Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

Here is the corrected text:

This is my response to a question that someone asked. I found the question so interesting that I decided to post it as a new article. It’s not my hope to offend any religiously minded people, as I do not question the validity of such beliefs. Rather, it is my hope to provide an inner alchemist’s perspective on the ever-developing expanse within us, and how we try to come to terms with it.

The question is as follows:

Hi John
Thanks for posting this article and the link:

I think it perfectly mirrors your own ambition to tell your readers not to take anything (especially words and their interpretation) for granted. However, I have a question about the micro and macro that is also covered in this video: I currently feel that the simulation theory deserves a lot of credit as it gives potential explanations for otherwise rather mysterious theories (what is often referred to as “science” without giving actual proof). What is your opinion on the simulation theory? As I am reading your book about OBEs currently, I was wondering if by having one we might exit this sim and enter a parallel one instead. And the Archon for example might be the adversary (role) player that makes our experience in this simulation (and others) challenging and worthwhile so we can grow spiritually. In other words, the collective reality is given for our individual (alchemical) transformation to take place – which leads back to “there is nothing to change but self”. I would love to hear your opinion about this?

My response:

I find the simulation theory to be a very interesting way for modern people to try to grasp the incredible magnitude of what I refer to as the dark sea.

I have found that every human age has a certain way of classifying and judging the beliefs of its time. What I mean is that every age has its own version of theology, its own religious framework. By religious framework, I mean the way a certain society within a particular window of time is able to truly come to terms with and explore realities and experiences that are at the fringe of personal belief as individuals and as a society.

To the individuals of that time, those terms and the way they map out reality need to be credible. Accepted beliefs are incredibly important here.

For people to believe something is real, those things need to be explained using terms and theories that are in complete alignment with the current facts of the time, and each window in time accepts only certain things to be facts.

Due to the “fact” that the outer senses can only perceive time as a linear event, the beliefs (that is, the facts) of a certain historic period seem to be cutting edge, meaning that everything that preceded this particular time (the past) is inferior, and what is in the future is better, more right, more evolved. What I’m trying to say here is that simulation theory is not a new concept; it is just the newest way to conceptualize (and for some, to utterly believe in) the newest fact framework of the time. For some, this new theory is an interesting way to conceptualize greater possibilities, but in time (for some, already), the simulation theory is already fact. We may be witnessing the birth of a new religion using the current “all is science” framework.

In the past, other windows in time had different words for simulation theory, and there were certainly slight alterations in those general theories as proposed by those people at that time. For example, we could say that the Christian doctrine is one such theory that became utter fact for a time. Interestingly, even though it is for the most part overlooked in this modern time, that old theology had its own kind of science that was quite valid and quite useful to the people of the time. And if we were to take measure for measure, as to which is more helpful to people, there were actually great benefits to that old science, just like there are benefits to this new one. And while that old science did not function in a generally technological kind of way like this new science that now posits simulation theory, that old science functioned through more internal methods that were quite valid and useful to people in medieval Europe, for example.

Certainly, from the modern perspective, being that we humans perceive time as a linear event, and being that psychologically such a framework of perception makes it seem like the past is inferior while the future is cutting edge, that past version of simulation theory seems wrong and can never answer the questions of a modern belief framework.

So, modern simulation theory is the current theology; it is an attempt, a scientific attempt, at tackling the nature of the psyche, or what the Christian framework might have called the soul.

With all that in mind, I find the modern simulation theory incredibly interesting. And being a modern person myself, I am greatly interested in the new technological versions of a systematic theology.

If anything, perhaps this new theology will allow others, perhaps through the use of virtual reality, let us say, instead of “Ignatian meditation”, to explore such profound revelations for themselves in a different way.

Interestingly, you are studying a book on a very old way (astral projection) of exploring the incredibly mind-bending properties of our shared reality. The problem comes, of course, when theory turns into fact in the minds of the practitioners, and certain interpretations of deep experiences while exploring that outer edge of the dark sea are taken to be unassailable fact. That is when theory becomes theology.

And if you doubt the power of the mass of humanity to turn science into theology, then all you have to do is look at these past few years to see just how certain health practices were initiated worldwide.

The simulation is an incredibly interesting theory that is actually as old as time, and I encourage you to try to see the connection between this current idea of a simulation and past ideas and traditions. You may, for example, be interested in the connection between modern ideas of an adversarial character in a Sim and the accuser or the adversary in old Hebrew.

But whatever you do, it is my hope that you begin to trust your inner knowing as opposed to outer dogma, whether that is the modern science of the times or a past one. What do I mean by this? Well, I hope that in the future you might ‘see’ that there is no difference between science trying to prove simulation theory and Thomas Aquinas trying to prove whether an angel moving from A to B passes through the points in between.

Contrary to popular New Age belief, the world out there is not an illusion but rather a reality that far surpasses our comprehension. We often fall into the trap of thinking we understand our surroundings, relying on our senses and the instruments we’ve created to perceive our environment. However, these tools are limited by our cognitive abilities and can even distort our perception of the world around us.

Imagine standing in a dense forest filled with countless species of flora and fauna, yet to be discovered or named. Our eyes might be able to detect the obvious: towering trees, vibrant foliage, and perhaps the occasional glimpse of wildlife. But beyond our visual range lies an entire ecosystem teeming with life, chemical exchanges, and complex interactions that we can only begin to comprehend.

Even our most advanced instruments cannot fully capture the intricacies of this invisible world. Scientists have developed sophisticated equipment to detect electromagnetic waves beyond the visible spectrum and measure subatomic particles, yet these technologies are still limited by the boundaries of human knowledge and understanding. Moreover, we often design these instruments with a specific goal in mind, creating a narrow focus that prevents us from exploring the full range of possibilities. This approach limits our ability to expand our understanding of the unknown and ultimately hinders our progress.

The Limitations of Human Perception

As human beings, our physical senses limit us to a narrow range of stimuli. For example, our eyes can only detect visible light within a certain wavelength, while the full spectrum includes much more than what we can see. Similarly, our hearing range is limited to audible sounds within a frequency range, but the full range of audio frequencies extends far beyond these limits. Our intellectual boundaries are equally restrictive, as we can only comprehend what we have learned and experienced. This narrow understanding is shaped by our culture, upbringing, education, and personal experiences, which often limit our ability to conceive ideas or concepts that lie outside of our familiar realm.

The Role of Instruments in Shaping Our Perception

To expand our understanding of the world around us, we have developed various instruments to aid our perception. These tools can be as simple as magnifying glasses or binoculars that enhance our visual capabilities, or as complex as telescopes and microscopes that allow us to observe distant galaxies and minuscule organisms. However, the very instruments we rely on can also skew our perception of reality. For instance, a person with perfect eyesight who observes the world through “rose-colored” glasses will perceive colors that are not actually present in their surroundings. Similarly, when we rely on scientific instruments to gather data, we must be aware of their limitations and potential errors, as these tools can also distort our perception of the world.

Skewed Interpretation of the World Around Us

As human beings, we tend to create instruments that align with our existing beliefs and expectations, which can lead to a skewed interpretation of reality. For example, early astronomers believed that all celestial bodies revolved around the Earth, so they developed telescopes specifically designed to confirm this belief. These older telescopes were not able to perceive that the earth revolved around the sun because their design and construction were based on a geocentric model of the universe. The lenses and mirrors used in these early telescopes were crafted to magnify celestial objects, but they did not possess the necessary precision or sophistication to reveal the true movement of planets around the sun.

One significant limitation of older telescopes was their inability to correct for optical aberrations caused by the curvature of lenses and mirrors. This resulted in distorted images that made it difficult, if not impossible, to discern the complex motions of celestial bodies. Additionally, these early telescopes had a limited field of view, which made it challenging for astronomers to observe multiple objects simultaneously or track the movement of planets over time.

It wasn’t until the invention of more advanced instruments, such as the refracting telescope by Hans Lippershey in 1590 and the reflecting telescope by Isaac Newton in 1672, that scientists were able to challenge the geocentric model of the universe. These new telescopes featured improved optics, larger apertures, and more precise mechanical systems, allowing astronomers to observe celestial objects with greater clarity and accuracy. As a result, they could finally observe the movement of planets and confirm that the Earth revolved around the Sun, marking a major breakthrough in our understanding of the cosmos.

The Creative Aspect of Instrument Design

In designing tools to aid our perception, we often bring our creative abilities into play, shaping these instruments based on our understanding of the world and our desired outcomes. This creative process can lead to groundbreaking discoveries. However, this creative aspect also presents challenges, as we must continually reassess and refine our instruments to ensure that they accurately represent the world around us. If we become too attached to a particular instrument or method of observation, we may overlook crucial details or misinterpret the data we collect.

Recognizing the Known and Unknown Aspects of Reality and Embracing a new form of Mind Science

To truly understand the infinite world around us, we must first recognize that it is made up of both the known and unknown aspects of reality. The known aspects are those phenomena that we have already discovered, understood, and integrated into our worldview. These include the laws of physics, chemical reactions, and fundamental principles of biology governing life on Earth.

But the unknown aspects of reality pose significant challenges for us as we attempt to comprehend them. They exist in a realm beyond our current perceptual and intellectual capabilities. Our senses and instruments can only perceive a small fraction of the world around us while our understanding is limited by what we have learned and experienced up until this point. Many aspects of the unknown are difficult to imagine because they lie outside of our conceptual framework.

As we delve deeper into the unknown aspects of reality, it becomes increasingly apparent that there might be a wholly unknown reality all around us – a realm that remains hidden from our current understanding. Just as scientists at the edges of our known scientific understanding are discovering dimensions within dimensions, we too must expand our perceptions to uncover these previously untapped territories.

Our psyche, which has been defined by our insistence that we live in a very limited three-dimensional world, has also suffered from the constriction of these perceptions. It is now time to expand those perceptions in order to discover those unknown territories. And the way to do this is through Mind Science – a new science that combines insights and discoveries from various disciplines such as psychology, neuroscience, quantum physics, and what is now considered to be the impossible, which is the science of the inner senses and of tapping into internal realities, inner dream worlds, and incredibly, the projection of consciousness.

By perceiving not just with outer instruments but also with inner senses of such power and magnitude that they dwarf anything thus far created by the human species, we can unravel the complex interplay between our inner and outer worlds – a discovery that will transform our understanding of the universe and ourselves.

By embracing the potential for growth and transformation that comes with this journey, we can unlock countless possibilities that lie beyond our current comprehension. As we expand our understanding of the universe and ourselves, we will open up new avenues for discovery that were previously unimaginable – all while pushing the boundaries of what it means to be human in an ever-evolving cosmos.

Expanding Our Intellectual Perspective

In order to make headway into the unknown aspects of reality, we must first broaden our intellectual perspective. This involves challenging our existing beliefs and assumptions, questioning the limitations of our current understanding, and seeking out new ideas and concepts that may help us expand our knowledge. One way to achieve this is by engaging in interdisciplinary research, which allows scientists and scholars from different fields to collaborate and share their expertise. By doing so, we not only expand the range of our technical devices but also enhance our ability to work with the inner reality within us – our psyche.

As we delve deeper into the unknown aspects of reality, it becomes increasingly clear that a new science must develop – one that harnesses the infinitely powerful world of the inner senses. This new science, which could be called Mind Science, can begin to challenge our entire worldview by integrating the insights and discoveries from various disciplines of both external and internal varieties to better understand the complex interplay between our inner and outer reality.

Mind Science should encourage us to explore the unexplored realms of human consciousness, pushing the boundaries of what we think is possible both within ourselves and in the world around us. As we continue to expand our understanding of the unknown aspects of reality, we must embrace the importance of developing this new science that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries and fosters a holistic approach to knowledge acquisition.

In this new and evolving reality, finding a balance between our now almost wholly externally focused reality and the infinite possibilities to be found within our internal reality – our infinite inner human world – is crucial. Embracing the importance of the inner senses will help us unlock the full potential of our consciousness and redefine our understanding of the universe and ourselves.

Expanding our understanding of the unknown aspects of reality requires a willingness to challenge our existing beliefs, broaden our intellectual perspective, maintain an open mind, engage in interdisciplinary research, and embrace uncertainty. By doing so, we can forge new pathways into the vast expanse of the infinite world and unlock countless possibilities that lie beyond our current comprehension.

Expanding Our Infinite Potential of Human Knowledge

In our quest to unravel the mysteries of the unknown aspects of reality, we must recognize that our understanding is constantly evolving, much like the infinite world we seek to comprehend. The process of discovery is a journey without an end, as each breakthrough leads to new questions and fresh perspectives.

Consider the story of the ancient Greek philosophers who first pondered the nature of the universe, or the intrepid explorers who ventured into unknown territories on Earth, seeking new lands and knowledge. These pioneering thinkers and adventurers dared to challenge their own beliefs and assumptions, pushing the boundaries of what was thought possible.

Similarly, today’s scientists and researchers continue to venture into uncharted territory, exploring realms that were once considered beyond our grasp. From the depths of the oceans to the farthest reaches of space, we are constantly expanding our understanding of the universe. By embracing uncertainty and maintaining an open mind, we can forge new pathways into the vast expanse of the infinite world, unlocking countless possibilities that lie beyond our current comprehension.

However, this exploration has predominantly focused on the exterior world, and it is now time to explore the interior world with equal fervor. This new exploration using Mind Science has the potential to take us much farther into an infinity beyond measure – a reality perhaps even larger than what has been revealed to us by the most powerful telescopes and microscopes currently available to humanity.

The kind of Mind Science I am trying to describe would encourage us to delve deeper into the depths of human consciousness, shedding light on the intricate workings of our minds and the subtle interplay between our thoughts, emotions, and perceptions. By unraveling these mysteries, we can expand our understanding of the universe and ourselves, opening up new avenues for discovery that were previously unimaginable.

As we continue to explore both the interior and exterior realms of reality, it is crucial that we maintain an open mind and embrace the potential for growth and transformation that comes with this journey. The infinite possibilities that lie within and beyond our understanding hold the key to a future where humanity can thrive in harmony with itself and the cosmos, guided by the wisdom gleaned from our exploration of the inner and outer worlds.

The journey to expand our understanding of the unknown aspects of reality is one filled with both challenges and opportunities. Besides broadening our intellectual perspective, we must also embrace the inner senses and the possibility of the projection of consciousness beyond the limits of the physical. This ability to project consciousness beyond what now seems possible – truly bounded by preconceived ideas of a three-dimensional existence – can expand our ability to explore the cosmos and new ways.

This new methodology, akin to creating a new armada of sailing vessels, can forge a new form of navigation that takes us far beyond anything currently possible with just external machines and contraptions. By harmoniously blending internal exploration with external research methodology, humanity can unlock a universe of possibilities that transcends our current understanding and pushes the frontiers of human knowledge to new heights.

If you would like to know more about the limits of our physical senses and how to expand them. If you would like to know how to expand the cognitive boundaries of our beliefs, and how these have an incredible power to shape the world that we perceive, then I recommend the book: The Occult Experience.

Here you will find a treasure trove of ways to go beyond the limits of what is truly a self and societally imposed limitation on our cognitive ability!

As you read the material that I have written thus far on inner alchemy, the books, the blog, and the videos, there may develop an almost natural tendency to want to align concepts that you might have been studying from other sources, with what I have written in accordance with the perceptions of inner alchemy. For example, you might have been studying and may know a great deal about other occult systems, such as Hermetics, wicca, eastern occult systems, or perhaps the Golden Dawn system of occult practice, and you might wonder how inner alchemy explains and defines those same concepts that you know about.

In this article I have taken a definition, a term, that is of common parlance in the occult world, and I have used it to dive very deeply into the thoughts, perceptions, and structuring done by inner alchemists. I hope that you will forgive me for the at times complexity of this article, and that you prepare yourself for a deep discussion into human possibility. My reasons for this deep dive have to do with a need to expand the nature of the material that I have presented thus far, especially the material that I have discussed in the inner alchemists course-book trilogy. I feel that it is time to step it up a notch as it were, in order to begin a more advanced level of technique and understanding.

So to recap what I mentioned at the start of the article,

because of previous knowledge in occult science, you might want to know how inner alchemy relates to those things that you already know about. In this article in particular, I want to discuss the concept of the higher self. I have been asked, how does the ‘higher self’ fit into the material that I have discussed and revealed thus far, specifically in the course-book, The Way of the death defier. And to that, I must start off with a key point, or that is a key aspect of the current that I follow. This is a very important technique within my current, a fundamental principal, and that is the intent of creating a proper structuring of the mind, the mind palace as it were, which I have referred to as the technique of expanding the logos in the above mentioned course-books.

Inner alchemists are very much interested in developing the most pristine logos possible, because they know that this is a critical step in breaking down the walls of the three dimensional trap, that this rational human world is to them. To that end, they know that they must first start by structuring this dimension, this objective world, in the most precise and immaculate way possible. This means that they must bind and order not only, all the things that they can perceive with their physical senses, which are the things that any person can perceive with their eyes, ears, nose  etc., they must also order in precise and logical fashion, all those things that they can perceive of other worlds from this world, that is, what they can see through their direct energetic perceptions, their inner senses.

Creating a pristine logos means giving a logical structure, to all those things that become a part of the inner alchemist’s reality, their mind palace.

To do this, they engage themselves in becoming master logicians, meaning that they are able to understand the phenomenology and the syntax of the world that they have been born into, and any world that they can eventually perceive using energetic awareness, inner senses, which may be termed seeing. The expansion of the logos is also highly important to the inner alchemist as they engage in projectionist techniques, which may also be understood as a highly powerful form of astral travel. Another way to say this is that they must understand to perfection the causal structure defined by a certain human worldview first off, the syntax and the phenomenal world that has become prevalent in these times, they must bind the causal structural laws of this three dimensional reality, and then they must do the same to all the other worlds, that is dimensions, that become available to them as the power of their seeing and projecting grows within them. This involves a logical understanding that far surpasses just the use of simple first-order logic, and does as time progresses include what might be termed philosophical logic, meta-logic, chaos logic, quantum mechanical logic, and generally phenomenological understanding at such a deep level, that it moves the logician into the deep complexities of non-classical logic. This structuring and growing power, as the mind palace grows, begins to go beyond this dimensional zone, this world, through a systematic ordering referred to as the creation and continual expansion of the logos.

As a foundational principle of this logical structuring, a key point (at least within the context of this physical dimension) becomes terminology and definitions; this is referred to as binding or bounding. That is, in order to understand the certain objective and subjective dimensional syntax of this physical reality and go beyond it, the boundaries and the complete definitions of all those things that make up that phenomenal structure must be established, the bounding must be established at the onset of the structuring. What this means in the simplest sense, and in particular in accordance with this article and the questions that have been asked about the higher self, is that to understand the inner alchemists’ point of view on this, you must clearly define first off what you mean by this term, higher self. Terms are important, terminology is in a basic sense the words that we use to define our world, any world, any dimension, and words are very important because they are the meta structure of the logos within the context of what we refer to as, the three-dimensional world, the rational world, the supposedly only real world.

So, to begin to answer this question we must clearly define what you may mean by the higher self, because if we do not do this, then my descriptions of what inner alchemy thinks of the higher self may not fit within the paradigm of your definitions. This is a very important point, and it is the cause of most of the strife that we see when people discuss or debate issues. This is so because their bounding of a certain perceived object or event is different than your bounding, that is the measuring and defining, of one person is different from another. It will be the same term, the same word, but the binding, the defining, is different. Without this metalogical preciseness, well, we are left with the endless jabbering and trolling that we see in this modern cyber culture, where even those that agree at a fundamental level, are separated and made to fight each other because of semantic inconsistencies.

So to begin, if we define the higher self as, a kind of eternal and omnipotent consciousness, that is (within the bounds of many definitions) a kind of God above, the God above that is within us but is also beyond us, and that each and every one of us, according to this particular definition, has an individual higher self, then we can begin in accordance with that definition, and in accordance to that definition only, discuss how such a definition may align itself with the direct energetic perceptions of inner alchemy.

With the above in mind then, inner alchemists do believe that there is a force, an individually perceived ray or light essence, that in some ways could be defined as the higher self, if you feel that this light essence represents a wished for ideal of your best self.

But there is a great deal of nuance and complexity, and unless these details are understood, at least from the inner alchemist’s point of view, then there can be errors made that can make the person aspiring to try to align themselves with their higher self, move in a direction that may not be favorable to them as individuals.

For example, for an inner alchemist the higher self is not an object existing somewhere out there, but it is instead a destination, a road. Another way to say this would be to say that the higher self is not a thing like an apple, or a table is a thing, but it is instead a directly perceived, that is seen through the inner senses, energetic configuration that is in no place and in every place simultaneously. If we use the above mentioned standard definition of the higher self, one could say that the higher self is not a place but a road, you don’t contact it by going to it per se, by reaching its location, instead, you align with it and you follow a path, a way, to try to get to it. But this is indeed a never ending road and in accordance to the seeing of inner alchemy, depending on your definitions (or your map, your perhaps unconscious logos let’s say) you may never reach this destination, the higher self is nowhere and yet in a certain sense it is everywhere within a certain range of probabilities.

For an inner alchemist, this road to that energetic conglomeration leads to freedom and lightness (less gravity), for a different individual it might lead to something completely different, it might lead to a wholly different place. We all have our roads to follow, our own individual higher self to chase, our own individual configuration to aspire to.

To give more clarity to all of this, which basically means looking into the details, the nuance, where the devil always hides as they say, we must begin by defining how it is that inner alchemists perceive. As I have stated in my books on inner alchemy, an inner alchemist is someone who has learned to perceive energy directly, to use something that one may term the inner senses in order to perceive that which is beyond objective reality, that is beyond objects, beyond the binding of three dimensional existence, the physical senses, and the rational stance of the times. An inner alchemists strives to go beyond a mob driven world view, that is bound by the laws of a kind of very simple form of classical mechanics.

By being able to see energy directly, an inner alchemist can directly perceive the tides of energy as they flow across infinity. And through those perceptions, what people might term an eternal conscious and intelligent being (a thing, object, or individual out there somewhere) is actually to an inner alchemist an energetic pooling, meaning that to them through their seeing the higher self is a non thing, it is a conglomeration, a number of different energetic components bound together in a kind of configuration that defies object-hood. To the inner alchemist the higher self is not an object, it is not something that has boundaries, and without boundaries it is not in essence a constant definable thing, but it is instead a large and ever-changing range of possibilities that is at all time, projecting an ever changing song or light. Because objective binding presupposes consistency, the terminology of that consistency can create, to use the nicest terms possible, a mislabeling of the complexities of this structure that some bind by referring to it as the higher self.

That which could be termed the higher self then, is not something that is just one thing, and being that it is not a thing in and of itself, because again it is not bound to three dimensions and therefore it is not an object, this gestalt or energetic and symbolic configuration or pattern of elements that might be defined as the higher self is not one bound thing, but it is instead manyfold non-things.

In accordance with the original definition at the start of the article, each person has an individual higher self. This ordinarily believed dogmatic understanding by the average person, again in accordance with the direct perceptions of inner alchemy only, is false in a way, and yet in some ways it is right in a way as well. This is a most difficult thing to describe, but understanding the nuance of this is highly important for true evolutionary understanding. The dogma based belief that each individual has their own unique higher self, like a piece for you forever and a piece for me, and these pieces are kept here for me and are kept there for you, is wrong, because energetically this is a non-local, a not here nor there essence that is available to all simultaneously. From the perceptive point of inner alchemists, It is not that each individual has a higher self, but that each individual perceives this non object differently and therefore from that unique individual perception, the individual finds its own individual higher self. This is a difficult nuanced point, but it is a very important one, because it opens up the notion of multiple states of being, which is the true and fundamental point of this article.


People always see things in a cause and effect structure that must put something before the other, that is there is always some cause that created an effect in a linear, this happened before that, kind of structure. This again is because most people are bound solely to three dimensions and therefore believed that everything exists within three dimensions only, that causality can only be possible because of three dimensions, there are no other worlds, this is the only real world. And it is the case then that they literally cannot see beyond this reality, they cannot see, they can only look with their physical senses. But for an inner alchemist there is more to reality than this, there is more than object-hood and linear time structure.

Using that understanding of non-linear time models and non three dimensional spacial bounding, meaning that for the inner alchemist cause and effect can break the bounds of linear models, which is I know an impossibility from the rational point of view, inner alchemists can see nonetheless that each individual can perceive a different aspect of the confluence of configurations described earlier. I mention this causal expansion of perception, this ability to see cause and effect beyond linear time models, because it is very important in all discussions involving a conceptualize higher self, because in all such discussions of these higher orders such as the higher self, there is often this problem that some people run into where they are trying desperately to figure out if it was the chicken or the egg that came first, if it is the chicken that is higher or if it’s the egg, if it’s the chicken that is morally right or is it the egg, etc.

The problems with individuality and beliefs in the existence of an individual higher self for everyone, can run into such problems as to which came first, the higher consciousness or the individual, and by believing that either the chicken came first, or the egg, such binding can create beliefs that at least in accordance with inner alchemists, are not energetically true. This nuanced deviation in understanding can cause great problems as these dogmatic beliefs evolve, and it is this meta principle, interestingly, that is responsible for not only a lack of understanding of highly complex systems, but it is also the cause of much of the black or white, up or down, higher or lower, polarities and distinctions created by the dogmatically bound human world.

Anyway, to get back to point, you can think of it like this: each individual is in a particular position in space and time, as such we could metaphorically imagine that each one of these individuals that is scattered across a geography of space and time, is looking up at a large cloud.

They are then metaphorically looking up at a kind of large configuration of energetic elements united. Being that each individual is in a particular location, that is each individual is in a particular space-time position, their view of this immense cloud above them is different, because each angle as they look up is different. This means that each individual is looking at a particular facet of this enormous cloud above them, and so to each individual this cloud may seem to be different, and being different and being bound to the individual’s perceptions, a subjective experience, it is believed by each individual that the higher self is individual as well, that is each person has their own particular higher self.

Here is where one problem of the chicken and the egg comes in. From an energetic point of view, this perception of the above cloud being individual or not, is both true and false, that is, there is indeed one all encompassing higher self for everyone that exists beyond the individual, but

there is also an individual higher self for each individual, being that each individual through their personal perceptions does embody an aspect of that cloud of energy. There are therefore two possible states simultaneously,

One where the higher self is an individual thing, and one where the higher self is not an individual thing, but it is instead something far greater than just the one, like a vast energetic cloud somewhere beyond the individual. Both things are true, but to believe that only one is true and not the other, creates a bounding limitation, that in time will cause problems for the evolving individual.

This is a difficult topic, and it is a difficult thing to understand, and it will always be difficult to understand until you can let go of object-hood perception which demands that you only have one state, one real supposedly event.

In other words both the chicken and the egg were created at the same time, or it might be better to say that there exist many probable states simultaneously where either the chicken or the egg were created first, one where neither exists, and one where they are both simultaneously created together.

This is important in understanding the higher self because in accordance with the perceptions of inner alchemy, the higher self is not an object, it is instead sort of like a road. You are not contacting an object out there, instead you are aligning yourself in a certain direction let us say, and as such the higher self is not a thing but it is instead a way.

And beyond this, being that the higher self is not an object but a configuration that one could say is so massive that it is beyond any one individual’s personal perception, each road for each individual is different, unique, and highly personal. And the difference between the road of each individual can be such, that what one person does in order to align themselves with their road, their way, can be completely and utterly different from the alignment of someone else. In that sense then, the road is both individual and not, both states are true simultaneously and complement each other, one could even go as far as saying that neither could exist alone.

A second aspect of the chicken and the egg meta principles that becomes highly important , is that in contemplation of the higher self, questions can arise about higher or lower. What I mean by this is that there can be this very polar black or white defining, bounding, separating that will posit that the higher self, being higher, the sky, remember we are for some reason looking up at this cloud, representing above, must represent in accordance with the symbol-logical picture-words used, good and goodness. Which is then made to fit into the human tribal ideal of what good is and what being good should be going forward.

They may say internally to themselves in a subconscious way, the higher self is higher, therefore it is good, and the theology or the perceived correctness of the times defines goodness as this particular thing only, so this higher self can only tell me to do this, and if it is not saying this then it is not the higher self, and if this other individual is not doing this then they are not good and are not in contact with the higher self. I hope you get what I am trying to say here as it relates to many of the societal problems of the age.

But from an inner alchemist’s point of view such a bounding of high and low can curtail awareness, and such a curtailing can be deadly for them, as they try to navigate the infinity that is denied to the average person that is trapped within the grips of dogma and three dimensional object hood.

As such, the term higher, within the defined term higher self, is incorrect for them, because for them there is only energy, not objects. This is the most difficult thing to come to terms with, and it basically comes down to, from the inner alchemists point of view, that is from their energetic perceptions, there is no higher or lower, there is only energy and energy is neither good or bad, it is,

it is now, and this now is all time, all space, and therefore all possibility.

These are hard concepts to try to put into words because words are not designed to be able to describe, that is to bind with definition, the reality of existence beyond three dimensions. As such it becomes very difficult to define things that are outside of it, and the higher self I believe, by most definitions, is outside the bounding walls of object hood. The best way, the only way, to know is to perceive energy directly yourself, as such the inner alchemist strives from the very beginning to make this a possibility in their lives.

The problems in understanding objects and non-objects, multiple states of existence, such as whether Shrodinger’s cat is alive, dead, or both for example, the potential for causality to go beyond linear time frames, and the difficulties in understanding the potential dual states of particle and wave, will always be an impossibility until you begin to come to terms with the possibility that things can exist in multiple states at the same time, that there are quantum states and that each possible state, whether perceivable by the human physical senses or not, matters, is valid, and is real, as real as anything in the physical world. This I believe is the next state and the ever-expanding human logos, which is happening right now, which will usher in an evolutionary step in human consciousness. And I do believe that a lot of this phenomenological evolution, can be greatly augmented by employing some of the techniques of inner alchemy, specifically the ability to perceive energy directly.