inner alchemy
In the pursuit of knowledge, inner alchemists often tap into certain wells of information found in the world at large. These wells are deep fonts of knowledge, and to access them, we seek what I call “keys.” I’ve discussed these keys in my writing, describing them as starting points or portals that lead to deeper reservoirs of wisdom.
Recently, while responding to a reader’s comment, I was prompted to provide the starting point for a particular key—one that unlocks ...
In my writing, I often write about something I have referred to as the cognitive position. In this article I want to do a bit of a deep dive into this term and exactly what I mean by it. To say that this is perhaps one of the most crucial aspects of inner alchemy would be an understatement. The whole of inner alchemy is based on movements and shifts of the cognitive position, and whatever techniques that I have discussed and written about over the years are in a sense solely focused on the m...
I thought for this article, that I would take you on a little thought experiment combining some of the more orthodox beliefs in science, particularly mathematics, and combining them with philosophy and inner alchemy.
In particular, I would like to discuss the interesting news that mathematicians are saying that two different types of infinity have been discovered. This is highly interesting to me as an inner alchemist, a logician, and a philosopher.
Now, the inner alchemist and the logic...
Artificial Intelligende and Magic?
I would like to offer my insights on how artificial intelligence intersects with the journey of spiritual growth, especially when viewed through the principles of inner alchemy. We are on the brink of a transformative era where AI plays an increasingly dominant role in our lives. As we navigate this new landscape, it is vital to recognize both the opportunities and the profound challenges that these technologies present. This awareness is crucial to preve...
I was honored to receive an invitation from James, the esteemed curator of the Perseus Arcane Academy site, to participate in a unique and innovative text-based interview. As someone who is generally extremely reserved when it comes to media appearances, I was intrigued by his vision for a completely digital conversation.
As I delved into the academy’s website, I was delighted to discover the impressive caliber of work being showcased. The comprehensive resources on energy work, magi...
Hi John…Without wanting to talk too much about dogmas or beliefs, I am currently struggling with a question about manifestation: Let’s say the dark sea itself is a neutral field and the Archon gives our reality a default programming that is negative (or “evil”), is there in your opinion also a counterpart, let’s call it a divine force, that guides us through these lifetimes? Because I strongly believe in the manifestation powers we have, but I am not sure anymore where my intenti...
In presenting the way of inner alchemy, I must always be very careful to follow a very specific line of action that is guided by definitive energetic currents. Metaphorically speaking, we could say that it’s like being a sailor or navigator: I must follow the flow of the ocean and the wind created by it, always ensuring that I stay on course, which pertains to freedom, good will, and honesty.
The currents are all around us now; they flow, churn, and turn, creating a wind that howls and...
Belief and faith can move mountains, but they can also cause natural disasters. I always wonder how much certain individuals think about this. I mean, all those people who believe or are at least willing to try to begin believing that thoughts have power and that certain intentions, especially if they are held unyielding over time, can change reality, can alter the objective reality all around us.
For those who are willing to believe, do they realize that this means that everything in the ob...
Taoist alchemy is an ancient practice that has been shrouded in mystery for centuries. Yet, beneath its cryptic surface lies a profound system of mental, physical, and spiritual disciplines designed to awaken the full potential of the human being. This intricate web of practices is rooted in the Taoist tradition, which seeks to harmonize the individual with the natural world and attain unity with the cosmos.
As we dig into the realm of Taoist alchemy, it becomes clear that this system is n...
The world can seem all mixed up when we first look at it with our adult eyes. It can make us feel like we are stuck in a big mess with no way out. I have written extensively about the nature of these ‘cages’, as I call them, and how the general organization of the world is designed to limit human potential.
There is indeed a force out there, something akin to a gravity, that settled upon this world a long time ago and is largely responsible for the current state of things. A long ...
Imagine a world where everything is a joke, a never-ending circus of clowns trying to outdo each other with their antics. The air is thick with the smell of popcorn and greasepaint, and the sound of laughter and screams of delight fill the air. But beneath the surface of this seemingly carefree world, there’s a sense of unease, a feeling that nothing is quite as it seems. The clowns are constantly juggling balls, spinning plates, and making silly faces, but their actions are mere distr...
Throughout history, solar eclipses have been shrouded in mystery and intrigue, capturing the imaginations of countless cultures around the world. From dragons swooping down to swallow the sun whole in ancient tales, to mystical rituals believed to ward off dark omens, these celestial events have played a significant role in shaping our understanding of the universe.
In many civilizations, solar eclipses were seen as divine messages from the gods, calling for reverence and respect. Anci...
There are individuals who choose to look, while others shy away from going deep enough. There are those who find intrigue in exploring potential opportunities, even if they initially seem absurd. On the other hand, there are people who cannot spare time from their hectic schedules filled with endless work and busy tasks to delve into anything deemed inconsequential by today’s rational society.
It is all crazy from beginning to end.
In the midst of a hectic life, you might momentarily pa...
Transmutation is a secret power that shapes our reality, for better or worse, and I am going to reveal its power to you now!
First of all, the word transmutation has gotten a bit of a bum rap or raw deal in this modern time, it is now associated with fantasy and what the world now terms pseudoscience, which is akin to the modern version of blasphemy or sacrilege, against the modern gods of technology. But transmutation is really just causality, the art of cause and effect, but in the context ...
I am very happy to announce that I my new book. The Art of Transmutation is published!
Thank you for your kind patience and your support. It is my great hope that you find this book both entertaining and illuminating in the ways of inner alchemy and personal transformation. It’s a story that explores the way of transmutation and inner alchemy from the perspective of a teacher and student. What is highly unique is that it is the first book of its kind that I have written in a story forma...
There are many people who have wondered about the Great Archon and its hierarchy. They may ask questions such as: Within the bounds of this titanic force, where do the Ascended Masters and reptilians stand in relation to other beings? Some may understand that the situation is complex and cannot be easily reduced to a simple good versus evil. However, they may seek to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of this force and its hierarchy. They may ask questions such as: Are our primary adve...
When we hear the term inner alchemy, we may have many different opinions about what this actually means. Generally we can say that inner alchemy is a term that refers to the practice of transforming one’s body, mind and spirit through various techniques and methods.
Most people are only familiar with Asian and Chinese inner alchemy, but the tradition of inner alchemy is far older and there are many branches of this mind science that can be explored. In order to begin it is best to outli...
I have written a number of books over the years, that outline techniques from a tradition that I refer to as inner alchemy.
I generally try to stay away from just writing about dogmatic beliefs, that is, I try to stay away from the dogma, a belief system, whether my own as an inner alchemist, or anyone elses’s, and instead I try to focus as much as possible on technique, so that those that read my books can try the techniques that I write about and in that way, hopefully through their own suc...
The way of inner alchemy is the way of energy, and of being able to perceive that energy in the most correct and precise manner possible. For that reason, there are times when I have been asked how inner alchemy sees other techniques, and how they perceive the validity in the symbolism of such techniques.
I have been asked for example, whether inner alchemists consider kundalini to be a kind of myth. And certainly to them the energy that is tapped into through the practice of kundalini ascens...
As the new year approaches, many of us might want to make a change in our lives. It has become a tradition to make a resolution and try to change in the new year, something about ourselves that we would like to improve. And yet, for some of us this tradition of making a New Year’s resolution has become a bit of a gag.
Many have become cynical about the power of these New Year’s resolutions. The inability to stick to a certain goal can be so nebulous and hard for most people, that the New Year...