Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge


I’m not sure if you have heard of the power of body language, but if you haven’t let me tell you that its pretty amazing stuff. People who have a good understanding of body language can read others like a book, and it appears that most (if not all) of our internal reality is expressed either consciously or subconsciously through body language.

What is perhaps even more amazing; by consciously controlling our body language, we can actually control our feelings and how we interact with the world around us. For example, if you were to smile right now for no good reason, you would find that you are actually feeling quite happy. The body is a brilliant machine that maintains holistic union at all costs, and body language is a great way to control this machine. What this means is that we can actually control our body language consciously, and in doing so we can control how we feel and act. As that famous little dictum says, we can literally “fake it till we make it”.

What is an alpha individual?

The term “alpha individual” typically refers to a person who holds a dominant or leading position within a social group.

Definition and Characteristics

  1. Social Dominance: An alpha individual is seen as the most dominant person in a group. They often take charge in social situations and make decisions. This dominance can appear in different places, like social gatherings, workplaces, or competitive settings.
  2. Leadership Qualities: Alpha individuals are usually natural leaders. They have strong people skills, high self-confidence, and can influence others. These traits help them guide groups well and express their opinions or preferences during discussions.
  3. Cultural Perception: The term often refers to “alpha males” or “alpha females,” who are viewed as the most successful or powerful in their groups. This view can sometimes suggest aggression or competitiveness but can also include positive traits like decisiveness and charisma.

Overall, an alpha individual combines social dominance, leadership, and assertiveness, making them influential figures in their social circles.

Perhaps you are an Alpha or perhaps you are not. Being an Alpha Individual can be very rewarding and incredibly important when it comes to Social Dynamics, and I believe that there will be occasions when turning yourself into the Alpha in the room will be advantageous. Why would you want to be the Alpha; because they get respect, get noticed, and get most of the opportunities.

So, if Body language controls your internal representations and also controls the way others see you, perhaps the best way to begin to become an Alpha is to control your body language. To master this body language style, I am going to break it up into three distinctive techniques:


Always keep your chin up, try to never look up at anyone. Why do kings address others from a throne on a pedestal? Why do you stand on a podium to speak? Because being higher up denotes authority. You might think that you stand on a podium so that everyone can see you and that is part of the reason, but the critical reason is that on a podium, you command attention. Others look up to you in deference.

Therefore to command attention and denote your higher status, keep your chin up at all times. Don’t overdo it as you might crash into a coffee table or something, but generally keep your chin higher than anyone else in the room. If you find yourself in the presence of a very dominant person, make sure to keep your chin higher than theirs and whenever possible look down your nose at them. Again, don’t overdo it. The more subtle that you can be, the better.

Be tall. Don’t walk around or sit with bad posture. Expand your limbs so that you are always as stretched out as possible. The key is to strive for height.

If you happen to run into a very tall person and literally have to look up at them, arch your back with your chin raised and look up at them that way. What you are doing is basically arching yourself so that you can still look down at the giant.

Don’t go up to a person and snuggle under them and look up with your big Bambi eyes. People like Bambi as a stuffed toy, not as a figure of responsibility and leadership.


Alpha individuals take up more space than insecure lower cast people. They conquer their space and they own it. They are not afraid to expand their body and take up more room than their neighbor. Subtlety is again the key here, don’t walk around like a paranoid King Kong on a mission.

Try to keep your feet shoulder width apart when standing, expand your chest and open up your arms a bit. When you sit, make sure you are comfortable, and take up space on your chair. Use your hands and arms to own your space.


This is perhaps the most important point in becoming an alpha individual. The greatest form of dominance that we can exhibit is a completely relaxed body that is comfortable in its own space.
Make sure to let go of any tension in your body, alpha individuals are seldom nervous. Don’t try to not be nervous or scared, just don’t be tense. If you feel your body tensing up, just focus on the tension and relax it. Focus on your posture if you get nervous; concentrate on keeping your dominant posture, and this should divert some of your uneasiness.

Remember also that posture actually affects our internal feelings, so as long as you relax your body, keep your chin up, and take a wide stance, you should begin to feel pretty comfortable. When standing, I recommend that you keep all your weight or most of it on one foot, this gives you a nice relaxed look and should help with most of the body tension.


Lastly, did I mention not to overdo it? It’s crucial to strike the perfect balance when conveying confidence and authority through body language. After all, this is an art that requires finesse, subtlety, and a deep understanding of human psychology.

Body language is essentially subliminal, meaning it operates beneath the level of conscious awareness, yet still exerts a profound influence on those around us. So, you want to make your point – convey your message, establish your credibility, or assert your dominance – but you don’t want others to notice that you are making a point.


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