Historical Recurrence: Understanding the Cycles of History and Its Impact on Human Civilization
Do things repeat themselves? Does the world feel like an ever-turning merry- go-round that seems to be going in circles? Most people in the modern world believe in linear time. They think there is a past they can look back at and remember, as well as a future they can look forward to and try to predict but never fully know until it finally arrives. We are often told that we are evolving, that things are changing, and indeed there does seem to be increasing change and modernization, at least from a technological point of view.
However, if you look around with a critical eye and have had the possibility of studying the past in some manner, you will notice that in some fundamental ways, the world has not changed very much at all. Interestingly, there seems to be a cyclical nature to everything, including human endeavors across time.
In a previous article The Cycles of Time, I explored the differences between modern society and past civilizations, particularly those from the medieval period. I mentioned the fact that every era finds itself within its own present moment point, and that moment point creates a new cognitive position that is unique. In that article, I also challenged the notion of linear time and evolution but did concede that there was a type of slow transmutation in people. I did not dive deeply into the reason why human evolution is so slow and so full of ups and downs. I did not want to go to deep into that because this would inevitably lead us to the cyclical looping nature of human reality, which is a very large rabbit hole indeed.
In this article, I aim to extend the concepts of the cyclical nature of human reality (Historic Recurrence) further, by arguing that despite changes in cognitive positions across time at certain levels, there are inherent building blocks of the human psyche that remain relatively consistent even across vast expanses of history. This homogeneity in people can be referred to as a recording, a cognitive crown of thorns, or a stamp that has been imprinted upon the collective psyche of humanity.
What this means is that even though cognitive positions of humanity may change across time, there is this underlying recording, or ARCHETYPE, that stays the same. Therefore, a large aspect of the psyche stays the same and is forever present in people, but the expression of those archetypes changes in accordance with different cognitive positions. As such, we have different types of civilizations throughout the ages, meaning that at a certain point in time a new cognitive position in people might have them express those underlying architypes in a certain way, while in a different era these same architypes might be expressed differently. At one point in time, in accordance with a certain cognitive position, a civilization might evolve technologically and express those architypes within them in a certain way, while at another time a more emotionally driven cognitive position might be present and a completely different expression of those same architypes might be expressed. But being that those architypes are deeply imbedded in the psyche, all motion by any one group at any point in time, will eventually lead to the same place, which is in essence an ever- repeating loop. So, there is no significant human evolution or change, just an ever-winding loop, a cage, that does not permit easy escape.
The Study of Cyclical Patterns
For centuries, scholars have been captivated by the cyclical patterns evident in human civilizations and history. These interests date back to ancient times, where philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle contemplated the recurring nature of societal progress and decay. More recently, thinkers like Giambattista Vico and Oswald Spengler have built upon these ideas, drawing correlations between the rise and fall of multiple civilizations across time. Many have noticed striking resemblances between modern Western civilization and ancient empires including Rome and Greece, observing comparable patterns of growth, prosperity, decadence, and eventual decline. This cyclical perspective of history contradicts linear notions of advancement, suggesting that societies may undergo foreseeable phases of development, peak, and regression.
Archetypes and Cyclic Patterns
To study this cyclical trap that seems to forever take us to a kind of crescendo only to have us crash back down into barbarism, as Robert E. Howard would put it, we could start by understanding the nature of archetypes as they were defined by Carl Jung. Archetypes are universal, archaic symbols and images that derive from the collective unconscious, as proposed by Jung. They exist in both the individual and the collective and go about creating the reality that a person manifests as a single being and as a member of a society.
These embedded patterns have been placed within the conscious and, at a certain level, within the unconscious. We seem to be driven to repeat endlessly old patterns that create a very limited range of positive and negative outcomes. These outcomes then go about creating a seemingly cyclical human reality, where as individuals and as a collective civilization, we seem to go from periods of great prowess and evolution to periods of deep darkness and utter barbarism.
Inner Alchemy and Breaking the Cycle
An inner alchemist is someone who can see that archetypical recording that seems to have been placed in the human psyche. By understanding it and perceiving it directly through their ability to see and use their inner senses, they find that they are able to predict individual and civilizational action. Most importantly, they are able to stand in awe as they see the endless merry-go-round of existence.
Having seen this endless merry-go-round created by this archetypical recording embedded within the psyche, they then conceive the myriad of cages that are the true nature of human existence. And having seen the many cages, they engage in the act of trying to break out of all of them.
Historical Recurrence and Eternal Recurrence
The concept of Eternal Recurrence, as eloquently described by Nietzsche, can be seen as a recurring pattern throughout history. This idea suggests that humanity is trapped in a cycle of creation and destruction, perpetually repeating itself. To escape these psychological traps, one must first acknowledge and accept this eternal recurrence.
As Nietzsche noted, acknowledging the eternal recurrence allows individuals to develop the resilience necessary to live without resentment or wasted energy, even in an infinite series of lifetimes where this pattern is repeated.
However, this is merely the initial step. There are methods and strategies to transcend this cycle. One such method is ‘energetic containment’, another is ‘energetic absorption and reabsorption’, and a myriad of other techniques that have been refined by inner alchemists over centuries. I delved into these techniques in my Magnum Opus Trilogy, and I wholeheartedly recommend reading it if you seek to free yourself from the endless cycle of historical recurrence.
The concept of historical recurrence challenges the notion of linear progress and suggests that human societies are bound by cyclical patterns. In this article, I propose that the general public will begin to understand this concept of historical or eternal recurrence when they start to recognize the nature of certain aspects of the human psyche and how these embedded patterns shape human reality. These patterns were perhaps best described by Carl Jung when he defined archetypes.
Archetypes, as Jung conceptualized them, are universal, archaic symbols and images that derive from the collective unconscious. They shape human reality by creating a kind of scaffolding or belief structure blueprint that influences the entire human mind. This mind, guided by these embedded belief structures through the archetypes, then goes about creating both individual reality and the reality of the human collective.
By studying these patterns, humanity can gain a deeper understanding of not only its past and present but also its future. Recognizing these patterns makes it possible to predict certain future outcomes because patterns of action are likely to be repeated, as these archetypes are deeply ingrained in the mind. Indeed, removing or transcending these archetypes becomes one of the major tasks for anyone trying to break out of the cages created by an endlessly repeating pattern of action that persists throughout a lifetime.
There are techniques and different practices that have been studied not only by inner alchemists but also by those who have searched for freedom and true spiritual evolution. For example, the concept of Samsara, which can be loosely translated as “wandering” or “cyclic existence,” suggests that by breaking free from attachments and ignorance, we can begin to escape the endless cycles of birth, death, and rebirth.
In my opinion, the most effective methods I’ve found for overcoming the constraints imposed by archetypes in the mind are those rooted in inner alchemy, which I explore in-depth in my Magnum Opus Trilogy. This trilogy provides practical strategies for transcending these archetypal patterns and attaining liberation from a purely physical existence. I strongly recommend it to anyone seeking alternative ways to break free from the cycle of eternal recurrence.
While clearly accurate, I think the cyclical nature of human history should be placed in context. First, according to all the information I’ve come across, the cyclical nature of human history is really the cyclical history of humans on Earth specifically. Extraterrestrial powers, including human ones, based elsewhere, don’t seem to be subject to anything remotely resembling this level of structural instability. This underlines the importance of the Yuga cycle in setting the parameters for how the mass of Earth humanity will act at any given point. Furthermore, the presence of outside forces on Earth introduces an important non-cyclical aspect to the planet’s history. If, for example, (not, of course, that this would be desirable) the Draco empire’s plans for Earth were to succeed, these historical cycles would end. In general, I don’t think the idea of humanity escaping cyclicality and entering a new era of non-cyclical growth would resonate the way it does with so many people unless it did correspond to some actual potential, no matter how naive and simplistic those believe in this concept may be in how they currently think about achieving it.
Thanks for your thoughts Joseph.
I have seen an energetic crown of thorns on people using my inner feeling senses. To me it seems to represent a foreign insert that was placed there to halt maybe a fuller expression of our crown chakras and to greatly impede if not completely derail a certain kind of spiritual or energetic growth that would evolve us out of this loop. I do feel the loop and it seems like the same story playing out over and over as cultures rise and fall and can’t figure out how to not war, for example.
I have recently become quite fascinated by archetypes after reading the book King, Warrior, Magician, Lover. It happened to be about four archetypes relating to men but there is of course a female version too. And these archetypes all have what the authors refer to I think as a shadow expression, for example the shadow expression of the king archetype might be a tyrant. So what struck me in reading your article was wondering if these archetypes that you referred to might be expressing themselves in a more unevolved way? Do we have to get rid of the archetypes completely and make new ones to get past this or can we find a higher expression of the same archetypes?
I loved the methods you described to transcend this revolving merry go round – energetic containment and reabsorption. It is a good reminder. Going back to the king/queen archetype, it strikes me also that the crown of thorns is meant to prevent people from assuming their own crowns of royalty, perhaps using a more appropriate word, their own sovereignty?
You mentioned awareness of this issue, of acknowledging and accepting eternal recurrence. That made me think of the phrase “The truth shall set you free” because I think in this case as you alluded to it can help set us free from eternal recurrence. But of course, getting to the truth is challenging with all the roadblocks that seem to get thrown in the way. There are things like the Archon that seem quite heavily invested in keeping us unaware of this recurring loop, Is it because it is so helpful in creating that “balanced disbalance” that is helpfully produced by eternal recurrence loops? It also makes me think of the word “apocalypse”, because as I was so happy to discover, its root meaning has to do with uncovering things and unveiling truth. I am hoping, and it seems to me we actually are, in a time of revealing that can assist us breaking free from this.
Lastly, this article made me think about cycles, and an example that popped into my mind was the cycle of totalitarianism described by Mattias Desmet, who talks about mass formation in society, which seems to be a kind of recipe for an ultimately destructive cycle for a particular culture, society, or group. When I think about it, it sort of reminds me of a template that would be used over and over again that creates an unsustainable and ultimately destructive pattern that I could see being replicated in various permutations over the course of many civilizations. Again, I feel the theme of entropy inscribed so deeply on the foundational framework of these loop recipes!
Much good for thought on this one. Thank you! 🙏🏻
While there are different ways to symbolize or term the archetypes, each one will actually be quite unique to the individual, and there may be a mixing of archetypes as it were that can make certain identifications and demarcations difficult if you stick to just written material instead of direct personal experience. It is sort of like trying to identify the meaning of certain symbols in dreams – while a book might help you to get a general idea, in the end you need to explore these symbols yourself in your own psyche.
And in the end the task is not to get rid of these archetypes per se, but identify them and at the deepest level possible, so that you can consciously begin to re-shape how these currents shape the basic foundation of your life thus far. Transcending these archetypes in essence means understanding and learning to navigate these currents at a very deep level, and this is usually all done as an inner alchemist, a projectionist, crosses the fourth and fifth room of the projectionist.
This is a very difficult subject in some ways because it speaks to the very nature of archetypes and in that sense then, sticking with a certain set of terms in order to try to explain something bigger, you could say that the Archon in many ways has gifted us the ability to work with our archetypes consciously, if you can dive that deep into yourself, which as I have said is about the fourth or fifth room of the projectionist, which is a deep dive indeed. But if you can get there, the gift of the Archon allows us to consciously begin to work with these archetypes at an incredibly deep level that then goes about changing the very course of our entire existence, both physical and nonphysical…that is, the totality of the self.
And you do indeed bring up a good point, something that I don’t believe I covered extensively in the book ‘The Way of the Projectionist’. In crossing the fifth room, we begin to also control the very nature of our participatory experience within the human collective. This has to do with understanding the major currents that shape the world, not just at an individual level but also at a mass level. This then reveals the true nature of the currents (or another way to say this would would be to say the many tentacles) of what I refer to as the Archon. This then finally starts to bring you ‘smack dab’, right before what I have termed the Oversoul in my books.
Dear John Kreiter
This is a very interesting article and confirmed by the Chinese vision of time where the day, the month, the year and a period repeat themselves according to a predefined cycle. This historical recurrence also suggests that change is inevitable but it is up to us to adapt to it to avoid or minimize the damage. Thank you for informing us of the tool to remedy this through the Magnum Opus Trilogy.
Thanks Naina
Is mathematics “just” another pattern in human reality? Is the study of it like trying to (outwardly) find more detail within the (human) mind, zooming forever into the complexity of the patterns that make up this recurring experience?
I wonder if inner alchemists, who manage to break free and project into other realities, learn different forms of mathematics and logic on their own with cubing, based on the experiences they go through. That must be very challenging if it’s completely alien. It’s really tough to imagine what it must be like to permanently transcend like an accomplished 1st-7th room Death Defier.
Well, you must be trying to get me in trouble with all of those mathematicians that say that mathematics is the one and only true language of the universe. But yes, indeed you could say that mathematics is just one particular pattern in human reality. In changing our cognitive position, it is possible to access other quite real worlds that are quite different from current mathematical understanding, and the perception of those worlds by certain projectionist has the possibility of being so alien that mathematics under such conditions (as it is currently understood) is no longer applicable.
Perception rules the demarcations that helps to shape current mathematical structuring. When perception changes so that those demarcations are no longer applicable, the logic of mathematics no longer applies in many ways.
Personally, I’ve come to the view that the existence of irrational numbers shows that the universe is not actually inherently mathematical. Mathematics is a useful approximation, but literal reality will always be a little messier and harder to pin down than the mathematical model.
Hi John,
Any updates on your next book ?
Sorry about the wait, I know I had given a soon’ish sounding timeline.This new project is a totally different style for me and I have been iterating over it trying to get it just right.
I am actually just making finishing touches, and hopefully, if nothing goes weird in any way, I should be able to publish it in a few weeks. I will definitely send out an email to everyone on my email list when it’s almost there and I will also give a good breakdown of what it’s all about. A part of me wants to keep it close to my chest but I will let you know that it’s going to be an actual workbook/journal with exercises and prompts. And even though I am going back to my roots in a sense as you will see, there is going to be a lot of new material covered and hopefully a better way to truly implement these techniques in your life. The prompts and the exercises will take everything to the next level, and the new material covered will hopefully be interesting to everyone because it won’t just apply to what the book is about per se but it will apply to everything in a person’s life.
Anyway, thank you very much for asking Vignesh, and I promise that I will let everyone know through an email when I have a better idea of the timeline. But ‘I’m hoping’ that this new book will be published soon.
Really exited to learn about your progress.
I have been following your work since 2019. I have made progress in changing the physical world according to what I want, for example landing a good job, building a good family etc.
I have found your techniques to manipulate the physical world extremely effective (servitors, energy absorbtion, energy projection etc.).
However, I am still to achieve any significant success in travels to third world (Lucid dreaming and Astral projection). Maybe because there is no clear cut way to identify myself making progress in these techniques. Can you give any suggestions regarding this? I don’t understand why inner manipulation techniques are not as mind blowing as physical reality manipulation.
I am really glad that these techniques have been able to help you, thank you for sharing Vignesh!
As far as progress in what we could term the inner dimensions, you are quite right it can be very difficult to make progress. From the seeing of inner alchemy, there is a true barrier that separates us humans from those deep inner aspects of ourselves. At a basic level, but this is unique and I could not speak for you or for any one particular individual (meaning that you need to do your own inner work on this), such troubles originate from our difficulty in understanding life and death and what I refer to as the ghost in the machine. Quite simply, we refuse to believe in our double, and this refusal is part of that Archonic cloud that I often mention.
There are many techniques, and I have tried to outline them as best I can and books such as, the way of the projectionist, out of body experiences, and the book of remembering, to some degree. There is a great relationship between how we deal with the Archon during the day and how much we can do during the night as it were. In the end the best advice that I could offer at the moment is to keep at it, it is this unrelenting determination that will eventually create results.
I am also constantly thinking of new ways to transcend my teaching methods and how I can show these techniques better. As you know, I can sometimes underestimate project times, but I have ideas about how to try to expand on these teachings further in ways that are easier for people like you to implement quickly. I’ll keep working on that and I’ll let you know about any progress that I make. But until then relentless intent is the way forward, for all of us.