Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

The convergent power of the technological Singularity can now be felt in all modern societies in this world, and its eventual culmination will be upon us faster than many of us might imagine.
In the last video we discussed the rapid doubling of knowledge, as one very powerful indicator of this singularity convergence. Indeed, the implications of this doubling of knowledge over time are nothing less than mind-boggling.

As an example, in the last video we discussed a 2011 study by the American Clinical and Climatological Association, called, Challenges and Opportunities Facing Medical Education, by Peter Dense, MD, we are told in this report that; it is estimated that the doubling time of medical knowledge in 1950 was 50 years; in 1980, 7 years; in 2010, 3.5 years. And in 2020 it is projected to be 0.2 years—just 73 days.

These figures make it quite clear that keeping up with this kind of data overload, available to us even now, is nearly impossible for the average person. So, unless we humans develop new technologies to deal with this increasing data volume quickly, the geometrically increasing doubling of knowledge, in medicine for example, might hit a wall of sorts, because there will be a point where we humans will not be able to use, and properly apply, all of the information available to us.
This doubling of knowledge of course is affecting all of us, not just those people in the medical field, and there is no way for us to ignore this emerging reality. If we are to keep moving forward, we human beings must learn to adapt and overcome these technological hurdles.
We can’t just sit back and watch, hoping that we need not do anything at all. We are part of this technological tidal wave, this coming singularity, whether we pay attention or not, there is no escaping the consequences of it at this point in time.

And so, humanity is now engaged in trying to mitigate this data overload. And we humans are doing this not because we may want to, but because we have to at this point. The technological revolution is sort of like a giant wave now, that we can’t hope to get off of, because it has just gotten too big, and we are already riding too high on the crest of it.
So in order to deal with this doubling of knowledge hurdle for example, many of those very same technologies that are instigating this rapid advancement, are also responsible for helping us to overcome it, so that we are able to make proper use of it and hopefully prosper from it. This is now being done through the development and implementation of a new set of related technologies, referred to as Big Data science, and Artificial Intelligence.
Thanks to Moore’s law, which states that computer processing power must double every two years, Artificial Intelligence becomes more and more feasible every day. And indeed even as CPU processor speeds begin to hit a doubling wall, advances in GPU processing are picking up the slack, and are keeping Moore’s law right on track, especially when it comes to improvements in machine learning and other facets of Artificial Intelligence.
Another interesting point, besides the fact that we are now bound to this technology wave, is the fact that our conscious perceptions, especially our perception of time, allow humanity to adapt to what could easily be a life shattering set of events, by seemingly slowing the advent of this future shock through time.

You could say that it always comes down to the boiling frog scenario, with humans. How this works is that if you take (an admittedly unlucky frog, and you drop it into a pot of boiling water, it will instantly use it powerful back legs and jump out of the pot, saving itself from death. But if you place a frog in a pot of room temperature water, and then slowly raise the temperature of the water to the boiling point, the frog will not feel enough of a shock to want to escape, and will die once the pot becomes too hot for its survival.
Human consciousness has a natural tendency to create a slow boil feeling in people, and while some might argue that this aspect of human psychology can help people to deal with the great torrents and tides of life, others could argue with as much fervor (I think) that this psychological bend in most of us, can also put us in great danger when revolutions of all sorts, and technological singularities, are just around the corner.

And this brings us to how the intermingling of technological advancements, and the slow boil psychological bend in our oh so human consciousness, is providing us with a fix for the coming tidal wave of change, by making available to us a seemingly perfect solution, a seemingly most rational solution…
And that is the mechanization of humanity, the turning of the human species into a cyborg race.
And by slow boil, I mean that it is already here, this change has already started, the pot has already been turned on, the heat is increasing, the tendrils of this Artificial Intelligence, and the mechanization of humanity has already begun. Because as Amber Case, and others have pointed out, we are already cyborgs, most of us already walk around with our smart phones glued to our hands, and the power of artificial intelligence systems, is already being used and is evolving as we speak, at as I have said, a geometric rate.
But the singularity isn’t here yet, the pot is still brewing and the boil is not quite there yet.
When the singularity hits, and the magnitude and dread of it is felt by humanity in a much broader way, a more final solution will be available and will be proposed, and this will be the implanting of our indispensable smart phones, in our very skulls.

Then, when the use of neural chips and neural links of all kinds becomes the new normal, the cyborg reality will really be upon us. And that will be the day that most of humanity will lose its free will, if it could ever have been argued that we had any to begin with.

Well, I suppose I will argue that we do have free will, that we can be far more than we suspect, and that we can fight against the mechanization of the human race.

If you would like a bigger perspective on how these technologies can; and are affecting humanity, from the rational perspective, and how to counter this odd tide of events in your own life, I recommend the book,

Overcoming the Archon through Alchemy

Amber Case TED Talk:


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