The Way of the Projectionist Q&A
Many of us already know quite clearly that this current world is a trap, at least it is for all those that are bound to the current ideas of what is and is not possible for a human being.
In the course book, The Way of the Projectionist, this three dimensional cage without walls is clearly described and you are given a methodological outline for escaping the intense gravity of this world, through the power to be gained after you wake up to the energetic fact that you are a ghost in a machine, that has the possibility of travelling across the infinite cosmos.
The way of the projectionist though is a complex science, one that takes time, dedication, and a great deal of specific knowledge. As you engage in this projectionist process yourself, you may have a number of unanswered questions, or there may be intricacies that you will need some clarification on. It is my hope that this ‘Questions and Answers’ page will be able to answer some of those questions and the scope of some of those intricacies.
Please feel free to post your questions here and I will do my best to answer these as soon as possible.
Please note that I reserve the right to not answer any questions that I feel are not pertinent or that violate common standards for a public page. Also, as this is a public page do not post any information that you do not want made public. While I do try to answer questions as quickly as I am able, other commitments can get in the way so thank you for your patience.The information contained on this Website is solely for educational and entertainment purposes on the given subjects. It should not be considered medical advice nor financial advice and should NOT be used as a substitute for medical advice or financial advice by trained professionals. The author makes no warranty or assumes any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information given. Moreover, the author accepts no responsibility for the decisions made by the reader. Before you engage in any of the practices mentioned on this site or in my books, please contact a qualified medical professional, especially if you are at risk of aneurysms, or if you have issues with your heart. Thank You.
Hi John, first i want to tell you that i have almost finished reading your latest book, the way of the projectionist and it is an outstanding book, I have never found all that wisdom within one book and explained in such a clear and experiential way, it is evident that you have lived what you are speaking about and these are energetic truths, as you continue saying in the book, that everyone can experience themselves if they apply what you teach. So I wanted to thank you greatly for all the wisdom you are teaching and sharing. Moreover I wanted to ask to you when will the last book of the trilogy be available because I am very eager to have the whole picture clearly explained and laid out as only you are able to do up to date. Thanks again
Thank you for your kind words Mich.
I’m not certain when I will be able to finish the third book in this trilogy. While I do enjoy writing very much, it is very difficult for me at times, especially when I’m trying to write about things that are just so far out there and that are for that reason so difficult to find words for.
I will do my best to try and get this information out so that everyone may benefit, but being that this second book in the trilogy took me over a year to write, it could be quite a while before I’m able to finish the third book in the trilogy, especially since this third book will deal with what will most likely be even more complex material, in that it will go into great depths in describing the after death experience, the source of all human creation, and how to truly break free from the life death cycle forever once and for all.
I do feel though that the material that I cover in this second book in the trilogy is most important, perhaps the most important information I have ever shared, because it is those very powerful techniques that I describe within it that have allowed me to be able to see and perceive all of the things that I write about. I would urge you then to work on these techniques yourself so that you can join me in these travels and we can explore the breathtaking length and breadth of this dark sea, and discover these truths of reality together in a direct manner.
Thanks you for getting my book and for your very kind words, and again I promise you that I will do my best to try and finish the third book in the trilogy as soon as I am able.
So far I still can’t do astral projection and even the first room is too difficult. Still, please do release the next book. When I’m reading the material it feels clear to me. I just can’t do it.
Hi Tom,
I am currently working on my next book which will be the third and final book in the trilogy that I started with a magnum opus. I am solely focused on this at the moment and I am going to do my best to try and get this done before the end of October.
I am glad that you are trying to do the techniques that I discuss. I know that they can be difficult to get the hang of at first but once you get going I think that you will make great progress quickly.
Remember that it is all about focus but if you get too serious and try too hard, you will not allow this focus to take off naturally. The trick to all of this is to take all of these exercises as games, the kinds of games that a child might play; a game of pretend. In that way things are not so serious and you might find that you can do things in this mood that you could not do otherwise.
In many of your writings you speak of the dark sea and that is brought up many times in this book. Are you able to elaborate on this as I always find it interesting but want to know what this is based on and how it looks acts and feels and what bounds it (I assume it knows no bounds).
Imagine that you are a fish swimming within an ocean. Due to the fact that you are a fish, you may not even realize that your home is a dark and infinite ocean, a dark sea. Due to your general physiology, you live within a certain patch or band of the dark sea that is your home.
If you go to high your physiology will not allow you to withstand the lighter pressure and your eyes may not be able to withstand the brighter light. Conversely, if you dive deeper than your physiology will allow, then you will not be able to breathe and you may not be able to see in those deep dark waters.
Due to the general structure of your being, you are bound to only a certain region of a large ocean. From your point of view as a fish within this ocean, the world is only so large and as far as you can tell the only kind of life forms that exist are the ones that either exist alongside you in this particular band of the ocean, or odd life that sometimes makes its way across your tiny section of the dark sea.
It is even the case, that your fish eyes can only see certain things, they are after all designed to only be able to exist and thrive in the most symbiotic way possible, only in that certain height within the dark sea. But the reality is that across this entire sea there is a great variety of life forms and most of these life forms, even though they exist alongside you even in your patch of this ocean, you are not able to see or sense in any way.
Now let’s say, that you are able to learn to move beyond your little band of the ocean, that somehow you are able to learn techniques that allow you to travel far beyond your particular home within this infinity, and due to this skill you begin to travel and see the many wonders to be found within the ocean.
Through these travels, thanks to the techniques that you have been able to develop, you begin to see that the place that is your home, is very small. That there is an infinity any which way you look, and that you can go forever in any one direction without ever discovering and end to this ocean. Indeed, unlike a regular ocean, this ocean that is your home has no bottom, the depths go on forever. And there is also no surface to this ocean, you could always go higher and higher but you will never find an end to the infinity all around you.
The techniques that you have developed, have allowed you to see that you are indeed inside an ocean, that there is therefore a medium that you exist within, that this medium propels you, and that it gives you life; without it you would not be able to live so well and so free as a fish or as any other kind of life form for that matter.
Thanks to your travels you also find that this ocean in which you live is actually quite dark, that is there are certain patches where light congregates, and within these patches or clusters if you like, there is a great deal of life and activity. But, of the totality that you have been able to witness thus far in your travels, most of the ocean seems to be quite dark, indeed there are certain parts within it that are so dark that they seem to be black pools of nothing.
Having become a traveler of this mostly dark ocean, this dark sea, you are at times overwhelmed by the sheer size and the darkness that you have witnessed. The variety of life and the infinity that you feel sometimes weighs upon you, just like the pressures of an infinite ocean can weigh upon a small fish swimming within the dark pools of an infinite sea.
This is the dark sea, the great dark sea. There is no boundary to it. It is an infinity that stretches all around us every moment of every day. We are beings, like the fish, that are designed to live within certain band of this infinity. From our point of view it seems that life and reality is only so, but for those that are able to learn ways to travel beyond the band that is their natural home, they soon discover that they indeed live in an infinite cosmos. A vastness so large and so overwhelming, so full of more things than could possibly be imagined, so dark and so fierce, so large and so full of Titanic life far beyond anything that could be imagined or measured, that in the end words fail, rationality or any type of generally used mental syntax, hits a wall that it cannot pass.
The traveler then is faced with only one possibility in trying to describe that darkness to others of its kind, always knowing that they will fail in the end. The best that it can do is to use a metaphor and refer to the great infinity of all that is, as something akin to an incredibly dark sea.
Hello once again my dear friend,
I’ve finished chapters 1 and 7, and the entire glossary/appendix of the way of the projectionist, and wow. I’ve had the nagging sense of the ghost of the machine for a long while now but have never been able to articulate it. I was previously just referring to it as my aware intelligence, but the way you drew distinction between the conscious, unconscious, and ghost are spot on and greatly helped my understanding. I’m curious if you could expand on the unconscious a little bit for me. I’m sure you’re aware of the distinction between the conscious/objective/deductive brain and the subconscious/subjective/inductive brain. That the subconscious brain expresses in the individual the dominant impression. Furthermore, my understanding of the universe at large, is that it is a subjective mind which expresses the dominant intention impressed upon it. My first instinct when I read your writings on the unconscious, was that you were referring to the subconscious of the individual, as the subconscious mind seemingly boasts the power which you speak of us humans having before the imposition/hindrance of a conscious individuality. As without consciousness we would have none of the self imposed limitations keeping us from creating whatever we desired within the universal subjective mind, even to the point of transitioning between dimensions. But if I remember correctly, you speak of our unconscious as being projected into us at birth from the Oversoul. My memory may be deceiving me in that portion. I understand I may be jumping the gun and may need to wait for your next body of work to truly understand, if that’s the case feel free to say so. My main question is, is the unconscious you speak of synonymous with the subconscious? If not, what distinctions would you draw between these?
Another question I was hoping to seek clarification on involves the Archon and Memetics. You may or may not be familiar with the book Reality Transurfing steps I-V. It is the most comprehensive guide to manifestation I have ever seen in book format, although the author was missing a major few key points which your work supplements impeccably. In the second chapter he begins by discussing what he refers to as Energy Pendulums. I was familiar with his work before yours and when I read Overcoming the Archon Through Alchemy I was struck at the near congruence between his take on Energy Pendulums and yours on Memetics. He goes into immense detail and I’ll save you most of them but here’s a few key points from his interpretation.
Does the Archon (and potentially other non-organic life in the vicinity) get a ‘piece of the pie’ every time we give up energy to these pendulums? In the book he went in to the many ways which these pendulums ‘pull our strings’ and get us to give them energy. Are energy pendulums the sole force through which the Archon controls humanity and carries out its intention?
Thanks a ton John, I’m about to dive back in to the rest of that book
In addition, the Vadim Zealand, the author of Reality Transurfing, says that the energy of a stilled pendulum becomes available to you. I can see this as being true as in when I disengage from a pendulum. I’m curious if the various IN polarity techniques can be used to turn the script and feed on these energy pendulums? Would you tune yourself to the frequency of a pendulum but instead of becoming emotional, just ‘consume’ energy?
I think that your questions about the subconscious and conscious are very good ones but they exemplify the biggest issues that I have with language and trying to describe these inner and energetic techniques using it.
When we say something like subconscious for example, we tend to quite naturally create an object in our minds, that is we partition off a certain internal knowing or feeling and we imbue that conglomeration of ideas not only with the characteristics that we feel or perceive, but also with the characteristics that we believe should be present. This is not all negative of course, it is quite simply the act of individuality and as you know this is most precious.
But in this respect for example, to separate something as subconscious and something else as unconscious can have consequences that are not always positive. When I was writing the book I spent a great deal of time contemplating the terms that I would use to explain different aspects of the total self. I went with unconscious, because of its relation to what we believe to be awake and individual and what we define as asleep and not aware of the separate self that is divided from all the things around it.
Whether you define it as, that is whether you term it, the subconscious or the unconscious, in the end it doesn’t matter so much. What really matters is that it gives you a way to find a relatively decent map that can allow you to move into yourself and see the partitions of your total self for yourself. As you will discover when you go into yourself using the techniques described in the book, the separations between the individual ghost and the unconscious (or the subconscious if you like) are not crystal clear, there is no boundary line to speak of, and for all intents and purposes one could say that there are no real separations between all aspects of the complete individuality. Now this sounds like a contradiction, and that is the way of alchemy fundamentally, and the challenge of the adept is to find a fine balance between the boundaries created by the individual, and the greater expanse that is the total self and then the complete individuality.
Terms don’t matter in other words, they are just a map that I hope will help you in your journeys, in your projections, but ultimately you will have to discover your own boundary lines, and the boundary lines imposed upon you, the many cubes, of the world at large.
In the past I have been made aware of the work of Vadim Zeland by another com mentor. I must say that I don’t really know very much about it, and I really do appreciate your description of it for me in your comment.
Being that I don’t know fundamentally what he is talking about, in the sense that I use my terms and my perceptions in order to speak about what I see directly, I can’t say for sure that he is talking about the same thing in all respects.
From my perspective only then, as I understand a little of what he is speaking about only, I can say that while the idea of pendulums seems to me to be a very good and very descriptive way of adding a kind of mechanic law to the predatory nature of reality, there are certain things that differ from my perspective and my direct perceptions.
As such, I would not say that energy pendulums are the sole force through which the Archon controls us, in the same way that I could not say that memmetics is the sole way in which the Archon controls. Remember that in trying to describe the way of the Archon as it were, through the use of memmetics, I was trying to use rational terms to describe something that is utterly irrational in the sense that it is something that is far beyond the minuscule logic of rationality and the great limit of its accepted sensual possibilities.
On that note then, the force that is the Archon, and it’s great power as it feeds on humanity, are essentially energetic. That means that they occupy and act through a medium of action that cannot be described using rational terms. In my opinion only then, using such simple terms as memmetics or pendulums is not ultimately enough. And it is further my belief that the only way that you will really discover how it is that the Archon influences and feeds off of humanity, is through the development of your own skills.
These are very good questions Riley and I do hope that you enjoy the rest of the book and that it answers the questions that you were asking here in better detail.
Hello John!
I’m finding some intriguing parallels between The Magnum Opus and The Way of The Projectionist. Of course they are parallels. But I’ve thought of a particularly powerful combination and I was wondering if you may shed some insight to confirm/deny my intuitions. I’m finding the 2nd level of energetic containment (melatonin to clear thoughts) particularly useful for traversing the first room. As such I am close to the second, but I don’t want to rush it. I’m currently doing re-absorption sessions between 2-3 times a week. I’m wondering if when one becomes an adept projectionist, say, we have passed the third room but not quite entered the fourth, would it be possible to turn my re-absorption sessions into projectionist sessions? Of course any mental movement is of course a projection. So I am already projecting to re-absorb in a sense. But I find the possibility of 2 things most intriguing. Time dilation and remembering. See, my memory is not perfect (I’m not sure if anyone’s is). When I become an adept projectionist, would it be plausible / effective to project back to my moment of birth, and begin absorbing energy loss from that point, letting the memory play out, until I reached the present moment? This is where time dilation seems particularly useful. I don’t expect to get it all in one session by any means. But say I was able to do a month per projection, would that work? Seems like it would be exponentially more effective than a typical re-absorption session. Can I hear your thoughts on this? Thank you! I appreciate you!
And if I’m correct, would it be necessary to take the first person perspective or could I simply observe and absorb from that perspective?
I am very glad to know you are progressing quickly Robert and as you mentioned, the ability to use the VOID aspect of the formula in all levels of the projectionists journey is essential.
I think that you have quite naturally come upon a point where the techniques discussed in the Magnum Opus coincide/unite with the Way of the Protectionist. As you note also, being that one in the end involves the other, the ability to project can greatly enhance your ability to reabsorb past energetic loss.
But, as you do become a more adept projectionist many of the questions that you now have will be answered through your own experience.
For example, while it is indeed possible to use your projectionist techniques to go very far back in your life, these projections will also allow you to perceive what could be referred to as alternate life events, that while non-existent in accordance to your memory of past events, nevertheless can play a significant role in your present situation. These alternate events can also lead to what could be referred to as simultaneous reincarnational events, and this is all a very complex subject that I promised to go into in more detail in the final book in this trilogy. But from the point of view of an adept, as they progress through the rooms of the projectionist and as they involve themselves in the reabsorption of the wounds in their energetic totality, these alternate realities become known to them.
Let me give you an example, let’s say that as you use your projectionist techniques to travel back to very early time in your past, you begin to reabsorb and begin to follow the track of your life into what you refer to as the present moment. But as you do so, you discover for example that you seem to go into a dream like alternate place, because instead of becoming the person that you are now, you instead follow a track of events that lead you to experience a life or a set of events that are completely different from ‘reality’. Now, you might believe that your projections while valid in some sense, are not valid when it comes to reabsorption, because even though you were consciously transported to what could be referred to another dimensional reality, this reality has nothing to do with what you consider to be factual history and therefore any absorption that you did there, you would imagine, must not count?
Well, the thing is that these alternate places often times do count because they do indeed represent events that do hold parts of ourselves, parts of our energy, and as such, as a projectionist grows in power they greatly expand their concepts of who they are, how big they really are on the inside. And because of this, they greatly expand as well the kinds of energy available to them, in the amount of energy they can tap into and reabsorb…which then greatly increases their power even more. Etc.
I hope you can understand what I’m trying to tell you here, there’s great nuance but this nuance is not something that is beyond you. It just requires that you grow in your projectionist abilities, which will quite naturally expand your intellect and your ability to see beyond the borders of who you thought you had been up till now.
Continue as you have been, you are making great progress. As to whether to change your sessions from a projectionist session to a reabsorption one, follow your natural instincts and intuitions that tell you to unite them. But do note that in order to do so you will need to increase your ability as a projectionist, which will naturally coincide with your ability to absorb and contain energy. A seeming Catch-22, I know, but the idea that anything is linear, or that the extent of your life is whatever followed some trajectory course from a beginning to an end, is the real illusion in all of life.
Again in 1st or 3rd person, I would advise you follow your feelings. Generally 3rd person is better when something is too emotionally difficult, but 1st has the potential to allow you to feel more (all the forgotten nuances) and therefore reabsorb more.
Wow, I must thank you John. That answer both satisfied my question and instilled in me an even greater desire to progress. This work truly is incredible. Truly incredible.
Hi John,
I’m really enjoying the Way of the Projectionist so far, though I’m just at the beginning of studying it. While the energetic containment and absorption/re-absorption side of things is something I’m accomplished in via previous training and a natural talent with it, in this material I find I’m struggling. For context in case it helps, my path has involved an exploration of Vinyasa Yoga, and related philosophy, Chinese Internal martial arts with Baguazhang as my main focus, and a body of teachings known as the Toltec Legacy. In case it’s relevant, my path also involved psychedelic experimentation while a teenager/young adult (over 20 years ago was the last time) and self medication with cannabis which kept me from self destruction at a young age, but I only freed myself of the resulting psychological and emotional dependency this calendar year. I’m 47 for context.
The struggle that I have is I experience my inner world in an almost completely non-visual way while awake. Everything is very kinaesthetic for me and non-language based conceptual if that makes any sense. I can maintain a focused attention on proprioceptive awareness quite easily for long periods when doing Standing mediation work so know I have ability to focus my attention. Dreaming while asleep over the last 10 years almost never happened, but recently with the waking up of energy around the heart area I’ve been experiencing while working with the energy awareness that I shared in the Magnum Opus QA, I’ve been dreaming almost nightly, but the dreams are a mix of regular dreams that have focused story lines and images, and semi-lucid states where my waking awareness with memories intact interacts with characters in the dream and processes things about the dream. These dreams have imagery in them, but the visual impact is never vibrant or detailed, and feels like a description sometimes in non-verbal language more than actual imagery.
I was told by a previous guide in the Toltec system i studied, which is not associated with Mexican lineages or Carlos Castenada’s material at all, that I have an underdeveloped visual imagination. This same teacher, and another who combines Toltec premises with advanced Daoist Alchemy techniques both teach fear and caution about accessing the second attention due to risks of energetic possession or having ones energy waylaid, which sounds different to me than just losing energy to a feeding inorganic predator. I believe I harbour fear from this information, and my younger sister had encounters like this due to psychedelic use and exists in a broken state that may support this idea in reality or just in my mind. I never experienced anything like that myself back in my days of experimenting. When working with your techniques so far from other books, which is all preliminary as I only found you recently, I found barriers to ideas such as defending oneself using the IN polarity because I doubt whether I would be aware enough of a harmful presence to apply the techniques.
The main barrier I have is the inability to create visual impact with my eyes closed. A blue square has proven beyond my ability so far, even if looking at one before closing my eyes. From the Toltec Legacy material, an approach to the Second World is given, which i am describing for context, by learning to induce complete relaxation while awake by programming a sub-conscious response to the state after achieving it through physical relaxation. I have this conditioned reflex built and when attempting the exercises after invoking it, the next step is to visualize a yellow rose which is a symbol of great importance in that lineage. A following step is to then find what’s called your dreaming colour, but one should wait until the rose is formed first as this takes attention far into the Left side(2nd world) and helps generate the energy needed to succeed at finding the colour. The colour idea is similar to esoteric ideas to do with the 7 rays with a goal of knowing better what your higher self functions like based on such differences. When I attempted this recently after trouble with even a blue square, I can’t form a rose image at all, sustained relaxed effort always turns into describing it rather than seeing it, but a yellow blob would appear with the right balance of effort and relaxation, but it would then disappear and be replaced by the beginning of the colour phenomenon(just a solid colour of particular shade, no detail). For context, I can stop the internal dialogue through will alone, so don’t suffer from mental interference when trying to visualize, the effort to visualize just becomes descriptive at a certain point. This happened with Blue Square efforts as well. I’ll share one last thing about me, which is that I experience myself being able to know things I can’t possibly know, when I speak out loud in the state cause by having the Internal Dialogue turned off. I’ve spent 18 years verifying that I’m not imagining things as this has happened to some degree my whole life, and I have powerful impacts on people when doing this in as pure a state as I can imagine, which I recognize currently as being VOID state related after studying your other material. Stopping the Internal Dialogue from the way I learned it is used to avoid repeating habitual behaviours that stem from dysfunctional emotional patterns and overuse of rationalization related to re-absorption work, and not the suppression of mind in general. The relevance to my inquiry is that I’ve been lead to understand that speaking in such ways involves accessing the 2nd world in a different way so it feels relevant.
If you can offer any guidance, I’d appreciate it.
Thank you very much for sharing this detailed information Derek, I think it vividly shows the many paths available to all of us seeking enlightenment and movement beyond the cube. In my book, I have always made great effort to work with energy in as a direct manner as possible and to always provide in that sense, alternatives or perhaps it would be better to say, the fundamental principles behind a great deal of the work that is being done when it comes to internal action.
From my perspective only then, please note that this is my opinion only and should be taken as such, I can see by your past experience why you may have done very well in the systems that you have studied, and why it might be the case that you or others might think that your visual visualization/imagination is underdeveloped. My opinion is that indeed you should try to round your abilities as much as possible if you can and if you want to. But, I think that the reliance on trying to visually work with energy is not in all circumstances a correct one. For example, when I ask you to imagine the blue square, I also mentioned that reliance on visual visualization is not necessary in accordance to the techniques I discuss unless you personally believe it to be so.
Taking the blue square as an example, instead of trying to visualize the image of a blue square you can instead for example try to ‘feel a square’. As you move internally, there is no need to see anything if you are having trouble in this area, instead what you can do is project your attention forward and try to feel a square; imagine that you are extending a part of yourself and you are touching a sculpture that is shaped like a square. In time this will become easy for you, and I would suspect that this will be very easy for you because of the great experience that you have. You can then move on to trying to see/feel a cube. Now, when you feel that you are very good at this and you can easily feel this internal sculpture, I want you to contemplate what blue, the color, would feel like. Is it possible for the color blue to have a feeling?
Answer that question when you can. I know my answer, I know my abilities from experience. Have you heard of synesthesia? Explore all of these ideas and most importantly explore what you feel the color blue would feel like. Once you have internalized these answers and come to a personal conclusion, try to feel blue; try to feel a blue square.
I cannot speak about what other schools of thought might think about any one thing. As I stated over and over in my books, my personal belief is that everything in the end is dogma and the only way to find the real truth for yourself is to experience in a direct energetic manner. As such then, my personal experience has shown me that if you follow a systematic approach like the ones that I show in my latest book, the Way of the Projectionist, this orderly approach will not allow you to lose energy or to become dependent in anyway because you are slowly building the tools you need in order to manipulate internally. Any loss or waywardness becomes essentially a personal eccentricity or choice because there is no other way to proceed in accordance to how I have outlined these techniques than to take personal responsibility for all of the actions that you make in your internal work. Finally, I would say that while stopping internal dialogue is certainly a very large facet of the VOID polarity, there is actually far more to it than this and my personal opinion again, is that it is better to work with this polarity directly than to just approach it as one single technique or action.
I hope that this helps. Remember; sight (the act of seeing or imagining that you are seeing internally) is an illusion; you cannot have eyes while you are inside. To say that you feel the square, the color blue, or a room is as valid as saying that you see one. The only limits to what you can do internally are the ones that you impose on yourself.
Thank you John, this is really helpful and resonates already. I met a very powerful woman in the last couple of days who is also big on functioning beyond dogma so I’m getting this from a couple of directions. The Toltec body of knowledge I studied did at one point 17 years ago function as a lifeline to my sanity and my identity so I think I have baggage related to this to dismantle. In talking to this woman about the material I’m recognizing the author was up on a pedestal and had a place of infallibility in my mind, and I didn’t even question it when I was told that some part of me was impaired until recently. None of the genuine help I got from him is affected by this truth, though I recognize some fear of that behind all this for me. I’m really impressed with The Way of the Projectionist so far, your books for me are the best I’ve seen on the subject.
Thanks again.
Hello once again John
I recently finished reading Castanenda’s Tales of Power. It’s the only book of his I’ve read but I must say I’ll be going back for more. I noticed that at one point Don Juan advised him that “Power Plants,” cause untold damage to the body. He also mentions the same thing about the devils weed, which I assume may be a reference to m######? Now, I must say that I’m not a frequent user of any substance, and of course I only partake in locations where they are legal. I would just love to hear your knowledge on this. Because while every month or two I might smoke a joint, and maybe 1-3 times a year I might consume some power plants (I’ve been looking forward to an Ayahuasca retreat in Costa Rica barring this quarantine), I don’t want to jeopardize my ability to complete the great work by any means. These are things I enjoy and I find they bring value to my life but my priorities are first and foremost on this “work.” Thank you!
My feelings on this I think are similar to what you may have read already from the book. I feel that such substances are very good for opening the barrier, that is allowing one to see beyond the walls that imprison us, but after the realization that such walls do truly exist and that indeed there is another place(s) beyond it, there is a great need to leave such things (such aids) behind because they can indeed create energetic alterations in the body that are not always beneficial.
Once the walls become a reality, then all real work can begin in vigor but such work should be done in a substance free manner. Again, this is my opinion and I do not mean to demean anyone who has a tradition that follows a different path from mine.
Thanks for the heads up, very much appreciated!
Dear John,
Thank you very much for releasing the book.
I have a few questions that have been haunting me for a really long time.
1. What happens after we die ?
2. How is it that some people have memories of their previous lives ? This indicates that there is a reincarnation cycle going on like you have told in your book and our main goal of the human life should be to get rid of it.
3. Does the term ‘humanity’ refer to just one being that has been split up into billions by the archon ?
4. Finally, where does this fallen angel stuff fit in all of this ? From my personal experience, if I ask certain spirits for help, they give me exactly what I ask them for. What is in it for them ? The books that explain about the methods to contact other spirits say that it is their duty to give us what we ask them, but I don’t quite buy it.
I understand I asked a few questions away from the topic, and it is ok if you don’t want to answer them. But I am just curious about this stuff.
By the way I have read the book and I am on the 7th chapter doing the first room exercise(closing the eyes and noting in the journal). It’s just awesome. 🙂
Thank you
I am happy that you were able to find this page Vignesh:)
These are very good questions and I will let you know that I do plan to address much of this if not all of it in the last book of this trilogy. For that reason these answers may not seem completely satisfactory but please to realize that I have a good reason for this being that in order to answer them properly, I will need to write down a great deal of fundamental information that is only possible in large course book format. For now though, I will try to do my best to answer these. My only problem in answering them is that there’s so much to say on the subject, so much preliminary work and information, that I will need to keep it simple for now.
1. The third book in the trilogy will deal with this topic in very specific and descriptive detail. For now, what I can say is that the three personalities (the conscious self, the unconscious, the ghost in the machine) go through different experiences during this after physical death time, and this is critical in understanding the complete life and death cycle and the process of immortality.
2. As to what happens with reincarnation, well, it all has to do with how these three different selves ‘get processed’ as it were, when physical death happens. And it also involves a greater entity that I lightly touch upon in this last book in the series, which I do refer to as a greater entity or oversoul for a lack of better term at this time.
This reincarnational process is actually such a complex topic, having to do with the idea of sequential time (which as I have mentioned on many occasions is an illusion) that it is most difficult, without a great deal of back information, to describe what this process is all about.
Yes, reincarnation is indeed a reality, as are probable dimensions for example, but the idea of one life lived before another, that individuality is maintained in the way many people think it is, or the idea of karmic consequence, is something that is not properly understood by many, I feel, at the moment. And again, I do plan to go into this; time, individuality, and karmic understanding in far greater detail in that last book.
3. The answer to this third question is hard to answer in a yes or no manner again because the real truth to this is in the fine detail. The answer to this could be said to be yes and no, let me try to explain: since the Archon is the one that provided us with our current idea of individuality, then who we were before the Archon came along was indeed something that did resemble more of a holistic cloud like entity as opposed to individual pieces, but the complexities of the unconscious are incredibly profound and indeed there was a kind of individuality to be found there without the Archon, it just had a complexity that was beyond modern understanding and it lacked the distinctiveness that we now consider to be so important when it comes to individuality.
4. You are correct in saying that there’s more to this than saying that such entities have a ‘duty’ to do what people say. If, when contacting and using such power, a person is indeed in contact with separate and individual non organic beings, then they can be assured that none of these entities do things for nothing, they are all interested in energy, and human beings provide that energy for them in one way or another.
Now, some of these entities are actually large thought forms that do require a kind of attention and adoration; this is the energy that they require. Other entities can be said to be true non organic beings, and such beings usually require some kind of expenditure of energy either in the form of sacrifice, concentration through some kind of ritual or prayer, or ecstatic adulation of one kind or another. In all cases, there is some worry because these beings are wild in a way, and can decide, indeed are usually actively seeking, better ways to satisfy their energy requirements, which can lead to some difficult situations at times.
I hope that this helps, of great importance here is the fact that sequential time, linear time, is to a great degree an illusion and the fact that the person that most people think themselves to be is far more complex, and as such death, and what happens after it, is a far more complex process than is currently believed by some.
Thank you for your answer John. It cleared a lot of my doubts. Waiting eagerly for your third book. Best wishes 🙂
In your book, you mention that if someone’s projection to another dimension is deep enough, they can completely phase out of physical reality. What becomes of the physical body in this scenario? Is it destroyed? If so, would the projectionist be dead from the physical point of view? How would this affect their attempts of going beyond the Third Room and onto the Fourth and Fifth?
This is a complex question and a good one that has many subtle nuances.
I can start by saying that if a person is able to, through either ability or external influence, to go very deeply into another dimension, they will quite simply phase out of this physical world (they will seem to disappear). There are many different scenarios possible where a person could die simply, but it is also the case (most often the case I would say) that such a person would simply just phase out of this dimension physically but not die in classic terms; they would continue to exist for a varying period of time in another dimension.
Now this is my personal opinion, my seeing, and it should be taken of such, but if you would really like to know about such mysteries, I would honestly recommend something like the work done by David Paulides and the 411 material that he’s put out. He for example, talks a great deal about disappearances that are very difficult to explain and it is my personal opinion that many of these cases that he discusses are indeed people that have phased out of this dimension. Indeed you can find a great deal of evidence to show that there are many people that seem disappear without a trace, and incredibly that there are even instances of people seemingly traveling through time in accidental fashion. Many such occurrences, in my opinion, are the result of people that have found themselves experiencing such accidental movements across dimensions.
As to whether such a thing would affect movement across other rooms; well, if it is accidental or the cause of some kind of external influence, then such movement across dimensions is unfortunately most likely fatal in the long or short term. But if such movement is the result of skillful manipulation, then such a person, completely dependent on their energy level and skill, can still have a chance in some instances to keep developing their skill as a projectionist. Again, there are many nuances here and each can result in a different possibility.
Thanks for the reply, John. I appreciate it. I will definitely look into the material of David Paulides. A follow up question for is this: if this were to happen to a skilled practitioner, would they be able to return to the physical realm? Would their physical being be the same as it was before, or would it be altered in some way due to being elsewhere? I assume (incorrectly, perhaps) that it would be very energetically draining to do so.
Yes you are quite correct it would be very energetically draining and that is the biggest reason why most people just don’t come back, even when they happen to be good projectionist is that sometimes the gravity of another place just won’t let them go and they don’t have the energy to break free.
As to how they would be changed, that really depends on where they go. There are an infinity of dimensions and each one is different and has different effects upon the traveler. From our point of view some of these other worlds move very quickly for example, while others move much slower. So one specific effect for example, can be that the traveler that disappears and then comes back to this dimension could have aged even though they have not been gone for long from our perspective, or vice versa they may seem to have not aged at all even though from our perspective they were gone for a very long time.
Hello John,
have now also translated to german for me, and read your book “The Way of the Projectionist”, and I am infinitely grateful to you for the many insights that you share with us! I now understand a lot a little better and my intuition and my meditative immersion in the whole has already given me a little bit more of “knowledge”, certainly not to the same extent as you, but I am always happy when I catch another “pearl”.
My questions are mainly about how it is possibly best to manage to “practice” in order to achieve better progress? Can one concentrate only on this “path of projection”, or should one have first worked up to a certain chapter of the Magnum Opus and then continue with the “path of the projectionist”, or another form: to begin with both works at the same time, So “work” with both of them from the first chapter?
I know, very strange questions, I don’t want to lose any time and, on the other hand, don’t want to overwhelm myself.
Thank you in advance for your answer!
Greetings from Vienna, Manny
Hi Manny,
Generally speaking, these practices can and should have an organic quality. What I mean by this is that you should alternate between different techniques in accordance with your personal intuition and not so much a regimented step by step procedural system per se.
Both the techniques covered in the Magnum Opus and the way of the Projectionist should work together towards getting farther and farther through the rooms of the projectionist, which in turn will allow you to become more and more adept at the techniques (the absorption and containment techniques) mentioned in the magnum opus.
You need energy to become a better projections and in turn the better that you become as a projectionist, the easier it will be to perform the energetic techniques mentioned in the magnum opus.
My suggestion to you is to see how far you can get in the rooms, and as you hit a limit in your attention, in your ability to travel far into other dimensions and stay there for extended periods of time, you should use that as an indicator that you need to absorb and re-absorb more energy, and that you need more energetic containment in general.
It should all become an organic process like this, where you will be able to take charge of your own destiny through the techniques that are now more and more familiar to you.
Thank you very much for your answer, John, this really helps me a lot! I am already looking forward to your next book from this “trilogy” being published!
You´r´s Manny
Hello John, I hope you are doing well. This question is one for friend. A few years back he brought it to my attention that he suffers from night terrors, in particular one recurring scene. I can go into detail, but assuming that isn’t necessary, it’s sufficient to say that it causes him a great deal of anxiety and turmoil, to the point of insomnia. We hadn’t discussed this recently, and he isn’t familiar with your work (yet*, I plan on procuring him a few books)- but this morning he mentioned he was still frequently undergoing these, and I for the first time saw a potential intersection where I might be able to help based on studies and practices I have learned from your work. This friend is no stranger to the metaphysical, but I would not say he necessarily practices anything himself. While I have a basic, may I say adept understanding and proficiency with the concepts and techniques you present, I wasn’t able to intuit or perceive the underlying energetic action that’s occurring during his sleep. I’ve thought about what I can present that will ease his burden, and a couple things come to mind. The first being (re?)absorption of the whole scene. The second being transformation into a personal utopia, in a similar fashion to what one does when crossing the fifth room of the projectionist. The third being energetic containment. I don’t want to overwhelm him, but I want to give him something effective. I’m sure he has enough desire to follow through, and I will also describe effortless action to him. Do you have any idea on what is happening, and in turn what an effective course of action would be?
As an aside- this is not something from our ‘reality’ that he is reliving. In other words, it’s not a memory.
I am not a specialist of any kind so I can’t give any kind of advice on individual psychological issues as you know. But how I have been personally able to deal with even the most difficult night terrors, is to use absorption and I have found that this is the most powerful way to deal with such issues.
The obvious obstacle to using this technique though is the fact that you need to be conscious in the dream condition to be able to do this. A person could, if they are not able to dream lucidly, give themselves suggestions right before bedtime that they will wake up and perform this technique. This type of thing can be most effective.
But before you can do this, it is also a good idea to make sure that you become very good at using absorption. That way when you are able to wake up during one of these bouts of night terror, you can automatically engage this technique without much conscious forethought.
If it is something from my past that keeps intruding into my present moment, then the best technique to use is re-absorption, as this will nullify the power of such dream-time recall. But if it is a powerful situation that has built its own inner vitality, powerful enough to invade the dream condition, then I would have to do dream absorption as I mentioned first and re-absorption; both working together.
Thank you very much John, I will get in touch with him and see what we can do 🙂
Hello John, I hope all is well with you and your travels. I would just like to offer my sincere gratitude and appreciation. You see, I have had a couple of rough years. Sounds kind of silly coming from a 20 year old, I know. But it is true. Growing up I was always different. Looking back now I can tell you that I had quite naturally practiced many of the techniques you write about in your books. Even feeding on and transmuting Archonic intent! I’m sure there are many factors which caused this, from my environment to whatever else. Yet I have a hunch that a major piece of it came down to my sincere and unwavering desire to have an open mind, and to make people feel accepted.
Somewhere along the line, I lost that magic. I became a prisoner to “my” mind. And the absolute worst part was, I had no idea why. I couldn’t articulate what I had lost. I just knew that I was missing something. I yearned for the days where I wasn’t such a mental train wreck. For the days where I seemed to flow and integrate so naturally with my environment, where the days desires seemed to always be within arms reach. Where I wasn’t so irritable, filled with so much hate and shame. Of course life was not perfect before. Yet, just before my “fall” I had a few days of absolute, I didn’t know what. The one time I tried to describe it to a friend, was by saying that I was totally aware of all the energy within and without, and that I had total, effortless control over it.
But then I crashed and burned, and all I wanted to do was return to that state. The last 2 years have been up and down and although I’ve had a few fleeting moments of expanded awareness, it was nothing like what I had experienced and yearned for. That was until this past week. I received a piece of advice, granted through a generic video online, but it really struck a chord in me. It was Tom Bilyeu, co founder of quest nutrition, ceo of impact theory, just an amazing fellow. He said something to the sum of- don’t do anything self deprecating. It doesn’t help you one bit. It doesn’t matter what happened or is happening, being too hard on yourself will only exacerbate the problem.
It sounds so simple and obvious but I realized how much I had been pushing myself and how burnt out I was. How I held myself to such high standards and I would beat myself up when I would inevitably not reach them. It was cyclical and constant, every moment of every day there would be that voice in my head saying I’m not enough, I’m not working hard enough. I said I’m done. I really took what he said to heart. And it was like magic. Suddenly, I was actually taking action. I was doing all the stuff I knew I should be doing, stuff I actually wanted to do! But before I was stuck in the script of “should do” instead of following my desire.
That evening I set an alarm and 5 hours later I was up. Energetic containment level 2. That whole day I was simply absorbing all the energy I was putting off. At the time I honestly thought that I was doing energetic containment but I now see that while in one sense it was containment, in the other it was feeding on the archon. Anytime I would lose the sensation I’d just pretend there was a cup in front of me. The next day same thing in the morning, but this time I realized what I was doing with the absorption, and I spent the day honing that even further as I went on with my normal tasks. This whole time simply doing what I desired. There were a few questions I had but I had the resolve to have fun and experiment and see what I found, and they naturally resolved themself.
It was around the third day it hit me. I had the most stunning and amazing realization. It was actually a series of revelations. The first being the contrast between the thought of doing, and doing. I had experienced prolonged moments of pure emptiness, no thought, and I was able to execute the energetic techniques with a whole new level of proficiency. Before, I would experience an energetic flare then think “I need to absorb this.” I can hardly describe what happens now, beyond saying that when i experience a flare, i absorb without the thought of it happening. It is so much clearer. This is where it got really crazy. My memory was getting clearer and more pronounced, I was able to pull back the curtain into the time before my “fall,” and see what I mentioned earlier. I saw the fact that I had quite naturally trained myself in so much of what you teach. Inner feeling sense, desire as action, energetic absorption, transmutation, etc etc etc. And the “bow on the present” was realizing what had happened all along. I had completely distorted your teachings, your techniques. The conscious mind had grabbed ahold of them and turned them into memetic scripts. It’s almost embarrassing to say. Yet, before I was aware of them, I naturally engaged. Of course it was unconscious, and the conscious self still had much sway. It was when I began to truly drop my “should,” drop the importance, and lean into both desire as action and effortless action, that I regained that which I had been looking for all along.
It’s absolutely beautiful. For the first time in almost 2 years I feel true peace. I see now that it was quite literally the power of attention which I had lost. My attention had been downgraded due to intense emotional events and circumstances which had me in sort of a hamster wheel. The best part- I didn’t return to that state I had lost. I far surpassed it because now I got there consciously. I have reached a new level of understanding in this art. It’s just clicking. All of it. And what I don’t currently understand I know that I will in due time.
As you have said, it doesn’t matter whether we succeed or fail, all that matters is we try. If we don’t, there will always be a door somewhere that we know we have turned our back on. Thank you John, for showing me that door.
Thank you very much for your comment Reiley. I really appreciate your honesty and I can honestly tell you that there will be many people that will benefit from what you wrote, because in your efforts, which are all our efforts as humans, you show the way to others.
I am so glad that you are finding yourself, your true self, and it is my sincere hope that in time your attention can take you across infinity!
I appreciate you sharing that sentiment John. Building on the original comment where I said “I can hardly describe what happens now,” I can now see that what is happening is a balancing act, a fluidity between the polarities. That I void any present energetic loss, and then instantly ‘remember’ or project back to the previous moment and absorb the energy there, whether it be mine or others. My question to you is, when you are in “energy absorption mode,” what is your typical course of action during the out breath? Currently, I will harness the natural movement to either pack my cauldron, or to circulate the energy throughout my body. This is of course when I am not using desire as action, when I am simply absorbing energy. Do you have any tips, is there anything more I could do with that breath cycle? To build onto that, what benefits do you perceive by circulating energy throughout the entirety of the body, in contrast to simply packing it into the cauldron? As I said, it is a balancing act. One that is becoming quite powerful and natural, where as often as I remember, as long as I’m aware of myself, I am engaged in it. How easily I used to, and still sometimes do, forget what I know! And the difference in perspective when re-reading your work is immense. It is clear to me you took the time to describe much of the nuance that one will experience while along the path, yet you did it in a way that does not turn off or overwhelm the novice. Thank you again.
I would say that circulating is very important because it helps to increase the flow within your system. When and if you have large energy surges, such as the one described during kundalini experience for example, your energy flow, and the fact that you hopefully have your tongue on the roof of your mouth, will allow your system to withstand this strain and evolve from it as opposed to have typical kundalini meltdown, as is reported by some (actually many novice) practitioners.
Thanks for your kind words Reily and it was indeed my hope to pack more information than some may suspect into my books.
Hi John,
I have started the exercises in your book again. I reached the 7th chapter before but gave up as I found it too complex. But I don’t know why, I got a deep longing within me so I started it again.
My question was – Is there some way to utilise the time I spend before falling asleep at night? I usually take about an hour to fall asleep and feel like I could really use it to practice Projectionist techniques.
I don’t absorb energy at that time because you have said in another book of yours that we will have difficulty sleeping if we absorbed energy at night.
There many exercises that you can do, but yes most of these may make it hard for you to fall asleep as the focus required may liven your energy level.
Perhaps the best exercise for your current practice, and one that may even be conducive to help you sleep, is to just pay attention to your thoughts; that is try to notice every single thought that you have as they naturally free-flow through your mind. Don’t push it just lightly focus on this. And once you can follow these well enough, allow that flow to move you across space and time.
Hi John,
I have been reading your books (overcoming the archon through alchemy, vampire’s way and the magnum opus).
But have not made any progress on the course exercises yet.
I am very concerned about what’s all going on around the world these days. With all the lockdowns, movement restrictions, forced vaccinations and the upcoming cyber attacks and power shutdowns, picture looks very dark. I feel like there is no longer any time left and its all over before the upcoming total enslavement and singularity.
I wish I had like 5 more years.
Can the magnum opus and the projectionist course be of any help or not? Or considering my lack of progress, is it a case of too little too late?
I am at a total loss of direction and hope! Can you shed some light through your advancements on whether is it going to be actually that bad or not? What should I do in either case.
Can you maybe give any year or some timeline about all of this?
Maybe I should be more mentally strong but it all seems over especially with the huge amount of blissfully ignorant people whose lack of real picture is what has caused all of this in the first place.
What should be the best course of action for me? Can you suggest anything that may help me or anyone else in my situation I.e. Those who are NOT blissfully ignorant but are lacking in any sense of solution or the direction that they should move in?
My questions may sound stupid, there’s definitely a lot that I don’t know but still please try to reply as best as you can.
Many Thanks and Regards,
Your questions are not stupid at all Arjun.
While it is the case that things do look quite bleak at the moment, I think it is always important to realize that all of human history has had its great deal of tragedy. What I’m trying to say is that our parents, grandparents, and all our forefathers and mothers, had to go through a great deal of what seemed to be an end time like reality. They have all faced suffering and obliteration in some way.
Within, around, and separated from these difficult circumstances, there are also points and places where great joy is found. The trick is always to realize that much of this negativity is not really existent but that most of it is propaganda, that often times is meant to lead us, to commend us, in a certain direction…control.
In order to counter this force, I would recommend that you follow the techniques in the books that you have as these two books do show you how to deal with his negativity.
In the one book for example, Overcoming the Archon through Alchemy, I provide general methodology to deal with all this, a kind of Tai Chi like approach to dealing with the world at large.
Quite simply you absorb this, and you project that. The idea then is to absorb all of that negativity and to then project, using that negativity that you now have absorbed as your power, all of those things that you want in the world and in your life.
These techniques do not require that you become a master overnight, and indeed you should not worry about such things as the world is not ending, it is just always being presented that way.
The world is continually changing, it will continue to change this is a fact of physical existence. But be confident in the fact that you will adapt and that humanity will adapt and change, just like a flower might work its way around and eventually push itself through concrete in order to thrive.
Use those techniques that you now know of, focus your attention, your unrelenting attention, into this mode of inner action, and before you know it you will be astounded by the progress that you have made.
Thanks for the quick response John!
Also many thanks for the broader perspective in your answer about the ancestors also facing the similar seemingly end time like realities which have proven to be false superstition.
After reading your positive but pragmatic words, I feel reassured in my resolve to cross the stage of “escaping the matrix”.
Yes, your books only introduced me with a clear methodology of achieving the same.
Looking forward to getting your projectionist and the third yet unnamed title of the trilogy.
Reflecting on your response I do realize that only change is constant and inevitable and it fills me with hope as I have the methodology thorough your magnum opus and overcoming the archon books.
(I placed my question in the projectionist q&a section as I thought that you would most likely to notice it in the section of your latest book)
Only doubt was the time remaining before the coming singularly.
Thanks and Regards,
Hi John,
I have been doing the first room exercise daily for 20mins without fail since the start of December. I have got to the point where I can concentrate on the blank wall for 5 mins without any problem and spend the rest of the time in the white room till my 20 mins are over.
The problem I am facing now is that it is tough to move around in this room as there are no references 🙁 For example, I can vividly imagine moving around in a grassland, but doing the same in the white room is tricky.
Another thing I noticed is all these weird shapes in front of my eyelids when they are closed. I try imagining being in the white room, but then there are all these wierd shapes that come before my eyes. Am I supposed to ignore them and force the white room to appear in front of me again?
Also, am I ready to move on to the second room? Kindly guide me.
Instead of seeing a white room, try to visualize a darker room, one perhaps, as I said in the book, like the one that 11 goes to in Stranger Things; this is probably one of the best examples that I can think of of this First Room. See if it becomes easier to move and to distinguish yourself from the room in that space. Any work in this regard will be helpful in the end because it will also help to solidify your double.
The shapes that you are seeing are actually quite important, and you should not try to vanish them but just try to ignore them for now if you can. Those shapes can and will manifest themselves, solidify in your room, if you focus your attention on them and then they will turn into portals, and these portals are very important because they are what will get you from one dimensional place to another. But as I said, for now try to ignore them until you become more stable in this first room.
Hi John,
Sorry for posting in the wrong page, i.e Magnum Opus Q & A ( I was on mobile ). Okay I will try imagining black room from now. I managed to solve the reference point problem by imagining a gate or entrance to my room. It’s similar to the hyperbolic time chamber entrance shown in the anime Dragon Ball Z where Goku goes to train. So now I am able to fly and move around and I will look at the gate for reference.
Another problem I was facing was that I got kinda bored simply standing in the room. I can see my body clearly, so I just manifested a basketball and a hoop and was playing around till my timer rang.
I also wanted to ask when does the imagining part turn into the hyper reality feeling you talk about in your book ? It’s pretty easy for me to just close my eyes and imagine doing whatever I want vividly for more than 5-10 mins now. But I want touch and feel stuff.
I am glad you are sticking to it.
As far as the increase in realness from the things that you experience, this all has to do with intensity of focus. For example, you say that you get bored so you play basketball. When you are doing this how focused are you on this event?
Can you really feel that ball in your hands, every bump and every groove of that ball?
If you put that ball to your face can you smell it? Can you feel the weight of it?
When you throw the ball, can you feel gravity pulling down on you and letting it go at just the right moment, so that you’re guaranteed to get three points?
The intensity of the focus therefore makes such sensual perceptions possible and as this focus is prolonged, your awareness is naturally propelled more and more into these locations and begins to forget physical reality. The reality that you seek therefore is to be found in intensity, and while it might be okay to do something for five or 10 minutes in a relaxed manner, what you’re really after is greater and greater focus not just finishing a workout routine.
Hello John! I simply wish to send over a personal note of gratitude. I can imagine quite clearly some of the tribulations you went through as an aspiring alchemist/projectionist. For I have been progressing. Yet, without your guidance I don’t know how far I would have came. I don’t think it would border anything close to my current aptitude. Which gives me a sense of awe when I reflect on what you may have experienced in your early days. It could not have been easy. Even when I think on how we both arrived at this knowledge through the sheer force of our desire, I do not imagine that you received as thorough an explanation as I did.
I find it a little funny and a little miraculous that when I first started reading your catalogue (beginning with the magnum opus), I didn’t go in with the expectation of finding anything special. I scrounged around for every piece of info I could on the “supernatural,” and yours were just a drop in the bucket. When I first read about the archon, I quite honestly dismissed you as simple minded. I don’t know if you will find that humorous or disheartening, and I hope it is the former. Truly, as I dug in (slowly but surely), the veracity of what you speak on needs no third party to verify. As my memory improves, I see that you have shown me the path to fulfill not only those desires I was conscious of, but those I couldn’t articulate and those I wasn’t even aware of. You helped me take this jumbled mess of perceptions and bring to them a structure, which has helped in a way only someone like you could understand. I have been conscious? of this external influence for a decent while now. It was an intuitive understanding. One of those desires I wasn’t conscious of, let alone able to articulate, was the desire to break free of this intent. I pushed and rebelled and gave a mighty fight, a fight I didn’t even know I was engaged in. But now I have not only knowledge, I have the skills necessary to be a pretty mean fighter myself. And fight I will!
I have been meaning to write this note for maybe a week now. I hope you will forgive my laziness! I sincerely wanted to thank you. You saw (and can see) for yourself the mess I was. I’ll not say I’m clean yet, but I’ve found my way to the washroom. Until next time friend.
I REALLY appreciate your note Reiley, thank you.
I am so glad that you are starting to see around corners, and it is my hope that you are able to take more and more of yourself into and around those odd angles in time.
That is the wave, the wave we ride. We are together but alone, we are awake but we do so by falling into realms that for average people means sleep, we are the walking crazy, at least that is how the world will see you…and yet the truth of course is that it is the world that has gone insane, and we are just a little more sane than average.
Thanks friend and as the Italian proverb says, ‘A sailor must have his eye trained to the rocks and sands, as well as the north star.’ safe voyages!
Comment/Question from Tony:
Greetings John, I would like to have your opinion about an experience with the practices of your last book, expecially with the fifth room of the projectionist. I started to travel portal by portal as a “soul without will”, without a purpose, simply traveling through worlds and dimensions.
It has beel an incredible experience, but it wasn’t much as expected, because I foremost went to worlds of incredible beauty, but also incredible silence…. in most of the, there was no life. There were worlds “made of silence”…. And this left me with a sense of peace, awareness but also melancholy. I was almost “sad” and amazed at the same time in front of this Infinity.
What do you think about that? Have you got similar experiences?
Tank you for your work and your patience. All my best.
I am very happy to know that you are beginning to participate in such advanced techniques.
What you need to realize I think, and it is something that will come to you through your own experience over time, and I am sure you will get there if you already haven’t, is that crossing the more advanced rooms of the projectionist takes time. It is not something that can be done in months, but it is something that may take years and perhaps decades.
There is no rush in this process because even if you do become a great master in the ability to do work with and communicate with your unconscious, there is so much to learn about the nature of your own reality, your own inner makeup, and the existence of the world that you help to create.
For that reason, you may note that for a large segment of your life, let’s say a number of months or perhaps even years, you may experience this kind of melancholy and silence in your inner explorations of the fifth room. And these experiences in their own right, will teach you a great deal about your own personal nature as you realize, or at least begin to understand, where this silence and this melancholy come from, where they fit into the structure of your life and how it is that these feelings and adventures are really the meta-data that creates your entire world; or at the very least a part of your world.
But in time these explorations may change, and you may find yourself experiencing darker (or lighter) aspects, or you may end up experiencing a whole other kind of wave and world event. It is very important that at this time you realize the changes within and see how they mirror the changes without, and in this way discover even more about your unconscious connections, about the essence of the reality of being and how the inner and the outer are not separate but that they have become separate due to the many walls that we have put up, have been forced to put up ourselves. It is these barriers that you must overcome to go beyond the fifth room.
Thank you very much for your reply John. This is very important to me
Hi John,
Throughout my life I have been able to master every skill I have put my mind into, be it music, martial arts, programming etc.
But I’m not able to even get to the second room of the Projectionist. I have been practicing since mid 2020 🙁 Am I expecting too much of myself?
Only you can answer that question being that whatever you expect, you will experience. I though feel, believe, that you can go much further still.
Mastering the second room requires energy and as such if you are having problems in this area then you need to go back and the first course book, the Magnum Opus, and master energy absorption and storage. Where are you losing energy? You know the answer to this question, so start there.
Also learn to work with the projectionist recipe or formula. In order to pass through the second room you need to add VOID to your recipe and to control this addition of VOID so that you can control these new spontaneous locations (portals).
Daydreams are the ghost experiencing spontaneous incursions, spontaneous inner events/thoughts/portals, so if you can daydream, you can cross the second room. Work on the above and you will get there.
Thanks for your guidance John.
Finally got to the point where I saw wavy wavy shapes before my eyes in the dark room. My head also jerked a few times like what happens when we are about to fall asleep. I followed your advise as in the book and had a head rest.
I still couldn’t see my body in the room and my concentration was broken a few times by random thoughts. The wavy shapes kept vanishing when I tried concentrating on them.
I hope I am on the right path.
Good, the shapes come first. This is slow process at times, keep at it.
Greetings John, I’d like to know your point of view about Shapeshifting our double (into animals of mist, trees etc.). Will you talk about that on the third book? Or do you have some technique that is useful?
I think that this practices could be useful to attack strongly our belief systems, by giving us a new perspective to see the world (seeing the world as a tree does could give us a great amount of awareness I think).
If this won’t be a topic in your third book, can you tell me your technique to do so?
Thanks always for your time and patience
Hi Tony,
I believe you’re quite right about this and I will try to discuss a little on these techniques, but I am not sure how much I will going to this being that this latest book will be more focused on the after death experience. I will see what I can do.
Thanks John, I really hope you can release the third book soon!
All my best!
Hi John,
I just finished The Way of the Death Defier. What an amazing, beautiful, haunting, and ultimately hopeful third book to the trilogy. And helpful! I have a thousand questions and yet at the same time none at all and a feeling that the work and the words are so complete. I do not know that I would even be able to articulate a proper question given the difficulty with words and this subject. I think I will sit with this and let it permeate me a bit more and reread it quite a bit! Thank you.
I did want to mention that the link to the Q&A at the back of the book is not working for me – I get a 404 File Not Found error. Hopefully the page didn’t disappear into the black sun. 😀
Thank you very much Elena!
I know what you are tring to say, as I still sit in awe of all of it, of the complexity and utter wonder for it. I do apprecite your words and I hope that I am ready for your question if/when you have any.
I did just try the link and it did work for me. See if this link here helps:
Thank you, John! I do have a couple of questions percolating and I will attempt to form them into something resembling a coherent query.
I think I may have discovered the problem with the link. The one you posted in your reply to me works just fine, but the one in the back of the Kindle version of your book still does not — I notice that it’s off by one letter. It shows up as death-defiers-qa (where the word “defiers” is plural) and in this one it’s just “defier” without the “s” on the end. Maybe that’s why? In any case, I’m happy to have the right link now.
Thanks Elena, I see it now. My editor and I are fixing it now, we have set up a temporary re-route and we are working with kdp to get that fixed.
Sorry about that, and thank you(!) for letting me know, hopefully it is fixed soon.
You’re very welcome. I’m glad to have been able to help. 😊
Greetings John. I have been rereading through the entire trilogy and have realized I have questions that are mostly related to projection, so I figured this would be the most appropriate place to ask them. Let’s get into it
1. The first task of the first room is something I have yet to fully understand it’s passing threshold. Is it fine if for the most part my conscious attention remains on the wall while it only gets briefly distracted? The trouble I face is random thoughts coming across my attention. I can maintain focus on the wall past the thoughts, but I am unsure if I need to get to a point where those random thoughts don’t occur at all. I also have found a kind of unique problem: Music. My mind enjoys playing random songs in it’s background, and am uncertain if that is a process I need to try and stop while focusing on the wall. The songs seem to exist at a level deeper than random thoughts, so they can be harder to manage. And related to that, is playing music aloud while focusing viable?
2. The existence of people in separate realities has caused a bit of confusion when I put it under the context of ‘ascension’, in that I am curious if the inhabitants of other realities can learn to be projectionists/alchemists just like we can. If so, what would it be like if they projected to this reality? Would they seem like a physical person to us, much like how we gain bodies of the different realities that we visit when projecting? Or would they have a more ethereal body invisible to most? I am also curious about the deaths of others in other realities. Do they also suffer the same fate as we do, in that they also get sucked into the black sun? Or is the death process/system unique to the reality?
3. A final concept I want to talk about is one that I call ‘knowledge elixirs’. The basic premise is that theoretically there exist realities where knowledge can be gained through the drinking of an elixir. It could be any type of knowledge, from foreign languages to math. And while the physical body may not be able to receive effects from the second world, the mind certainly can. Could a projectionist go to a reality where these knowledge elixirs exist, drink one of their choosing and gain the knowledge, and then come back to this reality with this newly gained information? It would be quite revolutionary if such mass information could be learned so quickly.
Hi Sam,
I will try to answer your questions as best I can:
1. Yes, it is possible to keep going into the second room even if you have not been able to clear out all of your mental noise. But you may find that as you move into the second room and beyond, these random thoughts that seem to sometimes be so deeply embedded within the core of you, can pose interesting challenges.
For example, in the first room they may appear as just random noise projected onto your wall let us say. But in the second room they will become more fleshed out and may lead you in other directions that you may not want to go in. As you progress through the rooms, the power of these random thoughts increases and they can become legitimate portals that are always taking you somewhere that might be an okay place, but it might also be a difficult place for you, and at that time you will be forced to over and over again deal with these as you are transported there again and again. Eventually you will need to find their source and stop them there. As such, you might say that it is very important to be able to control these random distractions as it were, because the farther that you go as a projectionist, the more that these challenges can become true portals and problems, and by the way they can show that chink in your armour that might prevent you from getting to where you really want to go. And these can also be said to be a kind of challenge that as you overcome you become stronger; there is a balance in everything.
2. Well, the energetic truth for inner alchemists is that there are people from other dimensions let us say, always projecting into this dimension. How they may travel is their purview (every individual may have their own technique) in accordance to their dimensional existence, but there can be a great amount of variance between what these people might look like or act like from the physics point of view, when they enter this dimension.
A great number of the paranormal events that some report have to do with such trans-dimensional travellers. And how these individuals are perceived depends on the skill of such a projectionist/traveller and the skill or the natural talents of the person perceiving them. For the most part I would say that most people tend to not be aware of all of the traffic around them, while some people might be aware to some degree and to these people these travellers from other dimensions will seem like ghosts, the men in black at times, shadow beings perhaps, greys, regular looking but somehow odd people, or any number of other possibilities. All of these must be considered as potential trans-dimensional travellers because there is no consensus in us being that we do not have good mental science in place to perceive and classify the traffic all around us right now. And it is indeed possible for some of these travellers to seem quite physically real at times, indeed there may be in any large gathering, individuals that are not for all intents and purposes…human.
3. All that we perceive whether it is in this physical dimension or in others, is fundamentally a symbol. That is, even what we consider to be the physical things before us, are in essence a symbol of something that has a far deeper existence. If you project somewhere and you drink from an elixir of knowledge, then this is a very good symbol for a deeper energetic happening.
Drinking the elixir therefore is sort of like a dream symbol for something that is happening on an energetic level that is quite legitimately and correctly perceived in many ways (from our human point of view). but drinking the elixir is not what is really happening energetically speaking, I hope you understand what I mean.
And yes, it is possible for such knowledge to be brought back from somewhere else. In many ways you could say that a great deal of the knowledge that humanity has, comes from somewhere else. But it can be very difficult for that knowledge to be incorporated into this reality because this reality is so heavy, and it makes one forget, even forget that you might have drank from an elixir of knowledge. Unconscious knowing is possible but this can be random and for that reason projectionist try to stay conscious and allow that elixir, let us say, to work its magic slowly over time but in a more conscious manner that might allow such a projectionist, which at this time we might even term a sorcerer, to gain new power through knowledge that could then be applied as technological advancement or what in this era might even be called a kind of magic.
I hope this helps Sam.
I am currently working , slowly but steadily, through the Magnum Opus book, and reading the Way of the Projectionist. It brought up a question that I would like your perspective on.
When was around 11 years old, I was in a very bad home situation and used my sleep time to escape. I would deliberately go into lucid dreams, and being 11 and a big fan of the Conan books and comics I would always go to an area I called The Wasteland and do battle, with a sword in my hand ( like Conan !) against whatever I found.
Until I went very deep, and encountered a brick wall and heard a voice telling me to leave. I didn’t, and the wall burst apart and a giant red humanoid , who radiated savagery and power, charged out and destroyed me. I was completely overwhelmed , and after that night I was unable to enter a lucid dream state again – something I feel and hope that I will be able to correct now, many years ( decades) later.
I’d love to hear what you think this might have been or meant.
Later, still in a bad home situation, when I was at my lowest, I would have dreams that seemed very real and were of utter beauty. Most of these involved an image of water that was clear and full of life, even if it was swamp water, the power of it seemed to refresh me and give me the strength to deal with the issues in my waking state.
One of these in particular, I can still feel it. It didn’t involve water. A man sat on a stump in a forest, he looked like a stereotypical bard. And he played beautiful music as he looked at me. It washed over me , it was so powerful and beautiful that I woke up crying from the sheer joy in it. And like my previous dreams it gave me the strength I needed at that time
So, from the perspective of an Alchemist / Projectionist , and not so much from a dream interpretation paradigm, I would be very grateful if you could share any thoughts you have on these events.
Thank you for the books that you write. I’ve been involved in occultism and mysticism for a long time and am continually impressed with the efficacy of the practices that you share
Thank you very much for giving my books a try and for sharing these personal experiences James.
It is difficult to give clarity to these experiences without what could be called the dream interpretation paradigm, because whether you are projecting in what could be called a lucid state, or whether you are in a deep dream, all such content is in one way or another symbolism.
To make clear though, in accordance to inner alchemy anyway, even within our physical realm, all of the things that we perceive with our physical senses are ultimately symbols. What is meant by this is that they are representations of an inner essence, a far greater inner essence, and all of the things in our lives can be said to be symbols of a greater energetic reality, with such symbols allowing us to better understand and tackle, that is work with and manipulate, those energetic forces that are the true foundation of our existence.
In this particular case for you, both of the experiences that you share are ultimately quite positive in that they have this energetic content of someone who is fighting back and for the most part winning against difficult energetic currents, and is able to find ways to renew their energy so as to continue with their battle.
In the case of hitting a wall, this most likely means that you were able to move deep enough into an energetic realm that was beyond you at the time. In physical reality this might be akin to not being able to leave a job and going forward beyond such a comfortable or difficult life situation, or not being able to find a way to do a physical thing like scaling a mountain or mastering some art. There seems to be no correlation here, but in essence, in an energetic sense, they represent a confluence of energetic forces or currents that are currently beyond a person.
In symbolic form, whether this symbolism takes on the more dynamic aspects to be found in lucidity for example, or whether they take on a denser form, like the physical barriers to be found in three dimensions, all of this represents an inner challenge that cannot or should not be traversed at that moment; that in essence needs greater work (develop and master new techniques) to be faced and perhaps finally overcome.
By learning to manipulate within the rooms of the projectionist, as I will outline in ‘the way of the projectionist’ when you get there, you can then use such new power to revisit such a wall and with your renewed abilities, see if you can this time go beyond it and battle and beat those things to be found in this particular location.
Now, it could be the case that you have already passed this wall, or it could be the case that this wall will be presented to you using different kinds of symbols, ones that might be far more applicable to you now. You must stay vigilant and try to see beyond the symbols to understand the energetic intent and makeup that lies beneath them. In this way you may understand such energy directly and have a far better chance of moving forward.
I hope that this helps, and thanks again for your kind words.
Thank you 🙂
Hi, Mr. Kreiter,
First I must say that I was reluctant to ask this question. I have no intention of criticizing or praising any other author. It was inevitable that information from other sources was crossed, even indirectly.
So I have to ask:
To work on the VOID aspect of the formula, the practices suggested by the book “The Power of Now” by E.T. can help the projectionist or not?
The book seeks to control automatic thinking and its practices could help.
I thank you for your politeness, and this is indeed a great question.
If you will look into chapter 6 of the book, the way of the projectionist; in the section where I talk about ‘playing with the soup’, there I reference Zen. The answers to your questions I think will most likely be found there in far more detail, but I will give you more clarity here hopefully.
The books by this author, at least in my opinion, are in essence just the great teachings of Zen. I am not certain, having not read his books per se, so I am not sure how he presents this wisdom, but in the simplest sense it is the way of Zen that he is describing.
And yes, this can indeed help you, in that it can help you to control your mind, your ghost in the machine. This kind of control is incredibly important because without it, it will become very difficult to go deep into the rooms of the projectionist. Without such control, the ramblings of a chaotic mind will send the projectionist into different dimensional locations that are not often, constructive.
But as I mention in my book, this kind of control taken too far, will stunt the growth of the ghost in the machine.
In other words, this Zennist way is good at the start, but there needs to be a fluid movement by the ghost in the machine. If this is not done, then the ghost will become rigid, and quite frankly, if you do not allow for progression, you will be stuck in a certain dimensional range. This dimensional range that you are stuck in might be easier to deal with, but you will not escape it.
The inner alchemist as a projectionist therefore, strives to go beyond the here and now in a sense, and the reason why they need to do this is because without that broadening of the ghost in the machine, the true expansiveness of the moment point will never be truly known. This is a very important point.
What the Zennist tries to attain in a kind of instinctual way, the projectionist must discover directly, through inner action as opposed to motionlessness/stillness.
Balance, balance, balance.
Hello Mr. Kreiter
Thank you for your comments on a topic that mentions another author’s work. My aim is not to compare the books.
In the past, when I read “The Power of Now”, I did not understand the results that could be achieved. Today I see that he has some points in common with his work and also with the work of Castaneda, when he works on the observation of the activity of thought, emotions and their control.
I don’t limit the interest to just the VOID aspect of the formula; the IN and OUT aspects although they are not in E.T. must not be forgotten for the projectionist.
For me, the application of these Zen practices has resulted in a reasonable control of the activity of thought and emotions
Okay, I put my last comment in the wrong place! Apologies.
ANYWAY, I tried IN-OUT-VOID and it totally works (and I found it easier than what you proposed in Out of Body Experiences Quickly and Naturally). Doing it before bed, I went into my dreams lucidly, like I didn’t fall asleep through that first REM cycle. I found that your method of creating portals works, too.
I’m still lazy !
So, what I’m gonna try to do is use IN-OUT-VOID (awake sessions and before bed, daily) to put myself in a place that manifests things for me in my waking life. (I’ve done this before with straight lucid dreaming, like, creating what I want to manifest while lucid and it coming exactly how I wanted much quicker than other methods).
The thing is, can’t we just do that to manifest better projection skills and access to the different rooms (at least up to four/five)?
AND, doesn’t it seem like the *smartest* thing to do is:
1) manifest some sort of infinite energy engine from the Dark Sea itself, like, once detached from 3D reality, open a portal to a place that will deliver this and then fuse it with your ghost in the shell? (And even if it doesn’t work immediately, if you do it routinely, it could stick?)
2) You described in your youtube video “Pacts with non-organic entities, dark alchemy, and true immortality” how dark alchemists become cocooned within their non-organic patron upon death (or sometimes before) and that, while a struggle, it’s a safe haven from the more immediate dissolution regular people face upon physical death. Wouldn’t the best use of the third room be to create a kind of cocoon like that to “shelter from the storm” and that isn’t tied to an entity to please? So that the time necessary to complete the other rooms becomes a non issue?
3)My other comment (in the wrong place) was about subliminals and conserving energy in order to better power subliminal results. The thing is, a subliminal is like a servitor or a thought form in that it changes your subconscious according to the affirmations placed inside and runs on energy, usually emotional energy or attention ( like, lots of repetition of listening). Why don’t you have guides on using servitors to amp up the ghost in the shell? (Or really, why don’t you think that’s viable?)
I would *love* your perspective. Thanks so much for your books and stuff. To be honest, even if you hate these ideas I’ll probably still try them? And then, if I was right, you won’t hear the end of it….
Well, I love your ideas and they are your own individual approach to getting things done in accordance with what you believe is right. This is perfect.
But always remember that words have this weird ability to muddy the waters of true action and perception. What I am trying to say here is that what I might be describing one way using certain techniques, another individual might describe in a different way using slightly different techniques, different words.
Use whatever is working best for you, and do understand that the work with energy is what matters, not how we describe that work with energy. For example, in the case of creating some kind of unlimited energy source to power yourself, well, the thought and the attempt to do this might be described by someone as developing the philosopher’s stone. Another individual might describe it as manifesting an infinite engine. The only problem I would have with that is your word, infinite, being that such a word might imply wholly and utterly forever, which is in some ways and impossibility having to do with energetic fluctuations across the great dark sea. But aside from that, one way to describe a thing, and another way to describe a thing using words, in the end becomes equal once energetic action is engaged in. I hope you understand what I am trying to say here; certain words may describe one thing, while other words might be describing something that seems different, but once the practice of it is started, once we start to energetically manipulate, then this inner energetic action is (must be) the same in a certain sense. So when you finally are able to manifest this engine of great energy, you may find that you have gone through a similar process to what I have described using the techniques of creating a philosopher’s stone.
Your creation of a cocoon has similar connotations to certain more advanced projectionist practices, but I must let you know that such intricate creations do require energy, and this energy will need to become available before such a structure becomes possible for you, at least a structure strong enough to withstand the barrage from the dark sea. As such, there is this direct relation between that infinite engine, and the attempt at immortality.
A servitor and lots of repetition have a great deal in common, but there are intricacies in the energetic groupings that must be understood in detail. You could say that a thought form, and therefore servitor, is an intensity, and that intensity is made up of constantly repeating conglomerations. If you think of it from a software point of view, your phrase is one line of code, while a servitor is made up of multiple lines of code, perhaps even hundreds of lines of code as this servitor becomes more and more complex.
But to do certain things perhaps you do not need a multiple line of code repeating message. Perhaps this one line of code is working perfectly for you, in which case use this easier to work with thought form controlled by outside mechanics. Find your own way and if it works, I would love to hear about it.
Thank you for your great input and I definitely think you are on the right track. You have your way of describing a methodology that is working for you, and this in the end is all that matters. Just remember that energy as you intuit, is the one constant that must be considered and worked with before anything of a more complex nature can be accomplished. Some discovered that they could not attain that energy (the infinite engine) through their own efforts alone, they therefore resorted/resort to using the energy of other non-organic beings. Eventually all discover that nothing is free in this world, and by then they are trapped, a slave to those non-organic beings mentioned in the video you reference.
(I’ll update when something cool happens)
Have a good holiday season !
Was rereading The way of the Projectionist, and as you begin introducing some primary principles of inner Alchemy, there’s a spot that got me thinking. Would you care further expand on what you mean when you say divine? Specifically, you mentioned we are of divine origin. Thanks in advance, maybe not the most crazy question but if you care to expand feel free.
I mention some of it in that book, but I also greatly expand in the next book in the trilogy, which is The Way of the Death Defier. there I mention that we are a fragment of something I refer to as the Oversoul. The power, purity, and overall resilience of this magnificently powerful entity is such that, from our point of view, it is quite simply divine. The very edge that we can see of it, that we have any potential of seeing at all if we ever gain enough power, is the mould of man, and upon seeing that we know that we have come face-to-face with our God; the God of humanity. Anytime, almost any time anyway, that you hear of some mystic or apostle saying that they have come face-to-face with God, it is this outer edge of the Oversoul that they have come face-to-face with. This is our true divine origin.
Awesome, thank you
My question relates to two ideas that you write about in your material. Those two ideas are:
1) Our time in the physical dimension is finite no matter what techniques we use to prolong it
2) A projectionist, if powerful enough, can leave the physical dimension entirely when they travel to a new one
With that in mind, my question is this: Shouldn’t idea #2 make it possible to circumvent idea #1?
Let me give an example.
Suppose there is a powerful alchemist who has reached this level of projection, meaning that they can freely move their physical body out of this dimension and back. This alchemist is 80 years old from a physical standpoint. One day, they decide that they want to leave this point in time permanently(taking their physical body with them) and return to the point at which they were 23 years old. Would such a thing be possible? Wouldn’t this essentially reset their physical time and grant them more time in the physical dimension to work through the rooms of the projectionist? In theory, couldn’t this alchemist reset their physical time as many times as needed until they achieve the immortality they work to obtain? If not, then why?
The one factor that connects these two statements together, is that they are both reliant on energy. What I mean by this is that, our time in the physical dimension is finite because we eventually in essence run out of energy; the energy needed to maintain our physical existence, the energy needed to maintain our energetic essence intact in the face of the buffing forces of the great dark sea, is dependent on energy.
A projectionist, if powerful enough as you say, can leave the physical dimension. But the key point there is, if powerful enough.
If a projectionist is powerful enough they can go to a point in space-time that signifies their existence when they were 23 years old, but there is a great variance that works in proportion to all movement within the lifetime of any individual. Essentially this means that no one point in space-time is ever static, all points in space-time are continuing their motion in multiple different directions at once, so that a future person that goes back to a perceived past, is not returning to the past that was originally there, but to a past that has already evolved in its own directional manner. This is a very difficult thing to try to describe, but in the simplest of terms you could say that the past is no longer the past that you remember to be, or in slightly more precise terms you could say that the past is as fluid as the present and the future, and at best such a traveller would only be accessing certain particular dimensional timelines.
Ultimately this means that there is the possibility to change certain aspects of the past in order to affect what you might consider to be as your present, but such alterations are only proportional in accordance with energy. If this particular individual that is attempting time travel in order to change the past had enough intensity of energy to actually change a great deal of such a past in order to affect their future, then that amount of energy would be more than enough to make it so that there is no need for him to go back in time, because they would already have enough energy to defy death or any probable life scenario that they might be living in their moment.
I hope you get what I mean. There is a give-and-take to everything, an equal exchange. And any change made in the past that might affect a future is proportional to the amount of power available.
The best way to say this might be that, yes indeed a very very powerful projectionist could and does, and has, changed that past in order to suit future change, and in some ways one could say that this is part of their defying of death itself, this quest to change the past to make a perfect future, a perfect life. Sort of like an endless ‘Groundhog Day’, once that past and all past and potential probable futures are moved and reworked until they become excellent, perfect in a certain energetic sense, such an incredibly powerful projectionist then has completed the task of perfecting their life. All that is left after that is to move beyond a certain bubble of existence, past the life-and-death cycle itself, and into vaster realities beyond the limits of what they once knew as life and living.
This is a difficult thing to describe, I hope you get what I mean.
Dear John,
I want to express my utmost gratitude for your exceptional contributions. The value of your work is beyond words. Today, I would like to share my personal experience with your materials, particularly for those who are engaged in similar pursuits. Energy work has proven to be quite challenging for me. Even the most basic techniques feel as arduous as lifting heavy weights, especially when working with the IN polarity to absorb and re-absorb energy. However, whenever I manage to successfully execute these techniques, the immediate positive impact on my energy levels becomes evident. This outcome serves as a powerful motivation for me to persist on this path of exploration. In addition, the concept of “Effortless Effort” has proven to be invaluable. It has revolutionized my approach, particularly as someone who has grappled with procrastination extensively.
Thank you Ali!
Hello John, I’ve been practicing for quite a bit now and when I lie down on my bed to go into the second room I find it way easier to simply close my eyes for a minute or so then abruptly imagine myself in the scene rather than meditating on the wall of fog before mentally pushing it, it feels as if this sudden swift movement brings the scene to life almost instantly and all that’s left for me to do is keep my focus steady so the vividity doesn’t go. Do you think it’s a bad idea to skip the meditation warm-up going forward? Thanks for all you do!
No, I think that what you are doing is perfect. This just tells me that you have been practicing diligently and have been able to streamline the process of your projecting.
If in the future you run up against some kind of issue with concentration or how immersive these new scenes in your mind become, then you can go back to the basics for a while, and they should help you with focus again.
But this is perfect. You need to streamline the flow of your inner work to fit you personally. This is the kind of instant projecting that any Aster projectionists should strive to achieve.
Good to know I wasn’t getting ahead of myself. Thanks for the reassurance! Also I have another question regarding the double body. When I was getting over the basics I used my physical body as reference for the double but nowadays I’m projecting using another form since this form is pleasing to me making it really easy to focus onto which makes my sessions a lot more productive. I still like practicing with my physical body form from time to time but the alternate form already feels way more solid since I spend more time on it. Despite this it still feels one form is feeding into the other in a way, like the underlying mental muscle responsible for movement of the double is becoming more flexible, I suppose this is how you eventually achieve madness like shapeshifting right? Provided you have the energy to keep both forms solid enough.
I am not sure if I understand what you mean Tris. If I understood correctly, yes, building on one form helps the other in that the ‘muscles’ that you are using to build one will help the other become more stable. And yes this is how some shape shifting is eventually accomplished, but this can take a great deal of work on the dreamers part. Once you feel that your form is solid enough, what you might want to try and this regard, is to try and see if in time, a friend of yours can see it, but that would be an incredible accomplishment indeed. Good luck, I am sure that in time you will be able to do amazing things.
Hi John,
I’d like to drop a few experiences and “insights” I had while doing the techniques in this book, or related activities. Maybe it will grab someone’s attention and inspire them to give it a go, or I’ll receive interesting reflections.
Foremost, an interesting observation. I’ve definitely gotten better at projecting, getting accustomed to the act and how to navigate it, as well as “getting back on track and retracing” when I suddenly find myself “dozing off”. Really fascinating, and it has helped me a lot in terms of memory and focus. However, “lucid dreaming” has been as elusive to me as ever. I just can’t stay lucid in the process of falling asleep when I lie down! Despite this challenge, I have vivid dreams and even teach some techniques of inner alchemy I’ve come to understand a bit better to family members, for some odd reason. I’m sure it’s about energy and focus, but it feels like my ghost is getting better while my consciousness sort of stays behind.
Besides that, I went to the forest very early in the morning to improve seeing, stuff with thought forms and >amnesia walking<, which was a real experience combined with the state of mind of an alien observing the world.
Being in that amnesia state was easy at first, but just like drifting off during projection sessions, I drifted back into my physical identity and thoughts from time to time, where I had to focus back on the amnesia state. What a cool correlation.
During amnesia walking, I had some sudden changes in perspectives, insights, that I would like to share and maybe even get some insight on from other perspectives.
When I saw a lantern, it struck me what "light" could be, and why lanterns and so on are constructed to produce light. Of course, to produce light! But this light causes reality to take shape, in a way. Like shaping "inner reality" with "light" when exercising "inner senses"/visualization. Looking out of the almost pitch black forest, with swirling motions and wild thoughts, onto the illuminated constructed concrete street, made me sort of realize, that this "outer" light is the process of outlining, making visible, a certain reality. The topic of what the archon is, is very complex for me. But in the past I had these visions of the archon being, partly, the very surroundings we perceive as reality with our consciousness. Consciousness being the product of the archon as described in your books. So light in the outer world is eerily similar to the visualization process, and I think that it's the archons way of visualizing reality through us, in contrast to the wilder and dreamy darkness at night. This enforcing of reality through outer light causes us to focus more on this reality, taking more energy from us, which makes sense and plays into the plan of feeding. This topic also touches on your mentions of these wonderful night civilizations, and made me sort of realize how important the emphasis on "night" actually is and what it could mean for such a civilization as opposed to our current one, basking in light and day.
In addition to that, trying to understand the surrounding trees, I had this vision of them reaching for light, growing towards the sun, and therefore anchoring themselves more intensely in this reality, possibly for more consciousness while exploring somewhere else? It would make a bit of sense, in my opinion.
"Outer" light, as a trap to keep us in this place, also makes a bit of sense in relation to celebrities, being often called "stars", who even further produce attention grabbing light with their presence in this reality.
Aside from that, I had another sudden change in perception. Out of nowhere, while walking up a hill, I had this feeling of everything moving around me, in contrast to the normal "moving your body" feeling. It was very similar to the push/pull way of movement during projections, and was yet another eery correlation to waking life and projection sessions/inner life.
So basically, I am very thankful for you bringing amnesia walking "to light" as a technique because it is an extremely fun activity that develops mental flexibility. I want to be a little bit careful and further contemplate the ideas generated before I take them as absolute truth, but it's a game changer for sure.
Incredible insights, thank you for sharing them here!
Hi John,
My progress so far below
Second room of the projectionist – Wavy shapes before my eyes which I try to ignore and try to imagine my ghost body moving forward.
Can you please explain in some more detail by what you mean by “when a thought of some kind will materialize a particular thing or a whole scene before you” ? It is the 3rd bullet point in page 163.
Normal random thoughts always create a past scene before my eyes. What is the difference between these thoughts and what you are trying to say ?
There is no difference per se between the normal random thoughts you say you have and what I’m trying to describe by saying, ‘thought of some kind’. Basically, when you’re in the second room any thought that pops into your head will create a whole scene or perhaps a kind of window into that scene. When one of these thoughts comes up, you may be transported away from that second room and into that scene.
What I would suggest though is that you take control over those motions. By this I mean that if it’s a past situation that you would just rather forget about, then turn away from that and try to go back to the second room. If it is a thought that you want to explore, if it is a scene that you would like to explore in more detail, then do so at this moment in a more conscious manner than just typical daydreaming where your mind just flounders from one thing to another.
One of the points of this exercise is the conscious control of that floundering mind by establishing the second room as a take off point into the many places available to you once you begin to partake in what could be called inner psychological time experiences.
In doing so, in becoming more conscious and deliberate about using your fully conscious mind (your ghost in the machine) to learn to move in and out of these places, you begin to learn how to control that part of you that is engaged in those inner experiences. In time this kind of work will allow you to go deeper and deeper so that you are not just engaged in what you might term old memories, but truly new and faraway places that seem to be actual spaces on their own, in the same way that a dream might seem like a thing on its own that stands alone by itself without your conscious attention. I hope you get what I mean.
This is a complex inner exercise that requires effort but with such effort you will develop the ability to go deeper and deeper into that psychological time until true new worlds will manifest before you that you can then explore in a conscious manner. Becoming a master of the rooms of the projectionist is indeed a very powerful technique but one that requires your effort in the same way that a navigator navigating the sea will require effort.