Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge
There are many people who have wondered about the Great Archon and its hierarchy. They may ask questions such as: Within the bounds of this titanic force, where do the Ascended Masters and reptilians stand in relation to other beings? Some may understand that the situation is complex and cannot be easily reduced to a simple good versus evil. However, they may seek to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of this force and its hierarchy. They may ask questions such as: Are our primary adve... I have discussed in past videos and posts, the idea of the cube. In those posts, I have avoided a finely detailed description of what these cubes are, or what they might represent. The reason for this is that, as it is the case with all things within the rational perspective, trying to describe this phenomenon can be more unhelpful than helpful. What I mean by this, is that by giving this phenomena certain characteristics and boundaries, in order to try and descri...