Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

The question is not as complex as one may imagine, if one realizes that everything is conscious;

from a person to an animal to a carrot, a rock, or even a chair.

The question then simply becomes, how did ego consciousness (that is human consciousness) arise?

In other words, how did the doer separate itself from the doing?


The answer is that humanity intended it; the human structure wanted to know itself,

it wanted to know individuality.

And at a point in time, which from our perspective is the past,

the world at large answered humanities desires,

and from the depth of the Dark Sea, humanity was blessed

with the gift of The Great Archon, which is perhaps the greatest

example of, ‘be careful what you wish for,’ ever!


Now humanity, as a collective of individual beings,

must intend again.

This time it must focus this intent upon true freedom;

upon breaking the hold that this meme driven reasonable

ego self imposes on it.

This does not mean that it has to go back to being

the unconscious innocent doer again, it means that

it must take the individuality that it fought so

hard to attain, and it must fly free with it,

into the great dark infinity Out There!


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