Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge



  1. Hello!

    I have just recently come across your books and I’ve bought several of them already, Out of Body being the latest one. It was interesting how I came across your books and they contained exactly the information/answers I requested from the Universe.

    I read somewhere that ancient mystics mastered lucid dreaming or astral travel to the point where they could actually exist and live in a Reality of their choosing (for example, if during their travels they came to like a world/dimension/timeline) permanently.

    This is something I’ve been interested in for some time now and I’ve spent the last year mulling about how to do this. Through my meditations and direct knowledge from my Higher Self, I knew that I would need 3 things: focus of attention, lots of energy, and to be able to “separate” my Consciousness from my physical body. So I was super happy when I stumbled upon your book, Magnum Opus. It was truly synchronistic. I’m currently training myself using your techniques.

    I’m curious about what’s possible with astral travel/OOBE? What’s the ultimate thing that can be achieved if one becomes adept at it?

    (Just asking for inspiration.😊)

    Thank you for all your hard work!🌻

    1. Hi Kiara,
      Thank you for you lovely note and for the purchase of my books!

      Yes such things are possible, the ability to exist in other realities, for those that have acquired the energy and discipline to do so. And there are many complex nuances to this that one must consider, but that are endlessly fascinating as well. For example, it is possible to exist in other realities where time moves at a different rate. One could for example inhabit a world where weeks in that world are only hours in this one. Being able exist, even for a small time, in this world can allow a person to live and develop a great deal of experience in what would seem to be a very short period of physical time. One could travel to this place for an hour of physical time and yet spend many days doing something in that other world that they may like.
      There are worlds that are completely unlike ours where we can only exist as a sentient consciousness there by becoming something else yourself. There is a place for example where you can only be what, in this physical world, would be called a kind of cloud. As such your consciousness there defies description here. In that place you are one but can be many, you are you but you are them and part of all and everything as well in a way. What could be termed winds and movement of any kind are the most important thing in that world, and entire compositions are shared and written (in a way) by one to another, in relation to what kind of wind, at what time, and during what particular subjective state the composer is in.
      There are also some considerations having to do with a person’s need to come back to this physical existence at the end of their Out of Body journey, and the choices available now and after physical death.
      This is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg as they say. Ultimately, most that pursue these practices with any great vigor, are those that want to extend their individual consciousness after physical death, and to break free from the limited three dimensional binding force forever. That I would say is the ultimate achievement through these practices.

  2. Hey John, recently got your book. I got a thing about visualising yourself getting out of the body as stated in your book. How do you intend to do that. I can visualise myself trying to exit the body but I still feel myself in this seating one that I’m trying to leave haha. I get a slight paralysis in my arms and legs and some geometrical shapes or pictures flashing through my minds eyes while I’m trying to visualise so keeping focus is the key and I’m working on it. Once I visualise myself leaving the body and trying to feel the new astral body floating, looking around and itself I’m having a hard time. Could you elaborate how can one do that easier and such. Looking forward to your reply. I’ll be practising, cheers mate!

    1. I do think that you have a good concept of it already Kyle, as the slight paralysis and the geometric shapes prove this. These symptoms are cause by a shifting in cognitive position, a shifting into what some would call a type of trance state. As this shift occurs, and it gets deeper and deeper, it becomes much easier to visualize, and conversely it becomes harder to maintain focus on what you are trying to consciously experience (in other words it gets easier to see yourself out of the body but it also gets a lot easier to get distracted by other visions, so that you end up falling asleep basically and having an ordinary dream or daydream).
      I would advise that you start out the visualization exercise sort of like a child pretending that they are a ghost; seeing yourself floating, flying around through the air, going through walls, whatever you like. Play, and visualize like a game.
      Then as you go deeper into this altered state and as it gets a little easier to visualize, put more focus into trying to feel your ghost limbs, and perceiving through your ghost body senses, try hard not to lose focus. This takes time and some patience on your part, but it seems like you are doing really well already.

  3. Hi John,

    I am practicing visualizing and getting out of body for the last 3 weeks and have got to the point at which I can somewhat see my surroundings and my limbs.

    My question was how can I start to feel stuff ? I am still not able to feel anything 🙁
    For example, I go to the kitchen in my house and open the tap and see water running, but I am not able to feel it. I even splash some water on my face every time I am out of body, but no feeling. Should I try to go a little more deeper ?

    My daily schedule is to meditate 20 mins by setting a timer after dinner.
    During other times of the day, I absorb energy like it is mentioned in your book Magnum Opus.

    1. I am very happy to know that you are working so hard on your techniques Vignesh.
      Being able to feel anything during the out of body condition can be quite difficult situation to deal with that first, and in the end it is something that requires more time and practice. As I like to ask on occasion, what is that you are feeling with in the first place? The double body is a construct after all, there is nothing physical about it and therefore nothing to feel with? This odd question might help you to understand the nature of your double body better.
      But getting back too it; what you have to understand, is that depending on which dimensional plane you happen to be in, there is a direct correlation between what you can and cannot feel, that is what you can and cannot touch.
      If you are in the out of body condition and you explore the physical realm, then your vibrational density as an out of body traveler, will make it very hard for you to touch anything in this dimension, because one dimensional frequency is essentially trying to interact with another.
      But if you explore other dimensions, dimensions that are less dense from our perspective as physical beings for example, then you will be able to feel much more in those other dimensions because your travelling essence, your double body, will be closer in denseness to that other dimension.
      ‘The only way’ for you to be able to feel something directly in this dimension, that is the dimension that we called the physical world, is to turn your traveling body, you double, into something more dense, harder. At which time, this traveling double body would then be able to interact with the physical world to a greater or lesser extent depending on its growing density, it growing power. But this is a very difficult thing to do and it is usually only accomplished by very powerful practitioners. To do this you need to work very hard on the double body creation exercises that I describe in the Out of Body book.
      My suggestion to you, is that if you wish to feel using your double body, is that you travel to a dimensions that is, from the point of view of the physical realm, less dense. Such places are to be found in areas that are more related to what we usually refer to as dream locations, the dream world, and can be accessed if you use the techniques that I mention in the book, the way of the projectionist: using the second room of the projectionist and then using different portals as I described in the book. With this method it is possible to access both lesser density and higher density worlds. And might I add, less dense does not mean less real, often times these supposed ‘dream’ dimensions are far more real, vivid, and powerful.

      1. Thank you for your reply. Then from today, I’ll begin the first room exercise. I think it is more or less similar to what I have been doing till now.

        I’ll practice first room for a days and then move on to the second room.

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