Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

It must be realized, that there are trans-dimensional entities that cross into this three dimensional plane on a regular basis. These entities are called trans-dimensional, because they are able to accomplish something that very very few humans are able to achieve, or even able to perceive in the correct manner, and that is the ability to move from this three-dimensional space, this three dimensional plane of existence, and into another one.



This is the first paragraph from a two-paragraph post that I wrote some time ago. Some of you have asked me about it, so I thought that I would delve a little deeper into it. This is a link to the full post on my Facebook page if you are interested.

So, what does this passage mean? I think we should dive into it a little deeper.

First, it is important to understand that the traffic flow within our world is far more complex than most people may realize. The space around you now, as you perhaps turn your head to look alongside you and around, is a bustling intersection teeming with inter-dimensional interaction. However, before I delve too deeply into this topic, let us first define what trans-dimensional beings are.

A trans-dimensional being is a life-form that originates from or exists in a realm that is beyond the normal space-time continuum. Trans-dimensional beings can have different forms and abilities depending on the nature of their native dimension. Some trans-dimensional beings may be able to travel between dimensions, while others may require assistance or special conditions to do so. Trans-dimensional beings may also have different motivations and intentions for interacting with other dimensions, such as curiosity, exploration, manipulation, or invasion.

We may further say that, trans-dimensional beings transcend the boundaries of our physical reality and can manifest themselves in various forms and phenomena. They may originate from other dimensions, parallel universes, or higher planes of existence. They may have abilities and knowledge that are beyond our comprehension and may influence our world in subtle or overt ways. They may appear as entities from our myths, legends, and religions, or as creatures that defy our natural laws and logic. They may have benevolent, malevolent, or indifferent intentions towards us, or may have motives that we cannot fathom. They are the ultimate mystery of the cosmos and the challenge of our perception and our secular skepticism, that insists that there is no such thing as life beyond the biological, and no real phenomenon of worth beyond anything that we can perceive with our physical senses.

But this is where we must be incredibly careful, and by even sticking to the understood scientific facts of the times, it must be realized that our physical perceptions are incredibly limited to the nth degree.

For example, Human physical sensual perception is the process by which our sensory organs and nervous system receive and interpret physical stimuli from the environment. However, this process is limited by the range, sensitivity, and accuracy of our senses, as well as by our attention, memory, and cognition. Therefore, we are missing the vast majority of the world around us because our senses and even our imagination and cognition find it hard to contemplate the true vastness of our world.

Even using the woefully limited scientific understanding of the universe, we can get a basic range of just how much of the world around us we are missing. For example, human hearing can perceive sound waves that vibrate between 20 and 20000 hertz, while human vision can perceive light waves that oscillate between 430 and 770 terahertz (which is equivalent to 430 trillion and 770 trillion hertz). However, there is so much more out there beyond this limited hertz range that we cannot perceive with our natural senses. For example, there are sound waves that vibrate below 20 hertz (infrasound) or above 20000 hertz (ultrasound) that we cannot hear, and there are light waves that oscillate below 430 terahertz (infrared) or above 770 terahertz (ultraviolet) that we cannot see. These types of waves have different properties and effects that may be useful or harmful to us, and they may reveal aspects of the world that are hidden or unknown to us.

Generally speaking, our eyes can only see the rainbow, which corresponds to wavelengths from about 700 nanometers (red) to 400 nanometers (blue). Our ears can hear roughly between 20 hertz (low sound) and 20,000 hertz (high pitch sound). This is just a sliver of the total range of hertz in the cosmos. It is estimated that the total range of hertz Out There is about 3 × 10 to the third Hz (or 3 kilohertz) to 3 × 10 to the twenty sixth Hz (or 3 yottahertz). This is the estimated amount by what is currently known by science, which is honestly woefully lacking. My point in writing this, is to point out just how little we see in the world. To call our perceptions as sliver of the world would not even begin to truly define just how minuscule our reality is as modern human beings.

Some might argue that we can use modern technology to expand on the senses. We may use devices or instruments that can convert frequency ranges beyond our physical senses into signals that our senses can recognize and interpret. For example, we can use a microphone to record infrasound or ultrasound and play it back at a lower or higher speed, or we can use a camera to capture infrared or ultraviolet images and display them in visible colors. By doing so, we can expand our perception and explore the world beyond our limited hertz range. And indeed, in doing so humanity has begun to understand in a different way, a technological way, that the world is incredibly vast, and we are but a tiny sliver in a world that is beyond even the imagination of average contemplation.

Some might even claim to have captured odd and unexplainable phenomena, perhaps evidence of life and active agents that are beyond current physical definition. But overall, what few consider is our stubborn stupidity, our latest version of religion, something I referred to as secular skepticism, which is what I call the modern cognitive position of the times. This modern cognitive position, can be thought of as a kind of theology or religion in its own right. And this very limited and constricting belief structure only allows for the creation and the exploration of a very limited range of possibilities.

By a limited range of possibilities, I am being quite literal. This means that the modern human world only creates technological contraptions and instruments designed to only see what they expect to see, to only perceive further that which they want to see and expect to see in accordance with the rigid boundaries of what they consider to be true reality. You can think of it like a person watching videos. The algorithm of the site you are using controls the video output, which means that it uses past data to try to figure out what you might like to see next. In doing so it filters for you the vast number of potential videos out there to watch, and only feeds you those things that it thinks you want to see. This means that if you are not careful, you are taken down a funnel that makes you believe that the world is a certain way because you only see the kind of videos that you expect to see, in accordance with a foreign and often times forgotten algorithm that works in the background filtering out your content.

The modern algorithm of the times, the modern theology of the times, is now something I referred to as skeptical secularism. And I can only hope that in the future this tunneling effect will somehow be broken, so that a greater number of us begin to truly perceive the incredible wonder and the influence, of forces and entities beyond modern rationality.

In a future video, I wish to explore the next segment of this passage which discusses the warping nature of our physical space, the cubing effect as I call it, of our three-dimensional plane. But for now, I want to leave off by having you contemplate just how much we are missing of the whole pie of existence, when we either refuse or do not know enough about the limitations of our perception, to even begin to contemplate the forces that now affect us as individuals and as the whole of humanity.

Think about it like this, there is a wind out there that is blowing. Sometimes it is a mild wind, and it might feel like a breeze but a breeze that can nevertheless cool us and affect our nature. At other times this wind, becomes a roaring tornado that changes our reality, a typhoon that spreads itself across and through our world and brings with it the tides of change that sometimes might not be in any way peaceful. Secular skepticism will have you believe that this wind does not exist, because it is not perceivable by the physical senses or any of the instruments that it is currently using to try to perceive a greater reality beyond all modern cognition.

But those winds are real! They are a true catalyst for change and those trans-dimensional forces that move through and across our world through unsuspected and odd angles have the power to change our reality. We are truly small corks floating above and around a tempestuous sea.

If you would like to learn more about the limitations of our perception and cognition, I highly recommend the book, The Occult Experience. In this book, I explore in depth not only the constraints of our perceptual range but also provide practical strategies for expanding your awareness, so that you can begin to appreciate the great beauty and wonder that surrounds us every moment of every day.

Thank you very much for reading if you have stuck around this long, I truly appreciate your kind comments, and I can honestly say that like unseen sparks of light, existing in taking shape in dimensions beyond modern conceivable frequency, they help me more than you know.


  1. Dwight Pierson

    Thanks John.

    Your thoughts have prompted me to realize the POSSIBILITIES within and all around me are true Freedom and Understanding.

    Friends, Dwight Pierson

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