A Better Way to Self Improvement
In our lives we all have many goals and we would like to accomplish. There is always one task or another and always a reason why we have to get something done, goal setting therefore is something that we should all take seriously and that we should all strive to become very good at.
Perhaps the best way to accomplish any goal is to write the goal down. By writing a goal down you make it concrete, and this has a wonderful way of enticing your mind and therefore all of the powers that you have...
Your first line of defense in tornado weather is always the ability to spot one. If you know one is coming ahead of time then you have more time to be able to find shelter or get out of the region.
All States and Provinces have what is referred to as a “Weather Watch” and this can be further classified into a “Tornado Watch” when the threat becomes high enough. If you live in a tornado prone zone then make sure that you keep track of any kind of weather watch; the reason for this is that cer...
Many want to know how they can help others. They find themselves in a good place in their lives, and they wish to share the wealth that they now have. Many now are also discovering their spirituality and are seeking a meaningful way to connect with the world.
A great way to learn empathy, is to give of yourself to those that are in need. Identifying with those that are in need and connecting with them on the spiritual level allows anyone, who takes the time, to discover the brotherhood of ...
We are all told over and over again nowadays that meditation is good for us, but few of us know how to meditate properly. Meditation is supposed to be very good for mental health and also for our physical well-being. In a highly stressed out life, where the average person works about 40 hours a week, meditation seems to be a wonderful way to bring balance.
In order to meditate properly you must realize that the one key factor is that you must be able to focus your mind on one particular thin...
We all have a natural rhythm. Being able to follow this natural rhythm can make us much happier, and it can allow us to fulfill ourselves in ways that we didn’t think we could. Following your natural rhythm is really a way of being more natural and being kinder to ourselves; by considering ourselves important enough to be able to do what we want to do when we want to do it.
In order to follow your natural rhythm you must begin by asking yourself what you want to do at the moment. You mu...
The only way to truly become excellence is to develop your intellect. You must learn to keep your mind occupied and to always give it new things to work on and new ideas to contemplate. Excellence can be achieved by exercising your brain, developing your mind, and always working on expanding your intellect. In this way you will develop new levels of excellence in all your personal endeavors.
There are many forms of excellence, but all have a direct link to your intellect and the kind of level...
Making eye contact when you are interrelating with others is very important. Eye contact is the most important physiological aspect of interrelating with others. In many ways it crosses the boundaries between internal feelings and external actions. The saying goes, “the eyes are the windows to the soul”, and truly they play a key role in how others perceive us and how we perceive them.
It is always very important that you make eye contact when you’re speaking to someone else. There are ...
We all have a lot left to learn. Through many stages in our lives, we believe that we know all there is to know about everything. This sometimes happens when we are young and we believe we have everything figured out, and it also happens as we age and we believe that we know everything because we have experienced everything. Anytime that we let ourselves believe that we know everything and we have nothing left to learn, is the time when we’re the most vulnerable. The reason for this vul...
In this article I would like to share with you a very powerful technique called Bone Breathing. It’s an ancient technique that goes back to India and to China, it has been practiced by both Yogi’s and Chi Kung masters in different variations. You can also see variations of it in the west and in all different parts of the world. The reason for this is that it is an incredibly powerful technique that allows you to literally suck in energy from the environment around you.
In order to understa...
We all have a limited time on this earth. There are only so many hours in a day. We all have personal values that are very important to us, and we all have personal desires that we wish to satisfy and goals that we wish to accomplish. Is very important that we schedule our time properly so that we do not waste any of the small amount of time that we have on planet earth.
You must schedule your time or else you will wake up one day and you will realize that most of your life has passed you ...
The fact of the matter is that diets, per se, do not work. I think that this topic has been given some thought and air time but it is a truth the warrants repetition. The reason for this is that there are still many groups and individuals trying to entice others into participating in this or that diet. The latest of these involve some kind of modification in your eating habit, where you are told that you can eat as much as you want as long as you don’t eat meat, or carbohydrates, or whatever....
Learn to always challenge yourself and different ways. The best way to always stay on your toes and therefore to always stay sharp, is to challenge yourself in new and interesting fashions. New challenges keep our brains well exercised, and they inspire us to grow in new ways.
Challenging yourself does not mean over working yourself. This is indeed a challenge, but not a very creative challenge. To challenge yourself to pull on a rope is not creative, any farm horse can pull on a rope. A...
Learn to handle setbacks. We all have occasions when we fail or when we are not able to accomplish that which we wanted to do. Learning to handle these situations will allow us to have the energy required to try again. Without this energy, any setback, will stop any effort that we’re making and will stop us almost as soon as we got started.
You can never plan for everything. Life is an open system, where anything can be introduced at any time. This means that there is no way to be able t...
It is very difficult to always try to be someone that you are not. People have a way of projecting their expectations on you; this can lead to a desire to be someone that you aren’t in order to please others. This is the most common and most powerful way that you become inclined to become someone that you are not. It’s an easy rut to get into, and there are 2 major causes for this:
1) Parents are the biggest unintentional culprits here. Parents after all are the ones that instantly becom...
Here is a simple exercise to find your personality type. This is a very good way to see if you are an introvert or an extrovert. It’s good to know what kind of personality you have because it makes it much easier for you to understand yourself. Each personality type has different needs when it comes to many facets in life. This is especially true when it comes to dealing with others and the world at large.An extrovert wants to go out there and get his/her hands dirty. They are usually partici...
Never lower your standards. Many people would love to bring you down just to make themselves feel better. Don’t give others this kind of power.
The world is full of those that would judge you. You might say that we are all programmed to judge others. It is after all a survival mechanism. If you are able to judge others, you are able to predict what they will do. This is a very powerful way to be able to take charge of any situation and to be able to control the outcome. It is for this reason ...
Don’t be scared to be alone. There is a big difference between being alone and being lonely. To be alone is a good thing, it gives you time and the space needed to perform things that you cannot do around others. Loneliness is an emotional response that is usually brought around by a feeling of self pity.
There are many times in our lives when we need to be alone. Sometimes it seems like these alone periods in our lives happen on purpose or perhaps for a bigger reason. I believe that the...
In order to get things done you must keep track of your goals. We all have certain things I we to accomplish, and we all have time schedules. The only way that you can accomplish these desires is to be able to monitor what you have done and what you need to do.
Begin to keep track of your goals by asking yourself, “what have I done and so far”? It is most important that you are honest with yourself and that you are able to see that the only way that you will overcome hurdles is to keep a v...
It is very difficult to get rich through hard work. You have to be able to come up with some kind of idea that will get you get you to the next level. Your imagination is the key.
First you have to get yourself out of poverty if you find yourself there. In order to do this you have to be able to find some work and to get paid well. You need to find a way to support yourself and your family, for this you will need to work. So yes this part of the equation does require that you do something to...
In my earlier article, What Will Really Happen on 2012, I wrote about certain theories, myths (most possibly facts) that I have been following concerning the 2012 enigma. I told you that there are certain schools of thought and certain information that seems to show that there might be an incredible shift taking place on December 21, 2012. I told you that this had to do with the ‘Platonic Year’ and with the ‘Axial Rotation’ of the Earth.
In this article I want to go into more depth as to what...