Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

The world is a boundless library, with pages upon pages of mysteries waiting to be unraveled, secrets hidden within the lines of history, and stories waiting to be told. Yet, despite our best efforts to decipher the codes of existence, we often find ourselves standing at the threshold of the unknown, hesitant to take the first step into the uncharted territory of the unfamiliar. Our perception, like a ray of light cast into a darkened room, can only illuminate a small corner of the vast expanse, leaving the rest shrouded in shadows.

The unknown beckons, a siren’s call to set sail on the open and sometimes dark waters of possibility. Like a treasure map, it holds the promise of discovery, of secrets waiting to be unearthed, of a life beyond the normal and the routine. The thrill of the unknown is what drives us, what propels us forward, and what allows us to write our own story. Embracing the uncertainty, the mystery, and the unknown is an invitation to grow, to evolve, and to transcend. Let us chart our own course, and make our mark on the world. For in the depths of the unknown, we will find the opportunity to become the best versions of ourselves. This is so because our true self can only be discovered in places that lie beyond the ordinary. As I discuss in my book, The Art of Transmutation, everything that is true and real – our true self – can only be found in the unconventional, often overlooked areas and the vast, seemingly empty liminal spaces that surround the odd corners of existence.


The Limitations of Our Perception

Our perception is like a narrow beam of light, illuminating only a small part of the world. It is a limited window into the vast expanse of reality, a snapshot of a moment in time. Our senses and imagination are the instruments that filter and interpret this information, shaping our understanding of the world. However, this filter is inherently flawed, and our perception is limited by its own biases, assumptions, and experiences.


Our understanding of reality is like a small drop of water in an ocean, a single moment in time in the vast expanse of human history. We can only see a small slice of the world, a tiny fragment of the infinite possibilities that exist beyond our immediate experience. We are like sailors on a ship, navigating the choppy waters of life, but unable to see the shores that lie beyond the horizon. Our perception is bound by the constraints of our senses, our imagination, and our understanding, limiting our ability to truly grasp the nature of reality.


Our attempts to fit the unknown into rules and frameworks can actually limit our understanding of the world. We try to categorize and label the unknown, to fit it into neat little boxes and compartments. But this process of categorization is inherently reductionist, reducing the complexity and diversity of the world to simplistic and oversimplified concepts. We are like children trying to put a square peg into a round hole, forcing the world to fit into our preconceived notions and expectations.


Our perception is also influenced by our emotions, our values, our experiences, and most importantly our expectations (our beliefs). Our emotions color our perception, making us see the world through a distorted lens. Our values and beliefs shape our understanding of reality, filtering out information that contradicts our worldview. And our experiences, both personal and collective, shape our perception of the world, often unconsciously influencing our thoughts and actions. We are like artists painting a picture, but our brushstrokes are influenced by our emotions, our values, and our experiences, making the picture less objective and more subjective. They transform our supposed masterpiece, our self and individuality, into a monotonous routine, a carbon copy of our neighbors’ lives, thereby reducing us to a mere pod creature, a being possessed by the prevailing memes of the time.


Our perception is also limited by our language and our culture. Our words and phrases are like boxes that contain our thoughts and ideas, but these boxes are finite and limited, unable to capture the complexity and nuance of the world. Our culture is like a filter that shapes our perception, influencing what we see, what we hear, and what we believe. We are like travelers navigating a foreign land, struggling to communicate and understand the local customs and language.


Our perception, when shaped by constricted and controlled senses, is a limited and flawed instrument, shaped by our limited imagination, emotions, values, experiences, language, and culture. It is a filter that distorts and reduces the world, making it seem smaller and more manageable than it actually is. But when it is freed from the narrative of the times it can become a powerful tool that can be used to explore, to discover, and to understand the world. By recognizing the limitations of our perception, we can strive to expand our understanding, to push the boundaries of our knowledge, and to see the world in all its glory. A world that remains hidden from most, which can only be discovered beyond the confines of our socially constructed cube, a realm that transcends the boundaries of the prison walls erected by the woefully accepted ruler(s) of the Earth.


The Power of Embracing the Unknown

The unknown is not something to be feared, but rather something to be celebrated. It is the unknown that holds the key to innovation, to discovery, and to growth. When we embrace the unknown, we open ourselves up to new possibilities, new experiences, and new perspectives. We become like the explorers of old, venturing into the uncharted territories of the world, driven by curiosity and a sense of adventure.

Embracing the unknown allows us to break free from the constraints of our limited understanding, to transcend the boundaries of our knowledge and experience. It is the unknown that has led to some of the most significant breakthroughs in human history, from the discovery of new lands and cultures to the development of new technologies and ideas. It is the unknown that has driven humanity to push the boundaries of what is thought possible, to challenge the status quo, and to create something new and original.

When we embrace the unknown, we also open ourselves up to the possibility of failure. But it is in this failure that we often find the greatest lessons, the most profound insights, and the most significant breakthroughs. Failure is not the end, but rather a stepping stone to success, a chance to learn, to grow, and to evolve. It is the unknown that has led to some of the most significant failures in human history, from the collapse of empires to the failure of grand schemes, but it is also the unknown that has led to some of the most significant successes, from the rise of new civilizations to the development of new technologies.

Embracing the unknown also allows us to connect with others, to form new relationships, and to build new communities. It is the unknown that has brought people together across cultures, across borders, and across time, to share in the human experience, to learn from each other, and to grow together. It is the unknown that has led to some of the most significant collaborations, from the joint ventures of scientists and artists to the global partnerships of nations and organizations.

Embracing the unknown is a powerful force that can unleash our creativity, imagination, and potential. It is the enigma that has inspired the greatest works of art, from novels to symphonies to paintings, and it is the mystery that has driven the most revolutionary innovations, from the development of new technologies to the creation of new business models. It is the unknown that has led to some of the most groundbreaking breakthroughs in human history.

Challenging the boundaries of our perception and beliefs is the ultimate catalyst for change, innovation, and growth. It is the unknown that holds the key to limitless possibilities, experiences, and perspectives. It is the unknown that has driven humanity to push the boundaries of what is considered possible, to question the status quo, and to create something entirely original and unique.


Expanding Our Perspectives

Expanding our perspectives is essential to embracing the unknown and unlocking the full potential of our minds. It is the ability to see beyond the horizon, to gaze into the vast expanse of the unknown, and to grasp the infinite possibilities that lie beyond our immediate experience.


When we expand our perspectives, we open ourselves up to new ideas, new experiences, and new ways of thinking. We begin to see the world from different angles, to understand different beliefs, and to appreciate different perspectives. We become more empathetic, more attuned to the flow of life, and more oddly logical, as we recognize that this complex reality that we are a part of is beyond mere common reason.


Expanding our perspectives also allows us to break free from the constraints of our own biases, assumptions, and experiences. We begin to question our own beliefs, to challenge our own assumptions, and to seek out new information and new insights. We become more curious, more inquisitive, and more open-minded, as we recognize that there is always more to learn, more to discover, and more to experience.


Expanding our perspectives opens up a world of possibilities for our creativity, imagination, and potential. We start to see the world as a vast, untouched wilderness, waiting for us to blaze our own trail, to forge our own path, and to leave our own mark on the land. We become more innovative, more adventurous, and more daring, as we recognize that we have the power to shape our own destiny, to create our own reality, and to make our own impact on the world.


In addition, expanding our perspectives allows us to transcend the parameters of our own limitations, to push the boundaries of what is thought possible, and to achieve greatness. We begin to see the world as a limitless frontier, a vast and endless expanse of possibilities, where we can explore, discover, and create. We become more ambitious, more driven, and more determined, as we recognize that we have the power to achieve our wildest dreams, to make our mark on the world, and to leave a lasting legacy.


Embracing the unfamiliar and the odd is essential for unlocking the full potential of our minds. Our minds tend to create comfortable little prisons for themselves, building walls to feel secure from the infinite complexity of the world. Within these walls, they take shelter from the unexpected and tell themselves constant little lies about their security and immortality. To discover our true selves and break the limitations society has imposed, we must be willing to step outside of these comfort zones.


There is a powerful force out there, a vibrating energy that surrounds all of humanity. This force can be thought of as a resonating frequency created by the desire for comfort and familiarity, or as a ruling force that encourages us to accept limited thinking, laziness, and comfort-driven stupidity. Some people choose to remain within the confines of these walls, while a minority seeks the unknown beyond them. Those who truly wish to find their true selves must venture far beyond the walls of complacency and embrace the storms of the unknown.


A Path Forward

As we delve into the depths of our minds, we find ourselves at the precipice of a realm where the boundaries of our perception are stretched to their utmost limits. It is here, in the liminal spaces, that we are compelled to confront the constraints of our own self-imposed rules, the societal norms that have been imposed upon us, and the limitations of our physical senses.

But it is precisely in this desolate landscape, where the last vestiges of our rational thinking are left to wither and die, that we can discover the true majesty of the universe. The unknown, once a source of terror, becomes a gateway to the hidden recesses of our own consciousness, where the true self lies waiting, shrouded in mystery and secrecy. This is not a journey for the faint of heart, for it requires a willingness to confront the abyssal void that stares back at us, to question the very fabric of our reality, and to venture into the uncharted territories of our own minds.

As we descend into the depths of our own psyche, the shadows begin to take on a life of their own, coalescing into dark, twisted forms that seem to writhe and spiral around us like living serpents. The silence is oppressive, heavy with the weight of our own doubts and fears. But it is here, in this desolate wasteland, that we can discover the true power of our own imagination, and tap into the limitless potential that lies within us.

And as we emerge from the depths of our own minds, we are met with a world that is transformed, bathed in the flickering light of our own imagination. The shadows that once seemed so oppressive now seem to dance and twirl around us, like a dark twisted carousel. The unknown, once a source of terror, has become a gateway to the limitless potential that lies within us. And it is here, in this transformed world, that we can finally discover the true self that lies hidden within, waiting to be unleashed upon the world.

We can break free from the constraints of our own cages, and finally begin to see glimpses of our true self. We can discover the magic that lies within, the magic that has been waiting for us all along, hidden in the shadows, waiting for us to tap into its power. And it is only when we are willing to venture into the unknown, to confront our own fears, and to challenge our own perceptions, that we can finally unlock the true potential of our own consciousness, and discover the true magic that lies within.

If you’re drawn to the mysteries of the hidden realms, and curious about the subtle energies that surround us, then you may find solace in, The Art of Transmutation. This book offers an introduction to the concept of liminal spaces, where the boundaries of rational thought are left behind in order to discover the greater possibilities within all of us. Within its pages, you’ll discover a framework for exploring the unknown, and a practical guide to navigating the threshold between the familiar and the mysterious. Whether you’re seeking a deeper understanding of yourself or the world around you, this book provides an illuminating path to begin your journey. Take the first step into the unknown, and let The Art of Transmutation be your guide.


  1. Hello John, I made the dragon on the opening of “vampires way” as my screensaver because I like animals and dragons are top eaters. While doing this I scrutinized its body and wondered how provocative it would be to move as a dragon. I’ve been reading your material for some time and it never occurred to me that I should’ve compared its body to mine in order to see that I needed an extra claw connected to my skull so I relaxed, imagining the outer edge of my wrist being pressured and decompressed as if an extra finger truly lived there. And what do you know, my mojo juiced itself up upon doing this. You’re right John, I truly possess claws. Kind of like how amputees feel lost limbs.
    It’s been 2 weeks since I switched gears, my intuition lead to me to start manually removing blockages throughout my skull and my nei kung study is snowballing. I do feel tubes in the arms, and how “flexing” my claws balances my entire orientation. Are these tubes, the sensation of which is amplified by remembering the claw, actually phantom muscles connected to the phantom claw? The fact that dragons exist/existed is already mind blowing, but remembering the experience of being one is next level. I truly wonder why it’s not common knowledge to leverage biological history with our imagination even though we’re taught in biology class that there’s a reptilian mixed up in our skulls somewhere. I’m sure in my ‘good’ Christian country they would say I’m walking with satan, but I’m gonna bet he’s with all of us and life can feel better by truly embracing him.

    1. I am glad that you are expanding your perceptions, and you are discovering your own ways. The inner senses, the imagination, and our perceptions of the outer world are indeed connected, and they play more of a role in the creation of our universe and any modern science suspects or will suspect for a long time to come.
      Your ability to truly feel those inner energy channels and the expanded parts of yourself are due to your ability to release new energy, which is itself due to the dismantling of barriers within yourself. This is very good, and I commend you for your work.
      But as these extra energies become available to you, it is very important to maintain personal sobriety or else that energy will get away from us. Think of it like the ability to develop stronger wires and capacitors to be able to withstand the extra energy you have released. Sobriety and energetic containment then become highly important.

      1. I understand, I took your advice and started holding poses from CMCs Tai Chi since I began moving energy between my hands as directed in Overcoming the Archon. I bet you’re aware of the feeling the practice manifests and I thank you for the recommendation because it lead me to learning of the beggar as Tai Chi’s character; and your book as a (hard to find) map of the Golden Elixir. I can feel how ‘wearing’ living bundles of cloth pulls the secret smile along for the ride. Nobody else makes much sense about it and I don’t see myself learning anything else for now, so that solves figuring out what to do with all this free time. Also, I regularly use an English based Creole so I my linguistics aren’t perfect but I feel like you saw herbal abuse in my words so thanks for the emphasis on sobriety. I didn’t take it as seriously as I should.

  2. Dear John,

    from the perspective of an inner alchemist, can you give advice about dealing with the integration of the two worlds (first world, second world)? Let’s presume someone is still very far away from the “end” stage techniques and breaking the sleep wall. But with continual work comes slight increase in ability, the usual perception and reality of that person gets weirder and more strange. As servitors and visualized objects continue to become clearer and more integrated, and projections feel slightly more like reality, how does that person safely integrate this in a healthy way that is conducive to further development without major hickups?
    I feel like this ties in with exploration and embracement of the unknown.

    Thank you very much! I’m really looking forward to your next book.

    1. This is a very good question and one that is hard to answer simply.
      I would say that the number one objective of the inner alchemist, as there world begins to grow and their cages become bigger and bigger, is to learn to work with and develop their LOGOS, right from the start.
      I discuss this technique in detail in the, ‘techniques section’, of chapter 2, in the book, The Way of the Projectionist. In that book I call it the Logos, the science of individual being. Another term for this might be called a mind palace, and you can think of it as creating your own world beyond the definitions and the constricted laws and ideas of the average human world.
      Another way to describe this might be to say that the logos is the development of a true logic beyond the simplistic rationality that tends to be defined by a poor implementation of Occam’s razor: keep it simple stupid because anything else is not true, trust the sanctioned authority figures of the world, and in that way assure yourself of an easy life, an easy path.
      As your cage begins to expand, and you begin to see things beyond the reality tunnel of the average person of the times, you must begin to structure that reality by creating your own personal idea map of the world. This personal idea map must be flexible, extremely logical (based on the fine art of causality and personal perceptions), and strong enough to withstand the expanded perceptions to come.
      We have already created a logos for the average world. We had a lot of help in creating this logos from our parents and all of the other authority figures that we had as children. As we delve deeper into the expanded world beyond the mundane and object driven reality of the rational skeptic, we must begin to develop an expanded worldview.
      To do that we must systematically ‘cube’ (as I described in the book mentioned) everything in our lives. And this involves systematically looking at everything with a detached perspective, using causality and logic as our rules for engagement as it were, until we understand whatever new phenomena from that new perspective.
      In that same book I also talk about staying psychologically stable in appendix B. There I talk about the ability to focus on the present moment, and about how to use basic energetic work to contain the sometimes turbulent emotions that might overtake someone who’s cage is growing beyond the reality of the times.
      I would therefore suggest that book to you if you want to dive deeply into such techniques. I will definitely think about making a video on this topic being that it’s such an important question.

  3. Sebastian

    Hello John, long time enjoyer of your content/books here. Today I come to you with a new complicated question that is a bit scientifically based, but also alchemically based. It all hinges on the Black Sun. I’ve read Death Defier and so many more of your books that mention it, and one idea that always stuck with me was how you said that the black hole at the center of the Milky Way (Sagittarius A*) was the physical embodiment of the Black Sun and it is what’s responsible for second death. You were the first source I’d learned about Sagittarius A* so it was cool to learn a scientific fact that mixed with alchemy. But, I eventually learned something else that conflicted a bit with some thoughts. Initially, I believed that Sagittarius A* exerted gravitational force on our solar system and held it in place, much like the Sun does to Earth. This would then also suggest maybe gravity has effect on our souls, and that’s why they end up there in the final death. But, the fact I later learned is that Sagittarius A* doesn’t have any gravitational effect on us and it is not what holds the galaxy together. It’s mass is too small to, and rather it is Dark Matter that makes up the mass of the Milky Way and holds it together. This then made me really curious about Dark Matter since so much is not known about it and it has such a profound effect. More specifically, I’m curious about it’s potential relations to
    inner alchemy and if it has any concepts in inner alchemy that relate to it. I want to hear your thoughts on all of this, and if there is anything you believe about Dark Matter, since it’s clear you believe that Sagittarius A* holds much alchemical significance and it is sort of the final boss. But Dark Matter is playing an arguably larger role in the galaxy, so I’m curious about it’s potential alchemical significance. There is also Dark Energy, but it plays a pretty different role from Dark Matter as far as I know. But maybe there is something there too.

    Final notes: First, I know Dark Matter/Energy are still relatively theoretical concepts and haven’t truly been proven, but they’re still our best model for explaining why things are the way they are from a physical pov. Second, I also don’t expect your answer to break down any precise high level theories in physics or anything of the sort. I’m an alchemist as well and not the hard scientific type, so I take everything with a grain of salt. I just want to hear your thoughts as a light-hearted discussion on alchemical relations to physics/astronomy things since I have a fondness of both subjects

  4. [John: I redacted and changed this comment so as to keep anonymity, sorry D. But your story was so intriguing that I had to do my best to post it and try to answer some tough questions.]

    Hi John, I’ve been inspired by the article’s topic to share a personal experience related to your work and the insights I gained from it. I value your work and your responsiveness to your audience. I’ve written this with the main points in mind, but it has turned out longer than anticipated. I believe it will be worth your time.

    I visited a yoga retreat center in the US for an evaluation, as I was organizing the first in-person retreat for my company. I wanted to ensure a good fit and no unexpected surprises. The center follows a guru-led ashram model and is home to many long-term residents.

    During my visit, I received a private tour and was shown a large meeting room, which was essentially a shrine to the late founder. He had demonstrated advanced yogic abilities in a scientific setting. However, I found it strange that his personal possessions were on display, and some residents believed in his abilities above their own. I noted this as a potential shortcoming but it didn’t deter me.

    During my meditation, I experienced a rapid energy drain from my body. I felt uneasy but managed to regain control. I attributed it to a roaming negative energy presence. I remained cautious but continued with my visit.

    The residents spoke openly about the community being perceived as a cult. Some visitors expressed concern, while others defended it. I overheard a conversation about a past sexual scandal involving … had allegedly engaged in inappropriate relationships with students.

    I realized that the community was grappling with cognitive dissonance, unable to reconcile the positive experiences with the darker aspects of their past. I believe there are no accidents and that this community was an ongoing manifestation of an intent.

    The current spiritual leader’s public comments on the matter were vague, and I couldn’t help but wonder about the nature of the old teacher’s intent and whether it continued beyond death. I had an intense interaction with the current spiritual leader, which left me feeling like I had uncovered a dark secret.

    The experience was consolidated for me during my trip home. I felt the presence of the old teacher and the weight of the situation. I managed to absorb his energy and gain a new perspective on the situation.

    I would say that if I had not read Vampire’s Way… right before this event, and Overcoming the Archon Through Alchemy several months before that, I could not have handled this situation. But that is not quite right. I think engaging with these practices simultaneously brought this experience about and prepared me to handle it. I thank you for your work and for reading my story.

    I’m open to hearing any thoughts you might have about this, especially with respect to the role that the former teacher might still be playing. I had specific questions but I will leave them out because this has gotten so long.

    1. An incredible story thank you for sharing, I deeply appreciate your candor.
      That is the problem with the Archon, we all have to deal with it on this earth, even those that are supposedly enlightened. What does this mean?
      It means that there is no escaping the Archon while we are in physical form. The only way to escape the Archon is to move to a dimensional field, a world, where the Archon either has very little influence or none at all. This is possible but while physical, even enlightened beings, must be forever vigilant to not fall under its influence. As I wrote a number of years back:
      Why do some adepts fall?
      The answer is simple from the energetic point of view:
      “Their form of energetic containment, using whatever techniques that they practice, are not enough to withstand the archon’s dark intent. If there is a crack, the edifice will eventually crumble.
      For that reason, inner alchemists to their utter best to try to overcome this problem by always insisting that all three polarities be mastered in equal measure, and by always practicing the art of absorption as opposed to just the art of creating shields.”
      I think that you were able to quite clearly feel the lingering intent of the place in question. Not only that, I think that you have quite clearly through your own internal senses, been able to directly perceive the connection between those followers and that lingering intent. If this individual had the kind of power you describe, then it is quite likely that aspects of him at least are still present and relatively cohesive, existing beyond the death of the flesh.
      Beyond that, the adoration and the keeping of certain paraphernalia are definitely contributing to the persistence of such an entity, or perhaps they are helping in the creation of a brand-new one (like a thought form). This place you describe is a pool of energy, more akin to a kind of vortex of energy, that a sensitive individual needs to be aware of. I am glad that you are able to use the methods I outlined to keep yourself balanced.
      But I must point out in all fairness, to be a fair seer, that this is not all negative for everyone. What I mean by this is that there are those that seek this kind of experience, and in finding it to whatever degree that they might need it, they do indeed benefit.
      For those that are truly plugged up energetically as it were, such a place can be a benefit in the short-term. It is quite simply the vampire’s gift, which is the gift of energetic release. This is a difficult topic to try to explain in words because there are so many taboos that crop up, but in the simplest of terms you could say that in the same way that a strong emotional event might be beneficial, in the sense that it can help to release pent up energy and open up new possibilities, such a place can also have healing properties as well. To use a better analogy such a place can be compared to pools of water. Some people might want a nice hot pool of water to stimulate them. Other people might want ice cold bath and may find such an experience highly stimulating. I hope you know what I mean.
      But yes, such relationships can become dependent ones, so a person needs to be careful, and learn to work with their energy.

      1. Hi John,

        I really appreciate the reply and you taking the time to make my story suitable for your comments section.

        Could you say more about the vampire’s gift? I’ve been interested in your insights on this topic since I read overcoming the Archon. You mention in there that the original alchemists were vampires and that alchemy didn’t have the connection to healing that it does today. It was about consuming and using energy. This struck me as a very deep and somehow true story. Is this something you perceived for yourself? Is there a thread of literature that helped you make this connection? Thank you again.

        P.S. I take your point about the hot and cold water. I knew while I was there that people clearly had some positive (and perhaps needed) experiences in that place. What turned me off was that many of them live there for months or even years and are not capable of perceiving what’s going on or understanding how it really affects them. I suppose it’s an instance of a bigger problem. I wonder if the archon has an outsized impact when influencing someone who has developed a greater energetic capacity. Words are tricky. Does that make sense?

        1. The vampire’s gift is complicated in a certain way and yet in another way you could say it’s the simplest thing possible. What the vampire does, interestingly, is bring things to life. In relation to what we were talking about, in order to feed on a certain amount of energy, the vampire needs to stimulate the energy meridians of the host so as to get the juiciest morsels possible.
          In modern parlance, this then is a kind of psychic vampire, not feeding on blood but feeding on life energy itself. By stimulating the host, they create a kind of quickening and then feed from that quickening. Certain hosts can benefit greatly from this because it is very stimulating and allows their energy centers to grow and to potentially move around the major energy centers of the body, perhaps for the first time in a potentially sedate life.
          In the special circumstances then, both the host and the vampire get something out of the exchange. The vampire gets the energy that they require, and the host gets energetic stimulation that then can allow them to begin to work on their own energy. You can see how this relates to the scenario that you described.
          And this information is there for those that can see. As I mention often, you must perceive yourself directly. Dogma should never be trusted. In other words, it is my hope that in time you learn to use the techniques that I mention in my books and on this website to ‘contemplate’ and use your ‘internal senses’. It is my hope that you learn to go deeply into your mind palace, as I described in my book The Art of Transmutation. Once deep enough, you can see for yourself whether what I’m saying is energetic truth or not.

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