Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge


A quote from your article, The Nature of good and evil: “While action that is not immaculate, to whatever degree, is perceived by the outer senses as generally evil, heavy, controlling, fearful, deceptive, or morose. In simple terms, immaculate action allows; it gives the freedom that one desires, equally to all others. While other forms of inner action that, from an inner alchemy perspective, are not immaculate, try instead to control and cheat people.”

Does this apply to servitors or is it absolute that servitors are a part of oneself, where the categories “immaculate or not immaculate” do not apply?
When I communicate to a servitor, it is very easy to control and confirms “to be me” if prompted. Yet there are also seemingly autonomous, subconscious, and developed characteristic actions as opposed to a formed cube.
Would forcing the servitor to enter a sort of puppet stage and controlling form directly be a form of control?
Or not, because it’s actually just still a sort of separated thought form of our self.
I still struggle with contemplating what makes us humans so special in that regard, to be this beacon of self-consciousness.
When does this beacon fully form? When are you truly responsible? Only in the limited self-conscious state and only towards other “beings” (organic and/or inorganic)?


This is the reason why I love servitors and why I created the new servitor journal/workbook. They are such an integral part of not only the basic techniques of inner alchemy, but also crucial to understanding the true nature of existence.

This is a pretty big statement, so let me try to clarify.

From the point of view of inner alchemy, we all live within an infinitely large sea of energy. As conscious beings within this sea, we have the ability to work with that energy.

This is a standard and, dare I say, brief definition of who we are from the perspective I follow. I find this definition highly usable, and it allows for certain expansions of possibility in understanding that can be key to moving forward. However, there are other possible ways to understand the nature of existence.

We could for example, contemplate the notion that we are a consciousness existing within a consciousness. A more popular way to express this would be to say that we exist within the Mind of God, which is a completely valid metaphor from the point of view of inner alchemy.

According to that description, we are a certain form of awareness existing within a greater awareness field of such vast proportions that it’s impossible for us to understand its boundaries. This greater awareness in which we dwell can be thought of like a multifaceted psychological entity, shining brightly with all the traits that are part of our own consciousness but in much greater and more powerful proportions.

Using ourselves as a guide (as above, so below), we can think of this vast awareness as exhibiting all the qualities that make up our own consciousness but on an infinitely larger scale.

In studying your own consciousness, diving deep within yourself to explore the immense regions found deep within the awareness that is individually yours, you may be surprised by the incredible complexity and range of motion that takes place at every moment. Studying that individual consciousness that is yours, you may be surprised to find that you hold within yourself a sea of energy, an ever-turning tide of whirling power that brings together certain conglomerations while repelling others. Deep within you, there is a structure of activity that in every way possible would seemingly reflect the boundless space and the many planets, stars, and galaxies that you see as you look up into the night sky. That vastness out there is the mind of God.

As that vast awareness creates you, meaning that you are a thought of that brilliance, you create awareness as well through your thoughts. While your creations might not be as vivid and autonomous, let us say, as the creations of that vast awareness, they are nevertheless true life and living essence in their own limited way.

The vividness of that vast awareness has created you and has given you free will within a certain range of existence that is yours to share with other similar beings. It has even given you the possibility of expanding that limited range that is yours so that you can continue to evolve far beyond those boundaries and explore the infinity that you’re a part of. Indeed, this evolution that is granted to you is endless, and you can make of that what you like.

But just like your consciousness, as above so below, is forever churning and turning, that vast awareness that has created you has within it a churning sea of currents and possibilities. In the same way that you can see certain personality traits within you, certain aspects of yourself that might go in one direction while other aspects move in others, the sea of reality that is the mind of God functions in a similar way. But please understand that I’m trying to use simpler terms here; there are certain caveats that we can explore at another time.

This vast awareness created you, and you created a servitor. It, because of its vast power, created an incredibly vivid and highly individual awareness, while you, being but a small spark from that greater awareness, created a much less developed entity, but one that has the possibility to grow and evolve just like you do, albeit within the bounds of a much more limited range.

Beyond this, you have the possibility of bestowing upon your individual creations certain extended possibilities. You can, for example, continue your conscious focus on these creations, these servitors, and in doing so, you can make them more vivid and more individual within your field of existence, which then amplifies their power immensely. They will always be limited within the general field of your perceptions, but within that range, you can expand their possibilities through your extended attention. A servitor will never become conscious from your point of view; it can never attain the vividness that was granted to you by that greater awareness. But in other lesser dimensions, let us say, it can begin its own individual evolution. These other dimensions are generally beyond your perceptions, and are part of the vastness that created you, but that you can’t directly perceive consciously. You can think of them like forgotten dreams that continue to exist and give dimension to new possibilities well after you, as the dreamer, have forgotten that you ever dreamt such dreams.

So you are right in a certain sense by saying that servitors are you, but at the same time, they are not you. In the same way that we could say that we are God because we are an aspect of God, but at the same time, we constantly follow possibilities that are uniquely our own; we are God but a spark of God that has been given the possibility to follow its own spontaneous will. This is a very difficult concept to understand from a human point of view because we have created so many separations between the self and the other. But in simple terms, I could say to you that a servitor is a small spark of you that has the possibility to grow and evolve. And in doing so, this small spark of your awareness expands aspects of you as it expands itself.

The servitor you have created through your conscious will, has the potential to evolve in other dimensions that are not generally accessible to you. In those dimensions, it can attain a kind of individuality and something that hints at what you might refer to as free will. But this cannot happen in this human dimension, and this is something that I have difficulty in trying to explain to others because of the challenge we all face in understanding the multidimensional nature of our existence. We are multidimensional beings, and aspects of us, our thoughts, do indeed sprout from us and become the seeds that help to develop other dimensions.

Immaculate energetic action means doing that which is most energetically stable and frugal. But this does not mean skimping on energy per se; it means learning to ride the currents of energy as opposed to trying to plow through everything. It is the difference between being a master mariner on a sailboat and being a self-important dunce on an icebreaker trying to cut through giant sheets of ice. Eventually, the ice cutter will run out of power and be stuck within that ice forever, crushed in time as the ice sheets compress every single ounce of life and structure out of it. The sailboat can sail forever; it doesn’t need big engines to keep it going, and a good mariner knows how to sail so as to avoid the ice. The sailboat only needs the wind that is naturally created by the vast seas, and as long as it sails straight and true, it can potentially sail forever. I hope you can understand my little metaphor.

When it comes to servitors, immaculate energetic action means using them for joy and greater expansion as opposed to trying to cut through and control something. Even in your efforts to evolve your servitors so that they become more vivid and helpful to you, if you’re truthful about the nature of your own psychology, you will notice that this expansion and evolution of your servitors follows a joyous road. What I mean by this is that if you try to control your servitors too much, a sense of spontaneous creativity and action is lost. It’s like being conscious in a dream; the moment that you try to control that dream too much, it falls apart. But if you control yourself to just the right degree and allow the dream to develop itself, to spontaneously create itself in a way, then you can fly and be a part of unbelievable places and spaces that in their sheer spontaneity and vividness have no equal and become a true otherworld to explore.

There are great connections here, and they all relate; as above, so below. I cannot say this enough: there are great connections here, and they all relate; as above, so below. That is why I mentioned that servitor creation relates to everything. It relates to The Magnum Opus Trilogy, dream projection, manifestation, and even transmutation.

You can create a servitor and, in that sense, you could try and perhaps use it as a puppet, as you say. But you may run into certain obstacles here; you may run into energetic sheets of ice. As a good mariner, you must understand that there is opposition here, a current that might not seem quite right, perhaps. You might then choose to take a different path, to follow better currents and perhaps realize that one course leads to the same place as the other but in a more favorable and shorter route. You may or may not find that a puppet you is the same as what I have called the ghost in the machine, and the use of your ghost is a more energetically immaculate choice than a puppet. But this is all for you to decide on your own, for you to navigate using your own intuition and instinct. Immaculate energetic action means learning to ride the wind and the currents perfectly. To do that, you must follow your own inner guides; I cannot tell you the way, I cannot give you dogma to follow.

So immaculate energetic action is an individual thing. I can’t tell you what currents are most favorable for you. There are some inner alchemists, sorcerers if you like, that pursue certain paths that are for them energetically immaculate. While other alchemists might wish to ride across different currents in the routes that are most suited to them, and what is immaculate action for one might not be immaculate action for the other. We are all individuals within the vast sea, and your immaculate energetic action is not mine.

We are special because we are the vivid creation of that vast awareness in which we dwell. You are that beacon of consciousness right now; it is your natural gift. You are within the grace of God now. You are responsible for being a creator right now. You are fully formed now, but expanding, and in doing so, you do not only expand yourself but you help to expand that vastness that you are a part of.

We humans have fallen into a whirlpool of energy now, and there is the possibility that we may be stuck forever within ice sheets that will eventually crush us. For that reason, we have forgotten who we are; we have forgotten our grace. But this is just a challenge like all things are a challenge, and all that we can do is keep striving to be the best navigator possible.

Immaculate energetic action means taking responsibility for everything that is you. You are responsible for everything in your life now, and aspects of you have known this energetic truth forever. To become the best mariner possible, you must become aware of the sea within you. This means becoming aware of your complete inner reality, the entire ocean within you. You must be conscious of all your thoughts and intentions – everything. This is, of course, a challenging task, and we each start at our own individual beginning.

As mentioned, aspects of us are already aware of all this, so we’re not trying to become more aware per se; instead, we are trying to unify the totality of ourselves.

You are therefore perfect now… but evolving. You are fully aware now and the spark of God, but you are evolving. What a contradiction, what a paradox beyond rationality.

Working with servitors is a challenging endeavor and can be the alpha and omega of an inner alchemist’s path. Within the bounds of that path, there is the possibility for immaculate energetic action. You will know when you are following immaculate energetic action because the deepest aspects of yourself will resonate with that action. To navigate the great dark sea, you must follow the course laid out by the spark within you. We all have our own currents to follow. But whatever you choose, know that you are now and have always been graceful.


  1. Great post, John.
    I already got your book, “Create a Servitor, Harness the Power of Thought Forms”.
    I tried creating a servitor from that previous book but had minimal success.
    How different is your new book from that previous one, and why should I purchase this?
    Followed your work and YouTube shorts.
    Thanks! More power to you!

    1. Thank you!

      I think Lenn that you should refrain from getting the book just now. I would suggest that you work with the book that you already have and perhaps even look into the articles and comments on this website. I think that this would be most helpful, especially the comments from other people which might help you with your own difficulties. Once you feel that you are progressing along the line of servitor creation, then you can try your hand at the Journal.
      The Journal does go into more detail on how to create a servitor and you might benefit from some of this extra knowledge, but where the Journal is different in that it provides some very important aspects of manifestation, or transmutation as I think it is better termed, that make all the difference in such work. For example, it helps the practitioner to work with what I would say is the three most important aspects of transmutation. These are the big three that tend to stop people from getting what they want.
      These three are:
      -An order of manifestation. Without a calculated progression, most things won’t manifest because often there has to be a progression from one reality to the next, and this takes a step-by-step ladder of operations. You can’t get from 1 to 100 often. Instead, what you need to do is to move along that manifestation ladder and this journal tries to teach you how to do that.
      -The second component is the ability to work with beliefs and getting out of your own way. This is a crucial step that is seldom covered and is the key to true successful manifestation.
      -Finally, this book shows you how to work with the guiding forces, the glitches in the matrix, that point you towards your opportunities and your successes. Without the ability to read those signs, your manifestation work becomes that much harder.

      1. Thank you so much for the wonderful reply, John.
        I deeply appreciate it.
        I have decided to STILL purchase your Journal, but I will go after your suggestions you’ve kindly given, first.
        Thanks so much again!

  2. Greetings John, I’ve been a lurker in this sphere for a while and my order of the servitor journal finally just came in and I’ve begun reading it. I’m still early on, but both this article and its precedents, and the book, have sparked a question within me related to servitors. Specifically, I’m thinking about the use and application of a servitor to attract a romantic partner. Now at a baseline I know this can be done with a servitor. But, the application is where I begin to question. I remember in one of the previous servitor books you mention a friend who had an attractiveness lamp servitor that they used. What I question though, is using a servitor to garner the interest of a specific person. Every body develops crushes, so I wonder if a servitor could be applied to such a scenario and if it would be “unethical” or “evil”. I also don’t know the efficiency of such a scenario, as by having such a narror outcome you may be limiting your servitor too much. Perhaps it’d be better to form a more general servitor to bring about a relationship with the most suitable person, and then you just hope it turns out to be the crush. In summary, I’m curious what you think about this dilemma and what you might recommend for the form factor and function for a servitor to attract a lover.

    Best regards, Alleister

    1. As you may have imagined, my friends dabbling was not really designed to attract a long term partner, but just to have a good time when he was out on the town as they say.
      If you are interested in a long term partner, then what you could try is creating a similar servitor but one that radiates a feeling of friendship, happiness, and trust. That way you can meet people more easily and hopefully run into someone that appeals to you as you hopefully appeal to them. In other words, you could create a servitor to meet at friend, allowing you both then the opportunity to create something more. In this way you are opening yourself up to others without any coercion, just using a servitor to help with that first step in meeting people as opposed to trying to coerce anyone into some odd relationship that in the end would never last.

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