Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

Welcome to my interactive Zener card test, inspired by the important ESP research conducted by J.B. Rhine in the 1930s. This straightforward experiment will give you a chance to explore your own abilities related to extrasensory perception. As you take part, you’ll engage with a method that has interested both scientists and everyday people, allowing you to investigate what the mind can do beyond normal senses. Join me as we look into the potential of human perception!


Here’s how it works:

You’ll be presented with a series of 25 hidden Zener cards, each featuring one of five symbols: a circle, a plus sign, a square, a star, or wavy lines. Your task is to use your intuition to guess which symbol is on each card before it’s revealed.

To play, simply click on the symbol you believe is hidden on the current card. Once you’ve made your choice, the card will flip, revealing whether you guessed correctly. The cards are randomly shuffled by the program, ensuring as fair and unbiased a test as I can make it using PRNG random generators.

After you’ve gone through all 25 cards, you’ll receive your score along with an interpretation of your potential psychic abilities. In Rhine’s original experiments, guessing 7 out of 25 correctly was considered noteworthy, while 10 or more correct guesses were seen as significant evidence of ESP. Are you ready to test your extrasensory perception? Let’s begin and see if you have hidden psychic talents waiting to be discovered!


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