Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

In recent years, there has been a considerable increase in interest and participation in occult, esoteric, and metaphysical practices, particularly among younger generations. Activities such as tarot readings, witchcraft, meditation, and astrology have seen a remarkable surge in popularity, leading to what is commonly known as the “occult revival.” This cultural shift has attracted the attention of scholars, scientists, and politicians, who I often refer to as the ‘authority figures’ of the times. They are eager to understand the reasons behind it and its impact on society, as well as exploring potential ways to benefit from and control these movements in order to maintain their power and influence over the masses.

One fascinating aspect of the occult revival is that its implications are far greater than some might suspect. These early stages indicate another significant shift in collective ideas and belief structures of our times. This shift could potentially initiate a new memetic war, a psychic war of sorts, where one group’s beliefs battle against another. Perhaps this new belief war will be one focused on the genuine pursuit of inner reality, rather than the mechanical objective reality that has become dominant in the modern world.


One of the primary contributors to the occult revival is the rise of the internet and social media. These platforms have made occult-related content more accessible and popular than ever before. Individuals who may not have been exposed to these practices in the past now have the opportunity to learn about them and explore their interests. This development can be both advantageous and disadvantageous, as I will discuss later in this article.

Another factor is the desire of some, particularly millennials and Generation Z, to establish a unique political and cultural identity that differentiates them from mainstream religious and ideological movements. The occult presents an alternative way of thinking and living that appeals to those who wish to forge their own path.


Nevertheless, the allure of the occult extends beyond merely being different. Numerous individuals are drawn to these practices because they offer a sense of empowerment, camaraderie, and purpose in a world that can sometimes feel disenchanted and dis-empowering. The occult provides a sense of control and connection to something greater than ourselves, which can be highly appealing in today’s fast-paced and frequently impersonal reality, where the narrative of a completely mechanical and object filled world, has become the norm.


Despite the increasing popularity of the occult, some people criticize this trend, viewing it as a rejection of Enlightenment values and a step backward. However, others argue that practices like tarot, astrology, and witchcraft have connections to scientific and health fields, such as quantum entanglement or the growing popularity of mindfulness.


I believe that the rise of the occult among younger generations is a reflection of their desire for meaning, purpose, and control in a complex and ever-changing world. Whether you view this trend as a positive spiritual awakening or a cause for concern, the occult revival is an intriguing cultural phenomenon that is worth exploring further. This is particularly relevant in a time where people are becoming more disconnected from society and the world, due to the influence and power of artificial intelligence; which seems to be increasingly able to perform all of the physical and everyday tasks, that once gave many individuals a sense of purpose and meaning.

The world is on the verge of a transformative shift, moving us away from a narrow focus on the physical and material, and inviting us to explore the depths of human potential. By turning inward, we can uncover the true wonders of our being, expanding the human experience. This evolution holds great promise, but only if we are open to embracing the upcoming artificial intelligence revolution in a positive way, intelligently using this evolving technology as a means to freedom rather than a new bureaucracy to overcome and fight against. In the best-case scenario, this technological leap can serve as a catalyst for freedom, providing us with unprecedented opportunities. Under these conditions, spirituality may once again regain its prominence, enabling humanity to transcend our limited self-conception as merely mechanical beings and reach new heights of existence.


The Evolving History of Occultism


The term ‘occult’ refers to a wide range of beliefs and practices that have influenced human history for thousands of years. From ancient times to the present day, the occult has served as a means to understand and interact with the world, often through mystical and supernatural means. Additionally, some argue that the occult represents advanced knowledge and mind sciences from the past, which, if rediscovered, could empower us to rise above being mere slaves to technology and its controllers, ensuring that all of us have the opportunity to thrive and evolve beyond our current constraints.


In the earliest days of human civilization, in accordance with the dictates of recorded history, the occult was seen as a way to unlock hidden truths and access supernatural powers. These early practices, closely linked to religious and spiritual beliefs, were often guarded by priestly classes and esoteric societies. Astrology, alchemy, and divination were among the most popular occult practices, allowing practitioners to influence the natural world and communicate with divine forces.

During the Renaissance, the occult underwent a renaissance of its own, as Europe’s leading thinkers sought to reconcile the emerging scientific worldview with traditional mystical beliefs. Scholars like Marsilio Ficino and Pico della Mirandola played a pivotal role in popularizing Hermeticism, Neoplatonism, and other esoteric traditions. The Corpus Hermeticum and the Picatrix, two influential occult texts, were produced during this period, as well.


By the 19th and early 20th centuries, the occult had once again captured the public’s imagination, thanks in part to movements like Spiritualism, Theosophy, and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. These groups aimed to explore the hidden realms of the mind, the cosmos, and the supernatural, drawing on a diverse array of occult and esoteric traditions. Notable figures like Aleister Crowley and Helena Blavatsky emerged during this time, further cementing the occult’s place in popular culture.


Before recorded history, in a time long past, there were ancient traditions and mysterious technologies that far surpassed our current imagination. These technologies predate written history and combined the logical with the spiritual. They delved into the inner reality of humanity and melded incredible journeys and discoveries with an alternative logic that bridged internal and external dimensions. This synthesis created a cohesive whole that enabled ancient, now-forgotten civilizations to perform what we now consider miracles, hinted at only in modern fiction’s fantastical speculation.


Throughout its rich and diverse history, the occult has been profoundly shaped by the social, cultural, and intellectual contexts of its time. While the specific practices and beliefs have changed throughout the ages, and have taken a decidedly more material turn, the underlying human desire to explore the hidden and the supernatural has remained a constant. As the occult continues to adapt and change, it will undoubtedly continue to reflect and influence the zeitgeist of the times. In the current era, marked by a technological revolution, we have the potential to create new allies in the form of artificial intelligence and robotics. This technological advancement may finally free us to explore our inner reality and reach our true potential, not in a haphazard way, but through a logical and rigorous new scientific field – the field of what I like to call Mind Science.


The Implications of the Occult Resurgence


The recent surge of interest in occult, esoteric, and metaphysical practices has significant implications that the average person should be aware of. This trend is a reflection of a growing dissatisfaction with traditional religious and ideological institutions among certain demographics, particularly younger generations, who are drawn to the occult as a means of finding meaning, purpose, and a sense of empowerment outside of mainstream belief systems. This “re-enchantment” of the secular world through occult practices can be seen as a reaction against the perceived disenchantment and dis-empowerment of modern life.


The occult revival has certainly sparked a lot of interest in recent times. However, it’s not without its risks and potential downsides. Some experts are concerned that the appeal of occult practices like mediumship and astrology could be particularly harmful for vulnerable populations. There are also worries that the embrace of occultism represents a rejection of Enlightenment values and a retreat into “Dark-Age” thinking.

We must remember that there is some value in the insights made by those who consider themselves to be the modern “authority figures” of the times. To that end, we must be careful not to fall into the opposite extreme of the modern mechanical world view, by embracing a superstitious and dark age attitude. We must stay vigilant and not allow the majority, the mob mind of the times, to dictate how this new occult revival will evolve.

Instead of following the Mob Mind or even the supposed ‘experts’, we must learn from history and reject those who show a lack of intelligence. We must pursue a new line of possibilities using methods that do not involve manipulation or the desire to believe in a thing without any ‘personal’ exploration and experimentation. We must reject the dogmatic, blind surge of the mob mind and instead find our own truth and share that truth in new ways, using experimentation and controlled replication, the scientific method. And by scientific method, I don’t mean the bureaucracy of the modern elite, but instead a movement towards true experimentation and logic.

As our external technology allows us to let go of an existence where we must toil physically in potentially meaningless jobs, we must use this new freedom to navigate a new course, not into a dark age of superstition, but into a new world of possibilities that would make those who existed before recorded history proud.


For the average person, it is important to be aware of the growing prevalence of occult-related content and practices, and to approach them with a critical eye. While many occult traditions can offer valuable insights and tools for personal growth and spiritual exploration, it is crucial to be discerning and to rely on reputable sources and qualified practitioners.

Additionally, the average person should be mindful of the potential for occult-related content and practices to be used for manipulation, exploitation, or the promotion of harmful ideologies. It is important to be wary of any occult-related claims or activities that seem to be promoting extremist, conspiratorial, or unethical agendas. Basically, anything driven by the mob mind and what seems to be just endless memetic war, as I explained in my book, ‘Overcoming the Archon through Alchemy‘, must be rejected. All inner exploration begins with the personal self within the individual, to give those rights to others is the beginning of all manipulation.


The resurgence of occultism is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that reflects deeper societal and cultural shifts. While the occult can offer meaningful spiritual and personal experiences for some, it is essential for the average person to approach it with a critical and discerning mindset, and to prioritize their own well-being and the well-being of their community.

Moreover, the fascination with the occult can lead to a better understanding of the human psyche and our innate desire for spiritual connection. As a result, the average person may find themselves exploring various belief systems, philosophies, and practices in search of their own path to personal growth and fulfillment. This journey of self-discovery can ultimately lead to a greater appreciation for the diversity of human experience and a deeper understanding of our shared human condition.


The growing interest in occult practices and their potential impact on society is a fascinating and complex topic. It’s important to be aware of the risks and benefits associated with these practices, as well as the potential harm they may cause to vulnerable populations. But beyond that, the exploration of occultism can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth.

If you are interested in truly understanding the mysteries within yourself and how to begin to unlock those incredible lost powers, then I highly recommend the book, The Occult Experience. It’s a great starting point for anyone looking to delve into the world of occultism with an open mind and a desire for personal transformation.

Contrary to popular New Age belief, the world out there is not an illusion but rather a reality that far surpasses our comprehension. We often fall into the trap of thinking we understand our surroundings, relying on our senses and the instruments we’ve created to perceive our environment. However, these tools are limited by our cognitive abilities and can even distort our perception of the world around us.

Imagine standing in a dense forest filled with countless species of flora and fauna, yet to be discovered or named. Our eyes might be able to detect the obvious: towering trees, vibrant foliage, and perhaps the occasional glimpse of wildlife. But beyond our visual range lies an entire ecosystem teeming with life, chemical exchanges, and complex interactions that we can only begin to comprehend.

Even our most advanced instruments cannot fully capture the intricacies of this invisible world. Scientists have developed sophisticated equipment to detect electromagnetic waves beyond the visible spectrum and measure subatomic particles, yet these technologies are still limited by the boundaries of human knowledge and understanding. Moreover, we often design these instruments with a specific goal in mind, creating a narrow focus that prevents us from exploring the full range of possibilities. This approach limits our ability to expand our understanding of the unknown and ultimately hinders our progress.

The Limitations of Human Perception

As human beings, our physical senses limit us to a narrow range of stimuli. For example, our eyes can only detect visible light within a certain wavelength, while the full spectrum includes much more than what we can see. Similarly, our hearing range is limited to audible sounds within a frequency range, but the full range of audio frequencies extends far beyond these limits. Our intellectual boundaries are equally restrictive, as we can only comprehend what we have learned and experienced. This narrow understanding is shaped by our culture, upbringing, education, and personal experiences, which often limit our ability to conceive ideas or concepts that lie outside of our familiar realm.

The Role of Instruments in Shaping Our Perception

To expand our understanding of the world around us, we have developed various instruments to aid our perception. These tools can be as simple as magnifying glasses or binoculars that enhance our visual capabilities, or as complex as telescopes and microscopes that allow us to observe distant galaxies and minuscule organisms. However, the very instruments we rely on can also skew our perception of reality. For instance, a person with perfect eyesight who observes the world through “rose-colored” glasses will perceive colors that are not actually present in their surroundings. Similarly, when we rely on scientific instruments to gather data, we must be aware of their limitations and potential errors, as these tools can also distort our perception of the world.

Skewed Interpretation of the World Around Us

As human beings, we tend to create instruments that align with our existing beliefs and expectations, which can lead to a skewed interpretation of reality. For example, early astronomers believed that all celestial bodies revolved around the Earth, so they developed telescopes specifically designed to confirm this belief. These older telescopes were not able to perceive that the earth revolved around the sun because their design and construction were based on a geocentric model of the universe. The lenses and mirrors used in these early telescopes were crafted to magnify celestial objects, but they did not possess the necessary precision or sophistication to reveal the true movement of planets around the sun.

One significant limitation of older telescopes was their inability to correct for optical aberrations caused by the curvature of lenses and mirrors. This resulted in distorted images that made it difficult, if not impossible, to discern the complex motions of celestial bodies. Additionally, these early telescopes had a limited field of view, which made it challenging for astronomers to observe multiple objects simultaneously or track the movement of planets over time.

It wasn’t until the invention of more advanced instruments, such as the refracting telescope by Hans Lippershey in 1590 and the reflecting telescope by Isaac Newton in 1672, that scientists were able to challenge the geocentric model of the universe. These new telescopes featured improved optics, larger apertures, and more precise mechanical systems, allowing astronomers to observe celestial objects with greater clarity and accuracy. As a result, they could finally observe the movement of planets and confirm that the Earth revolved around the Sun, marking a major breakthrough in our understanding of the cosmos.

The Creative Aspect of Instrument Design

In designing tools to aid our perception, we often bring our creative abilities into play, shaping these instruments based on our understanding of the world and our desired outcomes. This creative process can lead to groundbreaking discoveries. However, this creative aspect also presents challenges, as we must continually reassess and refine our instruments to ensure that they accurately represent the world around us. If we become too attached to a particular instrument or method of observation, we may overlook crucial details or misinterpret the data we collect.

Recognizing the Known and Unknown Aspects of Reality and Embracing a new form of Mind Science

To truly understand the infinite world around us, we must first recognize that it is made up of both the known and unknown aspects of reality. The known aspects are those phenomena that we have already discovered, understood, and integrated into our worldview. These include the laws of physics, chemical reactions, and fundamental principles of biology governing life on Earth.

But the unknown aspects of reality pose significant challenges for us as we attempt to comprehend them. They exist in a realm beyond our current perceptual and intellectual capabilities. Our senses and instruments can only perceive a small fraction of the world around us while our understanding is limited by what we have learned and experienced up until this point. Many aspects of the unknown are difficult to imagine because they lie outside of our conceptual framework.

As we delve deeper into the unknown aspects of reality, it becomes increasingly apparent that there might be a wholly unknown reality all around us – a realm that remains hidden from our current understanding. Just as scientists at the edges of our known scientific understanding are discovering dimensions within dimensions, we too must expand our perceptions to uncover these previously untapped territories.

Our psyche, which has been defined by our insistence that we live in a very limited three-dimensional world, has also suffered from the constriction of these perceptions. It is now time to expand those perceptions in order to discover those unknown territories. And the way to do this is through Mind Science – a new science that combines insights and discoveries from various disciplines such as psychology, neuroscience, quantum physics, and what is now considered to be the impossible, which is the science of the inner senses and of tapping into internal realities, inner dream worlds, and incredibly, the projection of consciousness.

By perceiving not just with outer instruments but also with inner senses of such power and magnitude that they dwarf anything thus far created by the human species, we can unravel the complex interplay between our inner and outer worlds – a discovery that will transform our understanding of the universe and ourselves.

By embracing the potential for growth and transformation that comes with this journey, we can unlock countless possibilities that lie beyond our current comprehension. As we expand our understanding of the universe and ourselves, we will open up new avenues for discovery that were previously unimaginable – all while pushing the boundaries of what it means to be human in an ever-evolving cosmos.

Expanding Our Intellectual Perspective

In order to make headway into the unknown aspects of reality, we must first broaden our intellectual perspective. This involves challenging our existing beliefs and assumptions, questioning the limitations of our current understanding, and seeking out new ideas and concepts that may help us expand our knowledge. One way to achieve this is by engaging in interdisciplinary research, which allows scientists and scholars from different fields to collaborate and share their expertise. By doing so, we not only expand the range of our technical devices but also enhance our ability to work with the inner reality within us – our psyche.

As we delve deeper into the unknown aspects of reality, it becomes increasingly clear that a new science must develop – one that harnesses the infinitely powerful world of the inner senses. This new science, which could be called Mind Science, can begin to challenge our entire worldview by integrating the insights and discoveries from various disciplines of both external and internal varieties to better understand the complex interplay between our inner and outer reality.

Mind Science should encourage us to explore the unexplored realms of human consciousness, pushing the boundaries of what we think is possible both within ourselves and in the world around us. As we continue to expand our understanding of the unknown aspects of reality, we must embrace the importance of developing this new science that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries and fosters a holistic approach to knowledge acquisition.

In this new and evolving reality, finding a balance between our now almost wholly externally focused reality and the infinite possibilities to be found within our internal reality – our infinite inner human world – is crucial. Embracing the importance of the inner senses will help us unlock the full potential of our consciousness and redefine our understanding of the universe and ourselves.

Expanding our understanding of the unknown aspects of reality requires a willingness to challenge our existing beliefs, broaden our intellectual perspective, maintain an open mind, engage in interdisciplinary research, and embrace uncertainty. By doing so, we can forge new pathways into the vast expanse of the infinite world and unlock countless possibilities that lie beyond our current comprehension.

Expanding Our Infinite Potential of Human Knowledge

In our quest to unravel the mysteries of the unknown aspects of reality, we must recognize that our understanding is constantly evolving, much like the infinite world we seek to comprehend. The process of discovery is a journey without an end, as each breakthrough leads to new questions and fresh perspectives.

Consider the story of the ancient Greek philosophers who first pondered the nature of the universe, or the intrepid explorers who ventured into unknown territories on Earth, seeking new lands and knowledge. These pioneering thinkers and adventurers dared to challenge their own beliefs and assumptions, pushing the boundaries of what was thought possible.

Similarly, today’s scientists and researchers continue to venture into uncharted territory, exploring realms that were once considered beyond our grasp. From the depths of the oceans to the farthest reaches of space, we are constantly expanding our understanding of the universe. By embracing uncertainty and maintaining an open mind, we can forge new pathways into the vast expanse of the infinite world, unlocking countless possibilities that lie beyond our current comprehension.

However, this exploration has predominantly focused on the exterior world, and it is now time to explore the interior world with equal fervor. This new exploration using Mind Science has the potential to take us much farther into an infinity beyond measure – a reality perhaps even larger than what has been revealed to us by the most powerful telescopes and microscopes currently available to humanity.

The kind of Mind Science I am trying to describe would encourage us to delve deeper into the depths of human consciousness, shedding light on the intricate workings of our minds and the subtle interplay between our thoughts, emotions, and perceptions. By unraveling these mysteries, we can expand our understanding of the universe and ourselves, opening up new avenues for discovery that were previously unimaginable.

As we continue to explore both the interior and exterior realms of reality, it is crucial that we maintain an open mind and embrace the potential for growth and transformation that comes with this journey. The infinite possibilities that lie within and beyond our understanding hold the key to a future where humanity can thrive in harmony with itself and the cosmos, guided by the wisdom gleaned from our exploration of the inner and outer worlds.

The journey to expand our understanding of the unknown aspects of reality is one filled with both challenges and opportunities. Besides broadening our intellectual perspective, we must also embrace the inner senses and the possibility of the projection of consciousness beyond the limits of the physical. This ability to project consciousness beyond what now seems possible – truly bounded by preconceived ideas of a three-dimensional existence – can expand our ability to explore the cosmos and new ways.

This new methodology, akin to creating a new armada of sailing vessels, can forge a new form of navigation that takes us far beyond anything currently possible with just external machines and contraptions. By harmoniously blending internal exploration with external research methodology, humanity can unlock a universe of possibilities that transcends our current understanding and pushes the frontiers of human knowledge to new heights.

If you would like to know more about the limits of our physical senses and how to expand them. If you would like to know how to expand the cognitive boundaries of our beliefs, and how these have an incredible power to shape the world that we perceive, then I recommend the book: The Occult Experience.

Here you will find a treasure trove of ways to go beyond the limits of what is truly a self and societally imposed limitation on our cognitive ability!