Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

Taoist alchemy is an ancient practice that has been shrouded in mystery for centuries. Yet, beneath its cryptic surface lies a profound system of mental, physical, and spiritual disciplines designed to awaken the full potential of the human being. This intricate web of practices is rooted in the Taoist tradition, which seeks to harmonize the individual with the natural world and attain unity with the cosmos.

As we dig into the realm of Taoist alchemy, it becomes clear that this system is not merely a collection of techniques or exercises, but rather a comprehensive approach to spiritual growth and self-discovery. The practice of Taoist alchemy involves a deep understanding of the intricate relationships between the microcosm (the individual) and the macrocosm (the universe). By aligning oneself with the rhythms and patterns of nature, one can tap into the hidden forces that govern our existence.

The language of Taoist alchemy is replete with mysterious terminology borrowed from astrology, numerology, and metallurgical alchemy. The concept of ” Inner Alchemy” (Neidan in Chinese) refers to the process of transforming one’s inner nature through meditation and spiritual practices. This transformation is likened to the art of metallurgical alchemy, where base metals are transmuted into gold. Similarly, Taoist alchemists seek to transmute the base metals of human consciousness, such as fear, anger, and ignorance, into the refined gold of wisdom, compassion, and enlightenment.

This guide will take you through seven key meditation techniques rooted in ancient Taoist alchemy. We’ll examine the principles behind this practice, exploring the interconnectedness of the microcosm and macrocosm that shape our reality. By understanding the fundamental concepts of Taoist alchemy, you can unlock your inner potential and cultivate a sense of inner peace in a chaotic world.

## 7 Transformative Taoist Alchemy Techniques

1. ‘Breath Cultivation: The Gateway to Unlocking Vital Energy’

The ancient art of Taoist alchemy begins with the humblest of practices – breath cultivation. This technique is often overlooked as a mere exercise in respiratory control, but it holds the key to unlocking the fundamental forces that govern our existence. By focusing on deep, rhythmic breathing for example, we can cultivate vital energy (chi) and promote inner balance.

The practice of breath cultivation is rooted in the concept of chi, the life-force that animates all living beings. Chi is often described as a subtle, invisible energy that flows through the body along specific pathways, or meridians. When this energy is balanced and flowing freely, we experience optimal health, vitality, and mental clarity. Conversely, when chi becomes stagnant or imbalanced, we may suffer from physical and emotional ailments.

Breath cultivation offers a simple yet powerful means of manipulating chi to achieve balance and harmony. By regulating our breathing patterns, we can influence the flow of energy within our bodies, allowing us to tap into the hidden reservoirs of vitality that lie dormant beneath the surface.

The key to successful breath cultivation lies in the subtle art of coordination between the body, mind, and spirit. As we breathe in, we must imagine fresh, vital energy entering our bodies, nourishing our cells, and revitalizing our entire being. Conversely, as we exhale, we should envision stagnant or negative energy leaving our bodies, making room for the influx of new vitality.

As you practice breath cultivation, it is essential to develop patience, persistence, and mindfulness. The practice requires a gentle yet consistent approach, much like the steady flow of a river carving its path through the landscape. With regular practice, we can begin to notice subtle changes in our physical and emotional states, as well as shifts in our mental clarity and overall sense of well-being.

But breath cultivation is more than just a technique for physical health; it is also a gateway to unlocking deeper spiritual truths. By attuning ourselves to the rhythms of the breath, we can begin to tap into the mysteries of the universe, revealing hidden patterns and connections that lie beneath the surface of our everyday reality. As we deepen our understanding of breath cultivation, we may discover that this seemingly simple practice holds the key to unlocking the very fabric of existence itself.

2. ‘Microcosmic Orbit Meditation: Harmonizing Yin and Yang Forces’

The ancient art of Taoist alchemy continues with the powerful technique of Microcosmic Orbit Meditation. This practice is based on the fundamental principle that our bodies are composed of two primary energies, yin and yang, which must be balanced in order to achieve harmony and vitality.

Yin energy represents the receptive, passive, and cool aspects of our being, while yang energy embodies the creative, active, and warm aspects. When these forces are out of balance, we may experience a range of physical, emotional, and mental ailments.

Microcosmic Orbit Meditation offers a simple yet effective means of harmonizing yin and yang energies within our bodies. This technique involves visualizing energy circulating through the body’s main energy channels, or meridians, which are believed to be connected to specific organs and systems.

The practice begins with a deep relaxation, followed by a visualization of energy entering the body through the crown of the head and flowing downward to the perineum (the point between the anus and genitals). From there, the energy is visualized as rising upward through the spine and exiting the body through the crown of the head, creating a continuous loop.

As we cultivate this flow of energy, we can begin to experience a sense of balance and harmony within our bodies. The yin energies become nourished and replenished, while the yang energies are invigorated and strengthened.

But Microcosmic Orbit Meditation is more than just a technique for balancing body and mind; it also holds the key to unlocking deeper spiritual truths. By harmonizing yin and yang forces within ourselves, we can begin to tap into the mysteries of the universe, revealing hidden patterns and connections that lie beneath the surface of our everyday reality.

As we deepen our understanding of Microcosmic Orbit Meditation, we may discover that this seemingly simple practice holds the power to awaken dormant energies within us, allowing us to access higher states of consciousness and connect with the very fabric of existence itself.

3. ‘Inner Smile Meditation’: Unlocking the Secret to Healing from Within

‘Inner Smile Meditation’, is an interesting practice his that holds the key to harnessing the most potent energy source within us: our own loving attention. By directing this inner warmth towards our internal organs, we can awaken a profound sense of balance and harmony, leading to both physical and emotional healing.

The concept may seem simple, yet the implications are far-reaching. Imagine, if you will, that your very essence is comprised of two fundamental forces: love and light. As you cultivate an inner smile – a gentle, warm glow in the depths of your being – this loving energy begins to radiate outward, nourishing every cell, tissue, and organ within your body.

Through this meditation, we can restore balance to our internal ecosystem, allowing our organs to function at optimal levels. The heart, once the seat of emotions, becomes a beacon of compassion and empathy. The lungs, now free from congestion and stress, breathe in the pure essence of life. The liver, no longer burdened by toxins, detoxifies with ease. And the kidneys, once stagnant, begin to flow with renewed vitality.

But the benefits extend far beyond the physical realm. As we focus on cultivating this inner smile, our emotional landscape transforms as well. Anxiety and fear dissolve like mist in the morning sun, replaced by a sense of calm and serenity. Our thoughts become clearer, more focused, and less prone to the whims of negative emotions.

In this state, we transcend the boundaries of our individual selves, connecting with the universal flow of love that underlies all existence. It is as if we have awakened to the truth that we are not just isolated beings, but parts of a vast interconnected universe.
So, take a moment to gaze inward, and let your inner smile shine forth like a beacon in the darkness.

4. ‘Golden Elixir Visualization’: The Secret to Unlocking Your Inner Essence

The subtle art of Golden Elixir Visualization holds the key to unlocking the deepest secrets of our being. By conjuring a radiant golden light in the very core of our existence – the lower abdomen – we can tap into the hidden reservoirs of our inner essence.
The Golden Elixir Visualization is a powerful technique for connecting with your inner self and unlocking your full potential. By imagining a warm, golden light growing larger and more vibrant within you, filling every cell and fiber of your being, you can begin to dissolve physical and emotional barriers that have held you back.

As this visualization takes hold, you may start to feel a sense of release and freedom, as if the creative energy and spiritual vitality that has been bottled up inside you is finally able to flow freely. This sensation can be intense and exhilarating, and it’s not uncommon for people to experience profound shifts in their perception of reality during this process.

As you continue to cultivate this visualization, you may find that your relationships with others begin to deepen and become more meaningful. You may feel a sense of connection and understanding that wasn’t previously possible, as if the boundaries between yourself and others have dissolved. Your creativity may also start to flow freely, as if you’ve tapped into a boundless wellspring of inspiration.

In addition, you may find that your perception of reality itself begins to shift and expand. You may start to see the world in new and exciting ways, as if the veil of the mundane has lifted and you’re now able to glimpse the infinite possibilities that lie beyond.

The Golden Elixir Visualization is not just a symbol or a fantasy; it’s a real and tangible technique for tapping into your highest potential and awakening to your true nature. By cultivating this visualization and allowing yourself to fully immerse in its power, you can begin to realize that you’re a vessel for the divine, and that the infinite possibilities of the universe are waiting to be explored.

But remember what I mention often, try to see beyond the dogma and the cultural themes that often take away from this ancient practice. See beyond regions, geographies, supposed unchangeable ideograms or language. Try to perceive the energetic actions within you so that you can improve on technique instead of supposedly needing to learn a whole new cultural style…because this is the only supposed way.

5. ‘Bone Marrow Cleansing’: The Ancient Art of Purifying the Foundation of Life

The subtle yet powerful art of Bone Marrow Cleansing holds the key to revitalizing our very foundation – the skeletal system that supports every moment of our existence. This ancient practice has been shrouded in mystery for centuries, with many believing it to be a gateway to unlocking the secrets of our own inner alchemy.

The bone marrow is a crucible of transformation, where we can purify our very essence and distill the dross of negativity and toxins from our system. It is here that we can tap into the subtle energies that course through every molecule, atom, and particle of creation, awakening to the realization that our physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies are intertwined with the mystical forces that shape our lives.

Through visualization, we imagine ourselves surrounded by a radiant light that permeates every cell of our body, including the bone marrow. This gentle yet potent energy awakens the dormant potential within each vertebrae, filling them with vitality and strength. As we breathe deeply, we invite this cleansing energy to flow through our bones, imagining the impurities rustling away like autumn leaves, as the pure essence of life takes their place.

With each passing moment, we become more attuned to the subtle rhythms of our body, sensing the intricate dance between our physical and energetic systems. Our posture straightens, our movements become more fluid, and our very perception of reality shifts to encompass the infinite possibilities that lie beyond the veil of the mundane. The bone marrow cleansing becomes a gateway to unlocking the secrets of our own inner wisdom, as we begin to realize that every aspect of our life is influenced by the subtle yet potent forces that shape our very foundation.

In this mystical realm, we discover that every breath we take, every thought we think, and every movement we make is intertwined with the mysterious energies that course through our bones. As we continue to cultivate this ancient art, we find ourselves merging with the infinite expanse of life, our essence flowing like a boundless river through the cosmic currents that course through every molecule, atom, and particle of creation.

The bone marrow cleansing is not just a technique, but a gateway to awakening to the realization that we are more than our physical bodies – we are vessels of the divine. As we continue on this esoteric journey, we find ourselves transcending the boundaries of time and space, merging with the infinite expanse of existence, and realizing our true potential as spiritual beings.

The ancient art of sound healing has long been shrouded in mystery, but for those willing to delve deeper, the rewards can be profound. One such technique is the practice of **six healing sounds**, a powerful tool that allows us to harness the vibrational energy of our voices to release negative emotions and promote healing.

6. ‘The Six Healing Sounds’

The concept may seem simple – after all, who hasn’t hummed or whistled at some point in their lives? But it’s the intention behind these vocalizations that sets them apart. Each sound is specifically associated with a particular organ in the body, allowing us to target areas of tension and stress with precision. By focusing our attention on these sounds, we can begin to release pent-up emotions and energies, making way for balance and harmony.

The first sound, “kssu,” is often linked to the liver, where it helps to dissolve stagnant energy and promote detoxification. As you make this sound, imagine your liver releasing its grip on stored negativity, like a dam breaking free from its constraints. The resulting flow of fresh energy can be felt throughout the body, as if life force itself is pouring back into the system.

Next, we come to “hhhe,” often associated with the heart. Here, the soft, gentle sound is used to calm and soothe the emotional body, quieting the constant chatter of worry and doubt. As you make this sound, envision your heart filling with a warm, golden light – a symbol of compassion, empathy, and love.

The third sound, “hhhu,” is often linked to the stomach, where it helps to stimulate digestion and assimilation. Imagine your stomach as a gentle wave rolling across the shore, absorbing nutrients and insights alike. As you make this sound, feel your body begin to break down and process the complexities of life, releasing what’s no longer needed.

The fourth sound, “tsssee,” is often associated with the kidneys, where it helps to purify the blood and release stored toxins. Visualize your kidneys as a pair of mighty filters, sifting out impurities and allowing only the purest energy to flow through. As you make this sound, feel your body begin to cleanse itself of residue and debris, making way for clarity and renewal.

The fifth sound, “chui’ is often linked to the lungs, where it helps to expand and liberate the breath. Imagine your lungs as a pair of giant bellows, pumping fresh air into your system with every exhalation. As you make this sound, feel your body begin to open up and release its grip on stagnant energy, making way for inspiration and creativity.

Finally, we come to “ksee” often associated with the brain, where it helps to calm and focus the mind. Envision your brain as a peaceful lake, reflecting the beauty of the world around you. As you make this sound, feel your thoughts begin to quiet and center, allowing you to access deeper states of consciousness.

By incorporating these six healing sounds into our daily practice, we can tap into the profound power of sound to transform and uplift ourselves. Whether used in meditation, visualization, or simply as a means to release tension, these sounds hold the potential to unlock new levels of awareness and connection – and to reveal the secrets that lie hidden within us all.

7. ‘Inner Vision Meditation’
Close your eyes and observe the inner landscape of your mind, cultivating awareness and insight.

As we dig deeper into the mysteries of Taoist meditation, we find ourselves at the threshold of a powerful technique known as “inner vision meditation”, a practice that allows us to tap into the hidden recesses of our minds. By closing our eyes and focusing our attention inward, we can begin to cultivate awareness and insight into the workings of our own consciousness.
The first step in this process is to quiet the mind, allowing ourselves to settle into a state of deep relaxation. This may take some time and practice, but the rewards are well worth the effort – for as we still the turbulent waters of our thoughts, we begin to access deeper levels of awareness and connection.
Once we have reached a state of inner calm, we can begin to focus on the inner landscape of our minds. Here, we may discover hidden patterns and structures that shape our perceptions and experiences. By observing these mental landscapes with curiosity and detachment, we can begin to gain insight into the workings of our own minds.
By exploring these inner landscapes, we can begin to uncover the secrets that lie hidden within us, revealing the mysteries of our own psyches and the workings of the universe. It is a journey that requires patience, discipline, and an open heart – but one that holds the promise of profound transformation and enlightenment.

## Frequently Asked Questions

**Q: How long does it take to see results from Taoist alchemy practices?**
A: Results can vary, but consistent practice over weeks or months typically yields noticeable benefits in terms of increased energy, mental clarity, and emotional balance.

**Q: Are these techniques safe for everyone?**
A: It’s advisable to consult with a qualified instructor or healthcare professional before starting any new meditation practice, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions.

**Q: Can Taoist alchemy replace traditional medical treatments?**
A: Taoist alchemy should be viewed as a complementary practice rather than a replacement for medical care. Always consult with healthcare professionals for medical concerns.

## The Science Behind Taosit Alchemy

While rooted in ancient wisdom, many Taoist alchemy practices align with modern scientific understanding of the mind-body connection. Studies have shown that meditation can reduce stress, improve focus, and even alter brain structure.

## Integrating Taosist Alchemy into Daily Life

Consistency is key when practicing Taoist alchemy. Start with just 5-10 minutes a day and gradually increase your practice time. You can incorporate these techniques into your morning routine or use them as a way to unwind in the evening.

## Conclusion

Taoist alchemy offers a profound path to self-transformation and inner peace by exploring ancient techniques that unlock hidden potential and accelerate spiritual growth.

The true gold of Taoist alchemy is not a physical substance but the radiant awareness and vitality that emerges from within. This practice is not about transforming base metals into gold, but rather about transmuting the ordinary into the extraordinary. It involves exploring the depths of one’s own consciousness, igniting the spark within, and unlocking the secrets of true nature.

Taoist alchemy encourages looking beyond surface-level reality to seek hidden patterns and principles governing life. It involves understanding the mysteries of yin and yang, cycles of birth and death, and the eternal dance between light and darkness. By embracing this profound wisdom, one can develop a deeper understanding of oneself and the world.

The alchemical process is often depicted as a series of transformations, where base metals are refined into gold, symbolizing purification and illumination of the soul. The dragon represents the power of inner guidance, with its fierce determination and gentle wisdom.

7 Ancient Taoist Alchemy Techniques to Unlock Your Hidden Potential and Find Inner Peace Today

The world can seem all mixed up when we first look at it with our adult eyes. It can make us feel like we are stuck in a big mess with no way out. I have written extensively about the nature of these ‘cages’, as I call them, and how the general organization of the world is designed to limit human potential.

There is indeed a force out there, something akin to a gravity, that settled upon this world a long time ago and is largely responsible for the current state of things. A long time ago, we weren’t like this; we were not static objects, little automatons following the dictates of a cog universe. Instead, in that forgotten past, we were magical things, unbelievable things, creatures without boundaries.”

But for better or for worse, here we are, and while things may seem hopeless, the reality is that the world is constantly leading us out of our cages. You might say that even that dark gravity I mentioned can become an ally, and indeed, it has become a helping force in a way. There is an incredibly powerful collection of entities (which I call an oversoul collective) that is out there using that very gravity to excite an evolution within us, which has the potential to take us even farther down an evolutionary process that may even allow us to surpass those magical beings we once were.

That positive evolutionary force is like a light, surrounding and being part of everything. It makes up the very fabric of our existence, and the glow from it is blinding. But in order to see that light, you must use different eyes, and in order to understand its power, we must learn to recognize and tap into the world’s guidance, into the guidance that this light provides for us. Doing this is an incredibly easy thing, yet for most of us, because we have become so indoctrinated by the gravity of this Earth, it can be the hardest thing in the world.


Following Your Joy and the “Path of Greatest Excitement”

The weight of the world has been pounding down on us from the day of our birth. At first, as children, this weight does not seem so harsh. There is joy and freedom within us when we first begin this journey as physical beings, and it is obvious to see; children are full of bubbling energy, and most of them seem to shine in a hard-to-describe way. Wherever they look, they don’t see cages, but instead, they see mysteries and possibilities.

But as we age, that gravity pulls against us more and more, and the world seems to close around us. Soon, we lose sight of the mystery, and of the grand splendor to be found in endless possibilities. We lose our imagination, and we begin the journey towards static object-hood. What is essentially happening is that we lose sight of the light that is the true source of our being. In the end, many people lose the battle against the gravity of the world. Having no new recourse, not understanding or truly trusting themselves, they eventually lose sight of the light within them completely and settle into the routine that their lives have become.

And yet, the light within us will never be extinguished, even in those last moments. We shine; it never gives up, and at any moment, and at every moment, we can become the shining, glorious thing we were meant to be.

Right from the start, people are trying to tell you who you are and what you’re supposed to be. There is no malice in them; most people are trying to help. But having lost sight of that glorious light within them, oftentimes their advice is not great advice at all.

But the greater world, although it may have its twisted aspects, has its source in that light I keep mentioning, and is constantly trying to guide us towards our greatest self. And interestingly, all you have to do, as absurd and common as it has now become to hear in this ‘New Age’ world, is to just follow your joy.

How sad that is, think about it. Someone says that all you need to do to find who you are, the best version of who you are, is to follow your joy, and yet most people may find such a statement trite, childish, or childlike even. Why is that?

Simple: they have grown up in a world where everyone tells them just that. If they look at the world through the eyes of limitation and the gravity that pulls down on us, then all they will see is hardship and difficulty. They will be told that to get anything done, they must work impossibly hard, do things they don’t want, and follow the rules of the land. This is rationality, the limited excuse for the logic or theology of the times.

Such a person might be told to be rational, to grow up, to just look around and use their common sense. Some might tell them, “All you have to do is just look around; this is a dog-eat-dog world. If you truly want to get ahead, you’d better just get used to pain, because this is a world of pain.”

But what if you were to totally ignore that message? There is a counter to that, usually well-meaning. “If you don’t do what we say, and you just flounder around for the rest of your life just doing what you like, you’re going to end up as some basement dweller, living the rest of your life on the couch, bloated and ill of health.

So, let’s give it a try, let’s test that theory. If you just start doing what you want right at this moment, are you just going to flounder around doing nothing at all? Will you soon end up homeless, jobless, and a sad marshmallow on the surface of this planet?

Well, this is where you need to understand the difference between the myriad voices within you. Specifically, you need to understand the difference between the voices of light and the voices of gravity. Believe it or not, it is the gravity that’s going to turn you into the marshmallow, and it is the light that will turn you into the best version of yourself. This is the problem with most of the advice out there when it comes to following your joy or whatever else. There’s this mixing up of energetic truth, a comingling, a half-truth, as to how it’s told.

So how do you do it properly?

Start where you are and begin to follow your joy, in other words, begin to follow the light within you now, here, where you happen to be right now. That light will not want you to run away from those you love, including yourself. That light will not insist that you tell others what to do. That light will not put you in greater difficulty. That light will insist that you begin from where you are, and where you are is the very center of the universe; you are at the center of the universe, and it all begins from here.

How you begin and what you do first is between you and that light; it has nothing to do with me. It begins with a simple dictum: become more yourself, and that’s it. Slowly but surely, just a little more yourself every day, until one day you may find that the person you were and the person you have become are as different as night and day.


The path of greatest excitement

Follow the path of greatest excitement. To do that, you must look within, and without any shame or self-reproach, you must use the joy within you to find your path. As you look at the things that you want to do, the things that you want to accomplish in your life, the things that give meaning and make you want to strive for more and more, does what you are doing right now give you joy?

You may be surprised at your first response, and this is the important part so listen. Most people fall for the half-lie that I mentioned, they comingle the gravity and the light within them, and sometimes it is difficult to know which voice they are hearing. While asking yourself what the joyous thing is, some might tell themselves that their true joy is actually to just run away and do nothing. All sorts of ideas might pop into their heads about having to break some chains that others have put on them, to fight against some evil foe that they have been told is out there, or to start telling others what to do because this is truly the way to success and self-empowerment. But most often, such actions which stem from the thoughts and beliefs that have been pounded into them by the world at large, come from a place of gravity and not joy; they are mixing one voice for the other or they are listening to both at the same time and mixing it all up, so it fits the narrative of the times.

As I have said, conversations that you have with that light are yours alone, so I will try to keep the preaching to myself. But I think you’ll find that true joy does not seek conflict because in the end all such conflict leads to a chaining down of your being. Light wants freedom, it wants ease of action that feels like utter bliss, like you could fall off a cliff and land in delicious cream, twisting and turning and landing perfectly in order to once again discover some new marvel, some new existence beyond belief.

That bliss is a magical way, an enthralling adventure that is forever changing and captivating, constantly challenging you to withstand the incredible power of what might come next. Bliss and relaxation are not the lethargy that you have been taught in this gravity filled world. It’s not some kind of soft cushy gray state where you fall into utter stupor. These are the lies of the gravity!

Following your joy is just that, joy upon joyous changing. And in following it, you are forever moving forward in the direction that is best for you, that allows you to grow larger and larger, and to become more and more the kind of being that something deep within you says is the true you. Such a motion continually fuels more excitement, more adventure in ways that are uniquely your own. And contrary to the rationale found within the midst of this heavy world, this joyous motion will not funnel you into some kind of self-indulgent prison, it will instead open you up to possibilities far beyond anything in the common world.

If you doubt me, look around. The rational skeptic is seldom the genius creator, they are instead the limiters of possibilities.

In order to tune into your joy, you must begin to let go of the voices outside of yourself. From the very beginning, others have been telling you what to do. Most of this advice is given by honest and caring people, if you are lucky. But no matter what it is, learn to listen to that joy within yourself first.

Learn to sit down every day, take a moment to yourself, and just ask yourself what would bring you joy. And when you are listening, truly listen. Learn to identify all of the voices from without, so that you can separate them from that true joy that is yours alone. This is where the co-mingling of gravity and light happens, so you must be very careful in your listening. Pay attention to your joy and your striving for adventure and freedom, and let go of any gravity that seems to come from without, gravity that would have you create conflict instead of moving forward on your own.

Don’t explain yourself to others; the best that you can do for others is just shine with that joy within yourself and allow them to be themselves. Light allows light; anything else is gravity and constriction.


Understanding the World as a Guide

This world is here to guide you, and it has been guiding you from the beginning. How does it do it?

Well, quite simply, we can start at the basics: to get along, you have to get along. There are things that you need, like food, water, and shelter. You are born in this three-dimensional place, and from the very beginning, you are given challenges. The gravity of this world may have you believe that these are horrors, plights, or reasons for self-pity. But the light within you sees them as challenges, as great obstacles to be overcome through joyful adventure.

The great gravity of the world makes everything seem routine, commonplace, and boring. But like some great protagonist somehow transported into a land of high adventure, you are here to meet the challenges of this place and become the great hero you can be. Whether that hero means being an amazing adventurer in the world or your own unique, quiet soul in the shadows of existence.

Tackle each need in this place, each obstacle, like a challenge instead of a problem. See yourself as an adventurer overcoming great odds, and stop thinking like those lost in the gravity of this world want you to think. Become a child again if that is what you feel you must become in order to understand this magical way, and for a while, just pretend that you are indeed some hero in some weird, alien land. Don’t see everything as routine; instead, see it through the eyes of a deluded fool, see everything as an alien in an alien land full of strange and glorious things.

And if you doubt me, if you truly think that this is not a magical land of utter weirdness, then all you have to do is just look at all the irrational things that are around you. Most people can’t see this, like I said, the rational skeptic is lost in a cage that they may never find a way out of. So don’t be that skeptic; instead, look around and see all the weird things that happen to you all the time.

Why is it that upon thinking something, you see that thing somewhere out in the world? What is synchronicity, why is it that things seem to line up either for good or ill as if someone is planning all of it? Why is it that even those who are thought of as being the most rational, the most logical, keep insisting that we live in a simulation?

The world is weird, brimming with impossible things. Don’t accept the rational skeptic’s version; don’t believe in disbelief; instead, find your own truth and doubt everyone. That odd light in the sky, those fleeting shadows, that odd sound, the planets above you, question everything. Find your own truth and fall headfirst into a magical universe.

There are strange things going on right now all around you. Right now, as you are reading this, turn around and look around. There are strange things everywhere!

Strange omens guide you. The world is trying to tell you something; pay attention to that something.

These strange things, these omens, can act as bridges that allow us to get closer and closer to what we desire. And you will find a connection between following that joy within yourself and those strange events. There is a direct connection between those omens and synchronicities, and getting those things that you desire.

If, in following your joy, and while in the joyous state, or at least a relatively happy one for you, you see a strange thing, don’t ignore that. Look around and see where the world is leading you through those odd events. And if it feels right to you, in accordance with the light that shines within you, then follow that path and see where it leads you. Such events can be sort of like doors opening in space-time, like little wormholes leading you from one place to another. If you can learn to pay attention to those strange and odd things, grab hold of them, you will find shortcuts to your life’s desires.


How the World Can Guide Us for Good or Ill

That light within us means that we are light ourselves. That light means that we are creating our reality with the thoughts and intentions that we keep throughout our day. And that is the important part – throughout our day. How many thoughts do you have in a day?

It is a lump sum of those thoughts that makes your reality, and it is the totality of them that makes up your life. To change your life, you need to change those thoughts, but just like doing a thousand push-ups in a day every day, perhaps all day, this seems like an almost impossible task in the beginning.

But how is it that some people can do such things? How is it that some can climb great mountains? How is it that some can seemingly do the impossible and overcome the gravity of just getting started? How do you overcome the inertia of this world?

Generally, and almost without fail, those that can do such things are those that follow their joy. Contrary to the rationale of the world, which is based on the gravity and the darkness that I speak of, you will not find the energy or the kind of stamina that you need through some kind of rigorous and meticulously planned and invented routine. Such actions never withstand the test of time. Eventually, we all become tired of such endeavors, no matter how much self-discipline we have.

But there is a way to move mountains, a way to never run out of impetus or stamina, and that way is to follow the light that most cannot see. That miracle-creating way is to follow the light, to follow your joy.

If we keep thoughts, have thoughts, and ruminate on thoughts that are generally not our own, but the thoughts of others, the dogma of others, then most likely we will be imprisoned within the prison that imprisons them. In order to break out of that prison, you must let go of the dogma of the world, you must let go of the never-ending rationale, the common sense, the gravity that is projected by the world.

Positive outcome simply means that you are getting what you want, and in order to get that, you must follow your joyous path, not the path or the dogma of others. If you are having trouble with this, because you have heard endlessly that somehow your desires are evil, then think of it as following the light. That light feels like light; it feels like pushing through thick brush to find an open meadow full of wonder and amazing sights. It feels nimble, like you could bounce right into the air, it feels like ease and yet not lethargic, but more like bubbling adventure.

Follow that light, and it will lead you to new and unbelievable places that are yours and yours alone to explore. Become more yourself; you are unique, but that uniqueness is nothing to do with shining more than others, or shining in the face of others. That lightness of you is instead an enigma, a living dream, an actual position beyond the dogma and the ‘collective’ driven world that you see all around you.



The world is not easy from the outset, and in that beginning, no matter how hard you try, you may find yourself facing the gravity of others. And that is a worthy challenge, what a great adventure, truly high adventure.

But the guidance from that light can lead you to incredible and unsuspected places. For example, it can show you how to even work with the gravity of the world so that you turn that weight into actual power. There are those who have followed that light into marvelous, unsuspected places and have discovered how to absorb the negativity in the world, and use that overflowing energy to turn that heavy darkness into even greater light. These are the inner alchemists that I talk about in my work, and if you would like to learn how to turn even the greatest darkness into more energy for yourself, that can then be directed towards freedom and greater light, then I recommend the book, ‘Overcoming the Archon through Alchemy‘.

In following that light yourself, you will become an alchemist, you will learn how to turn the lead of the world, the heaviness, into a light that shines brighter than gold. I encourage you to pay attention to the world’s guidance. I encourage you to follow your individual light. That light is a door that is yours alone and leads to a place that is for you alone to see. In finding this place, you will not only find a new, more expanded reality beyond perhaps even your greatest imagining, you will also find many of your greatest desires manifested as well.

Imagine a world where everything is a joke, a never-ending circus of clowns trying to outdo each other with their antics. The air is thick with the smell of popcorn and greasepaint, and the sound of laughter and screams of delight fill the air. But beneath the surface of this seemingly carefree world, there’s a sense of unease, a feeling that nothing is quite as it seems. The clowns are constantly juggling balls, spinning plates, and making silly faces, but their actions are mere distractions from the true nature of reality.

You’re not a clown, though. You’re the audience, sitting in the front row, watching the show unfold with a mixture of wonder and skepticism. You’re not a part of the act, but you’re drawn in by the spectacle, mesmerized by the colorful costumes and the bright lights. But as you watch, you start to feel like you’re trapped in a never-ending loop, with the clowns repeating the same antics over and over again. You begin to wonder if there’s more to life than this endless parade of pranks and tricks.

That’s when you realize that there are those who believe they hold all the power, the ones pulling the strings behind the scenes. They think they can control the show, the audience, and even you. They’re the ones who claim to have the secrets, the ones who think they can manipulate reality to suit their own purposes. But do you really want to be a part of their circus? Do you want to be a pawn in their game of control, a mere spectator in their grand scheme?

No, you don’t. You’re here to create your own show, your own reality. You have the power to shape it, to make it magical, and to make it yours. It’s like being an artist, painting your own masterpiece with each stroke of the brush. You’re the creator, the director, and the star of your own show. You’re the one who gets to decide what happens next, who gets to choose the colors, the music, and the characters.

So, don’t let the clowns distract you. Don’t let them steal your focus or your power. Stay true to yourself, and create your own reality. The world is your canvas, and you’re the artist. You’re the one who gets to choose what kind of brushstrokes you use, what kind of colors you mix, and what kind of masterpiece you create.

Imagine a world where you’re not just a spectator, but the main attraction. Imagine a world where you’re not limited by the rules of the circus, but are free to create your own rules. Imagine a world where you’re not just a part of the show, but the show itself. That’s the world you can create, the world you deserve. So, take a deep breath, step out of the spotlight, and start painting your masterpiece. The world is waiting for you.

Crafting Your Masterpiece

Creating your reality in the present moment is like crafting a mosaic, a delicate dance of individual pieces coming together to form a breathtaking work of art. Each decision you make, each thought you think, and each action you take is like adding a single tile to the mosaic, contributing to the overall image. It’s a puzzle, with each piece fitting together to form a complete picture, a masterpiece that is uniquely yours.

Imagine you’re standing in front of a blank canvas, ready to start painting. The first brushstroke sets the tone for the entire piece. It’s the same with your reality. The first thought, the first decision, the first choice you make sets the tone for the entire canvas of your life. It’s like casting the first stone in a pond, creating ripples that spread out and shape the water around it.

As you begin to add more strokes to the canvas, the picture starts to take shape. Each brushstroke is like a decision, each choice a piece of the puzzle. You can choose to add vibrant colors, bold and bright, or subtle hues, soft and gentle. You can choose to add intricate details or bold strokes. The possibilities are endless, limited only by your imagination and creativity.

So, be mindful of your focus. Each decision you make is like adding a piece to your mosaic. Choose your thoughts and beliefs wisely, and your reality will be a masterpiece. Choose carelessly, and it might turn into a hot mess. Don’t let the clowns in the circus dictate your choices. They might try to steer you in their direction, but remember, you’re the artist. You’re in control of your canvas.

As you continue to create, the mosaic begins to take shape. You start to see the outline of your reality, the contours of your life. You can see the beauty, the beauty of the colors, the beauty of the shapes, the beauty of the patterns. You can see the flaws, the imperfections, the rough edges. But you can also see the potential, the potential for growth, the potential for change.

And that’s the beauty of it. You’re not just creating a masterpiece, you’re creating a living, breathing, dynamic work of art. You’re creating a reality that is constantly evolving, constantly changing, constantly unfolding. You’re creating a reality that is uniquely yours, a reflection of your soul, your heart, and your spirit.

Therefore, take your time, take your brush, and start painting. Add a stroke, add a thought, add a decision. See what emerges, see what unfolds. See the masterpiece take shape, see the beauty, see the potential. And remember, you’re the artist, you’re the creator, you’re the one in control of your canvas.

Staying True to Your Vision

Don’t be fooled by the clowns in the world who think they hold all the power. They may try to distract you with their antics, to make you believe that their reality is the only one that matters. But remember, you’re the artist of your reality, the one who shapes your world with every subtle tone of your intention. Focus on the present moment and choose your thoughts and beliefs wisely. Create your reality, make it magical, and don’t let anyone steal your power.

Just as an artist must first see the vision in their mind before they can bring it to life on the canvas, you must first see the reality you wish to create before you can bring it into existence. This is the power of visualization, the ability to see your desires and dreams take shape in your mind’s eye. It’s the spark that ignites the creative process, the catalyst that sets the wheels in motion.

And just as an artist must have the courage to take the first brushstroke, you must have the courage to take the first step towards your desired reality. It’s the moment when you commit to your vision, when you decide to take control of your life and shape it into the masterpiece you’ve always wanted.

Just as an artist must stay focused on their vision, you must stay focused on your desired reality. Don’t let the clowns in the world sidetrack you with their pranks and noise. They may try to steal your attention with their loud voices and flashy tricks, but you must stay true to your vision.

Think of it like a painter staying focused on their canvas. They don’t let the noise of the studio or the chatter of the people around them distract them from their art. They stay focused on the brushstrokes, the colors, and the overall vision they have for their masterpiece.

In the same way, you must stay focused on your vision, your reality, and your desires. Don’t let the clowns distract you with their opinions. Don’t let fear and doubt creep in and steal your power.

Remember, the power is within you. You are the artist, the creator, and the master of your reality. You can shape your world with every decision, every thought, and every action. Don’t let anyone or anything take that away from you. So, stay true to your vision. See the reality you wish to create in your mind, and then bring it into existence. Take the first step, take the next step, and keep moving forward. Don’t let fear or doubt hold you back. You are stronger than that.

Just as an artist must trust their instincts and trust their vision, you must trust yourself and your inner guidance. You must trust that you can create the reality you desire. And just as an artist must be patient and persistent, you must be patient and persistent in your journey towards your desired reality.

Just as an artist must first see the vision in their mind before they can bring it to life on the canvas, you must first see the reality you wish to create before you can bring it into existence. Take a moment to close your eyes, breathe deeply, and imagine the reality you desire. See yourself living in a world that is aligned with your values, your passions, and your dreams. See yourself surrounded by people who support and uplift you, who celebrate your unique gifts and talents.

Just as an artist must have a clear vision of the masterpiece they wish to create, you must have a clear vision of the reality you wish to create. See the colors, the textures, the shapes, and the forms that make up your desired reality. See the beauty, the wonder, and the magic that you wish to bring into the world.

Just as an artist must have the courage to take the first brushstroke, you must have the courage to take the first step towards your desired reality. It may be scary, it may be uncertain, but it is necessary. For it is in taking that first step that you begin to bring your vision into being.

Just as an artist must be patient and allow the painting to unfold, you must be patient and allow your reality to unfold. It may take time, it may take effort, but the results will be worth it.

And just as an artist must continually refine and edit their work, you must continually refine and edit your thoughts and beliefs. You must be willing to let go of what no longer serves you and replace it with something that aligns with your vision.

Remember, the power is yours, and yours alone. Don’t let anyone else dictate what you can and cannot do. You are the artist of your reality, and you are the one who gets to decide what kind of masterpiece you create.

Taking the First Step: The Power of Creation

In this moment, take a deep breath and close your eyes. Allow yourself to let go of any doubts, fears, or worries that may be holding you back. Imagine yourself standing at the threshold of your greatest desires, with the reality you’ve always dreamed of unfolding before you like a canvas awaiting a masterpiece.

See yourself living in that reality, feeling the emotions that come with it. Feel the joy that radiates from within, the freedom that comes with living authentically, and the peace that settles in knowing you’re exactly where you’re meant to be. Allow yourself to fully immerse in this vision, to taste the sweetness of success, and to bask in the warmth of happiness.

Now, take the first step towards that reality. It may seem small, almost imperceptible, but it’s a step in the right direction. It’s the spark that sets the fire of creation ablaze. And as you take more steps, your reality will begin to take shape, like a painter adding brushstroke after brushstroke to a masterpiece.

But beware, for the world is full of distractions, like clowns juggling balls and making a ruckus. They may try to steal your attention, to make you doubt your vision, to make you question your power. Don’t let them.

Remember, your reality is not something that happens to you; it’s something you create. You are the architect, the painter, the conductor of your own life. You have the power to shape your destiny, to mold your reality, to bring your wildest dreams to life.

So, take the first step. Take the second, the third, and the fourth. Keep taking steps, no matter how small they may seem. Keep creating, keep shaping, keep molding. And as you do, your reality will begin to unfold, like a flower blooming in the garden of your mind.

Claim your power and master your universe. You hold the brush, paint, and canvas to create a reality that’s breathtakingly beautiful and awe-inspiring. Don’t let anything or anyone steal your magic. You are the architect of your destiny, crafting a masterpiece that reflects your soul’s essence. Take charge, wield your creative might, and bring your vision to life – a reality that will leave a lasting positive legacy.

Are you ready to peel back the curtain and reveal the mesmerizing show behind the spectacle of the clown world? Do you sense that there’s more to life than the surface-level distractions that surround you? If you’ve caught glimpses of a hidden reality, but yearn to know the secrets of the game, then I highly recommend the book, “Overcoming the Archon through Alchemy“, it’s your ticket to unlock the mysteries of the universe and shatter the chains of limitation.

Within its pages, you’ll discover the true nature of the game, and more importantly, the ancient wisdom to break free from the cycle of chaos and create your own reality as the true artist that you are. Imagine being able to shape the world around you, to manifest your deepest desires, and to live a life that’s authentic and fulfilling. This book is your key to unlocking that potential, and embarking on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Throughout history, solar eclipses have been shrouded in mystery and intrigue, capturing the imaginations of countless cultures around the world. From dragons swooping down to swallow the sun whole in ancient tales, to mystical rituals believed to ward off dark omens, these celestial events have played a significant role in shaping our understanding of the universe.


In many civilizations, solar eclipses were seen as divine messages from the gods, calling for reverence and respect. Ancient Egyptians thought the sun god Ra was being devoured by the serpent Apophis, while Native American tribes believed their ancestors’ spirits were particularly close during these events. As our ancestors looked to make sense of the cosmos, they wove together stories and symbols that reflected their deepest fears and desires.


Even today, remnants of these ancient beliefs can be found in various cultures. For instance, during a solar eclipse in China in 2009, people performed age-old rituals like lighting fires and banging gongs to scare off the evil spirits blamed for the celestial phenomenon.


As we continue to marvel at these rare and fascinating manifestations, it’s enthralling to reflect on how our perception of solar eclipses has evolved over time – from fearsome creatures swallowing the sun to scientific explanations involving the moon’s orbit and Earth’s rotation. While we no longer attribute eclipses to divine intervention or mystical rituals, their captivating allure continues to inspire us to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos.


Solar eclipses have always been fascinating events, capturing our ancestors’ imaginations with their mysterious aura. As we dive deeper into paranormal teachings and try to better understand our world, we may wonder if there’s something more to these celestial phenomena than just human craziness or ancient superstitions.


Perhaps, our old beliefs, deeply concealed within the symbolism of mythology, contain a hidden truth that we have overlooked. Although they might seem rooted in fear and desire, could they prove our profound connection to nature? Many serious researchers into ancient history have repeatedly highlighted that beyond the external mythology, there are indeed great truths hidden within those metaphorical plays. Like the profound symbolism found in dreams, the narratives, and mythologies of the past hold within them secrets yet to be revealed. It might be time for us humans to reassess our skepticism towards ancient knowledge and trust in the intrusions of the natural world, especially when it comes to celestial phenomena such as solar eclipses.


By embracing these mysteries and seeking to unravel their secrets, we can gain new insights into our universe, and our wholistic connection to all things. As we marvel at these events, let’s not dismiss them outright but instead explore them with an open mind. It’s possible that there’s more to these cosmic wonders than we currently know, and by unlocking this knowledge, we may gain a greater understanding of our place in the universe.


The connection between solar flares and paranormal activity

There’s a captivating interplay between cosmic events and paranormal occurrences. Solar flares – intense bursts of energy from our sun – are believed to impact the supernatural in various ways, offering intriguing insights into the world of ghostly and spiritual encounters.


Solar flares emit powerful energy, like solar X-rays and cosmic radiation, which can energize the Earth’s atmosphere. This surge of energy is thought to provide spirits with an added boost, potentially making them more visible as apparitions. The heightened electromagnetic fields resulting from solar storms are believed to offer spirits a chance to interact more easily with our physical world, leading to an increase in paranormal experiences.


Furthermore, geomagnetic storms caused by solar flares can disrupt the Earth’s magnetic field, creating an environment that might encourage ghostly and spiritual activity. The fluctuations in geomagnetic fields during these events are thought to empower astral beings, allowing them to draw on this energy and become more active and visible.


The alignment of solar activity with paranormal experiences suggests a fascinating connection between cosmic phenomena and the spiritual realm. Solar flares, with their potential influence on Earth’s electromagnetic fields and atmospheric energy levels, may play a role in amplifying paranormal manifestations and interactions. This intriguing link highlights the complex relationship between nature’s forces and the mysteries of the supernatural world, demanding further exploration into the fascinating connection between solar phenomena and paranormal occurrences.


So, solar flares, bursts of intense energy from our sun, can have far-reaching consequences on our planet and its inhabitants. These powerful emissions could impact the magnetic field and atmosphere, potentially leading to dramatic transformations in geological formations and societal structures. When we consider the additional influence of an eclipse – a rare alignment of celestial bodies that momentarily refracts solar radiation – it is not unreasonable to ponder if these cosmic events could lead to significant changes in specific regions.


Could there be a hidden connection between solar flares, the celestial phenomenon of eclipses, and the potential for significant geological and societal changes brought about by the refraction of solar radiation in a particular region?

This is where the mystery of the Black Sun begins. And this intriguing question invites us to explore the fascinating world where cosmic events and human experiences intertwine.


The possibility of such a connection invites us to delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe, seeking answers to how our planet and its inhabitants have been shaped by these celestial forces, these outer titans. As we continue our exploration of the paranormal realm, we may uncover hidden truths that reveal the intricate relationship between cosmic phenomena and the transformative power they hold over our world. In doing so, we can better understand the impact of solar flares, eclipses, and their potential role in driving geological and societal changes, ultimately broadening our knowledge of the interconnected web of forces that shape our lives.


Alien Encounters and Interdimensional Beings

Solar eclipses have long been shrouded in mystery and intrigue, with many believing that they offer a rare glimpse into the supernatural realm. For centuries, people have reported sightings of bizarre creatures and unexplained phenomena during these celestial events, leading some to speculate that the thinning veil between our world and others allows for encounters with beings from other dimensions.


Among these elusive creatures said to emerge during solar eclipses are the enigmatic Lizard Man and Moth Man – reptilian like humanoids that have captivated the imaginations of countless individuals across generations. Some even believe that these cosmic occurrences may open portals to other realms, allowing these mysterious beings to step into our world for a brief moment before returning to the shadows from whence they came.


The Lizard Man

As the sun disappeared behind the moon during the highly anticipated 2017 solar eclipse, the people of South Carolina found themselves on high alert for sightings of a most unusual creature – the fabled Lizard Man. This mysterious reptilian humanoid cryptid has been whispered to roam the swamps and marshlands of Sumter and Lee counties, with many locals claiming to have glimpsed its scaly form in the shadowy depths of these murky waters.


Legend has it that this half-man, half-lizard being is particularly active during celestial events, such as eclipses or meteor showers, when the veil between our world and the supernatural realm seems to grow thin. As a result, many residents in the area found themselves both fascinated and slightly unnerved by the thought of this otherworldly creature potentially emerging from the darkness.


Alien Encounters

But it’s not just legends and folklore that suggest a connection between eclipses and interdimensional encounters – there are also well-documented historical events that support this intriguing theory. One such example is the Kelly-Hopkinsville encounter in Kentucky, which took place during an eclipse back in 1955.


During this bizarre event, a group of partygoers reportedly found themselves locked in a fierce battle with extraterrestrial beings that bore a striking resemblance to creatures from outer space. The harrowing ordeal has since become one of the most famous alien encounter stories in history, fueling theories that these otherworldly visitors make their presence known during solar eclipses – a phenomenon that continues to captivate and mystify us to this day.


As we continue to explore the mysteries of our universe, it’s impossible not to wonder what secrets lie hidden behind the veil of a solar eclipse. Whether you believe in interdimensional creatures or extraterrestrial visitations, there’s no denying that these rare and awe-inspiring occurrences have the power to transport us to realms beyond our wildest imaginations – reminding us just how vast and mysterious the cosmos truly is.


Spiritual Activity and Hauntings

Eclipses have long held a special place in the hearts and minds of those who dare to venture into the realms of the occult – an enchanting world where shadows dance, energy shifts are felt on a cellular level, and psychic abilities are said to blossom like flowers in springtime.


For many practitioners of the arcane arts, lunar eclipses are seen as divine moments when the veil between our world and the ethereal plane is at its thinnest, allowing for heightened psychic abilities to emerge and flourish. It’s said that during these celestial events, one’s intuition becomes sharper, their clairvoyance more pronounced, and their ability to communicate with spirits beyond the veil more profound than ever before.


Conversely, solar eclipses are believed by some to offer a unique opportunity for cleansing one’s life from negative influences – a chance to cast spells that will wash away the darkness and usher in new beginnings. These events are seen as potent times when the energy of the universe aligns in such a way as to amplify the power of any magical workings performed during their brief duration.


Whether you’re an experienced occultist or merely intrigued by the mysteries that lie hidden within these ancient practices, there’s no denying the allure of eclipses – those rare moments when the cosmos seems to conspire in a symphony of light and shadow. As we stand awestruck beneath their mesmerizing glow, it’s easy to imagine ourselves as part of something much larger than ourselves – a tapestry woven from the threads of time, energy, and mystery that span the very fabric of existence itself.


The Black Sun is Upon Us

During a solar eclipse, particularly when witnessing the full coronal ring, there arises an intriguing notion that a door or portal opens up in space and time. This idea becomes all the more captivating if one aligns directly with the eclipse. Such an occurrence holds significant meaning within the realm of inner alchemy and mirrors the direct relationship between us and what is referred to as the Black Sun. In essence, a perfect coronal ring during a solar eclipse represents seeing a Black Sun.


This portal, therefore, is believed to be a direct conduit between the Black Sun in space and the particular point on earth where such complete coronal rings are perfectly visible during a solar eclipse. This connection between the Black Sun and the earth signifies a direct tunnel or bridge being formed between the cosmic creator/destroyer force of the universe and us. Such a link implies great change as a vast amount of cosmic energy is both sent and received from that great outer titan.


This incredibly focused outflow of energy directly from the Black Sun is highly transformative, serving as a portent of coming change. This energy is simultaneously pulling towards it the old while creating fertile ground for the new. Such a cleaving by the Black Sun across the face of the earth signifies a beginning of a great deal of mutation and evolution.


The upcoming solar eclipse appears to have a profound impact on North America and the American continents as a whole. As we await its unfolding events, one thing is certain – great change is imminent.

If you would like to know more about the secrets of the Black Sun, the true nature of our multidimensional reality, and the process of creation and destruction across the cosmos, then I highly recommend the book, The Way of the Death Defier.

There are individuals who choose to look, while others shy away from going deep enough. There are those who find intrigue in exploring potential opportunities, even if they initially seem absurd. On the other hand, there are people who cannot spare time from their hectic schedules filled with endless work and busy tasks to delve into anything deemed inconsequential by today’s rational society.

It is all crazy from beginning to end.
In the midst of a hectic life, you might momentarily pause, almost by accident, to gaze up at the stars on a dark and lonely night and contemplate what life is about. The fascinating part is that the simple act of focusing on this intriguing question seems to shift your mind for a moment. Within that fleeting window of focused time, as you ponder the meaning of existence, it can occur that a multitude of questions and theories may invade your thoughts. You may recall old philosophical musings or thoughts that you may have heard, or you may recall just the right phrases or ideas that you may have seen or heard from various sources. Some might even wonder at that moment why our minds work this way, that is, we focus on one thing and are instantly flooded by previously unexplored thoughts and concepts. It is almost as if the focus of our attention, in this case the focus on the infinite expanse of the sky above us, simultaneously draws us into that infinity while at the same time pulls into our minds a multitude of questions and theories that we may have pondered for years.

And this is where most people may turn away. Almost unconsciously, sometimes with conscious effort, something else seems to pop into our minds and as our focus shifts, our brief moment of contemplation ends. That prior moment is lost, gone, forgotten, and something else draws your attention away from the dark sky and the glittering stars. And interestingly, you find that you are somewhat relieved that the busyness of life has engaged you once again, so you do not have to think about crazy theories, crazy ideas, crazy feelings that, in the end, do not matter very much at all from the point of view of average life and living.

But those who are crazy enough to openly ponder the dark infinity above them for a little longer than average, begin to discover, through the strange focusing power of the mind, an odd reality that exists alongside the mundane world. It is like they have stumbled across a secret that was right in front of their faces all along but they could not quite see for some reason. This is their first clue that something is strange, something is not quite as they have been told it is.

And upon contemplating the dark yet glittering immeasurable expanse above them, odd questions may arise, such as: why are we here? Is this all there is? Am I just a meat machine? Is there a soul? Is there a heaven? Is there more to me? Are there powers within me that are untapped?

Upon contemplating such questions, there arises this desire, a more accurate word would be commandment, to turn away and think about other things. Some will turn to theology and instantly begin to recite to themselves all of the beliefs that are part of that reality tunnel, almost like a bandage, to try to mend the fracture that they have felt so deeply inside. Others will turn to the modern theology of the times, rational skepticism, and begin to recite in their heads all of the beliefs that are part of that reality tunnel. But whether it is the gods in heaven or the latest scientific theories on space, planets, and gravity, the commandment to look away is obeyed.
Then, infinity and all those other worlds before them turn into something mundane, something easy to handle, something altogether sane. And thankfully, the average person can enjoy the beauty of the sky without worry, and quite literally protect themselves from the onslaught of the great Titans above and beyond the human world.

But what about those who pay attention for just a little longer, while resisting the great commandment to turn the extraordinary into the mundane? Well, for those who are crazy enough to pay attention for sometimes even just a few seconds longer, an odd thing begins to happen.
This process starts as a feeling and it is difficult to put into words. That feeling is like you have uncovered something that was right in front of your face all along. It is like seeing something that was always there but somehow just beyond your vision, just beyond your ability to focus. And as you look up at the immeasurably dark sky and the stars, infinity will pull you. You will feel it in your stomach, almost like something is pulling you up, as if you could fall up. And as that feeling invades your mundane reality, you will finally realize that we are all falling, that the entire world is ever falling into infinity.
It’s like a goldfish looking beyond the edge of its fishbowl and seeing a whole other world beyond its little bubble of existence. Can anyone who is sane be blamed for not wanting to understand or feel in any way the limits of their tiny little world, let alone contemplate the possibility that the fishbowl, one day might shatter!

Sometimes, even a few seconds of looking into the infinite while struggling to fight the commandment to look away can turn you into the walking crazy. We are the walking crazy, we who have realized our precarious position in this tiny little fishbowl. Our limited little goldfish brains might only be able to perceive so much, and our attention span is so small, but for some that glimmering moment is enough to turn them into the walking crazy.
The majority of us have had this kind of moment at some point in our lives, perhaps many, when we have looked up into the dark skies and into infinity and wondered. Some of us have been able to maintain our focus on that infinity long enough, to come to the life-shattering realization that we are merely tiny goldfish in a precarious little fishbowl, a small and fragile little fishbowl that is falling into the very depths of infinity.

Being able to maintain that focus long enough to be able to see the precarious nature of our existence and the infinity all around us, is a burden. Many people speak of wanting to understand the riddle of existence. But the truth is that deep down, few are genuinely interested in such mind shattering revelations.
The infinite is all around us. The odd and the weird are around every bend, and hidden within all of the angles that make up our walls, our cage. But most will not resist, or fight in any way, the commandment to turn the magnificent, the magical, the mysterious, the frightening, into the mundane.
Perhaps you have experienced the way of the walking crazy to some degree. Perhaps in one of those moments, as you stared into infinity, you realized the frailty of our existence and glimpsed the Titans beyond our fishbowl.

Upon becoming the walking crazy, even if it’s for just a fleeting moment, there are three general possibilities for all of us. The first two options are the most common:

The first is that, as you catch a glimpse of eternity and instantly become conscious of the madness that is taking over, you come to your senses and turn away. This is what most of us do. Faced with the madness of eternity, you quickly turn away and try to explain your feelings and realizations as some kind of illusion or mistake. You may then spend the rest of your life trying to ignore or forget about it, wondering at times if that moment and those feelings were real, but in the end, you will come to accept that it was just a momentary delusion that had no consequence.

The second option is that you cannot fight that madness and accept it. But you accept it as any normal human being would. And that is to believe yourself to be sick, afflicted, stricken. You may then walk down that long road of insanity and allow the world to take care of you in whatever way is fashionable for the times. Lost in insanity you can then blame the world for your sickness, but most importantly you can forget about that infinity that you had seen, accepting the fact that it was all a delusion and therefore inconsequential, stupid, sick.

The third option is the option of the walking crazy. After seeing infinity such individuals know that they can never go back. Some may keep looking into infinity, while others might have had enough from just one glimpse. But whatever the case the walking crazy accept the fact that they are crazy, that they can no longer tolerate the mundane facts of the average world. Having accepted their lot as the consciously insane, in accordance to the standards of the modern world, they learn to go on and to hide the fact that they are now a wholly different kind of animal.

In the best of cases, the walking crazy revel in the fact that they are free, and use that freedom as a source of extra energy that they can then channel into further seeing, further exploration farther and farther away from the cage of humanity.

The walking crazy that have accepted their lot and go on can become marvellous beasts. If they are successful in their mission, they will conceal their insanity from the rest of the world, knowing that if their madness is exposed, people will attempt to cure them.
You may recognize these individuals by a sudden, almost feral glint in their eyes, which they quickly try to hide. They may be staring endlessly at the sky or a tree, and often seem lost in thought, as if in some kind of delusion, lost in worlds far beyond the human.
There is no cure for the walking crazy. There is no reward for us because surely it would be madness to believe that after a long and fruitful journey of overcoming obstacles, we may finally find peace at last. There will always be another barrier to overcome, another wall to break. We are fighters seeking the infinite quest for complete freedom, and for us, the reward is not some destination but rather the struggle itself and the endless journey into boundless, immeasurable space. After all, what else would you expect from those who are supposedly insane?

If you would like to know the way of the walking crazy. If you are insane or daring enough to read a book that may just turn you into the walking crazy yourself, then I recommend the book, The Art of transmutation.

Transmutation is a secret power that shapes our reality, for better or worse, and I am going to reveal its power to you now!

First of all, the word transmutation has gotten a bit of a bum rap or raw deal in this modern time, it is now associated with fantasy and what the world now terms pseudoscience, which is akin to the modern version of blasphemy or sacrilege, against the modern gods of technology. But transmutation is really just causality, the art of cause and effect, but in the context of inner alchemy, a causality that involves the use of forces and capabilities far beyond the narrow scope of modern rational secularism.

Transmutation, using accepted modern terms, is the ancient practice of transforming one physical substance into another. However, for inner alchemists, transmutation holds a much deeper meaning. It is the ability to turn the un-manifest into the manifested, a key component to reality, true freedom from all material need and suffering, and eventually even the key by which the miraculous can be achieved, – the ability to defy death itself.

But what is the definition of transmutation generally? In the context of the modern version of alchemy, this often meant attempting to transform base metals into precious ones, such as led into gold. However, modern science still does not understand, or at least cannot yet through its limited set of acceptable laws know, how to make such transmutations easy or cost effective. Modern academia has lost sight of the great power and promise of the much older science of inner alchemy, that could reveal the true power of transmutation and divulge the great malleability of what is now considered to be, the hard physical world.

Despite being snubbed as pseudoscience, the concept of transmutation remains relevant today. This is especially true in our ultra-materialistic time, where outer focus and skeptic secularism are turning the world into a cognitive and physical prison. For inner alchemists, transmutation begins, with the ability to transform limiting beliefs, negative emotions, and unhelpful patterns of behavior into positive qualities that support personal evolution. It involves recognizing the inherent potential within oneself and others, and cultivating the skills and mindset necessary to bring about positive change. And let me add that this change is not just immaterial and therefore inconsequential to the modern world, but a true change, a reconfiguration of actual personal essence that has the possibility to change a person from the inside out, and make them something beyond the constricted modern individual that is stuck, caged, by physicality.

The origins of transmutation can be traced back to alchemy, a far older discipline than some suspect, that aimed to transform base metals into gold or silver, and discover the elixir of life that would grant immortality. But as I have written in my books, most of the information that survives today is about the Puffers, outer alchemy as opposed to inner, which is flawed at its core because it seeks to do what is supposedly impossible by its own materialistic rulebook. But to keep it simple here for the sake of this video, we could say that alchemists believed that all matter was composed of the four elements – earth, air, fire, and water – and that these elements could be transformed into each other through the use of symbols, experiments, and mystical rituals.

While alchemy may seem like a pseudoscience today within the perceptive constriction of reason, and the outer materialistic world view, it laid the foundation for modern chemistry and medicine. Alchemists discovered new compounds, developed laboratory techniques, and pioneered the concept of chemical reactions. Their work paved the way for scientists like Isaac Newton and Antoine Lavoisier, who established the laws of modern chemistry. Moreover, alchemical practices led to the development of pharmaceuticals and the creation of medicinal remedies.

All modern science became the way of causality, the way of transmutation. In Biology this transformative causality, transmutation, is focused on the evolution of life, the process of change and evolution in living organisms. The earliest theory of biological transmutation was transformism, which posited that one species could transform into another through natural processes. This idea was later refined by Charles Darwin and others into the theory of natural selection, which explains, using modern materialistic ideas, how species adapt to their environments and diversify into new forms. Transformations have been observed by modern science in bacteria, viruses, and even humans, where adaptation, which is yet another new word for transmutation, has played a crucial role in our survival and success.

Physics, the science of matter and energy, also deals with transmutation. Nuclear transmutation, the conversion of one element or nuclide into another, has revolutionized the modern understanding of the universe. The ability to transmute elements has reshaped the modern global landscape, both literally and figuratively.

Philosophy, the pursuit of wisdom and understanding, explores transmutation in a more abstract sense. It seeks to grasp the nature of reality and the meaning of life, inquiring into the possibility of transforming mental states, moral values, and spiritual realities.

Plato, for instance, believed that the human soul could ascend from the realm of shadows to the realm of forms through intellectual and moral purification. This journey of self-improvement and enlightenment is central to many philosophical traditions. In Eastern thought, the cycle of suffering can be transcended through meditation, ethical practice, and spiritual growth.

And this last philosophical definition of transmutation comes closest to what inner alchemy is. And really, sadly, this is all that it can be in this modern time, a philosophy. But this is a crime because inner alchemy and its methods of transmutation are infinitely practical and they are so much more than mere mental abstraction. But cycles must play out as they must, and this is a cycle of time where outer focus and materialism are the only thing that matters. This is a cycle of time that is focused almost completely on a narrow form of mechanical reason. It is a human cycle that cannot see what is hidden before its eyes in the odd angles and the liminal spaces that inner alchemy and its version of transmutation dares to explore.

Understanding transmutation is critical in the late phase of this rational and material cognitive cycle. However, the modern world has alienated us from the spiritual or inner reality, making it difficult to understand transmutation. So, one way to understand it is through the distinction between the outer alchemy of the rational and purely physical world, and the inner alchemy of the un-manifest and the manifested, which is far more powerful and explained in detail in the book “The Art of Transmutation“.

Outer alchemy involves working with physical substances to create supposedly tangible transformations. Inner alchemy, on the other hand, involves working with intangible substances, such as thoughts, the inner feeling sense, and intention, to create lasting transformations of a highly practical nature that can be more precious than any purely material substance or aspiration.

The outer alchemy of the physical world is governed by the strict and narrow rational laws of physics and chemistry, which seem impossibly rigid and unalterable to the point that transmutation seems like a fantasy. However, the transmutation of inner alchemy, of the un-manifest and the manifested, operates according to different rules, where the limitations of the cage of the physical world do not apply. Here, inner alchemists can tap into the infinite possibilities of the universe, using their minds and intentions to shape reality and manifest their desires.

Through the practice of inner alchemy, individuals can transcend the life and death routine of the average person, reaching true freedom and eventual immortality. By learning to manipulate the building blocks of reality, inner alchemists can create a world that reflects their highest desires and goals. They can overcome the limitations of space and time, achieving feats that would be considered impossible in the physical world.

Transmutation is a powerful concept that holds the key to unlocking true freedom and immortality. Through the practice of inner alchemy, individuals can tap into the infinite possibilities of the universe, transforming themselves and their surroundings in ways that are thought impossible by modern reason. Whether we choose to embrace this path is ultimately up to us, but for those who dare to dream big and go beyond the cage of the modern cycle, the art of transmutation offers a roadmap to achieving the impossible!


Key concepts:

  • Transmutation: This is the process of changing one element into another. While it has been dismissed as pseudoscience, the concept of transmutation is more relevant today than ever.
  • Relevance: Transmutation is relevant today because it challenges our understanding of the natural world and the limits of science.
  • Materialism: Our ultra-materialistic time is characterized by an emphasis on the physical world and a skepticism of anything that cannot be measured or observed with the physical senses.
  • Outer focus: The focus on the external world has led to a neglect of the inner world of thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
  • Skeptic secularism: This is a worldview that is skeptical of anything that cannot be proven by science. It is characterized by a rejection of religion and spirituality.
  • Cognitive and physical prison: The emphasis on materialism and skepticism has led to a world that is focused on the physical and neglects the inner world. This has created a cognitive and physical prison that limits our understanding of the world and ourselves.

I am very happy to announce that I my new book. The Art of Transmutation is published!

Thank you for your kind patience and your support. It is my great hope that you find this book both entertaining and illuminating in the ways of inner alchemy and personal transformation. It’s a story that explores the way of transmutation and inner alchemy from the perspective of a teacher and student. What is highly unique is that it is the first book of its kind that I have written in a story format, following the adventures and misadventures of an alchemist’s apprentice (Janos) and his teacher (the shadowed man).

Here is a version of the book description for you to look through:


Immerse yourself in the incredible journey of a young man who dares to push the boundaries of the material world and discovers that transmutation and infinite prosperity are not mere fantasies but attainable possibilities for us all.

Janos always sensed that there must be more to the mundane world around him, but trapped in poverty, and without access to greater knowledge, he felt resigned to his fate—until an encounter with an enigmatic mentor allows him to glimpse beyond the facade of our everyday world and initiates him onto the path of inner alchemy.

In The Art of Transmutation, the first book of The Amaranthine Chronicles, this mysterious stranger reveals to Janos the existence of the Spirit, an enigmatic force that serves as the source of all transmutation and which persistently calls upon us to pay attention, to ‘see’ and partake in the hidden magical world that surrounds us.

Finding that he must push past his doubts and prove to himself the truth of his dark teacher’s words, Janos begins his journey, not outward, but inward through the labyrinthine corridors of his own mind, beyond physical time and space. Along the way he unravels hidden truths and uses his newfound knowledge to transform his life.

The Art of Transmutation invites you to witness and learn from his extraordinary tale and initiate the process of your own inner and outer transformation, to gain direct knowledge of manifestation, personal power, and the extraordinary potential that exists within you.

As the author of this fusion of story and mysticism, John Kreiter draws upon years of experience as an occultist and explorer of the human psyche. A practicing alchemist himself, Kreiter is able to pull back the curtain and share the lessons of the Spirit.

Prepare to be inspired, to challenge the world you know, and to embark on your own odyssey of self-discovery and abundance. Your journey starts here, within the pages of The Art of Transmutation. Will you answer the call of the Spirit?

There are many people who have wondered about the Great Archon and its hierarchy. They may ask questions such as: Within the bounds of this titanic force, where do the Ascended Masters and reptilians stand in relation to other beings? Some may understand that the situation is complex and cannot be easily reduced to a simple good versus evil. However, they may seek to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of this force and its hierarchy. They may ask questions such as: Are our primary adversaries human or alien in origin? Is this force predominantly composed of alien or human entities?

And I must start by pointing out that the greatest realization possible for us is to finally discover for ourselves that the world is not simply divided into black-and-white, good and evil. In our quest to understand the forces that oppose us, it is all too easy to become lost in our search for some elusive truth that we believe is essential to our survival. We think that if we only knew this one thing, then we could finally conquer this world and our life situation. Unfortunately, sometimes knowing the truth of some things can be a bigger curse than anything else because such revelations, when they are truly taken seriously, can be so grandiose and overwhelming that they make us feel powerless. The curse of powerlessness is perhaps the greatest curse of all.

Yet I understand the nature of your questions and your desire to know the full extent of what we are up against. If it is your wish to know so that you can gain the power and knowledge necessary to confront these foes, I must point out that we do indeed have the power to confront any such foes. We are not powerless. As such, I would highly recommend my book “Overcoming the Archon through Alchemy”. In this book, you will not only find great truths but also how to fight back and overcome these forces that seem so overwhelming when they are finally revealed to us.

Now, from the perspective of inner alchemy, and I speak only from this perspective and do not presume to speak for others or their beliefs. From our perspective, the world is generally a predatory place. This means that we cannot rely on any group or individual, be they ascended masters or otherwise. The best course of action is to discover our own truth and learn to play a strategic game. This involves strengthening our position in the present by learning to see, to use our inner senses to perceive energy directly, and work with awareness and energy once these new senses have been perfected. When we have mastered this skill, we can begin to let go of the dogma and beliefs of the world, and instead focus on discovering our own truth, which may differ from that of others. This is why I always emphasize the importance of technique over dogma, in the hope that you will learn to see for yourself and discover your own path.

Once we can perceive energy directly, we can see that there is no sanctuary for us except that which we create for ourselves.

And yet, we are beings that are graceful, that is we live in a state of grace. There are many ways to define what being in a state of grace means, but fundamentally in the context of this discussion, it means that we are multidimensional beings. I repeat we are multidimensional beings, we are powerful, we are graceful.

Some of us live entire lifetimes from beginning to end being told that we are nothing more than objects, meat machines, living in an object filled world. We are basically told that we are a thing living amongst other things and the nature of our multidimensional reality may be suspected but it can never be fully confirmed. As such people live lives of quiet desperation as they somehow try to get ahead using a very limited set of laws and powers that tried to enforce the idea that they are just things, objects, surrounded in a world full of objects. But we are so much more than this!

So we must never forget that we are multidimensional beings, that we are graceful. This basically means that even in this predatory place we have many inherent resources, and it is my hope to not just reveal the nature of reality to you, leaving you feeling powerless, but also giving you the techniques needed to overcome these challenges, and that is why I recommend the book I mentioned.

So, getting to the root of your questions, there are indeed ascended Masters, reptilian-like beings, as well as light beings and a host of other entities that fit within the greater structure of reality. However, it would be wrong to assume that these beings fight some kind of black-and-white battle with the good guys on one side and the bad guys on the other. The world is far more complicated than this and even though from a certain perspective it is easier to see things this way, as your awareness expands you must begin to perceive greater nuance.

This is a difficult point of view to understand but the general idea here is that any force or any seeming entity or individual that is trying to tell you what to do, is in essence controlling you and is therefore something that has its own agenda. A true light being let us say or ascended Master, will be very careful about putting different possibilities before you, hopefully positive possibilities, but will not, even in the gravest of issues, try to force your hand. Individual freedom and spontaneous personal and individual development are paramount in all things. The unfortunate truth is that even in suffering there is growth, as long as that experience is of an individual nature where that person realizes that all that they have done is the result of their focus of attention, their ability to work with energy.

So, in that sense then, an ascended Master would provide possibilities, teach technique or methodology that could be tried, but they would not force any kind of action, any kind of dogmatic position. Yes, it is the case that an ascended Master might pull the curtain back to reveal a greater truth so that others might see for themselves the totality of all that is going on, but in the end they cannot force any issue because anything aside from this would mean that they are not in essence ascended Masters but instead just forces with their own agenda.

From this perspective, the Ascended Masters often described by many people are, in some ways, similar to the reptilians they also describe. Both Ascended Masters and reptilians have their own desires and motivations, their own agenda. Nothing is ever free in this world. It is up to each individual to decide whether to engage with these beings or to forge their own path. I will try to clarify what I mean here:

Ascended Masters are generally described as spiritually enlightened beings who have transcended the cycle of reincarnation on Earth. They are believed to have reached a higher plane of existence from which they can assist and guide humanity in its spiritual evolution. Some believe that these beings were once ordinary humans but, through a series of spiritual transformations known as initiations, they have achieved a state of enlightenment. Many in the esoteric field believe that Ascended Masters act as teachers and guides, helping individuals on their path towards enlightenment and aiding the human race in its destined evolution.

Are such beings real?

Yes, they are real, at least from the perspective of inner alchemy. I must emphasize that this is solely my viewpoint as an inner alchemist. It is my fervent hope that you will use the techniques I teach, or any other techniques that work for you, to discover your own truth.

So, from my perspective as an inner alchemist, these beings do exist and there is even a hierarchy among them, and this is very important. This hierarchy is determined by the extent to which they are still interested in the earthly plane – that is, how much they are still invested in the material aspects of this earthly realm.

Regrettably, I must resort to words to convey my meaning, and within the confines of language it is helpful to conceptualize the hierarchy of masters as a ladder of ascension, with each rung representing a higher level of detachment from the earthly realm. The higher one ascends, the less desire one has for the particular game that is being played here. The less interest one has on the board or the game pieces on the board the higher the ascension in a way. I hope you understand what I am trying to say here.

The hierarchy of Ascended Masters operates within a dynamic flow, striving to provide humanity with information and possibilities while remaining as detached from the game, like a multidimensional chess board, as possible. Anything other than this would undermine their ascension, as it could easily devolve into a form of control. Thus, the hierarchy is a complex network of individuals who have ascended to varying degrees and who work towards expanding possibilities without interfering with humanity’s free will.

Those lower on the ladder of ascension are tasked with more direct contact with humanity. Through these interactions, they provide information and possibilities, sometimes revealing what lies behind the curtain while doing their utmost not to interfere with the overall game. This is a great challenge for an Ascended Master, and if they are able to fulfill their role effectively – that is, if they can provide enlightenment and possibilities without getting in the way or allowing any lingering attachment to the material board to influence their actions – then they themselves can ascend further. In their new, more elevated position, they will work on different aspects of our shared multidimensional reality.

At the highest levels of ascension, these beings are responsible for the very essence of all that we perceive. Again, I must resort to words to convey this concept, which can be problematic, but you could think of these highly ascended Masters as great composers or conductors who create the very essence and various aspects of the grand symphony that is our multidimensional reality.

What are the reptilians?

The term “Reptilians” can hold various connotations, depending on the context in which it is employed. In one particular interpretation, Reptilians are postulated to be an extraterrestrial species that came to Earth during the epoch of the ancient Sumerians. According to certain sources, these beings are from another planet or another dimension and journeyed to Earth, where they established their presence. It is said that they possess a cold and calculating nature, devoid of any human warmth or compassion. Their purported objective is to subjugate humanity and transform our species into a race of slaves, much like the numerous other civilizations they are believed to have conquered and oppressed.

From the perspective of inner alchemy, beings of this nature do indeed exist. However, it is challenging to describe them accurately because just like ascended masters there is a hierarchy to them. When people think of reptilians or similar beings, they often blend many different concepts. One of the greatest difficulties in attempting to describe these beings and their existence lies in reconciling individual perceptions of physicality and reality.

Defining physicality is as challenging as trying to describe these beings. Generally speaking, we might say that physicality refers to something that can be perceived by our physical senses. Furthermore, our senses operate within a specific frequency range, so physicality could be said to encompass anything that exists within that frequency range. Finally, for something to be considered fully physical, it must be perceived consistently and equally – that is, more than one person must be able to perceive it and that perception must be persistent. Those interested in this topic may wish to research the hundredth monkey effect and morphogenic fields.

Reptilians are real, they are as real as a table you might stub your toe on. But their true power lies in the fact that they are also multidimensional beings. But unlike humanity, they know the nature and the power of this multi-dimensionality, and they have the possibility of entering it fully, meaning that they can seemingly be physical at times while other times being nonphysical.

At certain points in space and time, they may meet all the criteria for physicality mentioned above. At other times, they may not. To try to convey this concept, I have used the metaphor of a game board with many different forces competing against one another. I have also introduced the idea of a hierarchy, where proximity to the board and attachment to its material aspects determine one’s position within the hierarchy.

We humans tend to view ourselves as bound to the board, mere pieces in the game. Yet as I have stated, we are actually in a state of grace – we are graceful beings, as multidimensional as any of the other actors on the board. Our problem lies in our inability to see ourselves as anything other than pawns when in reality we are so much more.

Humanity at the moment is just barely beginning to understand the first three dimensions of the board, and some might say that they are also just beginning to understand the fourth dimension which we could define as time. And yet there are so many more dimensions to work with and it is within these dimensions that the true battle lies for us, and it is within these higher dimensions where true freedom and power are also accessible.

To try to understand reptilians and ascended masters we must realize that there are additional dimensions to this board, and while entities that exist in dimensions beyond the third may interact with the lower dimensions, they also have the ability to transcend them. Their power is defined by the number of dimensions they can traverse.

Just as I described the ascension of the Masters, there are also other forces that ascend alongside them. Some of these forces may be considered benevolent, while others may be perceived as malevolent. The difficulty with words comes when we for example imagine that ascension means goodness from the perspective of humanity. But ascension, at least within the context of this video, means expansion of awareness and the ability to move beyond the third dimension. As more dimensions are perceivable and as you are able to work within those higher dimensions, an expansion of awareness happens. Some forces and beings use that expanded awareness in a certain manner while others use it in a different way. Some beings look for expansion while other beings look for constriction. There must be balance and the nature of that balance is dependent upon the dimensions that you are bound to. Another way to say this would be to say that the nature of those balancing forces is directly related to what dimension you happen to find yourself in.

This is a complex game with many dimensions. At its highest levels, there are entities and beings that look down upon this little board and laugh. There are even higher forces that do not perceive the board at all and may inadvertently step on it, much as we might step on ants as we cross the street.

This is a challenging topic for people to understand, and I apologize if my bluntness at times seems cold. However, in revealing what lies behind the curtain, it is important for me to make certain points as clear as possible. But in saying all this, please remember what I said earlier: we are not mere pawns on a board. We are truly multidimensional beings ourselves, and our task at this moment is to work with awareness and energy in order to ascend to higher dimensional frequencies. But again, this is just one way of describing this concept using words. Words can be misleading if taken too rigidly, and it is my responsibility to always remind you of this.

You have been given possibilities – use them wisely.

When we hear the term inner alchemy, we may have many different opinions about what this actually means. Generally we can say that inner alchemy is a term that refers to the practice of transforming one’s body, mind and spirit through various techniques and methods.

Most people are only familiar with Asian and Chinese inner alchemy, but the tradition of inner alchemy is far older and there are many branches of this mind science that can be explored. In order to begin it is best to outline the most well-known aspects of this science which is covered relatively well by the Chinese method. Understanding some of these methods can in time help with the mastery of far more complex techniques and methodologies.


Inner alchemy in China is also known as neidan, which means “internal elixir” in Chinese. Inner alchemy is based on the idea that there is a vital energy or life force called qi that flows through the human body and the universe. By cultivating and refining this qi, one can achieve health, longevity and spiritual enlightenment.

There are many schools and traditions of inner alchemy, but they generally share some common principles and goals. One of the main principles is the harmonization of the three treasures: jing (essence), qi (energy) and shen (spirit). Jing is the material basis of life, qi is the dynamic force that animates life, and shen is the consciousness or awareness of life. These three treasures correspond to the three realms of existence: earth, heaven, and man. By balancing and integrating these three aspects of oneself, one can transcend the limitations of the physical world and attain a higher state of being.


Another principle of inner alchemy is the circulation of qi through the body’s meridians and energy centers. Meridians are channels that connect different organs and parts of the body, while energy centers are focal points where qi accumulates and transforms. The most important energy center in inner alchemy is the dantian, which means “elixir field” in Chinese. The dantian is located in the lower abdomen, below the navel. It is considered to be the source and reservoir of qi in the body. By breathing, meditating and performing exercises such as qigong and tai chi, one can gather, store and circulate qi in the dantian and throughout the body.


A third principle of inner alchemy is the refinement of qi into higher forms of energy. This process involves using various techniques such as visualization, mantra, alchemical formulas and sexual practices to purify, sublimate and fuse different types of qi. For example, one can transform jing into qi, qi into shen, shen into emptiness, and emptiness into dao. Dao is the ultimate reality or principle that underlies everything in existence. By returning to dao, one can achieve immortality and union with the cosmos.

Chinese inner alchemy is a complex and profound practice that requires dedication, discipline and guidance from a qualified teacher. It is not a quick or easy way to attain enlightenment or supernatural powers. Rather, it is a lifelong journey of self-cultivation and self-transformation that leads to a deeper understanding of oneself and the universe.


But as I have said, inner alchemy is far older than recorded history and has its roots in places that do not currently exist as geographical locations. As such, inner alchemy is not western or eastern but is beyond material geography. For that reason, it is very important to explore other branches of inner alchemy in order to get a better more holistic picture of what this mind science is truly about. It is also the case that in order to delve far deeper into the great depths of the self, we must know and study methodologies that in some ways eclipse what might be termed preliminary energy work.


Western inner alchemy, also known as hermetic alchemy or spiritual alchemy, is a branch of esoteric philosophy and practice that aims to transform the human soul into a divine one. Unlike Chinese alchemy, which focuses on the physical body and longevity, western alchemy is more concerned with the spiritual and psychological aspects of the self.

The essence of western inner alchemy can be summarized by the Latin motto “solve et coagula”, which means “dissolve and coagulate”. This refers to the process of breaking down the old and impure elements of the self and recombining them into a new and purified whole. The ultimate goal of this process is to achieve the “philosopher’s stone”, a symbol of spiritual perfection and enlightenment.


Western inner alchemy draws from various sources of wisdom, such as ancient Greek and Egyptian mythology, Jewish mysticism, Christian theology, Islamic alchemy, and Renaissance magic. It uses a rich and complex system of symbols, images, colors, metals, planets, and elements to represent the different stages and aspects of the alchemical work. Some of the most famous symbols are the ouroboros (a snake biting its own tail), the mercurial serpent (a winged dragon), the hermaphrodite (a union of male and female), and the phoenix (a bird that rises from its own ashes).

Western inner alchemy is not a dogmatic or rigid doctrine, but rather a personal and experiential path that requires intuition, imagination, creativity, and dedication. It is not a science or an art, but rather a way of life that seeks to harmonize the opposites within oneself and with the cosmos. It is not a religion or a cult, but rather a quest for self-knowledge and self-transformation that leads to a deeper connection with the divine.


In my attempt to reveal the true nature of inner alchemy, without symbolism, cipher, riddles or any geographical lens, I have at times used terms from many different sources. I need to use these terms in order to present the fundamental truth of what inner alchemy is, at least in accordance with my current, my house.

In accordance with my perspective (my current), inner alchemy is based on three great secrets: the secret of attention, the secret of energy, and the secret of transformation. The secret of attention is the ability to focus one’s mind on a desired outcome or state, and to avoid being distracted by external influences or internal doubts. The secret of energy is the ability to accumulate, store, and direct one’s own vital force, which I sometimes may term “the essence”. The secret of transformation is the ability to use one’s attention and energy to change one’s own reality, both internally and externally.


My current states that inner alchemy is a way of overcoming the negative forces that are trying to consume humanity’s essence and prevent its evolution. These forces have a varied origin but in its apex this force may be termed “the Archon”, which is non-organic entity that feeds on human emotions and thoughts. My current of inner alchemy knows as an energetic fact that the Archon has created a false reality that traps humans in a cycle of fear, ignorance, and suffering. To escape this reality, one must learn how to use inner alchemy to create a new reality that is aligned with one’s true will and purpose.

In my books, in my videos, and on this site, I try to make available the various techniques and practices of my current of inner alchemy, such as meditation, visualization, breathing exercises, dream work, lucid dreaming, astral projection, servitor work, and more. In all of this, I try to emphasize that inner alchemy is not a dogmatic system, but a personal and experimental path that requires constant learning and adaptation.

I have written a number of books over the years, that outline techniques from a tradition that I refer to as inner alchemy.

I generally try to stay away from just writing about dogmatic beliefs, that is, I try to stay away from the dogma, a belief system, whether my own as an inner alchemist, or anyone elses’s, and instead I try to focus as much as possible on technique, so that those that read my books can try the techniques that I write about and in that way, hopefully through their own successes, find out whether what I’m saying is true or not. No dogma, no need to believe my crazy experiences…just try this technique, and see for yourself if it actually works.

These techniques, tend to be things that many people find quite daunting or impossible, such as the ability to travel out of body, and create magical servants that will do your bidding.  Therefore, when I write about these things, there are times when those that are trying to do what others say is impossible, run into major obstacles of a (psychological or psyche) based nature.

For example, in astral travel or out of body techniques, when a person looks into doing these techniques themselves for the first time, they can instantly believe that such techniques, such inner actions, are impossible, or if they are possible, they’re only possible for a select few, for those that are the outliers, the genetically predisposed and the naturally talented.

As another example, in discussing techniques that would allow a person to acquire great deals of knowledge through inner work and inner travel, I mentioned to one of my readers that such skills do require talent, in that in order to download this information that is available in what could be called a different dimensional field, that person must master the ability to project into that dimension with certitude and exactness, and then be able to bring that information back and THEN translate that aquired knowledge into the syntax of the physical plane. That is, turn that other dimensionally acquired knowledge into a linear and language based set of information, that can be used in this three dimensional place, this earth, that we call the real world.

Quite simply, it would be like trying to remember one of the many and complicated dreams that you have every night, and be able to get the full extent, the full knowledge and experience, of that dream, and turn that information into something that would be useful in what we would refer to as waking reality.

You would think that this is easy, that remembering dreams is not a great task, but in fact it does require a great deal of developed talent and experience, because in actuality dreams are far more complex than many remember when they are back in waking reality, in that these dreams usually involve what could best be termed ‘depth’ and instant knowing (direct knowledge) of such intensity that is most difficult to translate into waking  consciousness, where time functions in a different manner.  It would be sort of like after seeing a wonderful sight, one that completely envelops you in utter bliss and heightened experience, and then you have to then write an essay on what these feelings and this moment was all about, including the ability to try to express in words, this seeming intensity of experience that has instantly and from then on, completely altered the very fabric of your being. No an easy linguistic task.

Such experiences, such inner experiences, hold within them a richness that is beyond linear and material conception.  A human being can experience this depth and feel and understand it within themselves, but to then try to express those inner feelings, that inner knowing at that time, is very difficult, and indeed this is what our art, our poetry, tries to with great diligence and sometimes difficulty. We cannot duplicate that other dimension, we can only try to somehow fit it into the syntax and phenomenology of this dimension.

Inner knowledge, and inner knowing, such as the ability to know the incredible things that can be discovered within dreams, within the context of those moment points experienced in those other dimensions, requires that kind of mastery of ability.  The ability to move a block of perception that holds within it an expanse that is beyond physical time and linear objectiveness, and turn it into something that is useful in this three dimensional world.

As such, an ability to do this takes time. The kind of time that can be compared to what a person might go through to become a Ph.D. It is something that is quite possible certainly, but it is just something that takes time and a relentless focus of attention.

Upon hearing that such a mastery is required, an average person might be quite disappointed thinking that, as I mentioned earlier, such a task is nearly impossible and is only available really, to a select few and to a talented minority.

In that regard I can only say this:

Such conclusions are only applicable if you believe that something like astral travel for example is an oddity.  And here we come to a most important point, and that is what you believe.

Belief is an incredibly powerful thing and I think that if you look, you’ll find that people that have been able to believe something, can do what is seemingly impossible, while at the same time those that believe that they cannot, find an obstacle at every turn.

I do not like to use this old adage about belief, but it is very much an important reference here.  I too am a bit disappointed then in the fact that some may have decided right off that such a skill is an impossibility or a highly difficult one.  I will tell you why something is difficult or not difficult: it is quite basically how much attention you are able to give it; how much focus of attention you have.

You can quite literally do anything in this world that you want, as long as you can focus your attention long enough on that one outcome.  The techniques that I discuss in my books and in some of my articles are all possible if that person is willing to dedicate the time and effort (by which I mean the prolonged focus of attention) to finally get the conclusion they desire.  Yes, it is possible that for some people these techniques will take longer than others, this is a fact.  There are also others that will run into negative beliefs as they focus their attention, in the same way that some might believe that such skills are outliers, that they are difficult and that they are for the few.  And faced with those negative or counter beliefs, many will give up.  But some will continue and will face those beliefs, change them, and continue with their focus on what they want.  That is the only difference between those that get something done and those that are willing to believe what the world at large is telling them they can’t do.

I have faith that you can do anything if your focus is unrelenting and precise, or I would not write these books for people just like you. I hope your faith in yourself grows over time as your focus of attention gets you the things you may want; the knowledge and the skill you may want.

If you would like to know more about what the focus of attention can do, then I recommend my book,

The way of the projectionist