Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

Hypnotism is an incredibly powerful form of therapy that is being used with more and more frequency. Even though there have been many great advances in science, the subtle workings of the human mind still eludes us. As a result, science does not quite fully understand how hypnosis works.

Even though science does not understand how hypnosis works, it has been able to prove that the effects caused by hypnosis are quite real. Using brain scans and different physiological monitors, scientists have been able to prove the fact that hypnosis has a direct effect on the physical body and the mind.

It is now the case that some medical practitioners have begun to use hypnosis for some forms of treatment and for the relief of pain. There is to date no one theory to explain exactly how hypnosis works and there are a number of different and slightly conflicting models to instigate hypnosis.

Even though hypnosis comes from the word ‘hypnos’ which essentially means sleep, it is a fallacy to believe that you need to go into a sleep like state in order to be hypnotized. While you are in a hypnotic state, you can be very relaxed physically but it is always the case that your mind will be quite alert and aware. The one key factor in any kind of hypnotic state is the ability of the mind to focus with incredible intensity.

It is indeed the case that we go into trance states throughout the day without ever realizing it. For example anytime that you are watching a movie or a TV program and you completely lose track of all the things around you, even of time, you are essentially in a trance. In these instances, time seems to stand still and we are completely and utterly focused on what we are doing or experiencing at the moment.

If you are experienced with meditation, then you will most likely realize that hypnosis has many similarities to meditation. Hypnosis can be said to be a type of guided meditation where a trance state is induced and then this state is used in order to achieve physiological or mental changes. The hypnotic trance then relies on the ability of another person to induce it-the hypnotist.

Because of the work done by psychologists and psychiatrists in the early 19th century, hypnosis is seen as a method to induce a trance like state that allows the hypnotist to have direct access to the subconscious. These early psychologists and psychiatrists were the ones that separated the mind into the conscious and subconscious and began to separate different mental perceptions and abilities that were either experienced consciously or unconsciously. It was discovered that the subconscious was the true powerhouse of the human being and that most changes needed to involve a change in the subconscious before they would become apparent in the conscious being.

A hypnotist and a good hypnotic subject can create a number of incredibly fascinating effects. They can for example; stop pain in any part of the body, control blood pressure, control the amount of blood present in any one part of the body, slow or speed up the heart rate, induce credibly vivid hallucinations, erase both short-term and long-term memories and a host of other incredibly remarkable feats.

Hypnosis is used on a regular basis to treat:

  • Addictions
  • Phobias
  • Pain
  • lose weight
  • childbirth and pregnancy
  • memory work and regression
  • peak efficiency training in sports

Hypnosis can be an incredibly powerful alternative form of therapy. It is important though that you make sure that you see a competent hypnotist, someone who is able to provide good credentials and examples of past experience.


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