Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

Belief and faith can move mountains, but they can also cause natural disasters. I always wonder how much certain individuals think about this. I mean, all those people who believe or are at least willing to try to begin believing that thoughts have power and that certain intentions, especially if they are held unyielding over time, can change reality, can alter the objective reality all around us.

For those who are willing to believe, do they realize that this means that everything in the objective world, in the physical world that they see around them, is the result of their thoughts and intentions? This quite literally means that we create the weather, and I have tried to bring this to light in the past through articles such as ‘the true hockey stick in the equation’

In this article, I attempted to highlight the possibility that the great instability people have been observing in the weather lately may not be directly caused by human physical interference, but rather the result of the increased human population and the cumulative thoughts and intentions of billions of individuals.
We create our reality through our thoughts and intentions. On an individual level, we are accountable for the world we perceive, and have the possibility to choose every moment what we will experience next. However, on a mass scale, the aggregate sum of human thought and intention contributes to shaping the environment, and we are directly responsible for the world that unfolds as a result.
What a daunting statement in one sense. And yet, at the same time, it is also a liberating and incredibly empowering declaration. If you are truly willing to accept the fact that you create your own reality, then you must acknowledge that the collective reality shared by all humanity on this planet is also your responsibility to some extent.

Just like a raindrop that, on its own, might not realize it’s part of a hurricane, you exist as a unique and separate water bubble falling from the sky. Since you create your reality from the very center of your being, you, in that sense, stand at the center of all creation. You can, from that individual moment, choose to perceive and be a part of a joyful reality free of pollution and natural disasters. However, such movements and directions in an individual’s life do indeed become more challenging if one finds themselves surrounded by people who are dogmatically insistent on seeing only the worst.

The large majority of the world is not prepared to accept the fact that they create their own reality through their thoughts and intentions. As a result, they refuse to take responsibility for the myriad of thoughts that go through their minds throughout their day. Just imagine how many thoughts you have in one day; try to keep track of the general nature of these thoughts.

Keeping track of every single thought is, from the average person’s point of view, impossible; however, you can try to pay attention to your moods, and by doing so, you can get a general sense of the nature of your thoughts throughout your day. With a little bit of effort, you may realize that many of your thoughts, perhaps because they are so influenced by the social media around you, may be quite negative. Others might find that they tend to have a more positive attitude. Whatever the case, contemplate at least the general trend of your thoughts and in this way discover, generally speaking, the underlying current that you might be part of.

Think about the general nature of your thoughts. Think about the thousands of thoughts that you might have in one day, and then imagine all the people around you and the thousands of thoughts that they have. Consider all the thoughts that you might have in this day as a kind of general intention or intent, like a current that leads in one direction generally. Then notice how, in this sense, every single person around you is following a general intent or reality of their own. But being that your own reality attracts you to people who share your reality, again generally speaking, then using the metaphor I have tried to stick to thus far, you are like a raindrop that can slowly move itself across a vast sky and become part of different currents as it falls unerringly from the sky.

In that way, then, you create the weather patterns around you by being part of a general current. The sum of your thoughts throughout your day moves you in certain directions and attracts you to others who share the same general intent as you. Together, you create a current that is quite literally a kind of weather pattern, and you exist within the cumulative intention that you have all created together.

Your beliefs and faith do not only create the good things in your life but also the unpleasant things as well. And on a mass level, you create not only a splendid day and clear skies, but you also participate in creating the chaos all around you.

And you might ask yourself, what am I to do with all this information? I mean, I can’t change the thoughts of others and what they are willing to believe. I am stuck where I am.

This may seem physically true at the moment, in accordance with your outer physical senses, but you do have the possibility of moving the current of your existence. This does not mean a physical or external move, but it quite literally begins as an internal action. What I mean by this is that, as an individual droplet of water, you must start from the very center of the universe, which is the very center of your being, and begin to control the nature of your current of thoughts. In doing so, you will begin a slow and inevitable move away from any current that you do not want to be part of, and in that way, move internally before any kind of external move can take place.
It may be difficult for you, depending on where you find yourself at the moment. This is something that is seldom discussed by people who believe in the power of thought to create reality, but the truth is that if you are in the midst of a current of very negative people, then moving away from that current will be harder for you. The intent of others does indeed affect you, and going against the current of what you might perceive to be the world can be difficult in the beginning. You must stand firm in your own beliefs and ideas in the midst of the intention of others. And like a lowly little droplet trying to push its way across a windy sky, you will have to steel your intent and focus on the new reality that you want until you can slowly move in a new direction.

Again, this is an internal action, rather than an external one. What I mean by this is that you do not need to physically move per se; instead, what you need to do is physically move internally. If you believe in the power of thought to change reality, then you must begin there. You must change your thoughts – the thousands of thoughts you have throughout the day – and, in doing so, change the general intent of your life. This sounds challenging at first, but this is the only true change possible. You are a remarkable being, with the potential to move in the direction you desire, even in the face of great adversity. However, that change will not come from without, and it does not involve any kind of bizarre physical or external action. Instead, you must begin from within because this is the only place where you will truly see any positive and lasting change.

As you change your current thoughts and beliefs, you will see changes externally manifesting as well. You might not physically move at all, but you may find that many disasters affecting the world no longer affect you as much. A kind of momentum will start building within you, and this internal momentum will propel you – in an impossibly hard-to-define way – to a place where even in the midst of chaos, you remain unaffected by it. It is possible that, over time, you may find yourself physically moving into the best situation for you.

This world has the possibility of being hell on earth or a true heaven. This is the secret and revelation – hell is here, heaven is here. They are just a breath away; they are just a turn of the head away. It is up to you to choose what you will be a part of, but that choice is not some kind of physical conflict; instead, it is an internal action where you begin to slowly take stock of your inner reality and begin to change yourself from the inside out – always moving in the direction you want to go. There is no judgment here, nor any horrible intent browbeating you to tell you exactly what you’re supposed to do according to whatever dogma. Instead, there is freedom to do whatever you desire. And in doing so, you will discover that your greatest bliss will bring about a positive change to the entire world.
There are many ways and techniques to begin this change within yourself. I encourage you to explore your personal impulses and seek out those techniques that work best for you. As an inner alchemist, I personally prefer the techniques that are part of my current practice. I have written extensively on this kind of inner alchemy of reality, specifically in books such as ‘Overcoming the Archon through Alchemy.’ I would highly recommend that book to you if you’re interested in understanding the nature of your reality – that lowly raindrop falling from the sky. There, you will find ways to understand the currents of which I speak, and also ways to move in your own individual direction.


  1. This article is great for being in touch with the bigger picture of personal responsibility. I’ve experienced the truth of these things playing out in the past during my years of changes and can see clearly the roots of my current situation that evolved out of what I had to do to escape the place I trapped myself in while facing the realities revealed during the “Great Pandemic”, which was the challenge that finally helped me to accept the world as it is instead of thinking I had to help save it somehow.

    A lot about my life right now is good, the best place I’ve had things since I started to take responsibility for myself and my life fully, to be honest, but I am still aware of things that are friction to my path or unsatisfying in my daily living, in particular to do with any type of socializing as I have many situational ties to people that are honoured occasionally, but leave me unhappy with what I align myself with to allow them to keep happening. I believe there will always be a need to interact with people I feel no alignment with to some degree, and how that is done can prevent a loss of energy or lead to absorbing a gain, but when these type of interactions are the only ones I have, which includes to some degree the people I live with even, I feel a desire for some sort of change. I’ve always longed for some level of community that feels aligned with my interests, dispositions and passions, but seem to have never changed the parts of my thoughts that have kept this not present in my life, other than the couple of times I have guided a few people through some of the ways I tackled hurdles in path. The direct focus of this article is giving me some inspiration to find where internally this change can be made and which methods I might use to try and shift things along side the fundamental shift in beliefs/monologue. I started a new round of belief work from Magnum Opus chapter 2, and the right inquiry and contemplations about beliefs around the three topics in the exercise seem like they can lead me in the right direction, as they have done previously.

    1. Thank you very much for sharing this Derek. I think it’s a lovely post that resonates with me and I’m sure it will resonate with many people that read this article and these comment posts, in time.

  2. This week was the week my IN polarity came into greater awareness, and it feels fantastic. Sometimes I get chills down my spine, sometimes there’s a cold presence around my arms. Both are difficult sensations to maintain for now but I can feel the energy like sharp filaments. Last night I also felt energetic digestion a fact. Right when I was fighting sleep on my couch I pulled with my awareness and felt the energy travel to my cauldron. Imagining a cold, toothless smile greatly helped with this.
    If it wasn’t for your guidance and human red flags, I wouldn’t have persisted in developing my claws. I just started pushing OUT towards wealth and, a unique position fell into my mother’s lap so at least she’ll be asking me for less money.

  3. Hi John, great article!

    I doggedly insisted that I deserve a better paid job at a higher level than the one I was at and with less amount of work. Also I wished to spend some time alone from my partner.
    I received an offer for a job on an island. I had no previous experience at this level and I found the job actually entails less work, is very well paid and I get along well with my colleagues. I have spent several weeks away from my partner and I already miss him (LOL).
    The issue is I have a very strong feeling of rejection of this place. I had nightmares on several occasions dreaming that I found people in my house that I didn’t want to be there and in the end I argued and fought with them and kicked them out.
    My awareness level feels like it’s affected – hard to say if it’s from the stress or from the island itself. It’s like something it’s pressing on me from all sides. Or it’s like a fog that’s trying to come in and ‘I’ have to stay inside myself at all times so that nothing else has room to come in.
    Overall, I ‘manifested’ what I wanted (including some conflicting desires related to my partner), but there is an unexpected element that I don’t think I can handle. There are so many elements that I wanted to come together and so difficult to achieve (all related to the job) and they are here. But I feel I don’t want to be here. I was very conflicted. I worked to create this and now to abandon it? I can’t ‘see’ what’s preventing me from being here, but I feel I cannot tolerate it, so I decided I won’t stay. Today one of my colleagues explained to me how I can discuss with the management to get an even better deal so I won’t go. It’s like somebody is saying ‘look, this is everything you asked for, so why are you leaving?’ Exactly, why? 😃 I’m not asking you to answer this question, but I’m puzzled. I don’t often have the opportunity to give up ‘everything I’ve asked for ‘, but in this place I feel ‘restricted’.



    1. Thank you very much for sharing and being so candid. These are definitely personal issues that you must deal with yourself as you know all too well, and they all are the result of certain beliefs that you hold that then go about altering the nature of what you receive. By exploring your reality and your feelings and it that way uncovering those beliefs that you hold, and changing the ones that don’t suit you, you can eventually refine your transmutational work so that eventually you can get exactly what you want.
      That being said, this is an outcome that becomes very common to all of us when we become powerful alchemists. We get what we want but there’s always something that isn’t quite right. My personal opinion is that the best way to look at this is just as a learning process, allowing you to learn to further refine your manifestational process.

  4. John, I ask myself this question. The lost energy is still available even if the incident happened in the past. My question is how does the great archon digest this energy because his digestive system is not organic like organic beings that produce waste.

    1. This is I really great question but it is one that is really difficult to answer easily.I would have to start by saying that the term ‘waste’ is problematic because from any point of view really, whether it is physical or energetic, waste does not exist. Everything turns into something else and that something else has a use. With non-organic beings such a change happens as well but it does not involve a digestive system as we might understand physically. Certain energies are absorbed and the impetus(power) from that absorbed energy becomes the catalyst for new functions.
      As these new functions happen using that energy that has been absorbed, changes in that energy occur and that energy itself is altered. Frequencies change.
      And the energy that now has new frequencies due to this kind of non-organic digestion, becomes the catalyst and the food for different forms of existence somewhere else; the waste created by the Archon becomes useful to other things. I hope you can understand what I’m trying to say, it is a process that is mirrored by our physical idea of digestion and chemistry but one that is far more subtle and dynamic and difficult to put into words. To put it in the most simple terms that I can think of, the Archon eats like we eat and in its digestion creates a waste that then becomes useful in other spheres.

      In reply to your main question: The past does not exist, it is just a slight frequency alteration of what could be termed a spacious present. This means that all things exist at once now, the past is an illusion.
      The Archon feeds on that energy that is in the spacious present (whether you perceive it as the past, present, or future) and in a certain sense you might say it delights in the many variations that are brought about by every possible change in probability, because the past is evolving as much as the present (the past continues after we have lived it, creating its own probabilities). But for all the gluttony of the Atchon, it cannot consume everything and it instead, (hopefully you will allow me this metaphor), it eats the cream off the top of everything. That then means that there is always a foundation left; the Archon just wants the cream for the most part, and it is that ‘foundational event energy’ that is re-absorbed by the inner alchemist.
      I hope that makes sense, that is a tough one to put into words:)

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