Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge
Introduction H.P. Lovecraft, the enigmatic master of cosmic horror, has left an indelible mark on the world of literature and beyond. His chilling tales of ancient gods and unspeakable terrors have not only revolutionized the horror genre but have also profoundly influenced our understanding of the paranormal and the magical universe. In this deep dive, we’ll explore Lovecraft’s extraordinary legacy, his potential as a high-order dreamer and astral traveler, and the uncanny tra...
I received a comment on my site that I found deeply interesting. The commenter asked me about a particular trend that he had heard about, having to do with astral projection, and the possibility of using various techniques to move into alternate worlds. This particular trend that he wrote to me about was happening in Tik-Tok, which is a short form video hosting site, where people may post videos up to 15 seconds long. This particular trend that he was talking about, involved a tik-tok group t...