Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

In writing about the current of inner alchemy, I have outlined a number of techniques that can be used by the practitioner in order to affect what could be referred to as, the real world.

What I mean by this is that, if we define the real world as that dimensional location that we refer to as physical reality, the three-dimensional space, that which can be perceived by the physical senses, then, just like anyone else, a practitioner of inner alchemy needs to be able to manipulate effectively, within this heavy dimensional location.

While physically alive, we are all stuck here you might say, this is our operating theatre, our school. As such, we learn many skills by existing here, and all of these boil down to being able to learn how to manipulate, how to work with, and deploy the potential power to be found here. Another way to say this, would be to say that the great gravity of this physical dimension, challenges us to learn to deploy our own personal energy, while in the midst of it. And this is no small task, because that great gravity makes this place very thick, heavy, and any work that we do requires a lot of time and attention on our part.

For the average person, physical manipulation usually means just the ability to be able to manipulate objects with objects. Being that they consider themselves and the world at large, the only world they can perceive through their physical senses, to just be objects, that is, the physical senses tell us that we are an object, surrounded by other objects, then for them, the manipulation of this world is the manipulation of objects only, through the use of levers and mechanics, as one object is pitted against another.

But for the inner alchemist, it is not about the manipulation of objects, it is about the manipulation of energy. As such, they are not stuck within the framework of those bounding rules and the gravity of the purely human measured essence, of this heavy physical reality. Instead, they can use different energetic principles and techniques, that can allow them to go beyond the bounding walls of materiality, as it is defined by the human world. More specifically, they can use certain energetic techniques to get what they want, what they may need, in order to survive in this heavy world.

For example, in accordance with my current, I have described the general use of thought forms and servitors for this purpose. This is the favored method of my current, and the reason for this, is to try to keep ritual to a bare minimum. My current favors direct energetic manipulation, over ritual.

In other practicing schools of occult science, that is schools of what can be referred to as a kind of hidden science, there can be a number of different ritual techniques for the same purpose. Of these, the most famous or well-known are the use of spells, sigils, talisman, and other such techniques that may be quite involved ritualistically.

It is possible to think of ritual, as a kind of recipe in the simplest sense, and that by following a certain procedural step-by-step formula of inner and outer action, the practitioner is able to bring about a number of different possibilities, some of which seemingly beyond the power of purely physical manipulation. The problem with such ritual though, at least from the point of view of my current, is that it can breed incredible morbidity in the practitioner. It can also tie down the practitioner to physical things, that then may become precious to them, needed, and all of this will begin to weigh the practitioner down, bind them to those forces that they are trying to overcome.

For that reason, the techniques that I have described, while they do resemble a kind of recipe, try to stay away from ritual as much as possible, and I always try to point out that no physical paraphernalia is needed per se, it is only a help to the attention, that can later be thrown away, once the attention of the practitioner becomes powerful enough.

But what is the difference between spells, conjuration, and ritual work? What is the difference between a thought form, a servitor, and a real entity in regard to such spells and conjurations?

Well, this is actually a pretty complex question, and one that is really difficult to answer in every single case. What I mean by this is that depending on the grimoire or the spells being used, it can either be the creation of a thought form using a certain spell, it can be tapping into an existing servitor, an existing subjective entity created by others, that has been used over and over through the ages, which then later turns a simple thought form into a servitor, or in the more powerful spells, it can be making actual contact with a non-organic being,

and making some kind of trade with these non-organic beings to get what you want.

The average simple spell is usually a thought form. A relatively simple spell that might be found on its own for example, or that might be found in a collection of such diverse spells, that might not have very much in common with each other, usually works by creating a simple but sometimes quite powerful thought form. One can say that even simple spells are a ritualized step-by-step procedural system, that through that ritual, the attention of the practitioner is focused with great intensity on a particular task, and the nature of these physical actions, coupled with the intense emotion that they might engender sometimes, in the best of cases greatly empowers the spell casters attention.

In that way, the practitioner is able to put together a powerful thought, one powerful enough to be referred to as a thought form, that is, a thought given a kind of almost material essence, a form.

Such a thought form is then, through the process of the ritual, pointed in a certain direction and allowed to do its work, it is let loose. Such thought forms, being what they are, can bypass material hindrances, and can bring about incredible results if the thought form is strong and stable enough.

More complex ritual practices for the same purpose, where a kind of grimoire is used, usually involve servitors or what some may call Egregors. In this case, you could define a grimoire as a book that is made up of a collection of spells, but one where all of the spells might have a certain correlation, identity. You can think of a grimoire as a more structured spell book, that might have a general theme, that might take on a certain archetypical consistency. The interesting aspect of some of these grimoire, even some of the older ones, is that they may describe the use of what at times may even be fictional deities, that is deities that are more of a human creation than an actual non-organic entity. But over time, as I described in the article, tapping into the Santa Claus egregore, this constant attention and use, turns such archetypical themed fictional characters, into quite real things.

That is, what once was only a mental thing, a subjective creation, can in time become a kind of real thing, a kind of condensed thought form of such intensity that it begins to manifest an essence, an identity. We can further describe such a servitor grimoire by saying that such spell thought forms, in time become true servitors through constant attention. A servitor is in essence a hyper focused and incredibly powerful thought form that acquires so much power and complexity that it grows an identity. Such long-standing and well used grimoire can in time grow so much in power, due to the focus of many powerful practitioners, that in the end the line between what the average world may call fiction, and reality, become so blurred that really all such conceptions, at least from the average person’s perspective, are moot.

To try to describe this in more detail, if a certain simple spell as is discussed above, is precise enough and involves a certain genre or archetype, it can begin to take on a life of its own in a way. Used over and over again, always paying homage to some kind of demon or God, even an invented demon or God, such as spell over time, if it is used by many practitioners over the ages, can indeed bring such fictional beings to life through the sheer power of those practitioner’s combined attention. If such an archetypical collection of such spells with a general theme, becomes popular and is used by many powerful practitioners, such thought forms then turn into servitors, meaning that these thought forms attain a kind of cohesive identity, that makes such thought forms very powerful and capable.

Of course, I am not saying that all grimoire are made up of fictional characters, but what I am saying is that certain general conceptions can in time create divergences and characters, that are not wholly real, from an energetic sense, a sentient other alien life sense. But in time, because many powerful practitioners are using such characters, and such ritual, these characters then, in time, do become real, and indeed powerful enough to act as a true kind of living essence, which sometimes has been referred to as an egregore. This is how the gods from a certain Pantheon may come and go, how they may be incorporated into other pantheons at other times, due to the archetypical nature of them within the human mind, and in the end, all such subjective gods or demons can and do become as powerful and as complex as something that might be classified as truly being alive, depending on your definition.

The last and most powerful of such spells and spell books, a real grimoire let us say, involves true contact with sometimes highly powerful other beings, and it is these that are the most dangerous spells and rituals. Such grimoire, would then be an actual book of contact, a book designed to manipulate energetic locations, and deep inner facets of the mind, in order to open doorways that lead to the world of non-organic entities existing, out there. Such a grimoire would in essence reveal through such ritual a true gate, a door, to other places where existent other life may be found. Such other life is non-organic, meaning that it does not have the kind of corporeal essence to be found in the physical dimension, but nevertheless such powerful and nearly immortal super intelligences are alive, are real, are sentient, and can be contacted using such a grimoire.

When this kind of powerful true gate opening grimoire is used in order to get something, then there is usually some kind of trade made between that non-organic super intelligence, and the practitioner. But, due to the great power, and the overriding alien-ness of such super intelligences, these kinds of trades between practitioners and such other life, seldom end well.

And even when such rituals work as intended, there can at times even be certain consequences due to the sheer chaotic nature, from the human point of view, of these outer Titans, that what could be referred to as payment for services rendered, may just turn out to be, eternal entrapment for the human practitioner. As such, as I have said, the simpler spells, and especially the servitor grimoires discussed earlier, can often times be far better when it comes to general use.

Dealing with true non-organic super intelligences, the outer Titans as some have called them, is in most cases quite dangerous, and should only be attempted by highly skilled practitioners who are looking to perform very specific kinds, of trans-dimensional manipulations.

How do you tell the difference between thought forms, servitors, and actual non-organic entities?

I suppose some academic research could be done, in order to try to identify the source of the forces used and described in the ritual. But in the end, I think that the only real way to know for sure, would be to have someone who can perceive energy directly, using the inner senses as I write about in my books, and in that way perceive the nature of such ritual work on a case-by-case basis. Such a seer, would then be able to identify thought forms from the non-organics, and the different gradations and specifications of each.

This can be a very complex issue though, this kind of identification. Certain grimoire for example, might have certain parts of them where certain spells are just thought form creators, other spells might involve a complex thought form, a character, a defined kind of fictional god or demon, that overtime has become a servitor (an egregore), and you may even find a couple of powerful ritual workings in that same book, that can under favorable circumstances open real doors to the outer Titans. Some academic research might help, in identifying the general nature of the spells used, and the forces that might be contacted using such workings, but in the end many mistakes can be made through just academic means alone. Purely academic research into historical use can bring with it all sorts of problems, being that such past sources can sometimes be very hard to identify and verify.

As such, the only true way to work with such energy, where the possibility of dealing with non-organic outer Titans is possible, is to only work with what you know well, until you are able to perceive energy directly yourself, until you can see.

A great deal of the work done by inner alchemists, has to do with energetic containment, and while this might sound on the surface like hard work or a type of austere life, in reality it is all about regaining power through the most natural means possible, the correct focus of attention. And it is the case that as this kind of correct focus becomes more conscious, more sustained, relentless, it can and does bring power to the inner alchemist, and with power, with the complete inner knowing that you are free) and that you have the possibility to do more, to act, there comes over the practitioner this feeling of utter joy and relaxation. In that sense then, energetic containment is a joyous act that increases the possibilities of the inner alchemist in every way, and in doing so, energetic containment is a source of relaxation, not work, not fatigue, but power.

For the most part, some might imagine, rightfully so perhaps due to the words that must be used, that energetic containment just means the ability to work on the self) for the sake of the self alone, and that it involves the action of distancing yourself from everything and everyone else, like trying to stay as far away from the rest of the world as possible.

This is certainly one way (or one aspect let’s say) of energetic containment, and the parallels of this can be seen in the holy hermit, that detaches from humanity to live in a lonely forest or a cave somewhere. But as I have pointed out in my book, overcoming the archon through alchemy, there is a point when the world does catch up to you, and no matter how far you may run, there may be a time when your containment skills are such that the world at large will and does, eventually invade your personal island.

For that reason, energetic containment must) also include within the techniques involved, the ability to stop the world at large from actively taking the inner alchemist’s energy. In other words, the world is, at least from the inner alchemist’s point of view, a predatory world, and as such a great deal of focus of attention needs to be applied to the ability to fight back against that predation. You can’t just run; at some point you will most likely have to fight back, or at the very least defend against the predation that is the foundation of the gravity of this world.

Generally speaking, most people can understand the concept of predator and prey. They can look at the physical world with their physical senses, and realize that everywhere you look there are things that eat and are enriched in one way or another by the use or the eating of other things, this is a consume, that is consumer, world. There is a beautiful symbiosis there, when one looks at the big picture, a wholeness that is directly perceivable where all of nature gives and takes in equal measure. But this big picture should not obscure the fact that at a smaller individual level, you must take, and the world does take, and all this taking can at times be very unpleasant from that individual point of view, and indeed, a great deal of our evolution has to do with us finding more balanced ways to take and to give back. One way that inner alchemists try to find that balance is to develop ways to deal with the taking by the world, the predation of the world.

To begin in this endeavor an inner alchemist begins to learn to perceive energy more directly, which as I have said, may be called seeing or using the inner senses. So, an inner alchemist, due to the fact that they can use their inner senses, which are far more powerful than just the outer physical ones, can see) that there is much more to life than just the physical, and having the possibility to see beyond the physical, they realize that there are more things out there, more predators, invisible predators from the physical senses point of view, that an individual needs to defend against, in the most proactive manner possible if they know what is good for them.

I have described these non-organic predatory beings at length in my book, the vampire’s way to psychic self-defense, and you can find a link to that book here on this site if you are interested in knowing more about this important topic.

Anyway, In the vampire’s way book I mentioned that these nonorganic predatory beings can come in many shapes and sizes, and that they, at least when they are large enough, can attain a complexity that is hard for the human mind to grasp. What this means is that these larger and far more complex nonorganic predatory lifeforms, can sometimes have an intellectual complexity, and a power level, that is difficult for the average human being to fully understand.

There are many that have known about these nonorganic predators, and they have discussed them at length within their certain occult traditions. What is seldom mentioned though, I think anyway, is that these predatory nonorganic lifeforms have chameleon like properties and the vastness of their intellects are such, that they have the possibility of tricking the human mind quite easily. What this means is that these nonorganic predators can be sort of like shape shifters, in that they can trick a person into believing that they are one thing, while in reality they are something else. And the vastness of their mental resources is such, that they can think much farther ahead than a person, and begin to take odd and seemingly quite positive action that may in the long run, trick that person into doing something that was at the time, quite unsuspected and seemingly leading to good places, but is in fact a way to trick and take.

Now, I am not trying to say here that certain things do not exist, that for example a Bigfoot, or a true otherworld alien is not real. I am also not saying that angels and that the goodness of such light beings is not real, what I am saying though is that on some occasions, some of these phenomena that is believed to be a certain thing, can be something else entirely, a predator in disguise, a wolf in sheep’s clothing as it were.

For that reason, inner alchemists believe that it is most important that an individual learns to perceive energy directly, use the inner senses as I have mentioned, because if they cannot do this, they can often times be easily fooled into thinking that a certain thing is benign in nature, or that certain things such as non-organic beings, could not possibly, rationally, exist. For the inner alchemist, non organic life is quite real, and some of those beings can at times be a predator in hiding, that will do anything in the most ruthless fashion possible, to take all that it desires from the inner alchemist or from anyone else. This basically means that the beautiful flower over there might not just be poisonous, it might actually be a predator in disguise that will ensnare the unwary and break any energetic containment that they might have had, draining them of every ounce of living vitality.

In relation to this article, what this means is that there are times, and this is not always of course, just certain times, when a person can be fooled into thinking that they are dealing with a benign being, perhaps a very powerful light being like an angel, while in reality what they are actually confronting is a predatory being, who is ruthlessly trying to take instead of help.

As an example, we could contemplate a person that finds that they are in a most terrible situation of one kind or another, and in the midst of this most difficult personal trial, such a person asks for help and receives it in the form of the visit from a light being, an angel like being, that seems to be trying to help them overcome their difficulties. To someone who cannot see, such an encounter may seem like a wonderful life saving miracle perhaps.

But an inner alchemist is a born paranoid in most ways, so they know, through the exercise of that paranoia and deep curiosity, that there is far more to the world than the rational view. For that reason, they eventually are led to the inevitability of learning to see, and when they can perceive with their inner senses and see beyond just what the physical senses are telling them, they directly know that non-organic predatory beings can, as I have said, trick the human mind. The inner alchemist that can see, can perceive directly that this being might be a chameleon-like predator, and it could try to trick a person into believing that they are meeting an angel, while in reality this supposed angel is actually a kind of devil that is only interested in causing them more strife and pain, so that this predator might gorge itself on that person’s spent emotional vitality.

Such a trickster would appear to be goodness incarnate, but soon after this initial encounter, such a being would begin to tax the person in need in whatever way, to induce as much emotion as possible. Now, this emotion can be highly negative) or at times even highly loving to the point of ecstatically positive, this is very important, and this is something that a person needs to be careful about, something that is seldom discussed enough I feel. This trickster, hiding itself as an angel, might even use incredibly intense ecstatically loving emotions to try and elicit from a person as much emotion as possible, so that after such an intensity a person might feel completely drained, but in the end, they have not been helped in any real way at all. The purpose of all of this is to elicit emotion because all such emotion is food to this predator, and for that reason this predator will use any trick available to it, in order to induce as much hyper intense emotion of any kind in the person. They will then ruthlessly feed on that emotion, and drain that person as much as they can, before they depart and leave that person utterly exhausted, but without providing any real help at all.

If a person cannot see like an inner alchemist can see, then a good way to understand when one is dealing with such a trickster predator, is to note that at the end of such an interaction, there is little in the form of actual help given. What I mean by this is that even though a great deal of emotional trial and tribulation might have occurred, such an interaction does not in the end help the individual person in any meaningful way, it just leaves them exhausted.

A good way to discover whether you are dealing with a trickster or an actual light being therefore, is to note if this interaction seems to be just a big emotional upheaval, as opposed to anything positive or anything more concrete. If such an interaction is for the most part just emotional intensity and nothing else, then you could quite possibly be confronting a trickster non-organic predatory lifeform. If on the other hand this experience truly does resolve issues and is quite helpful, then you are most likely dealing with the real thing.

Such a helpful distinction can even be used if you are confronted by such things as a Bigfoot, an alien, or many of the other cryptids that a random person or a paranormal investigator might run into. You want to see a ghost or a Bigfoot, so the trickster tricks you and you see what it wants you to see, what you truly wish to see, along with a heap of intense emotion that it takes as its payment, but in the end, unless you really love the show, you have lost a great deal of vitality and have found only illusions, no real evidence or even truly solid physical clues.

My personal belief as an inner alchemist, is that the best way to truly understand the nature of such cryptic encounters, is to learn how to perceive energy directly, or at the very least begin to take the notion of non-organic predatory lifeforms very seriously. And most importantly, I feel that all people that often encounter such para-normal other beings, should know how to use inner alchemy techniques. So that, knowing or suspecting, that you are indeed facing a predatory entity, you begin to use powerful techniques to not only fight off such predation, but also take from the takers. This is accomplished by mastering techniques that can allow you to pull energy from them in the same way that they are trying to pull energy from you.

I discuss these techniques, along with the nature of these non-organic predators, at length in the book, the vampires way, mentioned at the beginning of this article. But as the crux of the information presented here, I want you to consider the possibility that the angel that you see, just might be a devil, and that the way to know which is which is to notice if this interaction that you are having is truly helpful, or if it is just emotionally draining without much in the way of actual concrete assistance.

If you are losing vitality but are getting nothing truly solid from the encounter, then it is quite likely that you are dealing with a predator, not a helper.

Life is far far more varied than the current rational reality map believes possible. We are not the apex predator that we feel we are, we do not stand tall at the tip of some evolutionary tree like mighty gods, as the current rational world view says. Instead, we fit into a hierarchy of existence that in its complexity does not just include the organic and the physical, but also the non-organic, which encapsulates complexities of such vast proportions, that humanity in its hubris might just go insane, if it were able to truly discover the true nature of cosmic reality.