Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

I have written a number of books over the years, that outline techniques from a tradition that I refer to as inner alchemy.

I generally try to stay away from just writing about dogmatic beliefs, that is, I try to stay away from the dogma, a belief system, whether my own as an inner alchemist, or anyone elses’s, and instead I try to focus as much as possible on technique, so that those that read my books can try the techniques that I write about and in that way, hopefully through their own successes, find out whether what I’m saying is true or not. No dogma, no need to believe my crazy experiences…just try this technique, and see for yourself if it actually works.

These techniques, tend to be things that many people find quite daunting or impossible, such as the ability to travel out of body, and create magical servants that will do your bidding.  Therefore, when I write about these things, there are times when those that are trying to do what others say is impossible, run into major obstacles of a (psychological or psyche) based nature.

For example, in astral travel or out of body techniques, when a person looks into doing these techniques themselves for the first time, they can instantly believe that such techniques, such inner actions, are impossible, or if they are possible, they’re only possible for a select few, for those that are the outliers, the genetically predisposed and the naturally talented.

As another example, in discussing techniques that would allow a person to acquire great deals of knowledge through inner work and inner travel, I mentioned to one of my readers that such skills do require talent, in that in order to download this information that is available in what could be called a different dimensional field, that person must master the ability to project into that dimension with certitude and exactness, and then be able to bring that information back and THEN translate that aquired knowledge into the syntax of the physical plane. That is, turn that other dimensionally acquired knowledge into a linear and language based set of information, that can be used in this three dimensional place, this earth, that we call the real world.

Quite simply, it would be like trying to remember one of the many and complicated dreams that you have every night, and be able to get the full extent, the full knowledge and experience, of that dream, and turn that information into something that would be useful in what we would refer to as waking reality.

You would think that this is easy, that remembering dreams is not a great task, but in fact it does require a great deal of developed talent and experience, because in actuality dreams are far more complex than many remember when they are back in waking reality, in that these dreams usually involve what could best be termed ‘depth’ and instant knowing (direct knowledge) of such intensity that is most difficult to translate into waking  consciousness, where time functions in a different manner.  It would be sort of like after seeing a wonderful sight, one that completely envelops you in utter bliss and heightened experience, and then you have to then write an essay on what these feelings and this moment was all about, including the ability to try to express in words, this seeming intensity of experience that has instantly and from then on, completely altered the very fabric of your being. No an easy linguistic task.

Such experiences, such inner experiences, hold within them a richness that is beyond linear and material conception.  A human being can experience this depth and feel and understand it within themselves, but to then try to express those inner feelings, that inner knowing at that time, is very difficult, and indeed this is what our art, our poetry, tries to with great diligence and sometimes difficulty. We cannot duplicate that other dimension, we can only try to somehow fit it into the syntax and phenomenology of this dimension.

Inner knowledge, and inner knowing, such as the ability to know the incredible things that can be discovered within dreams, within the context of those moment points experienced in those other dimensions, requires that kind of mastery of ability.  The ability to move a block of perception that holds within it an expanse that is beyond physical time and linear objectiveness, and turn it into something that is useful in this three dimensional world.

As such, an ability to do this takes time. The kind of time that can be compared to what a person might go through to become a Ph.D. It is something that is quite possible certainly, but it is just something that takes time and a relentless focus of attention.

Upon hearing that such a mastery is required, an average person might be quite disappointed thinking that, as I mentioned earlier, such a task is nearly impossible and is only available really, to a select few and to a talented minority.

In that regard I can only say this:

Such conclusions are only applicable if you believe that something like astral travel for example is an oddity.  And here we come to a most important point, and that is what you believe.

Belief is an incredibly powerful thing and I think that if you look, you’ll find that people that have been able to believe something, can do what is seemingly impossible, while at the same time those that believe that they cannot, find an obstacle at every turn.

I do not like to use this old adage about belief, but it is very much an important reference here.  I too am a bit disappointed then in the fact that some may have decided right off that such a skill is an impossibility or a highly difficult one.  I will tell you why something is difficult or not difficult: it is quite basically how much attention you are able to give it; how much focus of attention you have.

You can quite literally do anything in this world that you want, as long as you can focus your attention long enough on that one outcome.  The techniques that I discuss in my books and in some of my articles are all possible if that person is willing to dedicate the time and effort (by which I mean the prolonged focus of attention) to finally get the conclusion they desire.  Yes, it is possible that for some people these techniques will take longer than others, this is a fact.  There are also others that will run into negative beliefs as they focus their attention, in the same way that some might believe that such skills are outliers, that they are difficult and that they are for the few.  And faced with those negative or counter beliefs, many will give up.  But some will continue and will face those beliefs, change them, and continue with their focus on what they want.  That is the only difference between those that get something done and those that are willing to believe what the world at large is telling them they can’t do.

I have faith that you can do anything if your focus is unrelenting and precise, or I would not write these books for people just like you. I hope your faith in yourself grows over time as your focus of attention gets you the things you may want; the knowledge and the skill you may want.

If you would like to know more about what the focus of attention can do, then I recommend my book,

The way of the projectionist

Cats are incredibly intriguing creatures. They have been worshipped throughout history, especially in ancient cultures, and one might wonder, why is it that the cat has been so revered and so loved throughout the ages?

The ancient Egyptians worshipped cats. There were special festivals just for the adoration of cats, and it was said that when the family cat died, special ceremonies were performed, where people shaved their eyebrows to mourn the passing of them.

The Egyptian goddess Bast is depicted in cat form, and by looking into the worship and the characteristics of this goddess, much can be discovered about the true power of cats.

In Norse mythology the goddess Freya was associated with cats. In Japan cats have also been worshipped and often attributed with supernatural abilities.

Indeed, cats have been revered and feared to some extent throughout history, and there has always been this mystical quality about them that has been recognized by many. In the best of cases, cats were considered to be protective spirits, especially of crops and the land.

But why is this? The fact that they are considered protectors of crops and land may be easily understood rationally, being that they are prodigious killers of mice and other vermin. But why were they given mystical attributions? Why were they considered to be enlightened beings?

Well, from the inner alchemist’s point of view, they are strange and mystical creatures to be sure.

In order to understand the mystical nature of cats, we do not have to look much further than perhaps there most compelling feature, which is their eyes. Cats have an incredibly powerful stare, incredibly powerful vision. To look into a cat’s eyes, is to be lost in a different world. When they look at you they seem to look right through you.

But this is just the relatively simple perception of the outer senses. The average person is captivated by those beautiful big eyes, by their unflinching and yet completely relaxed gaze. But for those that can see, for those that can use their inner senses, it becomes instantly obvious that that gaze is far more powerful than some may suspect.

The cat has always been given mystical abilities, because those that can see, and those that can intuit such things, have always known that the cat can look in between worlds, past the ordinary and mundane reality.

Cats can see past the material essence of things, and due to that ability, they can quite literally be used as a kind of catalyst, like a tiny key, in order to be able to see beyond this three-dimensional cube.

Even without the ability to see yourself, if you own a cat, you can try this now. Lightly gaze into your cats’ eyes as it gazes in any direction. Use your intuition and the feelings that you get, and see if you can note that such a gaze by the cat, seems to be able to pierce some kind of membrane, like it is able to somehow extend beyond the linear scope of that gaze, into another angle, another dimension, another place. As you lightly gaze into your cats gazing, you may feel the reflection of other worlds.

Ancient seers, especially in temples where cat worship was engaged in, would use that power to be able to see beyond the veil of the material. By focusing their seeing on the gaze of the cat, they could use such a gaze sort of like a magical mirror, that would reflect back to them, other deeper realities. As such, cats are a conduit to the spirit.

But there is greater power to them beyond this, and this relates to why H.P. Lovecraft love them so. He in his own words said that, he had a particular respect and affection for them since his infancy. For him cats were a fount of great imagination and the deepest perception. In other words, he knew of the ability of the cat to be able to take you beyond this dimension, and far into materially unperceived of places. Cats played a large and compelling role in some of his stories, and seemed to be native in the dream dimensions, the dreamland, that he sometimes wrote about. And it is in those stories that we are given the final clue as to the power of the cat, and this power is the power of the dreamer. Quite simply, cats are dreamers, they are master projectionists.

How they see, where they see, their gaze, is a gaze that can see across dimensions. It can see into those places where they dream. The cycles of their awake and dreaming states, while annoying to the average person that is so stuck in the routines of the nine-to-five, tells us of a more natural cycle, the cycle of the dreamer, that engages in inner projections of attention in a much more fluid manner throughout the day and night.

Just like there gaze can take you beyond the material, such gaze can also take you into dream realities, dream lands, worlds and cities beyond imagining by the rational mind. H.P. Lovecraft loved cats because they are quite literally a kind of key, the kind of key that I usually speak of when I speak of the power of the projectionist, the power of the inner alchemists and conscious dreamer to go beyond the three-dimensional trap, and into dream dimensions far beyond this material containment that traps the modern human. Perhaps this is why, cats have become so popular in this age of pure materialism.

The cat is a kind of dual creature, one that can exist in places beyond this place. And those that may not be able to see, can still intuit such truth by looking at them, and by trying to follow their gaze, as it somehow tries to take them beyond the material and into the magical, the spiritual other dimensions.

Their eyes are just like the eyes of a seasoned projectionist. Cats have the eyes of a kind of alien creature, a creature that does not seem to be wholly materially focused. A creature that seems to have the possibility to go far, and having returned from its journeys, seems to have brought something back, something alien, something that some consider dark, cold, a darkness, a sliver from that dark sea that I often talk about in my books.


“…the robust pagan with the blood of Nordic twilights in his veins there is no beast like the cat; intrepid steed of Freya, who can boldly look even Thor and Odin full in the face and stare contemplatively with great round eyes of undimmed yellow or green.”

H.P. Lovecraft

I received a comment on my site that I found deeply interesting.

The commenter asked me about a particular trend that he had heard about, having to do with astral projection, and the possibility of using various techniques to move into alternate worlds. This particular trend that he wrote to me about was happening in Tik-Tok, which is a short form video hosting site, where people may post videos up to 15 seconds long.

This particular trend that he was talking about, involved a tik-tok group that was interested in something that they referred to as shifting. The commenter explained that this shifting allows the participant to essentially project astrally, and then “shift” their consciousness to a desired reality. In this particular case, most often to some kind of fantasy realm, another timeline, one that is very much like or just like a fantasy or sci fi book or movie.

He asked me if such a thing, in accordance with my practice was possible, and he was also interested in knowing if such an ability meant that the Archon, which is something that I discuss in great detail in some of my books, would then be a moot point. In other words, if one could shift into such other worlds, and stay there for extended periods of time, perhaps worlds where time did not function the same way that it does here, so that an hour in physical reality might mean a week in that other world let us say, then such a thing as a Demiurge or in Archon, if such shifting was possible, would make such Titans laughable, instantly escapable using such techniques.

This is a wonderful comment and question certainly, and the idea that such an interesting trend is happening on tik-tok is quite compelling to me. The commenter, who has experience with astral travel said that many of the techniques discussed seemed viable, and as such it is wonderful for me to know that such a thing is happening, that people are using such sites to share information and experience, and indeed it has always been my hope that people begin to do things like this, exploiting modern technology, and develop modern versions of ancient techniques, and share those in an infinitely agile space,

in order to develop highly creative new techniques and impetus, to accomplish those things that the average rational world believes to be impossible.

There will always be of course a great deal of disinformation, incorrect information, to some degree, in such open forums. But in such agile spaces, where hundreds or thousands of people can express themselves quickly and openly, I feel that a serious practitioner will always gain a great deal from such sources. And the momentum of such a trend, the wave of it, is incredibly important in starting a push away from the morose aspects of current rational reality, where people are constantly being fed limitation and dower news, as opposed to being given wings to fly free.

So, to me, this is perhaps the greatest aspect of this particular news shared by this commenter. But I also feel that in order to help with this trend, I need to give a little bit of nuanced information in accordance with the current of inner alchemy, in the hopes that such information may help people participating in those trends.

To begin with, as I have mentioned on a few article and certain books, more specifically the books, the way of the projectionist, and out of body experiences quickly and naturally, such a thing as shifting is possible, doable, and indeed the way by which inner alchemists are able to begin to defy the great gravity, the dimensional density, of this rational reality, which I have described as being like a trap, like a cube, a small cube, that surrounds us and keeps us bound to a prison of materiality and limitation.

Inner alchemists having discovered techniques that allow them to participate in this kind of shifting, can move into such alternate spaces, alternate realities as it were, and there participate in incredible adventures and perception events, that can begin overtime to greatly change the nature of their being, so that after they become adept in this shifting technique,

after they have spent enough time in those other, more expansive realities, they truly become so free and so vast internally, that when they return to average human reality, in many ways you could say that they have become a kind of alien in their own world, in the average human world.

Such shifting might seem trite to some, who might feel that going to a supposedly perfect fantasy reality might mean nothing in the real world. But such travels can vastly increase a person’s intellect, can open them up to incredible diversity of space and time, and can indeed change them so much overtime that to put it bluntly, the average world becomes slow and banal in comparison.

In accordance with inner alchemy therefore, there are indeed many alternate spaces, spaces that either exist as separate worlds, such as the worlds potentially created in the quantum multi-verse theory, or worlds created by one or a group of such shifters. So, there are in essence alternate worlds, and there are also created worlds, and each one is expansive and changing, growing, just like this world, but depending on the nature of that world, the laws applicable here might not exist there at all. For that reason, participating in those worlds can allow such shifters to become creators, adventurers, psychonaughts of great prowess on some occasions, and being that such inner motion is so unlimited, at least in comparison to the mundane rational reality with all its density, such inner motion is indeed the way to greater human transformation.

Of particular note in this comment, is the idea that such worlds might allow a person to make the Archon moot as it were, and this is the part that needs some nuance in my reply.

While it is possible for such practitioners, such shifters, to begin to greatly expand the size of their world, and even expand the length of their own living existence, by shifting into dimensional spaces that do not have the kind of restrictions to be found here in this dense earthly reality, there are certain limitations that must be understood. Those limitations are indeed part of the challenge of this life let us say, being that overcoming these limitations, these challenges, is the way towards greater growth, which then opens up more and more possibilities that are in essence beyond scope, beyond limitations of any kind as they progress, that indeed can lead such shifters to what may be referred to as eternity.

I have on occasion referred to this challenge as gravity, in order to try to equate such a challenge to the modern quest of moving into space, the space-age, and the current race to get off the planet. But this challenge or obstacle, might also be referred to as density, vibration, or any of the other terms used by any particular discipline that might use and understand such techniques as astral travel, shifting, or the way of the projectionist.

In this particular case though, the best term to explain these Archonic limitations might be entropy. Now, entropy means in the most basic sense, the measure of the possible randomness of any particular system. And what this means within the context of shifting, is that, within that cube that I have spoken of, within that world that we find ourselves as material creatures, there exists a force that has created, that has helped to create, a particular kind of weight or friction within the founding parameters of that world.

The entropy to be found within this material world means in a sense that there is only so much energy that can be accessed, supposedly, and that due to this lack, due to this finite-ness to what is possible, anything and everything done within this particular dimensional cube, this trap, comes at a certain cost in accordance to how close you are to that entropy creating entity, how close you are to the ruler of this dimensional space, how close you are to the Archon.

This may sound complicated, but it all really boils down to the idea that depending on where you are in space-time, depending on where you are in any particular dimension, that entropy will always cost you in accordance to how close you are to the material dimension, which is the dimension where the archonic force rules completely. That entropy means that whatever you do will always cost some energy, some kind of fuel. Everything costs something, there is a barter, a give-and-take, a drag, a gravity, a friction, a density, to everything.

In accordance with inner alchemy, such a fuel can be referred to as the amount of energy that any particular person has, the amount of energy contained within any particular person, personal energy. To simplify things further, inner alchemists can further refine such terms and methodology by saying that that energy, could be perceived within the material world as focus. In other words, personal energy equals personal focus. The more energy the individual has, the more focus that they have, the more fuel that they have, and therefore the more ability that they have to participate in those alternate worlds that the shifters seek.

Now, being that this fuel is all-important, being that focus is all-important, it is this personal power that inner alchemists seek at all costs. And further, it is this fuel that the archon feeds on. So, it is this fuel that the shifters need to spend increasing amounts of time in other worlds, but this fuel is also sought by the archon, and that is the nature of the challenge. And this fuel is all-important, because it allows such shifters to not only extend the amount of time that they can shift, but it also allows them to manipulate to a far greater degree in those other worlds. This is the cost, and this is the challenge of the archon, that fuel. And this is the true nature of entropy in accordance with inner alchemy.

For that reason, it is in that sense a battle with the Archon. The Archon is not moot therefore, because such shifters will always be fighting the entropy created by the Archon. And when such shifters are able to go far enough, that this Archonic entropy loses some of its power because they have gone so far from the material let us say, they will discover that there are other entropy generating entities out there, of titanic proportions, of ever-increasing proportions, that all shifters, that all projectionists, must deal with. And indeed, if such shifters are worth their salt, if they have partaken in great adventures and have been able to fortify themselves and hone their weapons and their armor in those other dimensions, then these obstacles, this increasing complexity in entropy that must be overcome, becomes a source of growth, a way of empowerment.

And in that overcoming, evolution happens, until the projectionist, the shifter, has gained so much fuel and so much ability, that they are able to tackle the greatest entropy generating force for us, death itself.

What I am trying to say, is that there is a cost to things, nothing is free, at least not within this dimensional zone, and being that the shifter’s, the projectionist’s body, their physical essence, is during physical life trapped within this dimensional zone, they must understand that they must contend with this cost. The Archon is not moot, it is our eternal challenge while physically alive, and this means at the very least that a shifter may need to work on their technique, before they are able to get the kinds of results that they seek.

I mention this because it is my desire that such a trend continues, and for that to happen, the obstacles to such a magnificent inner action, this shifting, must be understood so that those that participate in it are not instantly discouraged, but knowing about this entropy to be found in this dimensional reality where they exist as physical beings, they can then incorporate this knowing, and use the infinitely creative space that they have been using thus far, to come up with better and better ways to overcome it.

And let me be clear, in accordance with the practice and the doings of inner alchemy, shifting, the way of the projectionist, is indeed real, possible, and can lead to expanded realities of proportions that are beyond rational scope. And such shifting, can allow such intrepid travelers and adventurers, to participate in journeys of such vast proportions, that such individuals can truly be said to be living out sometimes even multiple lifetimes in realities beyond most people’s imagination.

Depending on who you ask, certainly in some small circles in the modern world, there is still some uncertainties about the shape of the earth.

I know that for most people it is utterly irrational to question the shape of the earth. There is a growing world wide synergy as to what the shape of the earth is, and there are many advantages to this growing belief synergy, but there are also some serious detriments as well. I would like to discuss some of this in this article, and I would also like to reveal a whole new way of seeing the earth, the shape of the earth, and the shape of space and time.

But before we get there, we could say that a very small minority, does still question the accepted truth of the times, that the earth is a perfect sphere, floating peacefully in the middle of blackness, like a perfect giant flying bowling ball. We can begin then by saying that there is a debate of sorts, which in the end is no debate really being that fewer and fewer people question the beliefs of the times, but there are a rebellious few, let us say, that question the accepted beliefs about the shape of the earth. Most believe that the earth is a hard, perfectly round object, very much like the moon that can be seen out there in outer space as you look up at the sky, and to question the shape of things, the shape of the earth, is insanity, period. But in a loose sense, still, thankfully, you could say that there has been this debate of sorts, a very heated argument depending on where you look, between those that would say that the earth is a perfect sphere, and those that continue to disagree with these notions and insist that the earth is perhaps flat, or something not so perfectly round at the very least.

And the important point, in particular as it pertains to this article, is whether it is possible that the earth is something more than just the perfect round hard sphere, a different shape altogether perhaps, beyond round or flat, something completely unexpected, having to do with cosmological laws that are just beginning to be understood. And if so, if this is possible in some insane world view, then what advantages could there be to this kind of knowing beyond the sticks and stones rationality of the times. And if such an alternate shape, shaping, is possible, could it be that certain groups, secret houses, occult orders, have been aware of this knowing for a very long time, and that they have been using this knowledge as power to do what some now think is impossible, to travel beyond this earth in highly irrational ways. This is what I wish to share with you in this article.

But to begin, in this article we could start with this small debate between flat and round. For those that argue against the flat earth theory, it is absolutely absurd to think of the earth as anything but the sphere that is described and rendered by modern technological ability and understanding. Such a notion as a flat earth is so crazy to many people, that they would not even be able to consider anyone who thinks such things, to be sane. And with that, we must always lead with the idea of what insanity is really, at least in certain cases, which is something I have discussed in the past, which is the idea that insanity, like the Emperor’s new clothes, is in the end, to some degree anyway, at times and in the best of terms, a matter of countering mass belief, and as such, inner alchemists are in that sense never, hardly ever, within the range of the mass beliefs of the human world, because they have developed perceptive mechanisms, and ways to move perceptive points, that make their perceptions highly unique. So, in that sense then, being that they do not see the emperor’s new clothes, inner alchemists are in that sense insane in accordance with such definitions, and there are some great advantages to such insanity.

There are a number of articles that I have done in the past talking about dogmatic knowledge, and about the problems with assumption, and all of this basically boils down to the general acceptance of the majority of the population, that is, whatever is said by certain authority groups is true, must be true, that it is a truth beyond questioning just because certain authority groups said so. In other words, dogmatic belief, in accordance with inner alchemy, is a kind of faith-based belief, it is unquestioned belief accepted only because authority figures claim that such things are so, and they have the right to claim that it is so because of certain inalienable rights that are themselves sometimes questionable.

There are certainly those that truly experiment, calculate, and seek, but there is also a large percentage that accepts, without question. There are two groups in a sense, those that accept dogmatic or second hand knowledge, and those that seek to know for themselves in one where another, whether that is through their own experimentation and science, or through other occult means, to discover the truth for themselves. Inner alchemists are those that always choose to know directly, to perceive directly, to perceive for themselves and accept nothing on faith alone.

Being that I am an inner alchemist, my personal thoughts on this have always been that if you are willing to experiment and question, to seek and to calculate for yourself in accordance with your own techniques or the accepted modern technological principles, scientific principles, the accepted principles of the times, then in a sense you are trying to free yourself of dogma, and this is a good thing. If you are not just accepting something as dogmatic truth and leaving it at that, but you are actually going out there and trying to prove or disprove those dogmatic truths, then you are following the way of the individual and potentially the maverick, which is in accordance with my wave, a good sober intent.

In accordance with those beliefs held by some, including inner alchemists, the problem arises when we are not willing to question and try to figure things out for ourselves, but instead just accept things as being true or not true because authorities or larger masses of people believe such a thing is so, or not so. And even more dangerous to individual development, is the need by some to make others believe what they believe. And this is a real problem for those that want to know their own truth, for themselves. I have called this problem the memetic war, and I describe it in detail in the book, Overcoming The Archon Through Alchemy. Indeed, the first chapter of that book will give you a pretty precise idea of what I am talking about here, and this first chapter is presented using modern terms, using modern language and modern principles, more precisely, attempting anyway, to use the modern science of memetics to explain the nature of this endless hidden war.

With the above in mind, the point of this article is not to try to convince anyone of anything. It is instead my desire to provide a different understanding of space and time, in accordance with the seeing of inner alchemy. And I do so in order to try to help with the growing problem of distant space travel, which is a problem that is being faced as the rational world looks out into the infinite cosmos, the vast distances of that cosmos, and desperately tries to figure out ways to move across that vastness using sticks and stones methodologies, that in the end will limit the whole of our race. A limiter that in the end will never be overcome, until we can let go of certain hard as stone assumptions and current rational conceptions, and begin to embrace individual ideas, maverick ideas, possibly even truly contemplating what might seem like insane ideas about the true nature of motion.

There is of course always developing ideas in science and in the modern world, indeed there is a quickening of technology, which I have discussed to some extent in the article, Are we done Evolving, which I will link below if you are interested in watching it. But this quickening can sometimes be slowed down quite a lot due to dogmatic beliefs and mimetic wars, and my desire in presenting the inner alchemist’s perceptive point on space and time, is to be able to give another perspective, that even in the smallest way hopefully, can help by providing another perceptive point for others, an energetic perceptive point, that some might find quite challenging, perhaps worth exploring, that may even provide certain answers as to why certain things that are considered to be unreal, and occult, might be possible. Certainly, it is my hope that in presenting this knowledge, you will be challenged with the possibility of discovering your own truth, beyond this dogma, my dogma, so that you discover new ways to perceive, using techniques from another era, a forgotten history, and in that way by challenging these notions that I am presenting in this here, you might find your own way, a way beyond a flat or spherical earth, and align yourself with new and hitherto unsuspected possibilities.

How do inner alchemists arrive at their individual truth?

Well, they use a technique that may be called seeing, and they also use the technique of projection, which is akin to astral travel, and in that way see and do for themselves alone, as an individual, and as such they stand firm in that knowing, and further they claim that knowing as power, turning that knowing into power by using that knowing to gain greater freedom, they turn that knowledge into power by learning to fly into that vast cosmos for themselves. So, using that kind of seeing I discover my own truth, and using such techniques any individual can discover theirs, they can prove me right or wrong through their own seeing and inner motion. They can develop their own world view, their own version of direct knowing, no matter what such energetic truths end up being for them, being that even though energetic truth is unchanging, it does and can be given light by each individual in their own highly specific way.

In this particular case, in accordance with the seeing of my current of inner alchemy, the earth is neither a sphere nor is it flat, but instead it is more akin to what you might think of as a raindrop, as it falls from some great height. And, as I will do my best to try to explain, the earth and all of the other planets in the solar system, are doorways, they are doorways like in infinitude of tunnels that lead to other worlds, each sparkling in the night sky like intensity doorways to new worlds, and all these worlds are separated by a boundless relative nothing, referred to as outer space.

To try to explain all of this, imagine a raindrop falling from the sky, and as it falls because of the surface tension of the liquid, it takes on a sphere like shape of relative dimensions, as it is buffeted by the winds and other raindrops falling from the sky.

If you can imaginatively think of yourself as getting closer and closer to this raindrop, you might also imaginatively see this raindrop getting bigger and bigger the closer that you get to it. As you get closer, you will be able to see that within the surface tension of the raindrop, that is inside that raindrop, there is an entire world. What I mean by this is that, as you imaginatively get closer, and this raindrop gets bigger and bigger, you are able to see hundreds of little creatures existing inside that raindrop, contained within it sort of like a whole world of creatures existing inside a snow globe like world.

The only thing separating that perfectly encased and contained world is that liquid surface tension, that takes on a relative spherical shape as it free falls from the sky down to the ground below. But during that magical time as it falls, its lifetime, there is a perfect little world contained within what appears to be a spherical object.

The earth, and all the worlds, planets, within the solar system are like this to the seeing of the inner alchemist, they are worlds contained within the precarious surface tension of a raindrop. As you get closer and closer to that raindrop, and as it gets bigger and bigger before you, you will eventually get to a point where the outside air and the water that makes up that raindrop meet. In order to keep going into the raindrop, you must push your way through this outer membrane, and again because of that surface tension and the relative volume density changes from air to water, that separation between fluid and non-fluid, well, pushing into this membrane is not an easy task.

But once inside, that is once you are able to push through, you would in this imaginative journey, be instantly amazed at how you seem to go through some kind of doorway, as you are able to push through this membrane, a doorway that opens up a whole new world, a world that is no longer some outer sphere, but is in this inside, a whole new world, a contained place in and of itself, seemingly functioning in accordance to laws that are different than what was possible when you were outside of it, a world that can seemingly stretch in many directions forever, so in that sense this inner world is not a sphere once you are within it, it is now, or has now the possibility, of stretching endlessly in many directions, that in the end from the perceiver’s point of view, makes this inside world not really a sphere, but a kind of world full of straight lines where each straight-line could theoretically seem to go on forever.

Another way to think of this, would be to say that outside of the raindrop, outside of this world, you see a world, a raindrop, that is concave, spherical. But once inside that world, as you look out into space from within it, from inside your snow globe, you can if you perceive it in a correct way from within that world, look out into outer space, out into the space outside the raindrop, and that outside does have the possibility to seem convex in a kind of way, in that there is the possibility for the space existing without that world, to concave within itself, so that from within your world, outer space then becomes the snow globe. In this way, for you, straight lines within the world are possible, and in that sense then, outer space from within that world becomes convex, can in certain circumstances with the proper laws in place, become convex. That is, outer space, beyond the raindrop becomes a sphere, can be a sphere, and in that sense and from that perceptive notion, within the raindrop world there is the possibility of straight lines in relation to the size of the perceiver, endless straight lines, the feeling of a flat earth in a sense, or kind of flat earth, because that warped-ness, the warping of that world due to its fluidity and the mass of that fluid that surrounds it, its curvature due to that surface tension let’s say, which is akin to a kind of gravity, warps perception and can even warp the mechanical laws within that world, and in that way can turn outer space into a sphere,

it can create concave and convex with equal ease in a sense. This is a difficult thing to try to put into words, you could say that the convex-ness and the concave-ness of this fluid bubble are almost interchangeable in a way.

Now, I know that in accordance with modern understanding, you are in a globe no matter how straight in might seem while you are in it, being that if you were theoretically in some kind of super-fast airplane, or boat, you would eventually start at one end and meet that same place after you circle the entire planet.

According to inner alchemy, such a notion is faulty in some ways in that within the raindrop, that is once you are able to get past that surface tension of a new world, as you enter the distortion bubble boundary of this world, what is within the raindrop has the potential of endless horizons. This is a very difficult topic to explain simply but it has two do with the potential of any one world, any raindrop, to hold within it other worlds, other raindrops, so that within a raindrop there can be raindrops within raindrops, and each one of those raindrops can lead to different worlds, different dimensions, and each one of these dimensions has the possibility of an expanded inner space that belies the size of the outer diameter of the raindrop, as perceived by someone outside of it. In other words, a raindrop can be far bigger on the inside than it seems to be on the outside.

And due to the interchangeability of the convex-ness and the concave-ness within certain worlds of relatively high mass, there also exist the possibility of warping space within the mass, so that there is this possibility of endless straight lines within such warping, whether in the end such lines are straighter not, being that straight lines are in a sense an illusion in the warp world that I am trying to describe to you here.

To explain this further, you can think of the raindrop and the surface tension created by the water, as sort of like a warp field, a warp bubble. So that instead of having a liquid, and that liquid representing a certain substance like water, instead you can think of the raindrop as being made up of a kind of gravitational weight, a kind of gravitational consistency, and this consistency may seem liquid like, but is in fact a gravitational weight, a gravitational thickness, and that thickness holds within it a contained space, a contained space that is encircled by that certain gravitational consistency. Moreover, within each gravitational consistency bubble, warp bubble, there can be other gravitational bubbles within those bubbles. That is, there can be warp bubbles within warp bubbles, so that looking at the raindrop from the outside you might see curves, but while inside the raindrop you may see straight lines, or angular lines that have a wholly different set of ruling principles, in accordance with the kind of consistency within the warp bubbles. There are those laws that exist outside of the bubble, and then there are laws that exist inside the bubble. Moreover, there always exist the possibility of having warp bubbles within warp bubbles.

From outside of the warp bubble, things seem spherical as you look at them from a distance, the closer that you get to the warp bubble, the bigger that the bubble seems to become, once you break through the membrane of the warp bubble, which as I have said is no easy task, you enter a contained world, contained by that warp bubble, and within that world the laws within it are different than the laws outside of it. From without the bubble, everything within the bubble looks like a sphere, from within the bubble, everything outside the sphere also looks like a sphere, and moreover, that outer sphere that is the world beyond the bubble, can be made bigger or smaller depending on the laws inherent within the warp bubble, being that every contained warp world has slightly different gravitational laws. That makes it seem like within the bubble there are straight lines, even though outside of the bubble such lines might seem to be curved. Moreover, because of the fact that there can be warp bubbles within warp bubbles, there is the possibility of endless and vast inner worlds within that one warp bubble. In other words, within that warp bubble, to those inside that warp bubble, their world, their earth, could indeed be flat, or that is have certain laws that make it seem like it is quite flat.

There might also be doorways within that bubble, other warp bubbles, that then act like tunnels into other worlds, complete other worlds that might be vast in proportion in accordance to the different surface tensions possible within those warp bubbles within warp bubbles, that would then make that one seemingly small bubble from the outside, seem to be endless if you are able to go within that bubble, and then within the bubbles within the bubble.

So, in accordance with the seeing of inner alchemists, being that we exist within a warp bubble, in that all the worlds within the solar system are in essence warp bubbles, our earth or any one of those other warp bubbles, those other planets in our solar system, are neither spherical nor flat, they are instead whatever the perceiver perceives in accordance to their location in space time, more specifically whether they are within or without the warp bubble. Moreover, being that whether you are inside or outside the raindrop, there can be an interchange between concave and convex, the relative measure of size within or without the warp bubble, at least in accordance with the perceptions of the perceiver in accordance with their position in space time, being inside or outside, concave or convex, can at times seem almost inconsequential. In the end all that really matters is the ability to control warp fields.

Each world therefore is a door, each world is a warp bubble, to get from one warp bubble to the other, you seem to need to go through a medium called open space, outer space, which is an area that is devoid of the kind of intensity warp bubbles, the kind of surface tensions, that make up each separate world, so that this open space might not be completely lacking in warp waves, gravitational intensities, but it nevertheless does not have the intensity to be found around each world, that is, it is a relatively warp free zone, a grey zone in a way, between warp bubbles. In order to access each world, each planet, a traveler, in accordance to how the modern world sees space travel, they would need to break past their particular world containment bubble, move across this grey zone and then enter a new warp bubble that then represents a whole new world.

And within that world, new laws are applicable in accordance with the intensity of the containment warp bubble of that world, and in accordance with the number of warp bubbles existing within that warp bubble, with each particular planet having different kinds of warp bubbles within their warp bubble, and different liquid volumes in a way, which contributes or gives rise to the general nature of how they perceive concave and convex; with a thicker liquid creating more curvature. What this means is that the thicker the gravitational mass that surrounds any planet, which relates to size, which has nothing to do with largeness in accordance with the seeing of inner alchemists, but instead has to do with gravitational intensity, mass density, which for us relates to time, so this gravitational mass or intensity then dictates how much curvature can be seen inside and outside of that world.

Why is this so important? Why must we know about this, and why is it that we are just beginning to discover the notion of warp bubbles after having known about such things in the unrecorded ancient past?

As I have mentioned on many occasions, humanity is lost in objective reality, that is, they can only see the world as a static thing full of objects. Humanity on a mass level does not see energy, the human world can only see objects. Therefore, they do not see warp bubbles like inner alchemists, instead they see solid, hard, round objects all floating in space, and as such they have a difficult time reconciling the nature of distance, size, intensity and frequency.

In accordance with the direct perceptions of inner alchemists, the world is not round or flat per se, it is instead a warp bubble that has the possibility of attaining many shapes, not just round and flat. Such static ideas about the nature of our world or any other, have everything to do with the human inability to see things beyond just physical objects. For an inner alchemist, such limitations do not exist, therefore the nature of the shape of the earth is not some unbreakable constant, but instead has everything to do with the perceiver’s point in space and time, what kind of perceptive mechanisms they are using, and the nature of the warp bubbles and the warp bubbles within warp bubbles.

This is important and it matters because such limitations also limit the possibilities for humanity, it limits their ability to travel beyond the boundaries of their static-ness. For the average synergy of the world now, the only way for one to get from one object to the other is to travel in accordance with static laws, this makes it very difficult to get from one place to another, especially if those distances are vast, and do involve going from one star system to another let us say.

But there is a developing understanding of warp, and there will come a time when the seeing of inner alchemy will make more sense, as the modern world begins to understand the nature of warping. But this is a slow process and in the meantime, we are stuck moving incredibly slowly across what we perceive to be vast distances, but what are in fact just different intensities, different gravitational waves in a way, warp bubbles within warp bubbles within warp bubbles.

This is very important, this discovery by humanity of mass intensity warping, a discovery which again has been known to certain secret houses for a long time. There is a vast cosmos out there that is holding its breath hoping that humanity will the able to let go of it sticks and stones reality, and begin to see, and in their seeing discover the true nature of space and time, again. Let me repeat that, again, because this is not new knowing, it is actually very old knowing that must be rediscovered. And after doing so, after rediscovering its ancient knowing, humanity must join them, those others, out there again. But until that time, they, those without, will wait and see because humanity must break the surface tension of the bubble, of the gravity, that contains them now within the limits of sticks and stones reality by themselves, this is the rule.

If we cannot do this, if we cannot go beyond synergy and embrace a little genius, no matter how crazy it might all seem, then humanity will not be able to survive the far greater challenges to be found beyond the earth bubble. So, this is our judgment in a way, our challenge. If we cannot break free of the binding gravitational forces, the surface tension, of our current thinking, we will not escape this world and we will forever think that we are the only sentience in existence. Which as we know even from the synergy of the times, is really a silly notion if in any way you understand the vastness of the cosmos, and are beginning to understand the potential of the human mind to change warp fields. But until sticks and stones reality is left behind by the synergy, there is no going forward.

In many of my writings I often refer to something I call the dark sea. One of my readers asked me to talk a little more about the dark sea, and to define exactly what it means within the context of my writing.

I have given a general definition that I add to my books) so that the reader can understand what I’m talking about, but I would like to make a video in order to explain the meaning of this enigmatic term in a more comprehensive or perhaps more descriptive fashion.

So you may ask, what is the dark sea?


Now, the term itself, comes from the writings of Carlos Castaneda, and I have used it because I think it’s so eloquently describes my direct perceptions of the infinity that surrounds us.


Imagine that you are a fish swimming within an ocean. Due to the fact that you are a fish, you may not even realize that your home is a dark and infinite ocean, a dark sea. Due to your general physiology, you live within a certain patch or band of the dark sea that is your home.

If you go too high your physiology will not allow you to withstand the lighter pressure of this ocean, and your eyes may not be able to withstand the brighter light. Conversely, if you dive deeper than your physiology will allow, then you will not be able to breathe, and you may not be able to see in those deep dark waters.


Due to the general structure of your being, you are bound to only a certain region of a large ocean. From your point of view as a fish within this ocean, the world is only so large and as far as you can tell the only kind of life forms that exist are the ones that either exist alongside you in this particular band of the ocean, or the odd life that sometimes makes its way across your tiny section of the dark sea.

It is the case actually, that your fish eyes can only see a certain range of things, they are after all designed to only be able to exist and thrive in the most symbiotic way possible, only in that certain height within the dark sea that you call home. And therefore, the reality is that across this entire sea there is a great variety of life forms, and most of this life, even though it may be right beside you at this moment, is invisible to you, because your fishy senses cannot perceive them.


Now, let’s say, that you are able to learn to move beyond your little band of the ocean, that somehow you are able to learn techniques that allow you to travel far beyond your particular home within this infinity, and due to this skill you begin to travel and see the many wonders to be found within the ocean.

Through these travels, thanks to the techniques that you have been able to develop, you begin to see that the place that is your home, is very small. That there is infinity any which way you look, and that you can go forever in any one direction without ever discovering and end to this ocean. Indeed, unlike a regular ocean, this ocean that is your home has no bottom, the depths go on forever. And there is also no surface to this ocean, you could always go higher and higher but you will never find an end to the infinity all around you.

The techniques that you have developed, have allowed you to see that you are indeed inside an ocean, that there is therefore a medium that you exist within, that this medium propels you, and that it gives you life; without it you would not be able to live so well and so free as a fish or as any other kind of life form for that matter.


Thanks to your travels you also find that this ocean in which you live is actually quite dark, that is there are certain patches where light congregates, and within these patches or clusters as it were, there is a great deal of life and activity. But, of the totality that you have been able to witness thus far in your travels, most of the ocean seems to be quite dark, indeed there are certain parts within it that are so dark that they seem to be black pools of nothing.

Having become a traveler of this mostly dark ocean, this dark sea, you are at times stunned by the sheer size and the darkness that you may witness. The variety of life and the infinity that you feel sometimes weighs upon you, just like the pressures of an infinite ocean can weigh upon a small fish swimming within the dark pools of an infinite sea.


This is the dark sea, the great dark sea. There is no boundary to it. It is an infinity that stretches all around us every moment of every day. We are beings, like the fish, that are designed to live within certain bands of this infinity. From our point of view it seems that life and reality is only so, but for those that are able to learn ways to travel beyond the band that is their natural home, they soon discover that they indeed live in an infinite cosmos. A vastness so large and so overwhelming, so full of more things than could possibly be imagined, so dark and so fierce, so large and so full of Titanic life far beyond anything that could be imagined or measured, that in the end words fail, rationality or any type of generally used mental syntax, hits a wall that it cannot pass.


The traveler then is faced with only one possibility in trying to describe that darkness to others of its kind, always knowing that they will fail in the end. The best that such a traveller can do is to use a metaphor and refer to the great infinity of all that is, as something akin to an incredibly dark sea.


If you would like to know more about the great dark sea, my descriptions of it and the techniques that I teach others so that they may learn to travel across the great dark see for themselves, then I recommend the book,

The Way of the Projectionist

Lucid dreaming is a fantastic adventure that anyone can learn to do, if, they are willing to dedicate some time and effort to develop this skill.

Lucid dreaming is basically the ability to become conscious in a dream, that is the ability to realize that you are dreaming, and then be able to actively and quite consciously, move within, and change aspects of that dream event.
A lucid dreamer for example, can easily make him or herself float and fly within a dream, and indeed this is my most favorite thing to do, when I am lucid dreaming. Lucid dreamers can do just about anything that they want in a dream. Indeed when a lucid dreamer develops enough skill at manipulating within a dream, the dream world becomes a private virtual reality chamber, where they are able to be and do whatever they want.

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