Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge
Want to learn to make any task easier? Then learn to concentrate. The reason why a person gets bored, is because they are not putting enough concentration into the task that they are doing at the moment. The ability to concentrate is sort of like the ability to put blinders on yourself, so that you are focused only on the thing that is directly in front of you. Distractions then become as they say, “ out of sight and out of mind”. When we engage in any particular task, our boredom and l...
Introduction: The Allure of Pyramid Power For centuries, pyramids have captivated the human imagination. These awe-inspiring structures, with their perfect geometric proportions, have long been associated with mystical powers and hidden knowledge. From the ancient Egyptians to modern-day spiritual seekers, people have been drawn to the mysterious energy of pyramids. But what if the power of pyramids isn’t just a myth? What if these remarkable structures hold the key to unlocking ou...
Introduction Meditation, often associated with Eastern spiritual traditions, has a rich and largely overlooked history in Western culture. Long before the influx of Asian meditative practices in the 20th century, Western civilizations had developed their own forms of contemplative practices, rooted in philosophical, religious, and secular traditions. This comprehensive exploration delves into the fascinating world of meditation, tracing its Western origins from ancient Greek philosophy t...
Introduction: In the twilight years of the 19th century, a remarkable organization emerged from the shadows of esoteric circles, forever altering the landscape of Western occultism. This clandestine society, known as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, became a beacon for some of the most brilliant and creative minds of its time. Its allure has not diminished over the decades; instead, it continues to captivate and inspire those who seek to unravel the mysteries of the unseen world. T...
Throughout my work, I have written extensively on various topics that can sometimes blur the line between alchemy and science. In doing so, I have often tried to explain alchemical terms and beliefs in a way that is more accessible to modern readers. To achieve this, I have frequently had to interchange terms or provide modern definitions for alchemical perceptions. One such term is the alchemical notion of the Black Sun. A reader, for instance, recently asked me about the relationship betwee...
In this article I want to discuss what may be the biggest secret in the world, something that appears simple, in plain sight, and yet holds immense power. This secret has shaped human history and explains why Earth is a magnet for extraterrestrial and intra-terrestrial beings. The prize in question is human attention, which is a formidable force beyond measure. Let me explain. In today’s digital era, we have come to appreciate the value of attention, courtesy of our access to an abundan...
We may wonder why certain periods in history are marked by sometimes radical changes, and mass human movements. By movements, I mean collective ideologies or ideas structures, beliefs, that seem to take hold of people and become the predominant reality tunnel of the times. In other words, it is the collective behavior and actions of a large group of individuals driven by shared beliefs, values, or ideologies. It involves the psychological processes that influence individuals to join and parti...
When researching the paranormal, it is sometimes the case that you run into people that need help. While paranormal researchers might be pursuing the occult, UFOs, and cryptids, sometimes the people that they run into during these searches tend to be normal people that would just like to forget what they saw and return to their regular lives. Unfortunately sometimes these people continue to be plagued by these paranormal forces and they feel that there is no way that they can escape them. Usu...
I think that most of us would agree that we would like to be happier. Being happy is a type of pleasure and as pleasure seeking beings, happiness satisfies our instinctual desires.  Any problem that arises from seeking happiness, tends to present itself because of a person’s insistence on being happy all the time.  While being happy all the time might sound good, it is the case that every individual needs to experience a wide range of emotion because each emotion has a purpose.  If you force ...
I am a firm believer, that contemplation is your greatest resource in the acquisition of inner wisdom. Contemplation is basically the ability to let your mind go into a type of free flow, or inner exploration, where on the one hand you might give your mind complete and free reign, to flow in whatever direction it wants, and in the other you stay focused, so that you are able to keep track of every single thought, that enters your mind. This is a tricky give and take, because if you focus too ...
Hypnosis is defined as; an artificially induced trance state resembling sleep, characterized by a heightened susceptibility to suggestion. Hypnosis then is one way to go into trance. It is good to be clear on the fact that hypnosis is not trance but just one way to attain trance. Why this is important is because, in personal change, trance is very important while hypnosis is just one method of attaining this most important state. Hypnosis essentially requires a hypnotist. The hypnotist basica...
We are all told over and over again nowadays that meditation is good for us, but few of us know how to meditate properly. Meditation is supposed to be very good for mental health and also for our physical well-being. In a highly stressed out life, where the average person works about 40 hours a week, meditation seems to be a wonderful way to bring balance. In order to meditate properly you must realize that the one key factor is that you must be able to focus your mind on one particular thin...
How positive do you feel about the things in your life? Most people tend to believe that they are very positive but they seldom take stock of their own thoughts. They figure that since they feel alright, then things must be fine. And fine for many is basically positive. There is a big difference though between feeling fine and alright and being positive and happy. If you are pretty good at ignoring your mind or have such a busy life that you are seldom conscious of your own thoughts, you tend...
I know that I have given you some ideas on how to control your thoughts and emotions on other articles. In this article though I want to give you a technique that is definitely more advanced. I think that if you follow my writings and you have some experience in mental control, you will find that this technique is a natural extension of what has come before. This technique will allow you to control negative and compulsive thoughts and emotions. While I have as I said given you other ways to d...
Would you like to learn a technique that can persuade others and bend them to your will? How about a way to stop another person in their tracks and totally invade their soul? Would you like to learn a technique that creates instant sexual tension? I hope so because this is just what I am going to teach you and if you are able to master this technique, you will be able to exert your will with incredible results. Have you ever been to the Greece or Southern Italy? If you have been lucky enough,...
WHO (World Health Organization) has just declared that the Swine Flu (H1N1) has reached pandemic proportions1. This means that health experts believe that it is now an unstoppable virus. This new virus can be transmitted from human to human and causes influenza and the symptoms related to it. Many are very worried that this will kill many people, cause global panic, and economic downturns. With this in mind, we hope that this article will shed some light on possible preventions and how you ca...
As I had discussed in part one of this article, modern man suffers from a serious lack of energy. I had mentioned our incredibly hectic modern pace, our lack of proper sleep, and our bad diet. Certainly, these are clear reasons for our energetic lack but aside from maybe learning to develop a better diet, there is very little that most people can do to help their current lot. If you can, do slow down. But as I say this, I know that most people will not heed my advice. There are also a majorit...
“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. “ — Frank Herbert, Dune I like that quote. I like it because it is very true, fear is the little death;  it obliterates your mind and your common sense. Fear, if unchecked can destroy any good effort that you might achieve. Everyone gets nervous, anxious, and fearful. But if you let these emotions overpower you, YOU are lost…literally. Let us take for example one of the bigges...
I inherited the headache gene from my mother. I’ll get headaches when I’m not eating right, not drinking enough, sleeping enough or if I’m stressed. Sometimes they are mild, the kind you can ignore. Other times they make it hard to concentrate on anything, and all I want to do is lie down and try to sleep so the pain will go away. In cases like these even pills can’t take the edge off. But I found something that does help and in many cases cure my headaches. The great thing about this techniq...