It ain’t your mind, if you are reflecting everybody else’s!
So, what is your true self then? Who are you really?
I have always said that the way, is the way of individuality, but what is it really, to be an individual?
There are many counters, and measures, and techniques that can be used, and each one of these does have its merit, if it is used properly.
One that can be used, and a particularly favored one by me, one that might be favored by you in this time as well, where there is no...
the real you
I was asked:
I have difficulty maintaining my truth, these truths are fragile, and the truth of the other enters my head and I feel blocked, I even have trouble reasoning. Is there a defense?
My response was as follows:
This is a problem that we all have, and one that not too many people contemplate. What we think of as being our mind is often the mind of the collective, the mob mind that we all share as humans on this planet, and that mind is ruled, indeed fashioned, by the Archon!