What are Inorganic Beings?
When we speak about an entity such as ghosts or poltergeist, what kinds of creatures are these really? Even when we speak about creatures that we considered to be quite flesh and blood, like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster, could we sometimes be misidentifying what we see?
When I talk about inorganic beings, please do not believe that I am negating the existence of flesh and blood creatures like Bigfoot or the existence of life beyond the grave like ghosts. What I am doing is presenting a seldom researched type of life form that exists on planet Earth, this is a sentient awareness without biological corporealness. Sentience and awareness that has the possibility of focused attention and is encased in an energetic structure that is not biological.
Some practitioners of the occult realized long ago that we share the Earth with a type of life that modern science believes to be completely impossible. These inorganic beings share this Earth with us and are far more aware of us than we are of them. While there seems to be a large chasm between us, that is they do seem to exist within their own separate universe as it were, they can nevertheless come through this thin membrane that separates our two worlds and interact with us.
These aware beings without physical clothing often get a bad rap. The reason for this is that their sustenance can sometimes make them rather dangerous company. They need to consume just like we do but while we consume our energy through other biological life-forms for the most part, they consume their energy directly; that is they consume their energy in raw form.
While they can survive quite easily on the energetic food supplied by the Earth itself, they do covet the extra power that they can consume from living organic entities. Specifically they crave emotional energy. All higher life forms generate emotional energy and this emotional energy is highly coveted by them because unlike us they cannot create this emotional energy themselves. While they seem almost inert energetically, we organic beings shine like bright lights compared to them.
Human beings are of course a great source of this energy. Fear and terror are what attract these creatures the most but any large emotional output is sufficient to attract their attention. While most of these creatures go about their business without much desire to interact with humanity at all, there are some that specialize in feeding off of the emotional energy that they can get from human beings. They can’t, to my knowledge, hurt a human being directly but they can nevertheless scare one to death through the manipulation of his or her awareness.
I believe that many of the reports of paranormal phenomena are actually these inorganic beings interacting either accidentally or purposefully with human beings. As I said, I do not mean to deny the existence of ghosts for example but I do believe that SOME of these ghost reports are actually inorganic beings that witnesses confuse with departed spirits.
The interesting thing about these high-level inorganic beings, is that given the presence of intense emotional energy, they can take on the form of just about anything that suits their needs. While some Bigfoot reports for example might be quite legitimate, some of these reports could actually be inorganic beings taking on this form in order to create a huge terror response from the human that is witnessing the phenomena. They seem to have the ability to look within the minds of people and create the form of something that the person expects to see.
If we expect to see horned demons when we enter a certain place or make our way through a dark forest, then this is what we will see when we run into such an inorganic being. If we expect to see a big hairy creature, a wood-sprite, or a gray alien, this is what we will see and they will manipulate our awareness to get as much emotional energy from this encounter as possible.
As I said, this does not mean that all sightings of Bigfoot are inorganic beings. What it means is that there is another wrinkle that we must consider whenever we are hunting for the unknown. These inorganic creatures have been around seemingly long before we got to this Earth and will most likely be around far longer than we will be. Some occult practitioners have learnt to work with these creatures and there have been and there still are certain groups that worship these creatures as well.
Their existence is not a secret but modern man with his rational contemplations finds the existence of these beings to be utterly impossible. As such you will be hard-pressed to find knowledge of them anywhere except perhaps as reference where they are mislabeled as gods, demigods, criptids of all kinds, ghosts, poltergeist, etc.
The best way to identify such a creature as opposed to perhaps a paranormal encounters of a different kind, is to see how much this encounter seems to rely on an emotional response from you. If for example you encounter a criptid that seems to be more interested in terrorizing you or torturing you in some way as opposed to just getting the heck out of the way, you are most likely dealing with an inorganic being. If you could manage it, see what happens when you completely turn off all emotional response. An inorganic being would essentially fade away, turn into a vapor like substance or perhaps even an orb.
It’s a big wrinkle I know, with many overlaps into other phenomenon that could be quite legitimate paranormal phenomenon of another kind. Researching the paranormal is not an easy thing but anyone trying to understand this field should be aware of these creatures or else it will be impossible for this person to make any headway without finding incredible contradictions in their recorded data.
If you are interested in finding out more about inorganic beings, then may I suggest this book. In it I have given more detail about inorganic beings in general; for example the fact that they come in different shapes and sizes, the fact that while some can actually be intellectually superior to us, there are many that can be quite simplistic and animal like in nature. I dedicate a chapter to specifically talk about Predatory Non Organic Beings (PNOBs) and how to defend against and overcome them.
great article… i have had inorganic beings in dreams after doing lucid dream practicing…. i now see them in waking life as two of my bedposts on my bed…. they don’t seem harmful and i’ve studied enough to know not to react emotionally… i was wondering what the positives of encountering such beings in waking life may be…? know of anyway to proceed so both sides can receive benefits?
Good for you, it is very rare to have such a relationship with these creatures.
The only reward from human interaction that organic being are after is emotional energy. It could be that they are curious and that is why many come close to people but if they stick around, then what they crave is human emotion; to them it’s sort of like heat from a flame…and food.
For people, inorganic beings are best used as guides; their presence also provides people with a lift that makes inner travel much easier. Whether this is because they finally open up our beliefs to our possibilities or whether they actually give off a type of energy, I’m not sure, but this co-relation can be very beneficial to inner exploration; like you might do in lucid dreaming for example.
I would suggest that you try and find your friends in your lucid dreams and then try to follow them there. When you see them in the dream, go to where they are, when you get there they might move or appear somewhere else, keep following. If you follow them like this, you will find that you will go from one inner scape to another very quickly. DO BE VERY CAREFUL THOUGH HERE. Do not over extend yourself.
Inorganic beings will take you out of regular dreams and into actual other realms so don’t go too far until you get lots of experience! Also be careful and notice if these creatures feel like they know what they are doing or if it seems like they are just randomly leading you all over the place.
If you go to amazing places, then your reward to them will be your emotional state and your sense of awe and purpose. If they lead you to dark places where there is much emotion but not much discovery, like a weird nightmare, then they could just be into taking your energy through emotional release like fright or despair. Its best to cut off these types as soon as possible or else you could have them start treating you like a food bowl.
I’ve been terrorized, how can I cut myself with those?
How to ignore them & not get frightened, theyappear in my mind & hunt me down?
Forgot to mention
Im clairvoyant, what appear in my mind can be projected to appear on plain background
So they are driving me crazy
Inorganic beings or rouge thought forms can be pesky things, and a sensitive person can be overwhelmed by their intrusion.
I am sorry that you are having troubles with these beings but please do realize that you are not helpless, you just need to have the right methodology of how to deal with them and strong intent.
I recommend that you get this book. The book will show you how to fight off any psychic attack that you might encounter, which is critical knowledge for any sensitive person.
In chapter 7 you will be shown how to beat inorganic beings at their own game.
Hi John, I bought your book last year and read it, and although I have a short memory I remember it was very refreshingly counterintuitive to what I’ve been lead to believe should be a strategy for dealing with inorganic beings, the parasitic ones. I remember you wrote basically to not avoid the negative emotion but to confront it.
Now, I have a long history of dealing with them, mostly for being victimize by them since I was very young, maybe since I was born. And still today. 15 years ago was the time when all hell broke lose for me when I joined a monastery and was dedicated to meditation and tensegrity (some recapitulation, but I havent been able to comit to this, unfortunately, Im not disciplined). I was assaulted for a month on while awake also, head like an engine and also painful vibration all over my bosy, especially head and back, couldnt feel my feet and coudlnt breath. To the point I had to leave the monastery and all of that ended. Fast forward 15 years later, I had become a heavy partier but just quit a year ago, and I realize that I was being assaulted daily in my dreams by these beings when I used to drink often, especially while hangover and also when Im week as while I have depleted to much of my sexual energy or lack of proper sleep. My dreams became really intense, of a gang of people beating me up and I running away, and of being trapped in a house trying to escape. Also very often (Im a “semi-lucid” dreamer) I find myself in a dream trying to have sex (I know, shame on me) and although I know this to be extremely stupid and dangerous, at that moment my emotions rule me. When I do that, these beings at first seem like a cute woman but then transforms into a horrible hairy man or an ugly creature. I managed to reduce about 90% of all that after I quit drinking a year ago. Now I can be more in control. I drink sometimes, when I slip, like a couple days ago and the weird dreams came back. Also even the day after I was feeling extremely gloomy and could feel and see the “shadow people” around me (something normally only people on meth accomplish, I dont do anyh drugs).
Now for the last part of this, this tends to happen after I meditate before going to bed.
I’ve been derailed from my original purpose for 15 years, and just slowly recovering from my lack of discipline, but mainly I want to share that I think definitely if you cut out a few things from your life you’ll be happier, like quit drugs, alcohol and be moderate about sex, also trying to not indulge in negative emotions (like the 4th way teachings).
If you have any insights for me that would be very appreciated, as I really I wish I could go back to “dreaming” (lucid) without being attacked so ruthlessly. I might have to re-read your book, and thanks!!
I am sorry that you are having such a tough time of it. When you say that you got my book, I will assume that you mean “Vampire’s Way to Psychic Self-Defense“. If so then I think that you will find a good deal of information there on how to deal with those parasitic beings that love to feast on us sometimes.
I will tell you one thing though, if you are having such problems with them, you can be assured that you have done some good work with your meditation and recapitulation because they only tend to bother people that have enough energy build up to be tasty to them. So please realize that you have done some good work.
Yes emotional control is very important and I am glad that you are trying to control your excesses in the partying department. I do believe that the only way to deal with the baggage that we carry emotionally is to confront it, experience it, and see where it leads us. The understanding that we can get from such experiences can sometimes be amazing.
You can then use reabsorb lost energy using the techniques described in the book mentioned above. This would be my advice to you. You can recapitulate lost energy from the past using these techniques and you can literally fight back against any aggressive inorganic beings using these techniques as well; reabsorb your negative energy (past or present) and eat the inorganics when they try to eat you. In this way you attack instead of just defend, and this makes all the difference in the world.
Good luck fellow traveler.
I wish i had found this 10 years ago when i qould gemerally get attacked at night with a similar occurence as Emuluano. It was in sophomore year of college that I had enough after 5 years of seepless nights and fear that i was going insane. I didnt know who to speak to abput my night terrors of waking up paralized feelimg and overwhelmimg feeling of fear and hearimg a laughter wgisper in my ear as this thing sat on my chest suckingg the life out me. I too would experience them more when i would drink or was stressed. One night I decoded I was going to fight back even if O was crazy to think THERE WAS ANOTHER ENTITY. in the room with me. I envoked the angels for the fist time in my life in a moment of desperation… Began to pray to any and all of Gods hands if they were there. I felt a rush from behind my back come through me like a beam of light..and my protection voice said laughing sternly and frightingly powerfully at this creature “You think you you can come here! Into MY TEMPLE!!! The laugh was so powerful i jolted into the air coming out of the paralyzed state.. My heart pumping amd body sweating. I had beat the son of a bitch and never again have been attacked. They try every once in a while when im stressed or not paying attention to my thoughts. But i know the creepy feeling to well to ever allow them to fill me with fear again. I want to share that regardless of your lifestyle.. These things feed on insecurities and self judgement as much as fear. They prey on higher spiritually connected people that tend to be more sensitive but of you think about it. Its because we have so much powerful energy that they dont want us to ever gain enough awareness so they can keep leeching. They have no power save for the one we grant them.
Thanks for sharing Victoria!
I am glad you found a way out of that trap.
Hi John,
I have read a good lot of Carlos Castanedas books and have, throughout the years drifted and come back towards this subject. Intuitively I do not beleive there is such thing as evil or good, rather prefer to see consciousness and energy as an unavoidable collision of levels of frequencies and vibrations. With every dimmension following the physical rules of its frequencies, and with conscious awareness being the tool to travel between these frequencies (dimmensions), however we may preceive them. Throughout the years I have to come to realize that one must attain much energy: mentally, spiritually and physically and be able to control that energy for any successful convergence of conscious communication with such creatures that are inorganic. I am still very much a novice, however have had enough experiences astral projecting and lucid dreaming to know I have the ability to conjur this energy with strict observation of thoughts and careful behavior in the day to day life in order to clear the mind of distractions and emotional weights that do not allow us to acheive such states.
I am currently practicing the art of communicating with and trading energy with the inorganic beings, as I have for the past few years. Two years ago I was exchanging information with one that served as a muse for my music and art. I wrote many songs during this time and was able to develop musically like never before. I realized that the exchange had to end because it was draining me of my other energy to interact with humans and I was using substances to facilitate the interaction thus it was taking a toll on my own body. I know I cheated in this sense and that this is not the advised way to do so, however I am an impatient person and often find shortcuts to attain short goals. The exchange was successful, but when it was time to say goodbye, I let the creature know I could no longer continue the exchange. For lack of better words, I believe it let me know that once I told it to leave, it could not return. It took me a week to finally agree that this was the end of our interaction. There were times that I felt it would try to latch on to particular people around me and felt it would ask me to take energy from them (in a sense), or almost as a permission to take it from them. I found myself pondering the idea of trading energy that was not even mine to give. I had never felt this vampire like sensation before and it was one of the determining factors that I took to end the exchange. I meditated and sternly told it to leave and let it known I had no use for it any longer and that I no longer would agree to exchange. When it was finally gone, I felt an overwhelming feeling of loneliness and emptiness that I had not experienced before.Does this sound familiar at all, or could this be a complete fabrication of my own imagination?
Thanks you for sharing your story Victoria, it is both fascinating and moving.
I can say that it is indeed a familiar tale, in that this is how many true inorganic interactions work.
I think that you are very lucky in that you seem to know a good deal about the energetic configurations of consciousness thanks to your work and studies. Usually such interactions happen when these beings identify a person as a potential source of energy exchange. They look for people with more conscious power than average which they judge by this person’s ability to project astrally, or by being able to manipulate their consciousness in a certain way.
The part where your prior work helped you greatly is in identifying this being as a separate non (and never was) human awareness. Usually these being make contact in disguise, as it were, and present themselves as a departed soul, as a mystic master, or in the modern era as an alien beings from another planet. This is not to say that such contact with such beings is not possible, it is just the case that most often these inorganic alien beings disguise themselves in this way in order to get what they want more easily.
And yes, after they have used up most of your energy they ask, and sometimes even show you, how to take more energy from others in order to help them. Their sales pitch is simple and practical, ‘we provide knowledge, true company, inspiration, and power, and all that we ask in return is some of the energy that most people would not even miss. Unfortunately this exchange becomes more and more costly over time so I commend you on your ability to call it quits.
One small bit of advice in parting. It will not call again but it will wait, if it is energetically feasible, for you to plead (beg) for a return to the old arrangement, so stay aware, and again thank you for sharing!
Hi John Kreiter,
First of all, thank you so much for sharing this information. Your clarity and straightforward explanations of how the world really works have been extremely helpful. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I have a couple of questions and wasn’t sure where to post them, so I hope here is ok. In your Vampire and Archon book, you talk about the PNOBs – which I have encountered many times. I remember one morning seeing one eating my residual foot energy out of my shoes (ever since then I don’t leave much of anything on the floor because these banana slug looking ones seem to ply their trade on the ground and even though they seem more harmless than other ones I have encountered …. just ewwww). But anyway, I was thinking to myself that there must be a pretty close relationship between these types of energetic parasites and organic, physical ones, such as the ones people have in their bodies. And so my question to you is — how can one use energetic tools to assist with eradicating these organic, physical, 3d parasites? Would the same methods outlined in your books work? What is the relationship or connection between PNOBs and, well, POBs?
My second question is more Archon related. I was wondering what the relationship is between demons and fallen angels and the Archon? Do they work together at all or is it more opportunistic?
Ok now I’m on a roll and one more question popped into my head. I was wondering when would be the best time to use the reverse breathing technique you write about in the Vampire book versus the Energy Absorption Technique you write about in the Archon book. Both are excellent techniques by the way, although I seem to find it a little easier to do the Energy Absorption one. Are there times and circumstances where one would be more appropriate or effective than the other? Is the Reverse best for fighting PNOBs and the other one better for general floating around energy?
Thank you!
Thank you for your kind words Alison,
-Your first question is a difficult one to answer, it would certainly deserve its own book in order to try and answer it properly.
Yes you could use modified versions of the techniques mentioned in my books, including the ones on Servitors, to fight off such physical parasitic attacks. And this is related to the connection between these beings, which is the relation between what we would consider the manifest and the un-manifest from the perspective of our physical natures and physical senses.
Some things are not manifest to us because vibrationally they are different from us. And that is the relation between ‘some’ non-organic parasites and their physical counterparts.
But there are also other non-organic parasites that can never become physically manifest from our physical perspective because they are a completely different order of life, separate from us. They live in a different plane of existence that allows for a limited type of interaction with us as physical creatures; they can drain our energy but they can’t drive cars for example.
Both of these different types of non-organic parasites are connected to the organic ones through a similarity in energetic need and intent.
Sorry, this is a hard topic.
-Another hard one
And yet…the relation to the above question is almost the same. There is the manifest, the un-manifest, and the different order of life. The Archon, along with some of what is referred to as demons and the fallen are a different order of life, they exist in a different plane of reality but can affect this one to some degree. While some of them are the un-manifest which sometimes moves into this physical realm through physical manifestation (like sickness, famine, storms etc.) and what may be ‘poorly’ referred to as spirit possession.
Do they work together? Yes, to the extent that they share similar intent. Opportunity is just the satisfaction of intent by different means, but it is still the same intent.
-I find that reverse breathing is good for absorption of attacking energy (martial energy) while, general IN Polarity ingestion as mentioned in the ‘Archon’ book is better for all around negative energy. So yes, even though such differentiation is subjective, I would totally agree with you on what works best for what.
Hope that helps to some degree
Dear JK,
Thank you a thousand times over for taking the time to answer my questions. I’m sure you are very busy and I consider it a great kindness for you to do this.
Your answers were extremely helpful, and much like when I am reading your books, I have to keep going over and over the material, sometimes multiple times, because every single sentence is important and also requires a shift from the old ways of thinking that I sometimes get bogged down in to understand the mind-blowing significance of what you are saying,.
Do I have a hundred more questions? Yes indeedy I do! But I don’t want to inundate you and I am going to exercise Herculean restraint here and mull a bunch of things over and try to prioritize a bit so I can be a bit more circumspect with further questions.Although I am dying to know why spirit possession is a poorly used term! OK that question just leaked out but I really mean it this time — holding off on questions. Mmmph,
Thank you again so very much!
John i have a question. When i do tarot card readings or i ching readings and they are amazingly accurate, even on an app, what is doing the readings? Is it a good entity or bad entity? Your higher self, guardian angel, or demons as Christians claim? Any idea? Can you write an article about this sometime? Thanks.
Hi Winston,
An article sounds like a wonderful idea. If I am able yo get this done, I will link it here.
The short answer for now is really a difficult one because there really is no short answer, and indeed these are questions that I am still grappling with because the answers are so overwhelmingly big.
As I understand it thus far, the forces at work here are the same forces that literally create personal reality. One can see the power of these forces at work most clearly, I think, in the dream dimension.
In dreams for example, if we are able to become far more aware of the dreams we have every night, we often see and experience a great deal of symbological content that most often has divinatory properties; that is, it tells us the future through symbological means.
For example, in Genesis 41 the Pharaoh’s dream, synbologically represented by the seven fat cows and then seven gaunt ones is a dream of the future tidings of Egypt.
Moreover, these divinatory forces seem to somehow be able to transcend the dream state, that is they can not only change our dreams into symbolic things that spell out the future for us, they seem to be also able to change the physical world for this same purpose (arranging a Tarot card deck for example, controlling the fall of a coin(s), or the order of yarrow sticks).
The inherent power of the I Ching or the Tarot seems to be showing us that these forces, this inner awareness in man has a great deal of influence over the material world therefore, just as it has over the dream one. That is, this reality seems to be far more fluid and magical than most of us would care to suspect.
It is possible I suppose that some may be under dark and dangerous influences and this may account for some of their divinatory skill, but to say that these dark forces are the true source of this power is not, in my opinion, accurate at all!
I think that this ability is inherent in all of humanity, it is part of our greater being, and things such as the Tarot and the I Ching are tools that we use to allow ourselves to access this greater reality that we have access to.
Divinatory systems like the Tarot or the I-Ching seem to be able to allow the mind to tap into this underlying subconscious force in man by allowing man to let his guard down and accept the fact that randomness is an illusion.
No evil entities needed I think, just greater sensitivity and the ability to let go and trust the world and your greater self.
Hello john.im really glad and curious about this website.i had a dream that i searched about,and led me here.i had a lucid vivid dream about having sex with my mother.i am a girl.i knew im in dream state and the person who is touching me is not my mother but has my mother body.i was scared and couldnt open my eyes.and to be honest,i was scared of liking this feeling.i opened my eyes in dream and the picture of the creature faded away but it had kind of black and shadow like textile.then i woke up panicked.i would be really happy if u could help me decode that.since childhood i was able to feel if there was a certain type of energy around,but i didnt know if they were my illusions or i was right therefore i had many many nightmares about different beings.now im much better.
Hi Pari,
I could only give an interpretation based on what I define as inorganic beings in the article, and in accordance with that, I would say that perhaps this entity used the form of your mother to get an even stronger emotional response from you; which would then help it to feed. If it happens to you again, I would recommend that if it is at all possible, that you try to control your emotions, in that way they tend to get frustrated and leave because they can’t get as much energy from you as they would like.
hi. i had some questions and i was so greatfull that you can answere some of theme
first im sorry about my gramer , my english is not so well
i had some encounter with some inorganic creature about two years ago . first i was not know aboute them , and i was not a blieaver . but at least i found out and try to run away from them . at some point i think i made progres until accidentlly Become familiar with lucid dream ( since i remember i had dreams alot , almost 4 or 5 for a night ) .
at first lucid dream was so amazing . and it was so easy for me that i had my first lucid at third night in my training . it was like anyone discribe it . but after 4 or 5 lucid i had an accident . i was experienced lucid dream in dream-whithin a-dream ( i had that before in a regular dream, i had 3 dream in 1 dream , i mean i got sleep and go to dream and in that dream i sleep again and go to another one and in that one go in another one )
in the third level of my dream i go lucid . suddenly that dark energy came to me , i can not remember that dream so much but i know they want to harm me . in that lucid dream everything was different , the reality check wont work anymore but i was know that it was a dream . the rules was same as real world such as gravity , and i wasnt woke up and i forced to kill myself in order to do that .
after that i resist to lucid dream and after a while i wont dream any more and i was so sad about that
9 mount ago i tried meditation and spritual awakening , i couldent be so happy in my hole life . it was the best thing that ever happend to me . it was go so good until i get more exprience and practice alot , then my dreams came back and my meditation get much stronger by day , but my dreams get so dark and again i seeing those thing again and fell them again . my vibration go so week and my dark side that i got forgot for a long time raise again and eating me from inside . i cannot meditate more and cant sleep well .
i need help . what do i do to get through this phase and go beyonde to spritual awakeninig withouth interact with these creatures?
I am sorry to hear about your troubles.
In order to overcome any such forces that can truly impede growth, I have developed a set of techniques. My book, The Vampires Way to Psychic Self-Defense, covers these techniques in great detail and I do recommend it to you.
I would suggest that you first try to master the techniques mentioned in this book while you are awake, and then, being that you seem to be lucid enough during your dreams, I suggest that you also perform these self-defense techniques while dreaming. They are very powerful and they are designed to protect a person from such foes, with the added benefit of gaining a great deal of personal power that can then be redirected to increase the intensity of your dreams.
Hi John,
Please let me know if you post or answer this in a different section. This is the most applicable topic, I saw. Hope this finds you extremely well…
Basically have all your books now. Haven’t read them all, just… The Magnum Opus – A Step by Step Course; Vampire’s Way to Psychic Self-Defense; Manifest Wealth and Prosperity with Thought Forms and Servitors.
I was deep into Magnum Opus and Manifest Wealth, and recently felt the need to slow down and got strongly drawn to the Vampire’s Way. I just finished Vampire’s Way this morning. I must say… I think this is probably the best book I have ever read, thus far. Though, if I may be overlooking something, it is definitely within the top 3, ever. I suspect at some point Magnum Opus will supersede it. We shall see.
Have a few questions, if you would be so kind. I will try to keep them more general, or at least, in ways that have a more broad impact, so they can help and be more beneficial to more people.
Let me preface all my questions by stating… I completely get and understand that Reabsorbing one’s own energy is of primary importance! I shall not undervalue the importance of that, first and foremost!
What I am wondering about is the affects of NEGP’s or NOB’s and especially PNOB’s on a root cause scale (even upon Belief’s). As I ponder this, I immediately am led to think that maybe they have some ‘root cause’ overall play in our interactions with ourselves and especially others. Especially in situations or events which heighten our emotional output, especially our negative output, or the negative reactions of others towards us (just as much as us towards others).
(1) I am looking at situations involving Child Support… whereas either the Mother or Father is being denied Child Support from the other parent, especially wantonly or willingly, often with lame excuses, reasons, and pity parties which cause everyone more stress and all people directly involved to suffer more. I can easily imagine a PNOB, etc. having a sort of root cause in such interactions, as it heightens negative emotions within all parties and interactions. Especially, where there is historic familial patterns within the denying parent’s historical family line, already, a PNOB, etc. ‘root’ pattern? And, whereas beneficial interactions are ‘made’ to be difficult. Therefore, creating a buffet off everyone… parents, children, dhs personel, attorneys, friends, and basically everyone who knows of the situation, etc.
The same goes in situations within families (friends, business co-workers, political parties, news, etc) where there is arguing, guilt tripping, shaming, attacking, fear stories, etc. within that group of humans. It is difficult for most people to distance themselves in such close interactions. I can easily imagine a PNOB, etc. anchoring in to that group (regardless of group size) as a ‘root cause’ of negativity to enhance or heighten the negative emotions and negative interactions within all humans with that family, etc., even to try to influences its negativity on others and draw them into the mix, too. As such, they create an ongoing buffet feast off of all participants. Of course, the same could be expanded between races or cultures or countries of humans. Anyplace where there is some type of human opposition or stress.
While I live fairly isolated from most humans, and while this allows me a certain sensitivity or sensitive abilities, I still interact with others. Even in the small neighboring town, there is still small town politics. There is still family dramas. And, I have friends, some which flow smooth and some which occasionally have some tensions, usually from outside intervening parties (whether families, friends, belief’s, etc.) who want to interject and control those involved, seemingly… usually based on their own fears, wounds, traumas… now extended outwards… for the PNOB, etc. buffet.
And as such, with even Belief’s… which thrive off taking power and exerting more and more control, or are negative in nature, I again wonder, if such PNOB’s, etc. might even be at the foundation or ‘root cause’ of such Belief’s.
Do you think this is accurate? As such, I imagine that absorbing the ‘root cause’ PNOB, etc. would be of benefit. Further, would it be a good idea to create a servitor to protect those involved, from such outside negative attempts to influence? Any other suggestions?
(2) Looking at Astrology and planetary energetic influences, I again ponder, what the underplaying cause of those ‘negative’ energies are, even if they are more of a cyclic negative energy? Are they also directed by a sort of PNOB, etc? Maybe the Archon? And, instead of people running and hiding during ‘mercury retrograde’ maybe they should just eat the heck out of that mercury retrograde, and therein gain energy instead of being depleted? The same goes for Saturn (or any planet) which so many fear (just eat the energies already)? And, the same with elemental’s, where the energy is negative?
(3) Do you experience or believe that there are indeed higher level spirits (non-physical) beings that work towards the benefit of individual people or even humans in general? My experience is that there are and I ask this as I want to make sure I am not even slightly egotistically (or self-destructively) setting myself up to be dinner.
I will caveat that my experience with what I consider higher level spirit beings who are beneficial to me do not always do everything without some type of a cost, it is just not a detrimental cost. Much like buying a book, costs. Much like, buying physical food or even growing it oneself, costs. It is however, beneficial. With more specificity… sometimes the cost is for me to be more patient, understanding, compassionate in some context, though not usually in general; sometimes the cost is for me to more intentionally or more diligently work on myself (instead of self distracting with certain people or events); sometimes the cost is that I have to overcome some of my personal beliefs; sometimes it is that I have to work more in concert with them (those spirits) or to trust them a bit more (this later one being the one I have the most difficulty with), etc. They always have a feeling of benevolence and are not referred to me or insisted upon me by other humans, in other words, I am not speaking of religious figures shoved down my throat by others. I am speaking of gentle, kind beings who approach me inwardly with gentleness, kindness, giving, generosity, care, support, nurturing… even if, on rare occasion they are more insistent, it is in a very gentle way (most times with an understanding that I can do what I please but such and such will happen and if you do it this way instead, then such and such will happen, instead).
And, I am not intending to generalize such spiritual beings, I am referring to specific beings within my own realm of experience, or within other people’s realm of existence. For example… I was directly lead to your books by one or more of those beings. Maybe you have a servitor that influenced one of them. Regardless, even in that, there is a benefit. Right?
If they do indeed exist, how can one differentiate between them and ones that are setting one up to be dinner?
(4) As such, I also can imagine that PNOB’s, etc. can affect us while in dreams… especially in nightmare type dreams (whatever that nightmare is to a particular individual). How does one protect themselves from being dinner while in dream land (as I, in particular, like my sleep)?
(5) You mentioned about succubus and incubus and hag… how does one distinguish if they are being influenced by such in their interactions with others (either through one interacting quietly, per se, through them, or acting through another towards me)? And, on this topic… do (male or female) musicians, actors, models, etc. have such energies working through them?
What I am wondering is, if our inclinations towards sex and sex appeal… if it is driven by some hungry PNOB, Hag, Succubus, etc.? And, how do we distinguish our natural sex drive or the natural sex drive of others verses those drives that are less than natural and pushed through us or on us through others by a PNOB, Hag, Succubus, etc?
Cause while I can see your point in a succubus or incubus or hag invading us at night, I am thinking, what about during the other times people see some hot, sexy person and go to ‘happy’ town on themselves (emotionally and/or physically). Is a PNOB, etc. driving it, and if so or if not, how to distinguish if it is or not driving such feelings?
That is all for today. Thanks for answering all these so I can better understand.
Thank You…
Hi Michael,
Sorry i don’t mean to throw another book at you but I think that you will find that many of the answers to your first question will be found in Overcoming the Archon Through Alchemy; especially in the first chapter of that book. I know that I am talking specifically about the Archon, but you must take note that the Archon is quite simply a very large non-organic structure. When it is perceived as a whole, I refer to it as the Archon, but such a structure is made up of many, which are in and off themselves the Host; a large swarm as it were of non-organic predatory entities.
And just like the Archon and his Host can affect humanity, so can non organics of all sorts, especially the predatory ones as you say.
2- Yes I agree completely, absorption, even of titanic influence, is better than trying to run away. The only problem in dealing with the Titans is that their power can overwhelm being that it is endless from the human perspective, but for that reason I have also included the Energetic Containment techniques in my books.
3- Yes I have experience of such things but as an Alchemist, everything has a cost; even help given freely is experience that I may have needed or pain that I needed to personally overcome, I also do believe that such things are quite plainly understood by such forces and it is the reason for their general discretion.
Being that cost is part of all equations, I prefer my own council and my own life. This does not mean that I do not appreciate or disavow such help. The jungle is a myriad splendour of life, and within it one can find the poisonous and the nurturing; and while one from a human point of view may be better than the other, they both have their purpose.
How does one differentiate between the poisonous and the nurturing? Inner Feeling Sense is the Alpha and Omega I think, but logic and Energetic Containment will help you in ANY jungle until you are confident in your skills.
4- All of the techniques mentioned in the Vampire’s Way can be used in the dream condition. If you give yourself the affirmation before sleep that you will remember yourself and you will use these techniques in your dreams if you have to, then in time you will be conscious enough to even absorb the negative intent of these types of beings while in sleep.
5- This is a complex question actually, in that the amount of influence or natural drive that any one person feels is really an individual thing having to do with their power level fundamentally. The forces that drive humanity are highly complex, and we are all subject to them. Our goal in this life is to remember ourselves and grow that individuality as much as we can whether we are kings, bandits, merchants, priests, or beggars. The influencing forces are our purifying fire, nothing more.
Hi John,
Kindly… Thank You for your answers. I will obtain the next (Overcoming the Archon Through Alchemy) one of the last 3 books of yours I do not presently own. And, I do not see you pushing this book on me… I quite enjoy your books and humble wisdom!! As such, I left you an Amazon review today regarding Vampire’s Way. Hopefully it will pass amazon’s review stage by the time you read this.
Thank You for your wonderful works!! Should you ever get to the stage of creating a team of sorts, let’s say, to buffet together or create servitors together for larger purposes… let me know.
Thank You… Michael
Thank you and I will.
Hi there John! I am reaching out to you because I don’t know what to do. I am beginning to see shapes and bits of things flying around in the air. I don’t know how else to describe it other than I can see through the air and there are things in it! Please help because my gut feels like its spirit but I don’t know anything about how to protect myself or if I should engage in conversations with it. It is clearly something but I don’t know how I should proceed.
In all such circumstances, I always advise people that the best thing that they can do is learn self defense techniques that in my opinion really work. To that end I personally recommend becoming adept at the techniques that I outlined in the book, The Vampires Way to Psychic Self Defense.
Usually such techniques, or the grounding techniques that I teach in chapter 9 of The Occult Experience are more than enough to deal with any such problems that an occultist growing in power might face.
This is not again any kind of personal advice, I am not qualified to give such advice as I am not a qualified professional, so this advise should not be used as a substitute for advice given by a trained professional . This is only my opinion and should only be understood and taken as such.
Hi John. First; great to see you are still active here.
Can you do me a great favor and comment if what I see/experience here as inorganic beings, and if yes, what do I do about the negative natured ones? ( I have your book, so I assume the answer is the predator mode, I just don’t understand your description of using the claws. Do you visualize them, or do you go to the actual location of the energy being and use your hands as your claws and make some sort of physical contact)
How I got to this point where I am at now, is an odd story in itself, so I will not use time on that, but let us just say, I did not expect to experience what I now do on a daily basis at all, it was in the cards ( mine at least) I would just be a person like everyone else, but I guess the universe had other plans.
With my third eye active/spirit vision/whatever name it has (which I just turn on by a thought/or by itself if something is close) vision, I see every room filled with small sparks, and depending on the lighting I see more or less. So if it’s dark it is quite easy, or if I see the sunrays it is super easy. Some of these sparks are making up coalitions/groups, that move in an unusual manner almost looks like you know, they are moving with a conscious behind them, and the reason for this is, that it is an entity. If I meditate for a bit, I can see their real shape, which is some sort of black mass/energy, which can transform its shape at will. Sometimes its looks like super odd geometry, then it turns into multiple birds, fairies, even bikes. I notice that there is a lot of them in rooms, where emtions are being released. This includes bedrooms for example, and less in the bathroom, etc.. Most of them seem to not care about me, but it is also clear to me, that when i see them, they react to me, like they can get startled a little bit, and some will react aggressive, even making some of their sparks blink in different colors. Some will move down and enter into our world, where they are this fogged image, which can take any form. I have seen some take forms as a tv with cartoon mouses in it, and demonic faces screaming, and while they do so by whole body feels like this cold fear/panic is trying to enter. If its a good kindred one, it makes you feel all warm even though you are outside in the snow.
While the above experiences are ok, i loathe the nightmares. I have constant vivid dreams, happens multiple times per night, that i have a crazy dream, I wake up, and one of them is looking at me and starts the negative attack. Lucklyi you can get used to a lot of things, and after a few years, they don’t affect me to much anymore, unless it is one of the big ones, their dreams, or just not like the others.
Are these beings what you call inorganic beings, and if yes please, as asked earlier, go into a bit more details on how to use the claws against the not so nice one,
Thank you for sharing your experiences with me here, and thank you for getting the book the vampires way.
In order to perform the technique of the psychic claws, what you need to do is to be able to develop a kind of thought form claw or claws.
To do this you would have to visualize and basically use the focus of your attention to create a kind of more psychically dense thought structure that can be termed a thought-form. Once you create this structure, once you give density to this thought form, it can then be used to quite literally grab a non-organic being and while holding it with those claws, pull the energy from it in the way that I described in that book.
A great in filed application of this technique would be to create these clwas and then use them, that is you project them, and try to grab the offensing enity. In further detail of this process, what you need to do is to move those claws in a psychic fashion to the area where this non-organic life or other offending entity may be, and there use your psychic power again to open these claws and actively grab that nonorganic life with it (you move them with your mind).
If this practitioner finds that they aren’t able to grasp this offending force or entity, then they need to do is to work on their visualization some more until these claws become dense enough to be able to grab that predatory entity. A practitioner therefore needs to work on this thought form until it becomes dense enough to be able to grab these entities.
Once they are able to do this, they can then use the techniques that I mentioned in the book mentioned to drain that entity of energy. If they are able to drain enough energy from this entity before it gets away from them, then they are quite literally putting an end to that lifeforms, unless it is somehow able to escape somewhere and recover the energy that the practitioner has taken.
If you would like to know more about thought forms and how to create them, how to make them more powerful, perhaps because in that one book I was not clear enough for you, I would recommend my book, ‘create servitor: harness the power of thought forms’.
And I would also recommend that you check out this article here on servitor creation.
The existence of the many forms of Gods and supposedly divine beings, with their hierarchies, are the archon’s tentacles, hiding their existence and bargaining with the leaders of humanity to guarantee worship and food?
From an inner alchemist perspective, this is not the case, at least not in a direct way.
Most often when the inner feeling sense is used to try and perceive the gods and the hierarchies of their existence, most often what is found behind them is either non-organic beings that are more complex in nature than the archon, or very large thought forms that some have referred to as egregors.
Generally speaking, the archonic cloud is not sophisticated enough to create such hierarchies of beings, but many minds working together under the influence of the archon can create thought forms that can become large enough and complex enough to take a God form.
Both such non-organic life forms and large thought forms are indeed interested in food in the same way that the archon is, and one could say that in some ways such hierarchies can be both competition for the archon and at times they are creators of symbiotic relationships with the archon.
Thanks for your answers, they are excellent
Hi John,
In your book VAMPIRE’S WAY you say:
“… unfortunately some of the angels that are invoked to help fight these PNOBs are themselves predatory inorganic beings.”,,,
could you comment more on this topic?
This is a great question Celso and I am working on actually making a video to answer this. Being the holiday season, it might take me longer than usual to get this done but I will try to get on it and answer this nuanced question.
Hi John,
I’ve been seeing inorganic beings for quite a long time, I’m in the process of reading a few of your books while having finished one thus far. I see an inorganic being on the regular now and I feel it around my energy body, is this what one would could consider an ally? I feel I’m at a point with my current awareness and this being is propelling me towards energetic evolution, it feels like this is the only thing I can do to become free, which is my main intent.
If one has established a relationship with an inorganic being is there any reason to create a symbiotic bond or is this a fool hearty attempt that is cast into the mind as an idea by the Archon?
I feel this thing is a teacher that is teaching me lessons in a quite deliberate energetic manner, if I don’t keep my energy at a certain flow it will begin to tax me, I can see it with my eyes closed and when at night I have several inorganic beings show up which I can see with my naked eyes as I’m capable of seeing.
I understand as an observer of our thoughts we need to be aware that the majority of them if not all are coming from the exterior and that continuous drilling causes energetic shifts in perception. This being appears a black ball with many thin tenticles coming out of it, this is a ethereal view where it doesn’t have a core, but when I see it with my naked eyes it isn’t black and it does have a core, is it possible I’m seeing something else entirely?
I apologize if some of my questions are jumbled, this is a strange thing attempting to converse about something that really just doesn’t have words that can justify the experience.
Any response is greatly appreciated, and I must say I love your books, you’ve done a fantastic job, keep it up.
Thank you for your kind words and for reading my books.
As you know, the definition, the way that we understand and describe certain words is very important, and the term ally can have many connotations depending on what kinds of techniques you wish to follow.
I can only give you an inner alchemists point of view on this, and from that point of view the best that an ally such as that could be would be a good friend. What I mean by this is that an inner alchemist always aspires to total freedom and as such finds it impossible to rely on anything but personal and individual perception that comes through personal seeing.
Now, we can be helped along but that help must always be balanced in the sense that we must verify everything that we do through our own doing and our own seeing. In that sense then my books might be a help to you in some way, and those non-organic beings that you are perceiving might be a help to you as well, but all of this needs to be balanced through your rigorous seeing and your rigorous doing, so that in the end you do not do anything except what you have decided to do in a very conscious manner in accordance with your direct knowing only.
Again, there can be a great deal of give-and-take in any relationship, but from the inner alchemist point of view at least, it is better to struggle a little more but to do things on your own then to become dependent in anyway, energetically or otherwise, to anything that is not the self.
As such, an inner alchemist learns from their personal observations but never takes anything for granted and never gives up anything, so that their entirety, this of course means the totality of their energetic structure, is managed in the most strategic manner possible. And if freedom is the goal, which it is for inner alchemists, then all relationships must be viewed from that perspective only.
I hope you get what I mean.
I appreciate you writing back and you kind of hit the nail on the with freedom being the goal, nothing else matters as much as that. The relationship with inorganic beings is one of reliance and slavery since it gets to a point where it just isn’t work it, it’s a mission of stopping them from draining too much energy to having to collect more energy, in the end how am I suppose to push OUT and manifest if I am in constant conflict with these forces, I don’t know if I could do exactly as I would like in totality. I’ve discovered that several of them have latched on to my energy cores and having been pulling from them, they are black and have tentacles coming out of them so I am using the method in your book “A Vampires way to Psychic Self Defense.” and so far it is working, once I’ve been able to get all of them to unattached will I just have to keep this up when they proceed to do it again until they lose interest? I know that’s how you described it in the book, but I wasn’t sure it you had some other recommendations. I followed the pathway of Sorcery for quite a while, but after much deliberation while analyzing my experiences, I’ve decided I desire to follow the path of the Inner Alchemist, it’s come to realizing even if I was born a slave it doesn’t mean I cannot become and as a free man. Any other recommendations on dealing inorganics and what about providing my home some protection from them? That’s when they are most active and I want to be able to sleep well at night. Thanks John.
Yes, this is a constant battle and you will always need to be careful of how much energy you give away, as we all have to be careful of how much energy we give away, you just are more aware of these beings so you can actually see what is happening. These particular beings may lose interest, but there are always predators around, and that is the nature of our life; we must always work and learn to control the flow of our energy.
Of particular importance in dealing with these type of non-organic entities, is the ability to maintain ‘energetic containment’ which is the ability to keep your energy to yourself as it were which to others might seem like utter detachment but is in actuality complete control, or as much control as you can muster anyway, of the energy that is being released from your body. I discussed these techniques in the books, Overcoming the Archon Through Alchemy.
It is also highly important to develop the ability to counter such forces in their own playground as it were, and to that end I discussed such techniques as Push/Pull techniques in chapter 5 of The Way of the Projectionist
John, I really appreciate your time on answering me back so quickly.
You’ve allowed me to confirm some things for myself. I am finishing Overcoming The Archon, next is the Magnum Opus, and I will follow that up with The Way of the Projectionist, next will be The Way of the Death Defier. Your books are providing me with a lot of energetic value and I am pleased to have received the knowledge of your works so I plan on reading this all, please keep writing so I can keep reading
I have one more question as I want to get your perspective as an Inner Alchemist on “Darkroom Gazing”, I was wondering what your thoughts were on this practice? Any input I am grateful for. Thus far you have provided me with a lot of helpful knowledge to continue down this path with courage and awareness.
Take care John.
I really want to thank you for getting my books, and I am glad that you are a person that is not only reading them but trying to implement the techniques that are mentioned in them.
If my understanding of the dark room is correct, then I think that you will find great similarity between this practice and what I describe as the first/second room of the projectionist in the book, The Way of the Projectionist.
From that point of view, as a projectionist, this room represents the fundamental launching point that can help you to understand the inner reality, the mechanisms of it, and how to manipulate within it. Moreover, it can show you how your inner monologue as it were, goes about creating your inner reality first, and then with time and focus, your outer one as well. By managing this first three-dimensional room of the projectionist, which is mirrored in my opinion by darkroom gazing, you begin the journey towards other dimensions, free from the three dimensional cube that binds most of humanity.
Hi John,
I really want to express my gratitude for your books and the content you compiled and put into a workable form that can be practiced for anyone willing to put in the time and effort. For the last six months I had been dealing with an ally and or allies and it was getting to be challenging for me to retain my strength, my energy was under a constant assault and the draining was continuous. I have some great news after all the trials and tribulations, I’ve finally found what I was looking for through the use of the techniques in your books and I’ve reclaimed an enormous amount of energy and by pulling out back from these beings and also through going through my traumatic and energy strenuous moments in life, I am 100% confidence I will am becoming completely free and I feel a complete and brilliant energy, I know I’ve thanked you again and again and I truly mean it sincerely, you’ve really done a great thing. My question is, what happens when the ally has been tamed? Do this leave me at a fork in the road with another decision to make or are there a many number of things that can occur? I’d be curious to hear your perspective on the matter of dealing with inorganic beings that have attached themselves to and that person being able establish who the true predator is. How do you think their awareness responds to such a thing?
Thank you very much Altricas!
As you have said, this is really a difficult question to answer being that each individual case is different, and in a lot of ways it also has to do with the kind of inorganic beings that you are facing. There are earthbound/origin ones as it were, and then there are also truly alien beings in that they are not from this earth but are visitors here. Generally speaking, it is believed that the earthbound kind are not that helpful generally. Sorry I cannot be more specific than that, as there are certainly cases where a good relationship might be started between any particular species of non-organic beings.
From the point of view of inner alchemy, at least the current that I follow, such relationships with nonorganic beings is usually not advised unless the adept has attained a very high level of proficiency in their inner work; in their ability to move across the rooms of the projectionist. This is so because such beings can either be quite petty, or can even be so alien, that the nature of their behaviour, while not malicious, can be so different from anything that we are used to, so different from the kind of logic that we might pursue/assume, that the adept might find themselves in a difficult position unless they are able to maintain complete control at all times.
While it is the case that such an ally let us say, can develop a kind of love for its human benefactor that is supposedly indescribable, the nature of all such relationships must always be questioned, and such an adept must always be on guard because in the end the machinations of such alien minds may result in most difficult situations indeed.
While they may seem to acquiesce in the first round of confrontations, the assumption that such a relationship will maintain its status quo is, at least from the current that I follow, questionable and potentially dangerous.
But again, all such things are relative and individual. All I can say is that from the inner alchemist point of view, caution is always advised in any kind of dealings with such beings.