Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

Transmutation is a secret power that shapes our reality, for better or worse, and I am going to reveal its power to you now!

First of all, the word transmutation has gotten a bit of a bum rap or raw deal in this modern time, it is now associated with fantasy and what the world now terms pseudoscience, which is akin to the modern version of blasphemy or sacrilege, against the modern gods of technology. But transmutation is really just causality, the art of cause and effect, but in the context of inner alchemy, a causality that involves the use of forces and capabilities far beyond the narrow scope of modern rational secularism.

Transmutation, using accepted modern terms, is the ancient practice of transforming one physical substance into another. However, for inner alchemists, transmutation holds a much deeper meaning. It is the ability to turn the un-manifest into the manifested, a key component to reality, true freedom from all material need and suffering, and eventually even the key by which the miraculous can be achieved, – the ability to defy death itself.

But what is the definition of transmutation generally? In the context of the modern version of alchemy, this often meant attempting to transform base metals into precious ones, such as led into gold. However, modern science still does not understand, or at least cannot yet through its limited set of acceptable laws know, how to make such transmutations easy or cost effective. Modern academia has lost sight of the great power and promise of the much older science of inner alchemy, that could reveal the true power of transmutation and divulge the great malleability of what is now considered to be, the hard physical world.

Despite being snubbed as pseudoscience, the concept of transmutation remains relevant today. This is especially true in our ultra-materialistic time, where outer focus and skeptic secularism are turning the world into a cognitive and physical prison. For inner alchemists, transmutation begins, with the ability to transform limiting beliefs, negative emotions, and unhelpful patterns of behavior into positive qualities that support personal evolution. It involves recognizing the inherent potential within oneself and others, and cultivating the skills and mindset necessary to bring about positive change. And let me add that this change is not just immaterial and therefore inconsequential to the modern world, but a true change, a reconfiguration of actual personal essence that has the possibility to change a person from the inside out, and make them something beyond the constricted modern individual that is stuck, caged, by physicality.

The origins of transmutation can be traced back to alchemy, a far older discipline than some suspect, that aimed to transform base metals into gold or silver, and discover the elixir of life that would grant immortality. But as I have written in my books, most of the information that survives today is about the Puffers, outer alchemy as opposed to inner, which is flawed at its core because it seeks to do what is supposedly impossible by its own materialistic rulebook. But to keep it simple here for the sake of this video, we could say that alchemists believed that all matter was composed of the four elements – earth, air, fire, and water – and that these elements could be transformed into each other through the use of symbols, experiments, and mystical rituals.

While alchemy may seem like a pseudoscience today within the perceptive constriction of reason, and the outer materialistic world view, it laid the foundation for modern chemistry and medicine. Alchemists discovered new compounds, developed laboratory techniques, and pioneered the concept of chemical reactions. Their work paved the way for scientists like Isaac Newton and Antoine Lavoisier, who established the laws of modern chemistry. Moreover, alchemical practices led to the development of pharmaceuticals and the creation of medicinal remedies.

All modern science became the way of causality, the way of transmutation. In Biology this transformative causality, transmutation, is focused on the evolution of life, the process of change and evolution in living organisms. The earliest theory of biological transmutation was transformism, which posited that one species could transform into another through natural processes. This idea was later refined by Charles Darwin and others into the theory of natural selection, which explains, using modern materialistic ideas, how species adapt to their environments and diversify into new forms. Transformations have been observed by modern science in bacteria, viruses, and even humans, where adaptation, which is yet another new word for transmutation, has played a crucial role in our survival and success.

Physics, the science of matter and energy, also deals with transmutation. Nuclear transmutation, the conversion of one element or nuclide into another, has revolutionized the modern understanding of the universe. The ability to transmute elements has reshaped the modern global landscape, both literally and figuratively.

Philosophy, the pursuit of wisdom and understanding, explores transmutation in a more abstract sense. It seeks to grasp the nature of reality and the meaning of life, inquiring into the possibility of transforming mental states, moral values, and spiritual realities.

Plato, for instance, believed that the human soul could ascend from the realm of shadows to the realm of forms through intellectual and moral purification. This journey of self-improvement and enlightenment is central to many philosophical traditions. In Eastern thought, the cycle of suffering can be transcended through meditation, ethical practice, and spiritual growth.

And this last philosophical definition of transmutation comes closest to what inner alchemy is. And really, sadly, this is all that it can be in this modern time, a philosophy. But this is a crime because inner alchemy and its methods of transmutation are infinitely practical and they are so much more than mere mental abstraction. But cycles must play out as they must, and this is a cycle of time where outer focus and materialism are the only thing that matters. This is a cycle of time that is focused almost completely on a narrow form of mechanical reason. It is a human cycle that cannot see what is hidden before its eyes in the odd angles and the liminal spaces that inner alchemy and its version of transmutation dares to explore.

Understanding transmutation is critical in the late phase of this rational and material cognitive cycle. However, the modern world has alienated us from the spiritual or inner reality, making it difficult to understand transmutation. So, one way to understand it is through the distinction between the outer alchemy of the rational and purely physical world, and the inner alchemy of the un-manifest and the manifested, which is far more powerful and explained in detail in the book “The Art of Transmutation“.

Outer alchemy involves working with physical substances to create supposedly tangible transformations. Inner alchemy, on the other hand, involves working with intangible substances, such as thoughts, the inner feeling sense, and intention, to create lasting transformations of a highly practical nature that can be more precious than any purely material substance or aspiration.

The outer alchemy of the physical world is governed by the strict and narrow rational laws of physics and chemistry, which seem impossibly rigid and unalterable to the point that transmutation seems like a fantasy. However, the transmutation of inner alchemy, of the un-manifest and the manifested, operates according to different rules, where the limitations of the cage of the physical world do not apply. Here, inner alchemists can tap into the infinite possibilities of the universe, using their minds and intentions to shape reality and manifest their desires.

Through the practice of inner alchemy, individuals can transcend the life and death routine of the average person, reaching true freedom and eventual immortality. By learning to manipulate the building blocks of reality, inner alchemists can create a world that reflects their highest desires and goals. They can overcome the limitations of space and time, achieving feats that would be considered impossible in the physical world.

Transmutation is a powerful concept that holds the key to unlocking true freedom and immortality. Through the practice of inner alchemy, individuals can tap into the infinite possibilities of the universe, transforming themselves and their surroundings in ways that are thought impossible by modern reason. Whether we choose to embrace this path is ultimately up to us, but for those who dare to dream big and go beyond the cage of the modern cycle, the art of transmutation offers a roadmap to achieving the impossible!


Key concepts:

  • Transmutation: This is the process of changing one element into another. While it has been dismissed as pseudoscience, the concept of transmutation is more relevant today than ever.
  • Relevance: Transmutation is relevant today because it challenges our understanding of the natural world and the limits of science.
  • Materialism: Our ultra-materialistic time is characterized by an emphasis on the physical world and a skepticism of anything that cannot be measured or observed with the physical senses.
  • Outer focus: The focus on the external world has led to a neglect of the inner world of thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
  • Skeptic secularism: This is a worldview that is skeptical of anything that cannot be proven by science. It is characterized by a rejection of religion and spirituality.
  • Cognitive and physical prison: The emphasis on materialism and skepticism has led to a world that is focused on the physical and neglects the inner world. This has created a cognitive and physical prison that limits our understanding of the world and ourselves.

I am very happy to announce that I my new book. The Art of Transmutation is published!

Thank you for your kind patience and your support. It is my great hope that you find this book both entertaining and illuminating in the ways of inner alchemy and personal transformation. It’s a story that explores the way of transmutation and inner alchemy from the perspective of a teacher and student. What is highly unique is that it is the first book of its kind that I have written in a story format, following the adventures and misadventures of an alchemist’s apprentice (Janos) and his teacher (the shadowed man).

Here is a version of the book description for you to look through:


Immerse yourself in the incredible journey of a young man who dares to push the boundaries of the material world and discovers that transmutation and infinite prosperity are not mere fantasies but attainable possibilities for us all.

Janos always sensed that there must be more to the mundane world around him, but trapped in poverty, and without access to greater knowledge, he felt resigned to his fate—until an encounter with an enigmatic mentor allows him to glimpse beyond the facade of our everyday world and initiates him onto the path of inner alchemy.

In The Art of Transmutation, the first book of The Amaranthine Chronicles, this mysterious stranger reveals to Janos the existence of the Spirit, an enigmatic force that serves as the source of all transmutation and which persistently calls upon us to pay attention, to ‘see’ and partake in the hidden magical world that surrounds us.

Finding that he must push past his doubts and prove to himself the truth of his dark teacher’s words, Janos begins his journey, not outward, but inward through the labyrinthine corridors of his own mind, beyond physical time and space. Along the way he unravels hidden truths and uses his newfound knowledge to transform his life.

The Art of Transmutation invites you to witness and learn from his extraordinary tale and initiate the process of your own inner and outer transformation, to gain direct knowledge of manifestation, personal power, and the extraordinary potential that exists within you.

As the author of this fusion of story and mysticism, John Kreiter draws upon years of experience as an occultist and explorer of the human psyche. A practicing alchemist himself, Kreiter is able to pull back the curtain and share the lessons of the Spirit.

Prepare to be inspired, to challenge the world you know, and to embark on your own odyssey of self-discovery and abundance. Your journey starts here, within the pages of The Art of Transmutation. Will you answer the call of the Spirit?

Perhaps one of the most interesting dualities of the human species is our ability to be great engineers and scientists on the one hand, but our utter inability on the other hand to fully understand and implement personally, individually, in our lives, those discoveries that we make as a potentially quite logical and creative species.

In this modern age we can see the great advancements made by humanity in the technological arena. All you need to do is look around and see the great technological marvels that humanity has created in order to try and better its life condition. Our houses, our cars, our bridges, our computers, our growing prowess at creating functional navigation systems, that are even beginning to break free from the great gravity of this planet. There is genius in us, true magic that is able to pull from the ether the great spark of creation, and that is then able to logically, sequentially, with great discernment, and with a deep knowledge of the laws inherent in our dimensional reality, our logic, put together incredibly complex machines, cause and effect droids of ever-growing complexity that are even developing a kind of  self-understanding, which are beginning to allow us to challenge many of the barriers that have imprisoned us to the inherent dimensional laws of this physical dimension .

And yet, for all that incredible engineering prowess, we seem to find it impossible, or at the very least very hard and seemingly beyond our current mental understanding, to be able to use that same engineering prowess to be able to fix ourselves, fix our own flawed psyches. We seem to be a species that can create incredibly advanced transportation vehicles for example, that can carry us across land sea and air, that are beginning to develop a kind of artificial intelligence so that in the future they may even be able to drive themselves anywhere, and yet how odd it is that we need those vehicles to drive themselves not just because this is more convenient, but because of a seeming flaw in us that makes us petty, cruel at times, frightened, and basically dangerous to ourselves and others. An odd inherent nature within us that can cause us to do the silliest things, that can cause strife upon ourselves and others, that seems to impel us to take those vehicles and abuse them, and use them to cause pain upon ourselves and others. We seem to need to be rescued, to rescue ourselves from ourselves with our technology. That is the conundrum, we are a species that has the potential to create marvels when that spark of genius is harnessed properly, which can be a difficult thing in and of itself because of that pettiness in us, that need for profit and domination, that inherent psychological stupidity in us. We are a creative and intelligent species, but we can at times use those windows of technological opportunity, those sparks of genius, to create more strife and dark dominion over ourselves and our fellow beings, instead of doing the truly logical thing, the truly worthy thing of such marvellous engineers, which is to break free of all bonds, even the bonds of dark egoism, and strive evermore for new vistas, new challenges worthy of us.

Part of that engineering marble and magic for example tells us, has proven to us, that there is this inherent transmutation that is happening to all things on this planet. That this progressive transmutation might be easier to perceive in biological organisms like ourselves, but that it seems that all of the things on this planet are in a constant state of transmutation, of motion and change, of manifestation towards different states, most often times more refined states. As our technological and logical structures have grown in complexity, we have started to call such a thing evolution, and due to that same increase in our ability to understand more and more complex logical structures, we have let go of the simplistic ideas about how that evolution happens through simple natural selection, and have begun to understand that evolution, something which inner alchemists call transmutation, is the result of very complex open systems, mathematically chaotic systems, that contribute in allowing for certain potentially favorable changes that can happen generationally or within the lifetime of a certain individual structure, and that these changes are not happening to just biological organisms, but that they are also happening to the geology and the cosmology of our physically perceived universe.

Now, there are of course many diverging theories as to how this transmutation happens. From a purely physics point of view, there is such a thing as entropy which erroneously, at least in accordance with the direct energetic perceptions of inner alchemists, posits that our great universe is a closed system and that everything is moving slowly from order to disorder, or from an agitated state that is full of energy, to a state that is slowly losing energy and agitation.

Inner alchemists can see that this universe is not a closed system and that we are constantly gaining and losing energy across dimensions, that are themselves access points and accessed by dimensions that are more dynamic still, so that there is not only energy leaving the system but also great quantities of energy being introduced into this system, meaning that at least in accordance to inner alchemists, there is no such thing as some quiet end for the universe, but that the universe is indeed cyclic and multidimensional, with constant and never-ending bursts of creation and vacuums of annihilation.

According to modern theories of physical reality, and according to the perceptions of inner alchemy, evolution is happening now, and it is happening to all matter. The difference between inner alchemy and modern theory, modern science, is that one posits that there is a never-ending cycle and the possibility to transmute even beyond this dimension, while the other posits that this is a closed system that must eventually come to a grey goop like finality.



In order to simplify this video from a theory of change perspective, so as not to make this video a debate about the nature of evolution or transmutation, I can say that from the inner alchemists perspective only, we are indeed evolving, that we are transmuting into a finer essence from an energetic point of view, but that the nature of that transmutation is a complex one involving many components, some of which cannot be perceived physically, even by current physical instrumentation, and that due to the complexity of these counteracting forces, the great pressures brought to bear upon humanity are incredibly powerful, diverse, beyond calculation at times, and intricate beyond current models. Like a cauldron generating massive amounts of heat and pressure, this complex system that is forging us into a finer essence of ourselves has the potential to destroy us as well, it has the potential to create a finer essence of us, and it also has the potential to revert us back to a coarser essence.

Let me begin by explaining what the nature of this transmutation, this evolution, means for us as a human species in accordance with the seeing of inner alchemists. Through their seeing, that is through their ability to see energy directly as it flows across the Dark Sea, inner alchemists can know directly in that fashion that the transmutation, the evolution of humanity, involves the ability of the individual and the mass of the species to be able to move across the complexity of the systems that it is a part of, and in doing so gain complexity itself, which means gaining the ability to become more aware and be able to have greater ability to work with energy. Using terminology that might be understood by both inner alchemists and my readers that are aware of some of the techniques used by inner alchemy, this next big step in evolution can be interpreted as moving from what could be referred to as the third room to the fourth room of the projectionist, as a quite conscious and physical operating theatre for humanity.

To define this in a more precise way, you might say that humanity is moving from understanding itself as being a three-dimensional object within a three dimensionally perceived space, which we can classify as a simple three-dimensional cube, the third room of the projectionist, to a fourth dimensional fluidity, a new room, a new kind of cube that can break free and move beyond just three dimensions, and into a fourth one. This fourth dimensional fluidity means that, such an individual can go from knowing themselves as being a three dimensional being, an object, within a certain point in space and time, in accordance with that dimensional understanding of a three-dimensional object, to a being that can begin to understand that there are more dimensions than just three, and that the next dimension available to it, the fourth dimension, is time. And that within this new dimensional paradigm that opens up as the fourth room, such a being, and the mass of the species, is able to go beyond the constrictions of three dimensions and begin to incorporate time as a new dimension, that it can manipulate within, with greater and greater fluidity.

We are a whole unit, this means that we are not just physicality, and we are not just psychology, but we are the sum of both, and of course, in accordance with the direct knowing of inner alchemists, we are far more than this due to the energetic fact that we are multidimensional beings that have barely begun to understand just how big we are inside. But going back to the general focus of this video, which is the next step in human evolutionary transmutation, I can describe the nature of this next becoming, as being the ability of the human species to apply its ever-growing understanding of time within the machinations of an expanded understanding of causality, and apply that understanding to itself, to its psychology as a collective and as individuals.

This increased causal understanding and complexity, which can be perceived outwardly, in a physical fashion as advancements in technological power, as we humans keep moving forward due to an ever quickening technological revolution, these technological advancements must and do begin to expand the psychology of the species, being that our perceptions of space and time are expanding with increasing rapidity. We can take a plane and travel across half the globe, and in a matter of hours thanks to that technology, find ourselves in a vastly different position in space and time. This now possible experience can challenge classical human psychology and does indeed demand a mental evolutionary leap. As we use now easily accessible digital devices, and use one to contact someone that is far away from us, we are instantly transported that way to new locations, new times, new experiences that were impossible for humanity in the recent past, and again traditional psychology cannot account for this new spatial freedom, and must develop new compartments as it were, new modalities and models, internal and as yet unmeasured processes, to be able to deal with this growing expansion of experience; the ever growing information that the modern self has access to.

The creative spark of humanity seems to know no bounds, and this spark is increasing the complexity of our technological development at a cumulative rate. These are the outward manifestations of forces that have an inner origin, and these forces are speeding up, there is a quickening that is happening now. As these forces speed up, they are bringing humanity to a cusp where this understanding not only evolves the nature of our psychology, but also is beginning to transmute, to unlock, deep inner structures within us that are also beginning to make changes in the brain, in our biology, that will make the perception of the direct flow of time more and more possible as this quickening hits a kind of singularity point.

Such an ability to perceive time in a more direct manner has always been a recessive capability in us to a degree, and it is indeed the case that all evolutionary possibilities available to humanity are recessive within us right now. Certain individuals that might have been termed psychic, or genius, have always been around in small numbers and they do point to the potential in us, that will become accessible to us as our technology and our evolving psychology push us to new heights. The ability to perceive the flow of time in a more direct and multidimensional manner has always been with us, and it will be possible for us to perceive and work with time in the future, in the same way that it is possible for us to now perceive clearly a physical cup, that might have been placed on a table in three-dimensional space before us, and move and manipulate that three dimensionally stable object. This recessive ability to perceive and work with the flow of time can be seen in a rare few for example, and those people have always held a special status within human culture, being called seers, prophets, the genius, crackpots perhaps, or those touched by the gods.

Currently, the mass of humanity has bound itself to only three dimensions. As such it sees itself as an object, as a stationary and stable hard thing placed within a three-dimensional coordinate that is bound to those three dimensions, an object that has one moment of inception and one moment of termination.

But there is the possibility of an evolution beyond the three dimensions, beyond the one here and now perspective only, and it is that jump beyond those three-dimensional coordinate points into a fourth dimension, into the fourth room, which will make available the coordinate of time, that will represent the next major step in evolutionary human psychology, and then bring about actual physical change in the biological brain of the species. This psychological change by the way has already begun.

Due to the fact that in the recent past we have referred to the ability to see the flow of time as being either just outright delusion, or when we are being more charitable as being psychic, as an occult ability, it is easy to dismiss the nature of this coming transmutation as impossible or highly unlikely, due to the fact that being stuck within three dimensions, the fourth dimension of time while perceivable to some degree, seems from that three dimensional point of view to be something completely out of human possibility. We may now no time and measure time, use the measure of time far more effectively than we might have 50 years ago, 100 years ago, or a thousand years ago, but what is to come is far beyond this using of time as a ruler to understand possible probability. As such, it becomes easy to dismiss the already expanding psychological evolution and understanding of relative time that has already begun, that has begun to expand the complexities of our human logic due to our advancements in technological prowess. But it is the case that this rapidity in technological advancement is already changing people far more than some might suspect, and indeed the psychology of the race is permanently changed due to the technological advances mentioned. And as this new psychology evolves, these new psychological transmutations will become so complex and groundbreaking from a mental point of view, that the nature of the human cerebral changes that are happening now and will continue to happen will be beyond doubt, and it will be at that point, with this ever quickening physiological development, that modern scientists will finally admit to and begin to easily measure using their acceptable instrumentation of the times, the mental and physiological changes in the race, as new hormonal levels will be established and hitherto unused organs within the brain will seem to become active to one degree or another.

That rational monkey mind that I speak of at times, which is the greatest gravity, the greatest downward pressure that is affecting the evolution of the human species, which I have also termed the cloud of the Archon, makes it very difficult to discuss the nature of this evolution, especially if we are to describe it in the only way possible, which at this time in history may involve such occult terms as psychic, precognition, or multiple personalities even. But nevertheless, it is this understanding of time and the ability to work with time in a more direct fashion, in a flowing multiple states fashion, which to the inner alchemist represents a functional movement into the fourth room, that is the basis of the next step in human evolution.

We are quite simply moving from the third room of the projectionist to the fourth room in a way, and by doing so we are letting go of not only our psychological idea of us being objects within a limited three-dimensional space, but also our very limited idea of our ego self. Now, it is very important for me to point out that this has nothing to do with the loss of our currently perceived individuality, being that individuality does continue, indeed it expands to a far greater level than it is now understood. So, in that sense individuality is not lost, instead the nature of the ego is expanded upon, and that ego that has flourished in three dimensional space, in the third room of the projectionist, is not left behind, but it is allowed to expand far beyond current possibilities, so that in some ways it is able to pursue not just one but a number of possible potential futures, that is it is able to pursue multiple timelines at once in a way, it can access multiple space-time coordinates simultaneously. It can begin to see also that the blurring between the subjective and the objective are illusions, and that the inside of us has more connection to the outer physical world than we might have suspected.

And as the individuality expands in this fashion, a new ego develops that is far more flexible and can begin to partake in multiple lines of potentiality at the same time, and in this way perceive the flow of time, work with it, and use that new psychological and indeed biological development that is coming, to move into new dimensional territory that has hitherto been impossible for most of the species to even conceive of.

But as I have said, all transmutation holds within it risk. All evolution posits that while some may evolve, others may be left behind or may even devolve in a certain fashion. And as such this new apocalypse, this new revelation that is happening, this quickening that can be perceived by the physical senses as the increasingly creative spark within humanity to develop new forms of technology, that has to some who understand the doubling and the flow of information been referred to as the coming singularity, will mean that some of us will go through into a new dimensional possibility, into a fourth room, while many others may choose not to go in this direction, or may choose to go in this direction but in a different fashion, a more technological fashion that may mean digital cerebral augmentation as opposed to purely biological change. This does not mean some annihilation, some typical science-fiction war or doom, but simply a separation, a true separation of the species as some move in one direction while others choose to follow another. And that separation will not even be perceived at all by most, because using the physical senses alone that separation which has already started, will only be apparent as a long and gradual transition away from the gravity of the planet itself, first as a spacefaring race and then is a multidimensional one.

And yes, indeed this transmutation from the third to the fourth room has happened before, many times before in accordance with the direct perceptions, the direct knowing of inner alchemists, and it will continue to happen in the form of cycles, cycles that the species has gone through and will continue to go through over and over again. These are the cycles of transmutation, the cycles of time and change, and perhaps may be best understood as the Yuga cycles in Hindu cosmology or the Maya cycles of time, the long count calendar.

If you would like to know more about the nature of the forces that are causing this transmutation, this evolution, that are at times helping and at other times hindering, that is applying pressure and ultimately in one way or another therefore helping to create a finer essence out of the human race, forces that I have sometimes referred to as the dark cloud of the Archon, I would suggest the trilogy of course books that are made up of the magnum opus, the way of the projectionist, and the way of the death defier. In those course books, I will not only explain the nature of this paradigm of transmutation in accordance with the way of inner alchemy, but also explain in step-by-step detail how the rooms of the projectionist work, and how they can lead to new dimensional possibilities even beyond the next step in human mass evolution, into even more expanded possibilities beyond physicality altogether, past the life-and-death cycle. I will leave a link to this trilogy of course books in the video description below.