Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

The time has come, the gig is up. No more can we sit around and say that life is happening to us.Are there conspiracies? Are we being manipulated by a select few? This is no longer a valid question. The answer to every question is:


There are so many conspiracies and so many theories about what will happen next, that it’s almost starting to get funny…almost.
If you are to believe some; there will soon be a global disclosure on the existence of aliens. Some see this as a great event that will herald a new consciousness shift while many others see it as a way to further manipulate the masses.
Are aliens real? Will they save us all? Or are they just a made up cultural icon? Worse, are they a created event to be used as a way to weaponize space?

Does any of that matter? You say yes/no and I say sort of:
It only matters if you believe it matters!

Join the minority and take a chance; try to accept as true for a while the idea that everything that you experience is there because of what you think and believe. For example; imagine the fact that if you are in a bad mood (because you believe the world sucks ass at the moment), you will only see things around you that will further confirm your belief. You will see the garbage around you, you will notice those that are acting dumb or stupidly, and as anger consumes you and your blood pressure goes through the roof you will shake and shiver, stub your toe and spill your coffee.
Yet if you try a little NLP (like maybe changing your physiology), you can change your mood and your focus (aka. Thoughts/Belief) and start seeing some of the things that you missed, like the kids helping the old man or the beautiful leaves on the trees. You begin to relax, your blood pressure goes down, you feel more confident and if you make this relaxation thing a habit, you add ten years to your life.

But thoughts and simple beliefs can’t change your reality you say. And I say that a simple smile just allowed your body to begin to release endorphins which have instantly made you feel good. Constricting around 53 facial muscles has allowed you to relax and begin to see the world from a totally different perspective. Moreover you are contagious; instead of thinking about aliens and world domination, you are now thinking about sunsets and happy times with your friends (happy attracts happy). People around you smile back and sometimes muster a happy, “hello.” Now you have done it, they are smiling too and before long they will also be suffering from happy thoughts.

Some even believe that thoughts are actual things that exist outside of their heads. Infinitely creative acts that exist independent of the thinker that thought them and that these thoughts attract to themselves other thoughts that are similar to themselves. These crazy people believe that these infinitely creative creations are responsible for our entire reality. But you don’t have to believe that if you don’t want to. Just experiment with the idea that your thoughts and beliefs can alter your mood, your physiology, your focus and your life span.

So try it for a while and see what happens. Take responsibility for your beliefs and your thoughts. Try to only retain those thoughts and beliefs that are rewarding and uplifting to you personally. And if you do find yourself entertaining negative and personally hurtful thoughts and feelings, ask yourself why you feel like you do. Find out what you believe that makes you think and feel as you do. If it’s a dumb belief based on silly propositions; change it. Have fun, play with your beliefs! As the great Bob would say, “Pull the wool over your own eyes.”

I posit that the oldest profession was not prostitution, but that it was instead Prophecy. If we think of man as a creature evolving over time then we could also speculate that sex was always an important topic and most likely one of our oldest desires. But if we continue to contemplate our evolutionary man then there certainly was a time when man the animal became the thinking man.

At this time, when conscious thought as we know it first appeared in our species, man must have found himself alone and afraid in a very big and very dangerous world. The thinking man now sat in this present moment, aware of all his past glories and failures and contemplating all of his possible future gifts and curses. Aware in this fashion, perhaps man’s biggest desire was not sex but power. Power after all can stop that terrible fear, and powerful people are never lacking in sexual company…
And what could be more powerful than knowing the future?
Profits, seers, and those that could hold council with the Gods must have become very important indeed.

But can humans really predict the future? Is the future written in the stars, therefore unchangeable and destined to happen no matter what? Is the future just one of many futures that can be changed with forethought, knowledge, and discipline?

Sir Isaac Newton was an incredible man. He was a mathematician, an astronomer, and a physicist. His discoveries in the sciences changed our way of thinking forever. He is the one that discovered the laws of gravity; he also made amazing discoveries in motion and optics.
What is not well known about Newton though is that he was also a great prophet. He was a very devoted Christian and dedicated a large portion of his life to deciphering the riddles that he believed were hidden in the scriptures. He was a tireless and passionate scientist and applied this natural talent to solving the enigma of humanities future.

Newton became preoccupied with the bible which he believed held messages for all of mankind. He was also obsessed with the temple of Solomon, perhaps believing as some do, that it is the blueprint to the mind of God. His main focus became the books of Daniel and Revelations. Using scientific methods, astronomy, and mathematical calculations of his own design; he became certain that he had decoded a timeline that clearly revealed the future of mankind.

Newton wrote over a million words trying and finally deciphering, to his own satisfaction, the cryptographic puzzle which he believed existed within the words of the bible. His conclusion, based on his studies, told him that there were three basic events that would herald the end of days:

1.    The corruption of Christianity.
2.    The return of the Jews to the Holy Land.
3.    The third and final reconstruction  of the temple of Solomon.

During his lifetime, Newton was already aware of the corruption of the Church and actually declared the papacy, “The great whore of Babylon.”  But he knew that the next two events would not happen within his lifetime and it seems that he planned for this event by making sure that his work survived to present day; a time when these prophecies might help us all.

His calculations begin by first postulating the date in which the Christian religion began it’s decent into paganism. Newton tried many dates for this downward beginning and finally settled on 609 A.D. He believed this because this was the date that the Roman Empire gave parts of its power to the church. At this time, old pagan temples were reconstructed to make way for the new Christian religion and as a result many pagan practices began to be assimilated.

This date is very important because the prophet Daniel tells us in the Bible that 1,290 or 1,335 “days” after this great fall of the Christian religion the Jewish people will return to the Holy Land. What Newton did here was to suppose that the “days” that were spoken of were actually years and that each year contained 360 days (which are the number of days that the bible tells us were in one year).

If you add 609+1290 you get 1899. In 1897 the ‘World Zionist Organization’ (WZO) was established. This organization set up certain banking organizations and was primarily dedicated to help the Jewish people migrate back to the Holy Land.
If you add 609+1335 you get 1944. The ending of the Second World War happened around this time and as a result of what occured during this war, the Jewish people were finally allowed to return to the Holy Land and establish the new nation of Israel.

Now when it came to the Final Days and the Apocalypse, Newton used a passage that can be found both in the books of Daniel and in Revelations; “time, times, and half a time.” This is a very cryptic statement but Newton tackled it in this way:

TIME = 1 year (360 days)
TIMES = 2 years (720 days)
HALF A TIME = ½ a year (180 days)

If you add 360+720+180 you have a total of 1260. Newton again believed that these days meant years and was able to calculate in this way that the Apocalypse would happen 1,260 years after a certain key moment in history.

After much thought and study, Newton finally settled on the year 800 A.D. He settled on this date because on Christmas day 800 A.D. Charlemagne was crowned king of the Holy Roman Empire. This day, was to Newton, the beginning of this new political system that was to become the new Christian Church.

If you then add 800+1260 you get 2060. This was the date of the Apocalypse according to the prophet Newton. He mentions in his writings that he does not want to, “set dates,” but he also writes that, “The time, times, and half a time do not end before 2060 nor after…”.

So is the future written in the Stars?

From a certain perspective it seems that the great scientist Sir Isaac Newton is telling us that it is. Certainly to think that what is written by God (or many Gods for that matter) shall come to pass, is to say that the future is something set by a force or forces far above and beyond humanity; and man could no more change the word of God than he could move the orbit of the stars in the sky.

Newton would not publish these writings during his lifetime. Some believe that he did this because he feared persecution which might taint his scientific work. But perhaps Newton believed that even though mere men might not be able to change the will of God they might be able to help themselves through knowledge. It is interesting to note that these manuscripts disappeared after Newton’s death and were hidden from the world for over two hundred years. Supposedly stored in a home in Hampshire, his manuscripts mysteriously reappear and were auctioned off in London on 1936. Did Newton plan this? Did he write this manuscript for a future audience? An audience that he hoped would benefit from his words and discoveries?

The skeptic  in me finds it very difficult to believe that our destiny is written in a holy book, or the starts. But I have a ruthless mistress, by the name of logic, and I have found that her prognostications are never wrong. I might be wrong, using her methods, because I forgot to take a certain variable into consideration, but ‘she’ is never wrong. I sometimes think about the fact that science could be seen to be a new religion of sorts with a great mathematical God that is as wrathful as any Old Testament God.

Perhaps Newton is right and our future is set for ever in the stars, or our DNA as a scientist might say, and therefore cannot be changed. I will have to disagree on this; my vanity hopes that we can set our own course and as long as we don’t blow ourselves up or poison ourselves to death, there will come a time when we will be able to change the orbit of the stars. There is something though that Newton and I can both agree on I think;
Whether the future is set in stone or not, all people can benefit from the knowledge of it.

Knowledge is power.




The power of our thoughts is seldom fully realized. Most people pay very little attention to the thousands of thoughts that go through their minds every day. This is a shame because thoughts play a monumental part in our lives and can truly be said to shape our reality.

Our minds mechanically judge every aspect of our existence and these judgments are first interpreted by us through our thoughts. We might be driving on our way to a meeting for example be barraged by thoughts of worry and anxiety. This is a good indication that we have apprehensions or fears about our upcoming get-together. Since most people absorb all their thoughts without any censor and take them all at face value, they can’t help but be very affected by all of the commotion that is going on in their heads.

A great way to learn to manage these rampant thoughts is to practice a technique called “Mindful Meditation”. With this method you can become more aware of all of the thoughts that you are having and as a result you can begin to manage stress, depression, and even chronic pain. By managing your thoughts you can manage your emotions and how you deal with every situation in your life.

In order to practice the art of Mindful Meditation, you will have to learn to be present and in the moment. As a Zen Roshi might tell you, “Be here, now”. Keep your attention focused on the present moment and allow your mind and body to relax.

In order to develop your attention muscles, you might want to perform some of the small tasks of your day in this type of present moment focus. For example you can try and perform all of your chores while focusing solely on the present moment. You will find that all of these simple tasks become far more enjoyable when you are able to do them with your attention focused on the here and now.

When you get a good grasp of this ability to stay focused in the moment and you feel confident that you have developed your attention muscles, I want you to start to pay attention to the thoughts that enter your mind at each moment of your life. This can sound like a simple thing but it does take some work on your part. It is though, one of the most rewarding experiences that you can have in your life.

If you are having trouble grasping the Mindfulness Meditation technique, I want you to try this exercise:

Imagine that all of the thoughts and sensations that you are having at every moment are like balloons moving past your mind. Perhaps there are some that are bigger than others or some might seem to fly across your field of awareness faster than others, but you will realize that at every moment you have many of these balloons making their way cross your mind. Pay attention to these thought/sensation balloons. Don’t judge them or focus on any of them too much. Just watch in a detached way as they make their way into and out of your present moment.

If you have a thought balloon enter your mind on your way to your meeting that has you stuttering or screwing up the things that you were planning to say then you will get nervous and anxious. This is how our thoughts control the reality of our lives. Through Mindful Meditation you can begin to get a grasp on your mental experience and learn to control the experiences of your life.

Learn to let those negative thoughts float past you without paying too much attention to them. You can even imagine that these negative thought balloons are being blown away from your mind by a strong wind. Focus only on those thoughts that empower you and let go of those that do not. By controlling your thoughts in this way, you will be able to greatly increase the quality of your life experience.

The prerequisite to any healthy lifestyle is a good night’s sleep. With our hectic everyday lifestyle this can sometimes be a difficult thing. Nerves that are held in a constant state of tension, due to our stressful lifestyles, make it very difficult to relax when we finally get to bed.

There are things that you can do to help you get to sleep on time and to be able to sleep on a regular basis:

•    First on the list is exercise. If you have an office job or any kind of a job where you are stationary for large periods of time, then you definitely need to exercise on a regular basis. Work out your cardiovascular system as often as you can. This doesn’t have to be anything stressful, just as long as you are raising your heart rate a bit and your are maintaining that rate for a good fifteen minutes.

Walks are a wonderful way to exercise, and if you can’t get out for a walk then a nice casual ride on a stationary bicycle is a great alternative. Exercise does more than just get you tired so that you can sleep better. Exercise is the best way to beat stress and make you feel good. A good work out gets your body to release “endorphins” which are the feel good chemicals in your brain.

•    Avoid the coffee. It seems that it’s next to impossible to go to work for eight hours now days without ingesting at least one cup of coffee. The reasons are understandable and there are times when you just need to get your dose of caffeine. Do try to avoid taking too much; see if you can go from 3 cups to 1 cup. But if you must have your java, then have a cup early in the day and try to avoid coffee in the afternoon. This will help your body to get rid of most of that caffeine in your system before bedtime.

At all costs try and stay away from those power drinks that are so popular right now. These drinks will usually contain more than just caffeine; they can contain Ginseng, Gingko, Taurine, or all of the above.  Your body has a much harder time getting rid of all of these chemicals and as a result you will find that sleeping will get harder and harder.

•    Try to keep some kind of schedule. The biggest thing to avoid is the mid afternoon nap. I personally know a large number of people that say that they have a hard time going to sleep, but you wouldn’t know it when their nap time rolls around. Try to wake up and go to sleep at a certain time and avoid any deviation from this schedule. If you know that you get really tired at a certain time of the day then make sure that you make plans to be out and about during those times so that you don’t fall prey to the “cat nap” gods.

A great way to get you in the mood for sleep is to create a routine. Every night before you go to bed, you might for example want to do few light stretches, fluff your pillow in one particular way, turn off the light, and go to sleep. The idea here is that your body begins to equate this routine with sleep. Eventually a simple routine like this will be all that you will need to get yourself in the perfect state of being for a wonderful night’s sleep.

WHO (World Health Organization) has just declared that the Swine Flu (H1N1) has reached pandemic proportions1. This means that health experts believe that it is now an unstoppable virus. This new virus can be transmitted from human to human and causes influenza and the symptoms related to it.

Many are very worried that this will kill many people, cause global panic, and economic downturns. With this in mind, we hope that this article will shed some light on possible preventions and how you can fight back so that you don’t feel so powerless in this coming storm.

First and foremost, please don’t panic. Things are not nearly as bad as they might seem. The symptoms of this flu are not as severe as you might believe; most healthy people that get it have reported that it feels like a very intense flu. The reports indicate that most healthy people are knocked off their feet for a couple of days when they are first infected, which can be intense, with headaches, nausea, and fatigue. These symptoms usually go away after a few days and are followed by coughing, nasal congestion, soreness of throat, vomiting, and headaches.

Most people have very little to fear from this current version of the Swine Flu. Whether you are old or young, you can easily overcome this flu by being smart and taking good care of yourself. In the Northern Hemisphere we are deep into spring which brings with it Hay Fever or Rhinitis (as it is known medically); many who suffer from these extremely common symptoms might think that they have been infected by the H1N1 virus. Please don’t jump to quick conclusions and stay positive.

Do go see your doctor if you experience any heavy symptoms as mentioned. But also take cold/flu and allergen medication like normal.  The worst that can happen is that people begin to panic and act irrationally, endangering themselves and the lives of others. It has been reported for example that Argentina has brought its emergency health services to the brink of collapse due to panic. As thousands rushed to hospitals fearing the worst, the Buenos Aires medical centers have received a massive blow that makes treating actual patients nearly impossible. It has been also reported that people began stoning a bus because they believed that it contained a person infected with Swine Flu 2. This is definitely what you want to avoid doing.

Do take all of the precautions that you can:

•    Buy some hand sanitizer with large alcohol content and use it on a regular basis. Use it after you get home from work and whenever you have been in public, especially after touching things like public door handles or using ATM machines. Or wash your hands on a regular basis, with good soap and making sure to scrub for a good minute.
•    Keep a stock of simple surgical face masks. If things do get bad in your area, like they did in Mexico City for example, these handy little masks can give you good protection from air-born viruses. Recycle them on a regular basis, making sure to bag and throw away used masks properly.
•    Stock up on some household supplies: Water, food, toiletries, batteries, etc. Nothing crazy, a good three week supply would be perfect. The biggest threat is a panic or a governmental shut down of public works, like Mexico, which will mean that access to supplies, might be limited.

The WHO has asked that the immunization campaign be speeded up and it is believed that this can begin as early as September. Until then there are some medical and some natural medicines that you can use to help yourself:

A.    Number one on the medical list is Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) which seems to provide some resistance to the H1N1 virus. You can also use Zanamivir (Relenza) which can also help. Most developed nations have a large supply of these medical agents and a visit to the doctor will allow you access to these.
B.    If you don’t have access to the above or are inclined to take more natural cures, then we recommend the following:
•    Garlic; this is an amazing herb that has been used for thousands of years to fight off just about anything. Get the real stuff, not pills, and take up to twelve cloves a day if necessary.
•    Juniper
•    Lemon Balm
•    Tannic Acid; Pine trees (Pine needle tea) or really concentrated tea are great sources of this.
•    Oregano Oil; Fantastic stuff. Will kill just about anything. Make sure that you get some with the highest carvacrol concentration possible. A few drops under the tongue twice a day is all you need.
•    Spicy food; do you think that it’s a coincidence that spicy food is popular in all countries that have hot tropical weather? Food that is spicy, with high concentrations of hot peppers, will kill most intestinal bacteria.

All of the natural stuff can be gotten at a grocery store or a health store. Get one or all of these if you like and you will be well prepared. Do some research on your own or ask a person at a health store and they will give you plenty of information. There are other herbs out there that can help but these are the only ones that I am willing to bet on.

Finally stay positive. Many health studies have reported that there is nothing more powerful than a positive mental attitude. Use visualization and relaxation to fight off those nasty little viruses. Know that you are healthy and that you will stay that way, and you will be surprised by the results.


2. 200611

Are you one of those really shy types? The kind of person that just can’t seem to bring himself/herself to talk to a new person or group? Perhaps you are a bit of a wallflower and it all has to do with the fact that you just can’t get the courage to go up to that interesting/hot person that you have been dying to meet.

Actually I think that most of us suffer from shyness to one degree or another. You can remember back to the days of the old school dances when you were a kid and how it was so hard to do anything because all the kids were clumped together for protection likes schools of fish, and there was no way that you were going to cross the entire gym floor, and face the scrutiny of the other kids to ask somebody to dance.

It’s possible that this is where mean comes from; all the kids trying to protect themselves from all of the perceived evil out there. They clump into little groups that lash out at others so that they can rally against their own internal fears.  A fear born of shyness?

But there is one simple cure to the shy bug and it doesn’t take much effort. All you have to do is to learn to refocus your attention a bit so that you’re not so focused on that which is scaring you silly at the moment.

This technique is not going to fix the world woes and it won’t end the evil predation that goes on in most school environments but it can allow you to do those things that you found socially impossible before. If you know what you are doing and you have made up your mind that you will be going to put yourself in a very socially difficult situation, or you are going up to that very hot person and break the ice, then I have just the little bit of help that might make that incredibly fearful moment a lot easier to bear.

This technique actually won’t just allow you to do the impossible, it will also help you so that you will be less clumsy and a lot more dashing. The basic premise as I have stated is that you will be focusing some of your attention on something besides the act of the moment and in this way allow yourself to relax and to act in much more capable manner.

What I want you to do is to focus your attention on your thumb.  Just as you feel the pangs of fear that come from your upcoming social interaction, I want you to begin to make an effort to focus less on that event and more on your thumb. Focus your attention on your thumb.

We could use percentages; for example I want you to focus about 20% of your attention on your thumb and the rest on your social interaction. If you find that you are still a bit nervous, I want you to increase the focus to your thumb to 35%. The less that you focus on the social interaction that you are involved in, then less that you will worry and the less fear and nervousness that you will feel.

Trust that your body will carry on without your intense focus and that it will in a sort of automatic pilot like way do all the things that need to be done and it will say all that  you need to say. This will help you if you are one of those people that gets those terrible nervous shakes. Just trust in yourself and keep your focus on that magical thumb. It will be up to you to regulate how much focus you wish to give to your thumb and how much focus you want to give to the interaction that you are having.

Of course you don’t have to focus on your thumb. Any part of your anatomy works pretty good; just try to make it an outer extremity. I like the thumb because if you are having trouble focusing on it, you can grab it with your other fingers and hold on to it, this helps your attention and your focus. Don’t panic and squeeze your thumb though, just Hold on to it lightly, since this is all the help that you need with your focus. Definitely don’t squeeze tightly because this will be a sure sign to others that you are nervous, and  you might end up hurting yourself. If you want, the feet are an awesome thing to focus on instead of the thumb.

As a rule of thumb :), I would recommend that you focus about 20% of your attention on your on the extremity of choice and then increase the percentage of focus until you are feeling comfortable. Never go to over 50% focus on the extremities though as this might not allow you to focus enough on the social interaction; you don’t want to start babbling or all the sudden start looking at your thumb or feet for no apparent reason. Play with it as you see fit and try using the idea of giving your focus percentages so you can stay clear as to how much you are focusing on any one thing.

Next time you find yourself in a difficult situation, just focus your attention as outlined above and you won’t have any more problems with shyness or nervous anxiety.

We all have huge amounts of stuff running through our heads all the time. If we are not thinking about what just happened then we are thinking about what we are going to do.  Our brains are constantly jabbering away about one thing or another and try as we might, there seems to be no way to stop this incessant noise.

Internal dialogue as it is commonly called, can bring all sorts of grief, and is the little evil voice that seems to bring us nothing but misery. What all meditative practices are really out to accomplish is to bring this nonstop dialogue under control.

The reason is that it is this dialogue that creates the boundaries that shape your reality and your world. This internal dialogue keeps you focused on the dumb things when you are unhappy and screams in your ear that you can’t do something, that people hate you, that you are an idiot or whatever. Sometimes of course this voice goes on about how great you are and tells you that you are doing great and things are only getting better. Unfortunately it seems that for most of us, that dialogue of ours is usually quite negative and for the most part it’s more of a hindrance than any kind of help.

Some types of meditative practices and new age exercises focus on trying to wrangle this internal dialogue so that you can become ‘more positive’. Really the whole positive movement is the act of trying to turn this voice into your ally so that you can reap the benefits of a supportive internal talk. But more often than not, the little voice goes back to the doom and gloom and no amount of will power can win out over our little talkative devil.

A better approach to this problem and one that will help you far more in the long run, is to just stop the internal dialogue for a while. You can’t walk around without thoughts in your head, unless you are Paris Hilton of course, or else you are going to get into deep trouble. But what you can do is to stop your internal dialogue for a while so that you give yourself a rest from yourself and all of the worries and anxieties that the little voice brings your way.

The best way to do this is to just stop talking and start listening. Just listen; don’t try any mysterious posture or mantra, no need to learn the 56 ways of yogic breathing. All you need to do is to listen to all of the things around you. Engage your hearing and begin to pay attention to all of the sounds around you.

The act of listening is very special because for some odd reason it can stop the internal dialogue that you are engaged in right now. As you listen to all of the things in your environment, you will notice that the voices in your head have stopped, and the more that you can focus on what you hear, the easier it will be for you to let go of the incessant part of yourself that insist on thinking and talking about everything.

If you happen to catch your little voice going on about something, it just means that you lost the focus on paying attention to listening; all you have to do is to once again begin to pay attention to all of the noises around you. Of course if you are able to get back to nature, this exercise becomes pretty easy because there are so many beautiful sounds to pay attention to when you get out there.

But even if you find yourself in a crowded city, make it a point to stop and to listen to the world around you for at least fifteen minutes every day. The longer that you can go on just listening and nothing else, the easier it will be to let go to your internal dialogue.  And in very short order you will find that the relief from your internal talk will remove a lot of the misery and crap that is going on in your life right now.

The world without thought, which you can attain trough listening meditation, opens up a number of wonderful benefits and possibilities. Perhaps in future articles we can discuss some of these.

We have all experienced traumatic events. These events are a natural part of life on earth. I suppose you could say that the act of walking presupposes that you will fall down every once in a while.

Some of us though, perhaps not as lucky as others, have encounter personal trauma that has left incredibly deep scars. These traumatic events, whether they are a personal loss or abuse for example, can leave scars so deep that it becomes almost impossible to carry on with our lives in the same way again.

People that are plagued by traumatic events in their past, can find that the smallest thing might bring about a full memory recall of this past hurt. Like a taped video in their minds, any number of things can cause the brain to hit play on this old recording and the victim is forced to live through his old trauma again and again, all in full spectrum color and surround sound.

What is most debilitating is that these personal events or trauma can stop a person from doing normal things; perhaps you were walking down the street at night after a party and for no apparent reason, a man attacked you. From that moment on, you find that you can’t be alone much less go for a walk at night. A person suffering from such trauma would find that they have lost all their freedom and no longer trust others in any way.

What a person in this situation needs to do is to learn as much as possible from this past event and then learn somehow to move past this disability so that he/she can once again begin to live a normal life.  Much easier said than done of course but I hope that the following helps:

•    Anything that has happened to you or will happen to you is not your fault and even if it was directly your fault, then it was a mistake and we  all make mistakes.
•    No one is perfect, we all fall down.
•    There are no guaranties and what happened once might happen again but we can learn from those things in our past so that if similar things arise, we are prepared and forewarned.

To begin to understand those traumatic events that have happened to you, you need to be able to see the experience that caused your trauma in the most objective way possible. This of course can be incredibly difficult since the real power of these old traumatic memories is the intensity, fear, and pain that they provoke.
But we must understand the cause of our failures or else we are doomed to repeat these failures for the rest of our lives;
Begin by sitting or lying down in a nice quiet room where you are sure that you won’t be disturbed for a while. Close your eyes and imagine in your mind’s eye that you are seated on a nice comfortable couch in a nice living room. This place does not have to be a real place of any kind; just make it a nice cozy living room in your mind. In front of you, as you are seated in this incredibly soft couch, there is a large television and in your hand you hold the remote control to this television.

This television can broadcast anything that you want it to, but what you are going to have it project, is the old traumatic event from your past. So get comfortable and take a deep breath and when you are ready, hit the power button on the remote. The tv will instantly start broadcasting the event that you must relive. But realize that this event is happening only in this tv, you are completely detached from it and your are holding the remote so that at anytime that you choose, you can either turn off the tv, fast forward or hit pause so that the event stops instantly.

You are not in the event but you are watching yourself partaking in this event. It’s just as if someone had secretly recorded this event on a video camera and you are now watching this video.

If you think that this event, even on a television screen, which is totally detached from you becomes too much, I want you to take a real close look at the remote; on it there is a button that has the letters BW on it. If you press this button, you will notice that the movie that you are watching instantly turns into a black and white show.
Not only are you watching a detached you perform on the screen, this movie is now black and white. So in this way, continue to watch and objectively see all that happened to you. Look at the actors on the tv and try and see what it was that led them all to this event. What happened to the protagonist of the show(namely you)? what led this protagonist to this place?

Could he/she have avoided what is happening? Is there a mistake that he/she made? How could the protagonist avoid this from happening in the future? If there was nothing that the protagonist could have done to avoid his/her fate, is there a way that he/she can help others so that it never happens to those that he/she cares most for?

Keep watching the video. Hit repeat and watch it again and see if it has the same intense effect on you? If it does, then turn down the volume on the show so that you can barely hear it. If that helps but not enough, I want you to look at the remote in your hands again so that you become aware of another button on it that you had not noticed before. This button has the letter B on it. If you hit this button, you will notice that the television in front of you will actually start to move backwards. The wall behind it will actually open up and the tv will begin to move away from you so that it becomes harder and harder to see it as it gets further and further away.

If you keep hitting the B button, the television will actually go so far back that it will actually disappear from sight.

When you are done with this, open your eyes and return to your real world. Hopefully you will have learnt many things about yourself and hopefully you will be armed with ways in which you can help yourself and others so that what happened to you will never have to happen again.

If you find that you are still feeling all of the trauma and pain just like before, redo the above exercise. Return to the living room in your mind and use your remote control  to remove the color, the sound and finally to move the tv back and away from you until it disappears from your site.

The more that you do this, the more that you will find that painful past events will lose their hold and power over you.  I hope that this will help you to end any trauma that you might have, forever.

Have noticed that the world seems to be getting freakier; The American Presidential race is incredibly odd this time around. You have one candidate that is doing everything to emulate the great JFK himself and he even seems to be making his wife dress like Jackie. He has a name that is derived from a word that means blessing in many languages but, to those in the know, it means a man in black who would beguile you with his tongue (just before he takes you straight to hell by the way). While the other candidate is an ex-POW that might have left a part of himself in the jungles of Vietnam.Spooky.

The mighty CERN has powered up and we have particles smashing into each other with a power and potency that rivals the supposed Big Bang. Many a scientist in that project has received death threats and most people fear that CERN will do too good a job, and turn our planet into the Big Bang.

Well, fear of CERN might be a bit presumptuous but people have a right to wonder and doubt. I have one word about that; Tunguska.

The stock markets have just gone belly up for the umpteenth time this year and the American government has announced that it will bail out a number of lending institutions in an effort to save its, and the world’s economy.Americans have been borrowing money on bad credit for decades now and the shoe finally dropped. Whether you should blame those late night, “ no money down”, commercials or George Bush’s lack of an exit strategy in Iraq is any ones guess. One thing is for sure, somebody has to penny up and take responsibility for the lack of forward thinking and its not going to be the bankers.

Terrence Mckenna proposed, using his model of the I-ching, that the world after 2008 would get very weird indeed, and a number of authors and visionaries have postulated a possible quantum shift in the beginning of this century. The Mayan calendar as we all know ends this 2012 and probabilities as we approach this date seem to be increasing. Probabilities are possibilities and new things are very scary indeed.

To think that evolution has stopped is silly and a child’s dream and to think that when the rapture comes, you will be one of those that will be saved is just as silly. Things are getting weird. The world is freaking me out and I don’t think that I am alone. Or I am just caught in a belief system and a reality structure that makes me think that. Most likely everything is just B.S. You decide.

I do propose one thing though; maybe we should all look within ourselves a little more. Maybe we should look inward as much as we look out at this crazy world.

This site is our version of the great door in. Enjoy and ride and in the famous words of Dorothy and her cool canine pal,” Toto, I don’t think that we are in Kansas anymore.”

The world is changing very rapidly. We are being bombarded by new bits of information everyday, at a rate that would have driven our ancestors insane. TIME has just made YOU, that’s you and me and everybody else, person of the year. YouTube has created a universe that we might not have pondered just a few short years ago, and who knows what is on the horizon in the years to come.

Information, information everywhere! Introspection, self absorption, personal development, self motivation, personal growth, and internal development. The World Wide Web has opened our eyes to things that would make a demon’s toes curl. You can watch Saddam being murdered or you can watch the miracle of a new birth. You could buy a book on anything that you might wish to know about…That’s anything! What a miracle, or are we doomed because we live in such interesting times?

As any decent Taoist would tell you, all things are made of positive and negative furies. There is a positive and negative to all of this information overload; the positive is that we live in a time where many of the mysteries of our universe are being revealed to us, a time when we have more potential then we have ever had before. The negative is that we have too much information, and a big majority of it is BS, or worse yet, partially BS.

This Site will help you with what we see as some of the most negative aspects of our information age. Firstly it is a central bank of varied and helpful information. Here you will find information on all aspects of self development, information on self gratification, and information that will allow you to appreciate the vastness and the mystery of the world at large.

Secondly it is a BS free Zone. Now, all things are relative and what might be truth to a Christian might be BS to an atheist. But there is a big difference between Belief System and BullShit, I hope that this Site will also help you see the difference in that.

Look, enjoy, mark as favorite. It will take time to go through all of the information contained here. Just think of this site as a refuge and a coach