In the pursuit of knowledge, inner alchemists often tap into certain wells of information found in the world at large. These wells are deep fonts of knowledge, and to access them, we seek what I call “keys.” I’ve discussed these keys in my writing, describing them as starting points or portals that lead to deeper reservoirs of wisdom.
Recently, while responding to a reader’s comment, I was prompted to provide the starting point for a particular key—one that unlocks ...
personal reality
In my writing, I often write about something I have referred to as the cognitive position. In this article I want to do a bit of a deep dive into this term and exactly what I mean by it. To say that this is perhaps one of the most crucial aspects of inner alchemy would be an understatement. The whole of inner alchemy is based on movements and shifts of the cognitive position, and whatever techniques that I have discussed and written about over the years are in a sense solely focused on the m...
You are born into this world, and from the very beginning, there’s somebody trying to tell you what to do. If you are lucky, they are trying to be helpful, caring, adoring. And most of it is highly useful. Whether it is parenting, mentoring, or teaching, most people are trying to help others by passing on their acquired knowledge of the world.
Many of them will tell you right off, “we have been around longer than you, we are older than you, we have gone through all this trauma or throug...
We are all energy.
All that we see about us is energy.
We are not the hard unyielding things that we perceive ourselves to be. Ancient mysticism has known this for a very long time, and science has been able to confirm the fundamental energetic essence of things, for many many decades.
Our eyes though tell us a different story, they impose a visual perspective that would have us believe that we are surrounded by objects, hard blocky things that bruise our skin, and generally have a bad habit ...