Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge
Humanity has the potential to follow many future roads. What I mean is that we humans seem to be following a direct line, where our past pushes us forward in a certain inevitable direction, in a certain and most expected direction. But there are other alternatives, other roads, other futures, other alternate life tracks that we can travel down as a species. For the most part, we all perceive and believe, being that we have completely focused ourselves on the existential possibility of time as...
It ain’t your mind, if you are reflecting everybody else’s!   So, what is your true self then? Who are you really? I have always said that the way, is the way of individuality, but what is it really, to be an individual? There are many counters, and measures, and techniques that can be used, and each one of these does have its merit, if it is used properly. One that can be used, and a particularly favored one by me, one that might be favored by you in this time as well, where there is no...