Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

Some people might say, and I would personally agree, that the world is a little bit Mad. And it is good to start carefully, certainly it might be slightly frivolous to say that we are the sane ones, while it is the rest of the world that is truly crazy. Indeed, to think such unbalanced thoughts might be a form of insanity after all.

But, from a point of great sobriety, could we say, that the world is, well, bonkers? And that is the odd bit really, either I am insane, you are insane for thinking the world is insane as I do, or the rest of the world is the truly mad one. And if we are all bubbles as they say, if it is a mad little world, perhaps if we have not gone bubbles ourselves already, maybe we should start on a journey towards our own version of crazy, because whatever we do, we are already living in utter lunacy.

The question then becomes, are there benefits to further insanity? Is there a little bit of a silver lining, to be ever so slightly more mad?

I am being slightly cheeky. But do not judge me too harshly, at least so early in my rant. Because hidden in this mad outburst lies wisdom of an unsuspected kind. And this bit of reality-check has to do with inner alchemy, and the hard won lessons of old sorcerers, that discovered very long ago, that the world in the end, that oh so real and supposedly hard as rocks and low lying furniture world out there, well, that world, is merely a point of view, a point of cognition.

It is likely that you have heard the story of the Emperor’s new clothes. In that story, none can supposedly see, but all pretend to see the emperors stylish new gown. The story of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” is a hilarious tale about an emperor who is obsessed with his wardrobe. Two cunning weavers convince the emperor that they can make him the finest robe, but the catch is that the clothes are only visible to those who are intelligent and competent. The emperor, not wanting to appear foolish, pretends to see the clothes, as do his advisors and the townspeople. In the end, a child blurts out that the emperor is actually naked, and everyone realizes the absurdity of the situation. The story humorously highlights the theme of authenticity and the fear of appearing foolish. It’s a witty reminder that sometimes the truth is plain to see, even if it’s not what we want to believe.

Now, this is a story of consensual pressure, supposedly. From it you are supposed to get a rather sober idea of just how weighty and foolish the power of conformity can be. But here is a secret, a crazy little secrets, all hidden in there in that simple child’s story. And what the story does not go into, perhaps this is a little too much for a simple story meant for children, but what it does not go into, what it dared not say perhaps, is that the townspeople in that kingdom that did not see the Emperor’s new clothes at first, did in time, with a little pressure from all of the other pretenders around them, did in fact, in time, begin to see, to really see, the Emperor’s new clothes.

This is a terrible secret, kind of hilarious really in a nutter kind of way I suppose. And that secret is that, the townspeople in the story were mad before the con-men, the weavers, arrived. All the people in that kingdom were mad, just like all the people in this world are mad…whether we want to admit it to ourselves or not.

Incredibly, there was, and there now is, a level of madness in all of us. And this is because we all see, to differing degree, that which we are supposed to see instead of what actually is!

In the story, some people saw the Emperor’s new clothes right off, they didn’t even have to be prompted, that is how in sync they were to the crazy of the times. It was real for them, as real as punch, because the greatest authority in the land declared this so by merely acting in a certain way, and there was no questioning such authority. Others, saw snippets, a cuff here, nickers over there, the robe was starting to appear for them. Others saw nothing at all but waited patiently to finally see what they were supposed to see. They knew that in time the world would change for them, that they would finally see.

And that is the state of our world really, our madness is not black-and-white, here or there kind of thing. It is not a yes or no situation, no matter how much our brain likes to simplify things. It is instead the case that our insanity is in degrees. But of greatest concern, the really important slice in all of this, at least for a deeply mad old sorcerer like my loony self anyway, is that the range of that insanity in the world is so very one directional. Human insanity is, quite simply, so uniform, that one could say that for all intents and purpose, it is, a herding mechanism.

So, insanity is rampant in the world, and the insanity in people is by degrees. Some see the emperors new clothes as distinctly as you see your fingers in front of your face. Others see part of it and call themselves silly for not seeing the whole picture. A few see nothing but expect to see it very soon, and hardly any at all even question the madness. But the crazy thing, the interesting thing, the thing that very few talk about ever, even if they notice the rampant insanity of the world, is that human insanity seems to flow in a very specific direction. And in the end, all that one could say is that human insanity seems to be a kind of herding instinct. If the Emperor says that he has new clothes that are invisible and only the intelligent can see, then the herd will see. If the Emperor says that he can fly every time he has the hiccups, then such an assertion instantly becomes fact.

This means that from an individuals point of view, to be a loony of a slightly different kind is most difficult, possibly even dangerous. The world at large practices a kind of homogeneous insanity that is difficult to stand against or overcome because of the sheer scale of the crazy conformity.

But the crazy part, the part that will drive you bonkers thankfully, if you are not loony already, is that since the world is insane in a very conformist kind of way, to be a lunatic of a different variety can have some great benefits if you can manage it safely.

Just like the young boy that refused to see the Emperor’s new clothes, and saw things for what they were, or were not in that case, the way of inner alchemy, is the way of going against the great weight of that mad kind of conformity. By doing so you can see new things. By being a different kind of lunatic you can relieve some of the great weight of this world, find an odd kind of peace, and see, for the first time perhaps, begin to truly see, a different kind of truth.

Let me repeat that in hopefully more understandable gobbledygook. The way of inner alchemy, is the way of going slightly more mad, and on certain occasions completely mad indeed. But mad in your own way, a new way as far away as possible from the conformist madness of society.

The mass of the world sees the emperor’s new clothes to some degree. Some see parts of that new robe that the emperor is wearing, hopefully the knickers at least, but not all of it. Others see it all, perfectly, every bejeweled part of that new robe that the king is wearing. For them it is striking and beautiful and beyond doubt. But whatever the case, whether they do not see and pretend to see, or whether they see it in all its splendor, just like you see the many walls all around you now, the mass of the world is in that sense mad. And, unfortunately, unlike the story, some small child won’t save this planet by screaming out the obvious truth. Instead, you must plan your own individual escape. You must plan for your own individual kind of madness.

This is the escape of the inner alchemist. Since the world is quite mad to whatever conformist degree, then, in such a crazy and mad world, the only truly sane thing to do is to go mad yourself, but in a non-conformist way. You must go mad in your own unique way, well and far away from the herd mind.

You must go mad in a way that turns the robe invisible again, as opposed to visible. You must become so mad indeed, that in time you can turn all the walls and barriers around you ethereal, as opposed to solid and unyielding. Your lunacy must make those walls and that robe so invisible and ethereal, that you can just walk away and past all of the shackles of this place.

And I just bet, that you are one of those odd little lunatics. I see you out there sometimes with that crazy little glint in your eye. I marvel at the sight of you as you take step after step in this crazy world, the courage of you, the sheer audacity. You out there, who are so much more courageous then you realize, I revel and I marvel at the sheer existence of you.

Starting today, my courageous brethren, give yourself a break, give yourself a little selfish gift. Take a hint from this old devil and as the greatest band on earth once put it, go ever so slightly mad!

Look up to the sky, then look down at the world and say those magical words, who cares!

Like the fool in the tarot, stepping off into oblivion with that deer caught in the headlights look on his face, take a step into indifferent oblivion. Dissociate from the madness of this place, and go mad in a different way. Believe me, you won’t regret it.

Smile at it, relax in the face of it. Let it go, let it do itself. Step outside of it, care nothing for it, for anything, just smile and forget the self that’s supposed to care so much about everything. There might be gum stuck on the bottom of your shoe, the sky might be falling, super intelligent robots might take over the world at any moment, and you just remembered that you forgot to pay off your credit card. Well, say who gives a fig about that!

Who gives a blunt about it. Go ever so slightly mad my courageous and wonderful friend. Give me that gift. For a little bit forget to see the Emperors new clothes. Oh, but do not let them know that you cannot see it, that supposedly wonderful robe, those supposedly protective walls. Act as if you are just as insane, I mean rational and lucid, as everyone else. But deep down inside, deep down in places where they at least for now cannot see just yet. There, in that place that is yours alone, just go on the bonkers. Smile your lunatic smile and say to all the walls and authority of this mad little world, who cares!

If you would like to know more about the madness of this world and how to overcome it, I recommend the book, Overcoming the Archon through Alchemy.

And remember, as Bob, your uncle, once said, and I paraphrase, who gives a fig if they can’t take a joke!

Transmutation is a secret power that shapes our reality, for better or worse, and I am going to reveal its power to you now!

First of all, the word transmutation has gotten a bit of a bum rap or raw deal in this modern time, it is now associated with fantasy and what the world now terms pseudoscience, which is akin to the modern version of blasphemy or sacrilege, against the modern gods of technology. But transmutation is really just causality, the art of cause and effect, but in the context of inner alchemy, a causality that involves the use of forces and capabilities far beyond the narrow scope of modern rational secularism.

Transmutation, using accepted modern terms, is the ancient practice of transforming one physical substance into another. However, for inner alchemists, transmutation holds a much deeper meaning. It is the ability to turn the un-manifest into the manifested, a key component to reality, true freedom from all material need and suffering, and eventually even the key by which the miraculous can be achieved, – the ability to defy death itself.

But what is the definition of transmutation generally? In the context of the modern version of alchemy, this often meant attempting to transform base metals into precious ones, such as led into gold. However, modern science still does not understand, or at least cannot yet through its limited set of acceptable laws know, how to make such transmutations easy or cost effective. Modern academia has lost sight of the great power and promise of the much older science of inner alchemy, that could reveal the true power of transmutation and divulge the great malleability of what is now considered to be, the hard physical world.

Despite being snubbed as pseudoscience, the concept of transmutation remains relevant today. This is especially true in our ultra-materialistic time, where outer focus and skeptic secularism are turning the world into a cognitive and physical prison. For inner alchemists, transmutation begins, with the ability to transform limiting beliefs, negative emotions, and unhelpful patterns of behavior into positive qualities that support personal evolution. It involves recognizing the inherent potential within oneself and others, and cultivating the skills and mindset necessary to bring about positive change. And let me add that this change is not just immaterial and therefore inconsequential to the modern world, but a true change, a reconfiguration of actual personal essence that has the possibility to change a person from the inside out, and make them something beyond the constricted modern individual that is stuck, caged, by physicality.

The origins of transmutation can be traced back to alchemy, a far older discipline than some suspect, that aimed to transform base metals into gold or silver, and discover the elixir of life that would grant immortality. But as I have written in my books, most of the information that survives today is about the Puffers, outer alchemy as opposed to inner, which is flawed at its core because it seeks to do what is supposedly impossible by its own materialistic rulebook. But to keep it simple here for the sake of this video, we could say that alchemists believed that all matter was composed of the four elements – earth, air, fire, and water – and that these elements could be transformed into each other through the use of symbols, experiments, and mystical rituals.

While alchemy may seem like a pseudoscience today within the perceptive constriction of reason, and the outer materialistic world view, it laid the foundation for modern chemistry and medicine. Alchemists discovered new compounds, developed laboratory techniques, and pioneered the concept of chemical reactions. Their work paved the way for scientists like Isaac Newton and Antoine Lavoisier, who established the laws of modern chemistry. Moreover, alchemical practices led to the development of pharmaceuticals and the creation of medicinal remedies.

All modern science became the way of causality, the way of transmutation. In Biology this transformative causality, transmutation, is focused on the evolution of life, the process of change and evolution in living organisms. The earliest theory of biological transmutation was transformism, which posited that one species could transform into another through natural processes. This idea was later refined by Charles Darwin and others into the theory of natural selection, which explains, using modern materialistic ideas, how species adapt to their environments and diversify into new forms. Transformations have been observed by modern science in bacteria, viruses, and even humans, where adaptation, which is yet another new word for transmutation, has played a crucial role in our survival and success.

Physics, the science of matter and energy, also deals with transmutation. Nuclear transmutation, the conversion of one element or nuclide into another, has revolutionized the modern understanding of the universe. The ability to transmute elements has reshaped the modern global landscape, both literally and figuratively.

Philosophy, the pursuit of wisdom and understanding, explores transmutation in a more abstract sense. It seeks to grasp the nature of reality and the meaning of life, inquiring into the possibility of transforming mental states, moral values, and spiritual realities.

Plato, for instance, believed that the human soul could ascend from the realm of shadows to the realm of forms through intellectual and moral purification. This journey of self-improvement and enlightenment is central to many philosophical traditions. In Eastern thought, the cycle of suffering can be transcended through meditation, ethical practice, and spiritual growth.

And this last philosophical definition of transmutation comes closest to what inner alchemy is. And really, sadly, this is all that it can be in this modern time, a philosophy. But this is a crime because inner alchemy and its methods of transmutation are infinitely practical and they are so much more than mere mental abstraction. But cycles must play out as they must, and this is a cycle of time where outer focus and materialism are the only thing that matters. This is a cycle of time that is focused almost completely on a narrow form of mechanical reason. It is a human cycle that cannot see what is hidden before its eyes in the odd angles and the liminal spaces that inner alchemy and its version of transmutation dares to explore.

Understanding transmutation is critical in the late phase of this rational and material cognitive cycle. However, the modern world has alienated us from the spiritual or inner reality, making it difficult to understand transmutation. So, one way to understand it is through the distinction between the outer alchemy of the rational and purely physical world, and the inner alchemy of the un-manifest and the manifested, which is far more powerful and explained in detail in the book “The Art of Transmutation“.

Outer alchemy involves working with physical substances to create supposedly tangible transformations. Inner alchemy, on the other hand, involves working with intangible substances, such as thoughts, the inner feeling sense, and intention, to create lasting transformations of a highly practical nature that can be more precious than any purely material substance or aspiration.

The outer alchemy of the physical world is governed by the strict and narrow rational laws of physics and chemistry, which seem impossibly rigid and unalterable to the point that transmutation seems like a fantasy. However, the transmutation of inner alchemy, of the un-manifest and the manifested, operates according to different rules, where the limitations of the cage of the physical world do not apply. Here, inner alchemists can tap into the infinite possibilities of the universe, using their minds and intentions to shape reality and manifest their desires.

Through the practice of inner alchemy, individuals can transcend the life and death routine of the average person, reaching true freedom and eventual immortality. By learning to manipulate the building blocks of reality, inner alchemists can create a world that reflects their highest desires and goals. They can overcome the limitations of space and time, achieving feats that would be considered impossible in the physical world.

Transmutation is a powerful concept that holds the key to unlocking true freedom and immortality. Through the practice of inner alchemy, individuals can tap into the infinite possibilities of the universe, transforming themselves and their surroundings in ways that are thought impossible by modern reason. Whether we choose to embrace this path is ultimately up to us, but for those who dare to dream big and go beyond the cage of the modern cycle, the art of transmutation offers a roadmap to achieving the impossible!


Key concepts:

  • Transmutation: This is the process of changing one element into another. While it has been dismissed as pseudoscience, the concept of transmutation is more relevant today than ever.
  • Relevance: Transmutation is relevant today because it challenges our understanding of the natural world and the limits of science.
  • Materialism: Our ultra-materialistic time is characterized by an emphasis on the physical world and a skepticism of anything that cannot be measured or observed with the physical senses.
  • Outer focus: The focus on the external world has led to a neglect of the inner world of thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
  • Skeptic secularism: This is a worldview that is skeptical of anything that cannot be proven by science. It is characterized by a rejection of religion and spirituality.
  • Cognitive and physical prison: The emphasis on materialism and skepticism has led to a world that is focused on the physical and neglects the inner world. This has created a cognitive and physical prison that limits our understanding of the world and ourselves.

There are many questions that people have about how to perform certain supposed psychic or paranormal abilities, such as the ability to project the consciousness and have out of body experiences for example.

And there are many sources of information that can provide some very sound advice in this regard, that is instruction on techniques and general methodology that can make such abilities possible.

But seldom, I feel, is there an explanation as to why some do better than others in being able to perform these techniques and abilities. And while it is most likely the case that some people do better with certain techniques than others because those techniques just fit them better, it is also the case that there is a missing piece that is seldom talked about, a missing piece as to why certain people have better results than others.

And that key principle, the reason why things work for some but not for others, is power, psychic force, and more importantly, how to increase this force.


In this article I would like to go over a question that a certain reader had, and my answer to that question. I wish to do this because in answering this question, I provide an answer as to how to increase your psychic force, and how this force and its increase has multidimensional aspects that not only increase the complexity of working with this energy, but also show how this energy is really without limit, for those that can learn to tap into it.


Please note that in this article I will be referring to my personal techniques, and the map that I provide as an Inner Alchemist to my readers. As such, if you are not familiar with these techniques or the terminology used, there may be a few questions that you might have, but I strongly feel that the information here outweighs differences in technique, and that indeed this information can be used by anyone to apply to their own practice, no matter what kind of techniques you are using.


In this particular case, this reader had and is becoming more and more adept in the techniques that I write about, and as a result has made some very important correlations, that will going forward, greatly increase this practitioners potential power.


He starts by telling me that he has discovered, through his own work (his own personal inner action) the direct correlation between the techniques that I discuss in the Magnum Opus and the techniques that I then describe in the second book of that trilogy, The Way of the Projectionist.


My reply to this is as follows:

I am very glad to know you are progressing quickly, and I think that you have quite naturally come upon a point where the techniques discussed in the Magnum Opus coincide and unite with the Way of the Projectionist. As you note, being that one in the end involves the other, the ability to project can greatly enhance your ability to reabsorb past energetic loss, and consequently, your ability to absorb past events does greatly increase your psychic power and your ability therefore to project your consciousness farther and with much greater potency.


For those not familiar with my technique, or for those that wonder as to the correlation here, it is important to note that one level of technique that he refers to in ‘the Magnum Opus’, directly feeds the other in ‘the way of the projectionist’. This reader then has taught himself how to absorb latent psychic force, and store that force, which is covered in the Magnum Opus, and then use it to expand his abilities to project his consciousness farther and farther, using the techniques covered in the book, the Way of the Projectionist. There is therefore a correlation, that this person has been able to verify by himself, between the absorption of psychic force and the ability to perform extraordinary feats of mental action such as projecting (astral Travel). This discovery is most important, especially when a person can experience it for themselves through their own doing.


This then is the answer to the question that is posed at the beginning of this article in actual practice:

Those that can’t seem to replicate a technique, with the same power and efficiency as others may be having troubles, because they do not have the psychic power needed to do what they want to do, to the extent that they want to do it, and no one has shown them how to increase this force, or how to work with it in any way. People are told about a certain technique, their given all these examples of people that have been able to replicate the techniques mentioned, but that is as far as it goes. Some people perform these techniques and get some results, while others do not. But seldom is there any real explanation as to why this is so. So this is the basic answer, the more psychic power you have, the better your result, and one of the way to gain psychic power is through the use of the techniques that I outline in the book The Magnum Opus.


To make the point even more succinct, this person reports that as his absorption of psychic force has increased, his projections have indeed become more vivid, and he is beginning to be able to tap into alternate histories, which to him at the time seem more like simple daydreams. In trying to explain to him that these simple daydreams are more important than he may at first realize, I use an example which I think you may find useful in your own practice,

I reply as follows:

As you do become a more adept projectionist, many of the questions that you now have will be answered through your own experience just like you are able to answer this initial and incredibly important question. But here I will outline certain perplexities that have been discovered by inner alchemists, that might help you along the way.

While it is indeed possible to use your projectionist techniques to go very far back in your life, these projections will also allow you to perceive what could be referred to as alternate life events, that while non-existent in accordance to your memory of past events, nevertheless can play a significant role in your present situation. These alternate events can also lead to what could be referred to as simultaneous reincarnational events, that is alternate life tracks, simultaneous life-lines, that while not being the past as we may remember it, still can affect this present reality through often times unconscious communications in dreams, ideas, and impulses, that may lead us in unsuspected future directions.

Generally, these alternate histories stay far in the background of the conscious self, but for an adept, who is progressing in power, as they move through the rooms of the projectionist and as they involve themselves in the reabsorption of their energetic totality, so as to gain more and more psychic power, these alternate realities, these other dimensional existences, become known to them, and this can have many benefits.

Let me give you an example, let’s say that as you use your projectionist techniques to travel back to a very early time in your past. You begin to re-absorb and begin to follow the track of your life (your life history) into what you refer to as the present moment. But as you do so, you discover that you seem to go into a dream like alternate place, because instead of becoming the person that you are now, you instead follow a track of events that lead you to experience a life, or a set of events that are completely different from what you consider to be true ‘reality’.

Now, you might believe that your projections while valid in some sense, are not valid when it comes to re-absorption, because even though you were consciously transported to what could be referred to as another dimensional reality, this reality had nothing to do with what you consider to be factual history, and therefore any absorption that you did there, you would imagine, must not count? ‘This isn’t real life’, you imagine.

Well, the thing is that these alternate places often times do count, because they do indeed represent events that do hold parts of ourselves, parts of our energy, because they are legitimate and real in their own alternate dimension. And as such, as a projectionist grows in power they greatly expand their concept of who they are, how big they really are, on the inside. And because of this, they greatly expand the kinds of energy as well available to them, the amount of energy they can tap into and re-absorb, which then greatly increases their power even more, which then allows them to become even more powerful projectionists, etc.

I hope you can understand what I’m trying to tell you here, there is great nuance, but this nuance is not something that is beyond you. It just requires that you grow in your projectionist abilities, which will quite naturally expand your intellect and your ability to see beyond the borders of who you thought you had been up till now.

Continue as you have, you are making great progress. But do note that in order to do so you will need to increase your ability as a projectionist, which will naturally coincide with your ability to absorb and contain energy. A seeming Catch-22, I know, but the idea that anything is linear, or that the extent of your life is whatever followed some trajectory course from a beginning to an end, is the real illusion in all of life.



As you can see from my response to this question, you are indeed far more expansive, far more magical and powerful, than you may now believe yourself to be. And it is possible for anyone to master the abilities that some call impossible. What you need to do, is to not just master the technique that will allow you to travel astrally, project your consciousness or even escape the three dimensional trap, as I call it, of this physical universe, but to also master the techniques that allow you to work and absorb energy. Without this latter and most critical ability, the supposedly impossible will always be just out of your reach, there is no other way.


If you would like to know more about the specific techniques that I have been discussing here, I recommend the books The Magnum Opus, and The Way of the Projectionist.

In my books and in my videos, I often say that words can be misleading and that they can get us in trouble. What I mean by this is that the words that we use are not a very accurate form of communication, especially when we are trying to describe or discuss our inner reality.

Words can be quite efficient when we are talking about the material three dimensional world, but when we try to speak about things that are not part of the classical mechanical material universe, these words hit a limit and often times they can be more of a hindrance than an asset. Words are designed to try to describe a world made up of objects. The moment that we try to go beyond an object based reality and simple causal mechanics, words fail us. When trying to describe aspects of the mind for example, those words that were so helpful in communicating with another person in the average human world, are just not up to the task. For example, how do you describe a thought using words?

It can be done but it is difficult, and in trying to describe the great intricacy of a thought, we are often limiting those things that we try to describe at best, and we may actually and unintentionally lie at worst.

When I say the word thought, you may instantly think of one distinct thing. Indeed, even in trying to picture a thought, we may picture in comic book style, a thought as being a distinct little cloud over our heads. But this natural need of words to separate things into parts, fails to describe the great intricacy and fluidity of thoughts. A thought may seem like a distinct individual thing to us, being that we look at the world through a very specific worldview, one that is further cemented by the beliefs that we hold about the nature of reality. We look out into the world with our physical senses, and we see distinct objects, each one separate but interacting with the world in a very predictable manner, we call this theory of motion and being; classical mechanics.

But thoughts cannot be perceived by the physical senses and indeed thoughts are not in any way like the physical mechanical world. Thoughts are not distinct, they are always combined and amalgamated to other thoughts, and the nature of this intermingling is so complex that it goes far beyond the simple mechanical causal world that we are used to. A thought can be distinctly itself, but at the same time it can be part of a larger structure, and depending on how you perceive that one thought, that larger structure may be apparent, perceivable, or it may not. And incredibly, even the nature of the perception of thought may change that thought, and in a way that is impossible to describe using words, both the thought and the perceiver of the thought are changed by such a perception.

A thought can transform instantly into something else. It can be in the past and in the present simultaneously. It can both be the cause of a future scenario and it can be that future scenario, simultaneously. And all of this is happening in such a fluid and dynamic environment, a causal order of such complexity, that classical mechanics is not adequate in describing the flow of a thought, let alone the mind that is having those thoughts.

Words are in a sense a magical creation. Words have allowed us to create a kind of sandbox, a cube like structure, where we humans may all meet and find a consensual world in which to communicate and work as a cohesive whole. Words are quite literally designed to filter out most of reality, to make everything banal and repetitive, so that in this highly controlled and filtered environment we can all communicate and work together. But in creating such a world, we have given up a great deal of perceptive power. The price of this little sandbox that we have created has a great cost, and that cost is our awareness.

Due to the great limit of words, I have been asked if it would be far better to communicate using telepathy. Would it be better to have direct mind to mind interaction instead of using the mechanics of words?

It would be easy to say yes, being that there is the potential to go far beyond any kind of word and syntax restriction. Telepathy would certainly allow us to greatly expand the nature of that little sandbox that we have created for ourselves. But, such methodology always involves a great deal of instability. In other words, many of the rules and restrictions that we might experience in the use of words, are there in order to try to establish a kind of communal, consensual, form of communication that does not allow for too many misconceptions.

Those restrictions, that Occam’s razor, the beloved tool and weapon of the modern skeptical rationalist, has a very important function. That function is to restrict and confine so that one separate individual can talk to another, work with another, and align with another. Certainly for some, Occam’s razor has turned into a kind of theology, but in reality it was only meant to be you might say, a relatively simple decision matrix, a heuristic, for individual minds to be able to understand the general boundaries of the sandbox that was created for communication and alignment.

So, if we were to use a new form of communication in the future, one more akin to telepathy, which might allow for a greater fluidity and expansion of communication, then such a form of communication would need to develop other laws, another kind of sandbox, that would then allow those communicating within it to come to consensual understanding. Without this restriction, no true understanding would be possible to any great degree.

Another way to say this, would be to say that telepathy would be a viable form of communication, as long as the individuals communicating have a certain degree of proficiency.

An example would be dreams. In a dream there can be many interpretations, sometimes potentially incorrect ones to one degree or another, in the same way that certain symbols, which are in essence communication groupings, might be interpreted in ways that are not optimal. In this example, two people would be dreaming together and while both would be in a very similar dimensional position, this dream position, the interpretation of those things that they perceive in that particular position, might be different from one person to the other.

What to one person might seem like a tree, could be a bird to another. The fluidity of the dream position, just like the fluidity of a telepathic sandbox position, would mean that a new set of standards, a new type of filtering mechanism, would need to be established. This new filtering mechanism would eventually have very well understood principles, which would then allow for the development of a new kind of Occam’s razor. Without the filtering and the containment of the sandbox, strong alignment and therefore communication would be impossible.

Yes, generally speaking telepathy would be a better way to communicate, in that it would allow for a bigger sandbox. And this bigger sandbox would hopefully allow for less restriction which would then make it possible to not only communicate at far greater speeds, but it would also allow for the interchange of far more complex and intricate material.

But this is not the best from of communication possible.

The only way to truly assure true understanding, is to have both parties in a particular communication let us say, be able to perceive energy directly themselves. What I mean by being able to perceive energy directly, is that both parties would optimally have the ability to use what I refer to as their inner feeling sense, the ability to ‘perceive’ energy directly.

Inner alchemists have been able to discover that the base awareness, the most fundamental and direct perception possible for a human being is direct energetic perception, the perception of energy as it flows across the dark cosmos, this may be referred to as seeing, and it is optimal perception of reality for a human being. On top of this base energetic reality, we find all of the many perceptive filters that are possible.

In the modern world we use a particular type of perceptive filter that we could call the rational view or the rational syntax. This perceptive position, this phenomenology, makes us perceive the world as an ‘out-there’ full of objects. A world where each thing is separate and distinct. A world of hard things each interacting with other things in accordance with a relatively simple set of causal laws, something we may refer to as physical mechanics. And in accordance with this physical organization of things, we have created a communication system of words that match this causal structure as closely as it is possible for us. The syntax of our language matches the syntax of our perceived reality.

But being that the rational view is merely a filter, a kind of screen or window, on top of the fundamental energetic reality of everything, this rational syntax will always be flawed. Furthermore, this rational syntax will never be able to explain the true intricacy of our reality because in order to do so, we would have to disobey most of the mechanical laws that we feel are un-challengeable.

If we were able to communicate through telepathy, then this would open up a new kind of causal structure, one where perhaps we would need to engage something akin to a quantum mechanical sandbox of communication, a quantum mechanical syntax. But even though this new syntax might give us even greater flexibility and possibility when it comes to direct communication, this new syntax would always need to have boundaries, and these boundaries would always limit and skew communication in the end.

So, for the inner alchemist, the only true and real communication possible, happens when two individuals can see, perceive directly, the fundamental energetic reality of existence. Such direct perceptions exist outside of any consensus, they are solely the individual’s perceptions, and even though these perceptions may then be interpreted or given symbolism that is individually unique, this symbolism, this syntax of whatever kind used, is understood to be just that, a made up edifice for the sole purpose of a certain kind of communication.

When both participants in a conversation can see, then in many ways you might say that communication in the way that it is normally understood, becomes obsolete. Such a communication between seers, which is more akin to a communion than communication, this communion might seem like a kind of telepathy to an outside observer, but in reality, it is far more than this, it is direct perception and alignment by each individual participating in a seer’s communion cluster.

If you would like to know more about extended perception and how to ultimately develop the ability to perceive energy directly yourself, then I would recommend the book The Magnum Opus, a step-by-step course. In chapter 4 of that book, I describe how to use the inner feeling sense, which is the foundational source, of seeing.

When the average person looks out into the world, it is most natural that they see everything as being a linear sequence, if by most natural you mean that which is the accepted rational view of the times.

But, there have been other ways to look at the world, other ways to perceive and to navigate within the depths of it.


It is so difficult to look back and understand other perspectives, other views, that it is now all too easy to assume that the only sane perceptive view possible is the modern (supposedly) rational view.

But there have been other ways to see the world, and indeed, it is the case that every general age, which can be separated even by a few decades, certainly centuries, sees the world in a slightly different way. What I mean by this is that, there is a different consistency to the world, a different feeling, depending on which point in space-time you consider the present. What I am trying to say is that each point in history has a different feeling, a different way of looking at it from those that are there experiencing that time, and that feeling varies greatly from time to time, from place to place. And the power of this difference, and the power of personal feelings, should never be underestimated because feelings can make us see some things very clearly, while at the same time also completely blind us to other things!

The intensity of time changes us, our point in space-time changes how we feel and therefore how we perceive things, and that change is referred to as a new cognitive position. A new cognitive position means a wholly different world!

Due to our current technological direction, the last few decades seem to be quite uniform. And the reason for this standardization has a lot to do with the pervasive and increasing influence of technology in our collective human world. The constant and ever increasing voice of the media, a world full of screens wherever you look, and from those screens repeated over and over again, an increasingly narrow view of reality.

But I think people would be greatly surprised, at how different the general perception of time was even four or five decades ago. In the 80s, and definitely in the 70s, life was different, it felt different, time and the general flow of things was different, far more different than some might suspect. Time and the conception of time, the feeling of how time flowed, had a slightly different quality that is very difficult to explain in nuance.

The reason for this difficulty in description, has to do with our inability to explain subjective realities very well using just words. And this is why we may sometimes say, you needed to have been there to know what I mean, to know what I am talking about. And even for those that lived through those decades, the great gravity of this earth, as I have mentioned in other videos, makes us forget far more than we realize. We easily forget. Especially those nuanced details of what it is at a deep feeling level to be in one point in space-time, and then to be in another. Even people that have lived through those times, now forget what it was really and fundamentally like to be there back then, we forget that slight alteration in cognitive position. It is sort of like trying to remember what a dream felt like, what that dream location was truly, fully like after we wake up.

We may remember for a while, the actual feeling of it, of being there, but soon we forget. And once we forget that feeling, it seems like we begin to forget so much more, like things seem to be fading somehow.

For the average person, as I have said, the world, time in general, and the movement of time and therefore our movement through space, tends to have a linear quality. Most people would even classify any inability to not see this most obvious linear quality to existence, of time, to be a kind of insanity. The assumption being, if you don’t see that time is obviously linear, with a past and a future, then you are insane!

From that point of view then, you could say that inner alchemists are insane, because for them time is not a linear event at all. For them, time does not stretch out into some unknown future, and past times are not left behind sort of like you are on some train moving forward, leaving a station behind to be forgotten to a great degree by the mind. Instead, for them time is a feeling, and from that point of view one could say that they have nurtured within themselves the ability to change their feelings about time, and in that way move across the length and breadth of it.

This gives the inner alchemist a far greater flexibility than the average person. A master alchemist can, not just remember a pastime, but live it, feel it completely, feel another time again and in that way go back in time, be fully at that time. And in doing so, in using their ability to not just remember but to move back to another feeling place, they can see, that the world is far different than what some might suppose. When you are truly able to go back and truly feel what it is to be there, then you realize that there has been a great deal of change even in the last few decades. The perception of things was different in the 70s. At that time there was a more expansive quality to time, there was a greater uncertainty to what reality was, and one place, one geographical location, was more isolated from other places.

All of this was a feeling, a feeling that is almost impossible to describe, in the same way that it is almost impossible to describe a half forgotten dream. But in fully realizing that feeling you might say, an inner alchemist can go back to something that is supposedly no more!

From this present time, the past, even that recent past, seems somehow unclear, vague, inferior. Since time for the average person is linear, the past is a memory soon forgotten, while the future hides within the shadows of probability, and as such, the past is to the back, inferior, while the future is new, exciting, better, shiny.

So, the mass of the world believes that we are moving forward only, and in that forward motion we are evolving, getting better, moving higher. But from the inner alchemist’s perspective this evolutionary movement forward, while it is happening to some degree in a sense, is an illusion.

What I mean by this is that even though humanity is becoming more complex in some ways, and therefore evolving in those particular certain ways, this growth is not happening at the speed that some people might think it is. It is easy for the average person to look back at medieval history for example, and feel that they have evolved so much from that time. And yet, if they could go back to that time and feel what it was like to be there, actually feel being there, they would see that even though time and space, the reason of the times, the phenomenology of the times, has changed dramatically in some ways from that time to this time, the idea that modern humanity is more evolved now is generally an illusion.

People think of themselves as moving higher and higher, evolving as the train of time carries them supposedly forward, but from the inner alchemist’s point of view people are not moving up and up, instead they are moving across. Instead of climbing some evolutionary ladder, demonstrated by the evolving technology of the times and the greater knowledge possible thanks to quote unquote the science, people are instead changing their configuration, their shape, and no real movement has happened at all. People are not moving up, that is an illusion to some extent. Instead, humanity is changing configuration, shape. This change makes it seem like things are changing, but in reality the only thing that really changes is how those people of one time or another time perceive the world, how they apprehend the world. Cognitive positions change, but the overall energetic configuration of people mostly stays the same.

Awareness changes, cognitive position changes, and those changes make for different feelings about existence, about reality, about what is possible. And those feelings are incredibly important, because it is feeling, that change in awareness, that is the only difference between that time and this one. Feeling therefore is awareness, or a better way to say this would be to say that a change in awareness changes the feeling of things, the way things are perceived, how they are apprehended to be. Feeling is so important that it not only changes how we perceive the world, but also what is possible for us in the world!

In the medieval period we had a certain feeling about the world, we had a certain awareness of the world, that was different than this modern one. At that time, that cognitive position made possible certain things, while it made other things impossible. Now, in this modern cognitive position certain new things are possible for us, while other things have become impossible. But that other supposed past kind of life was not, I repeat was not, less evolved or lesser than this modern life!  In this quote unquote modern time, our type of awareness, our cognitive position, has made it possible for us to access a range of possibilities that we might refer to as reason and rationality, and that very orderly reality has also allowed us to develop something we can call science and technology. To us this seems like a kind of evolution. But if we could go back to that time, really go back to it, which would mean a change in awareness, a change in cognitive position, then we would see (if we could maintain our sobriety) that that other medieval time was no better or no worse than this time.

A sober movement across time would reveal to us that there is balance in all things. While this present time might give us a cognitive configuration where longer physical lifespans and modern technologies are possible, that past cognitive position made available an intensity of existence and the social gregariousness that would make our modern lives pale and boring in comparison! There is equal exchange that must be adhered to being that humanity, as I have said, is not really becoming more, it is just changing configuration.

But what is the true nature of evolution then? What is the true nature of transmutation of the human species? Are we not evolving?

Yes, from the alchemical point of view humanity is evolving, in the sense that there is a movement towards a transmutation of essence, but that transmutation is a far slower process than some might suppose. There are also many obstacles that are not being effectively overcome by the majority of the population, having to do with a titanic force that I have referred to as the great Archon. This force has a vested interest in maintaining relative stasis on this earth, in order to guarantee that its greatest resource (humanity) is not able to successfully escape the prison that it has set up for us.

From the inner alchemist’s point of view, most of us are not evolving, at least were not evolving at the rate that we think we are, instead we are changing energetic shapes in accordance with slight alterations in our cognitive position. And these alterations in awareness are not brought about through a conscious human evolution, but through differing changes in the environment. In other words, we are not evolving consciously as a species, instead we are being moved by the world around us. And as long as we are not able to wake up to ourselves, and start consciously intending true evolutionary change, instead of just going along with the flow of the times, then our refinement will be slow, and the only things that will benefit will be those forces that are trapping us now within a very limited awareness bubble.

Perhaps after enough change, enough cognitive positional change that causes different shapes within us, we may eventually be able to break free of the cage as a species. But until we are able to understand the power of the cognitive position, and our ability to change shape, to change feeling, to change the way we see the world, to change our awareness in accordance to a slight energetic movement, we will always be stuck inside the cube created by the Archon.

While in this cube, we might imagine ourselves as evolving, but from the cognitive position of the person that can see, what we are really doing is just altering our cognitive position within a very limited range of possibilities. This limited range guarantees that we will continue a cycle of limited growth and expansion only to meet a great cataclysm, and then repeat that cycle over and over again. Such cycles from a certain perspective, from a certain cognitive position, will seem like we are going from a small population to a greater one over time, and as the population grows our abundance seems to grow, until a certain point is reached and the great cataclysm stops that seeming upward motion, and then the whole process is repeated once again. This planet has gone through many such cycles, and it will continue in such a circular fashion until humanity as a complete species wakes up to the true nature of its energetic reality.

We are now living through one particular cycle in what to us seems to be a forward motion into greater abundance and possibility. But this cycle will come to an end, and it is up to us to wake up to our true nature as individuals and as a species within the time frames that we are given!

If you would like to learn how to escape the cycle of creation and destruction, if you would like to know more about the Archon and how to escape it, and what true evolution really means, then I would recommend the books:

Overcoming the Archon Through Alchemy, and The Magnum Opus, A step-by-step Course.

Those that have been lucky enough, or perhaps unlucky enough, to witness the incredible strangeness to be found on this earth, have spoken since time immemorial of a type of life form that science and most of the world do not, can not, accept as real.

I refer to this type of life form as a non-organic being, and I, like certain others call these creatures this because fundamentally they are beings that are alive but that nevertheless do not possess a physical body.  That is, they are living entities, sometimes individual and quite intelligent individualities, that do not need any physical body to contain their life essence and separateness.

The complicated thing about these life forms is that some of them can be larger, more powerful, and at times even far more intelligent other life, that has the ability to trick the mind, trick human perception, into thinking or perceiving that they are…what they are not!

I for example, have often said that many of the creatures and phenomenon that we attribute to one thing, most often what we believe to be a completely physical thing, is in fact the result of these non-organic beings.  Now, this is not to say, nor am I trying to say definitively, that such beings as; Bigfoot, ghosts, poltergeists, certain types of aliens, and a variety of other cryptids, are not physically real and do not exist as separate entities biological or otherwise.  But what I am trying to say, is that these non-organic beings that I am referring to here can trick the mind, can trick human perception, into believing that a person is seeing something that it is not.

And a non-organic life form for example, due to the fact that it is non-organic and as such has vast possibilities beyond the biological, can trick a person into believing that they have come face to face with a creature like a Bigfoot, or a creature usually referred to as a grey alien.  In such a situation, a person might believe that they are face to face with a biological being, a true flesh and blood entity that then acts in a very similar way to what someone might expect such an entity to act like, but always with the odd intent of somehow causing the most emotional upheaval or trauma in the human witness.

As I have discussed in my books and website articles, such terrifying behavior is usually done to have the witness experience huge amounts of emotional trauma, that these non-organic entities then consume as food.

I feel that the presence of these non-organic beings, that do favor certain locations due to the electromagnetic properties of those areas, but that can generally be found all over this planet, do pose a great wrinkle to those that seek strange cryptids and alien life.  As I have said, I am not trying to say that these other types of biological beings do not exist, but it is the case that a non-organic life form can hide its real intention, which is to feed off of human emotional upheaval, and use subterfuge to feed on an unsuspecting person in a secluded area, a power spot or a haunted area, by making such a person perceive things that are not truly there. So, what are often cryptid sightings, might actually be non-organic lifeforms tricking people into believing that they have come face-to-face with a cryptid, while in actuality it is just a non-organic life form tricking human awareness and then using the trauma of such an experience to feed on human energy, which many such entities do need to survive.

But can we learn to see the difference between an actual cryptid and a non-organic life form? Can we learn to see the most often invisible non-organic life all around us?

Yes. The ability to develop the conscious and deliberate possibility of seeing non-organic life, is possible through developed technique and practice, which can then allow us to study them and protect ourselves, being that these non-organic life forms can be dangerous at times. We can learn to perceive beyond our usual limits and in doing so we can extend our awareness, which can then open up an incredible new world, an admittedly scary world, but an amazing one full of power and wonder beyond rational measure.

So, how do we start?

In order to tell you how inner alchemists learn to master the ability to see non-organic life, I will have to reference techniques that I discuss in my books, and I will not be able to describe these fundamental skills in great detail in this article, since they are complex and do require background information and a step by step breakdown of how to perform them. So if you are new to these referenced techniques, I do recommend that you do some research and see if you can discover the ‘how to’ of these fundamental  practices. If you like, you can also check out the books that I will mention at the end of this article. In those books I describe what these techniques are all about, and how to perform them. Without these fundamental techniques under your belt, it is my personal belief that seeing non-organic life is impossible.

In order to begin, it is a very good idea to first master the ability to see auras.  There are many techniques that are employed to be able to master this skill, and I do discuss a pretty easy way to do this in both of the books mentioned below. My belief is that seeing auras is not a difficult thing, most often I find that the most difficult thing is the ability to believe, to truly believe that what you’re seeing is something that is not ‘supposed’ to be real. Once this membrane of disbelief is broken, all that you need to do from then on is keep exercising that skill until you are able to master this technique, which can take a bit of time, and which is marked by the final acceptance that auras are indeed real, and that seeing them is a valid skill to have.

Another technique required to see non-organic life, one that is again in my opinion indispensable, is the ability to use what I refer to as the inner feeling sense (which I describe in detail in the book, The Magnum Opus, mentioned below). I find that of all of the descriptive terms that I have come across, this is the most accurate in describing what this skill is all about.  This is so because the inner feeling sense involves the ability to project an aspect of yourself beyond the body-being, and make contact with the existing energetic essence around you.  Through this ability to project an aspect of yourself, you are able to perceive with a kind of inner sense that can see, that can perceive, that can kind of see-feel-perceive. The inner feeling sense is in essence an inner sense, something that goes far beyond any physical senses, and with it you are able to perceive the world in ways that are far beyond anything possible with just the physical senses alone. When you are able to master the inner feeling sense, the world around you wakes up and for the first time perhaps, you are able to truly feel the spirit that moves through all things.

The final step in the development of this ability to see non-organic life, is the ability to acquire personal energy (which is something that I also described in the book, the Magnum Opus).  That means, that the ability to be able to see auras, and to be able to use the inner feeling sense, and therefore the ability to see non organic life, is directly related to the kind of energy that a person is able to acquire and maintain. More energy equals stronger vision.

But it is my belief, that the average person, with little skill aside from perhaps the ability to see auras clearly, will be able to see displacements and energetic patterns that will allow them to begin to perceive non-organic life.  Using the same kind of perceptive abilities that you use when you see a person’s aura, you can see displacements in energy. Such displacements can be scrutinized with some practice on your part and eventually you can identify individual sentience in that free roaming energy. This means that this is sentient moving and independent energy, alive energy as it were, energy with individual intent. Once you can see that energy, you have discovered a whole new world!

Another way to identify and see non-organic life forms, beyond just looking for odd and displaced energy, is to use your auric vision to pay attention to pulsating frequencies of energy, or sometimes even vacuous spots, that is spots around you were there seems to be no energy at all, sort of like an energy black spot. Pulsating energy can indicate a non-organic life form, being that such non-organic life is usually quite energy intense at times and may begin to pulsate if it becomes agitated. A vacuous patch on the other hand, can mean that a non-organic life form is living, existing, in the vicinity and has consumed the natural energy in the area in order to feed itself. A patch of no energy therefore can mean a kind of grazing area where a non-organic life form might exist.

Someone who is very good at seeing auras, might be able to use such a technique alone to be able to perceive this non-organic life clearly.  It is most likely the case though, that in order to truly be able to perceive this non-organic life, to be able to discern its intention, and even begin a kind of communication with it, the inner feeling sense will need to be used.

Using the inner feeling sense, you can project an aspect of yourself into those displacements that you have been able to perceive with auric vision, and in doing so you will get a deep inner feeling sense, an empathic kind of connection with that sentient energy. Using the inner feeling sense (which I describe how to use in the Magnum Opus book referenced below) you will be able to perceive intention, create relative communication channels, protect yourself, and discern a near infinite number of things depending on your skill level. It is the inner feeling sense that is key in discerning whether that displacement that you can see with your auric vision is actually a sentient non-organic being are not. And with it, you will be able to not only communicate and protect yourself, but you will also be able to (with some practice) understand the nature of this impossible other kind of life. In time and with experience, you will be able to discern many different types of such non-organic life; what their general nature is, what their relative species type is, their general proclivities, their uses and even their weaknesses if such a thing as needed.

Using auric vision and the inner feeling sense, and further combined with the ability to work with energy in order to grow in power, a person can begin to perceive the incredibly varied non-organic life that is all around us during every single moment of our days on this earth. And I must point out that there is an incredible variety to non-organic lifeforms. For example, some non-organic lifeforms can be very small (like small little fish swimming around us) while others can be of titanic size (like giant skyscrapers moving slowly across the land). A nonorganic life form can be a simple conglomeration of energy that functions in many ways like a kind of simple biological organism, while other non-organic lifeforms can be incredibly complex conglomerations of vast intelligence, intelligence that far surpasses human intellect.

The vast majority of the human world is not ready for such revelations, indeed many of them under the weight of such revelations would most likely lose their minds.  But if you think you are ready, and please do proceed at your own risk, then you now have a basic understanding of how this is possible. As always, please note that these techniques are presented here for information purposes only and I cannot take responsibility for your actions, so do make sure that you take responsibility for your own actions here and proceed in accordance with your own steady and sober purpose.

If you would like to know more about how to develop the ability to see auras, to work with energy, and how to develop the inner feeling sense, in order to see the ‘supposedly’ impossible, then I recommend my books:

The Magnum Opus a Step by Step Course

The Occult Experience

The way of the inner alchemist can sometimes be a difficult thing to understand for the average person. I for example, have said that there is a kind of battle going on, and I have said that such a battle is not out there somewhere, but that it is actually within. I have said that the fight, is in us!

We are all individuals, and as such we all have the right to our own opinion, and it is certainly the case that there are many many people that do not agree with such a stance, and may find the way of inner alchemy sort of like being Sisyphus, in that you seem to be rolling a giant rock up a hill for no good reason at all.

Some may say that there is no battle, no fight. They may also say that there is no within, no ‘in us’ as it were, because they only trust their physical senses and cannot believe that anything else is possible but the corporeal. Some may even say that there is no within or without, perhaps believing in some kind of philosophy or theology that tells them that this is so.

We are all individuals, and we all have the right to have our own beliefs. The way of inner alchemy though insists that you try to let go of all beliefs in a sense, and begin to trust an inner aspect of yourself, something that can be nurtured, something I have referred to as the inner senses, or the inner feeling sense.

Once you can do that, once you can use this inner feeling sense, once you have been able to nurture it within yourself, grow it and allow it to expand, you can then begin to let go of all beliefs ‘in a way’, and only know what you know at every moment point in accordance with those inner senses alone.

Once you can do this, then you may indeed find that for you there is no fight at all, that for you there is no in here or out there. But it is critical that such eventual beliefs, that you may have as an individual, are acquired through your own use of the inner feeling sense and not through the blind belief in what might be popular, the ‘in thing’, at any particular point in time.

But in accordance with my seeing, my use of the inner feeling sense, which aligns with my current, the way of inner alchemy, well, for us there is indeed a battle out there, a fight for those that are willing to fight it, for the fighters. And that fight is a fight against a kind of binding force that compels us, that pushes us, into believing that all we are is what we can perceive through the physical senses alone.

Through my ability to see, through my ability to use my inner feeling sense that I have nurtured, I am constantly telling people the same thing about the illusion of within and without. Most often I’m saying that to go within is to go without, as there is no real border ‘let us say’ between one or the other, and that they are ‘both’ an illusion.

But why would I then say that there is a fight, and that that fight is in us?

I do this because I must begin at the beginning, and that means that I must always take into account the world that we all share for the moment, this material world. I must first begin from that beginning and explain how the illusion of the external senses happens, and how our complete reliance on just the outer senses, binds us to greater possibilities beyond them. And then from there, after making that point, I must show techniques, I must show the way towards ‘inner’ action, true and workable techniques that can allow you to go beyond, truly beyond, the binding force of the outer senses.
There is therefore a time for definition in accordance to the way of material space, a time for explanations using a language and a phenomenology that we all understand, and a time to do and act in the world.
In order to act, at least in order for me to define techniques that will allow someone to act, to partake in action of any kind (whether you wish to define it as inner or outer), I must define and refine the possibilities available to human beings, and how it is best to use those abilities to move beyond, to actually be able to ‘see’ in a direct manner, and in that way for them to perceive for themselves how it is that the inner and the outer ‘are’ an illusion.

This basically means that I must use the words, the phrases, the idioms, and the basic general understanding of the times to show the limits of the outer senses, to shock the system through such revelations, and then to show actual workable techniques that can allow you as an individual to go beyond just the outer senses, and to begin to use the inner senses yourself.

In this way you as an individual can begin to truly understand for yourself and by yourself the illusion of the inner and the outer, not just as dogma, not just as words on a web-page, but as an actual thing, a real thing for you directly, and not just as some intellectual, quoting what you have read in some book.
And the only way to be able to do that is to work and define technique, using logical clarity, so that your attention can move forward, can move forward in what could be referred to as lucid motion, which is actually a movement by the self in all directions simultaneously. And those directions are not within or without, because the understanding and perception of within and without is an illusion.

As to there not being a fight, well that is up to every individual to decide to believe one way or the other. If you feel that the world is perfect for you and it is moving forward in the direction that you think is best, then there is nothing for you to do, you can just float along and be who you feel you are.

Inner alchemists believe that who you think you are, who we all think we are, is not who we truly are, that we are far more than this. They believe that there is a fight worth fighting for, and that fight may look like Sisyphus rolling a giant boulder uphill to some, but to them it is the only fight worth fighting. It is the fight to discover who we truly are, and what we are truly capable of, that indeed we are far more capable than we could ever imagine, that there are entire other worlds out there, or in here if you will, calling for us, beckoning us to break out of that cube that contains us, so that we may truly see the wonder of our life, and the incredible possibilities available to us. This is the way of the fighter; this is the way of Lucid motion.
And what could that Lucid motion revealed to us?

Well, it will reveal to us the true nature of reality, something that is only possible for those that can learn to see, those that fight to go beyond the physical senses, those that fight the fight within them to learn to use the inner feeling sense. What will be revealed to those fighters in a lucid way, in a conscious way, is the nature of the life and death cycle. The life-and-death cycle is a true understanding of what life is for us, what death is, and what it is to be stuck in a kind of energetic eddy.

The only conscious observer of the life and death cycle is a seer, the individual that fights for the ability to use the inner feeling sense, to use the inner senses to see beyond the containment cube of the material world. To anyone else, to the average person, life is at best a short affair of relative suffering in accordance to how much material possession they may acquire or have access to. The average person only experiences a short life and a relatively short death as their consciousness wakes up to itself at some point in their existence (to a relative degree) and then physically dies. I say wakes up to a relative degree because the average person also forgets, we all forget, the nature of the gravity of this earth is that we forget, and our attention is such that one is hard pressed to say that we are truly conscious most of the time. Most of us are lost in a kind of endless daydream, where we forget who we were from one daydream to the next.

So, to the average person, the life-and-death cycle is watching the people around us grow old and then pass away, that is all. Unless we are willing to fight against the binding forces of our existence, what we experience is mostly a dull understanding of an aging process, pain, joy, forgotten memories, and an angst that tells us that we have somehow been here before, and that there could be more than this, that there is this possibility, this feeling in the back of your mind, that you are more than this, that there is more to us than this.

For the seer this life and what comes after it, is a true discovery, an energetic fact beyond rational measure.

You are so much more than what your physical senses are telling you that you are. There is an infinity within you, that is really without. You are a magical being that has the ability to transcend all the limits that the physical world has imposed upon you, that the physical world demands that you adhere to.

We are here in this magical place, in this magical time, and ‘here now’ we face the greatest challenge possible for beings like us. You are worthy of that challenge, there is so much more to us!

But to understand the true magic within you, you must be willing to fight that good fight. And that fight is not out there, it is not a material fight, it is not anything to do with what the material world is telling you. The real fight is actually within, it is in a place beyond the understanding of the physical senses, a place that may best be termed an inner place that leads to dimensions unbound by physical rulers of any kind.

To understand the nature of this battle you must begin from the physical, you must begin at the beginning, understanding at first in a physical way, using physical terms such as inner and outer. Through such helpful inventory, learn about technique and about the general way of that fight. To that end I would highly recommend to you the book, overcoming the Archon through alchemy.

Once you begin to know technique yourself, and begin to use those inner senses yourself, that inner feeling sense, then expand outwardly, and when you are ready for it, and believe me you will need to be ready for it because the energetic truth of things is the most powerful pill of them all. But when you are ready, then I would highly recommend that you take the next step and read the book, The Way of the Death Defier.

Allow this book to break a part of you, by revealing the true nature of the life-and-death cycle in accordance with the seeing of inner alchemy. Through that crack in your psyche that the book attempts to create, step through it and learn to use all the techniques mentioned, pursue the nature of your personal and individual energetic truth, your truth. The fight is in us. Learn to fight the only fight worthy of you!

As you read the material that I have written thus far on inner alchemy, the books, the blog, and the videos, there may develop an almost natural tendency to want to align concepts that you might have been studying from other sources, with what I have written in accordance with the perceptions of inner alchemy. For example, you might have been studying and may know a great deal about other occult systems, such as Hermetics, wicca, eastern occult systems, or perhaps the Golden Dawn system of occult practice, and you might wonder how inner alchemy explains and defines those same concepts that you know about.

In this article I have taken a definition, a term, that is of common parlance in the occult world, and I have used it to dive very deeply into the thoughts, perceptions, and structuring done by inner alchemists. I hope that you will forgive me for the at times complexity of this article, and that you prepare yourself for a deep discussion into human possibility. My reasons for this deep dive have to do with a need to expand the nature of the material that I have presented thus far, especially the material that I have discussed in the inner alchemists course-book trilogy. I feel that it is time to step it up a notch as it were, in order to begin a more advanced level of technique and understanding.

So to recap what I mentioned at the start of the article,

because of previous knowledge in occult science, you might want to know how inner alchemy relates to those things that you already know about. In this article in particular, I want to discuss the concept of the higher self. I have been asked, how does the ‘higher self’ fit into the material that I have discussed and revealed thus far, specifically in the course-book, The Way of the death defier. And to that, I must start off with a key point, or that is a key aspect of the current that I follow. This is a very important technique within my current, a fundamental principal, and that is the intent of creating a proper structuring of the mind, the mind palace as it were, which I have referred to as the technique of expanding the logos in the above mentioned course-books.

Inner alchemists are very much interested in developing the most pristine logos possible, because they know that this is a critical step in breaking down the walls of the three dimensional trap, that this rational human world is to them. To that end, they know that they must first start by structuring this dimension, this objective world, in the most precise and immaculate way possible. This means that they must bind and order not only, all the things that they can perceive with their physical senses, which are the things that any person can perceive with their eyes, ears, nose  etc., they must also order in precise and logical fashion, all those things that they can perceive of other worlds from this world, that is, what they can see through their direct energetic perceptions, their inner senses.

Creating a pristine logos means giving a logical structure, to all those things that become a part of the inner alchemist’s reality, their mind palace.

To do this, they engage themselves in becoming master logicians, meaning that they are able to understand the phenomenology and the syntax of the world that they have been born into, and any world that they can eventually perceive using energetic awareness, inner senses, which may be termed seeing. The expansion of the logos is also highly important to the inner alchemist as they engage in projectionist techniques, which may also be understood as a highly powerful form of astral travel. Another way to say this is that they must understand to perfection the causal structure defined by a certain human worldview first off, the syntax and the phenomenal world that has become prevalent in these times, they must bind the causal structural laws of this three dimensional reality, and then they must do the same to all the other worlds, that is dimensions, that become available to them as the power of their seeing and projecting grows within them. This involves a logical understanding that far surpasses just the use of simple first-order logic, and does as time progresses include what might be termed philosophical logic, meta-logic, chaos logic, quantum mechanical logic, and generally phenomenological understanding at such a deep level, that it moves the logician into the deep complexities of non-classical logic. This structuring and growing power, as the mind palace grows, begins to go beyond this dimensional zone, this world, through a systematic ordering referred to as the creation and continual expansion of the logos.

As a foundational principle of this logical structuring, a key point (at least within the context of this physical dimension) becomes terminology and definitions; this is referred to as binding or bounding. That is, in order to understand the certain objective and subjective dimensional syntax of this physical reality and go beyond it, the boundaries and the complete definitions of all those things that make up that phenomenal structure must be established, the bounding must be established at the onset of the structuring. What this means in the simplest sense, and in particular in accordance with this article and the questions that have been asked about the higher self, is that to understand the inner alchemists’ point of view on this, you must clearly define first off what you mean by this term, higher self. Terms are important, terminology is in a basic sense the words that we use to define our world, any world, any dimension, and words are very important because they are the meta structure of the logos within the context of what we refer to as, the three-dimensional world, the rational world, the supposedly only real world.

So, to begin to answer this question we must clearly define what you may mean by the higher self, because if we do not do this, then my descriptions of what inner alchemy thinks of the higher self may not fit within the paradigm of your definitions. This is a very important point, and it is the cause of most of the strife that we see when people discuss or debate issues. This is so because their bounding of a certain perceived object or event is different than your bounding, that is the measuring and defining, of one person is different from another. It will be the same term, the same word, but the binding, the defining, is different. Without this metalogical preciseness, well, we are left with the endless jabbering and trolling that we see in this modern cyber culture, where even those that agree at a fundamental level, are separated and made to fight each other because of semantic inconsistencies.

So to begin, if we define the higher self as, a kind of eternal and omnipotent consciousness, that is (within the bounds of many definitions) a kind of God above, the God above that is within us but is also beyond us, and that each and every one of us, according to this particular definition, has an individual higher self, then we can begin in accordance with that definition, and in accordance to that definition only, discuss how such a definition may align itself with the direct energetic perceptions of inner alchemy.

With the above in mind then, inner alchemists do believe that there is a force, an individually perceived ray or light essence, that in some ways could be defined as the higher self, if you feel that this light essence represents a wished for ideal of your best self.

But there is a great deal of nuance and complexity, and unless these details are understood, at least from the inner alchemist’s point of view, then there can be errors made that can make the person aspiring to try to align themselves with their higher self, move in a direction that may not be favorable to them as individuals.

For example, for an inner alchemist the higher self is not an object existing somewhere out there, but it is instead a destination, a road. Another way to say this would be to say that the higher self is not a thing like an apple, or a table is a thing, but it is instead a directly perceived, that is seen through the inner senses, energetic configuration that is in no place and in every place simultaneously. If we use the above mentioned standard definition of the higher self, one could say that the higher self is not a place but a road, you don’t contact it by going to it per se, by reaching its location, instead, you align with it and you follow a path, a way, to try to get to it. But this is indeed a never ending road and in accordance to the seeing of inner alchemy, depending on your definitions (or your map, your perhaps unconscious logos let’s say) you may never reach this destination, the higher self is nowhere and yet in a certain sense it is everywhere within a certain range of probabilities.

For an inner alchemist, this road to that energetic conglomeration leads to freedom and lightness (less gravity), for a different individual it might lead to something completely different, it might lead to a wholly different place. We all have our roads to follow, our own individual higher self to chase, our own individual configuration to aspire to.

To give more clarity to all of this, which basically means looking into the details, the nuance, where the devil always hides as they say, we must begin by defining how it is that inner alchemists perceive. As I have stated in my books on inner alchemy, an inner alchemist is someone who has learned to perceive energy directly, to use something that one may term the inner senses in order to perceive that which is beyond objective reality, that is beyond objects, beyond the binding of three dimensional existence, the physical senses, and the rational stance of the times. An inner alchemists strives to go beyond a mob driven world view, that is bound by the laws of a kind of very simple form of classical mechanics.

By being able to see energy directly, an inner alchemist can directly perceive the tides of energy as they flow across infinity. And through those perceptions, what people might term an eternal conscious and intelligent being (a thing, object, or individual out there somewhere) is actually to an inner alchemist an energetic pooling, meaning that to them through their seeing the higher self is a non thing, it is a conglomeration, a number of different energetic components bound together in a kind of configuration that defies object-hood. To the inner alchemist the higher self is not an object, it is not something that has boundaries, and without boundaries it is not in essence a constant definable thing, but it is instead a large and ever-changing range of possibilities that is at all time, projecting an ever changing song or light. Because objective binding presupposes consistency, the terminology of that consistency can create, to use the nicest terms possible, a mislabeling of the complexities of this structure that some bind by referring to it as the higher self.

That which could be termed the higher self then, is not something that is just one thing, and being that it is not a thing in and of itself, because again it is not bound to three dimensions and therefore it is not an object, this gestalt or energetic and symbolic configuration or pattern of elements that might be defined as the higher self is not one bound thing, but it is instead manyfold non-things.

In accordance with the original definition at the start of the article, each person has an individual higher self. This ordinarily believed dogmatic understanding by the average person, again in accordance with the direct perceptions of inner alchemy only, is false in a way, and yet in some ways it is right in a way as well. This is a most difficult thing to describe, but understanding the nuance of this is highly important for true evolutionary understanding. The dogma based belief that each individual has their own unique higher self, like a piece for you forever and a piece for me, and these pieces are kept here for me and are kept there for you, is wrong, because energetically this is a non-local, a not here nor there essence that is available to all simultaneously. From the perceptive point of inner alchemists, It is not that each individual has a higher self, but that each individual perceives this non object differently and therefore from that unique individual perception, the individual finds its own individual higher self. This is a difficult nuanced point, but it is a very important one, because it opens up the notion of multiple states of being, which is the true and fundamental point of this article.


People always see things in a cause and effect structure that must put something before the other, that is there is always some cause that created an effect in a linear, this happened before that, kind of structure. This again is because most people are bound solely to three dimensions and therefore believed that everything exists within three dimensions only, that causality can only be possible because of three dimensions, there are no other worlds, this is the only real world. And it is the case then that they literally cannot see beyond this reality, they cannot see, they can only look with their physical senses. But for an inner alchemist there is more to reality than this, there is more than object-hood and linear time structure.

Using that understanding of non-linear time models and non three dimensional spacial bounding, meaning that for the inner alchemist cause and effect can break the bounds of linear models, which is I know an impossibility from the rational point of view, inner alchemists can see nonetheless that each individual can perceive a different aspect of the confluence of configurations described earlier. I mention this causal expansion of perception, this ability to see cause and effect beyond linear time models, because it is very important in all discussions involving a conceptualize higher self, because in all such discussions of these higher orders such as the higher self, there is often this problem that some people run into where they are trying desperately to figure out if it was the chicken or the egg that came first, if it is the chicken that is higher or if it’s the egg, if it’s the chicken that is morally right or is it the egg, etc.

The problems with individuality and beliefs in the existence of an individual higher self for everyone, can run into such problems as to which came first, the higher consciousness or the individual, and by believing that either the chicken came first, or the egg, such binding can create beliefs that at least in accordance with inner alchemists, are not energetically true. This nuanced deviation in understanding can cause great problems as these dogmatic beliefs evolve, and it is this meta principle, interestingly, that is responsible for not only a lack of understanding of highly complex systems, but it is also the cause of much of the black or white, up or down, higher or lower, polarities and distinctions created by the dogmatically bound human world.

Anyway, to get back to point, you can think of it like this: each individual is in a particular position in space and time, as such we could metaphorically imagine that each one of these individuals that is scattered across a geography of space and time, is looking up at a large cloud.

They are then metaphorically looking up at a kind of large configuration of energetic elements united. Being that each individual is in a particular location, that is each individual is in a particular space-time position, their view of this immense cloud above them is different, because each angle as they look up is different. This means that each individual is looking at a particular facet of this enormous cloud above them, and so to each individual this cloud may seem to be different, and being different and being bound to the individual’s perceptions, a subjective experience, it is believed by each individual that the higher self is individual as well, that is each person has their own particular higher self.

Here is where one problem of the chicken and the egg comes in. From an energetic point of view, this perception of the above cloud being individual or not, is both true and false, that is, there is indeed one all encompassing higher self for everyone that exists beyond the individual, but

there is also an individual higher self for each individual, being that each individual through their personal perceptions does embody an aspect of that cloud of energy. There are therefore two possible states simultaneously,

One where the higher self is an individual thing, and one where the higher self is not an individual thing, but it is instead something far greater than just the one, like a vast energetic cloud somewhere beyond the individual. Both things are true, but to believe that only one is true and not the other, creates a bounding limitation, that in time will cause problems for the evolving individual.

This is a difficult topic, and it is a difficult thing to understand, and it will always be difficult to understand until you can let go of object-hood perception which demands that you only have one state, one real supposedly event.

In other words both the chicken and the egg were created at the same time, or it might be better to say that there exist many probable states simultaneously where either the chicken or the egg were created first, one where neither exists, and one where they are both simultaneously created together.

This is important in understanding the higher self because in accordance with the perceptions of inner alchemy, the higher self is not an object, it is instead sort of like a road. You are not contacting an object out there, instead you are aligning yourself in a certain direction let us say, and as such the higher self is not a thing but it is instead a way.

And beyond this, being that the higher self is not an object but a configuration that one could say is so massive that it is beyond any one individual’s personal perception, each road for each individual is different, unique, and highly personal. And the difference between the road of each individual can be such, that what one person does in order to align themselves with their road, their way, can be completely and utterly different from the alignment of someone else. In that sense then, the road is both individual and not, both states are true simultaneously and complement each other, one could even go as far as saying that neither could exist alone.

A second aspect of the chicken and the egg meta principles that becomes highly important , is that in contemplation of the higher self, questions can arise about higher or lower. What I mean by this is that there can be this very polar black or white defining, bounding, separating that will posit that the higher self, being higher, the sky, remember we are for some reason looking up at this cloud, representing above, must represent in accordance with the symbol-logical picture-words used, good and goodness. Which is then made to fit into the human tribal ideal of what good is and what being good should be going forward.

They may say internally to themselves in a subconscious way, the higher self is higher, therefore it is good, and the theology or the perceived correctness of the times defines goodness as this particular thing only, so this higher self can only tell me to do this, and if it is not saying this then it is not the higher self, and if this other individual is not doing this then they are not good and are not in contact with the higher self. I hope you get what I am trying to say here as it relates to many of the societal problems of the age.

But from an inner alchemist’s point of view such a bounding of high and low can curtail awareness, and such a curtailing can be deadly for them, as they try to navigate the infinity that is denied to the average person that is trapped within the grips of dogma and three dimensional object hood.

As such, the term higher, within the defined term higher self, is incorrect for them, because for them there is only energy, not objects. This is the most difficult thing to come to terms with, and it basically comes down to, from the inner alchemists point of view, that is from their energetic perceptions, there is no higher or lower, there is only energy and energy is neither good or bad, it is,

it is now, and this now is all time, all space, and therefore all possibility.

These are hard concepts to try to put into words because words are not designed to be able to describe, that is to bind with definition, the reality of existence beyond three dimensions. As such it becomes very difficult to define things that are outside of it, and the higher self I believe, by most definitions, is outside the bounding walls of object hood. The best way, the only way, to know is to perceive energy directly yourself, as such the inner alchemist strives from the very beginning to make this a possibility in their lives.

The problems in understanding objects and non-objects, multiple states of existence, such as whether Shrodinger’s cat is alive, dead, or both for example, the potential for causality to go beyond linear time frames, and the difficulties in understanding the potential dual states of particle and wave, will always be an impossibility until you begin to come to terms with the possibility that things can exist in multiple states at the same time, that there are quantum states and that each possible state, whether perceivable by the human physical senses or not, matters, is valid, and is real, as real as anything in the physical world. This I believe is the next state and the ever-expanding human logos, which is happening right now, which will usher in an evolutionary step in human consciousness. And I do believe that a lot of this phenomenological evolution, can be greatly augmented by employing some of the techniques of inner alchemy, specifically the ability to perceive energy directly.

I have been asked on numerous occasions to discuss the reasons for, and the nature of the servitor room.

If you are not familiar with my work, then I can simply describe a servitor as being a mental creation, a thought that is given form through the intense focus of attention. This intense focus, propels a kind of psychic energy essence into this form, until this form attains a relative physicality within three dimensional space. This is true transmutation of energy and allows for the creation of specific life like entities with varied functionality.

The creation of a servitor requires a great deal of focus, which I have said is something that a practitioner needs to develop over time. An inner alchemist for example, is someone who is totally focused, on containing, absorbing, saving, and redeploying energy that is normally lost by the average person, and then using that energy to increase their focus and their power. Interestingly, like all things within the doings of inner alchemy, what an inner alchemist does is a kind of incongruent congruency, a Lewis Carroll kind of wit, a catch 22. What they do is to focus on focusing, until they can focus themselves beyond this dimension.

One way that this energy that inner alchemists seek can be redeployed once it is acquired, is through the creation of servitors. The redeployment of energy in this fashion is incredibly useful because, servitors can become great allies in the overcoming of obstacles that a practitioner might face in this world, and the creation of servitors can also further enhance the ability of the inner alchemist to manipulate and transmute energy, which then helps them to free themselves from this dimension even more. All things are connected and whole for such practitioners, energy begets more energy, more power, and it all leads to lightness, to freedom. For example, this transmutation of energy which is servitor creation can be used for several purposes, including physical and psychic protection, the acquisition of things, and in relation to the servitor room in particular, as companions that can allow an inner alchemist to better face the loneliness of infinity. And in the creation of such entities, an inner alchemist learns to control and manipulate energy, that then allows them to defy all boundaries in this dimension and all the others that become available to them over time.

A servitor room then, can be a great aid in the creation and the development of a companion servitor, being that while in it, it becomes easier to focus on and interact with your developing companion, and the ‘interconnectedness’ of inner alchemy means that the development of this room can greatly enhance the ability to understand the nature of physical reality from a certain perspective. This is so because you could say that the servitor room mirrors physical reality, in that as I have said in some of my writing, people imagine the earth to be, in accordance to the many pictures provided, a floating sphere in the middle of space. But according to inner alchemists on an energetic level, this world is not a geometrically perfect sphere, but it is to inner alchemists that can see, a hyper cube, a floating servitor room of sorts, that has been created by a power, a set of powers, beyond all rational calculation.

But to begin in trying to explain all this, I must start with the nature of a servitor room, and about that, I can say that a servitor room is not something that exists within physical reality at first, it is in the beginning a place created in the mind first off, and used to interact with the servitor companion.

For those that are familiar with my work, you will note that I introduced the idea of servitors, the servitor companion, and the creation of the servitor room quite early in my work, and later, in the trilogy of inner alchemy course books, specifically in the way of the projectionist, I did introduce the concept and the techniques of the projectionist, specifically the crossing of the seven rooms of the projectionist. This order that I have used is important. First, I talked about the room in relatively simple energy manipulation to create a servitor, and then in a far more complex set of techniques, which is the way of the projectionist. The order is from relatively easy, to more difficult feats of energy manipulation, and as such the nature of the room that I am discussing here goes from relatively simple, to far more complex.

As my work progressed for example, within the schema of the later introduced projectionist methodology then, I said that a beginning step was the creation of the projectionist room, the room without walls. I want you at this time to notice the connection between the servitor room, and the projectionist room that you are creating when you are trying to cross the first and second room of the projectionist.

Both the servitor room and the projectionist room are the same thing really, in that it is a mentally created room without walls, created to be able to allow an inner alchemist to defy the laws of space and time, within the boundaries of the three dimensions of this physical world. Both rooms are the same thing, and if you contemplate their probable position in space in time, and even though they are in a non rationally definable way rooms without walls, they can be described as being (in either case) a cube that begins to attain a kind of gravity, a mass,

This connection between both of these techniques is very important, but I want you to now consider yet another connection that I have discussed in my work, and that is that these inner rooms or cubes relate to, that is they (this inner room without walls) is similar to, the cubes that I keep mentioning in relation to what are commonly referred to as UFOs, or what I have described as being non-organic traps, where certain very powerful non-organic entities are able to create a kind of travel vehicle, or at times even portal, where travelers from other dimensions can cross the boundary from one dimension (their dimension) to our dimension through the use of such a room. As such these rooms are then a type of vessel, a three dimensional capsule bound by six walls, a cube, and it is used by trans dimensional travelers at times to enter and manipulate within our space.

The cube is a puzzle made up of odd angles that can quite literally move these beings across dimensions. For them the cube can be a bridge and that bridge can also be a trap for the unsuspecting. I do wish this information would be taken more seriously by certain people studying this phenomenon, but it is the nature of inner alchemy that this information will (I suppose) always be a kind of open secret, being that it is out there for all to see, but only a few can really see it clearly.

The very important point of this article then, is not to just explain the nature of the servitor room, but to try to connect all of the material that I have written about this room without walls thus far, so as to have you notice that there is a connection to all of it, that there is a consistency, and that it all relates to the manipulation of energy by the inner alchemist. Beyond this even, I want you to notice and remember (how easily we all forget but you must remember) how in my material (and in the material discussed by certain others) it is described that this manipulation of energy is not something that is just done by the inner alchemist, but it is also a way to manipulate energy across many dimensions, by beings and forces that are trans-dimensional in nature. What inner alchemists do is that they have the power to directly witness a methodology that has its roots beyond this earthly dimension, they can see, see energy directly, see these trans dimensional energetic motions directly, and then replicate them. As they project their inner senses into infinity, and see the way of other lifeforms, and see these alien lifeforms and larger titans manipulate energy in this fashion, they are/were able to develop their own techniques to be able to manipulate energy in a similar fashion, and it was this direct perception of energy, which at times has been referred to as seeing, that gave inner alchemist the ability to do, to transmute energy, work and manipulate energy, in ways that seem perhaps magical to the average person. And of course it is not just inner alchemists that do this, other groups practice such techniques as well, and these groups can be either good or very bad, depending on your personal beliefs.

It is now important, that you understand that there is that direct connection between all of the techniques that I have discussed and written about thus far, and it is my hope that you begin to see the connections, and that you begin to put these connections together, because they add up to revelations that, in this particular case for example, I hope are transformative moments for your expanding psyche, and can add new dimensions to the quest to find your own energetic truth.

So, in order to make this clear, let us start from the beginning yet again. I have said that the servitor room is created to interact with your companion servitor. This room is sort of like a blank screen in your mind where you are able to see your servitor companion, and as you see the image of your servitor in this blank room, you are charging your servitor because you are giving attention to it, and you are also creating a space where you are able to interact with this servitor at the same time. This inner space, this inner cube, this room, begins to develop and as it does so, through the power of focused attention, Just like the servitor, this is important, just like attention transmutes the servitor, it also begins to give the cube gravity, mass, substance. This gravity develops this space, that is akin to a cube, a cube that seems to be inside but that eventually (through increasing mass) becomes something that affects what you refer to as outside. Inside and outside your head, is there a difference? what a conundrum. The conundrum of inner alchemy.

Anyhow, by engaging in this supposed inner action then, you are also able to interact with this servitor and in a way you are creating a new world, a physicality like place where two beings from different dimensions can meet, this being you who are a physically bound creature supposedly, and a servitor which is a personal creation that is bound to a different dimension, but that you are trying to move in a way, into this dimension.


A projectionist then, is doing the same thing in a way as someone creating a servitor companion, except that they are not trying to move a servitor into this dimension, instead they are learning to move aspects of themselves beyond physicality into other dimensions, and they use that inner room, that created cube, to find gaps, to find the strange angles in this dimension, so that they are able to project deeply into others, other worlds. The cube is not only a room in and of itself, but it is also a place to find odd angles that lead to other dimensions. This is also very important.

When trans dimensional lifeforms want to move from their dimension into our dimension, or any other dimension that is not their own, they create similar cubes of great intensity. These are inner rooms, capsules in a way, that allow them to move beyond their particular dimension, and cross into other dimensions. The difference between the cubes created by beginner inner alchemists and the cubes created by such trans dimensional lifeforms, lifeforms which can be of a non organic nature, is that such creations by these usually far more powerful other lifeforms, can be of an intensity of such magnitude that for all intents and purposes, to the average human being, the difference between the walls that make up those capsules, those encapsulations, those cubes, and the walls of regular physical reality are nonexistent. What this means is that these created rooms, that are cubes, that move across space in a way that you might see a UFO move across space, or that are placed upon different geographies on earth, become so real (are so real) that for all intents and purposes they are real rooms, mobile spaceships or stationary ones in a way, and they can be used to connect one dimension to another.

The power of these inner rooms, the power of these white rooms, these rooms without walls, that take the shape of a cube, on occasion hyper cubes if you like being that they defy dimensional existence and probability, is that they allow for an incredible intensity of focus. That is once they are created which is an act of focus in and of itself, they also allow the creator to focus completely and utterly on that which is inside that white room. In doing so this white room allows the creator and the manipulator of this cube, to be able to not only give life to those things that were not life before, and this is quite simply one of the greatest forms of energy transmutation possible, which is the basis of alchemy, it also allows for those new life creations to move dimensionally. So, these rooms can create a kind of life and, they can, as I can now point out, allow the creator of such a room to move themselves or others, either aspects or wholly themselves, into other dimensions.

In time these rooms and such practitioners can gain so much power, that they are able to completely leave a place, a space time location, leave a dimensional position, and move wholly or partially to others. This means that from a witnessed point of view, from the point of view of someone who is stationary within one dimension, as these travellers move from that dimension where the witness is to another dimension, such a traveller, if they have attained enough power, will completely disappear to the witness. So, from that witnessed point of view it would be like that person is whisked away by a wind or a power, in a sense it would be like a kind of instant teleportation.

This kind of thing is possible for some highly complex trans dimensional life, specifically of a non-organic nature, but it is something that an inner alchemist works for a lifetime to accomplish, and having physical death at their heels, an alchemist races across the intensity of physical three-dimensional time trying to beat that physical death so that they are able to, with enough power, create such a cube or a capsule themselves to escape this binding dimension. Once this becomes a possibility, they can move far enough away from this dimension, that at a certain point they may look back at the great distance that they have travelled, and see that they have left not only humanity and the many boundaries of physicality far behind, but that they have even left physical death in their wake.