Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

There are many people who have wondered about the Great Archon and its hierarchy. They may ask questions such as: Within the bounds of this titanic force, where do the Ascended Masters and reptilians stand in relation to other beings? Some may understand that the situation is complex and cannot be easily reduced to a simple good versus evil. However, they may seek to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of this force and its hierarchy. They may ask questions such as: Are our primary adversaries human or alien in origin? Is this force predominantly composed of alien or human entities?

And I must start by pointing out that the greatest realization possible for us is to finally discover for ourselves that the world is not simply divided into black-and-white, good and evil. In our quest to understand the forces that oppose us, it is all too easy to become lost in our search for some elusive truth that we believe is essential to our survival. We think that if we only knew this one thing, then we could finally conquer this world and our life situation. Unfortunately, sometimes knowing the truth of some things can be a bigger curse than anything else because such revelations, when they are truly taken seriously, can be so grandiose and overwhelming that they make us feel powerless. The curse of powerlessness is perhaps the greatest curse of all.

Yet I understand the nature of your questions and your desire to know the full extent of what we are up against. If it is your wish to know so that you can gain the power and knowledge necessary to confront these foes, I must point out that we do indeed have the power to confront any such foes. We are not powerless. As such, I would highly recommend my book “Overcoming the Archon through Alchemy”. In this book, you will not only find great truths but also how to fight back and overcome these forces that seem so overwhelming when they are finally revealed to us.

Now, from the perspective of inner alchemy, and I speak only from this perspective and do not presume to speak for others or their beliefs. From our perspective, the world is generally a predatory place. This means that we cannot rely on any group or individual, be they ascended masters or otherwise. The best course of action is to discover our own truth and learn to play a strategic game. This involves strengthening our position in the present by learning to see, to use our inner senses to perceive energy directly, and work with awareness and energy once these new senses have been perfected. When we have mastered this skill, we can begin to let go of the dogma and beliefs of the world, and instead focus on discovering our own truth, which may differ from that of others. This is why I always emphasize the importance of technique over dogma, in the hope that you will learn to see for yourself and discover your own path.

Once we can perceive energy directly, we can see that there is no sanctuary for us except that which we create for ourselves.

And yet, we are beings that are graceful, that is we live in a state of grace. There are many ways to define what being in a state of grace means, but fundamentally in the context of this discussion, it means that we are multidimensional beings. I repeat we are multidimensional beings, we are powerful, we are graceful.

Some of us live entire lifetimes from beginning to end being told that we are nothing more than objects, meat machines, living in an object filled world. We are basically told that we are a thing living amongst other things and the nature of our multidimensional reality may be suspected but it can never be fully confirmed. As such people live lives of quiet desperation as they somehow try to get ahead using a very limited set of laws and powers that tried to enforce the idea that they are just things, objects, surrounded in a world full of objects. But we are so much more than this!

So we must never forget that we are multidimensional beings, that we are graceful. This basically means that even in this predatory place we have many inherent resources, and it is my hope to not just reveal the nature of reality to you, leaving you feeling powerless, but also giving you the techniques needed to overcome these challenges, and that is why I recommend the book I mentioned.

So, getting to the root of your questions, there are indeed ascended Masters, reptilian-like beings, as well as light beings and a host of other entities that fit within the greater structure of reality. However, it would be wrong to assume that these beings fight some kind of black-and-white battle with the good guys on one side and the bad guys on the other. The world is far more complicated than this and even though from a certain perspective it is easier to see things this way, as your awareness expands you must begin to perceive greater nuance.

This is a difficult point of view to understand but the general idea here is that any force or any seeming entity or individual that is trying to tell you what to do, is in essence controlling you and is therefore something that has its own agenda. A true light being let us say or ascended Master, will be very careful about putting different possibilities before you, hopefully positive possibilities, but will not, even in the gravest of issues, try to force your hand. Individual freedom and spontaneous personal and individual development are paramount in all things. The unfortunate truth is that even in suffering there is growth, as long as that experience is of an individual nature where that person realizes that all that they have done is the result of their focus of attention, their ability to work with energy.

So, in that sense then, an ascended Master would provide possibilities, teach technique or methodology that could be tried, but they would not force any kind of action, any kind of dogmatic position. Yes, it is the case that an ascended Master might pull the curtain back to reveal a greater truth so that others might see for themselves the totality of all that is going on, but in the end they cannot force any issue because anything aside from this would mean that they are not in essence ascended Masters but instead just forces with their own agenda.

From this perspective, the Ascended Masters often described by many people are, in some ways, similar to the reptilians they also describe. Both Ascended Masters and reptilians have their own desires and motivations, their own agenda. Nothing is ever free in this world. It is up to each individual to decide whether to engage with these beings or to forge their own path. I will try to clarify what I mean here:

Ascended Masters are generally described as spiritually enlightened beings who have transcended the cycle of reincarnation on Earth. They are believed to have reached a higher plane of existence from which they can assist and guide humanity in its spiritual evolution. Some believe that these beings were once ordinary humans but, through a series of spiritual transformations known as initiations, they have achieved a state of enlightenment. Many in the esoteric field believe that Ascended Masters act as teachers and guides, helping individuals on their path towards enlightenment and aiding the human race in its destined evolution.

Are such beings real?

Yes, they are real, at least from the perspective of inner alchemy. I must emphasize that this is solely my viewpoint as an inner alchemist. It is my fervent hope that you will use the techniques I teach, or any other techniques that work for you, to discover your own truth.

So, from my perspective as an inner alchemist, these beings do exist and there is even a hierarchy among them, and this is very important. This hierarchy is determined by the extent to which they are still interested in the earthly plane – that is, how much they are still invested in the material aspects of this earthly realm.

Regrettably, I must resort to words to convey my meaning, and within the confines of language it is helpful to conceptualize the hierarchy of masters as a ladder of ascension, with each rung representing a higher level of detachment from the earthly realm. The higher one ascends, the less desire one has for the particular game that is being played here. The less interest one has on the board or the game pieces on the board the higher the ascension in a way. I hope you understand what I am trying to say here.

The hierarchy of Ascended Masters operates within a dynamic flow, striving to provide humanity with information and possibilities while remaining as detached from the game, like a multidimensional chess board, as possible. Anything other than this would undermine their ascension, as it could easily devolve into a form of control. Thus, the hierarchy is a complex network of individuals who have ascended to varying degrees and who work towards expanding possibilities without interfering with humanity’s free will.

Those lower on the ladder of ascension are tasked with more direct contact with humanity. Through these interactions, they provide information and possibilities, sometimes revealing what lies behind the curtain while doing their utmost not to interfere with the overall game. This is a great challenge for an Ascended Master, and if they are able to fulfill their role effectively – that is, if they can provide enlightenment and possibilities without getting in the way or allowing any lingering attachment to the material board to influence their actions – then they themselves can ascend further. In their new, more elevated position, they will work on different aspects of our shared multidimensional reality.

At the highest levels of ascension, these beings are responsible for the very essence of all that we perceive. Again, I must resort to words to convey this concept, which can be problematic, but you could think of these highly ascended Masters as great composers or conductors who create the very essence and various aspects of the grand symphony that is our multidimensional reality.

What are the reptilians?

The term “Reptilians” can hold various connotations, depending on the context in which it is employed. In one particular interpretation, Reptilians are postulated to be an extraterrestrial species that came to Earth during the epoch of the ancient Sumerians. According to certain sources, these beings are from another planet or another dimension and journeyed to Earth, where they established their presence. It is said that they possess a cold and calculating nature, devoid of any human warmth or compassion. Their purported objective is to subjugate humanity and transform our species into a race of slaves, much like the numerous other civilizations they are believed to have conquered and oppressed.

From the perspective of inner alchemy, beings of this nature do indeed exist. However, it is challenging to describe them accurately because just like ascended masters there is a hierarchy to them. When people think of reptilians or similar beings, they often blend many different concepts. One of the greatest difficulties in attempting to describe these beings and their existence lies in reconciling individual perceptions of physicality and reality.

Defining physicality is as challenging as trying to describe these beings. Generally speaking, we might say that physicality refers to something that can be perceived by our physical senses. Furthermore, our senses operate within a specific frequency range, so physicality could be said to encompass anything that exists within that frequency range. Finally, for something to be considered fully physical, it must be perceived consistently and equally – that is, more than one person must be able to perceive it and that perception must be persistent. Those interested in this topic may wish to research the hundredth monkey effect and morphogenic fields.

Reptilians are real, they are as real as a table you might stub your toe on. But their true power lies in the fact that they are also multidimensional beings. But unlike humanity, they know the nature and the power of this multi-dimensionality, and they have the possibility of entering it fully, meaning that they can seemingly be physical at times while other times being nonphysical.

At certain points in space and time, they may meet all the criteria for physicality mentioned above. At other times, they may not. To try to convey this concept, I have used the metaphor of a game board with many different forces competing against one another. I have also introduced the idea of a hierarchy, where proximity to the board and attachment to its material aspects determine one’s position within the hierarchy.

We humans tend to view ourselves as bound to the board, mere pieces in the game. Yet as I have stated, we are actually in a state of grace – we are graceful beings, as multidimensional as any of the other actors on the board. Our problem lies in our inability to see ourselves as anything other than pawns when in reality we are so much more.

Humanity at the moment is just barely beginning to understand the first three dimensions of the board, and some might say that they are also just beginning to understand the fourth dimension which we could define as time. And yet there are so many more dimensions to work with and it is within these dimensions that the true battle lies for us, and it is within these higher dimensions where true freedom and power are also accessible.

To try to understand reptilians and ascended masters we must realize that there are additional dimensions to this board, and while entities that exist in dimensions beyond the third may interact with the lower dimensions, they also have the ability to transcend them. Their power is defined by the number of dimensions they can traverse.

Just as I described the ascension of the Masters, there are also other forces that ascend alongside them. Some of these forces may be considered benevolent, while others may be perceived as malevolent. The difficulty with words comes when we for example imagine that ascension means goodness from the perspective of humanity. But ascension, at least within the context of this video, means expansion of awareness and the ability to move beyond the third dimension. As more dimensions are perceivable and as you are able to work within those higher dimensions, an expansion of awareness happens. Some forces and beings use that expanded awareness in a certain manner while others use it in a different way. Some beings look for expansion while other beings look for constriction. There must be balance and the nature of that balance is dependent upon the dimensions that you are bound to. Another way to say this would be to say that the nature of those balancing forces is directly related to what dimension you happen to find yourself in.

This is a complex game with many dimensions. At its highest levels, there are entities and beings that look down upon this little board and laugh. There are even higher forces that do not perceive the board at all and may inadvertently step on it, much as we might step on ants as we cross the street.

This is a challenging topic for people to understand, and I apologize if my bluntness at times seems cold. However, in revealing what lies behind the curtain, it is important for me to make certain points as clear as possible. But in saying all this, please remember what I said earlier: we are not mere pawns on a board. We are truly multidimensional beings ourselves, and our task at this moment is to work with awareness and energy in order to ascend to higher dimensional frequencies. But again, this is just one way of describing this concept using words. Words can be misleading if taken too rigidly, and it is my responsibility to always remind you of this.

You have been given possibilities – use them wisely.

As humans, we naturally break down things into parts to better understand them. While this process is helpful, it can also create artificial divisions and separations. One area where this occurs is in the deconstruction of human awareness, specifically the separation between conscious and unconscious. In this essay, we will explore the implications of these divisions and their effects on different aspects of awareness, including human consciousness and the collective unconscious.

The Complexity of Human Awareness: Understanding the complexity of human awareness requires delving into various sources. I recommend reading “The Occult Experience” to gain insights into human perception. Additionally, the trilogy comprising “The Magnum Opus,” “The Way of the Projectionist,” and “The Way of the Death Defier” explores different demarcation points used in inner alchemy and how they contribute to our understanding and manipulation of awareness.

Demarcating Conscious and Unconscious: We need to understand how the division between conscious and unconscious affects not only human awareness but also the awareness of all things, including animals, plants, and even inanimate objects. Inner alchemists believe that all things possess a certain level of awareness. Therefore, we must explore where the line is drawn between conscious and unconscious and how it impacts different beings. Doing so can show us that we are not as conscious as we think, and that animals and even what we consider to be inanimate objects, are not as unconscious or as lifeless as we think they are.

Consciousness and Unconsciousness in All Things: If we accept that inanimate objects and a large portion of the animal kingdom possess a form of unconscious awareness, we can conclude that their consciousness might differ from ours. This assumption, based on the seeing of inner alchemy, helps differentiate between human awareness and other forms of awareness. It suggests that inanimate objects and certain animals have an awareness that appears unconscious from our perspective. For example, “The Magnum Opus” discusses how the Archon placed the conscious-self as a crown upon our unconscious, leading to the birth of sentience and the self-aware ego, and therefore provides a timeline of sorts as to when the animal man became the self aware human.

The Impact of Demarcation on Awareness: Understanding the demarcation between conscious and unconscious awareness provides insights into not only our own awareness but also the awareness of everything around us. By examining this line, we can gain knowledge about the nature of intuition, instinct, and the hierarchy of consciousness in our world. Through deconstruction and understanding of demarcations, we realize that while we may be unique in some ways, we are also interconnected with all things. This collective unconsciousness forms the foundation upon which our individuality is built.

Exploring the Unconscious: One astute commenter questioned whether the unconscious might also possess a rudimentary form of consciousness. To deconstruct this question, we can consider that unconscious awareness represents the true awareness of humanity and all physically perceivable things. But being that we have attained a locality of self, that is we have self awareness and therefore consciousness, it could be said that our total self is made up of at least two distinct selves; the instinctively conscious unconscious, and the ego-self which we refer to as modern consciousness.

Challenges in Describing Awareness: Describing the complexities of awareness is challenging due to the limitations of language. Terms like conscious and unconscious can be misleading when attempting to explain the reality of consciousness. We need definitive terms to define consciousness, unconsciousness, and the extent of each.

Understanding Consciousness and Unconsciousness: In simple terms, consciousness can be defined as the egoistic ability to choose, while unconsciousness is a more holistic awareness that lacks egoistic choice but possesses deep intuition, instinct, and direct action and reaction. And might I add that in accordance to the seeing of inner alchemists, even inanimate objects can have intent, that is, all things are conscious! Inanimate objects affect our world through intent, influencing outcomes that we might perceive as luck, chance, or consequences.

Gradations of Consciousness and Unconsciousness: Consciousness and unconsciousness exist on a spectrum, with varying levels of awareness. Each being possesses a different gradation of consciousness and unconsciousness depending on their energetic complexity. Even non-biological entities like statues can exhibit complex energetic structures and a consciousness that surpasses certain biological organisms.

The Role of Perception and Connection: Perception and the observer’s effect on the observed play a crucial role in understanding consciousness and unconsciousness. The conscious observer can influence the perceived object’s consciousness, creating a shared consciousness through an attention field. By projecting consciousness onto the observed, a conscious being affects unconscious things, blurring the line between conscious and unconscious.

Complexity and Non-local Awareness: Unconsciousness possesses non-local awareness, meaning it does not confine itself to a specific point in space-time. In contrast, consciousness is local, occupying a defined place in space and time. Humans, as conscious beings, have the ability to understand themselves locally, while other beings, such as dogs, exhibit varying degrees of local and non-local awareness. This non-local aspect grants animals a deep connection to instinctual knowledge and intuition.

The Interconnectedness of Consciousness and Unconsciousness: The unconscious is conscious but manifests in different ratios of local and non-local awareness. As conscious beings, we are interconnected with the unconsciousness of all things. Our consciousness affects and shares itself with the unconsciousness of other beings, projecting our individual consciousness onto them. This intermingling shapes our perception of their consciousness, blurring the line between conscious and unconscious. This is a most important point.

Conclusion: Understanding consciousness and unconsciousness requires contemplation and attention. By delving into the intricacies of awareness, we can gradually expand our own consciousness and connect with the vast non-local wave of information that exists in non-local space all around us. Through this process, we realize that all things possess consciousness, albeit in varying degrees, and that our consciousness has the power to shape the world around us. By embracing our interconnectedness, we open ourselves to greater possibilities and a deeper understanding of ourselves and the cosmos.

In some of my articles, I have discussed the sometimes Titanic lifeforms that exist out there. I have in my recent article for example, talked about the large and titanic non-organic entities that live in what we would term odd angles, other strange dimensions, that sometimes align in certain dark and anomalous corners to this human dimension which we call the physical. And I have said that such titans may be mildly curious about humanity, that they may be at times even interested in humanity as a kind of simplistic fauna to be exploited to one degree or another.

In other articles I have also mentioned the cubes that can be seen circling or residing within certain physical geographies in our human world at times. I have said that these cubes are on occasion what we have come to call unidentified flying objects, or some of the weird and haunted power spots that some may gravitate to in order to study the paranormal. Whether these cubes are in motion or whether they seem to be stationary from the human point of view, these cubes do seem to focus their attention on certain people, and when they do so, they often initiate highly volatile experiences within the psyche of those unfortunate few, designed to take from those people, sometimes even trap those people permanently, in cube like structures, structures that are themselves these nonorganic lifeforms, and in these structures those unlucky and unwary few, become permanent residents there until they are completely consumed.

One could simply say then that there are many non-organic lifeforms out there, that take many forms and that can be of varying size, and lastly that many of these non-organics, at least the ones that seem to matter to the general human population anyway, tend to be predatory, in that they consider humanity a food resource.

As an inner alchemist, a large percentage of my focus as a still physical human being, is set squarely on the largest of these non-organic and predatory lifeforms in this region of space, which in my writings and videos I have termed the great Archon.

Being that the Archon is a nonorganic, and from our point of view as humans on this planet, a predatory lifeform at that, albeit of titanic proportions, and being that these cubes which I have also mentioned, are also predatory non-organic entities of a smaller size, it is quite natural that many that cannot see these predatory lifeforms directly, might wonder if these cubes and the Archon are the same thing. In other words, many might wonder, are these predatory nonorganic lifeforms, these stationary and flying cubes that I have sometimes discussed, the Archon? Is there a difference between the titan that is the Archon and the cubes in other words?

This is a difficult question to answer simply without first defining the nature of the Archon, so let’s start there.

First of all, I have said that the Archon is a titan beyond measure and that it is non-organic. This means that the Archon is an alive and aware entity, but it does not have an organic, that is biological body, it is from the human perspective pure energy…for the most part. It is heavy and this heaviness feels thick and oppressive in a hard to define way, but it is nonetheless not organic.  It is also quite simply so massive that the whole of it straddles many dimensions, which might be like different history points, different points in the past and future of humanity, so from a rational point of view and relying on the physical senses and modern measurement alone, it quite simply defies any kind of current measurement using standard human understanding of space and time. The best way to think of the Archon is sort of like a large cloud or perhaps like a wave of energy, a river, that is moving across and encircling in a kind of Eddie, the entire planet. And this cloud does not just exist here now, it also exists in other times far back in history, and into the future as well, and yet all of these parts are whole, they are in contact, they are all working together. The Archon is fully aware and in contact with all of itself in all of these dimensions.

If you think of the Archon in this manner, then you can begin to understand some of the massive proportions of it, but you must also understand that the Archon, while it can affect the dimension that we call physicality, it is itself not quite part of this dimension. It is sort of like a shadow that can be seen at times, far more clearly than some would even allow themselves to believe, but this massive shadow is fleeting, and when the shadow is seen, it is seen not so much as a thick fog but as a host of sleek and fleeting other things, a united host of fleeting things.

The reason for this perception by those few brave enough to see it, is that the Archon as I have said in the past, is in essence a host, that is the Archon is legion. What this means is that while the totality of the Archon itself can be said to be like a giant cloud, that hangs over humanity and traps humanity like a dark radiation within a certain low level mental and psychological position, when this un-measurable cloud is perceived by an individual seer, that seer can see that this cloud is made up of a legion of things. The cloud of the Archon therefore is not a fog, it is instead a horde of locust like things, jumping heavy things, that have invaded this region of space-time, and while from a distance such a giant horde might seem to be a cloud, like a horde of locusts may be seen like a cloud from far away, from an individual sense, from our sense as a small race of individuals living on this planet, it is easy to see that the Archon is actually a horde of locusts that jump and crawl and fleet across this dimensional zone we perceive as physicality, and take from it the same way that locusts do, but also far more intelligently, in that in some ways this cloud can be said to be farming us, keeping us within a certain range of energetic motionlessness, that makes it far easier for the legion of it to feed.

Now, if the host of the Archon is legion, then is it the case that the other predatory lifeforms I have spoken about, the cubes that I have mentioned, that are in essence themselves predatory nonorganic beings also. Is it the case that they are themselves part of this legion that is the Archon? Are the predatory nonorganic lifeforms that I have mentioned in my books, specifically my book the vampire’s way to psychic self-defense, part of the host of the Archon. Are the cubes the Archon?

Well, as I have said this can be a difficult question to answer in exact detail, in every case. Generally speaking though, these are two separate orders, meaning that the host of the Archon are, or can be said to be one kind of non-organic, while the predatory nonorganic lifeforms that I have referred to as cubes can be said to be another.

The best way to understand the separation of one from the other, is to note that the Archon, being that it is so titanic in proportions, is in essence concerned with the totality of humanity, and it is therefore trying to exploit the whole of humanity. It is interested in taking from humanity a specific kind of energy resource. A most appropriate way to say this would be to say that the Archon is interested in a certain range of frequencies, while these other predatory nonorganic lifeforms that I have mentioned in the Vampire’s way to psychic self-defense for example, are interested in a different kind of frequency, a very similar frequency but a frequency of a more refined order you might say. The Archon is interested in quantity over quality, while the Predatory Non-organic Beings or cubes are the opposite, they are interested in refined and more specific energy, this is a general rule.

The legion of the Archon has invaded the whole of humanity, it has convinced humanity thanks to the sheer power that it holds, that humanity is a physically and bound three-dimensional creature, a pound of flesh. In many ways you could say that humanity and the Archon are now interlinked and that for the foreseeable future, humanity and the Archon are one and so their evolution through time is almost completely interlocked.

And within that intermingling of the cloud of the Archon and the sum of the human world, the physically obsessed human world, there exists a different order of predators that are incredibly varied in size and complexity. These other lifeforms I have referred to as predatory nonorganic lifeforms in the book mentioned earlier in the article. These other predatory nonorganic lifeforms exist alongside the Archon and like any natural ecosystem have evolved (if we may use that term) to feed on that which the much bigger Archon does not necessarily covet. That is, these other non-organic predators feed on humanity in a similar way to the Archon, but there is variation in them, and sometimes there is even incredible complexity in them, and they use such variations to take from humanity a different kind of energy that tends to usually be more intense, more refined in nature.

For example, some of this life form is as complex as humanity, and indeed some of it is even far more complex. The intellect of some of these incredibly powerful and complex nonorganic lifeforms that are predatory in nature sometimes, means that this other life can instigate very complex and seemingly totally real experiences. This means that its trickery of human consciousness is complex and masterful, and through that consummate trickery they instigate very specific emotional and other types of energetic outbursts that are then collected and consumed.

As an example of this trickery, I have mentioned in the past that this complex nonorganic life might make someone believe that they are encountering some kind of strange criptid like Bigfoot or alien in the middle of nowhere, and then use that illusion, that trickery, to subjugate a human host, instilling within that person strange and complex experiences, that are all meant to instill within that person as much emotional intensity of a very specific kind as possible, that is then consumed ruthlessly by these beings. Trapped within the machinations of such experiences, people will go into different levels of shock, and this incredible brilliance of emotion, is then collected by these nonorganic predatory lifeforms and consumed.

At other times, such specialized nonorganic lifeforms may even seek out very specific individual human beings, because these special few may possess a far richer energetic output. Average humanity is often aware of how some people may seem to be the continual targets of such odd and strange beings like poltergeists, men in black, or the like, and may note or even write about such strange occurrence and the suffering of these people. These are most often naturally gifted people who must deal with their natural gifts and the curse of this extra unrecognized energy. But what is seldom known by the general population is that there are also far more proficient humans, that have trained themselves to work on their energetic makeup, and these humans are also highly coveted by complex non-organic predators because of that refinement. Usually, such specialized nonorganic predatory lifeforms seek practitioners of certain occult traditions therefore, because such practitioners have developed an increased energetic flow that makes them highly sought-after as a resource, and as potential allies of a sort.

It is the case then that such complex nonorganic predators are only interested in very specific energy types, that they contact either through strange machinations, or that they make pacts and agreements with, in the case of contacts with highly potent energetic human occult practitioners.

So, to answer the question posed at the beginning of this article, the Archon is one order of thing and the predatory non-organic beings I have also discussed are of another.

To make this clearer I can say moreover that we humans are not some apex creatures in a rather simplistic idea of what we referred to as the physical world. We do indeed exist within a large jungle of sorts, a large ecosystem of predator and prey of amazingly beautiful synergistic complexity. But within such a complex system, of truly infinite beauty even though it might not seem the case sometimes, there are higher orders of life that are wholly unsuspected by the rational human world, and that other life feeds on us in the same way that we might feed on cattle, as is the case when we speak of the Archon, or that feed on us like big game hunters hunting big and powerful game in some dark forest or a wild plane somewhere as is the case when it comes to the cubes that I have mentioned.

I know that this is a hard topic, and one that is very difficult for many to take. Most of us have moved so far away from our natural origins, that it is difficult for many of us to even contemplate the fact that the whole of the world takes from other things to eat and survive, that all takes and gives to endure, and furthermore that such an ecosystem, such a complex structure, is not only infinitely beautiful and completely balanced in its design, but that it also holds within it beings of a higher order than us, that sometimes feed on us as we must take from others to feed ourselves.

For many, this is a hard topic because of this ingrained belief that we humans stand on top of some giant mountain, looking down on the rest of the world as some kind of conquering force. We are indeed highly complex and beautiful beings that are far, I repeat far, more powerful than we could ever imagine from a rational point of view. But we are not an apex predator, we are instead intermingled deeply within a complex order, an ecosystem as it were of vast and unsuspected proportions, where we feed from some but where there are also others…that feed from us.