Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

Learn to always challenge yourself and different ways.  The best way to always stay on your toes and therefore to always stay sharp, is to challenge yourself in new and interesting fashions.  New challenges keep our brains well exercised, and they inspire us to grow in new ways.

Challenging yourself does not mean over working yourself.  This is indeed a challenge, but not a very creative challenge.  To challenge yourself to pull on a rope is not creative, any farm horse can pull on a rope.  A creative challenge would be to try and figure out how to avoid having to pull on that rope at all.

Get creative with your challenges.  Learn to test yourself in different ways, challenge yourself to find better ways to do things that you have done before.  Challenge yourself to become more efficient, challenge yourself to become better than before.  To do this you must push yourself to think outside the box, to let go of conventions that you have lived by and to approach old problems in new ways.

Challenge yourself by breaking your old routines.  Routines are the great binders that tie us to a course of action and never let us go.  Do things that you have not done before, try those things that are unusual for you.  Change your schedules and do things at times when you usually don’t do them.  Try the unusual, and find freedom in the discovery of the new.  There is no way to discover what will happen in a crisis situation if you never try the unexpected because the crisis always involves the least expected.

By challenging yourself in different ways you will discover many things about yourself.  There is no better way to discover what you are capable of and what your weaknesses are than to always and constantly do something that tests you in a different way.  Life is a constant challenge but our routines tend to make us think that life is boring and simple.  We are also far more complex and far stronger than we imagine, through constant challenge we can discover our great strengths and find a kind of self confidence that would not be possible without our self imposed tests.

Life can become far more enjoyable if we are able to constantly challenged ourselves in new and interesting ways.  When things are boring, what we’re really saying is that this certain situation holds no new surprises for us.  This ‘surprise’ is what creates excitement and brings passion and fun into our lives.  As Henry David Thoreau said, “most live lives of quiet desperation”.  This is so because we are all trapped by the weight of our routines and the lack of attention that we give to our lives. Challenge breaks routine and therefore greatly increases the amount of attention that we are paying to things. To constantly challenge yourself is the key to becoming better in all things.

Learn to handle setbacks.  We all have occasions when we fail or when we are not able to accomplish that which we wanted to do.  Learning to handle these situations will allow us to have the energy required to try again.  Without this energy, any setback, will stop any effort that we’re making and will stop us almost as soon as we got started.

You can never plan for everything.  Life is an open system, where anything can be introduced at any time.  This means that there is no way to be able to plan for every single circumstance.  As a result, the only thing that you can do is your very best in any situation, but always understand that there will be unforeseen events that might hinder you.

When you are faced with a setback, always try and maintain a sense of humor.  Most often the best way to deal with these unforeseen circumstances and failures is to have the ability to laugh at yourself.  Try not to take yourself too seriously and laugh at what you cannot change.  We all fail and we all suck on occasion, laughing at our foibles is the only way sometimes to cure ourselves from the demon of personal doubt.

When you have a setback try and talk it out.  If you have a good friend or confidant then all the better, use this person as a sounding board to see what you did wrong and how you can improve.  You can also of just talk it out by yourself, find a quiet place where you can be alone and sound it out to see what comes to your mind.  This is a great way to discover new ideas that will allow you to take different routes and try different scenarios.  Talking about it will also allow you to clearly see where you went wrong and in this way to discover how you can do things better the next time.

When you have a setback it is also a good idea to take a break.  Distancing yourself from the problem is sometimes the best solution that you are able to offer at the time.  Take a break and clear your head, try to think of other things and relax your body.  Too much stress can build up and can cause you to feel overwhelmed by whatever problem that you are facing.  The timeout will allow you to relax and regroup your energies so that you can face whatever set back with fresh and strong energy.  Sometimes a break is all that our minds need to quickly give us a solution that can help us to win.

A good way to take a break is to have a hobby.  It is always a good idea to have an entertaining hobby that you can do to give yourself a rest from a difficult situation.  We all have certain things that we love to do, the idea is to do something that you find engaging and relaxing so that your mind can become occupied in something comforting for a while.  It does not have to be a hard thing, even a nice quiet walk can be a great hobby that allows you to have the time to regroup yourself.  You know best what you love best and what you can do as a hobby to relax yourself.  Use this hobby as a soothing ointment when life has been difficult to you.

Finally, always learn from your setbacks.  Always learn from your mistakes, for every mistake has something to teach you that will help you, so that you do not make this mistake again.  Setbacks are really course corrections that allow us to fine tune our direction.  Try not to see setbacks as being a terrible thing but as being the world’s way of putting you back on track.  Learn to handle setbacks properly and you will never fail because every setback is a learning experience.




It is very difficult to always try to be someone that you are not. People have a way of projecting their expectations on you; this can lead to a desire to be someone that you aren’t in order to please others. This is the most common and most powerful way that you become inclined to become someone that you are not.  It’s an easy rut to get into, and there are 2 major causes for this:

1)     Parents are the biggest unintentional culprits here. Parents after all are the ones that instantly become your role models when you are born. They are your first teachers, and for the most formative years in your life they are the ones that tell you all about life and what is expected of you.  This is great power and can often times lead to a type of life projection.

Parents can sometimes project on to their children ideas based on their failed goals. This is usually a well meaning desire from a parent to try and have the child accomplish something that the parent wasn’t able to do. Perhaps the parent dreamed of becoming a football star and could not so this parent projects this desire on the child and then does everything in his power to push the child in that direction.

Here you are then trying to please your parent(s). You think that you are supposed to be something that you are not because your parents told you so. Most people that find themselves in this situation can’t bear to confront their parents even though  their emotional distress over being someone that they don’t want to be is tremendous. Sometimes these parents are also quite strong of character and force a child of weaker character to follow their desires.

In order to stop this cycle of parental suffocation, you have to get clear about who you are. You must try to find time for yourself so that you can begin to discover yourself and your desires. Unfortunately this is very difficult for a younger person, even an older person, to do this since parents tend to dominate so much of the person’s life. But when you can, you must take the time to explore your being and your desires so that you discover what it is that you wish to do now and in the future.

The thing that you must do is have the courage to confront your parents also. This is usually very difficult and it is more difficult the younger that you are. But you must have the courage to do this so that you can challenge those parental opinions that have so dominated your life and begin to assert your personal self, free of their opinion.

2)     The second major cause of someone not being themselves is influence from peers. This is what is usually referred to as “peer pressure”. And while it might sound funny, it can actually be a very powerful controller of personality.

The crowd has the power of great control over the individual, this is very obvious to anyone that has ever been part of a large movement of people. If you then add credibility and respect to that mass of others, you have an incredibly powerful motivator. We tend to listen to those that we respect or care about. If they tell us that this is this and that we should do that, then we tend to obey. And it is not just friends and close acquaintances that fall into this group of motivators, the media and group trends are also telling you what to do;  If they say that being skinny and wearing hair gel is cool then that is what most people will do.

In order to find your true self, you must again make sure that you find enough time to spend all to yourself. This means that you must make time away from friends and acquaintances, away from the parties and the social events. You must make time so that you can be alone to think and contemplate your own life and your own path.

You must also find time to distance yourself from the media. This can be difficult in this time of internet, tv, radio, and all sorts of mass communication. It doesn’t mean that you have to go cold turkey and become a social hermit. What it means is that you have to balance your time so that you can spend some conscious time away from all of the social circus out there. A long walk or a quiet time by yourself on the couch is great. No music though, just you and your thoughts. This way you can begin to contemplate your ideas and desires, and begin to question anything that does not seem to be good to you.

Once you discover what you want and who you are, you have to have the courage to do your own thing. This can be a truly scary process, we are all conditioned to follow the tribe and to take our assigned role in society. We all fear loneliness, ostracism, and the slander of others. But you must have the courage to go your own way and to follow your own path.

If you can do this, you will see that life will become far more exciting. We are all in one way or another trying to be someone that we are not. This is caused by our beliefs which are almost always the expectations of others. Following your own way is a scary thing but it is also infinitely rewarding. Discover who you are and have the courage to follow your own path. To truly be an individual means that you have to stop being someone that others believe you should be, and to start being truly yourself.





Throughout the day and through out our lives there are many times when others project negative energy at us.  You could say that throughout your day you are being constantly bombarded by the negative energy of others.  There is no reason to worry about this as we are all very well psychologically protected, and we have learned from infancy to deal with this kind of bad energy.

You can imagine for example how often people tend to send negative energy your way when you are driving.  Actually any crowded environment is usually a large repository of negative energy.  This is the case because large populations are usually competing against each other.  Any competition begets conflict, whether physical or psychological, and this conflict always leads two conflicting energy.

If you have low self esteem, or if you are not used to conflict, you can become very distressed by this energy.  You might believe that it is your fault, that you have done something wrong, and that you need to fix it or to get out of there.  You must realize though, that this is a natural thing.  You must realize that life is conflict and that there is no way to avoid doing something that upsets someone else.  You could become a hermit and go live alone in the mountains, there are people who have actually done this but it is definitely not something that I would suggest.  I would rather have you realize that there is nothing wrong with this energy and that it is just a part of life.  When you can realize this, it becomes much easier to deal with this kind of energy because you see that it is not your fault and that you need to accept it.

There are times, when this energy can become too much.  There are times when you find yourself in a situation where you need to refocus this energy because it is affecting your performance.  When this happens you can use different methods to deal with this energy.

A good place to start is to ask yourself; how do I perceive this energy?  Some for example can actually see this energy either as a dark cloud or as a different color that they see coming towards them.  Others can feel this energy; they can either feel it’s as a general energy pushing against them, or as a feeling of one kind or another affecting a certain part of their bodies.  Find out first of all how you perceive this negative energy, and this way you can learn to refocus and deflect its power.

For example let’s say that you see this negative energy as a dark black cloud coming at you.  You can take this dark cloud and imaginatively change it so that its power is neutralized.  Imagine for example taking this dark cloud is changing its color, turning it from the black evil thing into the shining and lovely pink cloud instead.  You can also imagine making this cloud smaller, changing it from a gigantic thing into as little tiny wisp.  With the feeling, you can also imaginatively change how you perceive it.  If for example you perceive negative energy from others as a tension on your neck, you can imaginatively change that feeling into relaxation.  If you feel this negative energy as a push against you then you can change it by imagining a gigantic hand that pushes this feeling to the side and deflects it.

In this way, you can learn to deal with negative energy when it is impossible for you to just ignore it.  I suggest that you generally just try to ignore it as you are very well psychologically protected.  The best thing that you can do is to feel good about yourself and to make sure that you work on your self esteem.  This method that I have outlined here should be used when you find yourself in a more competitive situation and you need to be at your best.  There are times therefore, when others will send us negativity but we can deal with this with a positive mental attitude and some of the techniques I have discussed above.






True life beauty comes from the small moments. There is so much magic and beauty in all of the small moments of life that it amazes me when others can’t see it. I often forget that I have trained myself, that I have taken time and effort to make sure that I am able to capture those fine small moments. You can also do this with little effort.

You have probably heard the phrase, “the devil is in the details.” Well you might say that you will not just find the devil there. Beauty is also in the details. We are all capable of seeing the beautiful sunrise or that gorgeous person walking down the street, but what most don’t realize is that this beauty is made possible by those fine moments in time where everything flows into place just perfectly.

What I am trying to say is that beauty is in the detail and the detail is made up of an infinitude of fine and perfect moments. In order to understand this, I mentioned the sunrise; most people can see this stunning spectacle and can see the beauty there. That is it’s so big that it’s hard to miss it really.

But if you think about it, you will realize that there is an infinitude of detail that goes into creating this fine show. The time of day has to be just right, your position on Earth (street, beach, etc.), the weather, your mood, your focus at the moment (you could miss it if you are thinking of other things), the feeling of those around you, your physical frame (how good are your eyes?), sediments in the air ( to give color to the sky), traffic, etc. ad infinitum. You could literally go on like this for a very long time and you could add smaller and smaller details, all there working together to make this sunrise beautiful.

Chaos theory tells us that all things are interrelated. That even the smallest thing can have a great effect on very large and complex things and events. You could, for example, change any of the things mentioned above and they would affect that sunrise either positively or negatively for you.

What about that gorgeous individual, surely they are beautiful all the time? Well if you have ever seen some people in the morning you will know that this is not true. But even static objects that seem to be forever the same, change in beauty depending on the little details. Let’s say that you think that the pyramids in Egypt are beautiful, you could rightly say that they are always beautiful because they are objects that never change and will always be what they are. What you must consider though is that beauty is a subjective experience not a mathematical certainty. Even in optimal conditions, where all of the above mentioned details are just right, you must also consider subjective feeling. The human psyche is as complex as the exterior environment and as such has as many (or perhaps more) variant details, that affect every moment and all the things that you see. So you could say that every single moment is colored by an infinitude of personal subjective nuances, little details that color what you see and how you see it.

So yes Virginia, beauty is hiding in those details, and those details make very single moment precious. What is most interesting is that if you become more and more aware of all those small moments, you will begin to see the beauty that is hidden in all things. When you truly realize that the world is a giant ocean of ever changing and morphing detail, when you begin to see that these infinitely fine details change before your eyes moment to moment, you become entranced by the beauty of this amazing dance.

In order to become aware of the beauty of all these small moments, you must learn to focus your attention in the present moment. If you can train yourself to become more and more aware of the Here and Now, you will begin to discover this amazing current of change. Every moment will become precious, as you watch a simple leaf upon a tree, and you begin to notice the changes it goes through in the light, the wind, your feelings, and all of the wonderful detail all about you. Life will open up its magic and you will realize that every moment is magical and therefore beautiful and precious.






At all cost, you must stop the worry. This is the most powerful foe that you will ever face. It strips away all positive energy and will ruin any good plan that you have made.

Worry is the focus of the mind on the future. This is a natural tendency that we all have to try and control our situation. The mind’s need to project into the future is a good thing and it is quite likely the reason why we have become so successful on planet Earth. If we think about the future, we can plan ahead, we might be able to foresee problems and be able to think of ways to overcome these problems. Effective problem solving is what got man into space really, so it is good to realize that future projection, by the mind, is a positive thing.

What happens though is that this future projection is usually accompanied by a need to focus on the worst case scenario instead of a solution. Here is where the first and biggest problem finds it’s root. Many would have you curse your mind and try and control it. They would tell you that it is an evil and undisciplined mind that shoots forth and tries to bring you down like an evil little demon inside your head. But the mind is just doing what comes naturally and what has assured human survival for many thousands of years.

What you need to do is to embrace this ability of the mind to focus on the future. Instead of seeing it as a sickness that has to be controlled, see this mental ability as a way to help you get ahead. To do this you have to get over the real problem here; this is your insistence in on stopping your mind half way.

Our ability to project into the future is so powerful and must have been, and still is, such an amazing survival tool that it is next to impossible to stop. Unless you are in a constant stake of focus and tension, your mind is going to take you to the future. It will actually also take you to the past and try and show you similar situations that you or others might have faced. It is trying to save you, let it do what it does so incredibly well.

Where the real problem lies is in the fact that most people tend to panic and lose focus as soon as a mental emotional trauma presents itself. You are driving and your mind projects into the future showing you that the person next to you could swerve and smash into you, and it shows you past memories where this happened to you, an acquaintance perhaps, or some guy on tv. You freak out and call your mental ramblings evil, forever again dead set on controlling your negative mental projections.

But what you need to do is to understand that your mind is just your mind, not you, and that it is doing an incredible complex thing for your benefit. You have the most amazing super computer at your personal disposal and it is giving you a number of probable scenarios in order to save your life. It tends to focus on the bad because the good won’t kill you. So stop hating it and start working with it.

Instead of freaking out and stopping your mind in mid cycle, let it continue doing what it is doing. If you let it, your natural desire to stay safe will allow your mind to give you different mental projections. It will tell you what you can do to avoid this problem. You might feel apprehension and decide that slowing down might be a good thing. It will give you alternatives and possible actions. Heck, it will even imbed a desire to become a better more capable driver and will start to look for past experiences to teach your body to be better in the future.

The trick is to give your mind the focus that it needs at the right time. When you get to that awful worst case scenario, as your mind becomes so focused on the future, use your desire to focus your mind into finding a solution for you. Use the negative emotion as a propellant to focus you into what you want instead of what you don’t want.

Worry is really one of the biggest killers ever. It kills your energy and power and it can kill your body as well. The best solution is not to try and stop your mind from doing what it has to do naturally but to let it continue to do what it has to do without fear and to use those negative feeling to focus on the desired outcome. Stop your worry naturally by respecting and using your mind properly.





You can create your own happy place. I know, you are telling me that after watching “Fight Club” you think that this is not the best idea ever. Well let me tell you that going to your imaginary happy place is an incredibly powerful technique, no matter what Tyler Durden says.

The mind, and focused visualization in particular, is a very powerful thing. The Body is not able to tell the difference between a vividly visualized thing and the real life concrete thing. You can recreate the workings of your brain, increasing the number of nerve ending and junctions in certain areas, and you can even increase the brains ability to shape itself and how it function. More importantly as it relates to this article, your vivid visualizations can stimulate the release of certain hormones and impulses. This means that your vivid visualizations can make you happier and more productive.

In order to have this kind of mental ability, you need to be able to visualize very well. The best way to get good at this, like anything else, is to practice. The good thing is that visualizing can always be a fun thing and only becomes a chore if you are not being creative enough. The trick is to visualize things that you find fun and entertaining. The easiest way to do this is to practice visualizing your desires.

For example let’s say that you would really love to go to the beach. Instead of trying to visualize a static room, or a cube or something, visualize yourself at the most beautiful beach ever. Try to see yourself at the beach, as if you have magically teleported to some gorgeous sandy, sunny beach on a tropical island. First work on an image, you could get an image from a magazine or the internet. Close your eyes and see if you can visualize the image that you just saw. It won’t be perfect unless you have photographic memory so no worries, just add on as you see fit or open your eyes and keep trying until you can close your eyes and have a good image in your mind’s eye of the picture that you were looking at.

Next try and add detail to this visualization. Try to hear the surf, feel the warm breeze, and feel the sand between your toes. Try even to smell the salt water and the ocean around you. Try to involve all your senses in your visualization if you can. Finally try to feel your way into the scene, create the feeling that you are there and that wherever you look you see the beauty of the beach. Do this exercise for a good 15 to 20 minutes.

When you get a chance again, try to visualize another fun desire. As above try to use all your senses to make the visualization as real as possible. And again try to do this for a good 15 to 20 minutes. For best results, try and practice your visualizations at least once a day.

Now you have the option of either sticking to one happy place, a place that you can go to when you need an escape or you have the option of picking a new place that you might desire to go to, whenever you want to. If you stick to one place, you can really develop a detailed place that has the potential of becoming as real as any place that you might experience during regular time. If you choose to change the place, it might not be as specific and as concrete but it will be exciting all the time because it will be new, because it will be your latest desire. It is up to you to choose what you like best, experiment.

You can create this happy place when you have time or when you need to take a break. With practice you will be able to go to your special place just about any time that you want and it will be so real that it will truly allow you to escape your current conditions. This kind of vivid visualization can restore your spirit, allow you time to rest, let you escape from a difficult places or situations, get happier, and relieve depression. It can literally alter your brain and its functions. Create your own happy place and find anything that you desire




Here is a simple exercise to find your personality type. This is a very good way to see if you are an introvert or an extrovert. It’s good to know what kind of personality you have because it makes it much easier for you to understand yourself. Each personality type has different needs when it comes to many facets in life. This is especially true when it comes to dealing with others and the world at large.
An extrovert wants to go out there and get his/her hands dirty. They are usually participating and often want to be seen. Extroverts have a much easier time with certain jobs and task, that usually involve a lot of human contact and dealing with the public in general. They tend, or should focus on developing their interpersonal skills and style.

Introverts like to be behind the scenes. They tend to like to fade into the background, and be part of the supporting team. Introverts prefer jobs where dealing with people is kept to a minimum and tend to focus more on jobs where technical skill is more important than interpersonal savvy. Introverts should focus on their mental and focusing abilities.

Try to answer the questions below and see whether you are a or b:

What do you feel better and more energized about;

a)    The company of other people
b)    Your own company

How would you describe yourself;

a)    Sociable and outgoing
b)    Thoughtful and purposeful

What is most important to you;

a)    Getting a reaction from other
b)    Being clear thinking

What do you hate the most;

a)    Loneliness
b)    Chaos

What do you prefer;

a)    Handling other people
b)    Achieving things

If you have checked off mostly A then you are most likely an extrovert, and if you have checked mostly B then you are an introvert.

Both personality types have their strengths and weaknesses and there isn’t one that is better than the other. There is also the possibility of change over time. We are all growing and changing as we do, make sure that you stay aware of the kind of person that you are and you follow your desires. The real important thing is that you recognize who you are, what you want to be, and try not to push yourself to do things that are uncomfortable and debilitating for you.






Never lower your standards. Many people would love to bring you down just to make themselves feel better. Don’t give others this kind of power.

The world is full of those that would judge you. You might say that we are all programmed to judge others. It is after all a survival mechanism. If you are able to judge others, you are able to predict what they will do. This is a very powerful way to be able to take charge of any situation and to be able to control the outcome. It is for this reason that we are all programmed by nature herself to try to judge others. Those that can judge others well, will know what will happen and therefore live longer. What happens though is that this proclivity for the judgment of others tends to always be on. Other people want to judge you whether they realize it or not, whether they think that it is politically correct or not. Well let them judge you, it is inevitable, just don’t let them lower your standards about things by telling you what you should do, or have.

We are also all pre-wired to try and control every situation that is presented before us. Again this is an evolutionary response where those that are successful at controlling are better at surviving. People will try and control you, people will also try and control whatever situation that you and they are in. To blame others and to hate people in general for this is really just a waste of time, we are what we are and usually for good reason. What you must do is not let others control you but not get emotionally upset about it.

People will try to get a read on you. People will also try and get you to do what they want, or to put you in a place where they are in control. The tribe is based on all focusing on the same goal. Like the Japanese say, “ the nail that sticks out, gets pounded back down.” These tribes still exist today. They are made up of family, work groups, communities, and friends. Modern tribes have now even extended themselves unto the Web where you see tribes made up of the friends that you have on Facebook and similar social media.

Many of these efforts to tell you what to do and lower your standards can be down right scary. Besides the reasons above, humans have a huge need to maintain routine. This is perhaps the most important and powerful reason for control, it actually outweighs personal survival. The reason for this is that the personal routine that these tribes and extended tribes (like cities and even countries) maintain, assures their group survival. We are no longer just talking about an individual, we are talking about the cohesion and survival of the whole.

The need to maintain the routine and therefore the beliefs of the tribe intact is what caused the great witch trials and nearly all of the wars today. There is no more dangerous a thing than to try to go against a tribes beliefs and routine. The routine maintains and supports. The belief is the source that underlies this routine.

You might think that this has nothing to do with your simple desire to maintain personal standards, or that this might not apply to you in this modern world. Well it takes very little looking to see that it is very dangerous to be openly gay, or to practice a religion (or any belief) in most parts of the world, this includes the West.

Now after I have said all that, I want you to fight to not lower your standards for anyone. Depending on where you live, this might be a very difficult thing. The simple solution is to keep you matters private as much as you can. The more others know the more they will try to control. In order to become one of a kind and to overcome the inertia of where you are, you have to keep your standards. Stay strong and don’t let others bring you down.




Don’t be scared to be alone.  There is a big difference between being alone and being lonely.  To be alone is a good thing, it gives you time and the space needed to perform things that you cannot do around others.  Loneliness is an emotional response that is usually brought around by a feeling of self pity.

There are many times in our lives when we need to be alone.  Sometimes it seems like these alone periods in our lives happen on purpose or perhaps for a bigger reason.  I believe that these alone times happen because our inner self wishes to give our ego (external self) the time to contemplate and get ready for the changes that are coming, or perhaps the changes that have already happened.  These changes can either be physical ones where we are most likely making some kind of big move in our lives or mental changes that mean a large change in how we perceive our present, past, and future.

When you do find yourself alone then, make sure that you use this time wisely.  Make sure that you take the time to contemplate yourself and where you find yourself at this moment.  Also look into the future and make sure that you feel confident about where you are going, that you have the strength and the capabilities to tackle anything that the future might send your way.  To do this it is often necessary to look at the past to examine both successes and failures and to try and learn from these.  There is no better time to do this then when you are alone and have the ability to examine your life in peace and tranquility.

It is my belief that you should always use this time to refine and focus on your path.  Your path is really a focused objective where you are trying to fulfill your values, your desires, and attain happiness.  This is a very good thing because as I had said in other articles, in order to be able to accomplish anything you need to make constant evaluations of where you are at the moment.  With this evaluation, you can see if you are still on course, and decide whether you need to make any corrections to get where you want to go.  Your path and fulfilling your values is really the most important thing in your life, it is therefore imperative that you take this time when you are alone to re-calibrate your objectives.

Always realize that there is a big difference between being alone and being lonely.  There is literally a whole universe in your head, that you can access to find incredible magic and beauty.  This world is at your disposal if you are willing to open up to your imagination.  You can find this world by using those quiet and alone times to stop the mental chatter.  Simply let go for a while and allow those things and thoughts inside your mind the freedom that they need to be able to express themselves to you.  Some would call this daydreaming, but that tends to have negative connotations, I would rather call it self contemplation.  This self contemplation will allow you to bring those inner thoughts out into your conscious awareness.  Just remember to stay focused on remembering what you are daydreaming about, or else you will forget as easily as you forget regular dreams.

Perhaps in the future, you will desire to be more alone.  It can actually be an addictive thing, because it is very relaxing and very healing to have this time to yourself.  The bigger the thinker that you are the more that you will appreciate these moments, and the more that you will want to contemplate the world and your place in.  So don’t be afraid to be alone because this is the time that is given to you to find yourself and your place in the world.