Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

There are many questions that people have about how to perform certain supposed psychic or paranormal abilities, such as the ability to project the consciousness and have out of body experiences for example.

And there are many sources of information that can provide some very sound advice in this regard, that is instruction on techniques and general methodology that can make such abilities possible.

But seldom, I feel, is there an explanation as to why some do better than others in being able to perform these techniques and abilities. And while it is most likely the case that some people do better with certain techniques than others because those techniques just fit them better, it is also the case that there is a missing piece that is seldom talked about, a missing piece as to why certain people have better results than others.

And that key principle, the reason why things work for some but not for others, is power, psychic force, and more importantly, how to increase this force.


In this article I would like to go over a question that a certain reader had, and my answer to that question. I wish to do this because in answering this question, I provide an answer as to how to increase your psychic force, and how this force and its increase has multidimensional aspects that not only increase the complexity of working with this energy, but also show how this energy is really without limit, for those that can learn to tap into it.


Please note that in this article I will be referring to my personal techniques, and the map that I provide as an Inner Alchemist to my readers. As such, if you are not familiar with these techniques or the terminology used, there may be a few questions that you might have, but I strongly feel that the information here outweighs differences in technique, and that indeed this information can be used by anyone to apply to their own practice, no matter what kind of techniques you are using.


In this particular case, this reader had and is becoming more and more adept in the techniques that I write about, and as a result has made some very important correlations, that will going forward, greatly increase this practitioners potential power.


He starts by telling me that he has discovered, through his own work (his own personal inner action) the direct correlation between the techniques that I discuss in the Magnum Opus and the techniques that I then describe in the second book of that trilogy, The Way of the Projectionist.


My reply to this is as follows:

I am very glad to know you are progressing quickly, and I think that you have quite naturally come upon a point where the techniques discussed in the Magnum Opus coincide and unite with the Way of the Projectionist. As you note, being that one in the end involves the other, the ability to project can greatly enhance your ability to reabsorb past energetic loss, and consequently, your ability to absorb past events does greatly increase your psychic power and your ability therefore to project your consciousness farther and with much greater potency.


For those not familiar with my technique, or for those that wonder as to the correlation here, it is important to note that one level of technique that he refers to in ‘the Magnum Opus’, directly feeds the other in ‘the way of the projectionist’. This reader then has taught himself how to absorb latent psychic force, and store that force, which is covered in the Magnum Opus, and then use it to expand his abilities to project his consciousness farther and farther, using the techniques covered in the book, the Way of the Projectionist. There is therefore a correlation, that this person has been able to verify by himself, between the absorption of psychic force and the ability to perform extraordinary feats of mental action such as projecting (astral Travel). This discovery is most important, especially when a person can experience it for themselves through their own doing.


This then is the answer to the question that is posed at the beginning of this article in actual practice:

Those that can’t seem to replicate a technique, with the same power and efficiency as others may be having troubles, because they do not have the psychic power needed to do what they want to do, to the extent that they want to do it, and no one has shown them how to increase this force, or how to work with it in any way. People are told about a certain technique, their given all these examples of people that have been able to replicate the techniques mentioned, but that is as far as it goes. Some people perform these techniques and get some results, while others do not. But seldom is there any real explanation as to why this is so. So this is the basic answer, the more psychic power you have, the better your result, and one of the way to gain psychic power is through the use of the techniques that I outline in the book The Magnum Opus.


To make the point even more succinct, this person reports that as his absorption of psychic force has increased, his projections have indeed become more vivid, and he is beginning to be able to tap into alternate histories, which to him at the time seem more like simple daydreams. In trying to explain to him that these simple daydreams are more important than he may at first realize, I use an example which I think you may find useful in your own practice,

I reply as follows:

As you do become a more adept projectionist, many of the questions that you now have will be answered through your own experience just like you are able to answer this initial and incredibly important question. But here I will outline certain perplexities that have been discovered by inner alchemists, that might help you along the way.

While it is indeed possible to use your projectionist techniques to go very far back in your life, these projections will also allow you to perceive what could be referred to as alternate life events, that while non-existent in accordance to your memory of past events, nevertheless can play a significant role in your present situation. These alternate events can also lead to what could be referred to as simultaneous reincarnational events, that is alternate life tracks, simultaneous life-lines, that while not being the past as we may remember it, still can affect this present reality through often times unconscious communications in dreams, ideas, and impulses, that may lead us in unsuspected future directions.

Generally, these alternate histories stay far in the background of the conscious self, but for an adept, who is progressing in power, as they move through the rooms of the projectionist and as they involve themselves in the reabsorption of their energetic totality, so as to gain more and more psychic power, these alternate realities, these other dimensional existences, become known to them, and this can have many benefits.

Let me give you an example, let’s say that as you use your projectionist techniques to travel back to a very early time in your past. You begin to re-absorb and begin to follow the track of your life (your life history) into what you refer to as the present moment. But as you do so, you discover that you seem to go into a dream like alternate place, because instead of becoming the person that you are now, you instead follow a track of events that lead you to experience a life, or a set of events that are completely different from what you consider to be true ‘reality’.

Now, you might believe that your projections while valid in some sense, are not valid when it comes to re-absorption, because even though you were consciously transported to what could be referred to as another dimensional reality, this reality had nothing to do with what you consider to be factual history, and therefore any absorption that you did there, you would imagine, must not count? ‘This isn’t real life’, you imagine.

Well, the thing is that these alternate places often times do count, because they do indeed represent events that do hold parts of ourselves, parts of our energy, because they are legitimate and real in their own alternate dimension. And as such, as a projectionist grows in power they greatly expand their concept of who they are, how big they really are, on the inside. And because of this, they greatly expand the kinds of energy as well available to them, the amount of energy they can tap into and re-absorb, which then greatly increases their power even more, which then allows them to become even more powerful projectionists, etc.

I hope you can understand what I’m trying to tell you here, there is great nuance, but this nuance is not something that is beyond you. It just requires that you grow in your projectionist abilities, which will quite naturally expand your intellect and your ability to see beyond the borders of who you thought you had been up till now.

Continue as you have, you are making great progress. But do note that in order to do so you will need to increase your ability as a projectionist, which will naturally coincide with your ability to absorb and contain energy. A seeming Catch-22, I know, but the idea that anything is linear, or that the extent of your life is whatever followed some trajectory course from a beginning to an end, is the real illusion in all of life.



As you can see from my response to this question, you are indeed far more expansive, far more magical and powerful, than you may now believe yourself to be. And it is possible for anyone to master the abilities that some call impossible. What you need to do, is to not just master the technique that will allow you to travel astrally, project your consciousness or even escape the three dimensional trap, as I call it, of this physical universe, but to also master the techniques that allow you to work and absorb energy. Without this latter and most critical ability, the supposedly impossible will always be just out of your reach, there is no other way.


If you would like to know more about the specific techniques that I have been discussing here, I recommend the books The Magnum Opus, and The Way of the Projectionist.

I, like many people across the world, tuned in to Tesla’s AI 2022 presentation.

I found the presentation incredibly fascinating, and while I did note afterwards that many people did not like this presentation or what had been said, my belief is that most of those people just do not really understand what just happened.

What has happened to me, and to many others who most likely understand the nature of this technology far better than I do, is that confirmation has been given that an incredible new movement has truly started now, where the event horizon of the robotic age has finally been reached.

What this means is that, while we have seen robots taking off as a workable and scalable technology to an ever-increasing degree in the last few decades, this presentation really means that a true and deep change is coming. We can no longer hold back a technology that has finally hit a culmination point.

Tesla, and all of Elon musk’s companies, no matter what the critics say, really represent a kind of tipping point into a new reality, a reality where the scale of our technological advancement has reached a level where the next step, where the obvious step, is now possible at a scalable level.

Think about it like this, the electric car was already possible. Indeed, it was not only inevitable, but it was the right choice some time ago. No matter where you stand on the subject, it is the case that there have been many different forms of locomotion available for a while now, that have been put to the wayside, stifled at times even, because there is a need by an established order to maintain that established order. But there always comes a time when the wave of the technological advancements’ possible hits a tipping point, and it is at this point when the crest of the wave begins to turn over, and such technology can no longer be held back any longer, the wave of the mass of it must crash. And by this crash of the wave, I do not mean that the technology is falling apart, but exactly the opposite. What I mean is that the mass weight of it now has enough momentum to carry it across, in a gravitational sense, into a new era of geometric growth and potential.

This was the case with the electric car, and it took an innovative and ‘agile’ company like Tesla to be able to turn the electric car into a truly viable, and most importantly scalable, technology. Certainly, there is much to do in this regard, there is still the need to increase such scaling so that the price of such vehicles lowers, so that the infrastructure required by such vehicles is developed to the point that everyone can use one, but you could say in many ways, that the tipping point for the electric car has already happened, an inevitable crash of a wave has begun to occur, and the momentum of it would now be very difficult to stop.

Tesla’s AI 2022 presentation just announced to those that are paying attention, that a new tipping point is now on the horizon. That new tipping point is robotics, more specifically in this case humanoid robotics, and the movement of this new cresting wave, being that the infrastructure for its development has already been set up, will happen very fast.

[The Tesla electric car, and more specifically the Full Self Driving package that they are developing, means that the infrastructure needed to create a scalable bipedal robot, (as opposed to a wheeled one like the electric car with Full Self Driving capability) makes the development of such a humanoid robot almost inevitable. If Full Self Driving is conquered by Tesla, then the humanoid robot that they are proposing is inevitable.]

I have mentioned the increasing rate of all recent technological advancement, by referencing to it as a quickening, a quickening of the psyche, the development and expansion of the inner self of humanity. This quickening in the end represents the vast evolution of the inner self in the direction of an inner distinctiveness and expansiveness. Another way to say this from the inner alchemist’s point of view is to say that, the ghost in the machine, which is the term that I use for this inner conscious and creative aspect of humanity, is developing, in some ways is being nurtured into developing, in a certain direction, and that direction can be perceived externally as that technological quickening.

The inner aspects of this quickening, the parts that are the true foundation of it, the expansion and evolution of the inner self, are not perceivable by the physical senses, because the physical senses are not able to perceive the true energetic reality of existence. The outer physical senses can only perceive external manifestations, side effects, consequences, of that inner quickening. One such external consequence, perhaps the most easily perceivable one, is the increasing rate of our technological evolution.

Humanity is changing, it is evolving. Even though the archonically established density of this world, the gravity of it, is stifling humanity as much as possible and locking it into a kind of energetic eddy, growth is still happening. The unfortunate thing is that this growth can be manipulated and controlled by those forces, which essentially means that our growth, our evolution is not a conscious one as it should be. It is instead reactionary, it is slow and directed into a purely material focus, and as such, all that could be possible for us, is now happening from an external point of view only.

This latest new technological wave represents humanity’s attempt to conquer yet another evolutionary hurdle, in a completely technological way. The humanoid robotic revolution is the technological and purely material way to overcome the friction of labor, and more importantly in accordance with the subject of this article, it is technologies attempt to overcome the increasing need for personal assistance robots and companions.

And while there might be a great deal of debate as to the speed of this robot revolution and Tesla’s role in it, what cannot be underestimated is how quickly this revolution will happen.

But what does this mean for the average person? Is it possible that certain inner techniques could be exploited to make this revolution even better in certain ways? Is it at the very least possible to balance this purely material evolution, with a more spiritual one?

In order to really know the answer to these questions, and the reason for a more balanced approach, we must understand what is happening to us at a deeper level. And to that end, I can say that we are evolving, humanity is changing, but the speed and the direction of this change may become quite problematic over time. As we are unconsciously forced to evolve, in spite of archonic friction, we are becoming more isolated, more like islands, more individual as opposed to herd like creatures.

This is a natural consequence of inner expansion as I will explain, but due to the utter technological focus of the species, this increasing need for individual space is being hijacked, and turned into a kind of technological dystopia. Some have said that in this new technological environment we are becoming more and more isolated, being that we are more focused on our technology than on each other. But this growing technological distance is a kind of half-truth, not real in a certain sense,

because even though our technology might seem to be allowing us to find space to be more creative, it is also limiting and controlling that space, and in many ways, it is corralling us instead of setting us free.

Another way to look at this is to realize that we are beginning to use a different ranking in our perceptive scale. To explain this further, you could say that we are not expanding our perception really, at the moment we are not expanding inwardly in order to match the vastness of our outer technological prowess. What we are doing instead is changing the priority of where we focus our physical senses, that is all.

Instead of focusing our vision on the world around us, and expanding the ability of that vision to look inwardly, to look into new horizons and new dimensions, we are prioritizing instead the many screens that are growing in number all around us. Our vision is no longer as focused on the physical environment let us say. Instead to a greater and greater degree it is being focused into the screen, and into a kind of new cyber reality.

This is easy to see, and it may have a few hiccups along the way, that is, it may happen that at a future time, in accordance with certain particular trends, we might let go of screens for a little, but inevitably we are headed in a certain direction, that in the very best of terms, may lead humanity into hopefully a more expanded reality and awareness, in time. But, this inevitable trend, this current that is getting quicker, this quickening, that is being channelled at this time into material technology only, means that if certain trends continue, we will continue to focus into those screens more and more, so that instead of looking out more clearly, we will look into our screens, and in that way begin to shift our awareness in accordance to the nature of our technology.

This shift will not be into the vastness of inner space and other dimensions with all their potential freedom, but into a controlled cyber verse. We will go inwardly, but we will do so, we are doing so right now, in accordance with technology, thanks to technology, and such bounded technological motion, at least from the inner alchemist’s point of view, has some negative consequences.

This motion inwardly into a kind of material version of an inner reality, which may be termed cyber scape, does not and will not just involve our vision, but it will also involve every single other physical sense that we use. We have begun to listen more and more through our headphones let us say, and use our physical ears less and less to hear the birds and the bees all around us,

and in that way we have not only begun to corral in a new way how we hear our external physical environment, but we have also been able to create internal environments, listen to entire symphonies that are not happening in the physical world, but that are happening in a kind of cyberspace, which is turning into a pretty limited vision of what true inner reality is all about. This will eventually apply to every single physical sense that we have, until there will come a point when there will be no real difference between cyber reality, and what we now term physical reality, that is, the outer world in accordance to the nature of our physical senses.

This is one particular direction of motion, brought about by that quickening and that technological revolution mentioned. But along the way, we will need to develop all sorts of other foundational aspects of our infrastructure, in order to make that complete cyber immersion possible.

Of key importance in that technological motion is the ability to create a highly functional worker machine, that can take over at least the most menial and labor-intensive aspects of physical reality.

Such a motion has started, and it is going to be upon us far quicker than most realize. As I have said, as long as Tesla continues to develop at its current rate, the crest of this wave has almost been reached, and there is a great potential for growth, expansion, and freedom, as long as we maintain our sobriety.

In other words, there is great potential and goodness in this technology. This technology can be an incredibly good thing, but we must evolve with that technology. Our inner reality must become as vast and complex as our outer one, or else our technology will become our prison.

So, as these worker machines, these robots, become more and more complex at incredible speed, these worker humanoids will also start to become our companion robots. Such robots then will become essential in our development, because they will help us to transition into the more individual lives that have become the norm for many of us.

The human development towards this individual nature, this more loaner like nature, is inevitable. As the psyche develops, as the intellect grows, there is a greater need for that growing individuality to spend more and more time within the ever-growing vastness within the self. This is actually quite healthy for the growing individuality, and indeed the nature of that individual change in the human species is remarkable to see over time. For example, I think most people would be astonished to note the difference between a medieval European and a current person.

Using the inner senses, it is possible to focus the attention into that era, and what one can see is truly remarkable in many ways. During the medieval period there was an incredible richness to life that is unmatched in modern times, and the depth and the beauty of such a time for humanity, had everything to do with a kind of gregarious communal connection that is impossible in the modern era. People in the medieval age were far less individual than they are now. People were far more reliant on external stimulus in order to dictate action, and the individual was far more herdlike in many ways. People clustered more, took individual cues from the group, and there needed to be a far richer physical existence. Another way to say this would be to say that the richness of that time, allowed for the development of a far more gregarious, social, herd-like existence.

From a linear time perspective, which is limited but still applicable in order to explain certain aspects of existence from a human point of view, there is a positive motion towards greater individual complexity. This growing complexity is happenings slowly, but it is still happening, and the consequence of that growing complexity by the individual is that there is a quickening in technology, and a greater need within a person to find their own space, to make space for themselves and the growing awareness of their inner selves. A bigger and more complex mind means less gregariousness in some ways, and a greater need to spend more time alone.

But there exists a certain trend, a developing one in this modern time, that could see a reversal in such individual self-exploration, one where a new cyber world may replace the complexity and the richness that were found in the medieval era for example, and this could then mean a return to a more herd-like and reactive humanity. This is something that should be considered carefully by anyone interested in the expansion of the self, and greater freedom.

Such intricate development inwardly, into the material idea of the inner reality, which is the cyber reality, can take many different routes and some of those roots can lead to bottlenecks. In accordance with the way of inner alchemy, the purely technological development of such a motion towards inner vastness, through the use of purely technological means, is the beginning of one such potential bottleneck.

The basic reason for this is that all such technology, being that it is created by forces outside the self, that is, you are not creating such technology, you are getting it from somewhere else, purchasing it with ‘money’ at this time in history, means that this way towards the inner vastness of the individual, relies on an outer and commercially material tool.

Inner alchemy says that such a motion inwardly should be individual from the outset, controlled wholly and completely by the individual, and reliant on nothing outside of the individual, so as to keep such motion as free as possible.

In the best of terms, and being that open source software and hardware is becoming more and more accessible, such inner technological motion into the screen, will hopefully allow for a balanced and liberated development along many lines. So that in time, such cyberspace might begin to open doors into true other dimensions, instead of just limiting the self by creating a controllable cyberspace, a kind of multifaceted cyber-room to lead and control the masses.

But if this is not the case, in order to give greater variance, and therefore freedom, to that growing inner complexity within humanity, it is possible to combine the quickening of modern technology with the wisdom and power of inner alchemy.

One possible way, and one that relates to the coming of the robotic revolution, which is the focus of this article, is the nature of the companion. As robots grow in complexity, now at an ever-increasing rate thanks to the technological power of Tesla, an offshoot of such robotic technology will be a development of the robotic companion.

Currently we have seen an incredible growth in the need for pets of all sorts, that can fill the need for a companion as we separate as individuals more and more. But as robots grow in complexity, and their ability to become companions increases, as the ability of certain AI language models allows for more complex interactions between man and machine, these robots and this language model AI will begin to fill in some of the gaps that pets cannot.

In order to offset that movement into a technological bottleneck therefore, as an inner alchemist, I would greatly suggest that you also try to use alchemical techniques, things aside and potentially beyond anything possible even by developing technology, to empower your mind to do what we are now completely self-reliant on technology to try to do for us. For example, a companion can be created using purely mental techniques, using the power of the mind alone.

It is possible for the inner alchemist to create a servitor, which is a mental creation, a kind of highly personalized ‘thought form’ that can attain a kind of density, thickness, that can transcend that line between what is mind and what is matter. You can think of a servitor as being a kind of imaginary friend or servant of great power, one that begins as a purely mental thing but that in time can become more and more real, intensely real even in what we refer to as physical reality using the techniques of inner alchemy. As such, a servitor can indeed perform miracles from the average human point of view.

So, more specifically, an inner alchemist can create a servitor companion, and these can provide all of the company necessary in those times when a person is alone, and is perhaps exploring the inner aspects of themselves, that growing inner complexity that can only be explored alone. And might I add, from personal experience I know that such a purely mental science, and such servitor companions, can far surpass anything technologically possible now, or in the near future.

I mention this because it is not my desire to stifle this growing technological revolution, because there is indeed great potential in it, but to mention other methods, and to provide different techniques possible, that can either give greater variance, or even augment what is possible with just technology. In this way it is my hope that such a bottleneck can be averted, that such a return to the herdlike mentality and the superstition of the medieval era can be avoided. And the only way to do this is to help each developing individual discover their inner power, the power of their minds over just the use of external technological machines.

Ideally of course, the great goal is to develop the mind to the point that it is as powerful, or more powerful, than any external contraption. But this is a lofty goal and an impossible one for most of us. Instead, we can try to shoot for balance, and by balance I mean the skill to develop the mind and its abilities, so that it can begin to tap into at least some of the great potential within it.

Such potential could allow an individual to remember far more than they could ever imagine, the ability to live in inner palaces of their own creation, and to perhaps even learn how to move beyond physicality and completely into other dimensional realms. Such abilities would then balance the mind, allow it to grow, allow the ghost in the machine to grow, so that a cyberpunk style bottleneck could be averted.