Want To Help Others? Get A Retail Job
Many want to know how they can help others. They find themselves in a good place in their lives, and they wish to share the wealth that they now have. Many now are also discovering their spirituality and are seeking a meaningful way to connect with the world.
A great way to learn empathy, is to give of yourself to those that are in need. Identifying with those that are in need and connecting with them on the spiritual level allows anyone, who takes the time, to discover the brotherhood of man. This is a way to connect with your heart and to feel the love that binds us all together.
There are many would be volunteer organizations. There are many amazing groups out there that are doing wonderful things for people, animals, and the environment. There is no better way that I can think of than to volunteer for one of these great organizations. There are also many ‘Volunteer Vacation’ organizations out there collecting your money to give you the ‘pre-packaged’ volunteer feeing; they make a profit and you feel good supposedly. Make sure that you choose wisely.
But if you are having trouble finding a group or organization to work with, may I suggest a great alternative; I suggest you get a retail job. Sure this sounds like a joke, but I am being very serious. It is something that just about anyone can do and it is one of the greatest ways to connect and help others. There are actually very few things that are as challenging and as enlightening as trying to maintain a retail job and to engage in customers service. You can usually choose your hours and there’s always a good demand for this kind of work in any large city. You can use whatever money you make to either donate to a good cause or to help you help others in your family with whatever they might need. Forget about sales quotas and silly corporation demands on you, and truly just try your best to help another human being in the best way that you can.
In this retail jobs, try to truly be helpful to others. Try to give them the very best service that you can, doing the very best that you can do, in anything that you do for the customer. Try to be empathic so that you can do for them what they really need in the best way that you can. Look around and make sure that you do not ignore anyone and that you see anyone before you as a person that needs your help.
Be patient. A retail job is a difficult thing, many believe that a retail sales person can be talked down to, that they are there to be used. This requires great sobriety, patience, and personal control on your part. You will be required to see beyond the petty person that stands before you and to have the patience and loving nature to be able to help them in the face of difficult circumstances. Depending on where you work, you will need to learn all of the requirements that are needed to be a good and loving soul.
Always send others good energy. Be a source of loving kindness, open your heart then even to the most demanding people. Opening your heart when faced with such difficult individuals is truly a monumental task, it requires a kind of growth that many find difficult, even those wishing to take on a life of spirituality and kindness. Send love and light from your heart to all those that you help and all those that enter whatever store you work at.
Many believe that they must travel around the world to find a place where they can help others. But this is not the case, you can find some of the most challenging environments in the world just a few blocks from your house. If you believe that these people require less help than the poor in other areas, then I suggest that you take more time to study your spiritual beliefs. All people require your loving kindness, the loving heart makes no judgment, to help one individual completely with all your heart is powerful no matter where you are or what you are doing. If you are interested in opening your heart and helping others, then I suggest that you take a retail job and try one of the most challenging spiritual experiences that you will ever have.