Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

Imagine a world where everything is a joke, a never-ending circus of clowns trying to outdo each other with their antics. The air is thick with the smell of popcorn and greasepaint, and the sound of laughter and screams of delight fill the air. But beneath the surface of this seemingly carefree world, there’s a sense of unease, a feeling that nothing is quite as it seems. The clowns are constantly juggling balls, spinning plates, and making silly faces, but their actions are mere distractions from the true nature of reality.

You’re not a clown, though. You’re the audience, sitting in the front row, watching the show unfold with a mixture of wonder and skepticism. You’re not a part of the act, but you’re drawn in by the spectacle, mesmerized by the colorful costumes and the bright lights. But as you watch, you start to feel like you’re trapped in a never-ending loop, with the clowns repeating the same antics over and over again. You begin to wonder if there’s more to life than this endless parade of pranks and tricks.

That’s when you realize that there are those who believe they hold all the power, the ones pulling the strings behind the scenes. They think they can control the show, the audience, and even you. They’re the ones who claim to have the secrets, the ones who think they can manipulate reality to suit their own purposes. But do you really want to be a part of their circus? Do you want to be a pawn in their game of control, a mere spectator in their grand scheme?

No, you don’t. You’re here to create your own show, your own reality. You have the power to shape it, to make it magical, and to make it yours. It’s like being an artist, painting your own masterpiece with each stroke of the brush. You’re the creator, the director, and the star of your own show. You’re the one who gets to decide what happens next, who gets to choose the colors, the music, and the characters.

So, don’t let the clowns distract you. Don’t let them steal your focus or your power. Stay true to yourself, and create your own reality. The world is your canvas, and you’re the artist. You’re the one who gets to choose what kind of brushstrokes you use, what kind of colors you mix, and what kind of masterpiece you create.

Imagine a world where you’re not just a spectator, but the main attraction. Imagine a world where you’re not limited by the rules of the circus, but are free to create your own rules. Imagine a world where you’re not just a part of the show, but the show itself. That’s the world you can create, the world you deserve. So, take a deep breath, step out of the spotlight, and start painting your masterpiece. The world is waiting for you.

Crafting Your Masterpiece

Creating your reality in the present moment is like crafting a mosaic, a delicate dance of individual pieces coming together to form a breathtaking work of art. Each decision you make, each thought you think, and each action you take is like adding a single tile to the mosaic, contributing to the overall image. It’s a puzzle, with each piece fitting together to form a complete picture, a masterpiece that is uniquely yours.

Imagine you’re standing in front of a blank canvas, ready to start painting. The first brushstroke sets the tone for the entire piece. It’s the same with your reality. The first thought, the first decision, the first choice you make sets the tone for the entire canvas of your life. It’s like casting the first stone in a pond, creating ripples that spread out and shape the water around it.

As you begin to add more strokes to the canvas, the picture starts to take shape. Each brushstroke is like a decision, each choice a piece of the puzzle. You can choose to add vibrant colors, bold and bright, or subtle hues, soft and gentle. You can choose to add intricate details or bold strokes. The possibilities are endless, limited only by your imagination and creativity.

So, be mindful of your focus. Each decision you make is like adding a piece to your mosaic. Choose your thoughts and beliefs wisely, and your reality will be a masterpiece. Choose carelessly, and it might turn into a hot mess. Don’t let the clowns in the circus dictate your choices. They might try to steer you in their direction, but remember, you’re the artist. You’re in control of your canvas.

As you continue to create, the mosaic begins to take shape. You start to see the outline of your reality, the contours of your life. You can see the beauty, the beauty of the colors, the beauty of the shapes, the beauty of the patterns. You can see the flaws, the imperfections, the rough edges. But you can also see the potential, the potential for growth, the potential for change.

And that’s the beauty of it. You’re not just creating a masterpiece, you’re creating a living, breathing, dynamic work of art. You’re creating a reality that is constantly evolving, constantly changing, constantly unfolding. You’re creating a reality that is uniquely yours, a reflection of your soul, your heart, and your spirit.

Therefore, take your time, take your brush, and start painting. Add a stroke, add a thought, add a decision. See what emerges, see what unfolds. See the masterpiece take shape, see the beauty, see the potential. And remember, you’re the artist, you’re the creator, you’re the one in control of your canvas.

Staying True to Your Vision

Don’t be fooled by the clowns in the world who think they hold all the power. They may try to distract you with their antics, to make you believe that their reality is the only one that matters. But remember, you’re the artist of your reality, the one who shapes your world with every subtle tone of your intention. Focus on the present moment and choose your thoughts and beliefs wisely. Create your reality, make it magical, and don’t let anyone steal your power.

Just as an artist must first see the vision in their mind before they can bring it to life on the canvas, you must first see the reality you wish to create before you can bring it into existence. This is the power of visualization, the ability to see your desires and dreams take shape in your mind’s eye. It’s the spark that ignites the creative process, the catalyst that sets the wheels in motion.

And just as an artist must have the courage to take the first brushstroke, you must have the courage to take the first step towards your desired reality. It’s the moment when you commit to your vision, when you decide to take control of your life and shape it into the masterpiece you’ve always wanted.

Just as an artist must stay focused on their vision, you must stay focused on your desired reality. Don’t let the clowns in the world sidetrack you with their pranks and noise. They may try to steal your attention with their loud voices and flashy tricks, but you must stay true to your vision.

Think of it like a painter staying focused on their canvas. They don’t let the noise of the studio or the chatter of the people around them distract them from their art. They stay focused on the brushstrokes, the colors, and the overall vision they have for their masterpiece.

In the same way, you must stay focused on your vision, your reality, and your desires. Don’t let the clowns distract you with their opinions. Don’t let fear and doubt creep in and steal your power.

Remember, the power is within you. You are the artist, the creator, and the master of your reality. You can shape your world with every decision, every thought, and every action. Don’t let anyone or anything take that away from you. So, stay true to your vision. See the reality you wish to create in your mind, and then bring it into existence. Take the first step, take the next step, and keep moving forward. Don’t let fear or doubt hold you back. You are stronger than that.

Just as an artist must trust their instincts and trust their vision, you must trust yourself and your inner guidance. You must trust that you can create the reality you desire. And just as an artist must be patient and persistent, you must be patient and persistent in your journey towards your desired reality.

Just as an artist must first see the vision in their mind before they can bring it to life on the canvas, you must first see the reality you wish to create before you can bring it into existence. Take a moment to close your eyes, breathe deeply, and imagine the reality you desire. See yourself living in a world that is aligned with your values, your passions, and your dreams. See yourself surrounded by people who support and uplift you, who celebrate your unique gifts and talents.

Just as an artist must have a clear vision of the masterpiece they wish to create, you must have a clear vision of the reality you wish to create. See the colors, the textures, the shapes, and the forms that make up your desired reality. See the beauty, the wonder, and the magic that you wish to bring into the world.

Just as an artist must have the courage to take the first brushstroke, you must have the courage to take the first step towards your desired reality. It may be scary, it may be uncertain, but it is necessary. For it is in taking that first step that you begin to bring your vision into being.

Just as an artist must be patient and allow the painting to unfold, you must be patient and allow your reality to unfold. It may take time, it may take effort, but the results will be worth it.

And just as an artist must continually refine and edit their work, you must continually refine and edit your thoughts and beliefs. You must be willing to let go of what no longer serves you and replace it with something that aligns with your vision.

Remember, the power is yours, and yours alone. Don’t let anyone else dictate what you can and cannot do. You are the artist of your reality, and you are the one who gets to decide what kind of masterpiece you create.

Taking the First Step: The Power of Creation

In this moment, take a deep breath and close your eyes. Allow yourself to let go of any doubts, fears, or worries that may be holding you back. Imagine yourself standing at the threshold of your greatest desires, with the reality you’ve always dreamed of unfolding before you like a canvas awaiting a masterpiece.

See yourself living in that reality, feeling the emotions that come with it. Feel the joy that radiates from within, the freedom that comes with living authentically, and the peace that settles in knowing you’re exactly where you’re meant to be. Allow yourself to fully immerse in this vision, to taste the sweetness of success, and to bask in the warmth of happiness.

Now, take the first step towards that reality. It may seem small, almost imperceptible, but it’s a step in the right direction. It’s the spark that sets the fire of creation ablaze. And as you take more steps, your reality will begin to take shape, like a painter adding brushstroke after brushstroke to a masterpiece.

But beware, for the world is full of distractions, like clowns juggling balls and making a ruckus. They may try to steal your attention, to make you doubt your vision, to make you question your power. Don’t let them.

Remember, your reality is not something that happens to you; it’s something you create. You are the architect, the painter, the conductor of your own life. You have the power to shape your destiny, to mold your reality, to bring your wildest dreams to life.

So, take the first step. Take the second, the third, and the fourth. Keep taking steps, no matter how small they may seem. Keep creating, keep shaping, keep molding. And as you do, your reality will begin to unfold, like a flower blooming in the garden of your mind.

Claim your power and master your universe. You hold the brush, paint, and canvas to create a reality that’s breathtakingly beautiful and awe-inspiring. Don’t let anything or anyone steal your magic. You are the architect of your destiny, crafting a masterpiece that reflects your soul’s essence. Take charge, wield your creative might, and bring your vision to life – a reality that will leave a lasting positive legacy.

Are you ready to peel back the curtain and reveal the mesmerizing show behind the spectacle of the clown world? Do you sense that there’s more to life than the surface-level distractions that surround you? If you’ve caught glimpses of a hidden reality, but yearn to know the secrets of the game, then I highly recommend the book, “Overcoming the Archon through Alchemy“, it’s your ticket to unlock the mysteries of the universe and shatter the chains of limitation.

Within its pages, you’ll discover the true nature of the game, and more importantly, the ancient wisdom to break free from the cycle of chaos and create your own reality as the true artist that you are. Imagine being able to shape the world around you, to manifest your deepest desires, and to live a life that’s authentic and fulfilling. This book is your key to unlocking that potential, and embarking on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

The world is weird.

Even those that follow the modern religion of rational skepticism will admit to themselves, on those lonely nights when they cannot sleep and are forced to think about the nature of existence, that the world is weird.

The alignment of recent events appears almost preordained. Observe the seemingly intricate and clandestine patterns that have emerged, as if each element were precisely arranged to achieve a specific outcome. The pieces of this grand chessboard are meticulously positioned, orchestrating a result that is both predictable and morbidly captivating.

This contemporary era, marked by distinctive terminology and theological perspectives, has embraced materialism as its dominant belief. It now favors the new term simulation, the matrix. And as we look at how the world runs and things turn in almost perfect sequence, it is easy to imagine, on those dark and lonely nights when there is nothing else to do except question the self and existence, that perhaps we do indeed live in some kind of simulated world, an orchestrated one.

From the point of view of the average person in the world, what I am about to say will seem preposterous, but from the point of view of those that can see, those that can truly see beyond the three dimensional material cage, my revelations are quite simply, logical.

I will begin by stating that there are covert organizations, composed of highly advanced and meticulously organized beings, who dedicate themselves to the pursuit of what appears, to the typical rational individual, to be irrational goals. These clandestine groups, known as cabals or houses, have existed since antiquity and have concurrently evolved alongside the perceived mundane and common human world.

Although these clandestine societies are not large in terms of membership, their influence is immense. While the core members of such organizations are a small group, they have amassed significant power through their auxiliary members and hierarchical structures that adhere to their teachings. Consequently, one could categorize the larger organizations created by these small but highly powerful societies as a form of Parallel Civilization that follows the dictates and the advice of these secret orders, cabals, or houses.

To be clear, there is an occult and secret community, made up of a select few, that through their power, which I refer to as a kind of mind science, run the world. These societies, along with those that follow their dictates and advice, which is a large parallel civilization made up of the super wealthy and the leaders of the Earth, wield almost total influence over what is now referred to as the great simulation.

I feel that it is now easier than ever before to see this parallel civilization, by the average person. The web, and the great interconnection that we all have through cyberspace, can now enable those that are willing to look, to see the great tide of controlled change in real time.

At every present moment point you will see an endless stream of what could be described as narrative control. The populace of the world, is constantly being pushed, you are being pushed now, to follow a certain narrative, to believe certain things and to not believe others.

For the rational skeptic who follows the science, by which I mean the accepted truth of the times in accordance to whatever authority figure rules the land, the world makes complete sense from that highly materialistic and controlled perspective.

This kind of narrative push, which is quite simply a kind of psychic control, has existed and has gone on since recorded history. And interestingly, the general scope of it is quite easily explained rationally and therefore ignored, by the secular skepticism, of the modern age; it all makes sense to the average person, the now common and highly skeptical modern individual, and all of it, all of the narrative push and evidence pointing to this elite organization and control is easily explained as just game theory, statistics, politics, and how the world works.

Today, more than ever before, the average person has the possibility of seeing this parallel civilization. The internet and our interconnectedness through cyberspace provides a window into real-time, controlled change. At every moment, you are being influenced by narrative control, subtly urging you to accept certain beliefs and disregard others. For the rational observer who adheres to what they may feel are scientific principles, the science, the world functions predictably within this highly controlled materialistic framework.

This form of narrative push, which is at its core psychic control, has existed throughout history and is, as I have said, easily rationalized by the secular skepticism of our modern age.

Perhaps the best way to begin, is to define what I refer to as rational skepticism. But let me make this point clear right from the start, this article is not about the modern theology of the times, but wholly and completely about secret orders, secret groups that now control the entire planet to one degree or another.

There is an entire reality, a kind of hidden civilization if you will, beyond average thought. And it hides itself in plain sight, using technologies, a kind of mind science, beyond average credible belief.

This hidden or fringe civilization, which to be more precise is made up of a number of different factions or secret orders, cabal -like organizations, is responsible for those tides of change that are now more easily identifiable in this age of mass media and global connectivity.

In order to understand how these hidden orders can exist in plain sight, and how it is that they control society, it is best to understand the term rational skepticism.

So, defining this crucial term, rational skepticism, is an appropriate starting point. However, other terms such as “secular skepticism,” “being realistic,” or “common sense” could also be used to convey the same concept. These words help to establish and define what the typical individual perceives as reality during a specific historical era. Rationality therefore is the pooling of accepted facts that shape what is considered normal and common sense for that particular moment in time. And rational skepticism is the act, the devotional act of zealously believing only the accepted facts of the time, while completely denying and sometimes even vilifying any other possible belief.

Can you see how this is a kind of religion? The average human population that is controlled by this parallel civilization, that is in turn controlled by the secret orders I have mentioned, is conditioned to become a religious zealot at any and every age. This guarantees that the average person will never even contemplate the indoctrinated narrative of the times, and will moreover, squash any dissenting voices crazy enough, to even contemplate something beyond the rationality, the new theology, of the times.

In that sense then, you could say that the average world, the large mass of humanity living at any one particular time, always strives to maintain a status quo with a kind of religious fervor. This common sanity, is sort of like the parameters by which everyone strives to come together and comply with a certain general reality tunnel of existence. The greater the ability of any one group to comply and to wholly believe in the truth of this status quo, the easier it is for that particular society to work together towards particular goals. In that sense then, this kind of coming together of minds can be quite a positive thing, but it also has its very negative aspects.

This status quo, this common beliefs framework, is as I have said the coming together of accepted and sanctioned truths. In its simplest sense it is the ability of everyone to believe the same thing as much as possible. If everyone can believe together, if everyone can agree on the facts, then the ability to maintain a cohesive and orderly society becomes consequential, natural. To control a population then, you must control its beliefs. And in that sense then you could say that rationality, rational skepticism, is not a new thing. Every age has its own version of rationality and common sense. The name for that kind of rationality might be slightly different in other times or in other places. Patriotism and religious faith are well known terms, and I will repeat, these are not bad things. When it becomes bad is when such belief structures are subtly changed to suit certain negative agendas.

Whatever the case, and by whatever name you want to call it, there is a status quo in the world. This status quo says that certain beliefs are true while others are not. For that reason, a great deal of power and effort is made by those that are part of the parallel civilization, to control the nature of that belief reality tunnel, and to turn that tunnel not only into a status quo, but really into the theology, the religion, of the times. And as you may have noticed, regardless of size, societies generally possess an institutional framework designed to regulate and shape the collective experience. These are in that sense the holders of the rationality of the era, the keepers of the theology of the times. These individuals are appointed, nurtured into existence by the secret orders that I am now describing.

This is very important in understanding the secret power that runs this world, because such hidden cabals understand and use the nature of such secular skepticism, to hide in the midst of the common person.

How is this modern version of rationality or common sense being used in the modern age?

Well, generally speaking, people are becoming more and more materially focused. What this means is that they have or are in the process of losing their ability to see the gods and all of the magical creatures all around them. Cyberspace is taking over for dreams, imagination, and the ability to just let go and believe in a reality beyond the physical and the three dimensional. Whether you are a person living a 9-to-5 life in a thriving metropolis or whether you are a person staking out a life in a natural and isolated corner of the world, the smart phone, a million satellites in space, and the World Wide Web, are uniting us all in a common reality.

The world wide web is a good thing. One of the good things is that it allows us to see a broader perspective if we use it properly. And if we are willing to look, we can use it to see how the narrative of the world is shaped through the push of beliefs, endless and repetitive dictates, commandments, as to what is truth, and what is falsehood.

Understanding the nature of the narrative push, as site after site on your smart phone doles out the same insistent message, as certain key phrases and key concepts are repeated over and over again across news and by whatever trusted authority figure, you can begin to see, if you look, the push to control the narrative of the world. Understanding this, you begin to understand the nature of control.

But what is physically perceivable on the internet for example is just the outer surface; this is quite literally the tip of the iceberg that hides within the depths of dark waters a kind of mind science that is quite literally impossible to contemplate by those that are completely bound within the rationality of the times. And this clouding, this binding of people to only accept the meager measure of their physical senses in just a certain controlled way, is done with purpose. It is all designed to blind the average person so that they cannot see the deeper truth.

Whether it is the person living the 9-to-5 life or the person in the outskirts of what some might refer to as the civilized world, the ability to see around the three dimensional materialistic bend is becoming harder, for most I would say it is now almost impossible.

But there are others in the world that are different, and some of those others have become the true rulers of the world. Either through what some might refer to as fate, or through quite deliberate selection, there are elite groups out there that have never believed in the rationality of any time. Those groups, those secret orders, are far more organized than those that even might suspect their existence would believe. And the span of the existence of these orders means that they have dedicated immense lengths of time to exploring alternate ways of looking at and manipulating reality, and this is a true discipline, a power, which on occasion I have termed mind science.

Across the span of eons these secret orders have dedicated themselves to look for cracks in the reality wall that cages the rest of humanity. And once these walls are found, a great deal of focus and effort is made to expand those cracks in order to access technologies, entities, and worlds beyond description.

As I have said, those that are part, that are true members, of these secret societies is few, a highly organized few. And yet their numbers is larger than most would suspect. There are a number of such elite societies or houses, not just one. And there are, generally, two distinct ways of looking at and understanding the power that they seek.

-Some houses believe in power through freedom, through focus on the intangible, and these houses are not interested in material power or in controlling humanity. This is one branch you might say.

-But there are other houses that interest themselves in power through complete control of the material world, and it is these secret houses that have created a vast parallel civilization made up of the elite and the extremely wealthy. It is these houses that are interested in material power, and that now rule the Earth by ruling over and advising the parallel civilization that they have helped to establish.

The average human world is aware of the penchant of great leaders to rely on what the secular skeptics of the world refer to as pseudo psychics and charlatans. Whether it is Reagan or Bonaparte, the mundane world explains these eccentricities as fringe weirdness that the elites sometimes seem to fall prey to. And it is easy to explain from the rational perspective, and it is there plain to see in all of our sanctioned history books, that the reliance on weird psychics and oracles by some elite leaders is just a kind of eccentricity that seems to befall a few of the upper-class.

But hidden beneath the charlatans, the weird oracles, and the seemingly ludicrous rituals that the powerful of the world seem to so delight in taking part in, there exists a hidden science that is no joke, no eccentricity, but is instead calculated power. The keepers of this hidden science are the secret orders, the secret cabal’s, that the secular skeptic and mundane human world will never see. You can think of these secret orders like a kind of hidden priesthood, dedicated to the pursuit of power by other than common rational human means. And their influence can be felt in all major happenings, being that this priesthood will most often advise and on occasion even help to direct, certain key events and social movements. Their numbers are few but there organizations are highly complex, and their form of communication and structure is deliberately designed to be beyond rational linear pattern.

Of these varied hidden secret orders or houses, I will mention three general branches that exist within them that tend to be the most common and can be better understood by the average world.

The first branch is by far, in my opinion at least, the most important. This is the branch of what I would refer to as the seers. These are beings that either as individuals or sometimes working in tandem, task themselves with perceiving far beyond the physical three dimensional world. Their sole task is to not only identify the cracks in the world as it were, but also see into these cracks, sometimes even step deeply into them and then report and organize, in a myriad of different ways, all that they can see beyond the collective matrix, the cage, of humanity.

These seers are the true advisors, to the true elite, that run the world. Their power comes from their ability to see the great energetic tides that assault this planet, and to then advise the leaders of the earth on how best to use such energy currents to truly change the human world in the only way possible, which is to change the collective human perceptive point, their cognition, and in essence their entire belief structure.

Another identifiable branch within these secret orders are what could be referred to as channelers. This branch is not responsible for objective and detached seeing, but for moving into those cracks in reality and making direct contact with forces and entities of sometimes incredible power that exist beyond the mundane human reality. And using such contact, they can then instruct on the development of new technologies if you will, and give dynamic energy to social movements that at times have the potential to change vast stretches of the world.

Finally and for simplicity sake, there are also branches within those secret societies that focus on the mastery of energy manipulation. Such branches focus on controlling the nature and the direction of those unseen forces and powers that assault this world in order to bring about change in accordance to the varied will of these clandestine organizations.

There are orders within orders, and factions within those orders. The complexity and the schemes are, as I have said beyond rationality.

The crazy over-the-top psychics and the sometimes gaudy or silly rituals that are reported on, are most often bad attempts at copying powers and techniques that are far beyond the wanabees and the fashionable nouveau riche of the times. This is just outer theater. The true craft is performed in secrecy, and the power of such true practitioners can at times be staggering.

The world is indeed controlled by an elite few. But the nature of that control, and the true organizational structure of the world will never be known by the average person until they are able to let go of the theology, the religion, the rational skepticism, of the times.

If you would like to delve a little deeper into the true nature of societal change and control, and how to overcome this control, I recommend the book, Overcoming the Archon Through Alchemy.

There are individuals who choose to look, while others shy away from going deep enough. There are those who find intrigue in exploring potential opportunities, even if they initially seem absurd. On the other hand, there are people who cannot spare time from their hectic schedules filled with endless work and busy tasks to delve into anything deemed inconsequential by today’s rational society.

It is all crazy from beginning to end.
In the midst of a hectic life, you might momentarily pause, almost by accident, to gaze up at the stars on a dark and lonely night and contemplate what life is about. The fascinating part is that the simple act of focusing on this intriguing question seems to shift your mind for a moment. Within that fleeting window of focused time, as you ponder the meaning of existence, it can occur that a multitude of questions and theories may invade your thoughts. You may recall old philosophical musings or thoughts that you may have heard, or you may recall just the right phrases or ideas that you may have seen or heard from various sources. Some might even wonder at that moment why our minds work this way, that is, we focus on one thing and are instantly flooded by previously unexplored thoughts and concepts. It is almost as if the focus of our attention, in this case the focus on the infinite expanse of the sky above us, simultaneously draws us into that infinity while at the same time pulls into our minds a multitude of questions and theories that we may have pondered for years.

And this is where most people may turn away. Almost unconsciously, sometimes with conscious effort, something else seems to pop into our minds and as our focus shifts, our brief moment of contemplation ends. That prior moment is lost, gone, forgotten, and something else draws your attention away from the dark sky and the glittering stars. And interestingly, you find that you are somewhat relieved that the busyness of life has engaged you once again, so you do not have to think about crazy theories, crazy ideas, crazy feelings that, in the end, do not matter very much at all from the point of view of average life and living.

But those who are crazy enough to openly ponder the dark infinity above them for a little longer than average, begin to discover, through the strange focusing power of the mind, an odd reality that exists alongside the mundane world. It is like they have stumbled across a secret that was right in front of their faces all along but they could not quite see for some reason. This is their first clue that something is strange, something is not quite as they have been told it is.

And upon contemplating the dark yet glittering immeasurable expanse above them, odd questions may arise, such as: why are we here? Is this all there is? Am I just a meat machine? Is there a soul? Is there a heaven? Is there more to me? Are there powers within me that are untapped?

Upon contemplating such questions, there arises this desire, a more accurate word would be commandment, to turn away and think about other things. Some will turn to theology and instantly begin to recite to themselves all of the beliefs that are part of that reality tunnel, almost like a bandage, to try to mend the fracture that they have felt so deeply inside. Others will turn to the modern theology of the times, rational skepticism, and begin to recite in their heads all of the beliefs that are part of that reality tunnel. But whether it is the gods in heaven or the latest scientific theories on space, planets, and gravity, the commandment to look away is obeyed.
Then, infinity and all those other worlds before them turn into something mundane, something easy to handle, something altogether sane. And thankfully, the average person can enjoy the beauty of the sky without worry, and quite literally protect themselves from the onslaught of the great Titans above and beyond the human world.

But what about those who pay attention for just a little longer, while resisting the great commandment to turn the extraordinary into the mundane? Well, for those who are crazy enough to pay attention for sometimes even just a few seconds longer, an odd thing begins to happen.
This process starts as a feeling and it is difficult to put into words. That feeling is like you have uncovered something that was right in front of your face all along. It is like seeing something that was always there but somehow just beyond your vision, just beyond your ability to focus. And as you look up at the immeasurably dark sky and the stars, infinity will pull you. You will feel it in your stomach, almost like something is pulling you up, as if you could fall up. And as that feeling invades your mundane reality, you will finally realize that we are all falling, that the entire world is ever falling into infinity.
It’s like a goldfish looking beyond the edge of its fishbowl and seeing a whole other world beyond its little bubble of existence. Can anyone who is sane be blamed for not wanting to understand or feel in any way the limits of their tiny little world, let alone contemplate the possibility that the fishbowl, one day might shatter!

Sometimes, even a few seconds of looking into the infinite while struggling to fight the commandment to look away can turn you into the walking crazy. We are the walking crazy, we who have realized our precarious position in this tiny little fishbowl. Our limited little goldfish brains might only be able to perceive so much, and our attention span is so small, but for some that glimmering moment is enough to turn them into the walking crazy.
The majority of us have had this kind of moment at some point in our lives, perhaps many, when we have looked up into the dark skies and into infinity and wondered. Some of us have been able to maintain our focus on that infinity long enough, to come to the life-shattering realization that we are merely tiny goldfish in a precarious little fishbowl, a small and fragile little fishbowl that is falling into the very depths of infinity.

Being able to maintain that focus long enough to be able to see the precarious nature of our existence and the infinity all around us, is a burden. Many people speak of wanting to understand the riddle of existence. But the truth is that deep down, few are genuinely interested in such mind shattering revelations.
The infinite is all around us. The odd and the weird are around every bend, and hidden within all of the angles that make up our walls, our cage. But most will not resist, or fight in any way, the commandment to turn the magnificent, the magical, the mysterious, the frightening, into the mundane.
Perhaps you have experienced the way of the walking crazy to some degree. Perhaps in one of those moments, as you stared into infinity, you realized the frailty of our existence and glimpsed the Titans beyond our fishbowl.

Upon becoming the walking crazy, even if it’s for just a fleeting moment, there are three general possibilities for all of us. The first two options are the most common:

The first is that, as you catch a glimpse of eternity and instantly become conscious of the madness that is taking over, you come to your senses and turn away. This is what most of us do. Faced with the madness of eternity, you quickly turn away and try to explain your feelings and realizations as some kind of illusion or mistake. You may then spend the rest of your life trying to ignore or forget about it, wondering at times if that moment and those feelings were real, but in the end, you will come to accept that it was just a momentary delusion that had no consequence.

The second option is that you cannot fight that madness and accept it. But you accept it as any normal human being would. And that is to believe yourself to be sick, afflicted, stricken. You may then walk down that long road of insanity and allow the world to take care of you in whatever way is fashionable for the times. Lost in insanity you can then blame the world for your sickness, but most importantly you can forget about that infinity that you had seen, accepting the fact that it was all a delusion and therefore inconsequential, stupid, sick.

The third option is the option of the walking crazy. After seeing infinity such individuals know that they can never go back. Some may keep looking into infinity, while others might have had enough from just one glimpse. But whatever the case the walking crazy accept the fact that they are crazy, that they can no longer tolerate the mundane facts of the average world. Having accepted their lot as the consciously insane, in accordance to the standards of the modern world, they learn to go on and to hide the fact that they are now a wholly different kind of animal.

In the best of cases, the walking crazy revel in the fact that they are free, and use that freedom as a source of extra energy that they can then channel into further seeing, further exploration farther and farther away from the cage of humanity.

The walking crazy that have accepted their lot and go on can become marvellous beasts. If they are successful in their mission, they will conceal their insanity from the rest of the world, knowing that if their madness is exposed, people will attempt to cure them.
You may recognize these individuals by a sudden, almost feral glint in their eyes, which they quickly try to hide. They may be staring endlessly at the sky or a tree, and often seem lost in thought, as if in some kind of delusion, lost in worlds far beyond the human.
There is no cure for the walking crazy. There is no reward for us because surely it would be madness to believe that after a long and fruitful journey of overcoming obstacles, we may finally find peace at last. There will always be another barrier to overcome, another wall to break. We are fighters seeking the infinite quest for complete freedom, and for us, the reward is not some destination but rather the struggle itself and the endless journey into boundless, immeasurable space. After all, what else would you expect from those who are supposedly insane?

If you would like to know the way of the walking crazy. If you are insane or daring enough to read a book that may just turn you into the walking crazy yourself, then I recommend the book, The Art of transmutation.

It must be realized, that there are trans-dimensional entities that cross into this three dimensional plane on a regular basis. These entities are called trans-dimensional, because they are able to accomplish something that very very few humans are able to achieve, or even able to perceive in the correct manner, and that is the ability to move from this three-dimensional space, this three dimensional plane of existence, and into another one.



This is the first paragraph from a two-paragraph post that I wrote some time ago. Some of you have asked me about it, so I thought that I would delve a little deeper into it. This is a link to the full post on my Facebook page if you are interested.

So, what does this passage mean? I think we should dive into it a little deeper.

First, it is important to understand that the traffic flow within our world is far more complex than most people may realize. The space around you now, as you perhaps turn your head to look alongside you and around, is a bustling intersection teeming with inter-dimensional interaction. However, before I delve too deeply into this topic, let us first define what trans-dimensional beings are.

A trans-dimensional being is a life-form that originates from or exists in a realm that is beyond the normal space-time continuum. Trans-dimensional beings can have different forms and abilities depending on the nature of their native dimension. Some trans-dimensional beings may be able to travel between dimensions, while others may require assistance or special conditions to do so. Trans-dimensional beings may also have different motivations and intentions for interacting with other dimensions, such as curiosity, exploration, manipulation, or invasion.

We may further say that, trans-dimensional beings transcend the boundaries of our physical reality and can manifest themselves in various forms and phenomena. They may originate from other dimensions, parallel universes, or higher planes of existence. They may have abilities and knowledge that are beyond our comprehension and may influence our world in subtle or overt ways. They may appear as entities from our myths, legends, and religions, or as creatures that defy our natural laws and logic. They may have benevolent, malevolent, or indifferent intentions towards us, or may have motives that we cannot fathom. They are the ultimate mystery of the cosmos and the challenge of our perception and our secular skepticism, that insists that there is no such thing as life beyond the biological, and no real phenomenon of worth beyond anything that we can perceive with our physical senses.

But this is where we must be incredibly careful, and by even sticking to the understood scientific facts of the times, it must be realized that our physical perceptions are incredibly limited to the nth degree.

For example, Human physical sensual perception is the process by which our sensory organs and nervous system receive and interpret physical stimuli from the environment. However, this process is limited by the range, sensitivity, and accuracy of our senses, as well as by our attention, memory, and cognition. Therefore, we are missing the vast majority of the world around us because our senses and even our imagination and cognition find it hard to contemplate the true vastness of our world.

Even using the woefully limited scientific understanding of the universe, we can get a basic range of just how much of the world around us we are missing. For example, human hearing can perceive sound waves that vibrate between 20 and 20000 hertz, while human vision can perceive light waves that oscillate between 430 and 770 terahertz (which is equivalent to 430 trillion and 770 trillion hertz). However, there is so much more out there beyond this limited hertz range that we cannot perceive with our natural senses. For example, there are sound waves that vibrate below 20 hertz (infrasound) or above 20000 hertz (ultrasound) that we cannot hear, and there are light waves that oscillate below 430 terahertz (infrared) or above 770 terahertz (ultraviolet) that we cannot see. These types of waves have different properties and effects that may be useful or harmful to us, and they may reveal aspects of the world that are hidden or unknown to us.

Generally speaking, our eyes can only see the rainbow, which corresponds to wavelengths from about 700 nanometers (red) to 400 nanometers (blue). Our ears can hear roughly between 20 hertz (low sound) and 20,000 hertz (high pitch sound). This is just a sliver of the total range of hertz in the cosmos. It is estimated that the total range of hertz Out There is about 3 × 10 to the third Hz (or 3 kilohertz) to 3 × 10 to the twenty sixth Hz (or 3 yottahertz). This is the estimated amount by what is currently known by science, which is honestly woefully lacking. My point in writing this, is to point out just how little we see in the world. To call our perceptions as sliver of the world would not even begin to truly define just how minuscule our reality is as modern human beings.

Some might argue that we can use modern technology to expand on the senses. We may use devices or instruments that can convert frequency ranges beyond our physical senses into signals that our senses can recognize and interpret. For example, we can use a microphone to record infrasound or ultrasound and play it back at a lower or higher speed, or we can use a camera to capture infrared or ultraviolet images and display them in visible colors. By doing so, we can expand our perception and explore the world beyond our limited hertz range. And indeed, in doing so humanity has begun to understand in a different way, a technological way, that the world is incredibly vast, and we are but a tiny sliver in a world that is beyond even the imagination of average contemplation.

Some might even claim to have captured odd and unexplainable phenomena, perhaps evidence of life and active agents that are beyond current physical definition. But overall, what few consider is our stubborn stupidity, our latest version of religion, something I referred to as secular skepticism, which is what I call the modern cognitive position of the times. This modern cognitive position, can be thought of as a kind of theology or religion in its own right. And this very limited and constricting belief structure only allows for the creation and the exploration of a very limited range of possibilities.

By a limited range of possibilities, I am being quite literal. This means that the modern human world only creates technological contraptions and instruments designed to only see what they expect to see, to only perceive further that which they want to see and expect to see in accordance with the rigid boundaries of what they consider to be true reality. You can think of it like a person watching videos. The algorithm of the site you are using controls the video output, which means that it uses past data to try to figure out what you might like to see next. In doing so it filters for you the vast number of potential videos out there to watch, and only feeds you those things that it thinks you want to see. This means that if you are not careful, you are taken down a funnel that makes you believe that the world is a certain way because you only see the kind of videos that you expect to see, in accordance with a foreign and often times forgotten algorithm that works in the background filtering out your content.

The modern algorithm of the times, the modern theology of the times, is now something I referred to as skeptical secularism. And I can only hope that in the future this tunneling effect will somehow be broken, so that a greater number of us begin to truly perceive the incredible wonder and the influence, of forces and entities beyond modern rationality.

In a future video, I wish to explore the next segment of this passage which discusses the warping nature of our physical space, the cubing effect as I call it, of our three-dimensional plane. But for now, I want to leave off by having you contemplate just how much we are missing of the whole pie of existence, when we either refuse or do not know enough about the limitations of our perception, to even begin to contemplate the forces that now affect us as individuals and as the whole of humanity.

Think about it like this, there is a wind out there that is blowing. Sometimes it is a mild wind, and it might feel like a breeze but a breeze that can nevertheless cool us and affect our nature. At other times this wind, becomes a roaring tornado that changes our reality, a typhoon that spreads itself across and through our world and brings with it the tides of change that sometimes might not be in any way peaceful. Secular skepticism will have you believe that this wind does not exist, because it is not perceivable by the physical senses or any of the instruments that it is currently using to try to perceive a greater reality beyond all modern cognition.

But those winds are real! They are a true catalyst for change and those trans-dimensional forces that move through and across our world through unsuspected and odd angles have the power to change our reality. We are truly small corks floating above and around a tempestuous sea.

If you would like to learn more about the limitations of our perception and cognition, I highly recommend the book, The Occult Experience. In this book, I explore in depth not only the constraints of our perceptual range but also provide practical strategies for expanding your awareness, so that you can begin to appreciate the great beauty and wonder that surrounds us every moment of every day.

Thank you very much for reading if you have stuck around this long, I truly appreciate your kind comments, and I can honestly say that like unseen sparks of light, existing in taking shape in dimensions beyond modern conceivable frequency, they help me more than you know.

In this article I want to discuss what may be the biggest secret in the world, something that appears simple, in plain sight, and yet holds immense power. This secret has shaped human history and explains why Earth is a magnet for extraterrestrial and intra-terrestrial beings. The prize in question is human attention, which is a formidable force beyond measure. Let me explain.

In today’s digital era, we have come to appreciate the value of attention, courtesy of our access to an abundance of information through the Web, television, radio, and other media outlets. We witness relentless battles for our focus of attention, as organizations, corporations, and assorted structures compete for a share of our mental real estate. But what makes attention so coveted, and how does this pursuit affect our existence and the world around us?

As we navigate our daily lives, we find ourselves amidst a cacophony of stimuli clamoring for our notice. Social media, advertisements, news, entertainment; the list goes on, each vying for a slice of our finite attentional pie. Our brains, wired to respond to novelty, emotion, and excitement, readily succumb to the lure of carefully crafted algorithms designed to capture and hold our focus. These masterfully curated contents often take precedence over more meaningful aspects of life, such as relationships, productivity, and self-care, subtly reshaping our personal reality and compromising our autonomy.

However, attention isn’t merely a prized commodity for profit-driven enterprises. It plays a vital role in social movements, political campaigns, cultural trends, and, most significantly, in shaping our understanding of reality itself. This brings us to the jaw-dropping revelation: our attention is a resource not only sought after by visible players but also by concealed forces of unsuspected power.

Now, wholly from a physical point of view, some of you may assume that you are impervious to such manipulation, or that the control of attention is trivial. You may believe that as long as you maintain command over your physical self, you can freely consume and attend to whatever you desire without any tangible consequences. But is this truly the case?

Unfortunately, the vast majority of people underestimate the value of their attention and remain unaware of the subtle yet relentless assault on their focus. They fail to recognize the profound impact that the constant barrage of attention-grabbing stimuli can have on their perceptions and behaviors. Many people go about their daily lives oblivious to the various mechanisms vying for their most valuable assets: their time and attention. They unwittingly succumb to the influence of external forces, humming catchy jingles from advertisements, reciting memorized phrases from television shows, or worrying about the latest thing they saw on the news, without realizing the considerable power that resides within them. But the truth is that this unintentional and unconscious division of attention, whether we realize it or not, has the potential to reshape our reality in profound ways.

Human attention has the capacity to revolutionize not only our personal reality but also the collective reality of our world. We sculpt our existence through our attention, and our minds hold far greater power than many of us suspect. While it’s common knowledge that thoughts are influential and that attention shapes our individual reality, it’s easy to overlook the significance of these concepts amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. As a result, we often neglect to fully comprehend the implications of mismanaging our attention.

Perhaps you acknowledge the power of the mind to some extent. You may believe that attention can inspire and alter perspectives, prompt physical action, and even modify beliefs when confronted with compelling or at the very least, persistent and repetitive evidence. However, you may not accept the idea that thoughts and intentions possess the ability to create and mold all facets of reality. You may doubt that mental constructs serve as the foundation for all manifestations, both internal and external, and that mental activity is the primary driver of creation, rather than purely physical effort.

If that’s the case, consider the following: every innovation, invention, and artistic expression began as a thought in someone’s mind. Every social movement, political shift, and cultural phenomenon started with an idea that captured people’s imagination. The power of attention lies not only in its ability to direct our focus but also in its capacity to ignite our creativity, fuel our passions, and transform our ideas into tangible realities. By recognizing and harnessing this power, we become active participants in shaping our destiny, both individually and collectively.

Further, I propose that there’s another, equally crucial aspect of creating reality, and I refer to this power as inner action. By this, I mean that everything originates from within, and our attention plays a pivotal role in shaping our reality. My personal belief is that inner reality serves as the sole creator of all outer physical phenomena; in other words, our thoughts, intentions, and attentiveness through a process I term inner action, eventually project themselves outwardly to bring forth the material world we experience.

In essence, intent is the driving force behind this manifestation process, and attention is a fundamental component of that intent. By acknowledging and harnessing the power of attention, we can actively take part in crafting our destinies and the world around us. Whether you subscribe to this belief or not, it’s undeniable that our attention has a profound impact on our lives and the reality we inhabit.

If you share my belief in the power of thought to shape reality, or if you have your own unique perspective on this concept of thought power, then you must acknowledge that the world around us is largely created from the inside out. When we direct our attention towards something, we amplify its presence in our minds, transforming it into a thought and intention that consumes our focus. The longer and more intensely we concentrate on that object, person, or idea, the more energy we invest in it, ultimately leading to its manifestation in our external reality. Attention is a force that project out and away from you in a sense, and its continuous concentration creates your entire reality, in time.

Let us consider the possibility that the vast expanse of human experience, both individual and collective, stems from internal actions beyond material scope. In essence, everything around us, everything material, including our physical surroundings and emotional landscapes, manifest themselves from the inside out, fashioned by the potent force of thought. If this notion is true, then the significance of attention cannot be overemphasized. Our focused awareness wields the power to shape reality, making it the most precious resource within the known cosmos.

Is it not feasible then, that others – be they human or otherwise – might endeavor to harness and exploit this resource? Might they not go to great lengths to tap into the very essence of conscious attention, leveraging it for their own purposes? Think about this: if attention indeed moulds reality, if it constitutes a force capable of manipulating the fabric of existence, then would it not surpass the value of gold or any other tangible asset? While material resources can be obtained through technological advancements and the mining of asteroids and moons full of every conceivable substance needed to thrive, conscious attention remains a rare and exquisite treasure, exclusively available to only highly evolved sentient beings. Its scarcity and influence make it nothing short of priceless.

Let us pause to reflect upon this: if thoughts have the capacity to give rise to all reality, if they can warp space-time, turning non-local thoughts and intentions into tangible and intangible forces that rule the known world, then surely attention must be acknowledged as a force of unparalleled magnitude. And if such a force exists, which it does, would it not be worth anything to acquire, to nurture, and to wield its boundless potential?

This planet is a shining star in the darkness. Our powerful attention makes us glow in a sea of relative darkness. There are others that covet that attention, that light.

We have been fed the manipulative lie that tells us that the world and surviving are all about material wealth, money, landing a great job, or owning fancy things. But to not just survive in this material prison, but thrive and then go beyond it, we must begin to battle for our personal attention. Through personal focus we can get the material things we want, but we can also begin to see beyond the materialistic and consciously orchestrated illusions before us. Through focused attention, we can begin to see that our world doesn’t end in the physical, but that we are instead cosmic things that are destined to travel across the stars.

There are unseen and unsuspected forces that want to take that most precious power and use it for themselves. The mechanisms behind the seen and unseen forces competing for our conscious attention are intricate and multifaceted, and I can’t wait to dive deeper into them in future articles. If you’re curious about the power of attention, how it’s used, and how to escape from external influence, I urge you to check out my book, Overcoming the Archon Through Alchemy.

But before I go, let me give you some hints on how we, as individuals, can tap into the power of attention to create positive change in our lives and the world. The first step is awareness. By becoming aware of how our attention is being steered and manipulated, we can start to make conscious choices about where we focus our attention.

To achieve this, try paying attention to your attention throughout the day. Observe how your mind works and notice when your attention drifts away from your intended focus. While meditation can help you find inner peace and clarity, real freedom and personal growth require you to be aware of your thoughts and attentive to your attention throughout your whole day. When negative thoughts arise, shift your focus elsewhere. It may be challenging at first, especially when you’re feeling upset, but with practice and in time, you’ll learn to control your reality from the inside out.

It’s important to recognize that we need to take responsibility for our awareness, which is guided by our focus of attention. This might seem daunting, but as we work on it, we’ll gradually transform our lives and ultimately change every aspect of our personal and collective reality.

We may wonder why certain periods in history are marked by sometimes radical changes, and mass human movements. By movements, I mean collective ideologies or ideas structures, beliefs, that seem to take hold of people and become the predominant reality tunnel of the times. In other words, it is the collective behavior and actions of a large group of individuals driven by shared beliefs, values, or ideologies. It involves the psychological processes that influence individuals to join and participate in an ideological crusade, as well as the psychological dynamics that occur within the group itself.

I have delved deeply into this topic in my book “Overcoming the Archon through Alchemy.” I would highly recommend that book to you if you’re interested in learning more about mass movements, memetics, and how to counter and even thrive within the realm of mob mentality.

In this particular video, I would like to describe the process of mass psychological movements, which I sometimes refer to as the mob mind, by outlining and discussing a rather controversial concept introduced by biologist Rupert Sheldrake. He proposes that “Morphogenic or morphogenetic Fields” are areas of space where there is a concentration of non-physical information. This information influences the development and behavior of living organisms, including their shape, size, and organization.

This is a rather complex topic that proposes that information fields have the potential to affect everything from cell biology and evolution to crystalline structures. However, in this particular video I would like to focus on the ability of morphogenic fields to affect human behavior patterns. In that sense, you could think of morphogenic fields as essentially non-physical information fields that influence the behavior of living organisms.

I propose that such fields are responsible for human behavior patterns. By describing the general tendency of these information fields, we can begin to understand a little about mass human psychological movements and, in turn, gain insight into how the mass of the human race can sometimes be led to move in certain highly predictable directions, and in that sense, how the mass of humanity can be controlled.

In the past, I have talked about the Archon, a vast non-organic cloud-like entity consisting of a legion made up of billions of sentient parts that spreads itself across the mass of the human world.  I have said that, through a kind of information field transference, it directs the general awareness of humanity.

My hope is that through a greater understanding of morphogenic fields, you can begin to grasp the underlying currents that shape our world. It is crucial to emphasize this information as these guiding or controlling forces are not perceivable by human physical sciences, they are not quantifiable in average human terms, and yet they affect the entirety of the human realm.

To start let me give you a general definition of morphogenic fields. Rupert Sheldrake, a British biologist and author, proposes the concept of “morphogenetic and morphogenic fields” as a way to explain how living organisms inherit and express behaviors that are not solely determined by genetics or environmental factors alone. In essence morphogenetic fields deal with the origin of form and ancestral knowledge in biological systems, while morphogenic fields impose form and a kind of order, on inanimate objects and indeterminate patterns of activity, such as society and culture.

According to Sheldrake, morphogenetic and morphogenic fields are non-material structures that underlie the development and behavior of complex organisms, including mammals and humans. Greatly simplifying this topic and sticking to concepts that are relevant to this video, here’s how these fields CAN change behavior patterns:

  • Inheritance of Behaviors: This means that behaviors learned by an individual are not simply forgotten or lost over time, but rather remain stored within their body-mind system and can be accessed and expressed in future generations.
  • Epigenetic Influence: This means that an individual’s exposure to certain environmental cues or experiences can result in changes to their gene expression patterns, leading to differences in behavior and physiology.
  • Collective Memory: This means that an individual’s behavior is influenced not only by its own personal history but also by the cumulative experience of their ancestors and peers, leading to emergent patterns of behavior that are greater than the sum of their parts.
  • Field based Inheritance: This means that an individual’s development is influenced by the collective field of its species or population, rather than solely by genetic factors.
  • Self-organization: Morphogenetic fields can also facilitate self-organization within complex systems, such as the brain and nervous system, and even societies.
  • Adaptation: Morphogenetic fields can adapt over time through a process called “morphic resonance,” which involves the transmission of information from one generation to the next.. Cultural Influences: Morphogenetic fields can also influence cultural transmission and the spread of ideas, values, and beliefs between individuals and groups. By shaping an individual’s behavioral repertoire through epigenetic mechanisms, morphogenetic fields can facilitate the emergence of complex social structures and cultural practices within a population.
  • Intergenerational Influence: Morphogenetic fields can exert an intergenerational influence on behavior patterns by transmitting information about past experiences and behaviors to future generations.

So, morphogenetic fields, through a kind of unmeasurable resonance field, a kind of telepathic data transference field, play a crucial role in shaping the development and behavior of living beings. Understanding morphogenetic fields offers insights into how large resonating information fields can affect mass human reality.


But, how does a field of this nature begin, and how does it grow in power?

According to Sheldrake, there a number of factors that may be responsible for the growth and development of such fields. Of great importance to anyone trying to understand the power and the emergence of the mob mind, large social movements, and even collective human control, is the proposed fact that morphogenic fields can grow thanks to:

  1. Resonance with Other Fields: Morphogenetic fields can resonate with other fields within a species or population, such as the collective consciousness of a group or the natural environment in which an individual lives. This resonance can facilitate communication and coordination among individuals and contribute to the growth and development of the morphogenetic field. In other words, the collective consciousness and the collective unconscious of humanity can create and enlarge a resonance field large enough to affect huge swaths of humanity. The bigger it grows, the more people that are affected by such a resonating field.
  2. Non-Local Influences: Morphogenic fields are thought to operate on a non-local level, meaning that they do not occupy any one particular point in measurable space and time. This also means that these resonation fields of ever-growing information can be influenced by factors beyond the immediate physical environment. This includes interconnected patterns of energy within a species or population and even larger-scale influences such as cosmic forces. Here we may include the Archon, which is a true cosmic force, a non-organic entity of cosmic scale. In other words, a morphogenic field is an unmeasurable data field that resonates like a kind of radio wave, and this wave can be created by cosmic forces such as the Archon. And further these fields have the possibility of not only affecting the human mind, but may also even be responsible for some genetic change.


We can therefore say that morphogenic fields grow and change the human world thanks to the human conscious and unconscious collective, and thanks to cosmic forces that are in essence beyond current human measure and understanding.

As a brief example of the power and the feeling of morphogenic fields, let me put it to you this way. Imagine that you are alone in a room very late at night when most of the world is sleeping. It is during these hours that many creative people tend to be most productive because, generally speaking, it is believed that at this time and under such conditions, the mind can remain still and focused on its own thoughts without being influenced by the thoughts of the human collective.

Imagine that someone walks into this room so that now there are two people. If you were able to pay close attention to your awareness as you transition from being alone to being in the company of another person, you might notice a difference in your thought process. With an additional individual present, there is often an instant shift away from focusing solely on oneself and toward incorporating the presence of that other person into one’s thoughts. There is this instant shift in personal awareness to include the self and the other.

If another person enters that room, and then another, and another, then that division of self grows to include a larger base of others. And each individual person in that room begins to vibrate with a certain resonance, that encompasses not only the individual but also the collective of individuals in that room.

As more people enter that room, the focus of the individual spreads wider and wider, and the growing strength of that collective resonance, like a kind of psychic pooling of energy, intensifies that collective psychic structure until each individual finds it harder and harder to find their own core self, and instead becomes part of a resonating field of collective thought. This is how an individual becomes part of a mob.

Now, the immense power of the concept of morphogenic fields is that, this particular individual does not need to leave their room or have another person enter his room in order to experience the effects of collective resonance. Morphogenic resonance signifies that each person within their own space, their own room, influences all other individuals within their respective spaces, without requiring physical proximity. In this manner, one mind can impact numerous minds. Another way to express this idea is by saying that by affecting a single mind, you can ultimately influence many others as well.

As more minds embrace a particular belief or adopt a specific dogmatic position, the strength of this resonant field intensifies. This morphogenic field begins to exert an increasingly potent influence on the group. And incredibly, these influences, the cause and the development of these resonating fields, can come from the collective unconscious of humanity or even potentially unseen cosmic forces, such as the Archon.

This nonlocal influence transcends our understanding of space and time, existing in a realm beyond our sensory perceptions. The nature and extent of these influences may be mysterious or enigmatic, yet they may undoubtedly contribute to shaping the collective experience of humanity.

As to the actual mechanisms that can develop and grow a morphogenic field powerful enough to affect a large mass of people, in the simplest of terms you could say that it all comes down to the power of repetition. Repeated exposure to certain ideas or beliefs can gradually shape the collective consciousness, eventually giving rise to a more potent resonant field that continues to grow and evolve over time as the repeated signal becomes constant.

Whether driven by dogma or the subtle influence of the Archon, this persistent repetition of ideas on a psychic or telepathic level, can be thought of as a constant broadcasting of signals, akin to the unceasing transmission of radio waves. Over time, these relentless transmissions have the power to alter an unsuspecting mind, setting in motion a cascade of change that makes it increasingly easier to sway another’s perspective and, subsequently, yet another, and another person after that.

As this resonant field expands, its potency grows, rendering it more challenging for individuals to resist these elusive, nonphysical data structures that lie beyond the realm of our everyday senses.

However, it is important to acknowledge that despite their potency, individuals can still find ways to withstand these powerful morphogenic fields, even when they may sometimes have negative effects on our minds. This concept is explored in greater detail within the book mentioned at the beginning of this video, where strategies for navigating and overcoming such challenging environments are discussed.

This is of course a highly controversial topic and I urge you to please do your own research, so that you can come to your own individual conclusions. It is my hope that in realizing that there are scientists researching the possibility of mass nonlocal communications, you can begin to explore the possibility of collective social movement and organization through what could be termed morphogenic, or telepathic fields, on your own.

There are many people who have wondered about the Great Archon and its hierarchy. They may ask questions such as: Within the bounds of this titanic force, where do the Ascended Masters and reptilians stand in relation to other beings? Some may understand that the situation is complex and cannot be easily reduced to a simple good versus evil. However, they may seek to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of this force and its hierarchy. They may ask questions such as: Are our primary adversaries human or alien in origin? Is this force predominantly composed of alien or human entities?

And I must start by pointing out that the greatest realization possible for us is to finally discover for ourselves that the world is not simply divided into black-and-white, good and evil. In our quest to understand the forces that oppose us, it is all too easy to become lost in our search for some elusive truth that we believe is essential to our survival. We think that if we only knew this one thing, then we could finally conquer this world and our life situation. Unfortunately, sometimes knowing the truth of some things can be a bigger curse than anything else because such revelations, when they are truly taken seriously, can be so grandiose and overwhelming that they make us feel powerless. The curse of powerlessness is perhaps the greatest curse of all.

Yet I understand the nature of your questions and your desire to know the full extent of what we are up against. If it is your wish to know so that you can gain the power and knowledge necessary to confront these foes, I must point out that we do indeed have the power to confront any such foes. We are not powerless. As such, I would highly recommend my book “Overcoming the Archon through Alchemy”. In this book, you will not only find great truths but also how to fight back and overcome these forces that seem so overwhelming when they are finally revealed to us.

Now, from the perspective of inner alchemy, and I speak only from this perspective and do not presume to speak for others or their beliefs. From our perspective, the world is generally a predatory place. This means that we cannot rely on any group or individual, be they ascended masters or otherwise. The best course of action is to discover our own truth and learn to play a strategic game. This involves strengthening our position in the present by learning to see, to use our inner senses to perceive energy directly, and work with awareness and energy once these new senses have been perfected. When we have mastered this skill, we can begin to let go of the dogma and beliefs of the world, and instead focus on discovering our own truth, which may differ from that of others. This is why I always emphasize the importance of technique over dogma, in the hope that you will learn to see for yourself and discover your own path.

Once we can perceive energy directly, we can see that there is no sanctuary for us except that which we create for ourselves.

And yet, we are beings that are graceful, that is we live in a state of grace. There are many ways to define what being in a state of grace means, but fundamentally in the context of this discussion, it means that we are multidimensional beings. I repeat we are multidimensional beings, we are powerful, we are graceful.

Some of us live entire lifetimes from beginning to end being told that we are nothing more than objects, meat machines, living in an object filled world. We are basically told that we are a thing living amongst other things and the nature of our multidimensional reality may be suspected but it can never be fully confirmed. As such people live lives of quiet desperation as they somehow try to get ahead using a very limited set of laws and powers that tried to enforce the idea that they are just things, objects, surrounded in a world full of objects. But we are so much more than this!

So we must never forget that we are multidimensional beings, that we are graceful. This basically means that even in this predatory place we have many inherent resources, and it is my hope to not just reveal the nature of reality to you, leaving you feeling powerless, but also giving you the techniques needed to overcome these challenges, and that is why I recommend the book I mentioned.

So, getting to the root of your questions, there are indeed ascended Masters, reptilian-like beings, as well as light beings and a host of other entities that fit within the greater structure of reality. However, it would be wrong to assume that these beings fight some kind of black-and-white battle with the good guys on one side and the bad guys on the other. The world is far more complicated than this and even though from a certain perspective it is easier to see things this way, as your awareness expands you must begin to perceive greater nuance.

This is a difficult point of view to understand but the general idea here is that any force or any seeming entity or individual that is trying to tell you what to do, is in essence controlling you and is therefore something that has its own agenda. A true light being let us say or ascended Master, will be very careful about putting different possibilities before you, hopefully positive possibilities, but will not, even in the gravest of issues, try to force your hand. Individual freedom and spontaneous personal and individual development are paramount in all things. The unfortunate truth is that even in suffering there is growth, as long as that experience is of an individual nature where that person realizes that all that they have done is the result of their focus of attention, their ability to work with energy.

So, in that sense then, an ascended Master would provide possibilities, teach technique or methodology that could be tried, but they would not force any kind of action, any kind of dogmatic position. Yes, it is the case that an ascended Master might pull the curtain back to reveal a greater truth so that others might see for themselves the totality of all that is going on, but in the end they cannot force any issue because anything aside from this would mean that they are not in essence ascended Masters but instead just forces with their own agenda.

From this perspective, the Ascended Masters often described by many people are, in some ways, similar to the reptilians they also describe. Both Ascended Masters and reptilians have their own desires and motivations, their own agenda. Nothing is ever free in this world. It is up to each individual to decide whether to engage with these beings or to forge their own path. I will try to clarify what I mean here:

Ascended Masters are generally described as spiritually enlightened beings who have transcended the cycle of reincarnation on Earth. They are believed to have reached a higher plane of existence from which they can assist and guide humanity in its spiritual evolution. Some believe that these beings were once ordinary humans but, through a series of spiritual transformations known as initiations, they have achieved a state of enlightenment. Many in the esoteric field believe that Ascended Masters act as teachers and guides, helping individuals on their path towards enlightenment and aiding the human race in its destined evolution.

Are such beings real?

Yes, they are real, at least from the perspective of inner alchemy. I must emphasize that this is solely my viewpoint as an inner alchemist. It is my fervent hope that you will use the techniques I teach, or any other techniques that work for you, to discover your own truth.

So, from my perspective as an inner alchemist, these beings do exist and there is even a hierarchy among them, and this is very important. This hierarchy is determined by the extent to which they are still interested in the earthly plane – that is, how much they are still invested in the material aspects of this earthly realm.

Regrettably, I must resort to words to convey my meaning, and within the confines of language it is helpful to conceptualize the hierarchy of masters as a ladder of ascension, with each rung representing a higher level of detachment from the earthly realm. The higher one ascends, the less desire one has for the particular game that is being played here. The less interest one has on the board or the game pieces on the board the higher the ascension in a way. I hope you understand what I am trying to say here.

The hierarchy of Ascended Masters operates within a dynamic flow, striving to provide humanity with information and possibilities while remaining as detached from the game, like a multidimensional chess board, as possible. Anything other than this would undermine their ascension, as it could easily devolve into a form of control. Thus, the hierarchy is a complex network of individuals who have ascended to varying degrees and who work towards expanding possibilities without interfering with humanity’s free will.

Those lower on the ladder of ascension are tasked with more direct contact with humanity. Through these interactions, they provide information and possibilities, sometimes revealing what lies behind the curtain while doing their utmost not to interfere with the overall game. This is a great challenge for an Ascended Master, and if they are able to fulfill their role effectively – that is, if they can provide enlightenment and possibilities without getting in the way or allowing any lingering attachment to the material board to influence their actions – then they themselves can ascend further. In their new, more elevated position, they will work on different aspects of our shared multidimensional reality.

At the highest levels of ascension, these beings are responsible for the very essence of all that we perceive. Again, I must resort to words to convey this concept, which can be problematic, but you could think of these highly ascended Masters as great composers or conductors who create the very essence and various aspects of the grand symphony that is our multidimensional reality.

What are the reptilians?

The term “Reptilians” can hold various connotations, depending on the context in which it is employed. In one particular interpretation, Reptilians are postulated to be an extraterrestrial species that came to Earth during the epoch of the ancient Sumerians. According to certain sources, these beings are from another planet or another dimension and journeyed to Earth, where they established their presence. It is said that they possess a cold and calculating nature, devoid of any human warmth or compassion. Their purported objective is to subjugate humanity and transform our species into a race of slaves, much like the numerous other civilizations they are believed to have conquered and oppressed.

From the perspective of inner alchemy, beings of this nature do indeed exist. However, it is challenging to describe them accurately because just like ascended masters there is a hierarchy to them. When people think of reptilians or similar beings, they often blend many different concepts. One of the greatest difficulties in attempting to describe these beings and their existence lies in reconciling individual perceptions of physicality and reality.

Defining physicality is as challenging as trying to describe these beings. Generally speaking, we might say that physicality refers to something that can be perceived by our physical senses. Furthermore, our senses operate within a specific frequency range, so physicality could be said to encompass anything that exists within that frequency range. Finally, for something to be considered fully physical, it must be perceived consistently and equally – that is, more than one person must be able to perceive it and that perception must be persistent. Those interested in this topic may wish to research the hundredth monkey effect and morphogenic fields.

Reptilians are real, they are as real as a table you might stub your toe on. But their true power lies in the fact that they are also multidimensional beings. But unlike humanity, they know the nature and the power of this multi-dimensionality, and they have the possibility of entering it fully, meaning that they can seemingly be physical at times while other times being nonphysical.

At certain points in space and time, they may meet all the criteria for physicality mentioned above. At other times, they may not. To try to convey this concept, I have used the metaphor of a game board with many different forces competing against one another. I have also introduced the idea of a hierarchy, where proximity to the board and attachment to its material aspects determine one’s position within the hierarchy.

We humans tend to view ourselves as bound to the board, mere pieces in the game. Yet as I have stated, we are actually in a state of grace – we are graceful beings, as multidimensional as any of the other actors on the board. Our problem lies in our inability to see ourselves as anything other than pawns when in reality we are so much more.

Humanity at the moment is just barely beginning to understand the first three dimensions of the board, and some might say that they are also just beginning to understand the fourth dimension which we could define as time. And yet there are so many more dimensions to work with and it is within these dimensions that the true battle lies for us, and it is within these higher dimensions where true freedom and power are also accessible.

To try to understand reptilians and ascended masters we must realize that there are additional dimensions to this board, and while entities that exist in dimensions beyond the third may interact with the lower dimensions, they also have the ability to transcend them. Their power is defined by the number of dimensions they can traverse.

Just as I described the ascension of the Masters, there are also other forces that ascend alongside them. Some of these forces may be considered benevolent, while others may be perceived as malevolent. The difficulty with words comes when we for example imagine that ascension means goodness from the perspective of humanity. But ascension, at least within the context of this video, means expansion of awareness and the ability to move beyond the third dimension. As more dimensions are perceivable and as you are able to work within those higher dimensions, an expansion of awareness happens. Some forces and beings use that expanded awareness in a certain manner while others use it in a different way. Some beings look for expansion while other beings look for constriction. There must be balance and the nature of that balance is dependent upon the dimensions that you are bound to. Another way to say this would be to say that the nature of those balancing forces is directly related to what dimension you happen to find yourself in.

This is a complex game with many dimensions. At its highest levels, there are entities and beings that look down upon this little board and laugh. There are even higher forces that do not perceive the board at all and may inadvertently step on it, much as we might step on ants as we cross the street.

This is a challenging topic for people to understand, and I apologize if my bluntness at times seems cold. However, in revealing what lies behind the curtain, it is important for me to make certain points as clear as possible. But in saying all this, please remember what I said earlier: we are not mere pawns on a board. We are truly multidimensional beings ourselves, and our task at this moment is to work with awareness and energy in order to ascend to higher dimensional frequencies. But again, this is just one way of describing this concept using words. Words can be misleading if taken too rigidly, and it is my responsibility to always remind you of this.

You have been given possibilities – use them wisely.

As humans, we naturally break down things into parts to better understand them. While this process is helpful, it can also create artificial divisions and separations. One area where this occurs is in the deconstruction of human awareness, specifically the separation between conscious and unconscious. In this essay, we will explore the implications of these divisions and their effects on different aspects of awareness, including human consciousness and the collective unconscious.

The Complexity of Human Awareness: Understanding the complexity of human awareness requires delving into various sources. I recommend reading “The Occult Experience” to gain insights into human perception. Additionally, the trilogy comprising “The Magnum Opus,” “The Way of the Projectionist,” and “The Way of the Death Defier” explores different demarcation points used in inner alchemy and how they contribute to our understanding and manipulation of awareness.

Demarcating Conscious and Unconscious: We need to understand how the division between conscious and unconscious affects not only human awareness but also the awareness of all things, including animals, plants, and even inanimate objects. Inner alchemists believe that all things possess a certain level of awareness. Therefore, we must explore where the line is drawn between conscious and unconscious and how it impacts different beings. Doing so can show us that we are not as conscious as we think, and that animals and even what we consider to be inanimate objects, are not as unconscious or as lifeless as we think they are.

Consciousness and Unconsciousness in All Things: If we accept that inanimate objects and a large portion of the animal kingdom possess a form of unconscious awareness, we can conclude that their consciousness might differ from ours. This assumption, based on the seeing of inner alchemy, helps differentiate between human awareness and other forms of awareness. It suggests that inanimate objects and certain animals have an awareness that appears unconscious from our perspective. For example, “The Magnum Opus” discusses how the Archon placed the conscious-self as a crown upon our unconscious, leading to the birth of sentience and the self-aware ego, and therefore provides a timeline of sorts as to when the animal man became the self aware human.

The Impact of Demarcation on Awareness: Understanding the demarcation between conscious and unconscious awareness provides insights into not only our own awareness but also the awareness of everything around us. By examining this line, we can gain knowledge about the nature of intuition, instinct, and the hierarchy of consciousness in our world. Through deconstruction and understanding of demarcations, we realize that while we may be unique in some ways, we are also interconnected with all things. This collective unconsciousness forms the foundation upon which our individuality is built.

Exploring the Unconscious: One astute commenter questioned whether the unconscious might also possess a rudimentary form of consciousness. To deconstruct this question, we can consider that unconscious awareness represents the true awareness of humanity and all physically perceivable things. But being that we have attained a locality of self, that is we have self awareness and therefore consciousness, it could be said that our total self is made up of at least two distinct selves; the instinctively conscious unconscious, and the ego-self which we refer to as modern consciousness.

Challenges in Describing Awareness: Describing the complexities of awareness is challenging due to the limitations of language. Terms like conscious and unconscious can be misleading when attempting to explain the reality of consciousness. We need definitive terms to define consciousness, unconsciousness, and the extent of each.

Understanding Consciousness and Unconsciousness: In simple terms, consciousness can be defined as the egoistic ability to choose, while unconsciousness is a more holistic awareness that lacks egoistic choice but possesses deep intuition, instinct, and direct action and reaction. And might I add that in accordance to the seeing of inner alchemists, even inanimate objects can have intent, that is, all things are conscious! Inanimate objects affect our world through intent, influencing outcomes that we might perceive as luck, chance, or consequences.

Gradations of Consciousness and Unconsciousness: Consciousness and unconsciousness exist on a spectrum, with varying levels of awareness. Each being possesses a different gradation of consciousness and unconsciousness depending on their energetic complexity. Even non-biological entities like statues can exhibit complex energetic structures and a consciousness that surpasses certain biological organisms.

The Role of Perception and Connection: Perception and the observer’s effect on the observed play a crucial role in understanding consciousness and unconsciousness. The conscious observer can influence the perceived object’s consciousness, creating a shared consciousness through an attention field. By projecting consciousness onto the observed, a conscious being affects unconscious things, blurring the line between conscious and unconscious.

Complexity and Non-local Awareness: Unconsciousness possesses non-local awareness, meaning it does not confine itself to a specific point in space-time. In contrast, consciousness is local, occupying a defined place in space and time. Humans, as conscious beings, have the ability to understand themselves locally, while other beings, such as dogs, exhibit varying degrees of local and non-local awareness. This non-local aspect grants animals a deep connection to instinctual knowledge and intuition.

The Interconnectedness of Consciousness and Unconsciousness: The unconscious is conscious but manifests in different ratios of local and non-local awareness. As conscious beings, we are interconnected with the unconsciousness of all things. Our consciousness affects and shares itself with the unconsciousness of other beings, projecting our individual consciousness onto them. This intermingling shapes our perception of their consciousness, blurring the line between conscious and unconscious. This is a most important point.

Conclusion: Understanding consciousness and unconsciousness requires contemplation and attention. By delving into the intricacies of awareness, we can gradually expand our own consciousness and connect with the vast non-local wave of information that exists in non-local space all around us. Through this process, we realize that all things possess consciousness, albeit in varying degrees, and that our consciousness has the power to shape the world around us. By embracing our interconnectedness, we open ourselves to greater possibilities and a deeper understanding of ourselves and the cosmos.

The way of the inner alchemist can sometimes be a difficult thing to understand for the average person. I for example, have said that there is a kind of battle going on, and I have said that such a battle is not out there somewhere, but that it is actually within. I have said that the fight, is in us!

We are all individuals, and as such we all have the right to our own opinion, and it is certainly the case that there are many many people that do not agree with such a stance, and may find the way of inner alchemy sort of like being Sisyphus, in that you seem to be rolling a giant rock up a hill for no good reason at all.

Some may say that there is no battle, no fight. They may also say that there is no within, no ‘in us’ as it were, because they only trust their physical senses and cannot believe that anything else is possible but the corporeal. Some may even say that there is no within or without, perhaps believing in some kind of philosophy or theology that tells them that this is so.

We are all individuals, and we all have the right to have our own beliefs. The way of inner alchemy though insists that you try to let go of all beliefs in a sense, and begin to trust an inner aspect of yourself, something that can be nurtured, something I have referred to as the inner senses, or the inner feeling sense.

Once you can do that, once you can use this inner feeling sense, once you have been able to nurture it within yourself, grow it and allow it to expand, you can then begin to let go of all beliefs ‘in a way’, and only know what you know at every moment point in accordance with those inner senses alone.

Once you can do this, then you may indeed find that for you there is no fight at all, that for you there is no in here or out there. But it is critical that such eventual beliefs, that you may have as an individual, are acquired through your own use of the inner feeling sense and not through the blind belief in what might be popular, the ‘in thing’, at any particular point in time.

But in accordance with my seeing, my use of the inner feeling sense, which aligns with my current, the way of inner alchemy, well, for us there is indeed a battle out there, a fight for those that are willing to fight it, for the fighters. And that fight is a fight against a kind of binding force that compels us, that pushes us, into believing that all we are is what we can perceive through the physical senses alone.

Through my ability to see, through my ability to use my inner feeling sense that I have nurtured, I am constantly telling people the same thing about the illusion of within and without. Most often I’m saying that to go within is to go without, as there is no real border ‘let us say’ between one or the other, and that they are ‘both’ an illusion.

But why would I then say that there is a fight, and that that fight is in us?

I do this because I must begin at the beginning, and that means that I must always take into account the world that we all share for the moment, this material world. I must first begin from that beginning and explain how the illusion of the external senses happens, and how our complete reliance on just the outer senses, binds us to greater possibilities beyond them. And then from there, after making that point, I must show techniques, I must show the way towards ‘inner’ action, true and workable techniques that can allow you to go beyond, truly beyond, the binding force of the outer senses.
There is therefore a time for definition in accordance to the way of material space, a time for explanations using a language and a phenomenology that we all understand, and a time to do and act in the world.
In order to act, at least in order for me to define techniques that will allow someone to act, to partake in action of any kind (whether you wish to define it as inner or outer), I must define and refine the possibilities available to human beings, and how it is best to use those abilities to move beyond, to actually be able to ‘see’ in a direct manner, and in that way for them to perceive for themselves how it is that the inner and the outer ‘are’ an illusion.

This basically means that I must use the words, the phrases, the idioms, and the basic general understanding of the times to show the limits of the outer senses, to shock the system through such revelations, and then to show actual workable techniques that can allow you as an individual to go beyond just the outer senses, and to begin to use the inner senses yourself.

In this way you as an individual can begin to truly understand for yourself and by yourself the illusion of the inner and the outer, not just as dogma, not just as words on a web-page, but as an actual thing, a real thing for you directly, and not just as some intellectual, quoting what you have read in some book.
And the only way to be able to do that is to work and define technique, using logical clarity, so that your attention can move forward, can move forward in what could be referred to as lucid motion, which is actually a movement by the self in all directions simultaneously. And those directions are not within or without, because the understanding and perception of within and without is an illusion.

As to there not being a fight, well that is up to every individual to decide to believe one way or the other. If you feel that the world is perfect for you and it is moving forward in the direction that you think is best, then there is nothing for you to do, you can just float along and be who you feel you are.

Inner alchemists believe that who you think you are, who we all think we are, is not who we truly are, that we are far more than this. They believe that there is a fight worth fighting for, and that fight may look like Sisyphus rolling a giant boulder uphill to some, but to them it is the only fight worth fighting. It is the fight to discover who we truly are, and what we are truly capable of, that indeed we are far more capable than we could ever imagine, that there are entire other worlds out there, or in here if you will, calling for us, beckoning us to break out of that cube that contains us, so that we may truly see the wonder of our life, and the incredible possibilities available to us. This is the way of the fighter; this is the way of Lucid motion.
And what could that Lucid motion revealed to us?

Well, it will reveal to us the true nature of reality, something that is only possible for those that can learn to see, those that fight to go beyond the physical senses, those that fight the fight within them to learn to use the inner feeling sense. What will be revealed to those fighters in a lucid way, in a conscious way, is the nature of the life and death cycle. The life-and-death cycle is a true understanding of what life is for us, what death is, and what it is to be stuck in a kind of energetic eddy.

The only conscious observer of the life and death cycle is a seer, the individual that fights for the ability to use the inner feeling sense, to use the inner senses to see beyond the containment cube of the material world. To anyone else, to the average person, life is at best a short affair of relative suffering in accordance to how much material possession they may acquire or have access to. The average person only experiences a short life and a relatively short death as their consciousness wakes up to itself at some point in their existence (to a relative degree) and then physically dies. I say wakes up to a relative degree because the average person also forgets, we all forget, the nature of the gravity of this earth is that we forget, and our attention is such that one is hard pressed to say that we are truly conscious most of the time. Most of us are lost in a kind of endless daydream, where we forget who we were from one daydream to the next.

So, to the average person, the life-and-death cycle is watching the people around us grow old and then pass away, that is all. Unless we are willing to fight against the binding forces of our existence, what we experience is mostly a dull understanding of an aging process, pain, joy, forgotten memories, and an angst that tells us that we have somehow been here before, and that there could be more than this, that there is this possibility, this feeling in the back of your mind, that you are more than this, that there is more to us than this.

For the seer this life and what comes after it, is a true discovery, an energetic fact beyond rational measure.

You are so much more than what your physical senses are telling you that you are. There is an infinity within you, that is really without. You are a magical being that has the ability to transcend all the limits that the physical world has imposed upon you, that the physical world demands that you adhere to.

We are here in this magical place, in this magical time, and ‘here now’ we face the greatest challenge possible for beings like us. You are worthy of that challenge, there is so much more to us!

But to understand the true magic within you, you must be willing to fight that good fight. And that fight is not out there, it is not a material fight, it is not anything to do with what the material world is telling you. The real fight is actually within, it is in a place beyond the understanding of the physical senses, a place that may best be termed an inner place that leads to dimensions unbound by physical rulers of any kind.

To understand the nature of this battle you must begin from the physical, you must begin at the beginning, understanding at first in a physical way, using physical terms such as inner and outer. Through such helpful inventory, learn about technique and about the general way of that fight. To that end I would highly recommend to you the book, overcoming the Archon through alchemy.

Once you begin to know technique yourself, and begin to use those inner senses yourself, that inner feeling sense, then expand outwardly, and when you are ready for it, and believe me you will need to be ready for it because the energetic truth of things is the most powerful pill of them all. But when you are ready, then I would highly recommend that you take the next step and read the book, The Way of the Death Defier.

Allow this book to break a part of you, by revealing the true nature of the life-and-death cycle in accordance with the seeing of inner alchemy. Through that crack in your psyche that the book attempts to create, step through it and learn to use all the techniques mentioned, pursue the nature of your personal and individual energetic truth, your truth. The fight is in us. Learn to fight the only fight worthy of you!

I, like many people across the world, tuned in to Tesla’s AI 2022 presentation.

I found the presentation incredibly fascinating, and while I did note afterwards that many people did not like this presentation or what had been said, my belief is that most of those people just do not really understand what just happened.

What has happened to me, and to many others who most likely understand the nature of this technology far better than I do, is that confirmation has been given that an incredible new movement has truly started now, where the event horizon of the robotic age has finally been reached.

What this means is that, while we have seen robots taking off as a workable and scalable technology to an ever-increasing degree in the last few decades, this presentation really means that a true and deep change is coming. We can no longer hold back a technology that has finally hit a culmination point.

Tesla, and all of Elon musk’s companies, no matter what the critics say, really represent a kind of tipping point into a new reality, a reality where the scale of our technological advancement has reached a level where the next step, where the obvious step, is now possible at a scalable level.

Think about it like this, the electric car was already possible. Indeed, it was not only inevitable, but it was the right choice some time ago. No matter where you stand on the subject, it is the case that there have been many different forms of locomotion available for a while now, that have been put to the wayside, stifled at times even, because there is a need by an established order to maintain that established order. But there always comes a time when the wave of the technological advancements’ possible hits a tipping point, and it is at this point when the crest of the wave begins to turn over, and such technology can no longer be held back any longer, the wave of the mass of it must crash. And by this crash of the wave, I do not mean that the technology is falling apart, but exactly the opposite. What I mean is that the mass weight of it now has enough momentum to carry it across, in a gravitational sense, into a new era of geometric growth and potential.

This was the case with the electric car, and it took an innovative and ‘agile’ company like Tesla to be able to turn the electric car into a truly viable, and most importantly scalable, technology. Certainly, there is much to do in this regard, there is still the need to increase such scaling so that the price of such vehicles lowers, so that the infrastructure required by such vehicles is developed to the point that everyone can use one, but you could say in many ways, that the tipping point for the electric car has already happened, an inevitable crash of a wave has begun to occur, and the momentum of it would now be very difficult to stop.

Tesla’s AI 2022 presentation just announced to those that are paying attention, that a new tipping point is now on the horizon. That new tipping point is robotics, more specifically in this case humanoid robotics, and the movement of this new cresting wave, being that the infrastructure for its development has already been set up, will happen very fast.

[The Tesla electric car, and more specifically the Full Self Driving package that they are developing, means that the infrastructure needed to create a scalable bipedal robot, (as opposed to a wheeled one like the electric car with Full Self Driving capability) makes the development of such a humanoid robot almost inevitable. If Full Self Driving is conquered by Tesla, then the humanoid robot that they are proposing is inevitable.]

I have mentioned the increasing rate of all recent technological advancement, by referencing to it as a quickening, a quickening of the psyche, the development and expansion of the inner self of humanity. This quickening in the end represents the vast evolution of the inner self in the direction of an inner distinctiveness and expansiveness. Another way to say this from the inner alchemist’s point of view is to say that, the ghost in the machine, which is the term that I use for this inner conscious and creative aspect of humanity, is developing, in some ways is being nurtured into developing, in a certain direction, and that direction can be perceived externally as that technological quickening.

The inner aspects of this quickening, the parts that are the true foundation of it, the expansion and evolution of the inner self, are not perceivable by the physical senses, because the physical senses are not able to perceive the true energetic reality of existence. The outer physical senses can only perceive external manifestations, side effects, consequences, of that inner quickening. One such external consequence, perhaps the most easily perceivable one, is the increasing rate of our technological evolution.

Humanity is changing, it is evolving. Even though the archonically established density of this world, the gravity of it, is stifling humanity as much as possible and locking it into a kind of energetic eddy, growth is still happening. The unfortunate thing is that this growth can be manipulated and controlled by those forces, which essentially means that our growth, our evolution is not a conscious one as it should be. It is instead reactionary, it is slow and directed into a purely material focus, and as such, all that could be possible for us, is now happening from an external point of view only.

This latest new technological wave represents humanity’s attempt to conquer yet another evolutionary hurdle, in a completely technological way. The humanoid robotic revolution is the technological and purely material way to overcome the friction of labor, and more importantly in accordance with the subject of this article, it is technologies attempt to overcome the increasing need for personal assistance robots and companions.

And while there might be a great deal of debate as to the speed of this robot revolution and Tesla’s role in it, what cannot be underestimated is how quickly this revolution will happen.

But what does this mean for the average person? Is it possible that certain inner techniques could be exploited to make this revolution even better in certain ways? Is it at the very least possible to balance this purely material evolution, with a more spiritual one?

In order to really know the answer to these questions, and the reason for a more balanced approach, we must understand what is happening to us at a deeper level. And to that end, I can say that we are evolving, humanity is changing, but the speed and the direction of this change may become quite problematic over time. As we are unconsciously forced to evolve, in spite of archonic friction, we are becoming more isolated, more like islands, more individual as opposed to herd like creatures.

This is a natural consequence of inner expansion as I will explain, but due to the utter technological focus of the species, this increasing need for individual space is being hijacked, and turned into a kind of technological dystopia. Some have said that in this new technological environment we are becoming more and more isolated, being that we are more focused on our technology than on each other. But this growing technological distance is a kind of half-truth, not real in a certain sense,

because even though our technology might seem to be allowing us to find space to be more creative, it is also limiting and controlling that space, and in many ways, it is corralling us instead of setting us free.

Another way to look at this is to realize that we are beginning to use a different ranking in our perceptive scale. To explain this further, you could say that we are not expanding our perception really, at the moment we are not expanding inwardly in order to match the vastness of our outer technological prowess. What we are doing instead is changing the priority of where we focus our physical senses, that is all.

Instead of focusing our vision on the world around us, and expanding the ability of that vision to look inwardly, to look into new horizons and new dimensions, we are prioritizing instead the many screens that are growing in number all around us. Our vision is no longer as focused on the physical environment let us say. Instead to a greater and greater degree it is being focused into the screen, and into a kind of new cyber reality.

This is easy to see, and it may have a few hiccups along the way, that is, it may happen that at a future time, in accordance with certain particular trends, we might let go of screens for a little, but inevitably we are headed in a certain direction, that in the very best of terms, may lead humanity into hopefully a more expanded reality and awareness, in time. But, this inevitable trend, this current that is getting quicker, this quickening, that is being channelled at this time into material technology only, means that if certain trends continue, we will continue to focus into those screens more and more, so that instead of looking out more clearly, we will look into our screens, and in that way begin to shift our awareness in accordance to the nature of our technology.

This shift will not be into the vastness of inner space and other dimensions with all their potential freedom, but into a controlled cyber verse. We will go inwardly, but we will do so, we are doing so right now, in accordance with technology, thanks to technology, and such bounded technological motion, at least from the inner alchemist’s point of view, has some negative consequences.

This motion inwardly into a kind of material version of an inner reality, which may be termed cyber scape, does not and will not just involve our vision, but it will also involve every single other physical sense that we use. We have begun to listen more and more through our headphones let us say, and use our physical ears less and less to hear the birds and the bees all around us,

and in that way we have not only begun to corral in a new way how we hear our external physical environment, but we have also been able to create internal environments, listen to entire symphonies that are not happening in the physical world, but that are happening in a kind of cyberspace, which is turning into a pretty limited vision of what true inner reality is all about. This will eventually apply to every single physical sense that we have, until there will come a point when there will be no real difference between cyber reality, and what we now term physical reality, that is, the outer world in accordance to the nature of our physical senses.

This is one particular direction of motion, brought about by that quickening and that technological revolution mentioned. But along the way, we will need to develop all sorts of other foundational aspects of our infrastructure, in order to make that complete cyber immersion possible.

Of key importance in that technological motion is the ability to create a highly functional worker machine, that can take over at least the most menial and labor-intensive aspects of physical reality.

Such a motion has started, and it is going to be upon us far quicker than most realize. As I have said, as long as Tesla continues to develop at its current rate, the crest of this wave has almost been reached, and there is a great potential for growth, expansion, and freedom, as long as we maintain our sobriety.

In other words, there is great potential and goodness in this technology. This technology can be an incredibly good thing, but we must evolve with that technology. Our inner reality must become as vast and complex as our outer one, or else our technology will become our prison.

So, as these worker machines, these robots, become more and more complex at incredible speed, these worker humanoids will also start to become our companion robots. Such robots then will become essential in our development, because they will help us to transition into the more individual lives that have become the norm for many of us.

The human development towards this individual nature, this more loaner like nature, is inevitable. As the psyche develops, as the intellect grows, there is a greater need for that growing individuality to spend more and more time within the ever-growing vastness within the self. This is actually quite healthy for the growing individuality, and indeed the nature of that individual change in the human species is remarkable to see over time. For example, I think most people would be astonished to note the difference between a medieval European and a current person.

Using the inner senses, it is possible to focus the attention into that era, and what one can see is truly remarkable in many ways. During the medieval period there was an incredible richness to life that is unmatched in modern times, and the depth and the beauty of such a time for humanity, had everything to do with a kind of gregarious communal connection that is impossible in the modern era. People in the medieval age were far less individual than they are now. People were far more reliant on external stimulus in order to dictate action, and the individual was far more herdlike in many ways. People clustered more, took individual cues from the group, and there needed to be a far richer physical existence. Another way to say this would be to say that the richness of that time, allowed for the development of a far more gregarious, social, herd-like existence.

From a linear time perspective, which is limited but still applicable in order to explain certain aspects of existence from a human point of view, there is a positive motion towards greater individual complexity. This growing complexity is happenings slowly, but it is still happening, and the consequence of that growing complexity by the individual is that there is a quickening in technology, and a greater need within a person to find their own space, to make space for themselves and the growing awareness of their inner selves. A bigger and more complex mind means less gregariousness in some ways, and a greater need to spend more time alone.

But there exists a certain trend, a developing one in this modern time, that could see a reversal in such individual self-exploration, one where a new cyber world may replace the complexity and the richness that were found in the medieval era for example, and this could then mean a return to a more herd-like and reactive humanity. This is something that should be considered carefully by anyone interested in the expansion of the self, and greater freedom.

Such intricate development inwardly, into the material idea of the inner reality, which is the cyber reality, can take many different routes and some of those roots can lead to bottlenecks. In accordance with the way of inner alchemy, the purely technological development of such a motion towards inner vastness, through the use of purely technological means, is the beginning of one such potential bottleneck.

The basic reason for this is that all such technology, being that it is created by forces outside the self, that is, you are not creating such technology, you are getting it from somewhere else, purchasing it with ‘money’ at this time in history, means that this way towards the inner vastness of the individual, relies on an outer and commercially material tool.

Inner alchemy says that such a motion inwardly should be individual from the outset, controlled wholly and completely by the individual, and reliant on nothing outside of the individual, so as to keep such motion as free as possible.

In the best of terms, and being that open source software and hardware is becoming more and more accessible, such inner technological motion into the screen, will hopefully allow for a balanced and liberated development along many lines. So that in time, such cyberspace might begin to open doors into true other dimensions, instead of just limiting the self by creating a controllable cyberspace, a kind of multifaceted cyber-room to lead and control the masses.

But if this is not the case, in order to give greater variance, and therefore freedom, to that growing inner complexity within humanity, it is possible to combine the quickening of modern technology with the wisdom and power of inner alchemy.

One possible way, and one that relates to the coming of the robotic revolution, which is the focus of this article, is the nature of the companion. As robots grow in complexity, now at an ever-increasing rate thanks to the technological power of Tesla, an offshoot of such robotic technology will be a development of the robotic companion.

Currently we have seen an incredible growth in the need for pets of all sorts, that can fill the need for a companion as we separate as individuals more and more. But as robots grow in complexity, and their ability to become companions increases, as the ability of certain AI language models allows for more complex interactions between man and machine, these robots and this language model AI will begin to fill in some of the gaps that pets cannot.

In order to offset that movement into a technological bottleneck therefore, as an inner alchemist, I would greatly suggest that you also try to use alchemical techniques, things aside and potentially beyond anything possible even by developing technology, to empower your mind to do what we are now completely self-reliant on technology to try to do for us. For example, a companion can be created using purely mental techniques, using the power of the mind alone.

It is possible for the inner alchemist to create a servitor, which is a mental creation, a kind of highly personalized ‘thought form’ that can attain a kind of density, thickness, that can transcend that line between what is mind and what is matter. You can think of a servitor as being a kind of imaginary friend or servant of great power, one that begins as a purely mental thing but that in time can become more and more real, intensely real even in what we refer to as physical reality using the techniques of inner alchemy. As such, a servitor can indeed perform miracles from the average human point of view.

So, more specifically, an inner alchemist can create a servitor companion, and these can provide all of the company necessary in those times when a person is alone, and is perhaps exploring the inner aspects of themselves, that growing inner complexity that can only be explored alone. And might I add, from personal experience I know that such a purely mental science, and such servitor companions, can far surpass anything technologically possible now, or in the near future.

I mention this because it is not my desire to stifle this growing technological revolution, because there is indeed great potential in it, but to mention other methods, and to provide different techniques possible, that can either give greater variance, or even augment what is possible with just technology. In this way it is my hope that such a bottleneck can be averted, that such a return to the herdlike mentality and the superstition of the medieval era can be avoided. And the only way to do this is to help each developing individual discover their inner power, the power of their minds over just the use of external technological machines.

Ideally of course, the great goal is to develop the mind to the point that it is as powerful, or more powerful, than any external contraption. But this is a lofty goal and an impossible one for most of us. Instead, we can try to shoot for balance, and by balance I mean the skill to develop the mind and its abilities, so that it can begin to tap into at least some of the great potential within it.

Such potential could allow an individual to remember far more than they could ever imagine, the ability to live in inner palaces of their own creation, and to perhaps even learn how to move beyond physicality and completely into other dimensional realms. Such abilities would then balance the mind, allow it to grow, allow the ghost in the machine to grow, so that a cyberpunk style bottleneck could be averted.