Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge
Throughout my writings, you may have noticed that I often criticize Occam’s razor. Essentially, I argue that this principle is sometimes used as a weapon by ultra-rationalists who attempt to confine the complexities of reality into the narrow framework of their dogmas. In this article, I aim to explore my reservations about dogma and why I find ‘logic’ a more precise term compared to ‘rationality’ or ‘reason.’ To begin with, let us define OccamR...
There are many different ways. There are many traditions and methodologies to proceed by, to try to find the underlying truth of things, to try to find the underlying power, that is the birthright of every single one of us. No matter what methodology you are using, as long as it feels right to you and is working for you, then use it. You can think of these methodologies as sort of like a kind of propellant, in that they can help to get you off the ground, like a rocket needs propellant to get...