Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

Transmutation is a secret power that shapes our reality, for better or worse, and I am going to reveal its power to you now!

First of all, the word transmutation has gotten a bit of a bum rap or raw deal in this modern time, it is now associated with fantasy and what the world now terms pseudoscience, which is akin to the modern version of blasphemy or sacrilege, against the modern gods of technology. But transmutation is really just causality, the art of cause and effect, but in the context of inner alchemy, a causality that involves the use of forces and capabilities far beyond the narrow scope of modern rational secularism.

Transmutation, using accepted modern terms, is the ancient practice of transforming one physical substance into another. However, for inner alchemists, transmutation holds a much deeper meaning. It is the ability to turn the un-manifest into the manifested, a key component to reality, true freedom from all material need and suffering, and eventually even the key by which the miraculous can be achieved, – the ability to defy death itself.

But what is the definition of transmutation generally? In the context of the modern version of alchemy, this often meant attempting to transform base metals into precious ones, such as led into gold. However, modern science still does not understand, or at least cannot yet through its limited set of acceptable laws know, how to make such transmutations easy or cost effective. Modern academia has lost sight of the great power and promise of the much older science of inner alchemy, that could reveal the true power of transmutation and divulge the great malleability of what is now considered to be, the hard physical world.

Despite being snubbed as pseudoscience, the concept of transmutation remains relevant today. This is especially true in our ultra-materialistic time, where outer focus and skeptic secularism are turning the world into a cognitive and physical prison. For inner alchemists, transmutation begins, with the ability to transform limiting beliefs, negative emotions, and unhelpful patterns of behavior into positive qualities that support personal evolution. It involves recognizing the inherent potential within oneself and others, and cultivating the skills and mindset necessary to bring about positive change. And let me add that this change is not just immaterial and therefore inconsequential to the modern world, but a true change, a reconfiguration of actual personal essence that has the possibility to change a person from the inside out, and make them something beyond the constricted modern individual that is stuck, caged, by physicality.

The origins of transmutation can be traced back to alchemy, a far older discipline than some suspect, that aimed to transform base metals into gold or silver, and discover the elixir of life that would grant immortality. But as I have written in my books, most of the information that survives today is about the Puffers, outer alchemy as opposed to inner, which is flawed at its core because it seeks to do what is supposedly impossible by its own materialistic rulebook. But to keep it simple here for the sake of this video, we could say that alchemists believed that all matter was composed of the four elements – earth, air, fire, and water – and that these elements could be transformed into each other through the use of symbols, experiments, and mystical rituals.

While alchemy may seem like a pseudoscience today within the perceptive constriction of reason, and the outer materialistic world view, it laid the foundation for modern chemistry and medicine. Alchemists discovered new compounds, developed laboratory techniques, and pioneered the concept of chemical reactions. Their work paved the way for scientists like Isaac Newton and Antoine Lavoisier, who established the laws of modern chemistry. Moreover, alchemical practices led to the development of pharmaceuticals and the creation of medicinal remedies.

All modern science became the way of causality, the way of transmutation. In Biology this transformative causality, transmutation, is focused on the evolution of life, the process of change and evolution in living organisms. The earliest theory of biological transmutation was transformism, which posited that one species could transform into another through natural processes. This idea was later refined by Charles Darwin and others into the theory of natural selection, which explains, using modern materialistic ideas, how species adapt to their environments and diversify into new forms. Transformations have been observed by modern science in bacteria, viruses, and even humans, where adaptation, which is yet another new word for transmutation, has played a crucial role in our survival and success.

Physics, the science of matter and energy, also deals with transmutation. Nuclear transmutation, the conversion of one element or nuclide into another, has revolutionized the modern understanding of the universe. The ability to transmute elements has reshaped the modern global landscape, both literally and figuratively.

Philosophy, the pursuit of wisdom and understanding, explores transmutation in a more abstract sense. It seeks to grasp the nature of reality and the meaning of life, inquiring into the possibility of transforming mental states, moral values, and spiritual realities.

Plato, for instance, believed that the human soul could ascend from the realm of shadows to the realm of forms through intellectual and moral purification. This journey of self-improvement and enlightenment is central to many philosophical traditions. In Eastern thought, the cycle of suffering can be transcended through meditation, ethical practice, and spiritual growth.

And this last philosophical definition of transmutation comes closest to what inner alchemy is. And really, sadly, this is all that it can be in this modern time, a philosophy. But this is a crime because inner alchemy and its methods of transmutation are infinitely practical and they are so much more than mere mental abstraction. But cycles must play out as they must, and this is a cycle of time where outer focus and materialism are the only thing that matters. This is a cycle of time that is focused almost completely on a narrow form of mechanical reason. It is a human cycle that cannot see what is hidden before its eyes in the odd angles and the liminal spaces that inner alchemy and its version of transmutation dares to explore.

Understanding transmutation is critical in the late phase of this rational and material cognitive cycle. However, the modern world has alienated us from the spiritual or inner reality, making it difficult to understand transmutation. So, one way to understand it is through the distinction between the outer alchemy of the rational and purely physical world, and the inner alchemy of the un-manifest and the manifested, which is far more powerful and explained in detail in the book “The Art of Transmutation“.

Outer alchemy involves working with physical substances to create supposedly tangible transformations. Inner alchemy, on the other hand, involves working with intangible substances, such as thoughts, the inner feeling sense, and intention, to create lasting transformations of a highly practical nature that can be more precious than any purely material substance or aspiration.

The outer alchemy of the physical world is governed by the strict and narrow rational laws of physics and chemistry, which seem impossibly rigid and unalterable to the point that transmutation seems like a fantasy. However, the transmutation of inner alchemy, of the un-manifest and the manifested, operates according to different rules, where the limitations of the cage of the physical world do not apply. Here, inner alchemists can tap into the infinite possibilities of the universe, using their minds and intentions to shape reality and manifest their desires.

Through the practice of inner alchemy, individuals can transcend the life and death routine of the average person, reaching true freedom and eventual immortality. By learning to manipulate the building blocks of reality, inner alchemists can create a world that reflects their highest desires and goals. They can overcome the limitations of space and time, achieving feats that would be considered impossible in the physical world.

Transmutation is a powerful concept that holds the key to unlocking true freedom and immortality. Through the practice of inner alchemy, individuals can tap into the infinite possibilities of the universe, transforming themselves and their surroundings in ways that are thought impossible by modern reason. Whether we choose to embrace this path is ultimately up to us, but for those who dare to dream big and go beyond the cage of the modern cycle, the art of transmutation offers a roadmap to achieving the impossible!


Key concepts:

  • Transmutation: This is the process of changing one element into another. While it has been dismissed as pseudoscience, the concept of transmutation is more relevant today than ever.
  • Relevance: Transmutation is relevant today because it challenges our understanding of the natural world and the limits of science.
  • Materialism: Our ultra-materialistic time is characterized by an emphasis on the physical world and a skepticism of anything that cannot be measured or observed with the physical senses.
  • Outer focus: The focus on the external world has led to a neglect of the inner world of thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
  • Skeptic secularism: This is a worldview that is skeptical of anything that cannot be proven by science. It is characterized by a rejection of religion and spirituality.
  • Cognitive and physical prison: The emphasis on materialism and skepticism has led to a world that is focused on the physical and neglects the inner world. This has created a cognitive and physical prison that limits our understanding of the world and ourselves.

The way of the inner alchemist can sometimes be a difficult thing to understand for the average person. I for example, have said that there is a kind of battle going on, and I have said that such a battle is not out there somewhere, but that it is actually within. I have said that the fight, is in us!

We are all individuals, and as such we all have the right to our own opinion, and it is certainly the case that there are many many people that do not agree with such a stance, and may find the way of inner alchemy sort of like being Sisyphus, in that you seem to be rolling a giant rock up a hill for no good reason at all.

Some may say that there is no battle, no fight. They may also say that there is no within, no ‘in us’ as it were, because they only trust their physical senses and cannot believe that anything else is possible but the corporeal. Some may even say that there is no within or without, perhaps believing in some kind of philosophy or theology that tells them that this is so.

We are all individuals, and we all have the right to have our own beliefs. The way of inner alchemy though insists that you try to let go of all beliefs in a sense, and begin to trust an inner aspect of yourself, something that can be nurtured, something I have referred to as the inner senses, or the inner feeling sense.

Once you can do that, once you can use this inner feeling sense, once you have been able to nurture it within yourself, grow it and allow it to expand, you can then begin to let go of all beliefs ‘in a way’, and only know what you know at every moment point in accordance with those inner senses alone.

Once you can do this, then you may indeed find that for you there is no fight at all, that for you there is no in here or out there. But it is critical that such eventual beliefs, that you may have as an individual, are acquired through your own use of the inner feeling sense and not through the blind belief in what might be popular, the ‘in thing’, at any particular point in time.

But in accordance with my seeing, my use of the inner feeling sense, which aligns with my current, the way of inner alchemy, well, for us there is indeed a battle out there, a fight for those that are willing to fight it, for the fighters. And that fight is a fight against a kind of binding force that compels us, that pushes us, into believing that all we are is what we can perceive through the physical senses alone.

Through my ability to see, through my ability to use my inner feeling sense that I have nurtured, I am constantly telling people the same thing about the illusion of within and without. Most often I’m saying that to go within is to go without, as there is no real border ‘let us say’ between one or the other, and that they are ‘both’ an illusion.

But why would I then say that there is a fight, and that that fight is in us?

I do this because I must begin at the beginning, and that means that I must always take into account the world that we all share for the moment, this material world. I must first begin from that beginning and explain how the illusion of the external senses happens, and how our complete reliance on just the outer senses, binds us to greater possibilities beyond them. And then from there, after making that point, I must show techniques, I must show the way towards ‘inner’ action, true and workable techniques that can allow you to go beyond, truly beyond, the binding force of the outer senses.
There is therefore a time for definition in accordance to the way of material space, a time for explanations using a language and a phenomenology that we all understand, and a time to do and act in the world.
In order to act, at least in order for me to define techniques that will allow someone to act, to partake in action of any kind (whether you wish to define it as inner or outer), I must define and refine the possibilities available to human beings, and how it is best to use those abilities to move beyond, to actually be able to ‘see’ in a direct manner, and in that way for them to perceive for themselves how it is that the inner and the outer ‘are’ an illusion.

This basically means that I must use the words, the phrases, the idioms, and the basic general understanding of the times to show the limits of the outer senses, to shock the system through such revelations, and then to show actual workable techniques that can allow you as an individual to go beyond just the outer senses, and to begin to use the inner senses yourself.

In this way you as an individual can begin to truly understand for yourself and by yourself the illusion of the inner and the outer, not just as dogma, not just as words on a web-page, but as an actual thing, a real thing for you directly, and not just as some intellectual, quoting what you have read in some book.
And the only way to be able to do that is to work and define technique, using logical clarity, so that your attention can move forward, can move forward in what could be referred to as lucid motion, which is actually a movement by the self in all directions simultaneously. And those directions are not within or without, because the understanding and perception of within and without is an illusion.

As to there not being a fight, well that is up to every individual to decide to believe one way or the other. If you feel that the world is perfect for you and it is moving forward in the direction that you think is best, then there is nothing for you to do, you can just float along and be who you feel you are.

Inner alchemists believe that who you think you are, who we all think we are, is not who we truly are, that we are far more than this. They believe that there is a fight worth fighting for, and that fight may look like Sisyphus rolling a giant boulder uphill to some, but to them it is the only fight worth fighting. It is the fight to discover who we truly are, and what we are truly capable of, that indeed we are far more capable than we could ever imagine, that there are entire other worlds out there, or in here if you will, calling for us, beckoning us to break out of that cube that contains us, so that we may truly see the wonder of our life, and the incredible possibilities available to us. This is the way of the fighter; this is the way of Lucid motion.
And what could that Lucid motion revealed to us?

Well, it will reveal to us the true nature of reality, something that is only possible for those that can learn to see, those that fight to go beyond the physical senses, those that fight the fight within them to learn to use the inner feeling sense. What will be revealed to those fighters in a lucid way, in a conscious way, is the nature of the life and death cycle. The life-and-death cycle is a true understanding of what life is for us, what death is, and what it is to be stuck in a kind of energetic eddy.

The only conscious observer of the life and death cycle is a seer, the individual that fights for the ability to use the inner feeling sense, to use the inner senses to see beyond the containment cube of the material world. To anyone else, to the average person, life is at best a short affair of relative suffering in accordance to how much material possession they may acquire or have access to. The average person only experiences a short life and a relatively short death as their consciousness wakes up to itself at some point in their existence (to a relative degree) and then physically dies. I say wakes up to a relative degree because the average person also forgets, we all forget, the nature of the gravity of this earth is that we forget, and our attention is such that one is hard pressed to say that we are truly conscious most of the time. Most of us are lost in a kind of endless daydream, where we forget who we were from one daydream to the next.

So, to the average person, the life-and-death cycle is watching the people around us grow old and then pass away, that is all. Unless we are willing to fight against the binding forces of our existence, what we experience is mostly a dull understanding of an aging process, pain, joy, forgotten memories, and an angst that tells us that we have somehow been here before, and that there could be more than this, that there is this possibility, this feeling in the back of your mind, that you are more than this, that there is more to us than this.

For the seer this life and what comes after it, is a true discovery, an energetic fact beyond rational measure.

You are so much more than what your physical senses are telling you that you are. There is an infinity within you, that is really without. You are a magical being that has the ability to transcend all the limits that the physical world has imposed upon you, that the physical world demands that you adhere to.

We are here in this magical place, in this magical time, and ‘here now’ we face the greatest challenge possible for beings like us. You are worthy of that challenge, there is so much more to us!

But to understand the true magic within you, you must be willing to fight that good fight. And that fight is not out there, it is not a material fight, it is not anything to do with what the material world is telling you. The real fight is actually within, it is in a place beyond the understanding of the physical senses, a place that may best be termed an inner place that leads to dimensions unbound by physical rulers of any kind.

To understand the nature of this battle you must begin from the physical, you must begin at the beginning, understanding at first in a physical way, using physical terms such as inner and outer. Through such helpful inventory, learn about technique and about the general way of that fight. To that end I would highly recommend to you the book, overcoming the Archon through alchemy.

Once you begin to know technique yourself, and begin to use those inner senses yourself, that inner feeling sense, then expand outwardly, and when you are ready for it, and believe me you will need to be ready for it because the energetic truth of things is the most powerful pill of them all. But when you are ready, then I would highly recommend that you take the next step and read the book, The Way of the Death Defier.

Allow this book to break a part of you, by revealing the true nature of the life-and-death cycle in accordance with the seeing of inner alchemy. Through that crack in your psyche that the book attempts to create, step through it and learn to use all the techniques mentioned, pursue the nature of your personal and individual energetic truth, your truth. The fight is in us. Learn to fight the only fight worthy of you!

In my writings on projecting as part of the art of inner alchemy, I have mentioned that it is possible to live for days, perhaps years, in another world, another dimension while projecting, and that even though these projections might seem like days to you as a projectionist, these projections may only have taken minutes, in accordance with physical clock time.

Some readers might wonder how this is possible, how can someone live out a lifetime in a dream, in a projection, while only having used up hours of physical clock time? How is this intensity possible in projections?

Well, I think that most people have, or know about someone that has had the experience of taking a light nap, and even though they were sleeping for what could have been minutes in clock time, it actually felt to the sleeper like this quick nap was much longer. In other words, many people have had an experience where internal time, dream time, seems to happen at a much different rate than external physical clock time.

Such experiences can help in understanding how a projectionist can defy the laws of rational clock time. Just like a regular person can access a seemingly extended dream-time, an inner alchemist can do the same, but for much longer and in a far more lucid manner. What is happening here, is that inner alchemists, through their ability to increase the power of their attention, can take full advantage of that flexibility of inner time. By becoming powerful projectionists, that is people that can project inwardly and then outwardly, which some may refer to as astral travel, these practitioners can move farther and farther away from what could be referred to as the objective physical and three dimensional world. In doing so they can in that fashion move into different dimensional, or psychological (inner psyche) locations, where there can be a great alteration, a great difference, between that internal time in that dimensional location, and outer physical clock time.

Through their ability to focus their attention to an incredible degree, and their growing prowess as projectionists, inner alchemists can go to places that seem like far away dream places, but that are actually out there places, other dimensional places, other locations, other very real worlds, where on occasion time works differently, it moves slower or better yet faster, than physical time. Projectionist have learnt to take advantage of the fact that in other dimensions, time can have different intensities.

When such a projectionist becomes powerful and experienced enough, they can map out new territories in locations that are nowhere in the realm of physical and rational human reality, and they can then move into these locations for extended periods of time in a fully awake manner. Once this is possible, such a trans-dimensional traveler can in those other locations live out entire existences, the equivalent of entire lifetimes sometimes, in other dimensions, partaking in what may even be great adventures, that only take up hours of physical clock world time. Such an individual then can be said to be incredibly old, even though from a physical point of view, in accordance with clock time, they do not seem to be that old at all, because such individuals have lived out many lifetimes of adventure in regions of high intensity. In other words, an entire lucid, that is conscious and remembered experience that may seem to be months or years long, can be lived out in one night of physical time. And upon waking, after such an intensity, such a traveler may wake up as a wholly different person. An increasingly alien person.


What is very difficult for the average person to comprehend is that all of us, all humans, at least those that can believe enough to at least take a chance and learn these skills, can access other dimensions as projectionists, and those other dimensions are not bound to the same rules, the same gravity, that binds this dimension. That being the case, depending on where you go, and what maps you may have been able to make, you can live out experiences that truly defy all rational ideas about life and the nature of existence.

When a projectionist has accumulated enough energy, using the containment techniques of inner alchemy, such an augmented person (such a person that has extra energy) can use that energy to increase their focus of attention, so that what they focus their attention on becomes unwavering, stable. With such unwavering focus, they can then use that extra power to become stable and lucid master inner travelers (projectionists), that can travel to particular places for extended periods. Such experienced inner travelers, after developing relentless focus and experience, can hit a kind of threshold in their capabilities, they can reach an incredible point in their perceptive power. This means that such an individual, with such power and experience does at a certain point, cross a type of energetic line, where those inner projections become so vivid, so life like, that these new places that they project to become true energetic other realities, other worlds. At that point it can be said that they have really, energetically, moved, become a part of, new locations, other dimensions, other oh so real worlds. Let me repeat that, other real worlds.

It is at this point, when these inner travels become so real through the augmentation of focus and the development of prowess as a projectionist that physical clock time is transcended. When this happens, a projectionist is unbound and breaks free to a great degree from the three dimensional cage that corrals most of humanity, and they can begin to explore worlds that are not just as real as the physical waking one, but are also other times, complete other lives, other dimensions, that allow such a traveler to transcend the average human notion of life experience.

Such people may be a certain age physically, but internally, energetically, experientially, they may be hundreds of years old, and may have experienced such wonders, such unbelievable adventure and living experience, that the average human world becomes almost boring and common place to them, and in the end this human, physical, three dimensional place becomes what it was always meant to be, just one stop in an infinitude of possible places available for us to explore.

At such a point, life changes for the projectionist, and at that point they will know as an energetic fact, as a lived and experienced fact, that those other dimensional realities are as real and stable as anything possible in the physical world.

But those that do not have this experience of knowing may wonder, how do you know that those worlds are stable? That they are as stable as the physical world? Could it be that every time that you project you are just going to dreamland or an infinity of parallel worlds, that are different each time?

That is a good question, and as a projectionist with a little bit of experience at seeing this supposedly absolute three dimensional reality from a position outside of it, I might ask such a person, how do you know that where you go to over and over again in the physical world, is the same place that you were the day before?

In other words, how do you know the locations of the places where you live? How do you know that they are not new places (new worlds) each time you wake up from sleep? How do you know that your physical world is stable? That it is an unchanging world? That it is not, at each instance, a new parallel world?


A growing number of modern scientists are saying that this world may be a persistent kind of illusion, a simulation. Is this not the developing theology of the times? And if the physical world is a simulation, how do we know that the world that we wake up to each morning is the exact same world as yesterday? How do we know anything is real, or stable?

Maybe the world is all fake in a way, a parallel world each time we wake up in the morning, what a nightmare perhaps, such a thought. But, to answer this question, the fundamental answer is I suppose, that there is no real way to know for sure that you do not wake up to a different world every day.

But I can tell you what a projectionist knows, and about the techniques that they use to map out territory and in that way find stability in alien dimensions, which can then help in understanding this dimension, simulation or not.

For them there are different ways to know, or create stability, whether you are in this physical world that may be a simulation, or another dream world, another projection location beyond this dimension, and it is something that most people, average people, do quite unconsciously, like a type of unconscious survival heuristic.

First, they internally measure how real things seem, in accordance to how real their senses say something is, they trust their senses and then they further make things more real and stable by following the consensus, the opinion of other people existing in this world. If it feels, looks, tastes, smells, and sounds real to you, and it is as real to another supposedly) as it is to you, and yet to another, and another, and another still, then such consensus in time means that for all of you this one thing, and eventually this one place, is real. The mob rules in a way. This is how we differentiate the sane from the insane, the relatively smart from the idiotic.


A map of the physical world is therefore created by your intellect, by you, through your perceptions and by the consensus of the people that you see in this world. In this physical dimension for example, you remember, memory is very important, and you trust in the consistency of your perceptions and in the consistency of all those around you, this, and those perceptions of perceptions, you remember. When this consistency is established, the memory of this consistency is your map. A map is a repeatable memory.

The fundamental difference between sanity and insanity, between a physical thing and an illusion or delusion, for an inner alchemist, for a projectionist, is dimensional stability (meaning crossing that threshold that I mentioned earlier where things become truly real for you no matter where you are as a lucid being) and the consensus by the mass of those aware entities (in this case the people) participating and focusing their unrelenting attention, on that dimensional location. Projectionists use those sanity rules to create consistency, stability, that they then turn into maps through memory.

Some say that only physical things can hurt or kill you, and yet as any experienced psychologists knows all too well, supposedly mental delusions are as real to the supposedly deluded as anything real to the sane, and those illusions from those supposedly deluded people can hurt them, and if they are believed with the fervor of the deluded, then illusions can hurt others as well.

If I tell you to think of a juicy sour lemon in your mouth, of the dripping sour juice falling into your mouth, stinging your lips, and your mouth waters because of these phrases, these idea words, then basically that illusion of an illusory lemon, is real to you in a way. These words, and this image is making your mouth water, something that is supposed to be an autonomic reaction, a reaction that you can’t supposedly control consciously, and yet you are, you are changing the supposed rationally impossible through a kind of short and shallow projection of attention.

If this is possible with a simple image, idea, held by a person with average power to focus, then what can the relentless focus of a master projectionist do? What can the delusion of a powerful inner alchemist do? And if such a delusion is held by a number of people, then is there a point when that delusion becomes real?

Inner alchemists believe that the world is a kind of highly persistent delusion where both dimensionality (a particular dimensional location bound by certain energetic laws) and group consensus; living beings either bound or freely focusing with unrelenting power on particular dimensional location perceptions, create a stability referred to as a world.

The difference between average people and inner alchemists is that people believe that this is the only real world. They believe this because they are stuck in this one dimension, but projectionist through their direct experience know, have experienced directly, that this is just one in a multitude of other worlds that they can travel to, that there are infinite persistent other worlds, out there, not just this one. And in that sense, this world is a simulation.


And just like the incredibly consistent map (through perceptive focus and consensus) that we have created for this physical world, this same thing can be done in worlds beyond the one that we call physical reality. In those other worlds, there are different things to remember and different consistency rules, but maps can be created just like the very stable and consistent one that has been created for this one.


Fundamentally, just like there is no real way to find out whether you wake up to a new world every day, there is no way to find out if you are projecting into a world that is very similar but with tiny differences. In the end all that we can do is trust in our map and our consistencies, or perhaps it is better to say that we should not trust any of our maps or consistencies to the point that we think they are all truth, all reality, but use them nonetheless while in this world or any world, because after all is said and done, that is all that we have these memories, these maps, to keep us somewhat sane, because after all (at least to an inner alchemist) the only real difference between sane and insane, is consensus.


In modern times we say that dreaming (projecting or astral travel) are a replica of the real world. Dreams are just so much unconscious noise and repression. Dreams can’t harm you; you just wake up. And yet, for those that can remember them better than most, and for those that seriously study them (and academia is not seriously studying them in my opinion), dreams can kill, they can heal, they are as real as anything could be, and yet they exist in a seeming no place, a dream-scape, that to the average person does not seem real, certainly not as real as waking life, the waking world.

But to a projectionist dream locations are real. Indeed, those worlds can be in many ways even more real than this physical place, and some practitioners have mapped out those other places with such precision that for them, this human waking world is in no way more real than those other alien places.

In the end illusion, simulation, reality, is a far more relative measure than most could ever imagine, at least for the inner alchemist, and thanks to such (from the average perspective) delusions, an inner alchemist can experience marvels.

To free yourself in such a manner, if you wish to experience lifetimes and unbounded realities like projectionists do, what you must begin to come to terms with is not whether something is real or not, a simulation or not, but that multiple things can be real at a certain dimensional, psychological, awareness, position and not real at others, and that we humans do have the possibility of existing in multiple positions, multiple dimensions. We humans can break the three dimensional cube, and when we do, when we can know directly that there are so many other real places out there, the reality of the real or the illusion of the mob consensus, becomes inconsequential.

The horror, the real horror is not that this objective world might not be real, a simulation, as some like to believe in this modern period. It is instead  that we humans (most of us) are stuck, being corralled, being kept like prisoners, in only one position, one dimension, even though we have the potential to experience so much more.

We are in a simulation, but not the kind of simulation that most people believe. Instead, the simulation is the clouding of the energetic fact that this supposed only real world, is just one possible stop for us humans.


Depending on a person’s belief system, each individual may have a different answer to this question.

And even within the bounds of certain belief structures, there are individual ideas about what life after death if any might be like.

Here in the west many of us might believe in a heavenly realm, or a fiery hell. Many people are atheists as well, and such individuals tend to believe that once we experience biological death, we are no more, like biological machines, we just turn off and then that is the end of us. Others may have other beliefs, such as reincarnation and the belief that instead of a heaven or a hell, we pay for the consequences of our actions in a future life where such incarnations may either be positive or negative in accordance with what we have or have not done in past lives.

Often, people may be quite wide-ranging in their beliefs, and may choose to take a little bit from a large pool of belief systems. They may believe in a monotheistic kind of God, but also believe in reincarnation. Some may believe that death is the end of everything as individual beings, but they may believe that the stuff that was us is recycled in a way, that what we were, the plants, the earth, the stars) is what we go back to becoming, and in that sense, they cheat in that way that utter gloom of the atheistic finality.

Whether it is reincarnation, classical heaven and hell, atheistic finality, or any of the number of beliefs that people have about what happens after you die, these beliefs are almost always dogmatic ones.

By dogmatic I mean that in almost every case, all these beliefs are based not on personal experience but on a kind of faith in the general belief systems of the times. Few people claim to have seen past the veil of the material universe. They can only see what their physical senses can reveal to them. For that reason, most believe that such a thing, seeing what happens after death, is fundamentally an impossibility, at least for them, and as such they only have the opinion of experts in this field to rely on.

Such experts can be the clergy and the theology of the times, these experts may also be the intellectuals and the philosophers that are prominent in an era, and they may even be, at least in this modern period, the scientists, and the scientific establishment.

There is certainly nothing wrong with belief in the dogma of the time if such dogma provides hope and a sense of ease in a difficult world. And while these dogma-based belief systems are and have always been, when the human population gets large enough, the main way that people can come to terms with the hardest part of living, which is the dying, you should know that this dogmatic understanding of things is not the only way to understand the after death experience. Belief in faith and faith in belief is not the only way to know about the after death experience.


In other cultures, often times cultures that have a closer relation to the earth, there are different ways of knowing, of seeing, the after death experience. There are also different groups, different currents if you like, that while in the midst of large and well organized civilizations, practice traditions, techniques and methodologies, that try to overcome the many hindrances of dogma especially when it comes to the veil of the objective world, the world of matter, and the after death experience, that is, what happens after death.

One such current, is the way of inner alchemy. Such a current has as its main focus the intentionality of first teaching those that are part of that current how to see beyond the veil, the maya, the illusion, of the material world. Once this is possible, which could generally be referred to as being able to see, to be a seer, an Oracle, such an individual is then able to let go of dogma, let go of the established dogmatic beliefs of the times and directly perceive for themselves, what exists beyond physicality and therefore what exists after physical death.

In this video I would like to discuss briefly what these personal direct individual perceptions might be, and I say might be because each individual perception is different being that each individual is fundamentally different. We are individuals, we see differently, we can, away from physicality, perceive slightly differently, and our psychology presents us with different obstacles and allegory, and for that reason the way that we perceive such energetic truth is also highly individual and may involve all sorts of perceptive mechanisms and symbolism that must be explored and plumbed into in order to find the greater reality within the scope of the human grasp of energetic truth.


In accordance with the seeing of inner alchemist therefore, the nature of the after death experience is not something that is discovered by studying the general dogma of the times, or by believing what someone else says, even what I am saying right now. It is instead discovered through the ability to see, to perceive energy directly, which can be taught by reading a book, but that must later be used to go beyond all language so that what you know from then on is individual in nature. Once this ability to perceive directly is established, these seers, this confluence of oracles, can then come together and establish a general intentionality, that creates a current, and each individual seer can either participate or not, in accordance with their own highly individual perceptions and actions. The current that I am a part of can be termed the current of inner alchemy.

While it may seem contradictory of me to try to describe such seeing to you, being that in essence this then becomes dogmatic knowledge, sometimes the descriptions of such things, such direct perceptions by the intentionality of inner alchemy for example, can help an individual to tune into their own intuitions, their own highly individual inner feeling sense about what it is that they have somehow always known to be true deep within themselves, and in discovering this inner alignment, they can then choose as individuals to try to perceive directly themselves and after doing so, by the sheer act of such perceptions, join a current in accordance with their own individual intentions.

So, after all of that, from the inner alchemist point of view, from their direct perceptions, what happens to us after we die?

Well, from that group intentionality, from that current, the after death experience in many ways resembles what the general human collective refers to as the dreamscape, the dreamtime. If you want to know what death is like, then all you must do is begin to explore your dreams and the nature of the dreamtime environment that you are part of for a third of your life.

In the dream-scape, in that dimensional zone where dreams are a reality, a real otherworld, you are there yourself and yet you have left your physical body behind. To many, this dreamtime can be quite chaotic and for the most part forgotten, but of the things that you might remember, you might notice that there is incredible flexibility here, and in this place you may partake in many adventures where you might be yourself as you understand yourself within physical space, or you might be completely other selves, at least other instances of yourself that may take forms that may be quite different from what you may consider to be your physical being. While it is generally the case that people tend to only remember those dreams that are coherent enough for them to be perceived as a rational sequence, linear and orderly, it is also the case that many of these dreams can be so expansive and the feelings and perceptions so beyond rational possibility, that such dreams are quite often either completely forgotten, or so beyond the conscious mind that they may never be known to you.

And while it is the case that in this dream reality, perhaps when it comes to the hardest dreams to dream, those dreams that we call nightmares, there is always this sense that you can wake up and return to your physical self, and to the stability and the hardness of the objective, of the object filled world, because no matter how hard both physically and metaphorically this solid world might be, it is still a refuge from the powerful expansiveness of what you truly are and will continue to be after physical death.

With that in mind, now imagine what it might be like to enter a dream, to enter this dream verse where your individuality at times seems to be so strained, so hard to hold and identify, meaning that it can at times be so difficult to maintain your individuality, your individual identity, and then find out that you can never wake up to the physical you ever again. This is death, this is the after death experience, and at least in accordance to the current of inner alchemy, it is a highly complex affair that, like a dream, involves the exploration of quite real and very individually pertinent experiences of the most sensual nature.

Many people believe dreams to be quite ethereal, that is they do not think dreams feel as real in a way as what they considered to be physical reality, and in that sense some people might even believe that the after death experience is a relatively sensually numb one, where, like some kind of wandering phantasm, they are not able to touch or feel as much as they did when they were physically alive. But, as those that can recall dreams quite vividly will tell you, the dream experience is often made up of sensual experiences that often times far surpass anything that could be felt in the physical reality, containing both feelings, sounds, smells, tastes, and visuals that far exceed anything possible in the physical dimension.

The after death experience is a highly complex one that far surpasses any dogmatic belief, and completely redefines any idea of the linear space and time that all current dogmatic beliefs rely on so much. As such, the only way to truly perceive the nature of the after death experience is for you to personally learn to become a Seer, an Oracle, an individual who can perceive energy directly yourself.

The way of inner alchemy is a multifaceted process that involves a great deal of focus and a kind of movement that completely defies both the ar conic mob mind of the times, and any notions of rationality and purely three dimensional mechanical based logic. In order to try to reveal the complexity of these motions, these inner motions of inner alchemy, I have put together a trilogy of course books that reveal the nature of this intentionality without any of the complex symbology and cipher that is usually found when this current is examined.

If you are interested in learning more about the nature of the after death experience and about how inner alchemists fight for immortality, then I recommend the book, The way of the death defier

To get the full picture and the background information needed to understand the way of inner alchemy, which includes the nature of the energetic way, energetic truth, about projecting and moving beyond three dimensions, what the ghost in the machine is, how to see energy directly, and about how inner alchemists create the philosopher’s stone and use that energy to defy all archonic control, then I would recommend the full course book trilogy, which includes, The Magnum Opus, The Way of the Projectionist, and The Way of the Death Defier.

In a number of my books, I have mentioned the force that rules this world, the world of humanity.
I have said that secret societies have known about this force for a very long time and have either worked with this outer world titan or have fought against this dark cloud over humanity since the dawn of recorded history.
This controlling entity has gone by many names and its attributes have been known to a lesser or greater degree depending on the power of the factions or the individuals that try to directly perceive this Titan.
In my writing I have refer to it as the archon and have described it and its influence in accordance to the current of inner alchemy.
This archonic power is a colossal and multidimensional sentience with what could be described as vampiric abilities and predispositions. It essentially feeds on the light of relatively evolved biological sentience it drains the energetic power the magical essence of humanity turning it into a slave race, a domesticated animal to be used in the same way that we domesticate and use and consume certain animals ourselves.
While it is the case that the great mass of humanity is under the spell of the archon, there are those that fight this predation. One such group may be termed inner alchemists, and as a writer and an inner alchemist myself, I have written about the techniques and the methodologies used by inner alchemy.
And after having access to this information, which has in the past, at least in my opinion, been kept secret from the mass of humanity, those that are now beginning to awaken to the power of these techniques, through mine and other peoples writing or through their own direct perceptions, may ask, have asked,
is it possible to escape the dark power of the archon permanently? Can a person escape the archon forever?

The simple answer to this question, the quick answer, is yes, an individual human being can escape the archonic force forever this is fundamentally the ultimate quest of inner alchemy. But the nature of this escape has a great deal of nuance and detail because as an uninitiated individual becomes an adept, their journey their quest to escape the archon takes them across an expanded and multifaceted road that intricately defies all ideas and rules about the nature of three dimensional space, time, and being.

To begin, as I have said, the current of inner alchemy, through their ability to see energy directly, to perceive beyond the veil of three dimensional physicality and the illusion of the new religion of the times which is referred to as rationality and common sense, knows, perceives, in a direct way that in the most fundamental sense, energetic containment which is an underlying methodology of inner alchemy, can allow an individual to break free of the bonds of the archon forever.
Through energetic containment, that is containing the energy that is given freely and innocently by the average person to the great predator, an inner alchemist can escape the archon permanently.
Such a beginning and continual act of energetic containment, which is an unrelenting focus that leads to a new individual energetic configuration, might seem like a relatively simple affair. One might think, just contain energy, that is all that is needed. But it is the case that such an unrelenting focus on energetic containment brings with it nuances and journeys that have far-reaching implications and do require in the end and increase in the complexity of inner action by the practitioner.
For example, as an inner alchemist begins this journey, they must be introduced to this powerful and all-encompassing methodology of energetic containment in a step-by-step manner, because using one of the many terms that have both obscured and revealed some of the nature of this dark titanic force, the devil as they say is in the details.
In the simplest of terms for the sake of this video, one can say that as an individual discovers the power of inner alchemy and they begin to implement the multifaceted rubric, the puzzle, of energetic containment within their lives, they begin to discover that the external world, the world that we refer to as reality, the world of the average human being, begins to affect them, matter to them, less and less.
As this unrelenting focus on the containment of energy, in order to not give up this magical essence that this vampiric force desires and feeds on, becomes more concrete in a way, becomes a life modality, becomes a new kind of configuration in the energetic body of the developing practitioner, this configuration not only changes their psychology, their internal mental and intellectual structure, it also changes their personal energetic essence and therefore there physicality as well to an ever-growing degree. We are energy, and as our energetic configuration changes, due to this ever expanding rubric of energetic containment, practitioners of inner alchemy begin to change both physically and mentally.
One could say that such an inner alchemist becomes more and more ethereal, that is freer from the three-dimensional world more and more, as the intricacy that is inner alchemy which is expressed through energetic containment and the many fold modalities and techniques of this way, become a true power in the practitioner’s life.
Such a practicing inner alchemist then begins to acquire a surplus of energy, which must I repeat must be used, redeployed, in such a way that it can allow for the greater development of such an individual as they journey away from humanity and what it is to be a three-dimensional object within the bounding walls and the many many limitations of classical mechanical space.
Again, for brevity’s sake in this particular video, such redeployment of energy by a configuration that is becoming less and less a three dimensional object through the intensity (the passing) of time, is important and perhaps the most important of these methodologies is, the art of projecting, which is the ability of the true essence of the individual, which is referred to as the ghost in the machine, to move aspects of that ghost self beyond the physical world and into new dimensions, new scapes, that allows such an individual to see directly, perceive directly, experience directly, that they are far more, that there is far more, than just the routinary reality of the average human being.
Such unrelenting focus and reconfiguration continues, and as it continues in relentless fashion the practitioner, the individual, changes and there is a point, that is very hard to define and pin down where both an external observer might ask, Is that person human?
is that person now an object, like I am an object, a body in space, or is that person a spirit, an inorganic entity?
The practitioner might even ask, am I alive? Am I a ghost?
If such an inner alchemist is no longer bound by three dimensional space and time to an increasing degree, is there a point when such an ability to defy these basic principles of what it is to be human means that this particular individual is no longer of this space? If they are no longer bound to the prison of three dimensions, are they human? Are they alive in a classical sense?
When this odd line in the sand that is nowhere in three dimensional space is crossed, in this practitioners journey down the current of inner alchemy, is there a point where this inner alchemist being no longer an object like all the other objects that surround us can be said to be no longer here, now?
If a being is free from time and free from space, in a way that sets them crucially beyond a certain demarcation point that we refer to as physicality, is this individual really here, now?
The answer, at least from an inner alchemy point of view is that they are (have become) no longer a thing and in doing so they have attained the coveted goal of inner alchemy which is the ability to break free of the three dimensionality corral that all humanity is bound to, they have broken free from the cage of the archon.
And in doing so, in breaking free, this individual no longer becomes something that can be pinned down even by such seemingly all-encompassing objective, object like, definitions and laws such as life and death.
The question as to whether a person, an individual human being, can escape the archon forever is yes, but this intricate journey that is beyond inner and outer space takes such a person so far beyond the normalcy and the routine of what it is to be human, that in breaking away from the archon they also break away from the rules that bind all of us to living and dying.
When an inner alchemist is able to break from the archon forever, they have also ripped themselves away from the ocean of humanity) and as I mention in my writings, they have gone so far and for an intensity of time that seems so long, that eventually they may stop and look back and realize that they have even left death far behind.
The intricacies of the journey of perfect and unrelenting energetic containment can be a complex one at times, and for that reason inner alchemy has often used a number of metaphors and a kind of symbolic language that has helped such practitioners in the past. But as this world moves into new phases, this old symbolism that help the inner alchemist in their journey and that also maintained the secrecy of the development of this new energetic configuration, in a time of life and death, is in my opinion at least, no longer needed at least to such a mind numbing degree.
In my writing I have therefore let go of this hidden cypher, but have kept some of the symbolism because in many ways it is still required, in order to have a way of understanding the inner map the inverted map that can take you to places where few have ever gone. In such a map for example, that leads the practitioner away from the prison of the archon there is this attempt to try to establish a line in the sand in a place beyond three dimensions, where the object like human becomes an unbound entity free from space, time, and even death. This line is referred to as crossing the seventh room of the projectionist, which as you might imagine is no easy feat, and sometimes a symbolic map can be truly helpful.
So yes, one can overcome the archon forever, and in doing so, one does not overcome just the archon but even greater forces, forces that immeasurably dwarf the simplicity of the Titan known as the archon, and allows such an intrepid adventurer and traveler to not only leave the archon far behind but to leave humanity and the life and death cycle behind as well.