

The memetic wars are a constant barrage of stimuli, designed to shape our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. They can be overwhelming, and it’s easy to get caught up in the vortex of other people’s opinions and perspectives. But the inner alchemist knows that true power lies not in conforming to external expectations, but in staying true to one’s own inner truth.

In this world of memetic wars, most people seek dogma, seeking answers and validation from external sources rather than within themselves. They crave certainty and stability, and are often willing to trade their autonomy and creativity for the fleeting comfort of conformity. But the inner alchemist must seek true creative expression, not just intellectual understanding or superficial agreement.

We must be discerning in our interactions with others, seeking out those who fly higher than the average person, true individuals who share our commitment to authentic self-discovery and transformation. These individuals are rare, but they can be found in unexpected places.

The memetic wars are a test of our resolve, a gauntlet thrown by the external world to see if we will stay true to ourselves. Will we conform to the norms of society, or will we forge our own path, guided by our own inner light? The choice is ours, and the stakes are high. But for those who choose to navigate the memetic wars with care, the rewards are immeasurable – a deeper connection to our own true selves, and a radiant light that shines brighter with each passing day.

D. Seeking Out True Creators: Finding Rare Birds

The company we keep plays a crucial role in our personal growth and transformation. It’s a truism that we are shaped by the people we surround ourselves with, and yet, it’s often overlooked in our haste to achieve success and recognition. By seeking out true creators – those who are beyond the dogma, the repetitive, the common, the NPCs – we find kindred spirits who can inspire and challenge us.

These rare birds are the pioneers, the trailblazers, the game-changers. They are the ones who refuse to conform to the status quo, who challenge the norms, and who push the boundaries of what is possible. They are the ones who are driven by a burning passion, a sense of purpose, and a desire to shine like gorgeous stars in the sometimes-dark sea of reality.

When we surround ourselves with these true creators, we find ourselves inspired and motivated. We begin to see the world in a new light, as a vast expanse of possibility and potential. We start to feel a sense of excitement and anticipation, as we realize that anything is possible, and that we have the power to shape our own destiny.

These rare birds help us soar to new heights and deepen our understanding of ourselves and the universe. They challenge our assumptions, our biases, and our limitations. They encourage us to take risks, to experiment, and to push beyond our comfort zones. And in doing so, they help us to unlock our full potential, to tap into our inner strength and creativity, and to live a life that is authentic, meaningful, and fulfilling.

So, how do we find these rare birds? How do we attract them into our lives, and how do we nurture and cultivate our relationships with them? It starts with being open, receptive, and willing to take risks. It starts with being willing to step outside our comfort zones, to explore new horizons, and to connect with people who share our passions and values.

It’s not always easy, and it’s not always comfortable. But the rewards are immeasurable. When we surround ourselves with true creators, we find ourselves growing, evolving, and transforming in ways that we never thought possible. We find ourselves becoming the best version of ourselves, and we find ourselves living a life that is rich, meaningful, and fulfilling.

E. The Importance of Solitude: Cultivating Inner Refuge

Solitude is a powerful tool for the inner alchemist. In a world that is increasingly noisy, crowded, and distracting, it is essential to carve out space for quiet reflection and inner exploration. By doing so, we deepen our connection to our inner light and accelerate our personal growth and transformation.

Solitude is not about isolation or loneliness; it’s about creating a sense of inner refuge, a sanctuary where we can retreat from the chaos of the external world and reconnect with our true selves. It’s about finding silence in the midst of noise, stillness in the midst of turmoil, and clarity in the midst of confusion.

In solitude, we can tune in to our inner wisdom and intuition, allowing us to guide ourselves on our journey of personal growth and transformation. We can listen to our own inner voice, untainted by the opinions and expectations of others. We can explore our own thoughts, emotions, and desires, without the distractions and interruptions of the external world.

Solitude also allows us to recharge and rejuvenate, refilling our inner wellspring of energy and vitality. It’s a chance to disconnect from the constant demands and expectations of others, and reconnect with our own needs and desires. It’s a time to rest, relax, and rejuvenate, allowing our minds, bodies, and spirits to heal and renew.

The importance of solitude cannot be overstated. In a world that is increasingly fast-paced and frenetic, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of activity and forget to slow down, reflect, and recharge. But the inner alchemist knows that solitude is a necessary ingredient for growth, transformation, and inner peace.

By making solitude a priority, we can cultivate a deeper sense of inner connection, clarity, and purpose. We can tap into our inner wisdom and intuition, guiding us on our journey of personal growth and transformation. And we can emerge from our solitude feeling refreshed, renewed, and revitalized, ready to tackle the challenges of the world with greater ease, confidence, and inner peace.

F. The Power of Authentic Self-Expression: Sharing the Fruits of Our Labor

As we continue on our inner alchemist’ journey, we may feel compelled to share the fruits of our labor with the world. We may feel an overwhelming desire to express our creativity, share our insights, and connect with others who resonate with our unique perspective. And yet, it’s essential to remember that our primary audience is ourselves and those rare individuals who will truly benefit from our creative expression.

These individuals are the kindred spirits, the fellow travelers on the path of personal growth and transformation. They are the ones who will appreciate our authenticity, our vulnerability, and our willingness to take risks. They are the ones who will resonate with our unique frequency, and who will amplify our energy and our message.

But we must be mindful of the memetic wars and the potential for our work to be co-opted or diluted by those who don’t share our commitment to authentic self-expression. We must be cautious of those who would seek to water down our message, to manipulate our intentions, or to use our creativity for their own gain.

Instead, we must stay true to ourselves, and to our own unique vision. We must stay committed to our own inner guidance, and to the integrity of our creative expression. We must trust that our work will find its way to those who need it most, and that our impact will be felt in the world.

When we share the fruits of our labor with the world, we must do so with intention, with integrity, and with a deep connection to our own inner truth. We must be mindful of the energy we are putting out into the world, and of the potential impact it may have on others. And we must be willing to adapt, to evolve, and to refine our message as we continue on our journey.

Ultimately, the power of authentic self-expression is not just about sharing our creativity with the world, but about staying true to ourselves in the process. It’s about honoring our own unique path, and respecting the sacredness of our own creative expression. And it’s about trusting that our work will have a profound impact on the world, even as we stay grounded in our own inner wisdom and intuition.

G. The Transformative Power of the Inner Alchemist’ Journey

The inner alchemist’s journey is a transformative process, one that requires courage, resilience, and a deep commitment to authentic self-discovery. It’s a journey that leads us to the depths of our consciousness, where we unearth the hidden treasures that lie within. As we delve deeper into the mysteries of our own minds and hearts, we begin to uncover the secrets of our true nature and the potential that lies within us.

By embracing our inner light and seeking out true creators, we deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. We begin to see the world through new eyes, with a fresh perspective and a renewed sense of purpose. We start to recognize the interconnectedness of all things, and the ways in which we are all part of a larger web of life.

As we continue on this journey, we discover that the transformative power of the inner alchemist’s journey is not just about personal growth and transformation, but also about the intensity of the light within us and how this light can impact the world.

The transformative power of the inner alchemist’s journey is a gift that keeps giving. It’s a process that never truly ends, but one that continues to unfold and evolve as we continue to grow and learn. And as we share our inner light in the form of personal and unique art, by bringing what is within us without, we inspire others to embark on their own journey of self-discovery and transformation.

As you progress on your own inner alchemist’s journey, remember that you are not alone. Embrace your inner light, seek out true creators, and trust in the power of your own creative expression. And, above all, remain committed to your personal growth and transformation, for it is through this journey that you will find true release and fulfillment.

The inner alchemist’s journey is a solo journey, one that requires a deep commitment to authentic self-expression and a willingness to navigate the challenges of the memetic wars. By embracing our inner light and seeking out true creators, we deepen our understanding of ourselves and the universe, and inspire others to do the same. May your journey be filled with radiance, transformation, and the sweet sound of your secret harmonies.

Here is the corrected text:

This is my response to a question that someone asked. I found the question so interesting that I decided to post it as a new article. It’s not my hope to offend any religiously minded people, as I do not question the validity of such beliefs. Rather, it is my hope to provide an inner alchemist’s perspective on the ever-developing expanse within us, and how we try to come to terms with it.

The question is as follows:

Hi John
Thanks for posting this article and the link:

I think it perfectly mirrors your own ambition to tell your readers not to take anything (especially words and their interpretation) for granted. However, I have a question about the micro and macro that is also covered in this video: I currently feel that the simulation theory deserves a lot of credit as it gives potential explanations for otherwise rather mysterious theories (what is often referred to as “science” without giving actual proof). What is your opinion on the simulation theory? As I am reading your book about OBEs currently, I was wondering if by having one we might exit this sim and enter a parallel one instead. And the Archon for example might be the adversary (role) player that makes our experience in this simulation (and others) challenging and worthwhile so we can grow spiritually. In other words, the collective reality is given for our individual (alchemical) transformation to take place – which leads back to “there is nothing to change but self”. I would love to hear your opinion about this?

My response:

I find the simulation theory to be a very interesting way for modern people to try to grasp the incredible magnitude of what I refer to as the dark sea.

I have found that every human age has a certain way of classifying and judging the beliefs of its time. What I mean is that every age has its own version of theology, its own religious framework. By religious framework, I mean the way a certain society within a particular window of time is able to truly come to terms with and explore realities and experiences that are at the fringe of personal belief as individuals and as a society.

To the individuals of that time, those terms and the way they map out reality need to be credible. Accepted beliefs are incredibly important here.

For people to believe something is real, those things need to be explained using terms and theories that are in complete alignment with the current facts of the time, and each window in time accepts only certain things to be facts.

Due to the “fact” that the outer senses can only perceive time as a linear event, the beliefs (that is, the facts) of a certain historic period seem to be cutting edge, meaning that everything that preceded this particular time (the past) is inferior, and what is in the future is better, more right, more evolved. What I’m trying to say here is that simulation theory is not a new concept; it is just the newest way to conceptualize (and for some, to utterly believe in) the newest fact framework of the time. For some, this new theory is an interesting way to conceptualize greater possibilities, but in time (for some, already), the simulation theory is already fact. We may be witnessing the birth of a new religion using the current “all is science” framework.

In the past, other windows in time had different words for simulation theory, and there were certainly slight alterations in those general theories as proposed by those people at that time. For example, we could say that the Christian doctrine is one such theory that became utter fact for a time. Interestingly, even though it is for the most part overlooked in this modern time, that old theology had its own kind of science that was quite valid and quite useful to the people of the time. And if we were to take measure for measure, as to which is more helpful to people, there were actually great benefits to that old science, just like there are benefits to this new one. And while that old science did not function in a generally technological kind of way like this new science that now posits simulation theory, that old science functioned through more internal methods that were quite valid and useful to people in medieval Europe, for example.

Certainly, from the modern perspective, being that we humans perceive time as a linear event, and being that psychologically such a framework of perception makes it seem like the past is inferior while the future is cutting edge, that past version of simulation theory seems wrong and can never answer the questions of a modern belief framework.

So, modern simulation theory is the current theology; it is an attempt, a scientific attempt, at tackling the nature of the psyche, or what the Christian framework might have called the soul.

With all that in mind, I find the modern simulation theory incredibly interesting. And being a modern person myself, I am greatly interested in the new technological versions of a systematic theology.

If anything, perhaps this new theology will allow others, perhaps through the use of virtual reality, let us say, instead of “Ignatian meditation”, to explore such profound revelations for themselves in a different way.

Interestingly, you are studying a book on a very old way (astral projection) of exploring the incredibly mind-bending properties of our shared reality. The problem comes, of course, when theory turns into fact in the minds of the practitioners, and certain interpretations of deep experiences while exploring that outer edge of the dark sea are taken to be unassailable fact. That is when theory becomes theology.

And if you doubt the power of the mass of humanity to turn science into theology, then all you have to do is look at these past few years to see just how certain health practices were initiated worldwide.

The simulation is an incredibly interesting theory that is actually as old as time, and I encourage you to try to see the connection between this current idea of a simulation and past ideas and traditions. You may, for example, be interested in the connection between modern ideas of an adversarial character in a Sim and the accuser or the adversary in old Hebrew.

But whatever you do, it is my hope that you begin to trust your inner knowing as opposed to outer dogma, whether that is the modern science of the times or a past one. What do I mean by this? Well, I hope that in the future you might ‘see’ that there is no difference between science trying to prove simulation theory and Thomas Aquinas trying to prove whether an angel moving from A to B passes through the points in between.

I. Introduction

The world of science and innovation is a captivating territory, teeming with revolutionary discoveries that appear to be unfolding at an exponential rate. I’ve mentioned in previous articles that the world is experiencing a quickening, which translates to an escalating pace of innovation and advancements across all domains. However, this landscape is not without its challenges, as the tension between established experts and innovative thinkers can lead to contentious debates and disagreements.

As the world accelerates, and the traditional order begins to creak under the pressure of the relentless pace of change, such clashes between the past and the future are bound to become more prevalent. In this article, I intend to highlight a graphic example of this dynamic by exploring a recent Joe Rogan Podcast featuring Eric Weinstein, a renowned mathematician and theoretical physicist, and Terrence Howard, an actor and self-proclaimed innovator, and their different viewpoints on the prospect of new discoveries in mathematics.

Weinstein, an esteemed figure in the scientific community, has been known for his skepticism towards the likelihood of significant mathematical discoveries. His perspective, shared by some experts, highlights the challenges that come with pushing the boundaries of knowledge and the importance of relying on established principles and methodologies.

The Joe Rogan podcast played host to an intriguing debate between Weinstein and Howard, where their contrasting intellectual approaches were brought to the forefront. Howard, a self-taught mathematician, claimed to have made groundbreaking discoveries in the field. However, Weinstein questioned the validity of Howard’s claims, citing the improbability of new mathematical discoveries and challenging Howard’s use of terminology and understanding of fundamental concepts.

This article explores the core issues of their debate, including disagreements on scientific terminology, contrasting views on mathematical understanding, differing perspectives on proof and evidence, and the clash of intellectual approaches. While I do not agree with much of what Terrence Howard has proposed, I find his theories challenging and intriguing. His ability to bring light to older ideas on geometry and vibratory science is worth a deep investigation.

Most importantly, this debate outlines the difficulty in pushing through the bureaucratic mess that modern science has become. Going forward, it is my hope that we can find a sober solution to the problems between established experts and innovative thinkers. However, as is usual for the race, what we will most likely encounter is a slow civil war where old bureaucracies will slowly fall due to their inadequacy.

I would personally like to avoid this kind of slow entropic war, as it has the potential to lead us into a new Dark Age. With that in mind, I have called for the development of what I refer to as a mind science – one that could incorporate internal perceptions and intuitions, like those Howard may have access to, and rigorous, truly open exploration of those insights by scientists willing to explore new possibilities openly.

II. Historical Examples of Geniuses Challenging the Status Quo

The tension between established experts and innovative thinkers is not a new phenomenon. Throughout history, there have been numerous instances where groundbreaking thinkers faced resistance and skepticism from the scientific community of their time. I want to highlight just two people, perhaps among the most famous in the long list of individuals who dared to challenge the accepted beliefs of their time. In this list, I could have included figures such as Nikolai Tesla and Wilhelm Reich, who not only faced ridicule but were also punished and had their work stolen.

  1. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642): A pioneer in observational astronomy, Galileo challenged the prevailing geocentric model, which held that the Earth was at the center of the universe. His observations and discoveries, such as the moons of Jupiter, provided empirical evidence for the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus. Despite facing significant opposition and even being placed under house arrest by the Catholic Church, Galileo’s work laid the foundation for modern astronomy.
  2. Albert Einstein (1879-1955): Einstein’s revolutionary theories of relativity challenged the classical view of physics, particularly Newtonian mechanics. His theory of general relativity, which describes the large-scale structure of the universe, fundamentally altered our understanding of space and time. Initially dismissed by many in the scientific community, Einstein’s theories ultimately gained acceptance and have become the cornerstone of modern physics.

These historical examples demonstrate the importance of challenging established norms and pushing the boundaries of knowledge, even in the face of skepticism and resistance. Whenever you hear someone say it’s very unlikely that an innovative person can make a contribution in a particular field, you know you’re dealing with someone whose reality tunnel has shrunk to allow only for certain narrow possibilities. They have literally erected a cage around themselves; their beliefs do not permit them to see beyond the walls of their belief structures. The stories of Galileo, Einstein, and other powerful innovators remind us that the path to innovation is often fraught with challenges. In the best of cases, these rebellious insights can lead to groundbreaking discoveries that reshape the world, but often, these discoveries are buried and later abused by elite groups.

It’s my hope that we, as a large group of aware people, can become conscious of and challenge those halls of established authority. And I do feel that this is happening. The sanctioned technology of the world has thankfully reached a point where it allows many more people to communicate, experiment, and think about groundbreaking new (and old) sciences and possibilities. I am very optimistic about our potential future.

When faced with such hardheaded skepticism, like the kind often seen in academic halls, I often wonder if late at night these academics can truly grasp just how small they are. I wonder if their empathy allows them to face the fact that humanity is tiny in the face of the infinity that surrounds us.

I don’t wish to indulge in Lovecraftian sentiment, but we are indeed insignificant in the face of the vast cosmos that surrounds us. This is obvious to anyone with empathy, and yet we constantly hear a message from the academic body, which boils down to: ‘I truly doubt that your theories have anything new to offer; we’ve figured most of it out by now, and your views don’t fit into our framework.’ Such a superior, self-important stance is, in my opinion, shortsighted.

III. The Weinstein-Howard Debate: A Case Study

The Weinstein-Howard debate, taking place on the Joe Rogan podcast, offers a compelling modern-day illustration of the tension between established experts and innovative thinkers. In this section, I will summarize what I feel were the key points of contention between the two figures and analyze how their exchange reflects the broader tension between defending established knowledge and proposing unconventional ideas.

  • Weinstein’s Position:

Eric Weinstein, an accomplished mathematician and theoretical physicist, emphasized his credentials as an expert and the importance of adhering to established scientific terminology and principles. He argued that Terrence Howard’s use of terms like “supersymmetry” was misleading and potentially damaging to the scientific discourse. Weinstein also expressed skepticism about Howard’s claims, citing the low probability of making groundbreaking mathematical discoveries as a reason for his skepticism.

  • Howard’s Position:

Terrence Howard positioned himself as an innovative thinker, even if his approach was unconventional. He attempted to explain his theories using a mix of scientific and less conventional language, which often led to misunderstandings and frustration from Weinstein. Howard also referred to his patents as potential evidence for his claims, despite Weinstein’s disagreement on their relevance to the scientific debate.

  • Analyzing the Debate:

The Weinstein-Howard debate serves as a microcosm of the broader tension between experts defending established knowledge and innovators proposing unconventional ideas. Weinstein’s emphasis on established scientific terminology and principles represents the importance of maintaining rigorous standards in the scientific community. However, his skepticism towards Howard’s claims also highlights the challenges of evaluating the validity of unconventional ideas and the potential risks of dismissing them outright. In trying to defend terms that stem from the academic need to support the legitimacy of prior theories (which may at times become erroneously taken as facts by some scientists), we finally face the true reason why it is almost impossible to communicate new theories with the old guard. Essentially, they must defend prior foundational beliefs because if these fall, their castle falls as well.

Howard’s innovative approach showcases the value of pushing the boundaries of knowledge and the importance of openness to new ideas. Yet, his use of unconventional language and reluctance to engage with established scientific discourse was and will always be the breaking point between the old guard and truly new and innovative thinkers. To engage in the discourse that such an established old guard is after, the innovator needs to become part of the academic circle, which then presupposes getting the ‘correct’ academic ‘training’ and credentials, which can take a lifetime. If this sounds like a bit of a catch-22, then you have hit the old academic defense strategy, square in the head.

So, people like Einstein, with the help of Ernst Gabor Straus and many others, were able to turn brilliance into understandable academic language, being that he was an academic himself; but those without such credentials have little chance to change the established order. Their only chance is to hopefully make new engineering discoveries like Tesla, and then hope that these patents aren’t stolen or suppressed.

Ultimately, the Weinstein-Howard debate underscores the importance of fostering a balanced approach to scientific discovery, one that values both the rigor of established knowledge and the potential of innovative ideas. In the following section, we will explore the implications of this debate and the lessons it offers for the future of scientific discourse.

IV. The Role of Expertise and the Potential for Innovation

The Weinstein-Howard debate highlights the importance of both expertise and openness to new ideas in the scientific community. In this section, we will discuss the role of expertise, the value of questioning established paradigms, the potential pitfalls of dismissing unconventional theories, and the possibility of breakthroughs in various fields, using Weinstein’s acknowledgement of innovation in engineering as an illustrative example.

  • The Importance of Expertise:

Expertise plays a crucial role in maintaining rigor within scientific fields by ensuring that research is based on a solid foundation of knowledge. Experts bring a deep understanding of the underlying principles and methodologies, enabling them to evaluate new ideas critically and contribute to the ongoing development of their fields.

  • The Value of Openness to New Ideas:

Openness to new ideas is equally important for scientific progress. Challenging established paradigms and exploring unconventional theories can lead to groundbreaking discoveries and advancements. As history has shown us, many revolutionary ideas were initially met with skepticism, but ultimately transformed the way we understand the world.

  • The Pitfalls of Dismissing Unconventional Theories:

Dismissing unconventional theories solely based on their conflict with current understanding can limit our potential for discovery. By closing ourselves off to new ideas, we risk overlooking potential breakthroughs and missing opportunities to advance our knowledge. Weinstein’s skepticism towards Terrence Howard’s claims serves as a reminder of the importance of carefully evaluating unconventional ideas while remaining open to the possibility of their validity.

  • The Possibility of Breakthroughs in Various Fields:

Weinstein’s acknowledgement of innovation in engineering, particularly the development of the Rubik’s Cube, illustrates the potential for breakthroughs in various fields. The Rubik’s Cube, initially an unconventional puzzle, ultimately led to significant advancements in mathematics, computer science, and even robotics. This example demonstrates how seemingly unconventional ideas can ultimately contribute to the development of established scientific fields.

Howard brought up the Rubik’s Cube on several occasions during the debate to try to highlight his point that a simple toy could revolutionize science and actually change mathematics, but this key point was largely brushed aside I feel,  with the true understanding of what he was trying to say going unheeded.

How many know that Tesla was awarded the patent for remote control in 1888? At the time, this patent was considered a novelty and mostly ignored. Very few people saw the change that such an invention would herald. And now Tesla’s original idea has been used to change many aspects of the world, without much credit given to him personally.

The Weinstein-Howard debate underscores the importance of both expertise and openness to new ideas in scientific progress. While expertise maintains rigor and ensures the solid foundation of scientific knowledge, openness to new ideas pushes the boundaries of understanding and drives innovation. By acknowledging the potential for breakthroughs in various fields, we can learn to participate in the delicate balance between adhering to established norms and embracing unconventional theories.

This will be crucial in navigating and staying afloat as the world speeds up at an alarming rate. If we cannot do this, I fear that we may fall into a new Dark Age as academia in its current form is erased from the world.

V. Navigating the Divide: Fostering Innovation While Upholding Scientific Rigor

The Weinstein-Howard debate highlights the importance of finding a balance between fostering innovation and maintaining scientific rigor. For that reason, I will propose some possible strategies for encouraging innovation while upholding scientific rigor, emphasizing the crucial role of a balanced approach in scientific progress.

  • Encouraging Open Dialogue:

One strategy for fostering innovation while maintaining scientific rigor is encouraging open dialogue between experts and innovative thinkers. This can be achieved through platforms like academic conferences, workshops, and collaborative research projects. In this regard, the Joe Rogan Podcast cannot be overestimated in its importance and cutting-edge approach.

By providing opportunities for discussion and collaboration, we can create an environment where innovative thinkers can challenge conventional ideas and experts can flesh out these new possibilities using rigorous logic.

  • Encouraging Interdisciplinary Collaboration:

Interdisciplinary collaboration can help bridge the gap between established and innovative ideas by bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise. Encouraging collaboration between experts in various fields can lead to novel insights and breakthroughs, as well as a deeper understanding of the implications of unconventional theories.

With that in mind, I feel that this is a very important point to make in this article:

Mathematics is not THE language of the universe; it is one of many possible languages of the universe. Once some academics realize this, true innovation may begin.

  • Embracing a Culture of truly Logical Calculation and Open-Mindedness:

A culture that values both true logic and open-mindedness is crucial for scientific progress. Some argue that all science needs to be skeptical, using the term “skepticism” quite openly. In my opinion, such a term and methodology, as it is commonly understood, is incorrect. To be a skeptic is to disbelieve, and to disbelieve is to have already taken a side. For an inner alchemist, it is better to strive to be logical and use calculation and one’s own direct perception in order to redefine the likelihoods of any existing possibility, in accordance with whatever operating theater is being studied.

So, from the inner alchemist’s logical framework, the term “skepticism” or the act of it, of being a skeptic, is really a sign of poor thinking. To truly understand the potential of any phenomenon to exist within any particular field, the possibilities of its existence and nonexistence must be examined in equal measure. To do otherwise is to fall prey to the simplistic ideas of Occam’s Razor, which have never been equal to the grandiose nature of the infinity that surrounds us. By fostering a culture that encourages both strong logical calculation and intuitive projections of perception, we can create an environment where innovation and scientific rigor coexist.

  • Investing in Education and Training:

Investing in education and training can help equip the next generation of scientists with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the divide between established and innovative ideas. Providing opportunities for interdisciplinary learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving, as well as the use of mental disciplines like the inner senses and mental projection, can help students develop the ability to engage with new ideas while maintaining a solid foundation in established scientific knowledge.

While these are just simple and preliminary ideas, they may start us on a better journey. Of greatest importance, I would passionately advocate for the development of what I refer to as Mind Science – being that this is really the only way to overcome the power of artificial super intelligence and its ability to dominate the human world. We must learn to exit the box that traps such artificial intelligence by finally realizing that we are not stuck in that same box; human beings are quite simply, magical.

VI. Conclusion

In conclusion, the Weinstein-Howard debate serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of striking a delicate balance between respecting established knowledge and fostering an environment that encourages innovation. It actually shows us exactly where that divide is – in defending terms. Terms are the words (the language) used to define and erect a barrier around beliefs. In defending terms, an established order defends itself from challenge because if these beliefs fall, then the order potentially crumbles. And such a rigid system seems to now be at the core of modern academia.

Perhaps due to arrogance or fear, modern academia insists that it is right and all else is wrong until proven otherwise. There is no better example of this elitist attitude to me than the modern academic insistence that math is THE ONLY POSSIBLE language of the universe.

Perhaps the world to come can invest in the pursuit of many logical fields not just purely mathematical logic, in its quest for scientific understanding. Perhaps the theories proposed by people like Howard Gardner and his idea of multiple intelligences, the use of true informal logic, and perhaps even philosophical logic may be explored if this is helpful in any way.

But at the heart of all this is the inability of academia to properly use fundamental logic. In other words, those who we trust to be most logical are, at times, failing at that job. True logical inquiry recognizes the need to explore any possibility and not judge a theory wrong from the outset. This methodology is in my opinion an inversion of innocent until proven guilty, and instead finds guilt in all things not establishment until they are proven innocent (harmless).

True logic is only possible when you explore and calculate every possibility equally. The skeptics’ approach is easy, using Occam’s Razor is far easier than having to calculate from the beginning of the equation. Perhaps that is the greatest potential gift of the Artificial Intelligence future: such powerful computation for example, might be able to calculate a possibility where the definition of “supersymmetry” is potentially wrong in accordance with accepted thought, and thereby explore a divergent possibility that is far beyond what is calculable by the modern human mind, that must rely on simplistic heuristics. Such computational power might be able to calculate a problem and a potentially divergent causal structure from beginning to end.

Like Kasparov falling before the might of Deep Blue, perhaps such ever-growing computational power can overcome the simplistic heuristic of skepticism and the poor use of Occam’s Razor. If you’d like to explore a more open logical framework and the possibility of greater awareness, then I recommend reading ‘The Occult Experience‘. In this book, you’ll find that the limits placed on you by modern authorities are not accurate representations of reality. This book offers a chance to explore a more complex and nuanced logic, which may allow for new perspectives and insights

The world can seem all mixed up when we first look at it with our adult eyes. It can make us feel like we are stuck in a big mess with no way out. I have written extensively about the nature of these ‘cages’, as I call them, and how the general organization of the world is designed to limit human potential.

There is indeed a force out there, something akin to a gravity, that settled upon this world a long time ago and is largely responsible for the current state of things. A long time ago, we weren’t like this; we were not static objects, little automatons following the dictates of a cog universe. Instead, in that forgotten past, we were magical things, unbelievable things, creatures without boundaries.”

But for better or for worse, here we are, and while things may seem hopeless, the reality is that the world is constantly leading us out of our cages. You might say that even that dark gravity I mentioned can become an ally, and indeed, it has become a helping force in a way. There is an incredibly powerful collection of entities (which I call an oversoul collective) that is out there using that very gravity to excite an evolution within us, which has the potential to take us even farther down an evolutionary process that may even allow us to surpass those magical beings we once were.

That positive evolutionary force is like a light, surrounding and being part of everything. It makes up the very fabric of our existence, and the glow from it is blinding. But in order to see that light, you must use different eyes, and in order to understand its power, we must learn to recognize and tap into the world’s guidance, into the guidance that this light provides for us. Doing this is an incredibly easy thing, yet for most of us, because we have become so indoctrinated by the gravity of this Earth, it can be the hardest thing in the world.


Following Your Joy and the “Path of Greatest Excitement”

The weight of the world has been pounding down on us from the day of our birth. At first, as children, this weight does not seem so harsh. There is joy and freedom within us when we first begin this journey as physical beings, and it is obvious to see; children are full of bubbling energy, and most of them seem to shine in a hard-to-describe way. Wherever they look, they don’t see cages, but instead, they see mysteries and possibilities.

But as we age, that gravity pulls against us more and more, and the world seems to close around us. Soon, we lose sight of the mystery, and of the grand splendor to be found in endless possibilities. We lose our imagination, and we begin the journey towards static object-hood. What is essentially happening is that we lose sight of the light that is the true source of our being. In the end, many people lose the battle against the gravity of the world. Having no new recourse, not understanding or truly trusting themselves, they eventually lose sight of the light within them completely and settle into the routine that their lives have become.

And yet, the light within us will never be extinguished, even in those last moments. We shine; it never gives up, and at any moment, and at every moment, we can become the shining, glorious thing we were meant to be.

Right from the start, people are trying to tell you who you are and what you’re supposed to be. There is no malice in them; most people are trying to help. But having lost sight of that glorious light within them, oftentimes their advice is not great advice at all.

But the greater world, although it may have its twisted aspects, has its source in that light I keep mentioning, and is constantly trying to guide us towards our greatest self. And interestingly, all you have to do, as absurd and common as it has now become to hear in this ‘New Age’ world, is to just follow your joy.

How sad that is, think about it. Someone says that all you need to do to find who you are, the best version of who you are, is to follow your joy, and yet most people may find such a statement trite, childish, or childlike even. Why is that?

Simple: they have grown up in a world where everyone tells them just that. If they look at the world through the eyes of limitation and the gravity that pulls down on us, then all they will see is hardship and difficulty. They will be told that to get anything done, they must work impossibly hard, do things they don’t want, and follow the rules of the land. This is rationality, the limited excuse for the logic or theology of the times.

Such a person might be told to be rational, to grow up, to just look around and use their common sense. Some might tell them, “All you have to do is just look around; this is a dog-eat-dog world. If you truly want to get ahead, you’d better just get used to pain, because this is a world of pain.”

But what if you were to totally ignore that message? There is a counter to that, usually well-meaning. “If you don’t do what we say, and you just flounder around for the rest of your life just doing what you like, you’re going to end up as some basement dweller, living the rest of your life on the couch, bloated and ill of health.

So, let’s give it a try, let’s test that theory. If you just start doing what you want right at this moment, are you just going to flounder around doing nothing at all? Will you soon end up homeless, jobless, and a sad marshmallow on the surface of this planet?

Well, this is where you need to understand the difference between the myriad voices within you. Specifically, you need to understand the difference between the voices of light and the voices of gravity. Believe it or not, it is the gravity that’s going to turn you into the marshmallow, and it is the light that will turn you into the best version of yourself. This is the problem with most of the advice out there when it comes to following your joy or whatever else. There’s this mixing up of energetic truth, a comingling, a half-truth, as to how it’s told.

So how do you do it properly?

Start where you are and begin to follow your joy, in other words, begin to follow the light within you now, here, where you happen to be right now. That light will not want you to run away from those you love, including yourself. That light will not insist that you tell others what to do. That light will not put you in greater difficulty. That light will insist that you begin from where you are, and where you are is the very center of the universe; you are at the center of the universe, and it all begins from here.

How you begin and what you do first is between you and that light; it has nothing to do with me. It begins with a simple dictum: become more yourself, and that’s it. Slowly but surely, just a little more yourself every day, until one day you may find that the person you were and the person you have become are as different as night and day.


The path of greatest excitement

Follow the path of greatest excitement. To do that, you must look within, and without any shame or self-reproach, you must use the joy within you to find your path. As you look at the things that you want to do, the things that you want to accomplish in your life, the things that give meaning and make you want to strive for more and more, does what you are doing right now give you joy?

You may be surprised at your first response, and this is the important part so listen. Most people fall for the half-lie that I mentioned, they comingle the gravity and the light within them, and sometimes it is difficult to know which voice they are hearing. While asking yourself what the joyous thing is, some might tell themselves that their true joy is actually to just run away and do nothing. All sorts of ideas might pop into their heads about having to break some chains that others have put on them, to fight against some evil foe that they have been told is out there, or to start telling others what to do because this is truly the way to success and self-empowerment. But most often, such actions which stem from the thoughts and beliefs that have been pounded into them by the world at large, come from a place of gravity and not joy; they are mixing one voice for the other or they are listening to both at the same time and mixing it all up, so it fits the narrative of the times.

As I have said, conversations that you have with that light are yours alone, so I will try to keep the preaching to myself. But I think you’ll find that true joy does not seek conflict because in the end all such conflict leads to a chaining down of your being. Light wants freedom, it wants ease of action that feels like utter bliss, like you could fall off a cliff and land in delicious cream, twisting and turning and landing perfectly in order to once again discover some new marvel, some new existence beyond belief.

That bliss is a magical way, an enthralling adventure that is forever changing and captivating, constantly challenging you to withstand the incredible power of what might come next. Bliss and relaxation are not the lethargy that you have been taught in this gravity filled world. It’s not some kind of soft cushy gray state where you fall into utter stupor. These are the lies of the gravity!

Following your joy is just that, joy upon joyous changing. And in following it, you are forever moving forward in the direction that is best for you, that allows you to grow larger and larger, and to become more and more the kind of being that something deep within you says is the true you. Such a motion continually fuels more excitement, more adventure in ways that are uniquely your own. And contrary to the rationale found within the midst of this heavy world, this joyous motion will not funnel you into some kind of self-indulgent prison, it will instead open you up to possibilities far beyond anything in the common world.

If you doubt me, look around. The rational skeptic is seldom the genius creator, they are instead the limiters of possibilities.

In order to tune into your joy, you must begin to let go of the voices outside of yourself. From the very beginning, others have been telling you what to do. Most of this advice is given by honest and caring people, if you are lucky. But no matter what it is, learn to listen to that joy within yourself first.

Learn to sit down every day, take a moment to yourself, and just ask yourself what would bring you joy. And when you are listening, truly listen. Learn to identify all of the voices from without, so that you can separate them from that true joy that is yours alone. This is where the co-mingling of gravity and light happens, so you must be very careful in your listening. Pay attention to your joy and your striving for adventure and freedom, and let go of any gravity that seems to come from without, gravity that would have you create conflict instead of moving forward on your own.

Don’t explain yourself to others; the best that you can do for others is just shine with that joy within yourself and allow them to be themselves. Light allows light; anything else is gravity and constriction.


Understanding the World as a Guide

This world is here to guide you, and it has been guiding you from the beginning. How does it do it?

Well, quite simply, we can start at the basics: to get along, you have to get along. There are things that you need, like food, water, and shelter. You are born in this three-dimensional place, and from the very beginning, you are given challenges. The gravity of this world may have you believe that these are horrors, plights, or reasons for self-pity. But the light within you sees them as challenges, as great obstacles to be overcome through joyful adventure.

The great gravity of the world makes everything seem routine, commonplace, and boring. But like some great protagonist somehow transported into a land of high adventure, you are here to meet the challenges of this place and become the great hero you can be. Whether that hero means being an amazing adventurer in the world or your own unique, quiet soul in the shadows of existence.

Tackle each need in this place, each obstacle, like a challenge instead of a problem. See yourself as an adventurer overcoming great odds, and stop thinking like those lost in the gravity of this world want you to think. Become a child again if that is what you feel you must become in order to understand this magical way, and for a while, just pretend that you are indeed some hero in some weird, alien land. Don’t see everything as routine; instead, see it through the eyes of a deluded fool, see everything as an alien in an alien land full of strange and glorious things.

And if you doubt me, if you truly think that this is not a magical land of utter weirdness, then all you have to do is just look at all the irrational things that are around you. Most people can’t see this, like I said, the rational skeptic is lost in a cage that they may never find a way out of. So don’t be that skeptic; instead, look around and see all the weird things that happen to you all the time.

Why is it that upon thinking something, you see that thing somewhere out in the world? What is synchronicity, why is it that things seem to line up either for good or ill as if someone is planning all of it? Why is it that even those who are thought of as being the most rational, the most logical, keep insisting that we live in a simulation?

The world is weird, brimming with impossible things. Don’t accept the rational skeptic’s version; don’t believe in disbelief; instead, find your own truth and doubt everyone. That odd light in the sky, those fleeting shadows, that odd sound, the planets above you, question everything. Find your own truth and fall headfirst into a magical universe.

There are strange things going on right now all around you. Right now, as you are reading this, turn around and look around. There are strange things everywhere!

Strange omens guide you. The world is trying to tell you something; pay attention to that something.

These strange things, these omens, can act as bridges that allow us to get closer and closer to what we desire. And you will find a connection between following that joy within yourself and those strange events. There is a direct connection between those omens and synchronicities, and getting those things that you desire.

If, in following your joy, and while in the joyous state, or at least a relatively happy one for you, you see a strange thing, don’t ignore that. Look around and see where the world is leading you through those odd events. And if it feels right to you, in accordance with the light that shines within you, then follow that path and see where it leads you. Such events can be sort of like doors opening in space-time, like little wormholes leading you from one place to another. If you can learn to pay attention to those strange and odd things, grab hold of them, you will find shortcuts to your life’s desires.


How the World Can Guide Us for Good or Ill

That light within us means that we are light ourselves. That light means that we are creating our reality with the thoughts and intentions that we keep throughout our day. And that is the important part – throughout our day. How many thoughts do you have in a day?

It is a lump sum of those thoughts that makes your reality, and it is the totality of them that makes up your life. To change your life, you need to change those thoughts, but just like doing a thousand push-ups in a day every day, perhaps all day, this seems like an almost impossible task in the beginning.

But how is it that some people can do such things? How is it that some can climb great mountains? How is it that some can seemingly do the impossible and overcome the gravity of just getting started? How do you overcome the inertia of this world?

Generally, and almost without fail, those that can do such things are those that follow their joy. Contrary to the rationale of the world, which is based on the gravity and the darkness that I speak of, you will not find the energy or the kind of stamina that you need through some kind of rigorous and meticulously planned and invented routine. Such actions never withstand the test of time. Eventually, we all become tired of such endeavors, no matter how much self-discipline we have.

But there is a way to move mountains, a way to never run out of impetus or stamina, and that way is to follow the light that most cannot see. That miracle-creating way is to follow the light, to follow your joy.

If we keep thoughts, have thoughts, and ruminate on thoughts that are generally not our own, but the thoughts of others, the dogma of others, then most likely we will be imprisoned within the prison that imprisons them. In order to break out of that prison, you must let go of the dogma of the world, you must let go of the never-ending rationale, the common sense, the gravity that is projected by the world.

Positive outcome simply means that you are getting what you want, and in order to get that, you must follow your joyous path, not the path or the dogma of others. If you are having trouble with this, because you have heard endlessly that somehow your desires are evil, then think of it as following the light. That light feels like light; it feels like pushing through thick brush to find an open meadow full of wonder and amazing sights. It feels nimble, like you could bounce right into the air, it feels like ease and yet not lethargic, but more like bubbling adventure.

Follow that light, and it will lead you to new and unbelievable places that are yours and yours alone to explore. Become more yourself; you are unique, but that uniqueness is nothing to do with shining more than others, or shining in the face of others. That lightness of you is instead an enigma, a living dream, an actual position beyond the dogma and the ‘collective’ driven world that you see all around you.



The world is not easy from the outset, and in that beginning, no matter how hard you try, you may find yourself facing the gravity of others. And that is a worthy challenge, what a great adventure, truly high adventure.

But the guidance from that light can lead you to incredible and unsuspected places. For example, it can show you how to even work with the gravity of the world so that you turn that weight into actual power. There are those who have followed that light into marvelous, unsuspected places and have discovered how to absorb the negativity in the world, and use that overflowing energy to turn that heavy darkness into even greater light. These are the inner alchemists that I talk about in my work, and if you would like to learn how to turn even the greatest darkness into more energy for yourself, that can then be directed towards freedom and greater light, then I recommend the book, ‘Overcoming the Archon through Alchemy‘.

In following that light yourself, you will become an alchemist, you will learn how to turn the lead of the world, the heaviness, into a light that shines brighter than gold. I encourage you to pay attention to the world’s guidance. I encourage you to follow your individual light. That light is a door that is yours alone and leads to a place that is for you alone to see. In finding this place, you will not only find a new, more expanded reality beyond perhaps even your greatest imagining, you will also find many of your greatest desires manifested as well.

Throughout my work, I have written extensively on various topics that can sometimes blur the line between alchemy and science. In doing so, I have often tried to explain alchemical terms and beliefs in a way that is more accessible to modern readers. To achieve this, I have frequently had to interchange terms or provide modern definitions for alchemical perceptions.

One such term is the alchemical notion of the Black Sun. A reader, for instance, recently asked me about the relationship between the Black Sun and black holes, which I discuss extensively in my book, “The Way of the Death Defier.” In that book, I explore complex topics that have led me to redefine the perception of inner alchemists and seers in a way that aligns a little better with modern cosmological theory.

The reader’s questions were insightful and intriguing, and I believe that in answering them I can help others better understand the perceptions of inner alchemy. The majority of his questions centered around the concept of the Black Sun. For example, he was fascinated by the idea of the Black Sun being a singularity at the center of the Milky Way galaxy, and he was surprised to learn that such a singularity indeed exists in accordance with modern scientific theory, specifically Sagittarius A*. However, he noted that, according to modern cosmological theory, Sagittarius A* is too small to have a gravitational effect on the solar system, and could therefore not be responsible for some of the effects I describe in my work. Instead, he pointed out that the theoretical concept of Dark Matter is now used to explain the source of the gravity responsible for holding the galaxy together. This discovery sparked his curiosity about the relationship between Dark Matter and inner alchemy, and its alchemical significance.


Let me begin by stating that the following response and descriptions reflect my personal seeing as an inner alchemist. It should be noted that I am not an expert in physics or a similar field, and some of the nuances expressed in this response may be unique to me. Consequently, while my views might align with those of other inner alchemists, there are specific perceptual distinctions that belong to me alone.

So, in accordance with the perceptions of inner alchemy, there indeed exists a black hole, which I refer to as a Black Sun, at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Moreover, it is also the perception of inner alchemists that there is a Black Sun of vast proportions at the center of the known universe, and I refer to this grand totality as The Great Black Sun.

Indeed, in accordance with these perceptions (generally held by most inner alchemists), there exists a singularity or black hole, using current terminology, at the core of every galaxy and every substantial cluster of light within the expanse of the vast cosmic sea. Therefore, every visible galaxy possesses a black hole at its center, not just the Milky Way, and there is one colossal singularity at the heart of all known space.

Each Black Sun at the core of every cluster of light (every galaxy) is connected to the immense maw that resides at the center of all known space. In some ways, you could say they are one entity, yet there are countless variations of this incalculable singularity. These interconnected Black Suns (black holes) radiate and pulsate, representing a complex interplay of inward and outward motion, following cycles of relative time and adhering to their respective spatial dimensions.

Describing this phenomenon through words is challenging, because the concept of size or location pertaining to such singularities defies conventional definitions within the general framework of existence according to current human temporal and spatial understanding.

Nevertheless, this phenomenon extends further, because I must also point out that within every square inch of space, there can be said to exist numerous Black Holes or very small singularities, each pulsating in accordance with that great beating heart, The Great Black Sun, residing at the heart of known space.


Before proceeding further, I would like to address this question: What are the perceptions of inner alchemists? Where do they originate from?

These perceptions are derived using internal sensory mechanisms, which I often refer to as the “inner senses” or the “inner feeling sense.” This inner feeling sense is accessible to anyone who dedicates sufficient personal attention to its attainment. I have discussed this concept in numerous books, including The Way of the Death Defier. In that particular work, I provide detailed instructions on how to employ the inner feeling sense to perceive phenomena beyond description.

By harnessing the inner feeling sense (also known as “seeing”), an inner alchemist can transcend physical limitations and gain direct perception of things that lie beyond the confines of modern rationality.

As I said, these are perceptions of inner alchemists, described in a way that is flavored ‘let us say’ by the particular intent of the house or current that I am a part of. In no way do I mean to say that these are truths, because such things (truths) are incredibly hot topics within the human world, and they are the source of so much conflict. As such, I have always invited my readers to learn to use the inherent capabilities within them and using their mastery of such techniques, I challenge them to prove me right or wrong in accordance with their own direct perceptions. I am not here to expound dogma, something that others must supposedly take as fact just because I said so; some kind of authority figure said so. Instead, I hope that these words are like a spring board of sorts to help you and inspire you to develop your inherent powers so that you are stirred to find your own truth, and to know for yourself directly the nature of this mysterious universe.

I think that it is very important to mention my lack of any kind of “physics” authority because I will most likely be saying a number of things, and have said a number of things already, that are not going to appeal to everyone. But this is a good thing. It is this inherent drive within all of us to be a bit of a devil’s advocate, and to question everything, that is such a marvelous instinct in humanity that should never be shunted. But it is my hope that in countering my ideas, you don’t just repeat what some supposed authority figure said, the latest theories in physics for example, but that you instead try to discover your own truths beyond such authority or my own crazy rambling.


With that out of the way, let me continue.

As mentioned, the reader says that astrophysics now posits that there is indeed some kind of singularity at the center of the Milky Way galaxy, which is called Sagittarius A*. He also says that in accordance with the latest calculations and theories, astrophysicists posit that such a singularity has no true gravitational effect on us. And interestingly, the reader brings up the notion of Dark Matter, which is if I understand correctly, a needed invention let us say, that must be created in order to reconcile modern physics’ inability to understand gravity, the great binding force of the cosmos.

So, in one-way scientific fact says that, this singularity that they have calculated might exist, cannot affect us gravitationally, but at the same time they do not understand gravity so they must hypothesize dark matter, in order to try to explain the complicated nature and the gravitational cohesiveness of the cosmos.

Well, in accordance with the perceptions of inner alchemists, as I mentioned above, the world is indeed full of singularities of different sizes that are responsible for all the cohesion that dark matter is supposed to explain. In some ways you could say that dark matter represents the now perceivable consequences of the many singularities that are perceived by inner alchemists.

It is these unperceived singularities, these mini black suns, existing in every square inch of space, that are responsible for the gravitational lensing and therefore the galaxy clustering and the large-scale structures that are currently perceivable by the outer senses and outer contraptions.

I say this because, as the reader astutely points out, according to current theory, the distant singularity at the center of the Milky Way has no gravitational effect on us. However, in accordance with the direct perceptions of inner alchemists, these scientific theories are incorrect.

Let me explain.

The Great Black Sun, which is the great chaos at the center of all known space, emits emanations like a true sun emitting light. These emmanations extend across time and space and are concentrated in large clusters at the center of every galaxy, and these emanations also exist in a less dense arrangement within every square inch of space. The emanations from the great Black Sun spread across all known space. These emanations have different densities of concentration. At the center of all light clusters, we can find a large density of such concentrations that can be perceived as a large singularity, and it is in this singularity that the gravitational pull from the cluster of emanations is responsible for the cohesion of galaxies.

And beyond this, the emanations from The Great Black Sun are also scattered across all known space, albeit less densely. This means that every square inch of space is full of microscopic, indeed nearly imperceptible singularities, and it is these singularities that are now referred to as dark matter, in accordance with current scientific theory.

In accordance with these perceptions, there is an immense, titanic chaos of immeasurable proportions at the center of all known space, the Great Black Sun. From this central point, emanations radiate outwardly to assemble singularities at the center of each galaxy, and these emanations extend further, so that within every square inch of space, you can find numerous singularities that are too small to be detected using current technologies.

It is the combination of the totality of the emanations from The Great Black Sun that is responsible for all life and death within this dimension. The Great Black Sun, therefore, is both the giver and taker of life, and its emanations can be seen as the laws by which every single living thing in the entire perceivable cosmos lives and dies.

Each one of the singularities, whether it is the large ones at the center of each galaxy or the tiny ones that exist in every square inch of space, beat like a heart. They go through a cycle of contraction, which might be perceived as a black hole in accordance with modern general relativity terms, and then to an expansion cycle where these singularities expel energy like an energy-emitting geyser. And it is these tiny singularities in every square inch of space that are responsible for the movement of energy both within this known physical space and also across other dimensions, unknown spaces.

This brings us to the point I made in the book mentioned, which goes counter to the scientific beliefs of modern times. According to the perceptions of inner alchemists, this is not an entropic system, a slowly cooling pie sitting on the windowsill of existence. We will not, according to the perceptions of inner alchemists, turn into some gray goo at the end of time when supposed Maximum Entropy is achieved.

A lowly human, without any of the many contraptions used by modern physicists, when they have been able to train their inherent power to see, can perceive these fluctuations of energy as matter and energy leaving and entering the physical dimension. With great refinement they can even begin to perceive these infinitely small and infinitely large singularities, the emanations from The Great Black Sun, that are responsible for moving energy across dimensions.

Such individuals can then perceive directly that energy is always entering and leaving the system both from other points in space and time within this physical dimension (akin to what may currently be called wormholes), AND ALSO from other completely different dimensions beyond perceived physicality! This is very important and controversial because it means that we don’t exist in a kind of closed off bubble, we are instead living in an environment that is sort of like Swiss cheese, with energy constantly leaving and entering space and time. In accordance with inner alchemy, entropy is not real.

And of course, this raises a significant point regarding current perceptions of time and space. In accordance with general thought, I believe that most people assume that a single point in space is identical to a different point in physical space, dimensionally speaking. However, in accordance with the perceptions of inner alchemy, each point in space can be considered to be slightly different, or perhaps more accurately, a slight variation, within dimensions. What I mean is that each point in space is akin to a slightly different dimension to some degree, and the farther apart two points in space are, the greater the difference in dimensional parallax. I mention this because there are significant complications in attempting to explain the effects of gravity across vast distances. The farther one travels from a reference point, the greater the difference between dimensions, and thus the greater the difference perceivable by the observer, which is directly related to gravity because gravity has a significant impact on certain aspects of perception.

These perceptive differences are very obvious using outer instruments and the outer senses. In many ways, I would say that this is an almost insurmountable obstacle to overcome using just the physical senses. Even using the inner senses, they can be incredibly challenging, but they can be eventually overcome as the seer is able to master their inner senses.

This is important because it will explain a great many things, as physics learns to expand its perceptions. To give you an example, and this is an incredibly hot topic that will most likely get me into a bit of trouble with some, but it is the best example that I can think of. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that the Earth and the planets that we see around us, are not shaped how we think they are; they are not what we think they are.

I tried to cover this topic as best I could in the video:

You can check that out if you like. But in essence, I could say that the Earth is neither round nor flat but exists within a fluctuating paradigm, a kind of parallax of existence, if you like, in accordance with the perceiver’s position in space-time and the size of the perceiver. I mention this because this parallax of perception not only defines how we perceive the Earth but also how we can perceive the emanations of the Great Black Sun.

The Earth is neither round nor flat; it is both in a sense, and can be a combination of many different shapes from the perceiver’s point of view, in accordance with the perceiver’s position in space and time, and in accordance with the perceiver’s general mass (including the mechanical contraptions available to a perceiver in any relative point).

The greater the mass, the larger the object, in a sense, and this is another odd bit of perception that physics still must deal with, I believe. It has to do with not just how gravity is perceived but also the location of a particular thing within any particular dimension. Size and distance are not truly understood yet.

The understanding of size is the key to, first, the warping of space to move within the parallax of a certain dimension (moving from one point in space-time within the ‘physical’ dimension) and then to finally moving across dimensions to whole other worlds. I hope you understand what I mean; this is a very difficult topic for me to try to put into words, and it must be an even harder topic for you to understand using my odd little metaphors.


So, after all of that, I hope I have answered some of your questions and I have piqued your interest so that you might challenge yourself to learn about these “inner senses” that I speak of, and in that way, you can discover your own truth.

To summarize, I could say that Inner alchemists can “see” that the Great Black Sun indeed controls all gravity, and that the currently undiscovered portions of this gravitational force emanating from the Great Black Sun are what some now refer to as dark matter.

Perhaps in the future, it may be the case that physics might theorize that there is indeed a center to the yet incalculable cosmos, and that at the center of the cosmos, there is an as-yet undiscovered singularity. They might, in the end, perhaps even agree with inner alchemists in believing that in this infinitely dark sea, the clusters of light they refer to as galaxies might be held in place and structured in accordance with the great gravitational waves emanating from this largest singularity. Perhaps then, they may finally understand the riddle of dark matter.

You are born into this world, and from the very beginning, there’s somebody trying to tell you what to do. If you are lucky, they are trying to be helpful, caring, adoring. And most of it is highly useful. Whether it is parenting, mentoring, or teaching, most people are trying to help others by passing on their acquired knowledge of the world.

Many of them will tell you right off, “we have been around longer than you, we are older than you, we have gone through all this trauma or through all of this education, and that gives us our right, a concerned right, to do the right thing, and to tell you how it is.”

But the world changes, is changing, so quickly. It is changing so quickly in fact that it is starting to reveal an interesting dilemma with increasing speed. That dilemma is the fact that some of that experience, some of those supposed laws of being, of reality, are proving themselves wrong and ineffective. The world is moving so fast, and things are changing so quickly, that things that may have been considered unalterable law just a few decades ago, have now been turned on their head. Recent past experience, anyway, seems to have been overturned by new laws, new ideas, a new science, and a speeding-up world that seems beyond the recent pasts normal.

Some might say, “oh, the world seems like this now because you modern people have gotten so soft, because the world is so much different. But just see what happens when all this changes, all of this will collapse, and you will be back in the Stone Age. And then, well that is when all this experience that I’m telling you about, have been telling you about all your life, well, then all of that will make sense and you will be sorry.”

There are many of us that could say that we have heard such a message, perhaps not stated so plainly, but hidden there in the meaning, in the turn of the phrase. It used to be the typical hidden or overt message that you might hear a grandparent say perhaps, an older person in their senior years blurt out in one way or another as they spoke to the younger generation. And deep within their hearts perhaps, there was this desire for the world to go back to how it used to be, so things would start to make sense to them once again.

But such a message is no longer just something that a person in their senior years might say, it is also something that younger and younger people are starting to say and feel about the world, that the world is changing, that from one year to the next things seem to be moving so quickly. Whether it is fashion trends, ways of thinking, even the science itself, it all seems to be changing from one moment to the next, and as world events and perhaps what might be termed disasters of all sorts move and shake the entire planet, change it over and over again, an increasing minority has begun to lose faith in the unflappable stability and institutions of the past.

Now, depending on your point of view, depending on where you stand on all this change or in the questioning of authority, none of us are safe, young or old, from the need, at an ever-increasing rate, to have to change our world view, to change the way we see the world, and what we believe in. To the average person, such a constant turning and such a constant need to question beliefs and reality might be a bad thing, an unwanted thing. But for an inner alchemist such a thing is par for the course, run-of-the-mill, a kind of routine of breaking routines.

And here we go, yet another handsome perhaps, but wizened type trying to tell others what to do. I may just be lost in the same folly of those codgery types I mentioned. But perhaps some of this advice from an old devil like me might be useful. Heck, it might even be useful for the relatively younger souls, being that as the world speeds up more and more, as the populations grow ever larger, and as those collective minds throw more and more random chaos into the mix of this world, perhaps, even the relatively young might find some of this information useful, being that the world will continue to speed up, more and more, it’s definitely not slowing down any time soon.


The world is getting quicker, it’s changing faster, and what we used to believe to be so stable and so true, no matter what it is, is now on shaky ground. From the point of view of an inner alchemist, this doubling and then doubling again of information and change is natural, inevitable, and expected.

The world is quickening, it is going through a quickening. It is an inevitable upcycle, an increasing crescendo that brings with it a chaotic environment of increasing complexity. That’s what it really is: the world is becoming more complex. The world is indeed becoming more interconnected, interdependent, more elaborate, more complicated, and quicker.

What does this mean?

It means that more and more things are being added to the pot. Think of it just like that – think of it like some giant pot of stew, where the whole planet is one big stew pot. The pot used to have not that much in it; it was a pretty simple stew. But now there is more in there – more people, more knowledge, more stuff. The stew is now thick and complex, with a lot of things churning in the mix.

We humans are just one part of that big stew, that’s true, but we shine like gold. I hate to say it, I don’t want anyone to get a big head, but we are special – our intent is strong, highly creative, and meant to be free and individual, no matter what the world might plan for us.

That makes us, as ingredients in this great stew of reality, very special ingredients indeed. And as our population grows, and as more and more of us turn and churn as a great big soup spoon mixes the stew, as we move across continents and as our environment shifts, we humans have the possibility to change the entire flavor and the entire consistency of the world we live in.

We shine like gold, and we create our own reality. Our thoughts sprout from us constantly, flowing out from us and also within. Each thought is a living thing in its own right, and it intermingles with thought after thought created by others. The world is growing; therefore, it is expanding, the noise increasing, and the vibrations are just a hint of how much bigger we are becoming.


The old world tries to tell everyone that nothing has changed, that it’s all in your head. Sure, there are more people, but that’s all, isn’t that the underlying message we hear now? So, in the end, the old world says to us, that’s all it is: just more people on smart phones recording and talking about their lives, that’s where all the modern weirdness comes from.

But we all know that is not all there is to it. We can feel it – there is a change, an ever-growing change that feels like a quickening. People can feel the strength of thoughts, even if they may not be able to directly perceive them, they can sense that increasing vibration somehow. However, the bureaucracies and established authority figures of the times keep repeating, nothing’s changed, everything is the same. It’s just that now everybody has a smart phone that can videotape the silliest things they see. But we all know that there is increasing weirdness all around us now. All you have to do is look at the sky for any period of time, and you will see some strange thing that you have never seen before. And if it’s not you who sees it, then it’s a hundred, a thousand other people recording, indeed recording, on those amazing little smart phones – those monoliths, as Stanley Kubrick called them, those incredible little screens that can both record and project. There, for all to see and for all to share, the weirdness of the world seems to be growing. It’s as if something is cracking at the seams, perhaps the very fabric of reality itself, and from all those small cracks, weirdness seems to be flowing out. And what that means is that an ever-growing number of people are in a mess, that an inner alchemist considers to be a step forward, a step towards transmutation, evolution, positive change. Because to truly begin to question your reality, to truly question it for the first time in a serious way, well, that’s the first step towards a bigger and greater you.

But what do you do about it? How do you move forward when the world appears to be cracking at the seams? How do you integrate the ever-increasing weirdness of the world in a positive and safe way?

If you can’t trust the authority figures of the past. If you can’t trust the once predictable stability of the world. Who can you trust?


Well, you must begin, perhaps for the very first time, to truly trust yourself.

Now, let me know if I overstep and sound like one of those know-it-all types trying to tell you what to do. And it might even sound like I’m invoking some kind of wise-from-experience or authority badge. And if it sounds like that, I apologize.

My way, and what I’m trying to describe to you as a kind of new doing, or rather, as a kind of undoing to be more precise, is not a dogma that you’re supposed to follow blindly and unquestioningly. Instead, I want you to question, to question everything, even me and what I say.

I’m not trying to tell you what to do; instead, I’m trying to show you how to discover yourself, your true self, if that’s what you want to do and you’re looking for a way to start such a journey.

I’m not saying that from now on you must believe this in order to move forward. I’m instead trying to say that you may want to try this way of looking beyond the cages of today. And if it resonates with you, if you get some of the results you seek, then maybe, you may be interested in the way of, no way.

And I am working up to telling you that my way of no way is not a recent way; it’s not a recent fad or a current, accepted scientific law. It’s not even something fully known or understood within the bounds of recorded history, spanning the last two or three thousand years or so. It is instead an ancient tradition. It is a system of expansion, transcendence, evolution, and transmutation that was and has been around even before the last human quickening, the last upcycle, and the last great speeding up of humanity. This house has “seen” it all come and go.

It’s an older, more encompassing way, but not an authority, not any kind of authority. In essence, the whole point of this form of being that I like to term inner alchemy is so beyond any cage that, to the average person, an inner alchemist seems to be nothing, nobody. But this is just an illusion of the outer physical senses, because inside, if you could perceive such a nobody with inner senses, then you could “see” that such a person is far from ordinary, that they are, in fact, quite extraordinary and powerful in a hard-to-define way.

And at best, inner alchemy can, hopefully, be a beacon to some, a kind of herald or light in a dark sea. And those heralds are, as I said, part of a house, a structure of sorts beyond physical structuring, that I have termed inner alchemy, and that light has been around for longer than recorded history and has been witness to even a cycle of growth and change as big as the one that we are now partaking in.


So, how does an alchemist handle such change, such a crescendo of increasing complexity? How do they survive the coming singularity?

Well, what they do is this: they stop looking outside of themselves for answers and instead begin to look within. As they do so, they create in themselves and of themselves a highly organized edifice. By ‘organized’, I don’t mean a typical building, like a castle. A better way to say it would be that not every castle looks the same; not every palace of the mind is some cookie-cutter stamp, identical to every other. Instead, each structure, each palace of the mind, is highly unique and different – either a finely crafted garden or chaotic jungle. Each an individual thing, a personal creation.

So, instead of looking without, instead of trying to find answers in the next economic theory, fashion trend, scientific breakthrough, or the latest theology, an inner alchemist turns his back on all such dogma and established bureaucracy, and begins to look within themselves for all the answers to all the questions they’ve ever had.

They take it for granted from the start that they are bigger, far bigger, on the inside than they could ever be on the outside. They take it for granted that they are graceful beings, with access to all the information they could ever really need within themselves. They take it for granted that there are greater aspects of themselves – unsuspected aspects, unsuspected dimensions of existence within themselves – which, if looked at properly, can answer all their real questions.

This turning point may be a bit odd to your old self at first. For that reason, it’s best to take it slow, allowing yourself to naturally transition away from authority figures outside and towards the greater knowing within. And as always, the world is there to help us, if only we understand how its helping hand works.

This is the simplest thing, this helping hand from the world, its natural and far less complex than some would have you believe. By that I mean that as the world becomes shaky all around you, as you begin to see the cracks of weirdness yourself, instead of trying to find answers from authority figures without – even me – you instead close your eyes, and for a while in your day, use inner senses to look within. So, just allow the world to reveal your own reality to you, through your personal life and what you find odd, what you feel needs a bit of personal answers, and progress from there, slowly, following your own pace and your own personal desires.

This is not a difficult thing. It just takes patience and a desire to find answers. And aren’t you looking for answers?

Well, that’s a good start. As a codgery inner alchemist, let me tell you this: the only thing you can really learn from without is how to begin your journey as you travel within. Once you know the basics and have a beacon or herald giving you the slightest inkling of which direction to go, then all the answers are really within you.

And once within, you must secure that knowledge that’s yours. This means learning to create that strong new edifice within yourself so that you can withstand the great tide of change all around you. Because such a tide is just that – like a wave of water or a wind that strikes against you and tries to push you in different directions. If you let it, that tide will turn your focus away from your inner knowing and push you out of your personal edifice, and before you know it, you’ll be at the mercy of some external trend or outside authority. But with that inner castle you’ve built for yourself – that ever-growing palace within your mind – you can use that structure as a shelter from the great tide and from the great, ever-increasing weirdness that will not stop, must grow, and will continue to grow as the years progress until finally we all hit a crescendo.

However, no matter where you are in time or space, that palace will serve you well because eventually you will realize that you have always been within an infinite sea – infinitely dark, but also marvelously beautiful. You will eventually understand that you are surrounded by infinity.

In the past, I’ve referred to this looking within as a kind of projection, the art of the projectionist. And I’ve referred to that inner edifice as the Logos. Another term for this might be called a mind palace, and you can think of it as creating your own world beyond the definitions and constricted laws and ideas of the average human world.

Another way to describe this might be to say that the logos is the development of a true logic beyond the simplistic rationality that tends to be defined by a poor implementation of Occam’s razor: “keep it simple, silly, because anything else is not true, so trust the sanctioned authority figures of the world and in that way assure yourself of an easy life, an easy path.”

But as your cage begins to expand, as your cage is forced to expand due to the great quickening of the world, and you begin to see things beyond the narrow reality tunnel of the past, you must begin to structure that reality by creating your own personal idea map of the world. This personal idea map must be flexible, extremely logical (based on the fine art of causality and personal perceptions), and strong enough to withstand the expanded perceptions to come.

We’ve already created a personal logos for the average world, the past world. We had a lot of help in creating this logos from our parents and all the other authority figures that we had as children. But that old logos is becoming obsolete in these modern and chaotic times, and as we delve deeper into the expanded world beyond the mundane and object-driven reality of the past’s rational skeptic, we must begin to develop an expanded worldview – one that can withstand the complexity of this ever-churning stew of gold and glitter.

It’s not an easy task in the sense that it takes your individual personal choice and desire to engage in this new way of doing things. You must focus your attention on the desire for true answers and personal stability. You must focus on that desire until the impetus comes from within yourself to act, and then you must do by acting in a way that not many sanctioned bureaucracies would recommend, which is to close your eyes and look within.

In a way, this new kind of doing is an undoing, and it’s easy to learn the preliminary steps. You may be surprised just how easy it is for you – almost like an old instinct. If you’d like to learn more about this way of finding answers and about how to create your own highly individual logos, then I recommend the book ‘The Way of the Projectionist.’ In that book, I will show you how we must systematically cube everything in our lives. This involves systematically looking at everything with a detached perspective, using causality and logic as our personal tools as we look deeper and deeper within ourselves, until we find our own answers and begin to create a map of our own personal world – far beyond, the static and ever more constricting worldview that the bureaucracies of the Earth would have us believe is the only real thing.

The world is a boundless library, with pages upon pages of mysteries waiting to be unraveled, secrets hidden within the lines of history, and stories waiting to be told. Yet, despite our best efforts to decipher the codes of existence, we often find ourselves standing at the threshold of the unknown, hesitant to take the first step into the uncharted territory of the unfamiliar. Our perception, like a ray of light cast into a darkened room, can only illuminate a small corner of the vast expanse, leaving the rest shrouded in shadows.

The unknown beckons, a siren’s call to set sail on the open and sometimes dark waters of possibility. Like a treasure map, it holds the promise of discovery, of secrets waiting to be unearthed, of a life beyond the normal and the routine. The thrill of the unknown is what drives us, what propels us forward, and what allows us to write our own story. Embracing the uncertainty, the mystery, and the unknown is an invitation to grow, to evolve, and to transcend. Let us chart our own course, and make our mark on the world. For in the depths of the unknown, we will find the opportunity to become the best versions of ourselves. This is so because our true self can only be discovered in places that lie beyond the ordinary. As I discuss in my book, The Art of Transmutation, everything that is true and real – our true self – can only be found in the unconventional, often overlooked areas and the vast, seemingly empty liminal spaces that surround the odd corners of existence.


The Limitations of Our Perception

Our perception is like a narrow beam of light, illuminating only a small part of the world. It is a limited window into the vast expanse of reality, a snapshot of a moment in time. Our senses and imagination are the instruments that filter and interpret this information, shaping our understanding of the world. However, this filter is inherently flawed, and our perception is limited by its own biases, assumptions, and experiences.


Our understanding of reality is like a small drop of water in an ocean, a single moment in time in the vast expanse of human history. We can only see a small slice of the world, a tiny fragment of the infinite possibilities that exist beyond our immediate experience. We are like sailors on a ship, navigating the choppy waters of life, but unable to see the shores that lie beyond the horizon. Our perception is bound by the constraints of our senses, our imagination, and our understanding, limiting our ability to truly grasp the nature of reality.


Our attempts to fit the unknown into rules and frameworks can actually limit our understanding of the world. We try to categorize and label the unknown, to fit it into neat little boxes and compartments. But this process of categorization is inherently reductionist, reducing the complexity and diversity of the world to simplistic and oversimplified concepts. We are like children trying to put a square peg into a round hole, forcing the world to fit into our preconceived notions and expectations.


Our perception is also influenced by our emotions, our values, our experiences, and most importantly our expectations (our beliefs). Our emotions color our perception, making us see the world through a distorted lens. Our values and beliefs shape our understanding of reality, filtering out information that contradicts our worldview. And our experiences, both personal and collective, shape our perception of the world, often unconsciously influencing our thoughts and actions. We are like artists painting a picture, but our brushstrokes are influenced by our emotions, our values, and our experiences, making the picture less objective and more subjective. They transform our supposed masterpiece, our self and individuality, into a monotonous routine, a carbon copy of our neighbors’ lives, thereby reducing us to a mere pod creature, a being possessed by the prevailing memes of the time.


Our perception is also limited by our language and our culture. Our words and phrases are like boxes that contain our thoughts and ideas, but these boxes are finite and limited, unable to capture the complexity and nuance of the world. Our culture is like a filter that shapes our perception, influencing what we see, what we hear, and what we believe. We are like travelers navigating a foreign land, struggling to communicate and understand the local customs and language.


Our perception, when shaped by constricted and controlled senses, is a limited and flawed instrument, shaped by our limited imagination, emotions, values, experiences, language, and culture. It is a filter that distorts and reduces the world, making it seem smaller and more manageable than it actually is. But when it is freed from the narrative of the times it can become a powerful tool that can be used to explore, to discover, and to understand the world. By recognizing the limitations of our perception, we can strive to expand our understanding, to push the boundaries of our knowledge, and to see the world in all its glory. A world that remains hidden from most, which can only be discovered beyond the confines of our socially constructed cube, a realm that transcends the boundaries of the prison walls erected by the woefully accepted ruler(s) of the Earth.


The Power of Embracing the Unknown

The unknown is not something to be feared, but rather something to be celebrated. It is the unknown that holds the key to innovation, to discovery, and to growth. When we embrace the unknown, we open ourselves up to new possibilities, new experiences, and new perspectives. We become like the explorers of old, venturing into the uncharted territories of the world, driven by curiosity and a sense of adventure.

Embracing the unknown allows us to break free from the constraints of our limited understanding, to transcend the boundaries of our knowledge and experience. It is the unknown that has led to some of the most significant breakthroughs in human history, from the discovery of new lands and cultures to the development of new technologies and ideas. It is the unknown that has driven humanity to push the boundaries of what is thought possible, to challenge the status quo, and to create something new and original.

When we embrace the unknown, we also open ourselves up to the possibility of failure. But it is in this failure that we often find the greatest lessons, the most profound insights, and the most significant breakthroughs. Failure is not the end, but rather a stepping stone to success, a chance to learn, to grow, and to evolve. It is the unknown that has led to some of the most significant failures in human history, from the collapse of empires to the failure of grand schemes, but it is also the unknown that has led to some of the most significant successes, from the rise of new civilizations to the development of new technologies.

Embracing the unknown also allows us to connect with others, to form new relationships, and to build new communities. It is the unknown that has brought people together across cultures, across borders, and across time, to share in the human experience, to learn from each other, and to grow together. It is the unknown that has led to some of the most significant collaborations, from the joint ventures of scientists and artists to the global partnerships of nations and organizations.

Embracing the unknown is a powerful force that can unleash our creativity, imagination, and potential. It is the enigma that has inspired the greatest works of art, from novels to symphonies to paintings, and it is the mystery that has driven the most revolutionary innovations, from the development of new technologies to the creation of new business models. It is the unknown that has led to some of the most groundbreaking breakthroughs in human history.

Challenging the boundaries of our perception and beliefs is the ultimate catalyst for change, innovation, and growth. It is the unknown that holds the key to limitless possibilities, experiences, and perspectives. It is the unknown that has driven humanity to push the boundaries of what is considered possible, to question the status quo, and to create something entirely original and unique.


Expanding Our Perspectives

Expanding our perspectives is essential to embracing the unknown and unlocking the full potential of our minds. It is the ability to see beyond the horizon, to gaze into the vast expanse of the unknown, and to grasp the infinite possibilities that lie beyond our immediate experience.


When we expand our perspectives, we open ourselves up to new ideas, new experiences, and new ways of thinking. We begin to see the world from different angles, to understand different beliefs, and to appreciate different perspectives. We become more empathetic, more attuned to the flow of life, and more oddly logical, as we recognize that this complex reality that we are a part of is beyond mere common reason.


Expanding our perspectives also allows us to break free from the constraints of our own biases, assumptions, and experiences. We begin to question our own beliefs, to challenge our own assumptions, and to seek out new information and new insights. We become more curious, more inquisitive, and more open-minded, as we recognize that there is always more to learn, more to discover, and more to experience.


Expanding our perspectives opens up a world of possibilities for our creativity, imagination, and potential. We start to see the world as a vast, untouched wilderness, waiting for us to blaze our own trail, to forge our own path, and to leave our own mark on the land. We become more innovative, more adventurous, and more daring, as we recognize that we have the power to shape our own destiny, to create our own reality, and to make our own impact on the world.


In addition, expanding our perspectives allows us to transcend the parameters of our own limitations, to push the boundaries of what is thought possible, and to achieve greatness. We begin to see the world as a limitless frontier, a vast and endless expanse of possibilities, where we can explore, discover, and create. We become more ambitious, more driven, and more determined, as we recognize that we have the power to achieve our wildest dreams, to make our mark on the world, and to leave a lasting legacy.


Embracing the unfamiliar and the odd is essential for unlocking the full potential of our minds. Our minds tend to create comfortable little prisons for themselves, building walls to feel secure from the infinite complexity of the world. Within these walls, they take shelter from the unexpected and tell themselves constant little lies about their security and immortality. To discover our true selves and break the limitations society has imposed, we must be willing to step outside of these comfort zones.


There is a powerful force out there, a vibrating energy that surrounds all of humanity. This force can be thought of as a resonating frequency created by the desire for comfort and familiarity, or as a ruling force that encourages us to accept limited thinking, laziness, and comfort-driven stupidity. Some people choose to remain within the confines of these walls, while a minority seeks the unknown beyond them. Those who truly wish to find their true selves must venture far beyond the walls of complacency and embrace the storms of the unknown.


A Path Forward

As we delve into the depths of our minds, we find ourselves at the precipice of a realm where the boundaries of our perception are stretched to their utmost limits. It is here, in the liminal spaces, that we are compelled to confront the constraints of our own self-imposed rules, the societal norms that have been imposed upon us, and the limitations of our physical senses.

But it is precisely in this desolate landscape, where the last vestiges of our rational thinking are left to wither and die, that we can discover the true majesty of the universe. The unknown, once a source of terror, becomes a gateway to the hidden recesses of our own consciousness, where the true self lies waiting, shrouded in mystery and secrecy. This is not a journey for the faint of heart, for it requires a willingness to confront the abyssal void that stares back at us, to question the very fabric of our reality, and to venture into the uncharted territories of our own minds.

As we descend into the depths of our own psyche, the shadows begin to take on a life of their own, coalescing into dark, twisted forms that seem to writhe and spiral around us like living serpents. The silence is oppressive, heavy with the weight of our own doubts and fears. But it is here, in this desolate wasteland, that we can discover the true power of our own imagination, and tap into the limitless potential that lies within us.

And as we emerge from the depths of our own minds, we are met with a world that is transformed, bathed in the flickering light of our own imagination. The shadows that once seemed so oppressive now seem to dance and twirl around us, like a dark twisted carousel. The unknown, once a source of terror, has become a gateway to the limitless potential that lies within us. And it is here, in this transformed world, that we can finally discover the true self that lies hidden within, waiting to be unleashed upon the world.

We can break free from the constraints of our own cages, and finally begin to see glimpses of our true self. We can discover the magic that lies within, the magic that has been waiting for us all along, hidden in the shadows, waiting for us to tap into its power. And it is only when we are willing to venture into the unknown, to confront our own fears, and to challenge our own perceptions, that we can finally unlock the true potential of our own consciousness, and discover the true magic that lies within.

If you’re drawn to the mysteries of the hidden realms, and curious about the subtle energies that surround us, then you may find solace in, The Art of Transmutation. This book offers an introduction to the concept of liminal spaces, where the boundaries of rational thought are left behind in order to discover the greater possibilities within all of us. Within its pages, you’ll discover a framework for exploring the unknown, and a practical guide to navigating the threshold between the familiar and the mysterious. Whether you’re seeking a deeper understanding of yourself or the world around you, this book provides an illuminating path to begin your journey. Take the first step into the unknown, and let The Art of Transmutation be your guide.

Imagine a world where everything is a joke, a never-ending circus of clowns trying to outdo each other with their antics. The air is thick with the smell of popcorn and greasepaint, and the sound of laughter and screams of delight fill the air. But beneath the surface of this seemingly carefree world, there’s a sense of unease, a feeling that nothing is quite as it seems. The clowns are constantly juggling balls, spinning plates, and making silly faces, but their actions are mere distractions from the true nature of reality.

You’re not a clown, though. You’re the audience, sitting in the front row, watching the show unfold with a mixture of wonder and skepticism. You’re not a part of the act, but you’re drawn in by the spectacle, mesmerized by the colorful costumes and the bright lights. But as you watch, you start to feel like you’re trapped in a never-ending loop, with the clowns repeating the same antics over and over again. You begin to wonder if there’s more to life than this endless parade of pranks and tricks.

That’s when you realize that there are those who believe they hold all the power, the ones pulling the strings behind the scenes. They think they can control the show, the audience, and even you. They’re the ones who claim to have the secrets, the ones who think they can manipulate reality to suit their own purposes. But do you really want to be a part of their circus? Do you want to be a pawn in their game of control, a mere spectator in their grand scheme?

No, you don’t. You’re here to create your own show, your own reality. You have the power to shape it, to make it magical, and to make it yours. It’s like being an artist, painting your own masterpiece with each stroke of the brush. You’re the creator, the director, and the star of your own show. You’re the one who gets to decide what happens next, who gets to choose the colors, the music, and the characters.

So, don’t let the clowns distract you. Don’t let them steal your focus or your power. Stay true to yourself, and create your own reality. The world is your canvas, and you’re the artist. You’re the one who gets to choose what kind of brushstrokes you use, what kind of colors you mix, and what kind of masterpiece you create.

Imagine a world where you’re not just a spectator, but the main attraction. Imagine a world where you’re not limited by the rules of the circus, but are free to create your own rules. Imagine a world where you’re not just a part of the show, but the show itself. That’s the world you can create, the world you deserve. So, take a deep breath, step out of the spotlight, and start painting your masterpiece. The world is waiting for you.

Crafting Your Masterpiece

Creating your reality in the present moment is like crafting a mosaic, a delicate dance of individual pieces coming together to form a breathtaking work of art. Each decision you make, each thought you think, and each action you take is like adding a single tile to the mosaic, contributing to the overall image. It’s a puzzle, with each piece fitting together to form a complete picture, a masterpiece that is uniquely yours.

Imagine you’re standing in front of a blank canvas, ready to start painting. The first brushstroke sets the tone for the entire piece. It’s the same with your reality. The first thought, the first decision, the first choice you make sets the tone for the entire canvas of your life. It’s like casting the first stone in a pond, creating ripples that spread out and shape the water around it.

As you begin to add more strokes to the canvas, the picture starts to take shape. Each brushstroke is like a decision, each choice a piece of the puzzle. You can choose to add vibrant colors, bold and bright, or subtle hues, soft and gentle. You can choose to add intricate details or bold strokes. The possibilities are endless, limited only by your imagination and creativity.

So, be mindful of your focus. Each decision you make is like adding a piece to your mosaic. Choose your thoughts and beliefs wisely, and your reality will be a masterpiece. Choose carelessly, and it might turn into a hot mess. Don’t let the clowns in the circus dictate your choices. They might try to steer you in their direction, but remember, you’re the artist. You’re in control of your canvas.

As you continue to create, the mosaic begins to take shape. You start to see the outline of your reality, the contours of your life. You can see the beauty, the beauty of the colors, the beauty of the shapes, the beauty of the patterns. You can see the flaws, the imperfections, the rough edges. But you can also see the potential, the potential for growth, the potential for change.

And that’s the beauty of it. You’re not just creating a masterpiece, you’re creating a living, breathing, dynamic work of art. You’re creating a reality that is constantly evolving, constantly changing, constantly unfolding. You’re creating a reality that is uniquely yours, a reflection of your soul, your heart, and your spirit.

Therefore, take your time, take your brush, and start painting. Add a stroke, add a thought, add a decision. See what emerges, see what unfolds. See the masterpiece take shape, see the beauty, see the potential. And remember, you’re the artist, you’re the creator, you’re the one in control of your canvas.

Staying True to Your Vision

Don’t be fooled by the clowns in the world who think they hold all the power. They may try to distract you with their antics, to make you believe that their reality is the only one that matters. But remember, you’re the artist of your reality, the one who shapes your world with every subtle tone of your intention. Focus on the present moment and choose your thoughts and beliefs wisely. Create your reality, make it magical, and don’t let anyone steal your power.

Just as an artist must first see the vision in their mind before they can bring it to life on the canvas, you must first see the reality you wish to create before you can bring it into existence. This is the power of visualization, the ability to see your desires and dreams take shape in your mind’s eye. It’s the spark that ignites the creative process, the catalyst that sets the wheels in motion.

And just as an artist must have the courage to take the first brushstroke, you must have the courage to take the first step towards your desired reality. It’s the moment when you commit to your vision, when you decide to take control of your life and shape it into the masterpiece you’ve always wanted.

Just as an artist must stay focused on their vision, you must stay focused on your desired reality. Don’t let the clowns in the world sidetrack you with their pranks and noise. They may try to steal your attention with their loud voices and flashy tricks, but you must stay true to your vision.

Think of it like a painter staying focused on their canvas. They don’t let the noise of the studio or the chatter of the people around them distract them from their art. They stay focused on the brushstrokes, the colors, and the overall vision they have for their masterpiece.

In the same way, you must stay focused on your vision, your reality, and your desires. Don’t let the clowns distract you with their opinions. Don’t let fear and doubt creep in and steal your power.

Remember, the power is within you. You are the artist, the creator, and the master of your reality. You can shape your world with every decision, every thought, and every action. Don’t let anyone or anything take that away from you. So, stay true to your vision. See the reality you wish to create in your mind, and then bring it into existence. Take the first step, take the next step, and keep moving forward. Don’t let fear or doubt hold you back. You are stronger than that.

Just as an artist must trust their instincts and trust their vision, you must trust yourself and your inner guidance. You must trust that you can create the reality you desire. And just as an artist must be patient and persistent, you must be patient and persistent in your journey towards your desired reality.

Just as an artist must first see the vision in their mind before they can bring it to life on the canvas, you must first see the reality you wish to create before you can bring it into existence. Take a moment to close your eyes, breathe deeply, and imagine the reality you desire. See yourself living in a world that is aligned with your values, your passions, and your dreams. See yourself surrounded by people who support and uplift you, who celebrate your unique gifts and talents.

Just as an artist must have a clear vision of the masterpiece they wish to create, you must have a clear vision of the reality you wish to create. See the colors, the textures, the shapes, and the forms that make up your desired reality. See the beauty, the wonder, and the magic that you wish to bring into the world.

Just as an artist must have the courage to take the first brushstroke, you must have the courage to take the first step towards your desired reality. It may be scary, it may be uncertain, but it is necessary. For it is in taking that first step that you begin to bring your vision into being.

Just as an artist must be patient and allow the painting to unfold, you must be patient and allow your reality to unfold. It may take time, it may take effort, but the results will be worth it.

And just as an artist must continually refine and edit their work, you must continually refine and edit your thoughts and beliefs. You must be willing to let go of what no longer serves you and replace it with something that aligns with your vision.

Remember, the power is yours, and yours alone. Don’t let anyone else dictate what you can and cannot do. You are the artist of your reality, and you are the one who gets to decide what kind of masterpiece you create.

Taking the First Step: The Power of Creation

In this moment, take a deep breath and close your eyes. Allow yourself to let go of any doubts, fears, or worries that may be holding you back. Imagine yourself standing at the threshold of your greatest desires, with the reality you’ve always dreamed of unfolding before you like a canvas awaiting a masterpiece.

See yourself living in that reality, feeling the emotions that come with it. Feel the joy that radiates from within, the freedom that comes with living authentically, and the peace that settles in knowing you’re exactly where you’re meant to be. Allow yourself to fully immerse in this vision, to taste the sweetness of success, and to bask in the warmth of happiness.

Now, take the first step towards that reality. It may seem small, almost imperceptible, but it’s a step in the right direction. It’s the spark that sets the fire of creation ablaze. And as you take more steps, your reality will begin to take shape, like a painter adding brushstroke after brushstroke to a masterpiece.

But beware, for the world is full of distractions, like clowns juggling balls and making a ruckus. They may try to steal your attention, to make you doubt your vision, to make you question your power. Don’t let them.

Remember, your reality is not something that happens to you; it’s something you create. You are the architect, the painter, the conductor of your own life. You have the power to shape your destiny, to mold your reality, to bring your wildest dreams to life.

So, take the first step. Take the second, the third, and the fourth. Keep taking steps, no matter how small they may seem. Keep creating, keep shaping, keep molding. And as you do, your reality will begin to unfold, like a flower blooming in the garden of your mind.

Claim your power and master your universe. You hold the brush, paint, and canvas to create a reality that’s breathtakingly beautiful and awe-inspiring. Don’t let anything or anyone steal your magic. You are the architect of your destiny, crafting a masterpiece that reflects your soul’s essence. Take charge, wield your creative might, and bring your vision to life – a reality that will leave a lasting positive legacy.

Are you ready to peel back the curtain and reveal the mesmerizing show behind the spectacle of the clown world? Do you sense that there’s more to life than the surface-level distractions that surround you? If you’ve caught glimpses of a hidden reality, but yearn to know the secrets of the game, then I highly recommend the book, “Overcoming the Archon through Alchemy“, it’s your ticket to unlock the mysteries of the universe and shatter the chains of limitation.

Within its pages, you’ll discover the true nature of the game, and more importantly, the ancient wisdom to break free from the cycle of chaos and create your own reality as the true artist that you are. Imagine being able to shape the world around you, to manifest your deepest desires, and to live a life that’s authentic and fulfilling. This book is your key to unlocking that potential, and embarking on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

In recent years, there has been a considerable increase in interest and participation in occult, esoteric, and metaphysical practices, particularly among younger generations. Activities such as tarot readings, witchcraft, meditation, and astrology have seen a remarkable surge in popularity, leading to what is commonly known as the “occult revival.” This cultural shift has attracted the attention of scholars, scientists, and politicians, who I often refer to as the ‘authority figures’ of the times. They are eager to understand the reasons behind it and its impact on society, as well as exploring potential ways to benefit from and control these movements in order to maintain their power and influence over the masses.

One fascinating aspect of the occult revival is that its implications are far greater than some might suspect. These early stages indicate another significant shift in collective ideas and belief structures of our times. This shift could potentially initiate a new memetic war, a psychic war of sorts, where one group’s beliefs battle against another. Perhaps this new belief war will be one focused on the genuine pursuit of inner reality, rather than the mechanical objective reality that has become dominant in the modern world.


One of the primary contributors to the occult revival is the rise of the internet and social media. These platforms have made occult-related content more accessible and popular than ever before. Individuals who may not have been exposed to these practices in the past now have the opportunity to learn about them and explore their interests. This development can be both advantageous and disadvantageous, as I will discuss later in this article.

Another factor is the desire of some, particularly millennials and Generation Z, to establish a unique political and cultural identity that differentiates them from mainstream religious and ideological movements. The occult presents an alternative way of thinking and living that appeals to those who wish to forge their own path.


Nevertheless, the allure of the occult extends beyond merely being different. Numerous individuals are drawn to these practices because they offer a sense of empowerment, camaraderie, and purpose in a world that can sometimes feel disenchanted and dis-empowering. The occult provides a sense of control and connection to something greater than ourselves, which can be highly appealing in today’s fast-paced and frequently impersonal reality, where the narrative of a completely mechanical and object filled world, has become the norm.


Despite the increasing popularity of the occult, some people criticize this trend, viewing it as a rejection of Enlightenment values and a step backward. However, others argue that practices like tarot, astrology, and witchcraft have connections to scientific and health fields, such as quantum entanglement or the growing popularity of mindfulness.


I believe that the rise of the occult among younger generations is a reflection of their desire for meaning, purpose, and control in a complex and ever-changing world. Whether you view this trend as a positive spiritual awakening or a cause for concern, the occult revival is an intriguing cultural phenomenon that is worth exploring further. This is particularly relevant in a time where people are becoming more disconnected from society and the world, due to the influence and power of artificial intelligence; which seems to be increasingly able to perform all of the physical and everyday tasks, that once gave many individuals a sense of purpose and meaning.

The world is on the verge of a transformative shift, moving us away from a narrow focus on the physical and material, and inviting us to explore the depths of human potential. By turning inward, we can uncover the true wonders of our being, expanding the human experience. This evolution holds great promise, but only if we are open to embracing the upcoming artificial intelligence revolution in a positive way, intelligently using this evolving technology as a means to freedom rather than a new bureaucracy to overcome and fight against. In the best-case scenario, this technological leap can serve as a catalyst for freedom, providing us with unprecedented opportunities. Under these conditions, spirituality may once again regain its prominence, enabling humanity to transcend our limited self-conception as merely mechanical beings and reach new heights of existence.


The Evolving History of Occultism


The term ‘occult’ refers to a wide range of beliefs and practices that have influenced human history for thousands of years. From ancient times to the present day, the occult has served as a means to understand and interact with the world, often through mystical and supernatural means. Additionally, some argue that the occult represents advanced knowledge and mind sciences from the past, which, if rediscovered, could empower us to rise above being mere slaves to technology and its controllers, ensuring that all of us have the opportunity to thrive and evolve beyond our current constraints.


In the earliest days of human civilization, in accordance with the dictates of recorded history, the occult was seen as a way to unlock hidden truths and access supernatural powers. These early practices, closely linked to religious and spiritual beliefs, were often guarded by priestly classes and esoteric societies. Astrology, alchemy, and divination were among the most popular occult practices, allowing practitioners to influence the natural world and communicate with divine forces.

During the Renaissance, the occult underwent a renaissance of its own, as Europe’s leading thinkers sought to reconcile the emerging scientific worldview with traditional mystical beliefs. Scholars like Marsilio Ficino and Pico della Mirandola played a pivotal role in popularizing Hermeticism, Neoplatonism, and other esoteric traditions. The Corpus Hermeticum and the Picatrix, two influential occult texts, were produced during this period, as well.


By the 19th and early 20th centuries, the occult had once again captured the public’s imagination, thanks in part to movements like Spiritualism, Theosophy, and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. These groups aimed to explore the hidden realms of the mind, the cosmos, and the supernatural, drawing on a diverse array of occult and esoteric traditions. Notable figures like Aleister Crowley and Helena Blavatsky emerged during this time, further cementing the occult’s place in popular culture.


Before recorded history, in a time long past, there were ancient traditions and mysterious technologies that far surpassed our current imagination. These technologies predate written history and combined the logical with the spiritual. They delved into the inner reality of humanity and melded incredible journeys and discoveries with an alternative logic that bridged internal and external dimensions. This synthesis created a cohesive whole that enabled ancient, now-forgotten civilizations to perform what we now consider miracles, hinted at only in modern fiction’s fantastical speculation.


Throughout its rich and diverse history, the occult has been profoundly shaped by the social, cultural, and intellectual contexts of its time. While the specific practices and beliefs have changed throughout the ages, and have taken a decidedly more material turn, the underlying human desire to explore the hidden and the supernatural has remained a constant. As the occult continues to adapt and change, it will undoubtedly continue to reflect and influence the zeitgeist of the times. In the current era, marked by a technological revolution, we have the potential to create new allies in the form of artificial intelligence and robotics. This technological advancement may finally free us to explore our inner reality and reach our true potential, not in a haphazard way, but through a logical and rigorous new scientific field – the field of what I like to call Mind Science.


The Implications of the Occult Resurgence


The recent surge of interest in occult, esoteric, and metaphysical practices has significant implications that the average person should be aware of. This trend is a reflection of a growing dissatisfaction with traditional religious and ideological institutions among certain demographics, particularly younger generations, who are drawn to the occult as a means of finding meaning, purpose, and a sense of empowerment outside of mainstream belief systems. This “re-enchantment” of the secular world through occult practices can be seen as a reaction against the perceived disenchantment and dis-empowerment of modern life.


The occult revival has certainly sparked a lot of interest in recent times. However, it’s not without its risks and potential downsides. Some experts are concerned that the appeal of occult practices like mediumship and astrology could be particularly harmful for vulnerable populations. There are also worries that the embrace of occultism represents a rejection of Enlightenment values and a retreat into “Dark-Age” thinking.

We must remember that there is some value in the insights made by those who consider themselves to be the modern “authority figures” of the times. To that end, we must be careful not to fall into the opposite extreme of the modern mechanical world view, by embracing a superstitious and dark age attitude. We must stay vigilant and not allow the majority, the mob mind of the times, to dictate how this new occult revival will evolve.

Instead of following the Mob Mind or even the supposed ‘experts’, we must learn from history and reject those who show a lack of intelligence. We must pursue a new line of possibilities using methods that do not involve manipulation or the desire to believe in a thing without any ‘personal’ exploration and experimentation. We must reject the dogmatic, blind surge of the mob mind and instead find our own truth and share that truth in new ways, using experimentation and controlled replication, the scientific method. And by scientific method, I don’t mean the bureaucracy of the modern elite, but instead a movement towards true experimentation and logic.

As our external technology allows us to let go of an existence where we must toil physically in potentially meaningless jobs, we must use this new freedom to navigate a new course, not into a dark age of superstition, but into a new world of possibilities that would make those who existed before recorded history proud.


For the average person, it is important to be aware of the growing prevalence of occult-related content and practices, and to approach them with a critical eye. While many occult traditions can offer valuable insights and tools for personal growth and spiritual exploration, it is crucial to be discerning and to rely on reputable sources and qualified practitioners.

Additionally, the average person should be mindful of the potential for occult-related content and practices to be used for manipulation, exploitation, or the promotion of harmful ideologies. It is important to be wary of any occult-related claims or activities that seem to be promoting extremist, conspiratorial, or unethical agendas. Basically, anything driven by the mob mind and what seems to be just endless memetic war, as I explained in my book, ‘Overcoming the Archon through Alchemy‘, must be rejected. All inner exploration begins with the personal self within the individual, to give those rights to others is the beginning of all manipulation.


The resurgence of occultism is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that reflects deeper societal and cultural shifts. While the occult can offer meaningful spiritual and personal experiences for some, it is essential for the average person to approach it with a critical and discerning mindset, and to prioritize their own well-being and the well-being of their community.

Moreover, the fascination with the occult can lead to a better understanding of the human psyche and our innate desire for spiritual connection. As a result, the average person may find themselves exploring various belief systems, philosophies, and practices in search of their own path to personal growth and fulfillment. This journey of self-discovery can ultimately lead to a greater appreciation for the diversity of human experience and a deeper understanding of our shared human condition.


The growing interest in occult practices and their potential impact on society is a fascinating and complex topic. It’s important to be aware of the risks and benefits associated with these practices, as well as the potential harm they may cause to vulnerable populations. But beyond that, the exploration of occultism can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth.

If you are interested in truly understanding the mysteries within yourself and how to begin to unlock those incredible lost powers, then I highly recommend the book, The Occult Experience. It’s a great starting point for anyone looking to delve into the world of occultism with an open mind and a desire for personal transformation.

I often discuss and write about something I believe is best referred to as the ‘inner senses.’ These inner senses, which I often refer to as a heightened perceptual range available to all humans, go beyond just the physical senses we are commonly aware of.

With the development of these inner senses, an individual can cultivate the ability to perceive the vast array of forces and energies that constitute our reality, both on an individual level and as a collective species. In my experience, the most astounding aspect of refining these inner senses is my ability to observe the interconnectedness and thriving awareness that exists all around us. This pervasive consciousness plays a crucial role in maintaining and even nurturing a perfect environment for our expanding perceptions as human beings.

We are indeed fortunate to be surrounded by a conglomeration of energies specifically suited to fostering our potential growth and the expansion of our individuality.

Through the use of these inner senses, it has been and continues to be a great shock—the discovery that the Earth is quite literally a sentient being. This aware and powerful being cradles and supports us. Furthermore, we are not just fleas on a giant elephant’s back; we are an integral part of the Earth. In many ways, it could be said that we are the thinking aspect of nature, and nature is one of the many facets possible within the great cradle of the planet Earth itself.

As an inner alchemist learns to use their inner senses, and as they begin to truly see, they start to understand the great awareness in which they live. This awareness is the Earth itself – this vast planetary system. When this realization becomes infinitely clear through the constant refinement and increased use of inner senses, these inner alchemists find themselves not in an exploitative role, like some supposed bacteria or virus growing on a giant apple. Instead, they discover that we are all not just connected but actually the same thing, all one thing. We are quite literally the thinking aspect of a greater whole. In this sense, we humans are not separate from the Earth; rather, we are the Earth, and it is us. From this perspective, we are not distinct from the Earth, but rather the thinking aspect of this greater sentient organism.

The implications of this perspective are profound. It suggests that the Earth, as a self-regulating system, is capable of caring for itself and maintaining the conditions necessary for life to thrive. From this standpoint, we humans need not take ourselves too seriously as the dominant force on the planet. Instead, we should see ourselves as integral parts of a larger cosmic whole, with a unique role to play in fine-tuning our connection to the Earth and the greater universe. What I am trying to say here is that, since we are the Earth itself – the thinking aspect of it, if you will – caring for it means caring for ourselves. In the best of circumstances, you could think of us as being an organ in a much bigger organism, and as such, our health is completely related to the health of the whole.

Often, we try to position ourselves as the guardians of the Earth, thinking of ourselves in a way that makes us seem superior to the rest of reality and the rest of this planetary system. This perspective can have some positive outcomes if we are willing to take responsibility for the world in which we live. However, if we use this stance and skew it slightly to make ourselves feel superior to the Earth, thinking that only we are truly capable of fixing the Earth and deciding what needs to be done when, then we can find ourselves feeling superior to the natural forces and, may I add, the far more capable forces of the world as a whole.

A great deal of this imposed superiority, which is accompanied by a desire to be in charge and manipulate the Earth, stems from our inherent modern distrust of our unconscious. In the same way that we distrust the unconscious aspects of ourselves, we currently distrust the natural flow of the Earth. Believing that we cannot trust the natural and therefore unconscious forces, we strive endlessly to try to control what we perceive as chaotic and savage.

We will continue to feel disconnected and alone until humanity learns to trust in deeper aspects of itself; until we begin to trust the supposed unconscious within us. By learning to trust these deeper aspects, we will come to see that we flow within a far bigger reality. We are part of a much larger gestalt of being, and as such, we must learn to flow with nature rather than trying desperately to control it with our conscious self.

The moment humanity learns to understand and work with the deeper aspects of itself, we will also learn how to trust in the great and natural forces of the Earth itself.

Now, this does not mean that we are at the mercy of the Earth. This is often the stance of those who demand hyper-focused conscious control over everything, and as a result, they insist on saying that if we do not control nature, then nature will control us.

Learning to use our inner senses and thus seeing the greater reality that we are all a part of, inner alchemists begin to realize that we indeed have control. The nature of this control takes into account the vast array of currents and energies that flow all around us, allowing us to understand at a deep, visceral level that we live in grace. We exist within a graceful world, and the Earth strives to provide the best environment for us. In contrast to the idea that we are somehow surviving in a harsh Darwinian world, we discover instead that we are cradled within nature. If these Darwinian ideas were truly applicable, humanity would have gone extinct long ago.

We are meant to give direction to the Earth, experiencing and seeing its wonders. By determining whether something is good or bad, desired or undesired at any particular moment, we are then responsible for providing these perceptions and further directing the Earth’s path. Our ability to control our attention and focus on empathy, compassion, and a deep reverence for the Earth and all its creatures is key to fostering a more harmonious relationship with our planetary host. By shifting our mindset from dominance and exploitation to one of humble awareness and reverence, we can become the conscious, thinking aspect of the Earth, helping to guide it towards a more sustainable and thriving future.

This perspective also challenges the notion that the Earth is merely a resource to be exploited for human benefit. Instead, it invites us to see the planet as a living, breathing entity deserving our utmost respect and care. By aligning our actions and thoughts with the well-being of the Earth and learning to trust in deeper aspects of ourselves, we can ensure that the planet remains healthy and vibrant. This is not only for our own species but also for the diverse forms of life it supports.

By tuning our awareness and honestly confronting our feelings, both good and bad, we begin to trust in our greater reality. Far from advocating a positivity outlook where all negativity is denied, we instead look at ourselves with complete frankness and honesty. If we feel negativity or if something that happened on Earth has a negative consequence and creates supposedly negative emotions, it is our duty to confront those feelings and understand why such things are happening. By doing so, we confront the negativity and move forward with the understanding that the focus of our attention will eventually lead us to a better outcome.

Incrementally, in every aspect of our lives, no matter how small, we begin to take our place as the true stewards of the Earth. In the smallest ways, we affect the greatest things, and the Earth, our mother, trusts us to follow such an order of action. By focusing on our reality from the smallest things to the greatest things, and then trusting in our unconscious and therefore the greater powers all around us, we focus our attention on where we want to go instead of trying to consciously dominate things to get what we supposedly want. In this way, we begin to flow as opposed to hacking through.

This is a more natural approach, one that begins to trust our inner reality. As we grow and develop new avenues and realities, we begin to see that we can trust those supposedly chaotic and savage forces all around us. As we start to trust in these, we accept our unconscious for what it is – a creative force far beyond anything understandable by the conscious self alone.

Over time, as our trust in the unconscious aspects of ourselves grows, we begin to trust nature and the Earth itself. When this is possible, we lose the sense of being separated from the Earth and begin to unite with it. We come to understand our position in it and no longer feel like we are less than, but truly become far more than we currently are as individuals and as a species.

In the end, you must understand that the Earth is a sentient being. This should be a powerful reminder of our place in the grand scheme of the cosmos. It should encourage us to cultivate a deeper sense of connection and responsibility towards our home planet, using our unique cognitive abilities to help the Earth thrive instead of dominating and destroying it. All such domination stems from our lack of understanding of ourselves and our inability to trust unconscious forces, such as the so called subconscious, which has become an almost taboo subject in the modern age.

By embracing the perspective of inner alchemy, which strives to learn to work with the unconscious self, we can become true stewards of the Earth. We can work in harmony with its natural rhythms and processes to create a more sustainable and fair future for all. And in this future, we are not merely meant to forever be little parts of a greater whole; we are actually being nurtured. Our mother wants us to grow and evolve to become true individual beings, her children. She dreams in a way of seeing us grow and scatter ourselves across the cosmos like seeds. In that way, in the same way that a good parent expects its child to grow and expand beyond itself, the Earth cradles us in our youth and hopes that in the future we may hurl ourselves into infinity. Taking with us on this endless journey, a little piece of the Earth itself, our mother.

If you would like to know more about the incredible power within you, about the unconscious and the struggles of the conscious self. If you would like to learn the discipline of inner alchemy, and learn how to use the inner senses and out to see yourself, then I highly recommend a trilogy of books: The Magnum Opus, The way of the Projectionist, and The way of the Death Defier.