Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

In our relentless pursuit to grasp our surroundings, we often depend on our rational self to provide explanations and make sense of everything. But as we delve deeper into this quest, we come face-to-face with a peculiar glitch in our minds that leaves us questioning the very essence of reality. This bizarre anomaly, this inherent absurdity, is what makes us ponder if there’s more to life than meets the eye.

At first glance, rationality may appear as the ultimate tool for understanding the world around us. It allows us to express our thoughts coherently and form conclusions based on evidence. Yet, it also acts as a barrier that hinders us from truly appreciating the whimsical and nonsensical aspects of reality. The more we scrutinize this glitch, the clearer it becomes that there’s always a reason to question everything.

Paranoia, in this context, could be seen as an essential mindset for those who yearn to uncover the true nature of reality. If we are paranoid enough to examine every aspect of our existence and defy societal norms, maybe then – and only then – will we begin to untangle the mysteries that lie beneath the surface of the world around us.

As we navigate these complex concepts and embrace our personal madness, we gain invaluable insights into the true nature of reality. This first step towards enlightenment is crucial in helping us break free from the unfortunate and ultimately lethal Catch-22 loop that has been holding us back from realizing our full potential. In this journey, we will delve into how embracing personal madness can lead to a deeper understanding of reality and help us escape the chains of the Catch-22 loop that has long dictated our perception of the world.


Exploring Reality’s Twists and Turns – Unravelling The ‘Glitch in the Matrix’

Our reliance on rationality helps us make sense of the world, but it can also limit our understanding of reality’s true nature. We often depend on established frameworks and preconceived notions, something I have termed ‘Dogmatic Thinking’, to interpret new information, creating blind spots that keep us from acknowledging the ‘glitch in our minds.’

The limitations of dogma and the average thinking of the world become apparent when we encounter seemingly contradictory or puzzling situations in life. These “glitches” force us to question our understanding of reality, leading to an existential crisis that challenges who we are and how we perceive the world. The paradoxical nature of human existence – caught between average rationality and supposed madness – highlights the importance of embracing both perspectives for a more comprehensive grasp of reality.

To embrace personal madness means acknowledging that life doesn’t always make sense, and it is okay to question everything around us. By doing so, we can develop a healthier skepticism and questioning mindset that allows us to explore new perspectives and challenge societal norms. This mindset empowers us to see the world through different lenses and ultimately leads to a deeper understanding of the ‘glitch in the matrix’ – an essential step in gaining insights into reality itself.

Understanding this glitch can help us comprehend how it shapes our perception of reality, enabling us to break free from the Catch-22 loop that has held us captive for so long. As we navigate this complex terrain, we must remain open-minded and willing to challenge our preconceived notions about the world around us; we must strive to go beyond average rationality. In doing so, we may discover a more authentic and enlightened existence that transcends the limitations of our zombie life.


The Catch-22 Loop – A Contradictory Trap in Our Perception of Reality

The term “Catch-22” comes from Joseph Heller’s novel, where a character faces two unfavorable options with no escape. In the context of our sense of reality, the Catch-22 loop arises when we confront the ‘glitch in our minds’ and must choose between embracing what the zombie world calls personal madness, or adhering to societal norms that restrict our understanding and freedom.

One example of this paradoxical trap can be seen in the case of whistleblowers who expose corruption within their organizations. They are often faced with a Catch-22 situation – if they follow established procedures, they may not be taken seriously, but if they break rules to expose the truth, they risk losing their jobs or facing legal consequences.

The Catch-22 loop is a dangerous trap that hinders our growth and limits our potential as individuals. It creates a paradoxical situation where questioning reality can lead to further confusion, while blindly accepting established norms prevents us from gaining deeper insights into the true nature of existence. The loop reinforces itself, making it difficult for those trapped within it to break free and escape the confines of their limited awareness.

Breaking free from the Catch-22 loop requires self-awareness and a willingness to question everything around us. It involves recognizing the paradoxical nature of our existence and embracing personal madness as a steppingstone towards a more comprehensive understanding of reality. By doing so, we can transcend the limitations of our rational minds and gain insights that were previously hidden from view.

The potential dangers of being stuck in the Catch-22 loop cannot be overstated. It can lead to a stagnant existence devoid of growth and creativity, as well as hinder our ability to connect with others who have also broken free from this pervasive mental trap. Ultimately, breaking free from the loop is essential for personal development and truly contributing positively to society at large.


Unlocking the Hidden Potential Within – A Journey Towards Expanded Consciousness

The human mind is a vast and intricate landscape, filled with unexplored territories that hold the key to our untapped potential. Escaping the Catch-22 loop and embracing personal lunacy is the first step towards unlocking these hidden depths and expanding our consciousness. By doing so, we open up new worlds of possibility in our minds and unleash a torrent of creative energy that can transform our lives and the world around us.

One real-world example of this transformation can be seen in the lives of individuals who have embraced alternative spiritual practices, such as meditation, the art of the projectionist, or servitor creation. These practices enable them to expand their consciousness by tapping into their inner reality and gaining a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. As a result, they experience increased creativity, better mental health, and improved relationships with others.

The benefits of expanding our consciousness extend far beyond personal development. When we open up new worlds of possibility in our minds, we also contribute to the collective evolution of humanity by promoting innovation, creativity, and empathy. By challenging established norms and embracing unconventional perspectives, we pave the way for a more enlightened society that values critical thinking, our INNER REALITY, personal growth, and connection with others.

To embark on this journey towards expanded consciousness, we must first break free from the Catch-22 loop by being a little paranoid and every established idea that we have inherited from the average human world. This involves developing a mindset of curiosity and openness, which allows us to explore new personal ideas, perspectives, and ways of being in the world. By doing so, we can unlock the hidden potential within and create a life that is richer, more fulfilling, and more meaningful than ever before.

So, unlocking the hidden potential within is a crucial step in our personal and collective evolution. By expanding our consciousness, developing a questioning mindset, and exploring new perspectives, we can break free from the mental trap that has long held us captive and embark on a journey towards expanded awareness and unlimited possibilities.”


Embracing (our supposed) Personal Lunacy – The Path to Freedom, Expanded Awareness, and Deepened Self-Discovery

Throughout this exploration of the glitch in the matrix that we all feel to one degree or another, we have briefly looked into the intricate landscape of human perception and the challenges it presents for understanding the world around us. We have examined how breaking free from the confines of societal norms can lead to a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and ultimately, freedom.

One powerful real-world example of this journey is the story of individuals who have found liberation through the practice of inner alchemy and the way of the projectionist (astral travel). By embracing personal lunacy and questioning their supposed real world perceptions, these individuals have unlocked hidden potential within themselves, leading to a profound expansion of self-awareness. As they have developed a more expansive understanding of reality, they have gained ease and contentment in their lives, transcending the mental traps that once held them captive.

This journey towards enlightenment is not without its challenges, but it offers a roadmap for personal growth and self-discovery that leads to a greater sense of freedom and expanded awareness. In embracing personal lunacy and delving into uncharted territories, we can transcend societal norms and gain profound insights that enrich our inner world. This journey allows us to connect with kindred spirits who have also ventured beyond the familiar, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose in our quest for self-discovery and enlightenment.

As we continue on this journey, it is essential to remain open-minded and receptive to new perspectives. In embracing an expanded awareness of reality, we must come to terms with the fact that the world just doesn’t make sense, and so, we must embrace this and question everything! We cannot turn away; we must face this tide. It is through this acceptance that we can transcend the limits of our rational minds and gain insights into a reality that was previously hidden from view.

There are many different ways. There are many traditions and methodologies to proceed by, to try to find the underlying truth of things, to try to find the underlying power, that is the birthright of every single one of us.

No matter what methodology you are using, as long as it feels right to you and is working for you, then use it.

You can think of these methodologies as sort of like a kind of propellant, in that they can help to get you off the ground, like a rocket needs propellant to get off the ground. Just like a rocket taking off from the earth, the amount of effort, the amount of fuel, the amount of propellant needed, is prodigious. And even finding this propellant in the first place can be very difficult, so, if you are able to find this propellant, in whatever way works best for you, then you need to use it, take advantage of it.

Some people for example, might wish to learn about and practice the Kabbalah, other people might want to learn about the tarot, about Wicca, ceremonial magic, yoga, or any of a number of other occult disciplines. That is what I mean by your initial propellant, and you should definitely use whatever works best for you, whatever speaks to you, whatever is working for you.

Inner alchemy as a further example, can in that same sense be one of these kind of propellants, and if it works for you, then it is definitely a fuel that you need to use in order to escape the binding forces, the gravity, of this wholly material existence, that imposes upon all of us, a bounded three dimensional space, a prison made up of six walls, that in the end traps us within a kind of psychological framework, and yet very solid and material framework, that makes us feel that we are far less than what we truly are, that we are small, limited, powerless to a great degree, objects.

Any good methodology, any one of the mental disciplines mentioned, can take you very far indeed, can allow you to glimpse around the edge of those walls. Such methodology can be a good takeoff point, a starting point, the ground zero for the start of a great and difficult journey. And it is at this zero point, where the greatest amount of fuel is needed, because without a prodigious amount of it, you may never leave the ground. You therefore need to follow the discipline that inspires you, empowers you, gives you wings as they say.

But it is very important, that as you begin your ascension, and you start to feel the incredible gravitational forces (the g-forces) pull you down, that right then and there you start to take notice, become aware of, and start to right there, counteract the potentially ensnaring forces of that fuel and the rocket itself.

What I mean by this, is that whatever methodology that you use, such methodology, such mental science, whether it is inner alchemy or the Kabbalah, or whatever, can through unquestioned dogma, trap you to the rocket itself. Whatever occult discipline you follow, you can think of this discipline as that rocket, not just the fuel but also the rocket that is carrying you higher and higher beyond this purely physical dimension. This rocket is for those of us that want to go beyond the three-dimensional cube, a blessing, our great escape. This rocket can help us to get higher and higher, farther and farther, from that three-dimensional trap that we know is not the end of us.

But that rocket is in and of itself, as we get farther and farther from that material world that we have wanted to leave behind for so long, as the gravitational forces ease up on us and we get farther and farther away, as we feel lighter and lighter, well, this rocket, it can if we are not careful, become our trap. That rocket that is helping us can become our trap, if we are not careful, this is a very important point that you must consider carefully.

This rocket is not a material thing per se, and yet it is in its own way just as solid and potentially heavy as the earth itself. It is made up of the underlying belief structures that have made this construction possible, that give this rocket the structural integrity needed to take us higher and higher. In order for this rocket to go so far and to fight so much gravitational resistance, it must be a very strong and sound structure. What this means is that the symbolism, the dogma, that belief system that created such a structure, must be very powerful.

As such, inner alchemists knowing that this structure, this rocket can indeed become a trap in time, strive from the very beginning to always point out that such a structure, such a rocket is in and of itself a kind of illusion. For the inner alchemist the only thing that matters is energetic truth, the truth to be found beyond the symbolism, beyond the dogma, beyond the methodologies, beyond the structured outer interpretation of an inner knowing that created the rocket in the first place. For them, the only thing that truly matters is inner knowing, direct knowing, direct energetic perception.

For that reason, I have always told all those that asked me, if following one particular occult discipline or another is good, to always follow whatever it is that works best for them, what speaks to you. If Wicca works best for you, if it appeals to something deep within you, then use that, use that as your propellant and your rocket to get off the heaviness of this material world. If the Kabbalah or the tarot work for you in whatever way to whatever degree, in opening up and expanding your power, in revealing to you those dimensions to be had around every corner, then use those and keep using them for as long as it feels right for you, as an individual.

But, in accordance with the way of my current, the way of inner alchemy as it is practiced by my house, you must always strive to go beyond the belief structures that are in place to maintain the construct, of whatever rocket you are using. To do that, my current always strives to teach all practitioners of inner alchemy to learn how to see, how to use what I have referred to as the inner feeling sense. Without the ability to do this, you will just leave one trap and enter another.

To be truly free, you must let go of that rocket once it has taken you far enough. And to do that, to free yourself from all traps, you must begin to create your own maps, your own symbols if those are needed, right from the start. At the very least, you must always strive to go beyond even the limiting power of that which got you this far, because if you do not, you will only hit another wall, and you will find yourself trapped once again. This new trap might seem bigger, it might give you greater freedom and greater possibilities, it might make you feel superior to those still trapped in the cube you left behind, but in the end, it will still be a trap.

The only way to escape this, is to learn to see, to know directly yourself, to begin to use your inner senses and go beyond any established dogma yourself.

For example, whether you are practicing the Kabbalah, chi-gung, or whatever else, in order to find an underlying balance, I recommend that you try to lightly read, if it is possible for you, the book, the magnum opus a step-by-step course. In chapter 4 of that book learn about and practice the technique of using the inner feelings sense. This technique is all important as you progress in power and practice. Such a book tries to keep symbolism down to a minimum, so whatever other occult science you are using, this book should not be too heavy dogmatically, so it should not counteract or go against the belief structures of your initial rocket.

So, whatever your initial discipline, just lightly read it, use it as a balancing force, learn the technique of using the inner feeling sense in particular, and learn to try to manipulate and work with energy directly, learn to perceive energy directly, learn to see beyond and past the symbolism that might be the structured rocket that you are using at the moment, whether such a rocket is inner alchemy itself, yoga, ritual magic, Hermetics, or whatever else.

In that way, it is my hope that you are not held back by any future trap, the trap of the rocket itself. Whatever practice you are using, use that initial methodology as wisdom, as a decent road to establish a path for yourself as an individual, as a powerful way to rally your forces and get off the heavy material earth. But as you progress up this road that you have set for yourself, at every step, balance this journey from the outset, by learning to perceive and see beyond any symbolism used, beyond any patterned belief structure used. Learn to look into that symbolism, past it, so that you can see the energetic conglomerations that make that symbolism possible, that are the underlying meaning of that symbolism. In that procedural manner, there will be nothing to stand in your way once you are high enough and confident enough to step a little bit outside of that rocket, that was so useful in getting you off and beyond this wholly material world.

In time if you wish, you could continue by reading the next two books in that trilogy, learning how to become a projectionist yourself, that is learning how to make yourself into an unstoppable rocket, and then learning about the way of the death defier, that is how to escape the cycle of life and death forever, using projectionist techniques of creating your own rocket. But, once again, remember to always use this wisdom, these techniques, the symbolism, as a guiding force to try and help you on your journey, in establishing your own individual journey, and allowing you to maintain a steady course. But whatever you do, do not get trapped within the symbolism, learn to use your inner feeling sense, learn to see, learn to perceive energy directly, and look beyond that symbolism into the energetic conglomerations that such symbolism truly represents, that such symbolism is trying to explain. Experience that vast conglomeration of energies and make your own assessment, your own maps. In time you will make your own way, and you will never be limited by constructs of external origin. And at that time, you may look back and see that it is not just the earth that you have left behind, far behind, but you have also left behind that rocket that allowed you to free yourself from that binding gravity in the first place.

That is true freedom. Only that, is true freedom.