Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

Many of us find it very difficult to take criticism. Generally criticism is taken as a direct attack on the self. While it is the case that some criticism is given in order to derail a person, most criticism has the positive benefit of showing you where you are going wrong. Any criticism should be handled with objective detachment that can only come from personal control of the ego.

When you are being criticized, you should analyze the situation carefully and determine if you have acted wisely. It is always good strategy to admit your mistakes openly and honestly, always telling the whole truth and admitting any ineptness on your part. By being completely honest and facing up to any criticism right away, you diffuse any anger that is directed at you. You can also handle the situation objectively by not having to protect your ego through anger or lies.

Always try to utilize a logical and objective approach. This means that you must ask yourself; is this true or false? Who said it? Is this person’s opinion of value? Is this person prejudiced or is this person an honest critic?

Apply cool objective scrutiny to analyze any criticisms brought up against you, taking them apart in detail and examining the to see if they are correct. In this way in an objective and detached manner you can see if the criticisms are just or unjust. If they are correct then admit your mistake and try and correct it. If they are not correct then forget about them and continue with your work.

It is always important to never get angry and attack someone over any criticism. Even those that criticize you in order to try and attack you should not be attacked in return. If you do this you will actually be playing into their game and you will be seen as an emotional person that cannot be trusted. By staying cool and objective you show others that you are confident in your work and that you are willing to consider anything objectively.

In an objective and detached manner, ask yourself if the person or persons had the right to take the actions that they did. If they had a right to question your motives and your work then accepted it as an inevitable participation with them. If they did not, then you must point this out as it is important in your defense against whatever criticism they might have made.

Whenever we are criticized is very easy to start pitying ourselves. When we pity ourselves, we go on about how terrible the world is and how everything is against us. You should always ask yourself one simple question; am I enjoying my misery? This is a good question to ask and it will allow you to discover whether you are just applying self-pity in order to trying feel better. Whether you were right or wrong, whether your critics were correct or incorrect, you must never pity yourself and must always be prepared to take action to remedy your situation.

If criticism is studied in an objective manner, you will realize that even though emotions can be involved, those that criticize you are always giving you good advice; whether they want to or not. Look at the situation objectively, and look at your actions objectively. Discover whether you were at fault or not and in a very logical and detached manner come up with solutions to any problems that you find.

Admit to others and to yourself that you can make mistakes. Never let your ego push you into an aggressive stance where you position yourself in a manner that can be easily toppled. Criticism can be given by those that want to help or it can be given by those that want to hurt. If you understand that all criticism is a chance of discovering newer and better strategy, you can use any situation to your advantage. Learn to take criticism properly and you will never be thwarted by it.






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