Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

The truth is that we all love stability, all of us.

Our greatest source of stability is our routines, our ability to create a stable habit that gives us a sense of control and consistency. We will do anything to get it, even ignore certain things just so our picture of reality remains static and stable. But the world is always throwing curve balls at us.

It may be just me, but it seems that even the rational skeptic, who appears to have conditioned themselves best to ignore every odd thing around them, is being dragged into a new reality where old mental routines are no longer enough to ensure static stability. It must take a great deal of effort to ignore all of the incredibly strange things at the edges of their perception. Even the skeptic’s first and last bastion, science, has been telling us for a long time that our physical senses are limited, at least to some degree, merely by our expectations and routines

While our senses have defined physical limits according to modern science, scientific research has shown that human perception can sometimes extend beyond what we typically consider “normal” sensory ranges. Here are some intriguing studies that explore expanded sensory capabilities:

Visual Perception

Infrared Vision
Some studies suggest that under certain conditions, humans may be able to perceive near-infrared light:

  • A 2014 study found that human subjects could detect infrared light as visible images when exposed to certain pulsed laser light. This occurs due to a process called “two-photon absorption” in the retina.

Ultraviolet Vision
There’s evidence that humans can perceive some ultraviolet light:

  • Research has shown that people who have had their eye lenses removed (aphakics) can see into the ultraviolet range, perceiving it as a bluish-white color.

Auditory Perception

Infrasound Detection
Humans can sometimes perceive sounds below the typical hearing range:

  • Studies have indicated that exposure to infrasound (below 20 Hz) can affect human physiology and behavior, even when not consciously heard.

Olfactory Perception

Enhanced Smell Sensitivity
Our sense of smell can be more acute than commonly believed:

  • Research has shown that humans can distinguish between over a trillion different odors, far more than previously thought.

Tactile Perception

Subtle Touch Detection
Our sense of touch can be remarkably sensitive:

  • Studies have demonstrated that humans can detect nanoscale wrinkles on otherwise smooth surfaces, showing an extraordinary level of tactile sensitivity.

Electromagnetic Field Perception

Some research suggests humans may have a subtle ability to detect magnetic fields:

  • A 2019 study found that human brains can respond to changes in Earth’s magnetic fields, though this ability is not conscious.

These studies show that our perceptual limits are not as fixed as we might assume. While many may not consciously access these expanded sensory capabilities in everyday life, they suggest that human perception has the potential to extend beyond our typical sensory ranges under certain conditions.

We are in essence far more capable than we imagine and we have the possibility to see a far broader reality, and yet most of us insist on believing, and therefore perceiving, a static world full of hard objects and a reality that is wholly mundane. Most of us just can’t accept the fact that it may be possible for them to taste color or feel sound, and yet many have such ability, something that is called synesthesia.

No matter how skeptical we may have become as adults, a part of us deeply craves a return to the magical world we believed in as children. Somehow, in our quiet moments, we know that we are, in a sense, consciously turning away from the great potential within us.

Unfortunately, we may come to realize this after a lifetime of complacent routine. At that moment, we may say to ourselves that we crave the magic beyond the static of our sensory routine. But after a lifetime, we may have forgotten too much. Many have fallen under the propaganda that tells us that to survive in the adult world, we must forget the magic that was inherently ours as children.

As such, some may realize that we need a little help to, at the very least, slowdown that routine that has kept us imprisoned within the walls of our skepticism. We may rightfully realize that those walls (that routine that we have created to help us feel safe and part of the crowd) have become so thick that they now seem almost insurmountable. And yet many of us now realize that we need to change, because the drones that we have become are not the true representations of the spark of light that we know is within us.

To escape those walls of mundane complacency, you must first realize that such walls are never insurmountable, it just takes a willingness on your part to try something new, something beyond the routine that everyone keeps trying to stuff down your throat. And one possible way to do that is to begin to understand the line between perception and manifestation; the line between the ethereal and concrete manifestation of objective essence.

We may begin by trying to understand the incredible malleability of physical perception, but that is just the beginning. This is so because as you begin to realize that your thoughts and intentions can expand physical perception, you shockingly begin to realize that these same intentions can quite literally change the physical world itself. Intention can change your perceptions, but incredibly, it can also seemingly change the nature of what is perceived as the objective and consensual reality Out There!

This is when you start to really see that odd line that exists, and has always existed, all around you. That is when you begin to directly perceive a kind of manifestation line that has always been there. You begin to see the line where things go from being ethereal concepts within your mind to being actual, seemingly hard and unchangeable objects outside in what we like to call the ‘real’ world. The subjective and the objective begin to blur, and while this can be an incredibly fearful moment in anybody’s life, it is also a step into true freedom.

And if you sit around and think about it, these conclusions about the true nature of reality, if explored deeply enough, finally show us a terribly odd Catch-22 moment. This happens when we finally realized that those walls that we have built around ourselves are as magical as anything else. The very belief that they are thick and insurmountable is what goes about making them thus. We are quite literally creating our own prisons!

Then it becomes a matter of trying to find new ways to break down those walls. Most of us will then need a little push, or some technique that will allow us to hack ourselves out of ourselves. What we then need is some technique or procedure that can give us the slightest possible chance to be able to break through those walls and see just a little bit of what lies beyond.

I personally believe that one of the greatest techniques or hacks to be able to see beyond those prison walls is the ability to create and work with servitors. A servitor can quite literally show you the power of your thoughts by first helping you understand the incredible malleability of your perceptions, and then by demonstrating the true effect of your intention and your charged thoughts upon what many of us believe is unchangeable reality.

The ability to work with servitors starts as a power that is uniquely human and has always been within you, no matter how much some may try to ignore it as they become enfolded by the routine of adulthood. This is the magical power of visualization and the ability to pretend, which as a child was as easy as breathing.

In discovering this inner potential that has never left you, you may be incredibly surprised to learn that you have become even better at it. You may be surprised to realize that just like many of your other capabilities became stronger as you got older, your ability to visualize and to make-believe has become even stronger because of the more powerful will that you now have as an adult. It has become so strong, in fact, that with the discipline of an adult, you can turn those supposed imaginary things into ever more concrete things, so concrete that they seem for all intents and purposes real to you. The concentrated focus available to an adult can allow you to take something that in the past might have been just an imaginary friend, and turn that ethereal imagining into something so concrete that it may even affect what some still consider to be unalterable reality.

Sure, you may need to take it slow at first. It will be a while before you overcome that routine of adult hood that is so limiting. But in time, as you begin to exercise these atrophied muscles, you will begin to realize that in adulthood these muscles have become stronger. With them, the magical servitor process can begin to show you how the impossible becomes a matter-of-fact reality for those that are willing to extend their possibilities.

A servitor, which in a certain sense you could call a kind of imaginary friend, can actually become so real, that with a bit of effort on your part you can use them to change just about any aspect of your reality. These servitors can be used to bring you things, protect those things that are important to you, they can provide companionship, and indeed their potential use is only limited by your creativity and imagination. Servitors are quite literally the best way to see that line that has existed, that you have heard people who work with the law of attraction or the like talk about; that line between the inner reality of your thoughts in the outer reality of what you consider to be the hard physical and stable mundane world.

To that end, I have always recommended the use of servitors and have written about them extensively. I feel that they can be an incredibly potent force for those who seek the magic within but don’t know how to start. They are also the perfect solution for those who have tried many other things and found that the techniques they’ve been working with are just not working exactly right for them.

Servitors are a natural aspect of our human potential, and they allow us to directly see how our thoughts go from being just ethereal concepts to becoming more concrete and perceivable to us. Moreover, servitors can also bridge the gap between thought and physical reality; indeed, they can become so potently real that they can act as allies, magical servants that can be used to realize all those dreams that seem utterly impossible from the rational skeptic’s point of view.

In my efforts to try to make these techniques and this knowledge available to others, I have written a number of articles on this website and I have created a trilogy of e-books. And I am happy to announce that I have taken this one step further and created a servitor Journal that is designed to teach you everything that you need to know about creation and the use of servitors.

Throughout the journal, you’ll find thought-provoking prompts, exercises, inspiring quotes, and illustrations to help guide and inspire you on your magical journey to creating a servitor. Whether this is your first servitor, or you are experienced in these techniques, I think that you will find the material in this workbook incredibly unique and far beyond anything that I personally have seen anywhere else.

This journal will not only show you and prompt you on creating your first servitor, but it will also show you how to keep track of your servitors’ successes and will even show you how to recognize and interpret synchronicity’s, omens, and other signs from the universe that will quite clearly show you that your servitor is indeed changing the very fabric of your existence. This Journal will show you how to use these signs to help guide your manifestation process, so that your magical allies can become unstoppable. It will teach you about negative beliefs with prompts and exercises that will show you how to uncover these negative beliefs and change them, so that you can get out of your own way and easily achieve goals that in the past may have seemed impossible.

If you are interested in learning how to create a servitor or how to take your existing skills to the next level and far beyond, then I recommend, Create a Servitor Journal. I have even provided extra pages so that you can continue this process and turn this journal into a true enchanted manuscript, a grimoire of sorts, that you can fill with a true magical Army that will be ready at a moment’s notice to help you with any task you desire.


  1. Hey John,

    I did ask this in another article of yours but this one seems a better place to ask. Will your new book come out as Ebook format? Also will it come to Kobo the other ebook publishing website? Paperback is almost impossible to get due to customs and whatnot in my country and usually your books are not available to buy in kindle in my country as well so i buy them from Kobo thats why i ask about that.

    Kind Regards and Thanks in Advance

    1. Originally I planned on releasing this book in journal format only because of I wanted it to be a mini-course and inspiration on new material. But there has been a great deal of interest in the Kindle version, so I am looking into that right now. When it comes out in e-book format, sorry I’m not sure when that will be as it can take a bit of time to convert, I will definitely put it in Kobo. I guess your are well aware I have put all of my other books are on KOBO so that these books have more of an international reach. And I will add this to that list in time.
      Thanks for your concern RD and as soon as the book is in e-book format, as I said I don’t know how long this will take, I promise to send an email to let everyone know.

    1. If (.in) has a Print On Demand agreement with amazon, it should be available there in the next few days. You will have to check on the site there to see if its offered.
      But I do plan on getting the ebook out eventually, sorry it may take me a while to have this done, but I will email everyone when its out.

  2. Julie Horsfall

    Hi John, I want to buy one of your books in physical form, so that it will be around for my children to read when they are older. Which book would you recommend to get that gives the best foundational knowledge of alchemy? (I’ve got some of your books as ebooks that I’m starting to work through. I just wanted to get a hard copy of one now to put aside for them.) Thanks, Julie

    1. Thank you very much for the great honour Julie!
      My instant thought is The Magnum Opus Trilogy. Those are the three books that I believe cover the true foundation of inner alchemy.
      But those are three books, and if you were interested in just showing a basic foundation of my work, so that this person might then decide for themselves what they want to pursue, I would say that in that sense, a good foundational book would be, Overcoming The Archon Through Alchemy. You can decide for yourself based on the e-books that you have, but I think that is a good beginner guide. If anyone posts something different, I will add it here for you to see.

  3. I am from India and can’t buy it here (if available)without paying a very high price. Looking forward for the kindle release for easy accessibility.

  4. Hey John!
    Great Book!
    I only got to skim through it so far, but I´m already super exited to start working with it.
    I have already done a bit of servitor work (and have had some good results), but I´ve recently decided to go back to the basics and start a consistent routine, so its once again quite the synchronous event for you to publish this Journal.
    Thank you for the work you do!
    Reading “Overcoming the Archon through Alchemy” was a huge turning Point in my live, it is hard to describe how much change I implemented in my life over the last year, partially thanks to your work.
    Thank you for bringing Magic back in my life, and helping me put my focus towards my inner Worlds John!

    Best wishes Wesley

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