Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s all too easy to feel lost in the noise of societal expectations and the constant pressure to conform. For those seeking personal growth and self-discovery, this feeling can be especially pronounced. Yet, what if the answer doesn’t lie in the external world of shared experiences and societal involvement, but within the depths of our own being?

This is the concept of inner alchemy, a practice steeped in the traditions of alchemy and personal transformation. Inner alchemy tells us to delve deep within ourselves and uncover the hidden treasures that lie within. This journey is not for the faint of heart, but it offers a unique reward – the opportunity to become more oneself, to shine a radiant inner light that can take us to incalculable places and even inspire and deepen the journeys of others.

A. The Intensity and Radiance of the Inner Alchemist’s Journey

The inner alchemist’s journey is an artistic quest for self-discovery and transformation, a courageous venture into the uncharted territories of our own minds. It’s an exploration into the depths of our consciousness, where we uncover the hidden aspects of our psyche, the whispers of our soul, and the secrets of our own unique essence. As we delve deeper into the labyrinth of our own being, we begin to unravel the tangled threads of our thoughts, emotions, and desires, revealing the intricate patterns and designs that shape our lives.

With each step, the intensity of our inner journey increases, like a flame burning brighter with each passing moment. The more we confront and transcend our fears, doubts, and limitations, the more radiant our inner light becomes. This light is not just a flicker of insight or a flash of inspiration, but a steady, pulsing glow that illuminates our path and guides us towards our highest potential. The deeper we delve, the more our inner radiance intensifies, casting a warm, golden light upon our surroundings, nourishing and illuminating all that we touch.

As we continue on this journey of self-discovery, we begin to realize that our inner alchemy is not just a process of personal transformation, but a gift to the world. Our unique blend of experiences, perspectives, and passions becomes a catalyst for creativity, innovation, and positive change. Our inner light shines brighter, hopefully illuminating the path for a select ‘few’ others to follow, and our presence becomes a beacon of hope and inspiration in a world that often needs it. The intensity and radiance of the inner alchemist’s journey is a journey that never ends, a lifelong process of growth, evolution, and transformation, as we continue to uncover, refine, and share our inner gold with the world.”

B. The Solo Journey: Embracing the Inner Alchemist’s Path

Our journey as inner alchemists may be a solo one, but it’s a necessary part of the process, a crucial step towards awakening our true potential. By embracing our inner light and focusing on our personal growth, we create a space for true self-expression and transformation. We become beacons of inspiration, shining our light for those who will benefit from it, and in doing so, we not only illuminate our own path but also provide a guiding force for others to follow.

Inspiration breeds inspiration, and one individual’s journey may deepen the depths of another’s. A single spark can ignite a wildfire of creativity, innovation, and progress. However, it’s essential to remember that the way of the inner alchemist is not one of shunning the world but of becoming more oneself. It’s not about hiding away from others, but about cultivating a sense of authenticity and integrity that radiates from within.

And, of course, this comes with the caveat of knowing that one must be very careful in our dealings with others and the memetic wars they engage in. In a world where external validation and social comparison often reign supreme, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlpool of other people’s opinions and lose sight of our own inner guidance. But the inner alchemist knows that true power lies not in conforming to external expectations, but in staying true to one’s own inner truth.

As we embark on this solo journey, we must be willing to confront our own shadows, our deepest fears, and our darkest insecurities. We must be willing to look within, to listen to our own inner wisdom, and to trust our own inner guidance. And in doing so, we will discover that the greatest magic lies not in the external world, but in the depths of our own souls. Our inner alchemist’s path is not one of isolation, but of connection with our own true selves, and from this place of inner harmony, we can radiate our unique light into the world, inspiring others to do the same.

C. Memetic Wars: Navigating the Battlegrounds of the Mundane

The world outside can be a distraction, filled with memetic wars – ideological battles that often result in dogma, repetition, and the banal. It’s a world where people are more likely to get caught up in the latest trends, memes, and ideologies, rather than seeking authentic connection and growth. As inner alchemists, we must navigate this terrain with care, protecting our inner light and focusing on our personal growth.

The memetic wars are a constant barrage of stimuli, designed to shape our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. They can be overwhelming, and it’s easy to get caught up in the vortex of other people’s opinions and perspectives. But the inner alchemist knows that true power lies not in conforming to external expectations, but in staying true to one’s own inner truth.

In this world of memetic wars, most people seek dogma, seeking answers and validation from external sources rather than within themselves. They crave certainty and stability, and are often willing to trade their autonomy and creativity for the fleeting comfort of conformity. But the inner alchemist must seek true creative expression, not just intellectual understanding or superficial agreement.

We must be discerning in our interactions with others, seeking out those who fly higher than the average person, true individuals who share our commitment to authentic self-discovery and transformation. These individuals are rare, but they can be found in unexpected places.

The memetic wars are a test of our resolve, a gauntlet thrown by the external world to see if we will stay true to ourselves. Will we conform to the norms of society, or will we forge our own path, guided by our own inner light? The choice is ours, and the stakes are high. But for those who choose to navigate the memetic wars with care, the rewards are immeasurable – a deeper connection to our own true selves, and a radiant light that shines brighter with each passing day.

D. Seeking Out True Creators: Finding Rare Birds

The company we keep plays a crucial role in our personal growth and transformation. It’s a truism that we are shaped by the people we surround ourselves with, and yet, it’s often overlooked in our haste to achieve success and recognition. By seeking out true creators – those who are beyond the dogma, the repetitive, the common, the NPCs – we find kindred spirits who can inspire and challenge us.

These rare birds are the pioneers, the trailblazers, the game-changers. They are the ones who refuse to conform to the status quo, who challenge the norms, and who push the boundaries of what is possible. They are the ones who are driven by a burning passion, a sense of purpose, and a desire to shine like gorgeous stars in the sometimes-dark sea of reality.

When we surround ourselves with these true creators, we find ourselves inspired and motivated. We begin to see the world in a new light, as a vast expanse of possibility and potential. We start to feel a sense of excitement and anticipation, as we realize that anything is possible, and that we have the power to shape our own destiny.

These rare birds help us soar to new heights and deepen our understanding of ourselves and the universe. They challenge our assumptions, our biases, and our limitations. They encourage us to take risks, to experiment, and to push beyond our comfort zones. And in doing so, they help us to unlock our full potential, to tap into our inner strength and creativity, and to live a life that is authentic, meaningful, and fulfilling.

So, how do we find these rare birds? How do we attract them into our lives, and how do we nurture and cultivate our relationships with them? It starts with being open, receptive, and willing to take risks. It starts with being willing to step outside our comfort zones, to explore new horizons, and to connect with people who share our passions and values.

It’s not always easy, and it’s not always comfortable. But the rewards are immeasurable. When we surround ourselves with true creators, we find ourselves growing, evolving, and transforming in ways that we never thought possible. We find ourselves becoming the best version of ourselves, and we find ourselves living a life that is rich, meaningful, and fulfilling.

E. The Importance of Solitude: Cultivating Inner Refuge

Solitude is a powerful tool for the inner alchemist. In a world that is increasingly noisy, crowded, and distracting, it is essential to carve out space for quiet reflection and inner exploration. By doing so, we deepen our connection to our inner light and accelerate our personal growth and transformation.

Solitude is not about isolation or loneliness; it’s about creating a sense of inner refuge, a sanctuary where we can retreat from the chaos of the external world and reconnect with our true selves. It’s about finding silence in the midst of noise, stillness in the midst of turmoil, and clarity in the midst of confusion.

In solitude, we can tune in to our inner wisdom and intuition, allowing us to guide ourselves on our journey of personal growth and transformation. We can listen to our own inner voice, untainted by the opinions and expectations of others. We can explore our own thoughts, emotions, and desires, without the distractions and interruptions of the external world.

Solitude also allows us to recharge and rejuvenate, refilling our inner wellspring of energy and vitality. It’s a chance to disconnect from the constant demands and expectations of others, and reconnect with our own needs and desires. It’s a time to rest, relax, and rejuvenate, allowing our minds, bodies, and spirits to heal and renew.

The importance of solitude cannot be overstated. In a world that is increasingly fast-paced and frenetic, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of activity and forget to slow down, reflect, and recharge. But the inner alchemist knows that solitude is a necessary ingredient for growth, transformation, and inner peace.

By making solitude a priority, we can cultivate a deeper sense of inner connection, clarity, and purpose. We can tap into our inner wisdom and intuition, guiding us on our journey of personal growth and transformation. And we can emerge from our solitude feeling refreshed, renewed, and revitalized, ready to tackle the challenges of the world with greater ease, confidence, and inner peace.

F. The Power of Authentic Self-Expression: Sharing the Fruits of Our Labor

As we continue on our inner alchemist’ journey, we may feel compelled to share the fruits of our labor with the world. We may feel an overwhelming desire to express our creativity, share our insights, and connect with others who resonate with our unique perspective. And yet, it’s essential to remember that our primary audience is ourselves and those rare individuals who will truly benefit from our creative expression.

These individuals are the kindred spirits, the fellow travelers on the path of personal growth and transformation. They are the ones who will appreciate our authenticity, our vulnerability, and our willingness to take risks. They are the ones who will resonate with our unique frequency, and who will amplify our energy and our message.

But we must be mindful of the memetic wars and the potential for our work to be co-opted or diluted by those who don’t share our commitment to authentic self-expression. We must be cautious of those who would seek to water down our message, to manipulate our intentions, or to use our creativity for their own gain.

Instead, we must stay true to ourselves, and to our own unique vision. We must stay committed to our own inner guidance, and to the integrity of our creative expression. We must trust that our work will find its way to those who need it most, and that our impact will be felt in the world.

When we share the fruits of our labor with the world, we must do so with intention, with integrity, and with a deep connection to our own inner truth. We must be mindful of the energy we are putting out into the world, and of the potential impact it may have on others. And we must be willing to adapt, to evolve, and to refine our message as we continue on our journey.

Ultimately, the power of authentic self-expression is not just about sharing our creativity with the world, but about staying true to ourselves in the process. It’s about honoring our own unique path, and respecting the sacredness of our own creative expression. And it’s about trusting that our work will have a profound impact on the world, even as we stay grounded in our own inner wisdom and intuition.

G. The Transformative Power of the Inner Alchemist’ Journey

The inner alchemist’s journey is a transformative process, one that requires courage, resilience, and a deep commitment to authentic self-discovery. It’s a journey that leads us to the depths of our consciousness, where we unearth the hidden treasures that lie within. As we delve deeper into the mysteries of our own minds and hearts, we begin to uncover the secrets of our true nature and the potential that lies within us.

By embracing our inner light and seeking out true creators, we deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. We begin to see the world through new eyes, with a fresh perspective and a renewed sense of purpose. We start to recognize the interconnectedness of all things, and the ways in which we are all part of a larger web of life.

As we continue on this journey, we discover that the transformative power of the inner alchemist’s journey is not just about personal growth and transformation, but also about the intensity of the light within us and how this light can impact the world.

The transformative power of the inner alchemist’s journey is a gift that keeps giving. It’s a process that never truly ends, but one that continues to unfold and evolve as we continue to grow and learn. And as we share our inner light in the form of personal and unique art, by bringing what is within us without, we inspire others to embark on their own journey of self-discovery and transformation.

As you progress on your own inner alchemist’s journey, remember that you are not alone. Embrace your inner light, seek out true creators, and trust in the power of your own creative expression. And, above all, remain committed to your personal growth and transformation, for it is through this journey that you will find true release and fulfillment.

The inner alchemist’s journey is a solo journey, one that requires a deep commitment to authentic self-expression and a willingness to navigate the challenges of the memetic wars. By embracing our inner light and seeking out true creators, we deepen our understanding of ourselves and the universe, and inspire others to do the same. May your journey be filled with radiance, transformation, and the sweet sound of your secret harmonies.


  1. I agree 100%. There is nothing quite like being transparent, I found practicing honesty to be most helpful in my journey. As a job I maintain separation between fast moving targets whilst protecting against the other control freaks I work with, and sometimes I shamefully, cannot keep up with the traffic. Out of frustration, I started using the OUT polarity for my listening skills because although my 4 limbs were groovy, my skull was lame. It would just weakly parrot my intentions like when I first discovered LoA and I knew it wasn’t right.
    This went on for days, then today I remembered a dream I half awoke from about 2 years back and the sensation that came with it was like ice water being poured down my ears.
    And what do you know, giving myself an imaginary earache not only makes me light up, it’s easier to balance. Furthermore it makes matching sounds to imaginary faces much easier, like I can feel how imaginary words warp into my ears and make my apple shiver. I haven’t “manifested” anything but at least the feeling is good enough to take another hit.

  2. Hello John,

    I got a digital copy of your book The Art of Transmutation at Amazon and I am halfway reading it and practicing techniques presented. As I go on through my reading though I feel I didn’t grasp some important points, being that I could only read from time to time when I have more free time from work and social obligations. I may just be stupid or I somehow blocked my self from critical informations, but could you please direct me. If you were the dark companion and I am Janos what would you say is it that I should contemplate upon during my nightly solitary retreat?. How does one access the temple of his/her mind?. I can watch my thoughts, be detached from my thoughts and be the silent observer but I feel I’m still missing something important. When the thoughts vanished I feel trapped within the darkness and ask my self what now and I feel like I should do something to progress or I’ll fall asleep or be brought back to the waking world with no progress to show at all. It is also one of the reasons why I couldn’t finish the book cause I would find my self going back to when Janos and the dark companion met just to find that important point, the subject of contemplation, or whatever else it may be and continue reading until I reach a point when I ask my self again, Janos can do this now? what have I missed?. With so much distractions (entertainment eating humanities attention) in our world I know Janos’ speedy progress cannot be matched, thus, any clarification and guidance from you will be much appreciated.

    1. As you have already mentioned, modern lives are different and there’s an incredible amount of mental distraction. I think that the best way to start, is to look within and ask yourself what do I desire, what do I really want to know about?
      This might be the simplest thing like, how do I create a mind palace like Janos? Or it might be a life-changing question that you want answered like, who built the great pyramid of Giza or are aliens real?
      These seem like crazy questions, perhaps ideas and philosophies that you don’t know want to share with others. But in your mind, you can explore these, and you will be incredibly surprised the kind of things you will find if you’re just willing to openly and without prejudice examined the contents of your mind.
      In order to help you, I will link this article which I think might help you: The three types of contemplation. Using these techniques, you will be able to have a clear idea of what Janos was doing when he started, and by following his story you can see just how far a person can really go if they’re willing to trust in the magic within them.
      Beyond this, if you really want to take it to the next level as it were, then I would highly recommend the book, The Way of the Projectionist. There I discussed the seven rooms of the projectionist which are a step-by-step instruction on how to go as deeply as possible into the very depths of the mind palace.

      1. Thanks for the response John.
        I read the linked article and experimented with the three methods. First I did the free flowing without engaging in any of the thoughts, just observing at the same time keeping in my intention of discovering my mind palace. It went on until I find my self sleepy, and I’m guessing I experienced what you call in your book the sleep energy right in the center of my brain. It was so relaxing that I was defeated – I fell asleep. Then I dreamt of a place I dreamt of so many times before. An interior with victorian era furnishings and wallpaper. And there are secret passages only I know. One of the passages leads to an enormous room – beautiful, safe with homey feeling I could call my own.
        It is still early but I call it my little success. I will endeavor to find that place in my next journeys. And maybe from there, I will setup for deeper journeys.
        Again, many thanks for your assistance.

  3. Hi John,

    I really loved this article. It really put me in touch with ways I’ve been successful at guiding my daughter vs ways I have tried to push what I know mimetically on those who aren’t looking.

    I have a question to do with ones Conscious relationship to the Unconscious. The three aspects of the self that make up the total self seem to function independently yet have to unite for success. I have had a lot of success over the years in using the idea of “listening to the heart” to get in touch with deep feelings that when contemplated lead to seeing, insights and direction. From this relationship I have often found myself consciously speaking back in the direction of this guidance and thanking it, but knowing that the goal is unification of the conscious and unconscious, wonder if continuing this act, which implies separation though it’s occurrence, might also work counter to a continuous focus on achieving this unification. I have experienced most times after feeling guided this way a period in which loose touch with these deeper feelings, which caused this questioning to occur to me today in my contemplations, & further reflection is only creating a circular consideration. Does Inner Alchemy have any insights or knowledge about this?



    1. Thank you.
      I think that it is more than fine to thank deeper aspects of yourself for the guidance. This at least acknowledges that such deeper aspects exist, and this is a positive. Going forward what you can do is just acknowledge to yourself, using your own personal words, that these deeper aspects of yourself are indeed yourself still, and that in the future you will do your best to unite the totality of yourself.
      This subjective use of words in a positive way can be quite helpful and can help to lay the groundwork for future conscious and unconscious efforts from yourself. In the end, each step in such a unification will need to happen in an energetic way, a kind of expansion of awareness that will be deeply felt within yourself and will leave no doubt that you will have changed.
      So anyway, such positive words are good. Just make sure to set the groundwork for future unification every time you do this kind of thinking of the self by just adding a few words saying that you are always trying to unite the totality of yourself for good purpose.

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