Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge
A dear friend of mine sent me this e-mail a little while ago. This is a snippet from that e-mail;   Last week I was downloading some free game apps onto the iPad.  One was Monopoly Hotels or something.  Money literally falls from the sky just in case you need a few extra bucks to buy something.  I can see why people get interested in these types of games because they are a bunch of quick wins.  But I was trying the game out and all I could think of is that there isn’t even a story.  Just...
Getting a handle on the QWERTY (or) DVORAK debate DVORAK is a revised layout of the English keyboard that was invented by the US physician Dr. August Dvorak in 1932. It is said to be far more efficient and faster than the QWERTY keyboard that is standard today. A great deal of controversy surrounds the battle between these two keyboard layouts and their practical application. This paper is written to try and address some of these issues and perhaps help in settling some of the debate. I hypot...
We are often told that dealing with people is a fine art. Often we are told that, “you attract more flies with honey than with vinegar.” There is definitely a huge amount of information given on how to deal with people by complimenting them and appealing to their egos.   The thing is that if you look really deeply into this type of technique for dealing with people, you end up getting a bad taste in your mouth. Most people won’t admit to it, and they will play along the lines of ho...
One of the biggest causes of stress, anxiety, and negative emotions of any kind is our inability to cope with our mistakes. Even though it is a well understood fact that we are all fallible, a fact that is easily understood logically, making even the smallest of mistakes can cause an instant upsurge in blood pressure. Some people are able to see and accept the mistakes that others make without much trouble but they tend to fly off the handle, emotionally speaking, whenever they themselves mak...
Any kind of self improvement involves change. Change can be a very difficult thing for the individual because it means a totally new perspective or lifestyle; anything new can be quite scary. If this change is difficult for the individual who is often times wholly dedicated to changing, imagine how difficult this change must be for the people around you. One of the biggest setbacks whenever we are trying to make any kind of personal self improvement, is the disapproval that we can sometimes e...
There are few things that can be more debilitating than the fear of rejection. This fear usually stems from a deep desire to be loved and liked by everyone that we meet, which is an impossibility. You need to develop a thicker skin or to figure out some way to be able to reframe what rejection means, or else you will be stuck without the possibility of ever going beyond the first obstacle of life; which is fear. In order to be a successful person, you need to be able to overcome this fear. Th...
If you want to have a happy and productive life, you need to learn to manage your emotions. The emotion that gets us into the most trouble is anger and it is critical that you manage this emotion or else you won’t be able to function very well around other people. Whether you become aggressive, scream and yell, or perhaps even violently lash out of other people, you need to realize that angry emotional outbursts like this can wreck a career, a marriage, or a good friendship. As I’...
In the last article, we had discussed how ingestion alone will not allow you to acquire all the energy that you need in order to stay healthy. We are conditioned to think that all of the energy intake that we need has to come through some kind of food or drink and as a result we tend to believe that this is the only way that we will get the energy that we need to stay healthy and strong. The reality of the situation though is that there are different ways to acquire this energy and even thoug...
There is a very powerful energy that many people are beginning to work with. This energy is usually referred to as ‘love’ energy and can be equated with the warmth of the heart that we feel for someone we love. This is indeed a type of great energy and must be separated from the petty sentimentality’s of the ego which is a completely different thing altogether. This energy is beyond man and exists as a type of internal nourishment and cohesive power that helps connect all the things aro...
Very few people are aware of the kind of energy that they have. For the most part they tend to become aware of their energy level when becomes really low, in which case they are usually looking for a power drink or a cup of coffee. The reason for this is that most people tend to believe that their energy level is a direct result of their metabolism only. While it is true that the kind of foods you eat and how much you eat tend to greatly affect your energy levels, your metabolism is not the o...
As we all know it is quite difficult to stay relaxed in some situations. We all have a certain physiological response under certain circumstances which makes it quite difficult for us to maintain composure. While this physiological response can be quite helpful if we ever find ourselves in a dangerous situation, it can be quite detrimental (supposedly) under modern normal social circumstances. This physiological response is colloquially referred to as the ‘fight or flight’ response. How it wo...
Have you ever heard of a mission statement? I am certain that if you know anything about large corporations or you have worked for one yourself, you know that most of these organizations have a mission statement. A mission statement is basically a definition of who you are and what you are going to accomplish, more than this it is a definition of how you will meet the challenges that you face by defining the values that you wish to exemplify. When we are young the last thing that we think abo...
Motivation is one of those things that seems to go in cycles. Sometimes we are highly motivated to do something and then there are other times when we just don’t seem to have the energy to do anything at all. Motivation is an internal sense, or it might be better to say that it is an internal feeling that propels us to take action. While many might say that it is discipline that creates motivation through initial action, it is indeed the case that there can be no positive action without...
Spare time is something that we all seem to be having less and less of lately. The hustle and bustle of life can get the best of you if you don’t take the time to make the time for yourself. If you consider the fact that you sleep for one third of your 24-hour day and that you work on average between 7 to 10 hours a day; you actually have in between 6 to 8 hours of free time. So during a 24-hour period, you might have six hours a day to yourself, and this does not include any time that ...
Everyone in the world suffers from the fear of failure, it is perhaps one of the most often felt phobias. It is true that failing has a number of bad consequences and a fear of failure is a quite natural thing; that it is giving you both a warning signal and energetic impetus to try and get you to perform at your best. Unfortunately too much of this fear without the realization that this fear is actually an ally, can stop you from taking any kind of positive action and this can be something t...
Hypnotism is an incredibly powerful form of therapy that is being used with more and more frequency. Even though there have been many great advances in science, the subtle workings of the human mind still eludes us. As a result, science does not quite fully understand how hypnosis works. Even though science does not understand how hypnosis works, it has been able to prove that the effects caused by hypnosis are quite real. Using brain scans and different physiological monitors, scientists hav...
Having other people like us can be very important. You can see how this is a very positive survival trait because the more that others like us, the more that they are willing to help us and give us what we need. Developing ways to become a well-liked individual can greatly increase your success rate both in business and in everyday life, it is therefore of great importance that you develop ways to increase your likability factor. Becoming more liked by others can be accomplished in a numbe...
Whenever we have problems with other people, it is usually the case that we are not taking the time to look at things from the other person’s perspective. If you take the time to look at things from the other person’s perspective, you will see that they have the same desires needs and emotions as you do. In order to be successful in any relationship, whether this is a business or intimate relationship, you need to be able to take that person’s feelings into consideration or ...
Getting things done can be a very a difficult or a very easy task. The difference between the two is time management. But time management requires more than just writing down something on a simple journal, it involves your ability to understand your personal routines and to use this to your advantage. Effective time management begins when you realize that time is precious and you should be a miser with it. Being good at time management has many benefits. It should first and foremost allow you...
On many occasions I have gone on about the great power of empathy. I keep making a big deal about it and telling you that it is the most important skill that you can develop. Many believe what I am telling them but they tend to have a limited perspective of how you can use the power of empathy. Your ability to have empathic understanding of the world around you is very powerful, it can allow you to perceive things in a far deeper level and as a result it can give you an edge on everything in ...