Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

The world is changing fast.

What an odd statement that seems to me as I write this. But the energetic truth, as I perceive it, is that it is indeed changing, and that rate of change is increasing. I call that increasing ‘the quickening’, and I have spoken of other factors that are related to this quickening, such as the increasing human population.

But the world is always changing, contrary to some popular opinion – that’s not something new. Moreover, getting to the fundamental truth of things as the world turns, tumbles, and expands has always been difficult.

Why is that? Why is it so hard to find and know the truth?

This is the case because, as I see it, there are no facts as most people understand them. There are what I refer to as ‘energetic facts’, but those are of the moment. An energetic fact is something that must be perceived in the moment through the inner senses, which can only perceive the flow of energy in the moment. This means that energetic facts are not some kind of static thing that you can put on a wall and rely upon them to make you feel comfortable for the rest of your life. Instead, they are a flowing river, and every moment holds within it what could be termed a variety of existences and potential experiences. Without this variety in each moment, there would be no freedom.

I have been trying to tell you this from the beginning: there are no facts. Another way to express this is to say that at each moment, you engage a certain cognitive position. This position determines how you will cognize, perceive, and create your personal world out of what you perceive. Indeed, this cognitive position even controls perception itself; it can change the workings of the outward-facing physical senses and to a lesser degree, the inner senses.

We are not at the mercy of chaos, though. We do have a way to begin understanding our world and our highly individual position within it. While outer sense perceptions can be altered drastically depending on a person’s cognitive position, the inner senses are far more stable. If mastered, meaning if one is able to work with the inner senses, those senses will always provide you with what I refer to as energetic truth, as opposed to outer camouflage. And this energetic truth, which flows in accordance with the energetic flow of all reality, can allow you to begin working with the very nature of awareness itself, enabling you to create your own reality from the inside out.

From the very beginning, I have consistently said: do not trust dogma, even my own. Throughout my work, I have insisted that you use only those parts of my work that resonate with you as a launching point to begin learning certain techniques that might be effective for you, allowing you to develop your inner senses. The mere acceptance of the possibility of inner senses can initiate a process within you that will ultimately lead you to your own individual truth.

The world is changing rapidly, and we all seem to be on the cusp of something new. However, let me share a little secret with you: many of you likely suspect this – but at every moment in history, those who lived through that time perceived the world as being on the brink. What I mean is that people in the past perceived the world just like individuals do today. No matter the point in history, people have always felt that the world is accelerating rapidly and that everything is about to come crashing down at any moment.

In this sense, you are not different from a person who lived 100 years ago or a thousand years ago. For them, according to their cognitive position, life was moving incredibly fast, and it felt like there was a revolution or cataclysm just around the corner. Although there were some variations depending on how far back in history you go, the cognitive position of the times made it seem to them that they were at the center and on the very edge of the known universe. From this central position, they looked outwardly onto the chasm of the future, and to whatever degree, they feared the limits of their perception; they feared the future.

The physical senses are indeed limited, as we all know too well.
Due to these limitations, people in what the physical senses tell us is the past felt fear and discomfort. People sought answers so they turned to external assistance in trying to overcome the shadows that surrounded them. You might say that this is when dogma began – when people lost the ability to work with their inner senses and instead relied solely on outer physical perceptions. They then sought guidance from others rather than themselves, looking outwardly for answers rather than inwardly. This marked the beginning of new orders being established. A kind of clergy and government were needed, and these new organizations required validation – they needed to prove their worth and credentials. And so, the gods provided credentials initially, and priests were created. As time passed, bureaucracies of increasing complexity were also demanded and created. You needed a badge, some kind of parchment of authority, or title, to be part of that ruling class that began to try to decipher what was in the shadows, ultimately telling others what to do.

Now, we have infinitely complex hierarchies of established masters of dogma. You can get a PhD in dogma; you can become a cleric of dogma. These bureaucracies may become corrupted, and to what degree is up to you to decide, in accordance with your own truth. That is not a memetic battle that I want to be a part of, so I’ll let you figure that out on your own without any input from me.

And as these dogmatic bureaucracies grew, the people demanded more and were indignant. If you’re going to tell us what to do, then you must prove your credentials. You must jump through the hoops we deem trustworthy, and give your solemn vows while holding whatever dogma text to your heart. This means that in the end, you have a highly established order of function, a huge and well-functioning dogma machine, that is tasked with giving authority to tell others what to do. And this dogma machine is not just made up of those who are part of those bureaucratic organizations; it is also made up of and sustained by ‘the people’ who insist on being told what to do. In other words, those bureaucracies of dogma cannot be solely blamed for whatever they say or do. Such bureaucracies exist and are given the greatest power because we find it so hard to look inwardly for truth. The dogma machines are our creation.

Inner alchemists are individuals, perhaps much like yourself, who have at any point in history become aware of this crazy need for dogma as opposed to inner knowing. They may not have a clear picture of it, not initially anyway. But it usually starts with a nagging feeling, a feeling that something isn’t quite right. This feeling is, of course, an inner sense; it’s an inner feeling that they just can’t shake. This inner sense tells them that something is wrong, that they’re missing something. Some people might come up with all sorts of interesting ways to try and describe this feeling, such as describing the world as a matrix or a simulation. Others might conceptualize hidden illuminated orders or overlords of alien or demonic origin. All these are, in a literal sense, inner feelings. And those who pursue these inner feelings end up discovering that there is indeed an incredible cover-up that has, from the point of view of physical senses, otherworldly origins.

In time, pursued with the greatest sobriety imaginable, the path that the inner senses reveal leads to certain principles and techniques. These principles usually start with a step-by-step procedural system that will allow an individual to begin to trust their inner feelings as opposed to external dogma. Pursued long enough, these inner feelings even show an intrepid individual how to begin to work with the sea of energy, the infinity that surrounds us.

I am a person who has pursued the revelation of those inner senses farther than some. I am a person who, due to my pursuits, have had the opportunity to become what I term an ‘inner alchemist.’ Being an inner alchemist means that I follow a certain procedural system that is individually mine, but that follows certain currents within the flow of the sea of infinity. This procedural system means that, for one thing, the last thing I want to do is become anybody’s guru.

My desire is that you weave and dive through my material as you see fit, following your own personal instinct and impulses, only trusting and taking part in what feels right to you at the moment. At every turn, I try to remind you to use whatever works for you to whatever degree, but never turn me into some kind of Lord of truth. I am just a simple inner alchemist; I am nobody. I write about what I know because my current, the house that I follow, which I term inner alchemy, has tasked me with this. I write about what I know because the very nature of the cognitive framework that we all share in this part of the world on this earth at this time demands that I subsist physically using a certain kind of modality. All of this is part of my existence at this time, and it is part of my challenge.

We are all in a similar boat, being that we all share a very similar cognitive position that imposes distinctive limitations that require us to participate in a certain order of needs, like the ones outlined in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. This starts with physiological needs such as air, water, food, shelter, sleep, clothing, etc. This is our cage, but some of us strive to break out of it.

I am bound to this cognitive position for a little while longer, and during that time, I will write what I know in the most forthright way possible. But I will not allow myself to be put into the guru category. I might be shooting myself in the foot according to some; if I just follow the established hierarchies and begin to provide credentials and badges in accordance with whatever the newest credentials and badges are in this place at this time, then I could just go with the flow and thrive within Maslow’s hierarchy.
But the moment that I do that, I have failed. The moment that I become some trusted source that must provide ‘transparency’, is the moment that I have failed you. I can’t become an authority in the niche of inner alchemy. That is an oxymoron because the whole point of what I’m trying to be a part of and help you understand, and hopefully be a part of yourself, is a cognitive position where there is no dogmatic truth.

What does all this mean?
It means that there is no transparency here. As those wonderful people who have been following my writing for a while know, there has been a great deal of diversity in this website. I have in the past written about dating, business, and some financial matters using a plethora of different styles and technologies. I have also written on a number of topics that don’t seem to be related to anything self-help at times, and I will continue to write from deep within myself outwardly, never limiting myself.
The world is changing, and the rate of that change is speeding up. I can perceive this through my inner senses, and I have provided a myriad of techniques, both my own and from other sources, that I hope will help you discover your own inner truth. As we head into the future, the ability to look within will become more and more important. Artificial intelligence has already and will continue to blur the line between what you think of as fact in accordance with the physical senses. That is truly the nature of this coming time – the complete blurring of physical fact from the point of view of the physical senses.

What is to come? What does this quickening bring?

In the coming decades, the physical world will change so much that stability within it will be impossible for many. Things will become more and more fluid as technology advances to the point where you won’t be able to know who is talking and when. You won’t be able to know if an event happened in physical reality or if it was created by some powerful artificial intelligence as a mirage.

People will then demand transparency from those bureaucracies they established to try and bring light to the shadows of their perceptions. There will be conflict as groups fight amongst themselves in order to establish truth in accordance with whatever they believe physical truth is. Old-established truths will be exposed as lies, and bureaucracies will crumble as others are created. But step-by-step, the illusion of the physical senses will be revealed. The supposed certainty by which even science and scientific principles have been established will begin to crumble, and new dynamic procedures will need to be created.

Most dogma will disappear, and along with it, the many badges, titles, and forms of authority that in the past gave legitimacy to the established bureaucracies of the world. Artificial Intelligence as we know it is only the beginning; the world of the future will be a true matrix of sorts, and the new technologies will make the comfortable and static physical reality you take for granted obsolete.

Then, you will only have yourself; you will only have your inner senses. But do not believe this prophecy. Do not take my word for it; instead, try the techniques I always talk about in my books, which show you how to develop your inner senses and ‘SEE’ for yourself. Begin to trust yourself now, because what is to come will demand greater and greater inner stability.

I will neither become your guru nor your authority figure. I will not provide transparency for you so that you can try to plug me into a role and feel more comfortable about life and reality for a little while. I will not be chained by whatever framework or cube you demand of me, so that I become your authority figure in the inner alchemy niche. I will not compromise my creative freedom in any way to make it into the ‘trusted authority’ list. I will write what I want to write because it comes from deep within me, and I will use whatever technology or whatever I personally deem to be a positive message in accordance with the current that I follow. I will use Artificial Intelligence, secondary sources, or whatever I like as long as I follow the standards of my house, which are very high indeed and demand my impeccability. That is the only guarantee of my work I can give.

As the world changes, I will need to give up my creative freedom to suit the ways of the new orders I suppose 🙂 The way of inner alchemy is the way of adapting and changing so that that you don’t stand out and get crushed by the ‘machine’. But I do hope that instead of trying to impose some supposed rule of action on me or others, you instead begin to trust yourself. The more you trust yourself and your own inner knowing, the less you will be inclined to worry about the creative actions of others.

So don’t trust me. It is my hope that you never truly trust me like some venerated guru, I certainly don’t want that kind of responsibility, even though I am sure that this medium that I have chosen will curtail most of it in time.

Until then, I desire to push you, to make you think and try; I want you to grow and trust nothing but yourself in the end. Trust only yourself.

I see the light in you and I want you to shine!


  1. Excellent article.
    I’m truly thankful for everything you share.
    And appreciate the way you present and express yourself, which is so in line with what you teach.
    The urge to trust and throw myself at an authority figure, being accepted by the masses and currents, emerges from time to time and sometimes still has an effect on me.
    But the current of inner alchemy has greatly helped me in discovering and trusting the inner senses more.
    It’s a real fortune, a true treasure full of gold.

  2. Mustafa a haroon

    You have helped me tremendously
    My first exposure to what you said about flowing authority
    Came from a quote of tite kubo
    In his manga bleach
    All living things believe in someone superior to them, and cannot live unless they blindly follow them. Then, the objects of their faith try to escape this crushing pressure by seeking another being that is more superior to them to believe in. And they, in turn, seek a stronger being still. That is how all kings are born. That is how… all gods are born. –Aizen
    Tite Kubo
    This quote was what started it all and my journey ended when I came across your
    You showed me ways to start trusting myself not others
    I have begun practising the contemplation exercise regularly and hoping that I can use it to uncover truth
    And I haven’t used the inner felt sense yet due to some limiting beliefs but intend to explore it sometime later
    Thank you for freeing me and introducing me to a whole new world
    Ps I know I have emotional outbursts plz forgive me for those times

    1. I really like that quote, thank you for sharing!
      And no worries, we all have problems with energetic containment sometimes but we keep trying, its all we have 🙂
      Thanks for your kind words.

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