How to Become a Great Leader
Before you act, find out how risky any action is. Many things in life tend to be mundane, that is you do them because they need to get done. You brush your teeth or go to work for example. These are the mundane things of the day.
There are situations though that can get a bit risky. Often times these risky situations or challenges entice us with a reward, and depending on the risk, the reward can be great. When these situations present themselves, it is very important that you learn to assess...
Would you like to learn a technique that can persuade others and bend them to your will? How about a way to stop another person in their tracks and totally invade their soul? Would you like to learn a technique that creates instant sexual tension?
I hope so because this is just what I am going to teach you and if you are able to master this technique, you will be able to exert your will with incredible results.
Have you ever been to the Greece or Southern Italy? If you have been lucky enough,...
Many people set goals for themselves, which is a good thing. Unfortunately following through on those goals becomes a very difficult thing for for many, and most goals are never achieved. In this article, we will explore some techniques that you can use to help you meet the goals that you set for yourself.
Let us begin though by becoming very clear on what you want your goals to be. To do this, you will have to spend some time alone and explore your inner visions. See a picture of your ideal...
Those that would be successful leaders must master paradox.
Leaders must be in it to win. Weather its overcoming an obstacle, finishing an objective, or beating the opposition; leaders have to be in it to prevail. If you do not carry a winning objective in mind, those that follow you will soon rebel.
Leaders need followers and followers need to feel that they stand behind someone that is strong and will succeed against any opposition. You cannot fake a winning attitude. You must know deep wit...
Great leaders must be swift. Whatever it is that you need to do and whatever it is that you have to get done, has to be done quickly and with great confidence.
You must calculate and while you calculate you must not appear as if you are calculating. You must become a master of misdirection, and never let your competition see your intention, BUT there will come a time when calculation and misdirection will be over, this will be the time to act.
Action must always be swift and aggressive even w...
Every single objective has cost.
Leaders must understand that any goal comes with a certain price. Nothing is free that is in anyway meaningful and certainly any campaign that has a possibility of success must have a certain cost.
This cost is not always measured in money or energy per se, often times what we risk is something more existential; our future.
Every time that you take responsibility for an action, you are risking your standing and reputation. You are putting yourself on the line...
In order to be a good leader, you must be able to conceptualize and implement strategy. Any action that we take in life, weather its buying a house, eating dinner or crossing the street; involves strategic thinking and action.
It is the craziest of notions to think that strategy does not apply to everything that you do in life. You might think that it doesn’t apply to you if you are a happy go lucky wanderer but in all things, strategy has played a role in what you do and how successful you a...
The ability to persuade others to your desires is an incredibly powerful thing. It is hyped about in many articles, books and seminars. What is rarely discussed in this material though is the power of the voice to persuade and entice others.
The timbre and resonance of a powerful voice can make a great impression on a person. The power to move people emotionally with your voice can be incredibly potent when you are trying to persuade others to your point of view.
The power of a well develope...
First and foremost: becoming a leader means that you take responsibility. Whether this means responsibility for your general situation in life or just the situation that you find yourself in at the present moment. This personal responsibility is the one factor that will spur you to take action in your life.
The majority of the human population is a made up of followers. It makes sense that most of us find ourselves in this role since mother nature would not want a whole species of leaders: th...